Do-it-yourself well cleaning: an overview of the best preventive and capital methods. Cleaning wells: devices and recommendations for work

To quality drinking water remained good, the well needs to be cleaned periodically. How can you do it yourself, what tools are needed, what is a well cleaning grapple and how to use it?

When Cleaning Is Necessary

A signal that the well needs to be cleaned is a change in water quality. It may acquire an unpleasant aftertaste, smell, and an iridescent film may appear on the surface.

Cleaning is necessary

  • if the water level drops
  • if the water stagnates with rare use,
  • if in a well with drinking water hit wastewater, trash, dead birds or animals
  • deposits of clay appeared on the walls of the mine,
  • the water became cloudy.


Cleaning a well is a serious undertaking that requires strict adherence to safety precautions, otherwise accidents are possible.

Manual cleaning

The well can be cleaned manually or with a pump. Shallow wells are manually cleaned, this method can be used if an animal has fallen into the water, the bottom has silted up or the water is heavily polluted. How to clean the well with your own hands? You will need

First, the water is completely pumped out using a pump. Next, they begin to clean the walls of the mine. It moves from top to bottom. The top rings can be brushed on long handle, then they put a ladder in the well and clean the walls with a metal brush and a sponge. Then the walls are washed twice with water.

When the walls are cleaned, proceed to cleaning the bottom and bottom filter. To do this, with the help of buckets, all sediment and silt from the bottom of the well, as well as the material of the bottom filter, are raised to the surface. The bottom filter is layers of coarse sand, gravel and crushed stone through which the incoming water passes.

During cleaning, the seams between the concrete rings are inspected and repaired. This is done with cement mortar or special blends with a spatula when descending or ascending. For better adhesion, the place of application of the solution must be cleaned.

The last step is water disinfection. The video shows how to clean the well manually.

Important! After cleaning the well, the first 1-2 weeks it is recommended to use water only for technical purposes (for irrigation, cleaning).

Cleaning with a grapple

A grab is a device for cleaning a well, which consists of two buckets connected in the middle by levers, as in the figure. The outer parts of the buckets are suspended on chains, with the help of which the bucket opens.

Cleaning with a grapple has important advantages over manual cleaning. The work can be done by one person, since there is no need to go down into the mine, so this method is safer: there is no danger of injuring a person with a rising or falling bucket, a fallen tool, or gas poisoning.

How to make a grab for a well with your own hands? For this you need:

  • sheet steel 2 mm thick,
  • two pieces of pipe to connect the buckets, the pipes must be of different diameters so that one rotates freely inside the other, or a steel roller with a pin,
  • a chain of such length that, if it is folded three times, it reaches the bottom and there is a margin of 2 m.

Of the tools needed welding machine and cutter.

Two plates for half-bottoms are cut out of a steel sheet. One side of each plate should be straight and the other should be zigzag, these will be the teeth of the bucket with which it will capture the silt. The length of the prong should be about 1.5 cm. The shape of the bottoms is shown in the drawing.

To connect the half-ladles, a steel roller and a pin are required, which will be inserted into it.

Next, levers for the bucket are made. They are made from a steel plate (tire) about 5 mm thick. You will need 4 such plates, they are made strictly according to the dimensions in the figure below: length 330 mm, width 20 mm, a hole with a diameter of 9 mm is made at a distance of 10 mm from the edge.

You also need a traverse, which is made from profile pipe. Eyelets are made on it, and a latch rod is also made, which is needed to secure the bucket in the open state. A cable 50 cm long and a trigger ring are attached to the rod. Then the chains are mounted.

The grab is lowered into the mine on a cable or chain. The video shows how these well cleaning devices work. For clarity, all operations are carried out on the surface of the earth.

Drain pump cleaning

This method is resorted to if the water is not heavily polluted, if the well is only silted up or sandy or clay deposits have formed at the bottom. For this, a drainage or fecal pump is used, the main thing is that it is powerful, has a high flow rate and can work in dirty muddy water. Two pumps are needed: one will send a jet of water to the bottom sediments and lift them, and the second will pump out the water.

Floating leaves and debris are preliminarily removed from the surface. First, the pumping pump is turned on and water is removed for several minutes, then the drainage pump is turned on, which raises silt and clay from the bottom. Then the cycle is repeated. For 2 hours of such work, you can remove about 10 cm of silt. Periodically, the pumps are raised to the surface and their filters are washed.

Important ! Cleaning the well should be carried out without interruption for several hours so that the sludge does not have time to sink back.


After removing the dirt from the mine, the water is disinfected. You can disinfect the well with bleach. To do this, take 20 mg of bleach per liter of water in the well. To find out the amount of water, use the formula for the volume of a cylinder (1 liter - cubic decimeter). After the disinfectant has been added to the water, the well is hermetically sealed for 12 hours. Then the water is pumped out twice completely. After that, you can use the well, but the water must be boiled for the first 5-7 days.

Sanitization should also be carried out in the spring after the snow melts. To do this, take a teaspoon of potassium permanganate in a bucket of water. The resulting solution is poured into the well, and after an hour the water is pumped out.

After disinfection, it is desirable to give water for analysis to make sure it is suitable for drinking.

Pollution Prevention

It will not work to avoid pollution of the well, this is a natural process, but you can slow it down.

  • It is important to maintain the good condition of the well head - the lid and the upper ring, and repair them in a timely manner.
  • Conduct sanitization using potassium permanganate every spring, when the snow melts.
  • If the well is rarely used, you need to periodically pump water out of it.
  • The seams between the rings must be periodically inspected and repaired in time.
  • So that the top water does not get into the mine, a clay plug is made. To do this, a trench is dug around the well and filled with clay.
  • Additionally, a mesh with silicon can be placed on the bottom of the well as a filter. They change it every six months.


Cleaning a well is an important activity that can help improve water quality and maintain it at the proper level. You can clean the well yourself manually, using a grab and a drainage pump. Any well is periodically polluted, so that it needs to be cleaned less often, they accept preventive measures.

In order for the water in the well to always remain clean and transparent, it is necessary to clean it periodically, even if the quality of the water has not changed. Also exists whole line reasons for which the cleaning of the well is carried out urgently. We will consider how, when, why and with what methods urgent and preventive cleaning of the well should be carried out.

Cleaning for prevention

If you constantly use the well, then you need to clean it at least once every two years. If the well is rarely used, then it will be enough to carry out preventive cleaning every 4-5 years. To keep the water clean and drinkable, it is recommended to sanitize the well every year after winter.


This procedure is performed only after possible floods have passed and all the snow has melted. One tablespoon of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) dissolves in a bucket of water. After three hours, all the water is pumped out of the well, which is poured away from the well.

Reasons for unscheduled cleaning of the well

Sometimes it becomes necessary to urgently take measures to clean the well. The most common reasons for this are:

  • Water stagnant due to infrequent use.
  • Organic deposits (algae) have appeared inside the structure, which grow on the walls and die off, giving the water a musty taste.
  • Lowering the water level only in your well.
  • Depressurization, which leads to damage to the well rings and, as a result, clouding of the water.
  • Ingress of sewage or small animals and debris into the water.

Choice of cleaning method

The choice of cleaning method directly depends on the cause of contamination:

  • Red water is a high iron content in it, and cleaning the well will not help. The problem is solved as follows: a powerful filtration system is installed at the water inlet to the house.
  • The sediment of silt or sand on the bottom filter is cleaned by completely pumping out water using pumps.
  • Depressurization of seams, major cleaning, removal of algae from the walls of the well is carried out only dry.

We will look in detail at the two most common well cleaning methods:

  • With the use of manual labor;
  • With the use of technology.

General rules

Both methods require strict adherence to safety rules, the main provisions of which are as follows:

  • The work is carried out by at least three people, since in case of danger one person will not be able to pull the second to the surface.
  • Protective clothing is required: high rubber boots, helmets, waterproof clothing.
  • A safety rope is mandatory for those who perform deep work.
  • You can't stand in one place in the well for a long time may suck.
  • Before cleaning, make sure that there are no gases in the well, and that there is oxygen. To do this, a bucket with a lit candle is lowered into it. If the candle burns quietly, then deep work can be carried out.
  • If something falls on you from above, cling to the walls.
  • People with a diseased cardiovascular system should not descend into a well with a depth of more than 3 m.

In the process of cleaning you will need:

  • Belt for insurance;
  • Buckets, medium-hard brush or sponge;
  • Rope and ordinary ladders;
  • Rope, if there are not enough ladders;
  • winch, drum for pumping water;
  • Trigger, blocking.

Cleaning the well by hand

You can clean the well from clay or organic deposits as follows:

  1. Select water from the well gradually, lowering its level by 30-50 cm at a time and draining the walls.
  2. Each call for pumping out water is accompanied by cleaning the rings with a brush or sponge, carefully wipe the joints of the rings.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to use any household chemicals inside the well.
  4. After the walls are completely cleaned, the water is pumped out completely, and the bottom is washed.
  5. To limit the hit surface water into the well, at the end of the work, all seams and joints are sealed with cement mortar and glass in liquid form.
  6. Next, disinfection is carried out: the walls of the structure are treated with 10% bleach. The solution that remains after processing the walls is poured to the bottom and tightly closed with a lid. After two days, the cover is removed and the water is completely pumped out of the well twice.

Cleaning with the use of technology

If the cause of cloudy water in the well is a blockage of the bottom filter or a layer of silt formed, then simple cleaning will not solve the problem. A drain pump will be required. Cleaning goes like this:

  1. The drainage pump is lowered to a depth of half a meter - a meter from the bottom and turned on.
  2. The strong pressure of the water lifts the silt deposits and dirt along with the water, thus purifying it. The pump must be periodically lifted and the filters cleaned.
  3. Cleaning is considered complete when the pump filters remain clean after the next extraction to the surface.

If you use water from a well for food all the time, then after purification it is recommended to take a sample of water for analysis to be completely sure of its quality. It will not be superfluous to carry out disinfection of the well after cleaning.

The well is one of the most available ways water supply suburban area. It provides life-giving moisture for the natural needs of households, their domestic needs and watering plants on the site. Therefore, the water in it must be devoid of any kind of impurities. Contaminants must be disposed of immediately. Do you agree?

From the article we have proposed, you will find out what stages the purification of water from a well includes, and also whether it can be done on your own. We will tell you how water pollution is determined. Let us present in detail effective ways to eliminate mineral and organic inclusions.

The opinion that well water is a priori clean is erroneous. The depth of this water source not so big. AT groundwater, with which the well is fed, impurities are often present in a dissolved or suspended state.

Various types of bacteria often live in perched water, which multiply, create colonies and decompose over time, form hydrogen sulfide-containing compounds. These compounds give water bad smell and make it toxic, and therefore dangerous to human health.

Well water, due to its surface nature, is more susceptible to external pollution and may contain dissolved organic and chemical impurities.

The causes of water pollution can be conventionally divided into two types:

  1. natural phenomena. These may be changes in aquifers supplying the source, or seasonal phenomena. For example: getting into the source of organic matter, sunlight
  2. Problems provoked by man. Occur in case of violation of the installation technology of the structure and errors during its operation. For example: the proximity of septic tanks, depressurization of seams, corrosion of metal elements ...

When arranging a hydraulic structure, it is important to monitor the renewal of water. So, with an irregular fence, it will stagnate and become cloudy. If the head of the source is open, then leaves and branches, insects and rodents can freely enter it.

Decaying organic matter pollutes well water, changing its chemical and biological properties, making it unfit for drinking.

If the well is installed on a quicksand, then there is a high probability that the water contains an increased content of colloidal impurities, organic and chemical substances. All these processes must be controlled and eliminated in time.

All about the causes of cloudiness and yellowing well water you can read in

The main signs of water pollution

Studies of water from a well should be carried out annually, since its composition in an underground source, depending on seasonal changes and other external factors may change constantly.

This is especially important if the source is used only in summer period. A number of signs will indicate the need for water purification from the well.

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Turbidity of the water and the appearance of sediment

The opacity of the water indicates that too many silty fine particles and suspended dusty grains of sand have accumulated inside the walls of the structure. This happens if the well rings have lost their tightness due to erosion of the seams or when the elements are displaced relative to each other.

A clear sign of a violation of the tightness of the walls of the structure is clouding of the water after heavy rains. The mechanical cleaning of the shaft, supplemented by work on sealing the seams and sealing the joints, helps to eliminate the disadvantage.

Subsequently, for the prevention of pollution, cartridge or mesh filters are installed that will trap and accumulate foreign particles at the bottom of the structure.

The appearance of an oil film above the water surface indicates the presence of oil products. This may occur due to depressurization of the mine. Or for the banal reason of improper observance of cleanliness during the operation of a hydraulic structure.

Natural color change

The shade of water in the well depends on the type of pollution. A change in color to green indicates the "bloom" of water. The reason for this may be the direct sunlight entering the mine.

Under the influence of sunlight, microorganisms and algae begin to multiply actively, forming numerous colonies.

The problem is solved by disinfecting water using chemicals and subsequent installation of carbon filters.

Brown and yellow shades indicate that the water has a high iron content. Disinfection in this case is not effective. Only the arrangement of the water treatment system and the installation of additional filters will help solve the problem.

The black color of water acquires due to organic pollution, which, in the process of decomposition and decay, infect it. To eliminate decaying organic matter, simple is no longer enough. To get water that can be consumed, you will have to perform multi-stage purification.

The appearance of a strange smell

The clayey or earthy smell is due to the presence in the liquid of organic natural compounds such as 2-methylisoborneol and geosmin. They are formed during the vital activity of soil bacteria and blue-green algae present in the water.

Mechanical cleaning of the structure helps to eliminate the cause, followed by the arrangement of household reverse osmosis and the installation of filters equipped with activated carbon.

The smell of rotten eggs has water in which sulfuric bacteria are present. They produce hydrogen sulfide.

You can remove these bacteria by disinfecting the water using potassium permanganate or chlorine and then installing a filter unit.

The smell of phenol and other unnatural odors indicate that sewage and other human products most likely entered the well shaft through underground aquifers. You can solve the problem by carrying out a mechanical cleaner and installing a carbon filter.

Unusual taste of water

Salty taste appears due to the high content of salts: NaSO 4 , NaCl, MgSO 4 . You can remove it by performing additional post-treatment of water, passing it through.

A metallic taste indicates the presence of iron in the water. Iron removal methods help to correct the situation. For example, installing a compressor that will saturate the water with oxygen, circulation pump and an iron remover filter.

The sour taste of water, which has a blue-green tint, indicates a high content of carbon dioxide. This phenomenon occurs due to the reaction of water in contact with the copper and bronze elements of the system.

Increased hardness indicates the presence of calcium and magnesium salts in the composition of the liquid. Rigidity is not a constant value. It fluctuates depending on the season and reaches its peak in the summer.

Hardness can be caused by alkaline earth metal salts, which are often found in limestone and dolomite deposits.

To correct the situation, you can install softening systems. Reagent and non-reagent filters of complex purification are capable of demineralizing and softening water.

Well water quality analysis

These "symptoms" indicate serious water pollution. And until the moment it is cleaned, it is not recommended to operate the structure. To find out the cause of pollution and find optimal solution to eliminate it, it is necessary to take water samples and submit them for analysis.

The sequence of actions when taking liquid for research:

  1. A plastic or glass container with a volume of 1.5 liters is thoroughly washed running water, without using detergents. Great for sampling plastic bottle from mineral or distilled water.
  2. The container is gradually filled with water so that an excess of oxygen does not form in the bottle from excessive pressure. If from a well it is adjusted automatic system water supply, the water from the tap should first be drained, and then, at low pressure, fill the bottle to the neck.
  3. The filled container is tightly closed and wrapped in a dark plastic bag.
  4. Within three hours from the moment of sampling, the liquid container is delivered to the laboratory.

Keep in mind that after two days from the moment the liquid was taken, the results will no longer be reliable.

In the absence of the opportunity to immediately deliver the taken sample to the laboratory, you can extend the life of the “sample” by placing it in the refrigerator for 2 days

It is not possible to perform a water quality analysis on your own. Obtaining accurate results cannot be achieved without the use of special equipment.

Research of this kind is carried out by:

  • sanitary and epidemiological stations;
  • state laboratories at geodetic centers;
  • licensed private centers;
  • accredited laboratories of Rospotrebnadzor.

The price of the service depends on the type of analysis. It can be abbreviated, focused on the identification of a certain group of substances, or complete, including chemical and microbiological research.

The organoleptic qualities of drinking water from the well, indicating the permissible parameters, will be summarized in a general table

The results obtained are recorded in the protocol, which indicates the permissible percentage impurities and substances in accordance with applicable sanitary standards. The protocol will be accompanied by a conclusion on the suitability of water and the presence of potentially hazardous microorganisms and substances in it.

At the request of the customer, experts can also give recommendations on how best to purify water in a particular well and what filtration systems to use in the future.

Effective cleaning methods

If the results of the study showed that the fears are not groundless and the water contains impurities hazardous to health, the situation should be corrected as soon as possible.

The choice of method depends on the cause of the contamination. If debris has accumulated inside the structure, and mucus has formed on the walls, it is worth using a mechanical method when cleaning the structure.

Mechanical cleaning of the mine

The method involves cleaning the walls and bottom of the hydraulic structure by washing or scraping off the accumulated layers. best performed at the end of summer or in early spring until the snow melts. In the off-season, the lowest level of groundwater is observed.

Accumulated sludge and mucus should be cleaned regularly as they are ideal conditions for the reproduction of bacteria that release toxic substances in the process of life

The mechanical cleaning procedure includes several main steps:

  1. Water pumping. Before performing mechanical cleaning, the structure is pre-emptied by pumping out the liquid with a drainage pump. Keep in mind that it will not work to completely drain the well shaft, a small amount of water will still remain at the bottom.
  2. Cleaning the walls and bottom. The cleaning worker, dressed in a protective suit, descends into the well. The assistant remains on the surface and takes the filled buckets. Debris and silt residues are removed manually using a metal brush or a conventional scraper. Crushed stone and sand covering the bottom of the structure and performing the function of a bottom filter are replaced with new ones.
  3. Repair and strengthening of well rings. If necessary, to prevent the displacement of the rings relative to each other, they are reinforced with metal brackets.
  4. Seam sealing. If cracks are found in the joints between the rings, the defects are sealed with cement mortar, to which liquid glass is added.

After waiting a day, they empty the well and wait until it is filled again. After cleaning is completed, a small bag is lowered into the shaft, sewn from synthetic fabric and filled with potassium permanganate. It should be left in the well permanently.

On sale there are also special chlorine-containing preparations such as Aquatabs, Septolit-DHC, Ecobreeze-Oxy. They are available in liquid, powder or tablet form.

Based on these concentrates, in accordance with the instructions, disinfectant solutions are diluted, which are used according to the same technology as when working with bleach. Any of these means improves water quality and extends the life of the structure.

Application of dosing cartridges

In case of severe water pollution, when simple methods cleaning do not give the desired result, experts recommend using more drastic measures - using dosing cartridges.

Dosing cartridges are ceramic small cylindrical containers, inside of which a mixture based on bleach and calcium hydrochloride is placed.

The case of cartridges with a volume of 250 to 1000 cm 3 is made of ceramics, the porous walls of which freely pass active chlorine into the water. The number of cartridges required for decontamination depends on the volume of water in the mine and the degree of its contamination.

Disinfection using dosing cartridges should be carried out under the guidance of SES workers, while controlling the quality of water in relation to microbiological and sanitary-chemical indicators.

The containers are suspended in the well shaft, immersed in the water column and placed at a height of 20 to 50 cm from the surface of the bottom filter. Control over the concentration of the active substance in water is carried out after 6 hours from the moment of immersion of the cartridge. It should be 0.5 mg/l. If the indicators are lower than necessary, another cartridge is deepened.

In the future, control over the concentration is performed every seven days. Cartridges are replaced at intervals of every 3-4 weeks.

Alternative UV cleaning method

Disinfection of the contents of the well can also be performed by irradiating it with ultraviolet light. This method is less time consuming, but more expensive. Disinfection with ultraviolet light is performed only after preliminary mechanical cleaning.

The unit is a disinfecting chamber, inside which is placed UV lamp with protective coating

UV rays, the wavelength range of which is 200-295 nm, are capable of destroying pathogenic microorganisms. The higher the dose of radiation, the less time is required to decontaminate the contents of the mine. To destroy most pathogenic bacteria, a radiation dose of 15 mJ / cm² is enough.

The main advantage of water purification by ultraviolet irradiation is that it does not cause changes palatability drinking water.

Prevention of water pollution

Cleaning and disinfecting water in a well requires a lot of time and effort. To minimize the occurrence of this kind of trouble in the future, do not forget to carry out preventive disinfection measures.

To prevent water pollution in the well, following a number of simple rules will help:

  1. When taking care of the construction of a clay castle. To do this, dig a trench around the well 1.5-2 meters wide and 50-100 cm deep. It must be covered with clay and compacted tightly. The constructed clay castle will simultaneously perform two functions: to prevent the penetration of moisture and to prevent contamination of the structure through the seams between the rings.
  2. When arranging a bottom filter, use flint gravel, which has the ability to soften water, or zeolite, which acts as a natural sorbent.
  3. Equip the head of the well with a lid or canopy. They will prevent dust and small debris from entering the mine, as well as protect well water from direct sunlight.
  4. To reduce the risk of leaks during the operation of a hydraulic structure, use stations with remote ejectors and submersible pumps.

Proper arrangement of the water source will eliminate the need for frequent disinfection work.

If on your suburban area there is still no own source of water and you have not decided on its type, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information in the article comparing, evaluating the pros and cons of both options.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video review of the tableted disinfectant Aquabreeze:

Video presentation of the lamp for ultraviolet disinfection system:

Don't expect thunder from a clear sky. After all, water is what we use every day. And that is why it is so important to be sure that it does not contain harmful substances. To protect yourself and your loved ones, do not neglect the rules of operation and regularly check the composition of the water, even if it seems crystal clear.

Looking forward to your stories self cleaning and disinfection of well water. Please write in the comment box. Here you can ask questions, share your impressions, useful information and themed photos.

Do-it-yourself well cleaning and correction possible defects will help to achieve purity and excellent taste of water in your source. After all, the appearance of color, smell, taste - signs of violations in the work. In a properly built and well-maintained well, the water is always clean and tasty.

Signs of violations

Before deciding how to clean the well with your own hands in the country, you need to pay attention to external signs, which allow you to determine what violations have occurred in the operation of the well.


Visible signs, even in small quantities, are most likely evidence of soil particles entering the well water. It happens in case of violation of the sealing of joints in the walls, for example, when they are displaced.


The appearance of color near the water is a bad sign.

  • The characteristic greenery indicates that under the influence of light, microscopic algae began to actively multiply in the well.
  • Black color appears when organic matter decomposes.
  • Yellow color is characteristic of water with a high iron content. In this case, cleaning the well with your own hands will not help; when using such a liquid for drinking and cooking, you will need to use treatment plant, for example, iron filter.


Most often, the taste of water indicates a high metal content, in this case the taste “gives away” with iron, however, other options are possible, for example, a sweetish taste is evidence of an increased nitrogen content.

Well cleaning

Cleaning the well from sand, as well as removing silt on the walls and putting the filter in order, will not be difficult, especially since such work is not often done:

  • with constant use of the source, it is enough to carry out the entire complex of works once every two years,
  • if used periodically at long intervals, it will be necessary to clean the source once a year.

It is only important to carry out all the work carefully in compliance with all the rules and requirements so that the well functions without violations until the next treatment.

The order of work in the well

  • Water pumping is a necessary preparatory operation. It is first necessary to remove leaves and other large debris from the surface of the mirror, if it got there. The initial pumping stage can be carried out with a pump for clean water, especially if it is already installed to supply liquid to domestic plumbing and irrigation. It is first necessary to ensure the drainage of liquid into the irrigation tanks, drainage ditch and so on, and also check whether the existing pump settings will interfere with the task.

To remove the bottom layer and then pump out the incoming water during operation, you will need a so-called drainage unit capable of transporting liquid with a high content of impurities.

  • Wall cleaning the well is performed after the column is drained or as the water decreases. For these purposes, hard and soft brushes are used, which are convenient to remove silt deposits. After this treatment, the walls can be washed in order to make it easier to conduct a thorough inspection.
  • During the next step, you will need cement mortar or sealant (depending on what material the walls of the well are made of). Carefully examining surfaces all cracks and cracks should be carefully sealed, which appeared as a result of soil displacements or during the destruction of previously used solutions. High-quality sealing will protect water from sand or clay. At the same stage, it is possible to fasten the concrete rings of the shaft together with special brackets in order to minimize the possibility of their shift in the future.

Important: In some cases, these works can be performed after bottom cleaning. For example, if a grapple for cleaning wells with your own hands is assembled to excavate the lower layer. Accidentally swaying while lifting, a heavy filled bucket can damage the wall.

  • Bottom cleaning requires the extraction of silt, dirt, organic sediment from the bottom of the well. To do this, you can use an ordinary bucket on a rope or a more convenient and productive grab. If there is, then it is also removed and washed or replaced with a new one.

Security measures

  1. Ventilate the mine, check the composition of the air before diving.
  2. You can finally remove foreign gases by lowering a bunch of hay on fire on a rope.
  3. Be sure to go down in a safety belt. If you feel unwell or injured, it is easy to get the victim with it.
  4. When descending into the well, it is recommended to wear a helmet and rubber boots.
  5. If you feel unwell, leave the mine immediately.
  6. When lifting the bucket, press against the wall.
  7. At the top you need the presence of an assistant for safety net.

Grab cleaning

One of the main advantages of the grab (grader) is the safety of work. In this case, there is no need to go down into the well and work together. Usually one person fills the bucket while standing inside the pole, the second one lifts the bucket to the surface. At the same time, a heavy bucket filled with wet silt is actually located above the head of a person standing at the bottom.

You can make a manual grab for cleaning wells yourself - its drawings are so simple that even a teenager can understand. It consists of two “jaw” buckets connected movably and equipped with teeth on the edges for better immersion in the ground.

The photo shows a drawing of a grab for cleaning wells, which you can do yourself

Management of such a simple device is also not difficult. Two ropes or cables are attached to the buckets. With the help of one, the structure descends to the bottom, where it “bites” into the ground with its teeth, with the help of the second, the buckets are closed, after which the filled grab rises up.

It makes sense to create such a device for cleaning wells, since, in addition to safety, it provides high performance and the ability to perform all operations by one person.
How to clean the well with a grapple is shown in the video.

Bottom filter installation

Do-it-yourself cleaning of wells will be more effective if preventive measures are taken at the same time. The easiest way for these purposes is to use a bottom filter.

Various materials can be used as a material, for example, silicon gravel, however, cleaning using natural sorbents (zeolite can act as this) or shungite, which is able to normalize the composition of water in a well, is more effective. This material destroys many pathogenic bacteria and forms a beneficial microflora, reduces the iron content in water.

In order for the filter in the well to be able to retain even the smallest particles of impurities, two different fractions of the material or a combination are used to create it. various materials, one of which has smaller linear dimensions than the other.

The bottom filter device consists of the following steps:

  1. Lining the bottom and the lowest part of the walls (slightly above the expected height of the filter).
  2. Pouring of a fine-grained layer.
  3. Material alignment.
  4. Pouring material with large elements.
  5. Material alignment.

Important: Depending on the bottom of the well, it is possible to lay the filter layers in the reverse order, for example, with quicksand.

It is best to pour and level shungite or gravel in a respirator, since the material contains fine dust formed as a result of impacts and friction of pebbles against each other. For the same reason, the water in the well that only appeared after the filter was laid may be slightly cloudy. After some time, the suspension will settle, and the well will begin to work in normal mode.

After mounting the well cleaning bucket, you can use it later to extract the filter material. As we noted earlier, it can be replaced with a new one or rinsed thoroughly.

Disinfection and disinfection of water

An animal that has fallen into a well and drowned in it can become a serious nuisance. In this case, only the usual cleaning of the well with your own hands will not help, disinfection will be required to prevent diseases.

Similar measures must be taken when a characteristic smell and taste appear in the well, indicating the decomposition of organic substances. By the way, to prevent unpleasant situations, it is better to provide a well with a lid that will not allow animals to get there and protect the water from debris, for example, in strong winds or during leaf fall.

When disinfecting a well, it will be necessary to pump out water containing impurities somewhere (potassium permanganate for gentle treatment or chlorine for intensive cleaning). This point should be considered in advance before cleaning the well with your own hands in this way.

Solutions of potassium permanganate (1 tbsp per bucket of water) or bleach (300 g per bucket of water with preliminary dilution of the powder to a slurry state and using only the transparent part of the resulting solution, not including sediment at the bottom) can be applied with a brush on the walls of the well or poured into the water contained in the source.

It is possible to initially treat the walls, then fill the well with water and pour the solution into it. In this case, the well with the solution is closed, holding for up to a day, after which it is pumped out, then the water is filled and pumped out until the appearance of tasteless and odorless water.

For continuous disinfection of water when it is supplied from a well for domestic needs, chlorine cartridges are used.. The device is a sleeve made of porous ceramics, into which, depending on the volume of the mine and the degree of water pollution, from 150 to 600 grams of bleach is placed and poured with a small amount of water (up to 300 ml). The cartridge closed with a cork is immersed in the well so that it is at a distance of 0.2-0.5 m from the bottom. Within 20-30 days, chlorine will enter the water in doses through the pores of the sleeve. After that, you can reload the cartridge, after washing it.

Laboratory analysis can guarantee the safety of the well after disinfection.


Do-it-yourself cleaning of the well is shown in the video.

The well is the main source of water in the garden.

Even if the yard is equipped with centralized water supply, the owners are in no hurry to get rid of the well, which is indispensable in spring and summer.

For watering gardens, it is much more profitable to use free water from your own source than to pay for it by the meter: at current prices, this is very expensive.

An important condition is to maintain perfect condition drinking water in the well: it should always remain not only delicious, clear and clean, but also absolutely safe for health.

Periodically, underground streams, from which water is drawn into the well, become polluted and need to be cleaned. You can make it with the help of specialists or on your own.

In this article, we will tell you why the well needs cleaning, when it needs to be done, and in what ways to do it.

Causes of Well Pollution

There comes a time when pollution underground sources the level of water in the well drops, its taste becomes unpleasant, its color becomes cloudy, the smell becomes repulsive, or an unusual sediment appears.

Each of these phenomena indicates that the reservoir needs to be urgent cleaning, because such a liquid cannot be drunk, since its use can cause serious poisoning.

The main causes of pollution are the following:

  • Too much falls into the well sunlight. Because of this, microorganisms develop in the water, and it turns green. In this case, it is enough to cover the well with an opaque canopy that will protect from the sun;
  • Pollution of the well with clay, sand, silt, lime leads to cloudy water;
  • depressurization(when gaps appear between the rings) the structure allows soil particles to enter the well. This usually happens after heavy rains or snowmelt;
  • Getting into the water leaves, branches, sometimes even an animal whose corpse may begin to decompose;
  • The bottom is rising, dragging on with silt. This often happens with wells placed on quicksand (layers of soil saturated with water, which liquefy from any mechanical impact);
  • Incorrect installation of the vibration pump. This leads to oil leakage, and also raises silt from the bottom of the well;
  • Intermittent use of the well. Water stagnates, various microorganisms begin to multiply. The water is cloudy.

When to Clean a Well

As soon as the condition of the well water noticeably worsens or its level drops, you should proceed to well cleaning.

Even if there are no listed signs, the tank must be cleaned for prevention. once every 4 years. If you use water from the well daily, it is better to carry out prevention every 1.5-2 years.

In the spring, after snowmelt or floods, it is necessary to sanitize (disinfect) the well. You need to take a bucket of water, dissolve in it 1 tablespoon of potassium permanganate and pour it into the well.

After follows deflate water from it, which is recommended to be poured onto the beds to disinfect the soil. You can drink from the well after the water is collected again. This usually happens within 2-4 days.

How to clean a well

If the water from the well is used to satisfy daily needs, this does not mean that it is pure and can be consumed.

The simplest device that will purify water and make it suitable for drinking and cooking is filters.

  • Bottom filter. It is a pebble with sand tightly packed at the bottom of the well
  • Carbon filters. There are membranes that retain solid particles (sand, silt, clay) and multi-stage ones for thorough water purification from fertilizers, pesticides, salts, sewage that enters the water from the soil
  • Lime water filters. Eliminate water hardness.

A more complex tool used to clean the well is a grab. It's a jaw-shaped bucket with springs that fire when it hits the ground.

The principle of operation of the grab in that it is lowered with a strong rope to the bottom, where the “jaws” close from hitting the ground, after which the device is removed, silt is thrown out of it, and lowered into the well again.

The procedure is repeated until the expected result is achieved.

Grabs are three kinds:

  • manual– for cleaning small and shallow wells. Consists of a bucket and one rope;
  • unit with winch. Its performance is higher, it can have several ropes (from 2 to 4);
  • large hole cleaning grapple, whose maximum carrying capacity is 16 Tons. Such a device is expensive, it is used mainly for cleaning multi-user wells.

Manual well cleaning

This method involves cleaning the well after completely pumping out all the water. For manual cleaning should be available:

  • fishing boots;
  • special clothing(you can wear something old, preferably waterproof, because the work is very dirty);
  • bucket;
  • stairs;
  • large brushes and sponges.

If the depth of the well is very large and it is not possible to use a ladder, then you can build swing: it is good to tie a board to the rope, the rope to the winch of the well, and on this swing gradually sink to the bottom, cleaning meter by meter.

After part of the water has already been pumped out, you need to use a sponge wash away all deposits from the walls of the well. Rubbish should also be removed from the bottom, drainage stones should be washed or replaced with new ones, put in place.

Do not use detergents. clear inner part wells can only clean water.

If cracks were found between the shaft rings, they must be fill with cement mortar with the addition of liquid glass.

After that, pump out the water completely 2-3 times. Do not use the water for cooking or drinking until the smell of chlorine has disappeared.

Attention! Such disinfection should be carried out only with the use of a respirator, so as not to damage the respiratory tract with chlorine vapor.

Cleaning the well with a drainage pump

This well cleaning system is the least labor intensive and relatively fast.

Its peculiarity lies in the fact that during operation drainage pump the water swirls, a strong whirlpool washes away dirt from the walls, raises silt from the bottom, and all this is pumped out.

Principle of operation:

  • plunge the pump into the well to such a depth that no more than 1 meter remains between the apparatus and the bottom. Turn on the pump;
  • purified water returns to the well, there is water circulation, raising dirt from the bottom;
  • periodically, the pump must be removed from the well and its filters cleaned. Repeat until no more debris settles on it.

It is necessary to disinfect the well after drainage in the same way as after manual cleaning or sanitation. How to do it - read above.

Important! A gross violation of the safety rules for working in a well can lead to death. Never work alone.

Pollution Prevention

To ensure that water is always clean and drinkable, you need to regularly check well condition.

If this happens, you need to remove all the water and disinfect well.

By following all the above rules for caring for a well, you can be sure that the water from it is safe for health.

Cost of well cleaning services

The cost of services for cleaning the well depends on what actions are required to be performed by a team of specialists.

Each stage of work has its price. If the depth of the well is no more than 5 rings, then the average prices for cleaning and / or deepening range from 10,000 to
13 000 rub

If the mine is 16-18 concrete rings, then the price rises to 13-17 thousand rubles.

It should be borne in mind that not every well can be cleaned and deepened, so the final cost is reported by the master on the spot, after inspecting and assessing the scope of work.

Details of cleaning the well with a drainage pump can be viewed in this video instruction.