Is it possible to clean a dishwasher with citric acid? Cleaning your dishwasher with home remedies

For supporting household appliances for the kitchen to be in working order, you need to know how to clean a dishwasher at home. The answer to the question must be found in the operating instructions for the device. The manufacturer lists the detergents and cleaning products that are allowed. Budget models, unlike automatic ones, are subject to exclusively manual cleaning. At the same time, you need to remember that you should not rely entirely on automation.

During the first month of operation, the inner surface of the device becomes covered with a layer of fat. If it is not cleaned promptly, then within a few weeks you will need to contact service center. In most cases, maintenance is performed using a limited list of substances, the use of which inside the unit will not cause harm to it. Unfortunately, not everyone is in a hurry to get acquainted with it. As a result, the number of equipment failures increases.

The first thing the housewife should remember is that you should not use aggressive chemicals and acids. Even if labeled “delicate,” the reagent can still damage the interior surface. The second rule concerns the amount of substance used. Jewelry precision is the key to long-term health of the dishwasher.

The following tips will help you avoid many problems at the stage of practical operation:

  • It is recommended to ventilate the unit after each use - this reduces the rate of formation of fatty deposits;
  • The thicker the layer of fat inside, the less time you can dry the dishes;
  • After completing the sanitary measures, the “insides” of the machine must be dried for at least 40 minutes, otherwise mold will form.

Regularity and consistency are the key to health dishwasher. You can get rid of fat using the recommended list of substances. They are poured into a tank specially designated for this purpose, after which the “cleaning” mode is activated. The main thing is to promptly remove fatty deposits that can harm the mechanical elements of the device.

Removing scale: how to clean a dishwasher with citric acid

In countries with hard water, it is impossible to avoid the accumulation of scale, which provokes unplanned expenses. The more of it on the surface of the heating element, the more difficult it is for it to heat the water. This automatically increases the operating time of the device, causing an increase in electrical energy consumption.

In this regard, regular prevention of scale formation will save the family budget.

The main way to remove all traces of deposits from the inside is using vinegar, citric acid and special products.

If it is not possible to purchase a reagent, then at home you can use the recommendations listed below:

  1. Take advantage citric acid– you will need no more than 400 g of product. She falls asleep in inner part machine, after which the standard “cleaning” mode is activated.
  2. If you have an expensive Bosch model at home, you need to take care of it accordingly. It is recommended to avoid aggressive acids. The choice is made in favor of delicate methods that allow you to clean the “insides” of the machine. For example, the substance “Antinakipin”.
  3. It is advisable to use table vinegar in cases where we are talking about budget cars. They contain few elements sensitive to caustic substances.

The use of citric acid and vinegar in any dishwasher is limited by the rules of their operation. It is recommended to carry out care using delicate substances. If cleaning is performed with citric acid, then in this case it should be taken no more than 400 g.

Prohibitions: caring for the dishwasher

Citizens should know that not everything can go in the dishwasher. Even a slight deviation from this rule will lead to damage to the unit. Wooden cutlery opens the list of prohibited substances.

Even with minor heat treatment, they forever lose their original appearance, clogging the mechanical parts of the dishwasher.

The decorative list continues glassware, which also does not withstand prolonged water and heat treatment. You can only get rid of fat manually.

In addition, the prohibited list includes the following objects:

  • Dishes including silver or gold inserts;
  • Cleaning antiques is done only by hand;
  • Products of decorative and applied arts;
  • Stainless steel utensils;
  • Copper and tin utensils can only be washed by hand;
  • Kitchen appliances containing synthetic materials;
  • It is better to clean crystal products manually;
  • Porcelain in any form;
  • No need to wash plastic dishes for one-time use.

Before turning on the dishwasher for the first time, you must carefully study the operating instructions. This concerns the list of kitchen utensils that should not be placed in the dishwasher. Antiques, pewter, crystal and porcelain items should only be cleaned by hand.

Prevention: how to wash a dishwasher

Sanitary and hygienic procedures will not take much time if you follow some rules. You need to pay attention to the hose responsible for releasing water. Every 2 months it should be cleaned with a soft brush and rinsed.

Do not lose sight of the rubber gasket located in the door. At similar intervals, it should also be placed under running water.

So that at the end of the month you don’t have to literally tear off all kinds of contaminants, you should inspect the dishes before each wash. The surface is freed from large and small food residues, otherwise the mechanical parts of the product will quickly fail.

In addition to the tips listed, there are a number of others::

  1. Each machine has a maximum weight - an indicator characterizing the dishwasher’s ability to wash a certain amount of dishes. You cannot exceed it even slightly.
  2. Even the most expensive unit will not be able to wash dishes if the wrong cleaning agent is selected. This must be purchased taking into account the characteristics of the cookware itself, the prevailing types of contamination and the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  3. Before starting work, you should check the salt sections of the substance responsible for the formation of shine. It is forbidden to turn on the dishwasher if the listed elements are not sufficient quantity.
  4. The dishwasher needs to be rinsed regularly. This can be done in manual and automatic mode, depending on the model. For example, Bosch machines, located in the middle price segment, can be washed by pressing a few keys. The main thing is to choose a substance for this procedure that is recommended by the manufacturer. It is better to refuse “folk” methods, otherwise you may lose warranty service.

Ways to clean a dishwasher at home (video)

The machine is test washed at least once every 35 days. To do this, you must take into account all the recommendations specified in the operating instructions. Increased attention is paid to cleaning products and the condition of the dishes themselves. In the first case chemical substances must correspond to the type of contamination, and in the second - the dishes before starting water procedures need to be freed from existing food debris.

The dishwasher is one of the main helpers around the house. Every day, facilitating routine work in the kitchen and washing mountains of dishes, she needs care and attention. Despite the fact that the device constantly works with water and detergent, fat, food debris, debris, and plaque get stuck and accumulate in cavities and walls.

How often should I clean?

The more often you use equipment, the more regular maintenance should be. It is recommended to carry out cleaning once every 10-15 days, and if you do not turn it on every day, then focus on 10 starts.

Don't wait for it to happen bad smell and bacteria will begin to multiply. This is both a risk that the equipment will quickly become unusable and a threat to the health of your family.

Proper, careful handling will extend the service life and ensure that you are using clean dishes.

Features of care and cleaning

There are a number of simple and accessible actions that will make life easier for you and your assistant:

  • Ventilate the machine whenever possible - high humidity inside leads to an unpleasant odor.
  • Wiping the inside with a regular moisture-absorbing cloth or sponge will also help get rid of excess moisture.
  • When the machine went through the cycle wet cleaning, go over the inside with a dry cloth.
  • Don't forget to clean the rubber bands on the door.
  • Keep an eye on hard-to-reach corners periodically.
  • It is recommended to clean the grease that gets on the inner surface regularly - old grease film is difficult to wash off.
  • Observe Basic Rules downloads. Remove food residues from dishes before placing them in the unit.
  • If possible, do not skimp on detergents, salt and rinse aids.

Cleaning rules

During operation, knowledge about different methods and cleaning products. Below we will talk about how to clean the dishwasher from various types contaminants: grease, scale, food debris. First and foremost important rule- before starting manipulations, we need to make sure that we unplug the cord from the socket and turn off the power to the equipment.

The second rule is regularity and a careful approach. We take care of the equipment on time, and then we won’t have to look for repairs, call a technician and use specialized tools. Cleaning your dishwasher at home will take a reasonable amount of time and money.

Experienced way or reading reviews on forums, you can choose a product that suits you in terms of price-quality ratio.

The standard application scheme is as follows: place the product in the machine as indicated on the label. Next, run the program at +60 degrees without dishes. Basic cleaning of the chamber was successful.

Household chemicals

Here is a list of the most popular products, but in stores you can find much more more options:

  • Calgonit Fusion Power Finish (liquid);
  • Finish Rinse (liquid);
  • UniPlus (liquid);
  • Paclan Brileo;
  • Claro;
  • Frost Soda;
  • Rinnova Lavastoviglie (liquid).

How to use each product is indicated in the instructions.

Folk remedies

Among folk ways always present on the shelf have gained popularity soda, vinegar, lemon. These means will be discussed further.


You need to pour it into a tray and run it for a short cycle at maximum temperature. Kills odors and removes old stains.


It is better to take a white table 9% solution. Fill a bowl with vinegar and place in the upper basket. Turn the device on maximum power. After work, leave the door open to allow the smell to dissipate.

Lemon acid

Traditionally it is used to remove scale.

Pour 300 g of acid into the machine and run it at full power.

After cleaning using special products, walk manually along the inner surface of the chamber and baskets and remove any remaining dirt. It will be easy to carry out these manipulations - the detergent has softened the dirt.

How to get rid of leftover food?

The machine is capable of washing any dishes in any volume until they shine, but there will always be food residues in the chamber. You need to check and remove them from all elements:

  • Along the entire inner surface of the chamber, on the walls.
  • In hard-to-reach corners.
  • On elastic bands.
  • Along the perimeter of the door junction.
  • On baskets.
  • From the filter.

It is most effective to clean dishwasher trays by hand. They need to be taken out and cleaned using any cleaning product. If the dirt is significant or does not come off, take it to a basin, soak it in foam and let it soak. Then the process is easy, rinse with water and dry with a woven cloth.

The inside of the working chamber can simply be cleaned with a damp sponge and any dish soap, preferably with a good grease-dissolving effect. For these cases, products like Morning Fresh, it has a lethal effect on deposits. As a rule, it takes 5-10 minutes; in particularly advanced cases, leave it for 20 minutes, turn the sponge over to the hard side or use a brush with non-metallic bristles and wash off the soaked residues of grease and dirt.

Don’t forget about the sealing material, the sides of the door – here grease stains and food particles go unnoticed and accumulate in a hard-to-remove layer. To clean the dishwasher, it is preferable to choose liquid-based products; powders contain abrasive particles and can scratch the surfaces.

We pay attention to cleaning the filter at least once a month. We often forget about it - it is where odors can originate, since a large amount of dirt settles. At this stage, the cleaning can be considered complete; if there is time, you can run a cycle with a special cleaning agent.

How to remove fat?

Next, we will share options for cleaning fat deposits. Such stains are difficult to wash off and add more work to housewives. Fat deposits tend to accumulate on the rotating blades, in the ceiling area, on the baskets and around the perimeter of the rubber bands.

Above we talked about basic home cleaning. If it and special products are not effective, we recommend cleaning manually, armed with dishwashing or cleaning detergent, hot water, sponges and an old toothbrush.

Fat removal methods:

  • It is based on the properties of soda and vinegar to react, during which not only fat, but also other contaminants are removed. Apply baking soda to the surfaces inside the machine so that it does not crumble, you can moisten it a little with water. Place a container with vinegar on the bottom and run the intensive cleaning mode at maximum temperature.
  • It is also recommended to use borax instead of baking soda as a home remedy. The principle is the same - apply it inside and run the maximum mode.
  • Another “folk” recipe looks like this: add essential oil to baking soda, for example, eucalyptus, lemon or sage (in the proportion of 2 cups of soda, 0.5 teaspoons of oil). Add 40 grams of hydrogen peroxide powder. Place the mixture on the bottom of the machine, and put a couple of glasses of 9% vinegar in the upper part.

If you are not an alchemist at heart or an experimenter, there is a sufficient selection of special products on sale for cleaning dishwashers from grease.

As a final control step, go over the rocker arms, for example, with a toothpick. After all the procedures, you can be sure that you managed to clean the dishwasher from grease as much as possible. These products will also help remove clogs from the filter.

Cleaning your dishwasher thoroughly is not difficult.


Hard water is not uncommon in our apartments, so to soften it, it is recommended to add special salt when washing. But we do not do this all and not regularly, without thinking that scale covering the heating element worsens its properties and efficiency. Electricity consumption increases kitchenware washes off worse.

You can descale your dishwasher using the following methods:

  • Special preparations that are on sale in departments household chemicals.
  • Antiscale is a product that can be bought in any store. Different brands have variations depending on the device. We take it for dishwashers, pour it on the bottom, and start it.
  • Table vinegar - pour several glasses directly into the machine, run it to maximum. We already wrote about citric acid above; use it like vinegar. After use, you can additionally run a short cycle to eliminate any remaining acid.

At first, it may seem that dishwashers do not require special care, since they look clean for quite a long time. But in fact, with each washing cycle, working parts inevitably become contaminated with hard water sediments, food residues and detergents. Scale and grease deposits gradually lead to breakdowns or ineffective operation. Therefore, cleaning a dishwasher (hereinafter referred to as DMM) is the main condition for its long-term operation.

Let's find out how to clean your dishwasher in just 7 easy steps at home. But keep in mind that this is an example of a complete set of procedures, which, of course, does not always need to be performed in in full. In addition, some procedures should be performed regularly, and some only when a problem arises.

Step 1: Clean the strainer

Let's start by cleaning the mesh filter, which must be cleaned once a week. After all, a coating of fat quickly forms on it, which clogs small cells, causing an unpleasant odor and, most importantly, leakage.

To remove the filter, the lower basket is carefully removed and disassembled, as shown in the photo above. It is enough to rinse the removed filter under running water with regular dishwashing liquid and put it back in place.

Step 2: Clean the blades

Now let’s clean the blades (impeller or rocker arms), which are also cleaned as they become dirty. They can become clogged with leftover food or scale. If this happens, then all the blades need to be removed and washed one by one, and the holes should be cleaned with a toothpick as shown in the next photo.

After assembly, they should rotate well; if this does not happen, then the axle should also be cleaned of scale.

Step 3. Clean the seals

The door seal should be cleaned every 6 months. For this purpose it is purchased specialized product recommended by the dishwasher manufacturer.

  • It is convenient to clean the space between the pads with a toothbrush.
  • Better not to use folk remedies like citric acid, since it causes the rubber gasket to lose its elasticity, which means the PMM may begin to leak.

Step 4. Washing the “dead zone” and baskets

At the bottom of the car door there is a “dead zone” - water does not flow here, and debris accumulates. You must remember to clean this part thoroughly.

The plastic parts of the basket can be easily and quickly cleaned with a brush and dishwashing detergent.

Step 5. Get rid of grease, mold and rust

Now you need to remove all visible dirt, mold, grease and rust:

  • To remove mold, you will need to use bleach. However, this process will be dangerous for stainless steel parts, so it is better to prevent the growth of mold fungi by regularly drying the car. To do this, simply leave the door open to ventilate the interior compartment;

  • Removing rust. Should be used special remedy to remove rust, but it is also important to understand why corrosion occurs. So, over time, the paint on the baskets may begin to peel off, then you can renew the coating using a special sealant. To prevent water with a significant iron content from entering the device (from rusty pipes, for example), a filter should be installed at the inlet;
  • Ideally, the chamber, door, seals and filter rough cleaning The PMM needs to be wiped every day.

Step 6. Clean the machine from scale

To remove scale, it is best to purchase a special product and run one short washing cycle with it or, conversely, the most powerful and long cycle at maximum temperature - this depends on the selected cleaner. Of course, the car must be empty.

  • Which dishwasher cleaner should you choose? The most common product is Finish cleaner. But there are other effective liquids, for example from HG, Soda sun, Somat, Topper and Amway.
  • It is not recommended to use citric acid, as it can damage the gaskets. As a last resort, you can clean the dishwasher using soda and vinegar: pour 5% table vinegar into a regular mug (if diluted from 70% essence, then you need to add 13 tablespoons of water to 1 tbsp of essence), then add ¼ cup there baking soda and put the glass on top shelf(for mugs). And then run the machine in the normal program without dishes.

  • It is enough to carry out such cleaning once every 3 months.
  • The most important advice is to prevent scale, do not neglect the regular use of salt, as it changes the composition of the water and does not allow sediment to accumulate.

Step 7. Wipe the car clean

After the end of the cycle, simply wipe the dishwasher chamber - if any dirt remains, it should come off easily.

Well, that's all, your assistant is ready for full-time work again!

We also invite you to watch the following video about the care and prevention of mineral deposits using salt:

The dishwasher was released to help with kitchen work. Daily preparation and eating of food includes subsequent washing of dishes.

Pots, plates, cutlery - all this can be washed in this kitchen appliance. In order for the quality of washing to be good and the device not to fail over time, it must be cleaned periodically.

If the dishwasher does not wash dishes very well, it requires cleaning. In addition to removing food residues and fatty deposits, you need to periodically clean the elements of the dishwasher to prevent the formation of salts.

There are several methods for descaling your dishwasher:

  • the use of special household chemicals for these units;
  • using a mixture of soda and vinegar;
  • preparing a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide;
  • adding borax to remove salt deposits.

This procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Adding the cleaning composition.
  2. Turning the dishwasher on to the highest temperature setting.
  3. Cleaning the filter.
  4. After the end of the cycle, run it again without detergent and dishes for a cycle of maximum duration.

By turning on the dishwasher in the cleaning mode, the dirty elements of the device body and heating elements are exposed.

Grease, scale on the walls, heating elements, salt deposits in the water supply and outlet system are cleaned. The deposited salts soften under the influence of household chemicals and may fall off in pieces, after which they will end up in the filter. It must be cleaned, sediment removed, and rinsed with running water.

Running the dishwasher again will give all the parts a good wash and eliminate the smell of the cleaning product.

Cleaning scale with a mixture of water and vinegar

Such a mixture can rid your kitchen assistant of mineral deposits on the walls, heating elements, and in the water supply and drainage system. The process for cleaning with vinegar is as follows:

  1. Place vinegar and baking soda in the dishwasher.
  2. Give it time to stand.
  3. Turn on in washing mode.
  4. Clean the filter.
  5. Start up at maximum temperature.
  6. Wipe all elements.

Place a glass of vinegar at the bottom of an empty dishwasher. A small amount of soda is poured into the bottom.

Leave it with the door closed for 5-6 hours, after which it is turned on, without using any additional detergents.

The water that is supplied to the washing compartment combines the components of soda and vinegar, forming a composition that allows you to remove scale from the elements of the dishwasher, large pieces of which are collected in the filter.

After the end of the cycle, clean the filter from deposits. Turning it on again will give you the opportunity to thoroughly rinse all the elements inside and eliminate the smell of vinegar. Finishing the walls of the unit will give a dry, clean surface.

Cleaning scale with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

Baking soda, when combined with hydrogen peroxide, provides an excellent remedy for getting rid of mineral salt deposits on the heater, water supply and outlet system, and the walls of the dishwasher.

The procedure is as follows:

  • prepare the composition;
  • turn on the machine for washing without dishes;
  • wash the filter;
  • repeat the cycle without dishes.

To prepare the composition, take baking soda – 400 g, hydrogen peroxide – 3 tbsp. spoons, 20 drops essential oil. Mix the ingredients and form it into a ball, which will soon harden. Place it on the bottom of the appliance and turn it on to the longest mode without dishes.

The elements will be descaled with a prepared mixture of water, the remains of which will be collected in the filter. It needs to be removed, washed and put back in place.

Cleaning brown scale

This method is used mainly to remove salt deposits from the walls of the washing compartment, doors and appliance containers, and over time they also become covered with a layer of salt deposits. Moisten all processing elements. Apply a large amount of product to the door with a soft sponge, but do not clean, just apply.

Treat the walls and containers for dishes in the same way. Leave for 20 minutes, then run the wash cycle at maximum temperature. After finishing, check and rinse the filter, check if there is any product left on the walls and door. If there is any left, remove the excess with a sponge and repeat the process from the beginning again.

After any type of descaling of a dishwashing appliance, you additionally need to perform the following steps:

  • clean the filter, freeing it from mechanical particles of scale and food debris;
  • Wipe the door seal to close it. There should be no deposits of mineral salts on it, otherwise the tightness will be compromised. If mineral deposits are present, they must be removed;
  • check for the presence of salts on the surface of the device walls, ceiling and bottom. If there are deposits, remove them;
  • When the dishwasher is running, pay attention to the direction of the water jets in the spray arm. If they run vertically and evenly, then everything is fine. If trickles of water flow into different sides and have different thicknesses, which means the sprinkler is clogged with mineral salts. It is necessary to treat the sprinkler with one of the solutions, and then use a toothpick to clear the holes from deposits. Do not use a metal needle under any circumstances.

To prevent the appearance of scale on the body, loading containers, and heating elements, chemicals specially developed for this purpose are used to soften the water and prevent the formation of scale.

These substances may be sold separately or may be included in dishwasher detergent. They undergo special quality testing and are completely harmless to humans.

It is up to the consumer to decide whether to use them or use traditional cleaning products.

The dishwasher is designed to wash dirty dishes, so some housewives or owners think that she herself does not need any cleaning. But this opinion is deeply erroneous. The fact is that all the food residues that are washed off plates and mugs inside the chamber - all this remains inside the machine. Your dishwasher is clogged. Food waste accumulate on the mesh, and if they are not removed in time, they begin to rot and emit an unpleasant odor. And soon the owners begin to wonder where there is such a heavy smell in their kitchen.

Dishwasher Bosch machine inside.

How to clean a Bosch dishwasher from grease stains? You just need to roll up your sleeves, grab some cleaning supplies, and wash your car. How to clean a dishwasher at home? Later in the article we will look in detail at how to descale a dishwasher, which components you should first of all pay attention to, how often this should be done, and what products to use.

If you take this issue seriously, then all the answers about what and how can be found in the operating instructions from the manufacturer. But there are two “BUTs”, firstly, our people very often do things first and then read, secondly, we have a lot of used cars, they are brought from abroad, they are in excellent working condition, but there are no documents for they are, of course, not included.

In order to reduce the need to clean the machine itself from food residues, you need to clean the dishes before placing them in the baskets. Naturally, after this approach to business, the dishwasher will not become dirty in just one use.

But again, people either get so tired that they don't clear their plates, or they just don't think about it until the car stops. If the car is made in Germany, then this will happen quite quickly. For the machine to work well, so that your eyes are pleased with the shine of the plates, you need to remove food residues from the dishes and wash the machine itself.

How often should this be done? It all depends on how you load it with work, on the frequency of its use, on the amount of dishes and on your efforts.

If we take the average indicators: for example, you wash the dishes once a day, try to clear the plates of leftover food, then the operation of completely cleaning the machine from grease and clogs should be done at least once a week. If you decide that it’s time to clean your car, then read carefully further in the article the stages of work to bring the car into a clean state. How to clean and how to wash a dishwasher - let's look at the example of a Bosch dishwasher.

You won’t have to do this work every day, so don’t rush, do everything in good faith, the lifespan of your car depends on your efforts. Follow the order of operations described below:

The first thing you need to do is turn off the power to the car., to do this, unplug the plug and cable from the socket to which your machine is connected. Turn off the water, find a tap that should be somewhere near the machine and close it.

Prepare some container with hot water, it should be of a size so that the baskets fit in it, and add special detergents. Remove the dish baskets from the machine and place them in the prepared container; they will need to be washed separately. If the baskets are very dirty, you can leave them in water for about 1 hour so that they are thoroughly soaked - they will be easier to clean later. If the baskets are relatively clean, simply wipe them with a microfiber cloth and dishwashing detergent or glass cleaning liquid.

Then you can take directly to the inside of the machine, let's start with the nozzles, since high-temperature water is sprayed through them, their holes become clogged with plaque over time, especially if the water is hard. This deposit can be cleaned with a thin, stiff wire, then the whole thing can be wiped with a soft cloth moistened with detergent.

Next, we remove all the parts that we can remove by hand without the help of a tool. Remove the sprinkler bar, take out the debris filter, and unscrew the lid over the salt container. You can quickly clean the machine filter from grease and small debris if you put the filter in the sink and apply any “Anti-grease” product to it.

The flat surfaces of the dishwasher are also wiped with a cloth and detergent; try not to use powders, because they can leave a mark on the surface. Cleaning the dishwasher from grease. If the layer of fat is no longer small, then moisten the entire surface with detergent and leave for a while, then this layer can be easily removed.

Place all removed parts in the sink. Wash them well in warm water with the product, especially carefully cleaning the mesh located inside the filter. Then put them aside on a dry cloth.

In the meantime, you can continue to study internal surfaces cars that have previously been well rubbed with detergent. After removing all dirt and wiping, you can reinstall the removed parts.

We also clean, rinse and wipe the dish baskets and put them back in place. We open the tap and connect the machine to the network. It’s hard to say how long such cleaning can take; a lot depends on the degree of contamination, your efficiency, and, of course, the quality of the products you use.

Cleaning the outside surfaces of the dishwasher

A kitchen is a kitchen, and no matter how careful a housewife you are, greasy marks can remain on any surface. Of course, its appearance does not affect the operation of the machine, but it is still better that the machine is clean both outside and inside. Therefore, to maintain our image, we begin to clean the exterior of the dishwasher.

Here, of course, everything is much simpler, and the time you spend on this directly depends on how often you do it. Basically, a dry and soft cloth and window cleaner are enough. Apply the product to the control panel, as well as the front and side surfaces car and wipe it down. If the car is already a little dirty, then first you should apply a stronger grease remover for 15 minutes, and then use glass cleaner.

There is one important point, do not use Pemolux type powders to clean the outside of the machine - over time, abrasive cobwebs may appear.

This terrible mold

Unfortunately, mold can grow in a unit such as a dishwasher. This is facilitated by heat and moisture, as well as food debris. Most often it appears in those who use the car frequently, but do not have time to look inside, as usual.

To prevent mold from appearing inside the machine, you need to open the lid from time to time and ventilate the equipment.

How scary is this enemy? If the situation is not too bad, then the mold removal operation will not take much time and you will not need to buy expensive products. All you have to do is visit the nearest pharmacy and purchase “Hydrogen Peroxide”. Briefly the stages of mold removal:

  • There should be enough peroxide, so buy either one large or several small bottles.
  • Dampen a cloth with peroxide and thoroughly wipe all areas where there is mold, grabbing twice as much large area than the size of the mold spot. Leave in this state for at least 2 hours.
  • Then we put it on latex gloves, again take a cloth, wet it in “Whiteness”, and wipe the same places.
  • Leave for 2 hours.

Wash the entire inside of the car with warm water, do not skimp on the water. As you can see, this operation may take you almost half a day, but you can do it at home in parallel with cleaning the dishwasher - and other things.

There is another problem that you may have to deal with from time to time - scale on heating elements. In some areas this problem does not occur, for one simple reason - the water in the pipes is soft, in which case scale does not form.

But in general, the water is still hard, so be prepared for the fact that you will have to clean the heating elements. Don't trust advertising that some water softener will get rid of scale. Scale will definitely appear if the heating element is not cleaned.

In principle, the fight against scale is not difficult; we will clean it with citric acid. All you need is a few packs of citric acid. It is poured into the tray and the washing mode is turned on; if there is only a little scale, then once will be enough. Behind household appliances it needs to be looked after - only in this case will it work for a long time and conscientiously.

From time to time, your dishwasher needs a deep cleaning. This can be done once every 2-3 months, or at least once every six months. Finish dishwasher cleaner has proven itself well. Finish car cleaner is sold in this packaging.

And this is how it fits into the dishwasher. We select the mode with water heating - 65 degrees, and turn on the machine without dishes.

On video: dishwasher care - cleaning a bosch dishwasher.