Finishing plasterboard niches using different methods. Niche decoration in the wall

Original design niches in the wall are one of the most favorite design techniques. Recently, there has been a tendency to abandon bulky cabinet furniture, but no one has canceled functional shelves yet. Wall recess - additional horizontal plane serving as a shelf. You can put and put anything in a niche - from the most necessary things to interior decor. Experts will share their secrets about how to design a niche space aesthetically and practically.

Secret beautiful design lies in the unusual and elegant design of the niche, which you immediately pay attention to

Niches were not invented by our contemporaries, they are found by architects during the excavation of ancient artifacts of lost civilizations of different times. Before you think over the design of a niche in the wall, it is better to first understand its purpose.

A niche may well be the centerpiece of a design composition.

The main classification of wall recesses:

  1. Decorative.
  2. Functional.
  3. Architectural.
  4. Technical niches.

A convenient place to store firewood if the house has a fireplace or stove

Fashionable and rational decision for modern rooms - a folding bed that hides in a niche and looks like a wardrobe

Some openings in the wall are the result of an architectural design - otherwise it will not work. Further, the design depends on the functionality of the room, which has a ready-made recess. Often it looks like a box near a ventilation shaft, in which you can place shelves for dishes, household appliances, other useful items.

Wall indentations are a great way to hide secret door, safe and everything that should not be in sight of strangers. But they do not need decoration; rather, they require careful disguise.

It is important that the design of the niche matches the style of the room in which it is located.

In decorative niches decorated with mirrors, glass and lighting, you can sit with cosmetics. Women have a need for good lighting in the morning, when they put themselves in order, but there is not always a suitable place. But such a niche design in the wall will fit and for other purposes if used for illuminated shelves.

A false niche is a purely decorative technique when they want to complement the interior with a believably drawn door or window.

The basic rule is that the niche should fit into the interior of the room, and not overload it.

Tip: Before decorating a niche in a room, decide on its functionality - what will be in it permanently and temporarily. Souvenirs and handmade, antiques and books, art and modern photos- they all require a different approach to design.

The shape and size of niches depends on your courage and creativity.

When they combine a living room with a kitchen, a bar is often placed on the border of two squares. It is appropriate to design the niche next to it as a bar for strong collection drinks. This in itself looks like a dignified decor for a modern living room.

It has already become clear that any recess in the wall should have not only a decorative, but also a practical function. The design of the niche and the method of its construction depend on this. Multilevel shelves on accent wall can also be designed as niches, sheathed with drywall sheets. The structure itself needs reliable supports so that the shelves do not collapse with all the contents that have a decent weight. Especially when there is expensive equipment or dishes made of fragile glass.

A narrow niche along the entire bathroom wall serves as a decorative element and is very convenient for placing everything you need

Niche space types

All niches are divided, depending on their purpose, into the following types:

1. Niche library There is enough depth for the format of books, several shelves, you can close them with glass doors.
2. Shelf in the wall recess, partition Small dimensions, dimensions depend on the size of the items displayed in it.
3. Small cabinet in an architectural niche Great way to place seasonal clothes, dresses, suits (shoulder width).
4. Niche exposition Drawn up for exhibition items, the number of shelves - as needed.
5. Isolated place for equipment with a socket A great way to hide wires, protect from running children and animals playing with them.
6. Niche stash Deepening hidden type, without decor.
7. Replacement of built-in furniture Full-fledged reinforced shelves, designed as a rack
8. Decorative niche Interior decoration.
9. False niche An image of a depression (window, door, collapsed wall).
10. Technical niche Gouging recess in a reinforced concrete wall - The best way hide pipes.

Convenient and functional shelves by the bed

What can a niche replace?

Let's consider in detail for what purposes you can use different types recesses in the wall. Volumetric decorative niches often replace cabinet furniture - built-in shelves can be easily adapted for homogeneous items or collectible souvenirs.

In the kitchen, niches can replace cupboards

Actually, a false window is also made in a niche of premises devoid of natural light... You can place photo wallpapers with imitation of a beautiful panorama of the city in them, and the soft light of fluorescent lamps and LED strips will create the illusion of sunlight.

Niche for collections - perfect solution in any room. It can store rare tomes as part of the inherited library. The opening in the wall of the children's room, filled with an exhibition of Barbie dolls or exact copies of rare cars, looks no less interesting. Crochet toys amigurumi - modern trend handicrafts, they also need a decent exposition niche.

Niche as a place to place collectibles

In some styles, a lot of cabinet furniture is not expected. Many people know from Turkish TV shows that several centuries ago, niches in the wall were used very widely, for example, for lighting and hiding places. The same trend continues today in interiors decorated in the Arabian East.

Another type of niche is applicable in the interior of the living room in the style of minimalism. With the "ascetic" organization of space, replacing cabinets with practical niches gives its advantages:

  • noticeable savings in free space;
  • forming your own place for all sorts of little things that should always be at hand (glasses, mobile phone, Charger, wallet, tablet);
  • comfortable accommodation small equipment and equipment (you can also bring an electric cable here, build in sockets);
  • substantial savings on bulky cabinets, a great idea for lightweight built-in furniture that resembles a shelving unit.

Niche space is filled with ordinary and transparent glass shelves. They perfectly transmit light, if there is diode tape, light bulbs or decorative lighting.

Painted decorative false niche in a frame made of polyurethane moldings

Niche decoration in the bedroom

Sometimes the doorway of the passage room after the redevelopment is not walled up, but redesigned. Here you can make a small dressing room, and make the doorway in another place. It is quite accessible design niches in the wall with your own hands.

In the recess on the accent wall, you can install a large plasma panel, a spacious aquarium or an imitation fireplace. Spreading an island upholstered furniture so that the seated ones are facing this object, it is easy to arrange the guest area without additional costs for interior design.

Interesting solution for bookshelves and TV

Overall, there are many great ideas how to adapt a niche, it all depends on the functionality of the premises, the needs and lifestyle of the owners.

Benefits of organizing space with a niche

It is impossible not to mention a number of other advantages that functionally designed niches provide. But even if they do not have a special purpose, this is an excellent decorative technique that will modernize any interior.

Functional niches will provide:

  • replacement of bulky furniture and unaesthetic shelves;
  • visually expand the wall;
  • will become a design accent for audio and video equipment;
  • help to collect homogeneous objects in one place (an excellent solution for those who throw things everywhere and cannot find something they need).
  • a closed niche will hide communications.

Arrangement in a niche for a rest corner

Important! An interesting design technique will be not just the decor of parallel niches in the wall of the same format, but some multi-level design. Open storage things today are more popular than placement in bulky cabinet furniture, which creates a feeling of heaping and bad taste.

Niche instead of hanging shelves in the bathroom

When the recess is constructively and functionally consistent with the interior design, it is also an opportunity to highlight the excellent taste of the owners of the house.

How to position a niche

There are not many ways, but there are options:

  • symmetrical;
  • asymmetrical;
  • vertically and horizontally;
  • parallel and symmetrical;
  • parallel to the shift to the side;
  • 2-3 identical niches with “floors” with different or the same filling;
  • different sizes, but with the beginning at the same distance from vertical line interior (doors, windows, furniture walls);
  • chaotic arrangement;
  • in the form of a geometric pattern - for a dynamic interior, as in the photo of decorative niches.

Narrow vertical niches will visually increase the height of the room

It is also possible to arrange them on empty wall or a small space. You can also vary for openings of the same shape:

  • backlight;
  • external frames;
  • interior design and content.

A room with a high ceiling will become much more comfortable if niches are made upstairs in warm colors.

Do I need lighting in the recesses of the wall

Good interior design assumes that all areas are illuminated without dark corners. At the same time, with the help of additional lighting, it is easy to focus on an interesting object or to arrange a niche in the wall of a hall or living room. Competent lighting design creates the atmosphere, hides the flaws in the layout. For example, when in a long narrow room the wall opposite to the window is darkened, especially on the north side of the house, it is like a counter light.

If there is a niche in the wall, it is important to know how to decorate it beautifully with an additional light source. Any depression in itself looks darker than the rest of the room, if no rays fall into it.

Illuminated niche for storing a small collection of figurines

Important! In the daytime, you can do without accenting with artificial light, in the evening it is simply necessary!

Mirrored niche adds light and warmth to the room

In rooms without windows, a backlit niche is a must. A corridor, an entrance hall, a bathroom or a toilet can be left without general lighting, when bright light is not needed, but to create a kind of mystical glow from a niche space. This is not only a special design technique, but also quite functional solution as in the photo.

Effective illumination of white niches against the background of black walls

For functional lighting and decoration of a niche in the wall, the following elements are applicable:

  1. LED Strip Light.
  2. Fluorescent lamps.
  3. Flexible luminous tubes (for advertisements, inscriptions and design objects on the wall).
  4. Point diodes.
  5. Small spotlights (such as spotlights and spotlights) with rotating projectors.

Lamps in which you can change the color of the illumination, which are switched on and off gradually, and also cast a patterned shadow, have a special charm.

Built-in lighting gives the niche additional volume and serves as an illumination of the general background of the room

Backlighting focuses on the content of the niche

Instead of sconces and bedside lamps, illuminated niches look good in the bedroom, which can be equipped with economical light sources. It is not worth reading in such lighting, but it is quite possible to view messages on a tablet, laptop or phone before going to bed.

An important condition is that niche lighting should organically fit into the interior style and be in harmony with the main and local lighting... Experts recommend diffused light and universal fluorescent lamps. It is more convenient to read with the "warm" light of economical lamps, combined with an incandescent lamp. In the bathroom and other relaxation rooms, sources of the "cold" spectrum, giving a white, blue, green or violet glow, will be appropriate.

Spot illumination looks luxurious in the recess

Diffused lighting softens the niche space and exposes the decor in a favorable light

Summing up, let us recall that this design element can be decorated in a practical and aesthetically pleasing way. How to decorate a niche in the wall, design ideas and inspiring examples carefully selected for our photo gallery.

Video: how to make a drywall niche

A niche represents a decorative element that allows you to create a rich and flexible interior. This element is designed to match the main background or in contrast to it. It is not recommended to make an opening in dark colors.

You can select a similar element using decorative plaster, wallpaper or artificial stone.

The niche is functional and can be used for different needs... We put the bed in a niche or use this opening.

A niche is a special recess that is designed to change the situation. Niches are made of plasterboard. They serve as a decorative and functional component. The recess looks stylish in combination with spot lighting.

The following types of niches are used in the interior:

  1. Horizontal indentations work well in a long hallway or corridor. Spotlights are installed above them. It harmonizes with similar decor. In such niches, photographs are placed in glass photo frames, or original shelves under handbags or hats. Option will do and for a small living room decorated in italian style... Horizontal niches are organically combined with low furniture. At the same time, stucco molding complements the composition.
  2. For rooms with high ceilings, vertical niches are suitable. They look great near large closet or windows. In such recesses are placed comfortable shelving... And also a capacious library in a niche is being created.
  3. V modern interiors decorative niches look. To do this, you need a series of square-shaped niches with multi-colored backlighting. A high-tech kitchen will be decorated with niches that can merge in color with the main background or contrast with it. Also, decorative niches are suitable for a children's room, they are used for children's drawings, books and toys.
  4. Functional niches are used to mask some elements of the interior: electrical wires or batteries. In a small apartment, a place for a bed is equipped in a niche. This planning method will save space for coffee table or for sports corner... In the bathroom, a similar depression is used to store towels and accessories. An interesting solution considered a recess in the wall for audio equipment and TV.

Niches in the form of arches are used in classic and vintage interiors. Such depressions are small in size.

Openings in classic style decorated with figurines and vases. Collages, panels and paintings are used in retro style. In this case, the niche is made in pastel shades: coffee, milk or chocolate.

Application features

A common option is to place an opening at the head of the bed. In this case, the deepening, as it were, divides the space. At the same time, shelves for books are placed inside the niche, and special lighting is mounted.

When decorating this element of the interior, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  1. Openings allow you to solve certain functional tasks, but their main purpose is decorative.
  2. Niche elements are used as shelves or shelving units, but they will not replace roomy shelves.
  3. The use of an opening requires a reduction in area, so it is worthwhile to correctly plan.
  4. Such elements are recommended in rooms that are not cluttered with furniture. If there is a lot of furniture in the room, then such designs can disrupt the ergonomics of the room.

The alcove can be positioned asymmetrically. This will require an unused wall. Asymmetrical layout is a lot of different shapes and sizes of niches on one part of the wall.

A symmetrical arrangement assumes equal recesses on both sides of a door, fireplace or window. The latter option includes certain.

Asymmetry is recommended for small spaces. Alcoves different forms and sizes bring dynamics to the space.

Symmetrical options are typical for classic interiors.

The use of niches in narrow and long rooms allows you to compensate for the monotony of the space.

The decorative grooves create interesting visual effects. If the holes are placed on top of each other, the ceilings appear taller.

The horizontal arrangement of the alcove contributes to the visual increase in the length of the wall. The mirrored surface inside the recess helps to expand the space.

For creating interesting shapes plasterboard is used for construction, metal profiles for the frame and fittings.

Niche decor options differ depending on the overall style of the interior:

  1. To decorate an alcove in country style, shelves of a simple and unpretentious configuration are used.
  2. Symmetrical elements are used indoors retro style... Moreover, they are decorated with paintings, photographs or panels.
  3. For classic interior fit arched structures and rectangular shapes... Stucco molding or carved decoration is performed along the edges of the structure. Alcoves are used to decorate fireplaces or to fencing a recreation area.
  4. Niches are almost always used in oriental interiors... Arched structures with smooth shapes are used. The color palette is presented in rich and vibrant shades. An important element the decor is natural and lightweight fabrics.
  5. In a minimalist room, a minimum of decor is used.

The niche near the window is made using a vertical structure for the entire wall, or horizontal, which helps to mask communications.

We do a small workplace in a niche that differs in depth. Such structures are equipped with additional lighting.

For small rooms good option considered a niche wardrobe. At the same time, you can save space and unload the area.

Materials for decorating niches

Niche design depends on its purpose. The following types of material are used to decorate the alcove:

  1. Artificial or a natural stone counts the best solution for recesses with shelves in the hall or in the kitchen. It is recommended to decorate horizontal structures with a smoother stone.
  2. The element in the bedroom is decorated with laminate. Wherein inner surface pasted over with this material.
  3. The drapery helps create a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere.
  4. Tiles and panels are practical and versatile finishing materials.
  5. Washable paint and putty are used for decoration.
  6. Decorative plaster is considered a universal finishing material.

There are other ways to decorate an alcove. The back of the wall can be mirrored. Photo wallpapers are also used for interior decoration.

As a decor option, color variations are used with different finishing materials. If the main background is made in light shades, then the depression is made in darker colors. Wallpaper of a dark color can be used, but with a pattern that looks like a lighter decoration of the room.

If wallpaper or plaster is selected for a niche in an identical color palette with the main background, then moldings or panels in darker shades are mounted along the edges of the alcove.

The stained glass windows and mirrors inside the recess are illuminated. With durable finishing materials and the frame is a comfortable dressing room in a niche.

Additional lighting will brighten up any alcove. To illuminate small floor arches, light imitation of a flame or lamps in the form of candles are used. Niche lighting represents unusual way creation beautiful decor... At correct installation lighting sources create a stylish and functional decor.

Backlighting with halogen lamps is considered a popular method of illuminating recesses. In this case, the lamps are placed in the paired planes of the alcove.

If you don't know how to organize the space in the living room, how to place everything you need without cluttering the room with furniture. Then there is a way out.

A niche in the living room will not only be a great addition to the interior, but will also allow you to place everything you want: from small things to bed linen.

The most the best option will build a drywall niche in the living room. This material is quite lightweight and is produced in the form of sheets.

That is why it is easy to make niches and various partitions out of it.

How to arrange a niche in the living room?

Niches are sufficiently used in the interior, because with this solution it is not only possible to delimit a room, but also to create a convenient place for storing things.

It is also an interesting design move that will make this room unique. Also, with plasterboard, you can build not only shelves and various racks, but also hide the necessary equipment(the same niche under the TV in the living room), books, decorative items, etc. in the wall.

For improvement general view living room or interior, it is best to make auxiliary lighting. To do this, you can do 2 options:

LEDs are simple and economical, providing diffused soft light. The LED strip is not easy to fix and does not require any other actions. A niche in the wall in the living room loses its charm without any illumination.

Spot bulbs are suitable when this was taken care of at the installation stage and the wiring was sewn into the structure.

Interior with a niche

The hall is the heart of a house or apartment. It is here that the whole family spends time, and guests often stop by.

Therefore, a hall with a niche will be able to make its own contribution, thus the cornices, radiators will be hidden and space will be freed up. It is also allowed to arrange a false fireplace in the wall, or wooden linings and make additional shelves.

With the help of niches, in addition, you can divide the living room into zones, for example, a recreation area and a work area, or dining area... Also, a niche conveniently accentuates attention, delimits the room and simply decorates it. And the lightness and simplicity of the material will bring to life any design idea, such ready-made solutions photo of a niche in the living room is full on the Internet.

How to make a variety of niches profitably?

The design of a niche in the living room can be divided into 2 forms:

  • niches for technology;
  • niches with shelves.

So a niche with shelves will free up space, thus not cluttering the room with additional furniture.

Thus, organizing the storage of various books, souvenirs, sets of dishes is as easy as shelling pears and the point light will beautifully highlight all the items.

In turn, a niche for technology will allow you to place a TV, or all the same home theater and will allow you to conveniently hide the wires so as not to spoil the appearance.

Pros of niches in the interior

Of course, a niche can not only hide the flaws of the wall and wires, but also give the room charm and style. It will fit into almost any modern design, it doesn't matter if it's minimalism or hi-tech. This is not only a practical thing, but also when correct design can become a bright accent color, the "pearl" of the room.

You can make a niche however you like, here are some decorating tips:

  • a niche can be decorated both in the tone of the room and in a contrasting color. The use of materials such as mosaics, tiles, decorative panels, molding.
  • the winning option would be mirror inserts, in particular in small rooms... This will visually enlarge the room and, as it were, give more space.
  • also interesting view there will be a drapery, for example, when a niche will protrude in the room as a partition and zone it. In this case, one side can be draped, this will give the feeling of a solid wall, which will be an excellent option for the sleeping area.
  • Well-planned niches will help to enlarge the room, so the horizontal - the walls are wider, and the vertical - the ceiling will seem higher.
  • you can also use the good old version of the wall in a niche in the living room, but here you can approach the choice of furniture with all responsibility.

Photo of a niche in the living room

Quite often, in apartments there is a need for wall niches where household items and appliances are placed. The work on the construction of the niche is simple, but laborious and traumatic, so you should carefully prepare for the repair.

Choosing a place for a niche

Do not make indentations in load-bearing walls, this requires a permit from the BTI, and it will be guaranteed against changes in the design documentation. It takes a fat one to make your plans come true. Brick wall not less than 400 mm thick - in frame houses partitions in apartments are too thin, not suitable for niches. Determine on which walls the short sides of the floor slabs rest - these are the load-bearing walls. The walls under the long sides of the slabs do not perceive the load; a niche can be arranged in them. In the kitchen and in the bathroom, recesses are made for practical purposes - kitchen and bath utensils are stored there. In the bedroom, a notch is usually made at the head of the bed, where you can set an alarm clock or a night light.

Preparatory work

The geometry of the cut will depend on functional purpose... A horizontal niche is made to visually increase the length of the apartment wall, a vertical one to visually raise the ceiling. Functional niches are designed for the installation of household appliances.

Marking the contours of the opening on the wall

Use a thread and pencil to draw arcs. Complex markings are performed using templates that are prepared in advance. The opening should be made 3-5% larger than intended, so that there is room for decorative finishing... Prepare funds individual protection- glasses and a respirator, there will be a lot of dust during work.


For work, prepare:

  • perforator with a power of more than 1.5 kW, with an impact force of 5J;
  • grinder with a diamond disc for working with a stone, 230 mm in diameter;
  • chisel, hammer;
  • if the wall is concrete, buy a special disc for cutting metal reinforcement;
  • an industrial vacuum cleaner for collecting dust generated when cutting a wall, a household one with abundant dust will not cope;
  • drill with a drill for concrete.

To inside electrical tools dust does not get in, cover the ventilation slots with gauze filters.

Opening device

Drill holes in the wall along the marking lines. The holes must be made 2-3 cm deeper than the intended opening, as often as possible, of the same length. Cut the wall between the holes with a grinder. Remember that the 230 mm diameter cutting blade will deepen 50 mm into the wall. Hollow out individual parts of the wall with a puncher and a chisel with a hammer. After the formation of the depression, check the verticality of the back wall with a level.

If a niche large sizes or it is made in an unstable wall, it is recommended to strengthen it metal corners or reinforce along the contour. If a large load is acting on the wall with a niche, invite a specialist for professional recommendations on strengthening the structure. After receiving the deepening, level the surface with gypsum putty, clean the wall with sandpaper and proceed to finishing the niche - decorating, fixing shelves, lighting up.

Despite the categorical prohibitions of building codes, niches are often made in load-bearing walls. It is believed that a niche half a brick deep (15 cm) does not reduce the strength of the wall; in this case, all responsibility for weakening the structure lies with the owner of the apartment.

An outdated option when the apartment is littered with furniture.

As an example, in the living room, instead of massive walls and no less massive slides that take up a lot of space, a beautifully designed niche looks great.

This design, as it were, enlivens the interior, bringing originality to it. Moreover, if the room is very small in area, then the niche expands it, and not only visually, but also functionally.

What do you need to know when designing a niche?

Before getting down to business, you need to decide what is the purpose of decorating a living room niche or any other room.

A niche in the wall in the living room is a great alternative to the use of very bulky cabinet furniture, which was previously customary to "have" in the living room.

This is how the design of the structure is thought over so that you can put a TV, a library, some household appliances, accessories in it. In this case, the niche is additionally complemented by shelves, which can be made from natural wood, glass, or the same drywall.

The structure is constructed as a decorative element in order to expand the space in the living room. If there is a need to raise the ceiling, albeit not in fact, but only visually, then several recesses are made in the wall, and all at different levels.

If the goal is to make the wall a little longer, then niches are made in it. Those constructions that are decorative are painted in a contrasting color and are highlighted.

Plasterboard niches in the living room should fully correspond to the concept of the style that was chosen for the design of the living room, for example, baroque, classic, modern, minimalism, hi-tech.

The main thing is that the design of the niche in the living room is appropriate.

What do you need?

Its width, depth, and the materials that will be used for decoration directly depend on the purpose of a niche.

It is important to say that it is possible to build such a structure as at the moment when the apartment is capital works, and after a while, as the repair is over. The niche is constructed of plasterboard or brick.

To make a niche in the living room look like a decoration, you need to have at hand such tools: tape measure, level, puncher, screwdriver, liquid nails, metal profile, reinforcing tape.

Sequence of work:

  • Planning a niche model and drawing it in detail on paper.
  • Calculation of materials required for work and their further purchase.

  • Performing markings on the wall.
  • Fastening the profiles strictly according to the markings.
  • Sheathing of the frame with plasterboard sheets.
  • Processing with reinforcing tape joints.
  • The walls are being finished in a niche in the living room. The drywall is putty and primed for optimal adhesion.


The interior will become more interesting and dynamic if the niche is slightly highlighted. If the structure is relatively small, then several spotlights- one, rarely two.

Mirrors can be located inside the formed niche so that light is emitted from the structure.

The living room, which has a niche, looks exclusive. Such a structure is often built in the kitchen, bedroom, in the children's room.

Each house has a TV, and of course, you need to allocate some place for it. Most often, a niche for a TV in the living room is equipped, so that nothing interferes with contemplating the picture on the screen. In addition, the niche allows you to hide all the wires.

It is quite simple to fit such a niche into the interior - a budget option decoration - photo wallpaper, wallpaper slightly different from the main surface of the walls in color, texture. If we talk about luxury design, then we use wood panels, brick, stone cladding, 3D panels.

Niche design is the most relevant topic today, especially if at all small apartment... The photo of the niche in the living room shows that it is beautiful decorative element, which gives dynamism and expression to the interior.

Niche unique way highlight the taste of home owners. Moreover, a niche that is correctly designed will give the space spaciousness and volume.

In order not to get the impression that the room is cluttered, it is worth carefully choosing the shape of the recess.

A niche can be of any shape - classic, rectangular, modern - any other shape. It all depends on your taste and preferences.

Photo of design options for a niche in the living room