The appearance of stains on a stretch ceiling: photos and video tips on how to get rid of them. How to clean a fabric ceiling from various stains? How to remove stains on a suspended ceiling

Yellow spots on suspended ceiling Very unpleasant problem. It doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing, so it cancels out all the efforts spent on interior design. What to do if you encounter a problem? Are there successful ways elimination? Of course, there is a way out of the situation, so if you discover this problem, do not despair.

There are three main reasons that most often provoke the problem:

  • Excess moisture.
  • Poor quality material used in production tension structure.
  • Unprofessional installation, disregard for installation rules.
  • Smoking in the apartment. Does any family member allow himself to smoke in the room? Then you shouldn’t be surprised at the appearance of yellow spots. To prevent this, you should never smoke in the room. Such spots are especially difficult to remove, so it is better to prevent their appearance.

Often, the presence of excess moisture is the result of flooding (neighbors from the upper floors flooded, the roof of the building is leaking, burst heating pipes). Another one possible reason– the room is not sufficiently ventilated. Then condensation forms and settles on the surface. This leads not only to the appearance of yellow spots, but also to more serious problems: the formation various types fungi, including black mold, which poses a huge danger to the human body.

If yellow spots appeared on the stretch ceiling First of all, you need to find out the reason. Cosmetic camouflage will help hide imperfections, but not for long. After some time, the problem will reappear, and perhaps even more acutely.

How to get rid of yellow spots on a stretch ceiling?

Before you begin surgery to remove yellow spots, you should prepare necessary tools. The ceiling is high, so the first thing you need is a stepladder or a reliable table. Please note that working while standing on a bedside table or chair is unsafe. You will also need a container, (bucket, basin) sponges.

You can wash a stain on the ceiling caused by dampness using ordinary soapy water and a sponge. Before you start work, you should make sure that problem area dried up. If you do not let it dry, even after exercising necessary measures, the spots will appear again. If the problem does not disappear, such manipulations can be repeated again.

How to clean a stain on a suspended ceiling - video

What should not be done when cleaning suspended ceilings from stains?

  • Under no circumstances should you use cleaning products that contain abrasive particles. Their use will result in scratches on the surface. This will affect the attractiveness of the structure and shorten its service life.
  • Don't use mops. With just one careless movement of the mop, you can damage the ceiling. To reach the surface, you should use a stepladder.
  • Stains should be cleaned as soon as they appear. Old dirt and stains are much more difficult to remove.

To prevent stains from appearing on the surface, you need to regularly clean the surface with gentle products (soapy water will be enough). Then the attractive appearance will last for a long time.

How to eliminate yellowness on the ceiling after flooding?

Get rid of stains on a suspended ceiling after flooding - difficult task. The first step is to de-energize the room. It is necessary to turn off the switch, find out the cause of the flooding, and only then start draining the liquid. Draining can be done through the hole provided for lighting fixture. Of course, the lamp needs to be removed. If for some reason this is not possible, partial dismantling of the tension structure will be required. The main thing is to check before starting work whether there is a possibility of accidental switching on of electricity. This rule cannot be neglected, otherwise you can create a dangerous situation, putting your health and life at risk.

The first question for those who are faced with the problem: How to clean a stain on a suspended ceiling? The answer to this question depends on the cause of the spots. In some cases, ordinary water and a sponge will help. IN difficult situations You can’t do without drastic methods. However, in most cases,

As they say, where there is no litter, it is always clean. And if we talk about the cleanliness of suspended ceilings, then they will be clean if no one spits in them.

Stretch ceilings always look great, but sometimes stains appear on them.

But before you figure it out, how to properly clean plastic ceiling, it is necessary to understand the main reasons for the appearance of stains on its surface.

For people living on the top floors of multi-story buildings, stains on the ceiling may appear due to leaking or faulty roofing. Drops that will fall on your ceiling and cause oily stains, dirt and rust.

Another cause of stains can be unreliable neighbors who forget to turn off the tap, spill water on the floor and do not monitor the condition of their pipes. As a rule, water seeps in gradually, so you may not immediately realize that you are being flooded.

For people living on the top floors of multi-story buildings, stains on the ceiling may appear due to leaking or faulty roofing.

Dirt and rust spots on the ceiling may appear due to a pipe starting to leak in your apartment or in the upper ceiling. Moreover, this case may be more interesting: if a pipe bursts in the ceiling, but it is held together by concrete, then water flows through the cavities concrete slab, can shoot in a completely unexpected place. It turns out that you will have a spot somewhere in the middle of the room, and the pipe will leak in the corner.

Another reason for the appearance of smoky stains can be tobacco smoke. The same stains due to smoke may appear in the kitchen, but only in this case they will also be greasy.

In the bathroom, as a rule, white spots appear on the suspended ceiling, more like plaque - this occurs as a result of constant evaporation of water. This plaque consists of salt and alkali dissolved in water.

Another reason for the appearance of various stains on stretch ceilings is human carelessness - they enter the room with drinks, oils, glue and other materials. But they tend to splash, as a result of which they end up on the surface of the ceiling.

Getting rid of dust

PVC film is a rather delicate material, so the vacuum cleaner brush must be kept at a short distance from the ceiling surface.

After indoors repair work, in which a hammer drill or drill was used, spring-cleaning inevitable. Here to get rid of dirty spots It is best to use a vacuum cleaner. It is only necessary to take into account that PVC film is a rather delicate material, so the vacuum cleaner brush must be kept at a short distance from the ceiling surface.

For these purposes, you need the softest nozzle, otherwise you will not be able to completely eliminate the risk of scratches or cracks. You can also remove dust from a stretch ceiling using a paper napkin or a dry rag, just try not to put too much pressure on it.

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Getting rid of stains and splashes

Stains on the ceiling can be removed using a soft sponge and warm soapy water. Oily stains Can be easily removed with dishwashing detergent.

Splashes from champagne, fat, various juices or household chemicals They just look disgusting on the new stretch ceiling. Removing them is quite difficult, since rubbing the film with powder cleaning agents is prohibited. Such stains on the ceiling can be removed using a soft sponge and warm soapy water. Grease stains can be easily removed with dishwashing detergent.

If there are dried pieces of food left on the ceiling, they need to be wetted and left for a while, then they can be easily wiped off. If somehow a stain appears on it from cosmetic product, it can be easily wiped off with ammonia. When you have managed to get rid of the stains, the surface of the ceiling should be wiped well with a dry cloth or paper napkin.

Every owner of suspended ceilings at least once in his life has encountered the need to clean them. Stains on a suspended ceiling appear for various reasons, which you need to be aware of and, at the first signs, eliminate either the source or existing stains.
Before installing modern suspended ceilings, many are mistaken, assuming that they are located quite far from all influences, and therefore rarely succumb to contamination. But this is not true at all. Moreover, owners of fabric tension surfaces should remember that most often they are the ones that get dirty.

But don’t get upset and make rash decisions when you see stains. In order to know how to wash them correctly, you must first understand why they appeared. After all, certain cleaning products and tools are selected based on the cause of the problem. This especially applies to fabric stretch ceilings.

The most common causes of stains on stretch ceilings

Manufacturers apply a special protective layer to cover all tension surfaces, which prevents the spread of microbes, various fungi and mold. But from mechanical damage It is impossible to insure any ceiling. Let's look at the most common causes of stains on stretch ceilings.

  • Splashes of grease and soot.

Soot and grease deposits appear on the surfaces located in the kitchen.

  • Moisture.

After moisture enters and dries, characteristic stains remain on the ceiling. If you live in a private house or in a multi-storey building top floor, the roof can often leak. Roof leaks cause yellow spots to appear. Also, characteristic stains appear on bathroom ceilings from accumulating moisture or splashes from washing, for example, in the shower. Also, yellow spots appear after neighbors flood the apartment. And even when the ceiling is washed, stains may appear again if the interfloor slab is not completely dry after pouring.

  • Dye.

Paint can affect suspended ceilings in several ways. For example, if the ceiling includes metal pipes, which must be constantly painted over. Then the stains appear from the splashes of the brush. Or the previous ceiling finish could have been painted over with oil paint. This happens quite often, because it was previously believed that oil paints They look nice and they are quite durable. The oil that remains even after complete removal of paint penetrates deep into the floor slab and appears gradually over time.

  • Dust, including construction dust.

Especially a lot of dust is generated when drilling brick or concrete walls.

  • Rust.

It appears if the house is already quite old. Rust forms gradually and significantly damages appearance surfaces. Often red stains appear after neighbors have flooded the ceiling.

How to remove various types of stains from a stretch ceiling?

Pollution of different nature they also need to be removed in different ways. Some things can be easily erased, while others can be removed only after drastic actions. But still, the easiest way to remove stains is from moisture, be it stains after swimming in the shower, from an exploding jar of compote, or even if after swatting away a mosquito and there are traces of blood on the ceiling. All this must be carefully wiped off with a damp cloth. You can use a slightly damp, lint-free cloth. It’s just as easy to remove traces on glossy ceiling, and on fabric.
Dealing with stains after a long accumulation of moisture or flooding is not much more difficult. The moisture accumulated in it will protect the entire interior from unplanned repairs, but the ceiling itself will be damaged.
It is necessary to apply a little greasy clay or a solution of soda ash to the damaged areas of the ceiling. After the product dries, it must be washed off with a simple clean water. If only part of the dirt is removed, the procedure must be repeated. This method can also help in case of rust.

Soot and grease stains can be removed with a simple soap solution.

  • You need to crumble a small piece of soap into shavings and add it to warm water.
  • You can also add a little mild washing powder to the water.
  • The soap and powder should be completely dissolved. It is very important. Otherwise, the surface may be damaged or scratched.
  • It is necessary to wipe the protocol with a soft cloth, again preferably without lint.

When working, the canvas can be damaged by rings and bracelets on your hands - it is better to remove them. Be sure to wipe with your hands, do not use a mop, otherwise you may scratch the fabric. Wash until the ceiling is clean.

Any dust, even construction dust, can be removed with a vacuum cleaner. The nozzle must be used with long bristles. There is no need to rub with a washcloth, napkin or cloth, otherwise streaks may remain. In addition, the dust may contain large particles that will scratch the canvas.

In the case of paint, you can use several methods, starting with a soap solution. If soap with powder does not help, you can use ammonia. Dissolve a little product in water and wipe the surface.

If you have a fabric stretch ceiling, you can wash off the dirt with soda.

  • It is necessary to prepare a 5% solution of soda ash.
  • You can add a little salt to the water. This will improve cleansing.
  • The entire solution must be stirred well so that not even small scratching particles remain.

You can also wipe with a simple cloth until the stains go away.

You can also use special products to wash suspended ceilings. Such compositions are much more expensive than the above methods. They are produced in several types:

  1. sprays;
  2. gels;
  3. liquid solutions.

Therefore, when stains appear, do not panic. Any stain can be cleaned. The main thing is to do it properly.

technical director NikoMax

No one is safe from flooding by neighbors above or from roof leaks. When such an unpleasant incident in every sense happens, the ceiling suffers first. The plaster and paint turn yellow with an unsightly stain, and the drywall swells. The situation is better with PVC stretch ceilings: water collects in it, like in a bubble, which can simply be drained and no special repairs need to be made. But with fabric ceilings everything is not so simple - they do not retain water.

How to clean a fabric stretch ceiling after a leak, and in general, what kind of care is needed for the fabric?

General rules

You need to care for stretch ceilings in the same way as regular ceilings: brush off dust, remove cobwebs, and remove any dirt that has appeared. But due to the antistatic coating, these manipulations are carried out once every 5-7 years or as they become dirty. In any case, before cleaning, you must remove all decorations that could scratch the surface of the stretch ceiling. Also, do not use abrasive and caustic detergents or hard-bristled brushes. This may negatively affect the aesthetic appearance of the canvas. The best detergent is plain water with soap and microfiber. But, if there is no effect, only then use the “heavy artillery” sponge and detergents that do not contain chlorine. In any case, before using this or that product, you need to test it on a piece of fabric that remains after installing the stretch ceiling.

Dust on the ceiling

Remove dust using a vacuum cleaner with a soft attachment. The power needs to be reduced so that the cloth is not attracted to the tube of the unit, the cobwebs are also removed, it is not recommended to remove it with a broom, because you can accidentally rub it into upper layer fabric and dark stains will remain.

Stains on the tensioner

As already mentioned, first we try to remove it with a soft cloth soaked in water. If that doesn’t work, we use a special product for caring for stretch ceilings. If you don’t have any at hand, try “folk” methods. Dilute a little in water detergent for dishes or regular soap. This will help remove fingerprints or other minor stains.

If the stains are more serious, try an alcohol solution. It is necessary to dilute 1 part of ammonia 10% in 9 parts of water, moisten the sponge and methodically wipe off the dirty mark. Usually this is quite enough. After washing, the ceiling is wiped clean with a clean damp cloth, and then dried with a dry cloth. The material should be chosen without lint, such as microfiber, so that no unnecessary elements remain on the ceiling.

Rust on a fabric stretch ceiling after a flood

Cleaning a suspended fabric ceiling after a leak is very difficult, almost impossible, because rust eats through the entire thickness of the fabric. That is, simply wiping the stain off the surface will not work. After a flood, you can try washing the fabric stretch ceiling with the same ammonia or special means, but the easiest way is to simply repaint the canvas or change the fabric. Fortunately, the base allows you to perform such manipulations up to 3 times. It is worth remembering that with each coloring you need to select a paint that is a shade darker than the previous one. This will allow you to hide stubborn stains and refresh the interior of the room. Replacement of the D-Premium fabric stretch ceiling after a flood is carried out within 2-3 hours, without dust and dirt.

Nicomax customer service is always happy to help in difficult situations, please contact us!

Every fourth modern renovation cannot do without installing suspended ceilings. People decide to decorate their home with decorative canvas and... don’t know what to do with it next. How to clean a suspended ceiling without damaging it or leaving traces of dirt? To prevent this step from becoming one of the most rash actions in your life, be sure to study the issue of cleaning such a delicate surface - in general, stock up by different means, time and patience!

Methods for cleaning coatings at home

Using an eraser

You are lucky if your ceiling is matte, because in this case, a regular eraser left over from school can handle particularly stubborn stains. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise you’ll rub a hole where the dirt was.

Water + alcohol

If you don’t have a special polish, just use a soft solution of warm water and a small amount of alcohol/vodka (based on 1 tablespoon of preparation per 1 liter of liquid). This is an excellent tool for eliminating stains after wet washing of the stretch fabric, which also saves from dust. And remember that abrasive, kerosene-containing and acetone-containing preparations are completely prohibited.

Ammonia hydrate

Dish detergent

It is quite possible to save a suspended ceiling from a layer of soot after cooking: just foam 1 teaspoon. l. kitchen cleaning product in a small container with heated water (maximum permissible temperature– 35 degrees, higher is prohibited). It is important to achieve a thick, fluffy foam, because it is this that will be used, and not a concentrated solution.

Be sure to remove jewelry from your hands before the procedure so as not to damage the delicate fabric. Then take a fiber/flannel cloth or sponge, use it to apply a little of the product to the ceiling and wipe it without pressing hard. Rinse off any remaining residue with clean water using a different cloth. Absorb moisture with soft paper napkins.

Soap solution

This is the most inexpensive and simple option, which has three interpretations:

  1. adding to water liquid soap no dye;
  2. dissolving toilet soap;
  3. rubbing laundry soap into the chips and whip the liquid until foamy.

The water should be warm in all cases. The concentration of the drug depends on your needs: when there are no deeply ingrained stains, you need a regular, weak solution.

Washing powder

You should choose a powder or stain remover for clothes that does not contain bleaching ingredients. It needs to be dissolved in such a way that there are no small grains left that could scratch the ceiling. If you are sure that you have not missed a single granule, you can treat difficult-to-remove problematic stains with this product. Of course, this method is too harsh for simply wiping off settled dust - use it as a last resort.


Of particular value for the stretch fabric here is the component included in the preparation: ammonia. That is, it makes sense to choose only those household chemicals that have ammonia mentioned on the label. Just spray it on and use a dry soft cloth to go over the surface as you would for regular washing. window glass or mirrors. This method is great for removing stains from glossy PVC film because the surface is shiny and streak-free. But with all the convenience of the technique, do not rush to immediately try it on the entire ceiling: first, it is better to treat an inconspicuous piece to make sure that a particular product is safe.


You will not need the alcohol itself, but a 10% solution of it. Using this substance, it is worth wiping tarnished canvases so that they acquire a renewed look. Just a few light movements, and the stretch ceiling will shine again.

Method of washing fabric covering

The peculiarity of this interior element is that it does not tolerate very wide range cleaning products. For example, some of the mentioned methods cannot be applied to it, in particular washing with glass solutions, which eat into the structure of the fabric, subsequently changing its color due to coloring additives. In addition, such a surface does not tolerate circular movements when wiped with a cloth. The result of careless handling is noticeable stains, and they are incredibly difficult to get rid of.

Experts advise using water with the addition of washing powder/ammonia/soap/dishing detergent, removing heavy dirt with direct movements. By the way, such a ceiling is not afraid of abrasives, and this is its advantage. You can also carefully vacuum it, getting rid of cobwebs, which is strictly prohibited in relation to film products.

Professional store products


How to clean a suspended ceiling without damaging it appearance? This is a modern cleaning product designed specifically for stretch fabrics. It is packaged in ergonomic bottles that have a spray nozzle, which makes cleaning extremely easy, since you often have to wipe the surface in uncomfortable conditions from a table or stepladder. It is notable for its gentle but effective composition: it contains neither alkalis nor caustic acids, and is safe for both delicate materials and sensitive skin of the hands. Despite such a gentle influence, it copes with dirt perfectly.


Another popular professional aerosol product designed for ceiling coverings. Harmless and powerful, it removes soap smudges in the bathroom, grease with settled soot, ingrained traces of insects, and dusty stains. The bottle of this universal product is convenient to hold in your hands while cleaning, which is also a huge plus.

Mister Muscle

It perfectly removes dirt on stretch fabrics, including settled fumes from cooking food. Removes any specific kitchen stains without leaving any unsightly marks. It has a non-toxic and non-aggressive effect, making it suitable for all cases.

LOC from Amway

A universal remedy that is loved by many owners. Helps to easily and quickly clean delicate surfaces, even glossy textures, because it does not create streaks and gives the materials a special freshness and shine. Suitable for those who care about their home and do not want unnecessary problems. It may not be worth overpaying, but this is the price of comfortable cleaning and high-quality results.

Kare Noir

An innovative, well-known product that copes with a wide range of contaminants. You can trust him stretch fabric, requiring careful and effective cleansing.

Other branded products

You can use special compounds recommended by the manufacturer specifically for your ceiling. Who else but the manufacturer knows what exactly is suitable for the surface he creates? If it is not possible to do this, choose any similar product sold in a household chemical store. Just keep the following conditions in mind: