How to wash MDF doors from greasy stains. How to remove greasy stains from doors

Interior doors are an aesthetic and functional component of our home. Despite all attempts to keep them clean and properly looked after, from time to time stains of a different nature appear on the interior doors. There is a need to clean the canvas from them. The surface can be greasy or have various contaminants, all this must be removed as soon as possible so that cleanliness and comfort reign in the house again.

Attention! Many people use the first detergent that gets on their eyes to clean the structure from stains and oily surfaces. This is an extremely wrong decision. It can damage or scratch the surface of the web. The choice of detergent should be approached correctly. It is chosen based on the material of the canvas.

Interior designs in the interior of the room

PVC models: work algorithm

If interior designs made of PVC, the process will be simple. First, the detergent is selected. Better to make it yourself. For this use special tool for plumbing, as well as ordinary soap in liquid form. Also arm yourself with soft textured washcloths or take an ordinary cloth.

  1. The selected product and soap are mixed together in equal parts.
  2. The solution is applied to the spot area.
  3. The product is rubbed with a sponge. However, proceed carefully so as not to scratch the surface.
  4. After that, leave the solution on the canvas for 5-7 minutes.
  5. As a result, the product is washed off using a large amount of water.
  6. Wipe the surface dry.

Such an algorithm and a self-made tool will help you quickly wash the surface of any dirt. The algorithm is simply repeated as needed, keeping the door clean.

Chipboard doors: we care about cleanliness

Chipboard construction is a fairly popular option today. People often complain about the appearance of greasy spots on the surface. It is not easy to wash them, because the basis of the top layer of the material is paper, which, upon contact with moisture, gets wet. It is best to use cotton pads and isopropyl alcohol to wipe the stains.

If the chipboard door is of high quality, you can use a household solvent, for example, acetone or even ammonia. The algorithm of work involves wetting the sponge in a solution, applying it to the stain and wiping it dry after 3-5 minutes. Acids - citric or acetic acid will also help get rid of contamination. Traces of drinks and coffee are removed with 3 tablespoons of baking soda and a glass of water. Traces of gum or wax are washed as follows: dry the surface and remove with a scraper. The only stains you shouldn't try to wash yourself are stains from paints and varnishes... It is better to invite an experienced specialist for this.

Cleaning MDF doors

If the structures are made of MDF, and you find that the surface is oily, you should not purchase expensive solutions. Arm yourself raw potatoes... The work algorithm will be as follows:

  1. The vegetable is cut into halves.
  2. All stains are carefully wiped with one of the parts.
  3. Leave the surface on for a while until the vegetable juice dries.
  4. The place of cleaning is carefully wiped dry with a cloth.

Possible stains can be easily removed with powder or talcum powder. Remove fresh greasy stains from the linen with dish soap and warm water. With this solution, wipe the oily surface of the structure, cleaning it.

Unpainted wood canvases are washed with a solution of white clay and vinegar. Getting a gruel, it is applied to the spots, allowed to dry and washed off with water. If the door surface is varnished, proceed differently. You can get rid of greasy stains by re-varnishing. Of course, the door will have to be removed from its hinges and re-coated. Experts recommend using one of the following methods: washing, mechanical or heat treatment

Keeping the door clean is simple. Now you know how to clean any interior doors from stains. As a result, the house will be clean and comfortable.

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Interior doors laminated oil stain removal how to remove grease stains from doors

In order to increase its service life, any product must be properly looked after. And interior doors require special care. Interior door care products depend on the material from which they are made. Laminated doors are based on plywood or chipboard, a pattern is applied on top, as a rule, on paper base, and laminated special film... The main rule in care is the safety of the upper, laminated layer. But even on such doors, stains of various origins can form, which spoil the view and which are best removed.

To remove stains from a laminated door, you will need (and best of all always have on hand):

  • A few soft tissues, or a small sponge
  • Household solvent solutions (ammonia, acetone)
  • Alcohol
  • Vinegar or lemon essence
  • Laundry soap

Stains on laminated surfaces can be removed in the following ways:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to determine the origin of the stain.
  2. Before proceeding with the removal, remove dust from the surface of the door leaf (you can use a damp cloth).
  3. Using a cloth soaked in detergent mild remedy you can remove stains from juice, wine, chocolate. The napkin is applied for three to five minutes on top of the stain, and then wiped off with a soft, dry napkin.
  4. Household solvents remove stains from nail polish, cigarettes, lipstick, highlighter, felt-tip pens or pencils. A sponge moistened with any solvent (acetone, "white spirit", etc.) is kept on the spot for a short time, and then wiped off with a soft, dry cloth.
  5. If coffee stains appear on the surface of the laminated door, they can be removed with alcohol or ammonia solution. If the coffee stain was not removed immediately, and it has already dried out, then you can prepare a special solution (three teaspoons of baking soda for two hundred grams of water). Gently wipe the stain with a sponge or cloth soaked in solution, blow dry, and wipe with a soft, dry cloth.
  6. Stains left by wax or chewing gum are most easily removed. The place of contamination is thoroughly dried and cleaned off with a small scraper. The operation to remove such stains must be carried out with extreme care so as not to damage the surface.
  7. If acid stains appear on the surface of the laminated door, they can be removed with a cloth soaked in a solution of vinegar or lemon essence. Likewise, a napkin is applied to the stain, and after three to five minutes, it is thoroughly wiped off with a soft, dry napkin.
  8. Complex stains formed by paint or shoe polish can be removed with special means intended for these purposes. Such funds can be purchased at any hardware store.

Laminate stain remover interior doors

When removing stains of any origin from a laminated door, remember that a damp cloth cannot be kept on the door surface for more than five minutes, and then immediately wipe it off with a soft cloth and after one or two minutes wipe it with a damp sponge (moistened with plain water). This will avoid possible deformation of the upper laminated surface. But if, nevertheless, the stain cannot be removed, you should not immediately think about replacing the entire door. There are now special pencils for masking stains on laminated surfaces. Such a pencil can be purchased at a hardware store and match the color and tone in accordance with the color of the door. You can also cover the stain with a special color-matched film. It is not recommended to clean the stains on the laminated door with abrasive cleaning agents, as this can damage the surface.

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Instructions on how to care for laminated doors, tips on how to remove stains from laminated doors than to clean greasy stains on doors

Very often, unattractive greasy stains appear on MDF doors, especially in the kitchen. Removing traces of grease from wooden doors is problematic, because MDF and wood are materials with microscopic pores, into which grease penetrates very deeply. But still, there are several ways how you can wash the canvas.

Operating procedure

Even touching the door with seemingly clean hands can leave dirt over time. Therefore, interior doors, especially to the kitchen, should be washed at least once a month.

Greasy traces must be removed immediately, since dust adheres to the fat, the stain becomes larger, the doors begin to deteriorate.

Surface preparation

First you need to get rid of dirt and dust spots. This will greatly facilitate the removal of oily marks. As a rule, in this case, it is enough to simply wash the canvas with warm soapy water and a rag. But when washing the canvas, the water should be removed immediately so that the door does not deteriorate. After washing, the doors are dried with a cloth and wiped dry.

When the surface is ready to remove greasy traces, choose a cleaning agent and start working.

The cleaning solution cannot be kept for more than 5 minutes. Any product used with prolonged exposure can ruin MDF - leaving light spots or other unattractive marks on it.

Many housewives, after washing MDF doors, dry them with a hairdryer. This is much safer than wiping the canvas dry with a cloth.

When caring for MDF doors, do not use abrasive cleaners and chlorine-containing products. Even washing powder can ruin the canvas. Also, do not use metal scrapers or abrasive sponges, which will inevitably leave scratches on the surface.

Improvised tools and household chemicals

There is no need to run to the store and buy expensive detergents... Sometimes unexpected products will help clear oily stains from doors. For example, potatoes.

Raw potatoes should be cut in half and rubbed over the dirt with the cut side. The juice should dry completely. After that, the canvas is wiped with a dry napkin - all stains will go away. This method is ideal if the greasy marks are already very old. If, after cleaning, ugly stains remain, then they get rid of them by sprinkling with talcum powder. A little powder is applied to a napkin and wiped off the treated area.

The dishwasher contains active ingredients specifically for washing grease. She will help to wash the MDF canvas. A spoonful of gel dissolves in a liter of warm water and the soiled area is wiped with a rag. After removing the grease, wipe the doors with a polish so that no streaks remain.

If the doors are not painted, then it is worth trying to clean them of grease with homemade paste. To do this, white cosmetic clay is mixed in half with vinegar, and the dirt is rubbed with gruel. When the paste dries, rinse it off with warm water. For these purposes, it is best to use white cosmetic clay, which is sold in every pharmacy and costs a penny.

Laminate doors are more difficult to clean. Stronger substances will help here. Can be used:

  • Pure table vinegar
  • Pure ammonia
  • Acetone or acetone nail polish remover

Soak a cotton swab with the selected liquid, and then gently wipe off the dirt with it. If there is a drawing on the doors, then first the selected tool must be tested from the bottom of the canvas so as not to spoil the decor. You can also use solvents for these purposes, but they must be tested before starting work.

A great way to quickly remove grease stains from doors is a simple baking soda... It is very simple to use the product: 3 tbsp is diluted in 200 ml of warm water. l. soda. In the working solution, a clean kitchen sponge is moistened and the stained area is well wiped with it. The remains of soda are removed with a wet rag.

A reliable way to quickly remove traces of fat from MDF is lemon acid... To do this, you need to dilute 2 tbsp. l. acid in 200 ml of water, soak a cotton pad in the solution and gently wipe off the greasy stain.

Sometimes it is necessary to clean the veneered wooden doors. Veneer is a thin section of wood covered with MDF. The price of such a door is not high, but it looks just fine. To clean the veneer, do not use aggressive chemicals. In this case, a mild wax polish is used.

You can also remove greasy stains without a trace from MDF canvas with the help of medical alcohol or even vodka. A napkin is moistened in the substance and dirt is wiped with it. After cleansing, the treated area must be rinsed clean water and dry.

If only a window cleaner is at hand, then you can also clean the MDF. A little of the product is sprayed directly onto the stain, and then immediately the grease is wiped off with a cloth. If it is not possible to wash off the greasy dirt the first time, then the procedure must be repeated again. In conclusion, the doors are wiped with polish.

Ordinary vegetable oil also great for removing greasy stains and cleaning doors. A cotton pad is soaked in oil, and then vigorously rubbed with it. You need to rub until foam appears. Then the treated area is wiped with a dry cloth. The next step is cleaning with a vinegar solution. To prepare it, you need to dilute table vinegar 1: 1 with water. Those places on the doors that have been cleaned are additionally wiped with vinegar solution. It remains only to wipe the canvas with a dry cloth, and the door will become as good as new.

Sometimes a simple school eraser can help fight grease stains on doors. It is used as usual - the stain is wiped off. But first, it is recommended to carry out the procedure on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe door in order to understand whether the eraser will damage the canvas.

General, periodic or unscheduled cleaning is a part of our everyday life, and there is no getting away from it. Most of the measures provided for in such cases are carried out according to long-established, traditional technologies... However, not everyone knows how to effectively remove greasy stains from laminated doors. In fact, if you look at it in detail, all the techniques implemented at home are quite simple.

When starting to remove stains, it should be borne in mind that doors made of PVC, chipboard or plywood are more "gentle" in terms of care. As a rule, they are the ones that undergo lamination, and this protective and decorative layer is easily damaged by abrasives, especially if it is a paper-based film. Therefore, when laundering such interior doors, utmost care and accuracy are required.

What to cook:

  • Sponge or soft wipes. One alone will not be enough to remove greasy stains.
  • Warm water.
  • Cleansers - soda, alcohol, essence (lemon or vinegar), household solvents, laundry soap... They are used depending on the origin of stains, including fatty ones. After all, the latter may not be the only ones on the canvas, box, platbands. Therefore, when deciding how to wash wooden doors (plastic or others), this must be taken into account; hardly anyone will be satisfied with the prospect of putting them in order in several "visits".

Operating procedure

Determination of the nature and degree of pollution

The door may not necessarily be smeared with grease. Footprints on her dirty spots appear even after repeated contact with seemingly clean hands. But the secretions of the sweat glands still remain. Typically where the handle is located. Gradually, dust adheres to this area, and the lamination begins to darken. Such exploratory survey will allow you to determine what exactly and how to wash greasy stains from doors covered with laminate.

Solution preparation

One of the following options is selected depending on the degree of soiling:

  • soapy;
  • vinegar (10%);
  • lemon essence (the same concentration).

Surface preparation

To simplify the process of removing fat, the base must be removed from adhering dust and dirt. The hostess decides how to wash the door, focusing on the material of the canvas and the type of lamination. As a rule, the same soap solution is sufficient. But here you need to know a sense of proportion. It's one thing if the canvas is made of plastic - this material is inert with respect to the liquid (if it is not aggressive). But if you have to wash wooden door, you should be careful; the canvas is immediately "dried", that is, wiped dry with a soft cloth.

In some cases, before washing the sash or platband, you have to get rid of the adhering lumps of dirt, which is often found on input structures... When deciding how to clean the door in this place, you should also consider the type of lamination. If on wooden canvas pasted decorative paperclosed at the top the thinnest film, then no scrapers, knives and so on can be used - such coated ones are easily damaged. It is worth first softening the dirt by moistening it with a wet cloth, and then wash this place clean with soapy water or soda solution (200 ml / 3 tsp.).

Fat removal

  • This requires a weakly concentrated solution (1 in 10) of citric acid or vinegar. Alternatively, alcohol. The product is gently applied with a dampened cloth to the stain. Recommended exposure is about 2.5 - 3 minutes (with medium degree of contamination).
  • Washing off the solution together with the fat fragments with clean warm water.
  • Wipe the door with a dry cloth.
  • It is not recommended to keep the solution for more than 5 minutes. Any of the drugs used is to some extent aggressive, and can damage it with prolonged contact with the protective layer. The same fully applies to the question of how to care for laminated doors. In this respect, they are much "softer" than metal or glass counterparts.
  • When caring for wooden doors, removing from them various spots it is advisable to dry the treated area with a hairdryer. It is safer and faster than wiping the surface with a cloth.

If you choose the right method for removing grease stains, then no traces will remain on the laminated door. It is advisable to clarify this issue even when buying it. Managers furniture showrooms they are well versed in this, and they will certainly give some sensible advice.

Doors and furniture made of MDF look stylish and beautiful in the interior. But the greasy spots that form on the surface spoil the whole look. You can withdraw them in different ways.

Before starting cleaning it is necessary to determine which coating: laminate; PVC; veneer; painted canvas.

The cleaning method is also selected depending on the top layer.

What not to do

  1. Whatever material the doors are made of, do not use aggressive cleaning agents such as pure alcohol, solvent, acetone and acids.
  2. Do not use abrasive products for cleaning, which can leave scratches on the surface.
  3. Do not rub with a wire brush.

Using these funds can damage upper layer canvases.

The stores sell various specialized means for cleansing: pencils, pastes, liquids and sprays. Before using them, you need to read the instructions.

Before using any method, it is better to test it on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe door, for example, at the end, from the hinge side.

Laminated surface

The leaf of the laminated door is covered with a thin protective film, which makes maintenance easier.

  1. Alcohol solution - dilute 1 part alcohol in 9 parts of warm water. Soak a soft cloth in this solution and wipe off the dirt. If possible, apply the fabric to the surface for 5 minutes. Then wipe with a dry cloth.
  2. Soap solution - 72% liquid laundry soap is on sale. It works great on grease stains. Treat the surface with a cloth dampened with soap and rinse with warm water. This must be done quickly so that moisture is not absorbed into door leaf... If not liquid soap, you can grate half a bar of laundry soap and dilute it with warm water, or simply rub the sponge thickly with soap.

PVC surface

Their PVC film protects the canvas. It can be of various shades and have a pattern. She cleans well different ways... It is important not to allow the door to get wet for a long time so that it does not swell.

  1. Mix equal amounts of liquid soap and plumbing products. Apply to the stain with a sponge and rinse off after 10 minutes. Wipe thoroughly.
  2. Mix 3 tsp. soda and 3 tsp. sunflower oil... Rub the contaminated areas with this paste. Clean with a clean cloth. It's soft and effective remedy... In addition, a thin layer of oil forms protective film on the surface.
  3. It washes well with soapy water.

Veneered surface

Veneer is a thin layer of wood that covers the door leaf. It retains the texture of the wood and looks natural. Immediately after installation, such furniture should be coated with furniture polish. It will keep her appearance and protects against contamination. But if spots have appeared, then there are ways to get rid of them.

  1. 3 tbsp Dissolve dishwashing liquid in half a glass of warm water. Foam with a sponge. Apply the foam to the contaminated surface for 5 minutes. Rinse off with clean water and wipe dry.
  2. Potatoes help clear stains. Grate the stain with half a potato until it is covered with potato juice. Leave to dry completely. Sprinkle talcum powder or baby powder on a soft cloth and wipe the surface of the door, removing the starch residues. Then walk with a clean towel.

After cleaning, treat the entire surface with polish.

Painted surfaces

MDF doors are also covered with enamel. They withstand cleaning well.

  1. Grate problem areas with half a lemon. Rinse with water after 10 minutes.
  2. Dishwashing liquid and citric acid one tablespoon, and a teaspoon of water. Dilute the composition in a bowl, apply to grease spots. Remove after 5 minutes with a clean cloth.
  3. Liquid laundry soap is well suited for such a coating, which is applied to the surface for 5 minutes and then washed off.

For MDF with any coating, melamine sponges are suitable. The sponge should be slightly moistened with clean water and wiped off the stain. It will erase dirt like an eraser.

Stains and traces of grease spoil the appearance of MDF surfaces. But you can get rid of them in 15 minutes, using the means that are in every home.