Rusty stains on the toilet. How to clean rust in the toilet at home

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The cleanliness of the toilet is one of the first conditions for hygiene. But the rust that appears from the water oversaturated with iron spoils the look of the plumbing. The above methods and means of combating deposits in the toilet bowl and cistern will allow you to keep the bathroom clean.

Old pipes are the cause of rusty deposits. When building new houses, modern polypropylene (PP), metal-plastic or PVC are installed in the apartments, but the water supply system mostly consists of old metal (steel) or cast-iron pipes. Water flowing through pipes carries sand and other suspended matter that settle on the walls of the plumbing fixtures.

Rust accumulates not only inside old pipes, but also outside - this spoils the appearance of the bathroom and casts doubt on the cleanliness of the residents

A poorly adjusted cistern valve will also cause rusty streaks to appear on the toilet.

The water in the tank settles, and rust settles on the walls and internal devices

The porous structure of the surface of plumbing is another reason for the appearance of rust. The surface of porcelain and earthenware toilets with a glossy finish is quite smooth, so they turn red much less often.

How to remove rust and yellow streaks from the toilet

There are many methods for cleaning plumbing fixtures. Folk remedies will cope with fresh rust stains, but in the fight against old stains it is better to use chemistry.

Household chemicals

By the composition of the product household chemicals are subdivided into alkaline, acidic and abrasive.

Pemolux abrasive cleaning agent copes well with rusty deposits

We remove rust with acids

Wear protective gloves and a respirator, old gown, or kitchen apron before handling acids. Pour the solution gently. Try not to inhale vapors or spray acid. Then close the removable toilet lid.

  1. Spread 20 grams of hydrochloric acid on the dirty stain.
  2. Rinse off with water after 20-30 minutes.

Hydrochloric acid removes rust from the toilet without damaging its surface

Apply oxalic acid powder to a damp sponge and wipe away the rust.

Oxalic acid - effective remedy to remove rust, urinary stone

Phosphoric acid (5-7%)

  1. Pour some phosphoric acid into the cistern and toilet.
  2. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Wipe down with a brush and kitchen napkin.

Phosphoric acid quickly removes rust from the surface

Used if sewer system not made from plastic pipes... Battery electrolyte is used only in the form of an aqueous mixture. Pour the acid into the water in a thin stream, and not vice versa.

To achieve cleanliness, it is enough to wipe the walls and pour about a glass of battery electrolyte solution into the toilet

Folk remedies for cleaning the toilet

You can remove rust without purchasing expensive household chemicals. To do this, you have to remember folk methods.

Brush and brush

It is important to clean thoroughly hard-to-reach places under the rim of the toilet, where rust and other deposits collect. A brush and an old toothbrush are used to wipe off dirt around the lid attachment and under the rim.

It is important that the brush removes rust even in hard-to-reach places.

Vinegar and baking soda

  1. Heat a glass of vinegar (9%) to 40 ° C.
  2. Add 2 teaspoons of baking soda to it.
  3. Stir.
  4. Apply the resulting solution to rusty spots.

Do it this evening so the solution doesn't wash off overnight.

Acetic acid and baking soda help to remove a significant part of plumbing contamination

Salmon and hydrogen peroxide

  1. Mix in a bowl 100 grams of peroxide and 5 grams ammonia.
  2. Apply the solution to the rust.
  3. After half an hour, wipe the dirty area with a soft brush.

Rust in the toilet will be removed with a solution of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide


Apply Whiteness to the surface for 30-40 minutes, clean the toilet bowl with a brush and rinse with water.

Whiteness is an effective toilet bowl cleaner, but dangerous to health

Coca Cola

  1. Wet a sponge with Coca-Cola and place on the rust stain.
  2. Pour the remaining drink down the toilet.
  3. Leave it on for a few hours, you can overnight.
  4. Wipe the dirty area with a sponge and clean the inside with a brush.

Coca-Cola is considered by many housewives ineffective for cleaning the toilet.

If you have a tube of cheap toothpaste left at home, you can simply squeeze it onto an old brush and rub the rusty place. She will not cope with old stains.

Toothpaste - mild abrasive, suitable for fresh stains

How to clean rust in a cistern

Wash off the rust in cistern the already mentioned alkaline and acidic chemical substances... Pour the product into water, leave for a few hours (you can overnight), and then rinse.

Rust in the toilet cistern can be cleaned with chemicals without removing the cistern, water shut-off and drain fittings

Possible mistakes when cleaning the toilet

  • Do not use soft sponges for cleaning the toilet, as pathogenic bacteria build up and multiply in them, or throw them away after use.
  • Choose products that will do the least amount of damage to clean the inside of your toilet. Use abrasives as sparingly as possible - they destroy the protective coating of the plumbing.
  • Substances intended for cleaning the bathroom (metal, cast iron, acrylic, etc.) are ineffective due to their composition.

Video: about the effectiveness of some folk remedies for cleaning the toilet

Preventing rust

Take preventive measures regularly to keep your bathroom clean. Adjust the valve on the reservoir to keep water out of the float. Tilt the float arm or replace the inside of the tank.

To prevent water from flowing out, it is necessary to adjust the operation of the toilet cistern

Buy special pills for the tank (Bref, Kolorado, RIO, Domestos, Salix, Chirton and others). Interacting with the water in the tank, they will clean it and prevent the appearance of plaque and deposits.

The tablets prevent the appearance of rust, when dissolved, they color the water in various shades and flavor

Clean the sides of the toilet regularly with a brush to prevent the accumulation of stubborn rust.

Video: why the toilet is dirty and how to clean it

In order for the plumbing to shine clean, regularly eliminate leaks in the cistern, clean the toilet bowl from dirt, deposits and rust. Choose cleaning and detergents considering their safety and effectiveness.

Yellowness and bad smell in the toilet from urinary stones always annoy housewives. 3 questions immediately arise: how to clean the toilet bowl from rusty streaks and plaque to white, what contributes to pollution and which means are most effective.

Even taking into account the fact that plumbing manufacturers produce the most durable products, this in no way guarantees that they will not form plaque or rust. There are a number of methods to deal with them, urinary stones and other contaminants that are quite feasible in any home.

Causes of rust and plaque in the toilet

The most best remedy from yellow bloom- prevention. Therefore, it is necessary to determine in advance what causes contribute to it and rust:

  • In most regions, the water is overly saturated with iron and salts. For prevention, in this case, only special tablets will help, preventing the formation of plaque. They are placed in a tank.
  • Old rusty cast iron pipes. They are recommended to be changed to polypropylene or metal-plastic, otherwise you will never get rid of rusty streaks.
  • Unadjusted cistern. In this case, you will most likely need to replace the drain system or rubber gasket (all sold in hardware stores) or adjust the float. Rust forms in an area where a thin stream of water is constantly flowing down.
  • Surface roughness. The most porous structure is possessed by ordinary sanitary ware toilets, the smoothest - porcelain and earthenware. In addition, the surface becomes less smooth over time.

How to remove rust from a toilet bowl?

Several ways to deal with rust:

  • The easiest option is to use ready-made chemicals. Alkalis and acids are used as a base. Their composition is aggressive, therefore it is recommended to wear rubber gloves during use. The most effective on the market are Domestos, Cif, Dressing Duck, Sanfor, Sanita anti-rust and SANO Anti Kalk. If water is constantly flowing from the tank, the problem should be eliminated. It is noticed that gel-like agents are less damaging to the surface of plumbing, therefore they are more recommended.
  • Organic acids. These include oxalic (difficult to find in its pure form), vinegar and lemon. To eliminate the problem, a rag flap is abundantly moistened in one of these acids and applied to the area of ​​rust for 10 minutes. After the toilet is flushed clean water.
  • Inorganic acids. Are constituents of electrolytes in batteries. The cleaning method is identical to the previous one.
  • Coca Cola, 7UP and Pepsi. Eliminate rust, urinary stones, limescale. A couple of bottles of one of the drinks are poured into the toilet for several hours, then washed off. Their cleaning benefit also lies in the fact that flushing removes fat deposits on the pipe walls.
  • Toothpaste. You will need an unnecessary toothbrush for cleaning. A few centimeters of paste is applied to it, after which the rusty surface is wiped off. It should be noted that this way effective only for small deposits.

Getting rid of urinary stones

The urinary stone usually collects inside the bowl, where the water is. These salt deposits accumulate to form a thick brown layer that reduces the diameter of the drain and emits an unpleasant odor over time.

It is necessary to deal with it at the initial stage, since it will be very problematic to get rid of large clusters even with hard brushes. It is recommended to use chemicals with chlorine and other surfactants, as well as with inorganic or organic acids.

Vinegar with baking soda

You can also fight urinary stones with baking soda and vinegar. In this case, you can even use the usual 9% table. It is necessary to prepare a mixture of 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 cup of vinegar. It is heated to about 45 ° C and poured into the toilet overnight. The urinary stone will soften and can be removed without any difficulty.

There are 2 more effective ways:

  • 1/2 cup of baking soda is poured into the toilet, vinegar is carefully poured. With this mixture, you should evenly process the bowl and clean it with a brush after half an hour.
  • With a glass of vinegar, process all inner surface toilet bowl, after half an hour, moisten a brush in it, which will then need to be sprinkled with a handful of soda. The procedure is repeated until the bowl is cleaned to white. Compared to the first method, this one is not suitable for everyone due to the pungent vinegar smell.

If you do without baking soda, it is recommended to use vinegar essence with a concentration of 70%. It is filled into a bowl and left for a couple of hours. You can enhance the effect with a solution of iodine, then the ratio of these two components should be 1: 1. In all cases, it is necessary to pump out the water with a plunger in order to fill the void.

Other methods

Other common options include:

  • Use of citric acid. At night, you need to pour the contents of several sachets into the toilet, it is recommended to stand for 10-12 hours. It is undesirable to use plumbing during this period.
  • The action of electrolytes. Eliminate urinary stones in a few minutes, but this method is highly discouraged in the case of sewer wiring from plastic pipes - they can be damaged. Therefore, electrolytes are poured only if the house has exclusively metal wiring and other methods of getting rid of the stone were in vain.

Ready-made chemicals:

  • Perfectly fights limescale and rust "Domestos Pink". This gel in a black bottle has only one drawback - the strong smell of chlorine.
  • The Cillit has a curved spout making it easy to use around the rim of the toilet. Contains hydrochloric acid, it is most effective against old urinary stones and limescale.
  • The same component is contained in the "Dressing Duck". The gel is poured into the water in the toilet, left for half an hour, drained and looked at the changes. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

How to remove limescale?

Limescale is most often formed in areas with high water hardness. To get rid of it, remove water with a plunger, fill the bowl with washing gels, leave it for a couple of hours and clean it with a brush.

In more complex situations, cardinal methods are needed, which may require:

  • hard brush;
  • gloves;
  • vinegar;
  • baking soda;
  • lemon acid;
  • white.

The above method with the use of vinegar and soda or citric acid perfectly helps from limescale. Other methods include:

  • Application of whiteness. The algorithm is simple: first pump out the water, then pour a bottle of this overnight chemical agent, and in the morning washed off with warm water. If the effect is insufficient, these actions are repeated.
  • Removal with oxalic acid, but when working with it, it is recommended to follow all the precautions indicated in the instructions. It is allowed to work with this powder only in rubber gloves... It is applied to a damp cloth and then the plaque formation is wiped off. You will need to leave it for about an hour, and then the sanitary ware must be thoroughly washed.
  • Coca Cola. It is poured into a bowl, left for several hours, and then the plaque is removed with a brush.
  • Iodine monochloride can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy. They are poured with pollution and washed off after a couple of minutes. Not recommended if the house has cast iron or aluminum pipes.

Preventive methods

It takes a long time to combat plaque, urinary calculus and rust, so it is best to use preventive measures... It will not be possible to completely prevent formations, but you can reduce them to a minimum.

This will require:

  • eliminate malfunctions in the tank;
  • if necessary, replace the failed parts;
  • rinse thoroughly after yourself;
  • buy tablets for cisterns. It is important to consider that one tablet lasts about a month, flavoring the water and giving it a bluish color;
  • clean the toilet regularly.

The question of how well to clean the toilet of rust can take even the most experienced housewife by surprise. It is extremely difficult to remove such contaminants with simple cleaning compounds, because often rusty stains are strongly eaten into the faience surface and cannot be influenced in any way. Nevertheless, getting rid of rusty plaque on the toilet is possible if you know some tricks and resort to the help of proven improvised and chemicals.

Where does rust come from

Trying to wipe off rusty smudges from the surface of the toilet bowl, many wonder where such contamination comes from, because the plumbing item is not made of iron at all and therefore cannot rust. Blame the old metal pipes, which are gradually destroyed from the inside from constant contact with water.

Water flow brings microscopic particles rusty metal into the toilet cistern, from where they fall into the bowl of plumbing equipment, settling on its walls and forming brownish stubborn stains and streaks. Most often this happens when water flows in small jets through the toilet cistern continuously, for the flow. It is not difficult to correct the situation - in most cases it is enough to adjust the float lever in the tank.

How to remove rusty plaque from the toilet with improvised means

The bowl and rim of the toilet bowl can be cleaned of rust at home using simple improvised means:

  1. It is necessary to combine 5 g of ammonia and 100 g of hydrogen peroxide. To remove rust with the obtained agent, treat the area of ​​contamination, wait 30 minutes, clean the product with a brush or brush and rinse.
  2. To clean the toilet bowl from rusty streaks, you need to sprinkle dry oxalic acid on a rag or sponge and rub the rusty spots, and then drain the water from the tank into the bowl.
  3. You can clean the toilet with concentrated acetic acid (essence). The liquid must be diluted with a small amount of water and applied to the traces of rust. After 1 hour, rub with a sponge or brush and rinse.
  4. Citric acid and vinegar are well removed from earthenware products. First you need to handle drips citric acid and then sprinkle vinegar on them. As a result of the resulting reaction, the rust will dissolve, after which it remains only to rinse the product with clean water.
  5. Unusual but efficient way how easy it is to get rid of rust in the toilet is to use Coca-Cola or Sprite. A rag soaked in these drinks should be applied to the rusty areas and left for 30-60 minutes. When the dirt has softened, it must be wiped off with a brush. This method works best on fresh stains.
  6. Another way to clean rust from a toilet bowl is to use Whiteness as a cleaning agent. Bleach should be applied to the surface of plumbing fixtures with a sponge and left overnight and rinsed off in the morning.

The listed folk remedies help to clean the toilet bowl from rust even in the most advanced cases. It is important to remember about precautions: before removing rust in such ways, you must always wear rubber gloves to protect your skin from irritation and chemical burns.

Every self-respecting housewife keeps the bathroom clean, carefully removing rusty smudges and limescale from the toilet bowl. Often this painstaking business takes a lot of time, and therefore it is time to learn how to clean the toilet bowl from rust and plaque quickly and for a long time, saving time for more pleasant troubles.

Causes of rust and lime

Agree, a dirty toilet is disgusting for each of us, and in fact, most often we ourselves are to blame for its neglect. The main reasons for the appearance of stains and smudges:

  1. water quality;
  2. old pipes;
  3. malfunction and constant leakage of the tank;
  4. high level roughness of the toilet;
  5. lack of water-repellent coating;
  6. a large amount of calcium salt in the water;
  7. uncleanliness of households.

Rust and limescale have different causes. So, excessively hard water with an excess of iron will certainly cause traces. This situation will worsen if the tank is leaking. And if an excess of iron leads to rust, then an excess of calcium salt in the water will certainly lead to lime scale accumulating at the rim of the toilet.

However, the very purchase of a toilet can already cause the rapid appearance of stains. A rough version without a water-repellent coating and improper cleaning will quickly lead to scratches and clogging of dirt, rust and lime in them. The reason, rooted in the untidiness of the household, can gradually lead to serious and difficult to remove stains from urinary stones.

You can avoid its appearance if you introduce in the family the habit of flushing after each trip to the toilet or pouring out the pot by children.

Cleansing methods

It is important to wash and clean any dirt on the toilet as soon as possible. The fact is that it is very difficult to wipe off the ingrained rust without harming the coating of the bathroom. Cleansing at home can be done by a variety of methods, most of which are as accessible and effective as possible.

Household chemicals

It is easy to get confused in the offered toilet cleaning products today, being confused in the widest assortment. In fact, each of them belongs to one of four groups, created on the basis of differences in composition. Types of products for combating limescale and rust:

  1. alkaline;
  2. powder;
  3. acid-based;
  4. based on chlorine.

It is recommended to give preference here to gel-like and balm-like textures.... They are able to provide not only high-quality, but also safe cleaning without damaging the toilet bowl cover. Alkaline products include all products from plaque and rusty smudges, created on the basis of sodium. They are considered absolutely safe means that are easy to use and high degree efficiency. Among the well-known brands are the Dosia and Bref products.

Powder formulations are among the most powerful in their action. So, they are practically the only ones in whose power to cope with urinary stones. Using a stiff brush, the powder is rubbed into the surface, on the one hand, removing difficult stains, and on the other, creating microcracks for future accumulation of dirt. That is why drugs such as Pemolux and Flash should be used only in extreme cases. Chlorine-based products are also suitable for DIY toilet stain removal. Applying it from the inside, you can see how the plaque literally slides down, and the surface is disinfected.

Unfortunately, bleach and chlorine-containing products have a pungent odor, which leads some users to turn to improved products. This category includes the means "Comet" and "Silit".

Funds based on oxalic, formic, hydrochloric and other acids are not inferior in cleansing with bleach. Products such as " Santry "or" Dressing duck " do not have pungent odors, however, with prolonged use, they can negatively affect human health. Such products should be used periodically, not forgetting to prohibit their use when washing earthenware and ceramic toilets.

Folk remedies

As you can see, most of the ready-made cleaning products have certain restrictions on their use. Some housewives avoid such difficulties, deliberately using only folk sparing means in cleaning:

  • so, one of the popular methods of washing is a solution of iodine with vinegar. A small container is filled with vinegar, a few drops of iodine and a pinch of baking soda. The solution is thoroughly mixed and applied to the surface to be cleaned for 6-8 hours, and then washed off with clean water;
  • an interesting and popular method is to pour Coca-Cola into the toilet or cistern. Yes, exactly the drink that all children love without exception. Leaving the solution overnight, in the morning the bathroom is rinsed with water;
  • according to the same principle, citric acid and soda are used in cleansing. One or another product is poured onto the contaminated surface and left to act overnight. In the morning, the product is washed off with water or rinsed thoroughly if cleaning took place from the inside of the tank;
  • hydrogen peroxide in tandem with ammonia can be a good alternative to store products. The proportion is 5 ml of ammonia per 100 ml of peroxide. The solution is qualitatively applied to the surface and kept for about half an hour, after which it is cleaned with a medium-soft brush and washed off.

It is worth noting that traditional methods also have acids in their compositions. So, for cleaning in its pure form, oxalic and hydrochloric acid... As mentioned earlier, the method is not the safest, and therefore it is important to work in advance armed with durable gloves and a respirator. Inhaling such compounds is extremely harmful.

I must say that ready-made and folk remedies are equally effective, however, those who want to get a quick result still turn to purchased products, because hardly any of them requires settling at night.

How to prevent rust and plaque build-up?

The appearance of rust can and should be prevented, especially since it is not difficult to do this. So, first of all, the owners of the apartment should establish a toilet float and completely eliminate the constantly running thin stream of water. Even hard water with a well-adjusted bathroom will have a much lesser effect on the appearance of rust and limescale... It should be noted that Replacing old rusty pipes will also help to fill the cistern with clean water without excess impurities.

Unfortunately, not everyone decides to take such a time-consuming step, but when done, the result pays for all the time and money spent.

If replacing the pipes is still not part of the plans, softening tablets placed daily inside the tank will help to improve the condition of the water. Additionally, such products envelop the bathroom. pleasant aromas, which plays an important role. More by capital method consider the installation of a water filter in the drain structure. It is not cheap, but when it is used, purification of water ceases to be a daily procedure with the participation of a housewife.

Sometimes, even if all the recommendations are followed and preventive measures the bathroom continues to rapidly build up rust and plaque. Most likely, the problem here lies in improper cleaning sometime in the past, because a stiff brush already in several applications can thoroughly spoil the coating. If scratches are visible to the naked eye, the best solution will be the replacement of plumbing and careful adherence to the rules for cleaning it. Untouched by potent drugs quality coverage the toilet bowl can serve, pleasing with cleanliness and aesthetics, for more than one decade.

For more information on how to quickly and effectively clean the toilet, see the next video.

Rusty smudges on the toilet give an untidy look toilet room even if everything else shines with purity. The appearance of such stains is not always the fault of the apartment owners; the reason may be the quality of the water or the state of the sewer system.

You can clean the toilet bowl from rust using specially developed tools, of which there are many on store shelves.

Some housewives use more affordable folk methods.

Rust is a product of oxidation of metal alloys, mainly iron. Where does it come from on the ceramic product and in the cistern? Several factors can be responsible for the formation of orange streaks on the toilet:

In the countries of the post-Soviet space sewer pipes made of non-galvanized metals. Long service life of the system, constant contact with water causes metal corrosion.

Oxidized iron particles are mixed with liquid and it is this water that enters apartments and houses, leaving a mark on the plumbing.

  1. Water sources in some regions are enriched with iron, which enters the water supply system.
  2. Toilet bowl surface.

Plumbing products are made from earthenware and porcelain. The cost of the former is low, which is reflected in the quality. The surface of such toilets is not resistant to mechanical damage and quickly becomes rough. All water impurities and other impurities settle in these irregularities. Porcelain toilets are more resistant to plaque build-up.

  1. Leakage of water from the tank.

Due to constant contact with water, brown marks appear on the surface of the plumbing. The rougher the surface and the more impurities in the water, the faster plaque forms.

To get rid of rust forever, you need to eliminate the cause of its formation.

Remedies to help remove rust at home: the secrets of cleanliness

In household chemicals stores, you can purchase a rust remover from the surface of the toilet bowl in any price category. They differ not only in cost, but also in composition and shape.


The most available remedy for the toilet bowl - cleaning powder. In addition to abrasive particles, they include substances that remove rust. The most popular products in this series:

  • Pemolux;
  • Comets;
  • Sarma;
  • Sort;
  • Sanita.

Their advantages: affordable price and ease of use. Some products cost several tens of rubles and can be used to clean not only toilets, but also baths, sinks and even dishes.

Powder products are very easy to use:

  • apply to a damp surface;
  • rub a little;
  • leave to interact with plumbing for 15-30 minutes.

After the specified time, you need to clean the surface with a coarse sponge or stiff brush. Removal of rust with abrasive agents is mechanical and effective only if the plaque has not had time to penetrate deeply.

Toilet abrasives have several disadvantages:

  • damage the surface;
  • do not cope with old stains.

Another disadvantage of powders is the formation of dust during application, which irritates the human respiratory system.

Liquid products

G Much safer on the toilet surface liquid products: gels, creams.

They do not damage ceramics, stain removal occurs due to the penetration of active substances into the plaque and are convenient for home use.

They can be divided into 2 large groups: alkaline and acidic.

Alkaline cleaners can help clean the toilet

Alkali-based toilet bowl products:

  • Domestos;
  • Dosya;
  • Sarma (gel).

The active ingredient in such products is sodium hydroxide. It dissolves rust easily without damaging the surface.

It is easier to use alkaline products than abrasive ones: simply spread over the contaminated surface, withstand the time indicated on the package and rinse with water.

Benefits of alkaline rust removers:

  • ease of use;
  • safety for the surface;
  • quick effect without physical effort.

The disadvantages of this group are a pungent odor and an effect only on surface rust spots.

Acidic remedies will help remove yellow plaque

Toilet bowl products of this group contain one of the acids: hydrochloric, oxalic or formic in different concentrations. They can remove even large old rust spots. These tools include:

  • Silith Bang;
  • Dressing duck;
  • Comets.

The technology for using acidic agents is the same as for alkaline ones.

An indisputable plus of acid - high efficiency against any dirt and fast effect. The disadvantages include possible harm from inhalation of vapors and contact of liquids on the skin.

Traditional methods: how to clean rust in the toilet?

Many housewives are afraid possible harm household chemicals, so they use improvised means, which, in addition to everything, cost much less.

In order to clean rust from the toilet, you can use any of the following recipes:

  1. Table vinegar or vinegar essence can be found in any home.

A piece of cloth is moistened with liquid and applied to contaminated areas for 30-50 minutes. After the indicated time, it is enough just to rinse the surface with water. If there is no vinegar at home, you can replace it with ordinary citric acid by diluting 1 sachet in a glass of water. You can also clean the tank with vinegar - for this you need to pour 200-300 ml of essence into it overnight.

  1. A mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide effectively removes rust.

To prepare a cleaning agent, you need to take medicines in a ratio of 1 to 20. The mixture is applied directly to the stains or covered with a dampened cloth for several hours, and preferably overnight.

  1. Oxalic acid (powder).

The dry product is applied to a surface moistened with water, rubbed in a little and left to interact for half an hour. All stains disappear after rinsing.

  1. Car battery fluid (electrolyte) contains a high concentration of acid.

To remove rust, apply electrolyte to stains for a quarter of an hour. You need to work with this liquid very carefully - if it comes into contact with plastic surfaces, holes may appear.

  1. Baking soda is a safe abrasive whitening agent.

To remove rust, the powder is mixed with water or hydrogen peroxide, applied to stains and left to dry.

  1. Carbonated drinks Coca-Cola, Sprite, Pepsi easily remove rust stains.

To do this, you need to moisten a cloth with them, apply to the pollution. After half an hour, it is enough to rub the treated area a little and the stain will disappear.

  1. Regular Toothpaste better whitening.

It is a mild abrasive and suitable for fresh stains. To remove dirt, the paste is rubbed into the stains and washed off after half an hour.

  1. Many housewives use whiteness as a universal cleaning agent, the chlorine included in the composition destroys bacteria and discolors stains.

To remove rust, bleach must be applied to the surface.

This video shows an easy way to clean a toilet bowl from rust.

Regardless of what tool is used to clean the plumbing, you need to follow the following rules:

  • if the toilet tank is leaking, turn off the water;
  • open windows or turn on ventilation;
  • work in rubber gloves, when using acidic products, you can wear goggles and a mask;
  • do not mix 2 or more products at the same time. Occurred chemical reaction can have unintended consequences;
  • if the result is not satisfied, the product is reapplied;
  • do not keep the products on the walls of the toilet for longer than the time recommended by the manufacturer.

If, during the cleaning process, cleaning liquid or powder gets on any part of the body, it must be removed with running water.

Toilet Rust Prevention: Vinegar and Tablet

Rust not only spoils appearance plumbing, but also contributes to its failure. Installing filters at the inlet of the plumbing system to the home is very effective, but very expensive.

Rusty deposits appear not only on the surface of the toilet bowl, but also on the cistern and its insides, which shortens the life of the product.

In order for the plumbing to serve longer, it is necessary to periodically clean the tank. To do this, whiteness or vinegar essence is poured inside for the night. In addition, special tablets can be placed in the tank, which prevent the appearance of rust. A pleasant little thing - when the product dissolves, the water turns into different shades and aromatizes.

To prevent the appearance of persistent rust stains, it is necessary to promptly eliminate breakdowns and remove existing dirt. If the toilet needs to be replaced, you should opt for a porcelain product with a durable surface.