Why dream of a mobile phone: interpretations from dream books. Why is the phone dreaming? Learn

In some originals of old dream books, for obvious reasons, there are no direct explanations for what the new phone is dreaming of. Nevertheless, based on the works of famous psychologists and esotericists, fairly accurate interpretations are being compiled today, which means a modern gadget in a dream.

Miller's Warnings

Interpreting what the new phone is dreaming of, Miller's dream book warns the dreamer. From the moment you purchase the gadget in a dream, it will have a lot of envious people and ill-wishers. Misinformation and hypocrisy will serve as tools for sabotage. A dream means that their intrigues can be resisted.

The Call of Mobility

The interpreter will tell you what the new one is dreaming of mobile smartphone. The sleeper will be in the grip of contradictions. On the one hand, you so want novelty, adventure and travel; on the other hand, there is a reluctance to break, albeit a little boring, but well-oiled life.

This is not the only explanation that the new mobile phone portends. Seeing such a symbol in a dream happens to those who are too absorbed in work, says the Family Dream Book.

If you dreamed of a mobile telephone, after waking up, be attentive to everything that happens. Any minor episode or conversation can be a key to valuable information.

Great luck awaits you

If in a dream a brand new cell phone unexpectedly became yours, the dream book promises great luck in reality. If you dreamed of the sudden acquisition of this item, you may be surprised to find that the solution that you have been looking for for a long time has been at your fingertips all this time.

An erotic dream interpreter offers his own version of why he happened to see the cell phone of his dreams. Your personal life can only be envied. You are in great shape and open to sexual adventures.

Brand new iPhone

The dream book tells in detail what the iPhone is dreaming of. This subject occupies a special place among mobile devices. In reality and in a dream, he personifies not only communication and access to information, but also the prestige of the owner.

  • An iPhone in a dream promises deceit, gossip;
  • Seeing the iPhone happens in anticipation of a profit;
  • When you dreamed of exchanging an old gadget for an iPhone, be careful;
  • Seeing a new phone in a dream is forced by difficulties in handling it;
  • Completing work tasks means you are on the right track;
  • Games portend misunderstandings;
  • The loss of a novelty promises liberation from excess burden;
  • If your iPad is updated in a dream, you will receive the long-awaited news.

The most ordinary interpretation of sleep should also be mentioned: the dreamer really wants to acquire this practical and presentable thing.

Successful purchases!

In the dream book there is an explanation of why you dream of buying a new phone. The buying process, which I recently dreamed of, reflects the desire to keep any situation under my control, to personally manage the implementation of my plans and ideas.

The decision to buy a means of communication is often due to communicative difficulties in reality. The sleeper feels regret that he cannot communicate with anyone he wants for one reason or another.

When you were lucky enough to buy a new phone in a dream, the dream interpreter promises success in the business field. Circumstances and people significant to you will be on your side, there is no need to force the course of events.

In dream books close to the 20th century, one can find a description of a dream about finding an ordinary telephone with a receiver.

Such a dream meant a new connection, acquaintance with another person, common interests with him, as well as the acquisition of a new social status. Modern dream books interpret the dream about the phone a little wider.

Now it means not only communication and communication, but also access to another, a parallel world, new opportunities and an increase in the status of a person, his prestige, if the model is new and modern. That's what it means find a cell phone in a dream or a modern smartphone.

Welfare improvement

The appearance of a smartphone, regular phone or mobile phone may indicate an improvement or deterioration in financial situation or social status. The more expensive, more fashionable and more modern its model, the more life benefits await you.

Clean up your apartment and find a regular home phone bright color- you will reconsider your relationship with old acquaintances or find an unexpected source of improvement in your financial situation among those items that you have long given up on.

Find a new phone in your apartment, which you actually do not have - to a change in financial situation and self-awareness. If the model was new, fashionable, bright color, go with a stylish case, then soon you will be offered new job, a good activity that will become one of your main sources of income and will allow you to dress better and wear better clothes. But sometimes such a dream speaks of the renewal of an old acquaintance, friendship and connection, which will turn out to be very useful. More often it is communication with parents, older relatives or their acquaintances or friends.

Find a beautiful cell phone on the street while you are used to using a tablet and a smartphone - to a temporary deterioration in your financial situation. Most likely, you will have to tighten your belt and get into debt or urgently sell some thing in order to survive this time. However, financial difficulties will be short-lived if the model of the found phone is really new.

Finding an old cell phone on the street in not the best condition - to prolonged poverty, job loss and debt. You will most likely need to apply for financial assistance to the older generation. Find on the street the cell phone of your father or mother, as well as their friends and acquaintances - to the unexpected disclosure of their personal secrets. The truth will be revealed in a completely unexpected way and shock you. View it, read messages or go into the call log - to excessive curiosity and interest in other people's secrets and mysteries, which will not bring you to good. Using someone else's found phone instead of your own means that cramped material circumstances will force you to ask for a lot of money to borrow from your parents and live at their expense, which will be hard for the dreamer to endure.

Why dream find a new smartphone on the street especially beautiful and modern? Stylish model will force you to change your image and start earning more to buy modern things. Sometimes the dream book writes that very soon you will receive a profitable offer or make friends with an influential person who will help you find a good place in life.

A new acquaintance and the beginning of a novel

The discovery of a new smartphone, cell phone, less often a telephone set can also portend a new acquaintance, friendship, connection and love. The nature of the smartphone, its color and the pictures that you considered will indicate how it will be. The place where you found it can indirectly or directly show the place of a new acquaintance or meeting, or where you will spend the most time and meet.

A lacquered black or dark blue smartphone may indicate a new acquaintance with an influential and respectable person. If it was not a smartphone, but just a modern cell phone, then such a dream speaks of a meeting with a successful person of conservative views who has traditional views on life and a great life experience. For a girl, such a dream predicts an acquaintance and meeting with a respectable and influential man who will help her achieve a lot in life and will spoil her with expensive gifts.

To find bright color phone, for example, orange, lemon or green - to friendship, interesting communication and easy flirting, however, you should not count on a long-term relationship, since the romance will be superficial, like the relationship with this person. For a girl, this dream portends a vivid and impressive holiday romance or flirting with a guy about her age, which will not last long, but will leave behind many memories and photographs.

Why dream of finding a cream, red, raspberry or color pink, especially with a shiny case or in a lacy case? You will meet a woman or a girl who is very bright and sociable. For a man such a dream portends new novel, love and sexual relations. The color of the phone will tell the style of dressing and makeup of a new girlfriend or her hair color. For a girl or woman, such a dream may portend an acquaintance with a pleasant and sociable person who will change a lot in her life. To the mother of an adult son, a dream portends the appearance of a bride, mistress, wife or girlfriend.

Find a bright and shiny phone in gold, silver or any other color, what does it mean? Such a dream portends an acquaintance with a bright and pretentious person, an actor in essence, for whom it is important to constantly be in sight and like everyone. He can promise you mountains of gold, praise you and be there, but at the same time, communication is unlikely to bring material enrichment. Most likely, his words will remain empty praises, which mean nothing for the cause. Such a dream promises a girl an acquaintance with a poseur and a dandy. But if the smartphone turned out to be golden, most likely the fan will be married, but will be able to hide it. Relationships will be bright, but not long-lasting, and then turn into great disappointment and bitter regrets.

Unexpectedly finding a new unfamiliar smartphone or phone in your purse or jacket is a pleasant surprise and a meeting with an old friend who will help you out in difficult times. In some dreams, the dream book interprets such a find as the beginning of an affair or a close acquaintance with a person you already know.

Showing off your find to acquaintances and friends - to gain respect in their eyes and increase social status and prestige.

Dream interpretation new phone

Since ancient times, it has been believed that dreams seen in night scenes are a reflection of the emotions that a person lives in. real life. That's why modern people often dream in dreams of the latest innovative technologies. What does the plot in which he saw a new phone portend to the dreamer? In order to correctly decipher the dream you have seen, you need to remember how many more details you saw.

In real life, the phone is a gadget with the help of which people have the opportunity to keep in touch with the outside world. But what does it mean to see him in a dream?

When interpreting a dream, use the dream book. After all, only using this edition, you will receive unique opportunity to accurately decipher even the most confusing dream.

The phone seen in the night story personifies that the dreamer has problems in communicating with others.

Did the phone keep ringing in the night scene? The dream interpretation warns: a person needs to become more careful and avoid provocations in reality.

If you dreamed of a new phone

There is a dream: the dreamer wanted to answer the phone, but did not have time to pick up the phone - the dream book indicates that in reality you will also have an important call. You have to try not to miss it.

Asked for a phone on the street from passers-by? The dream indicates that you need the support of friends and loved ones.

New phone, iPhone

Why dream of a new phone in the night story? To big changes in real life.

Had a dream in which the dreamer only wanted to buy a phone? The interpretation indicates that the person is planning to do good, but requires detailed consideration.

To come to the store with a desire to buy a new phone, but according to the plot they could not decide which one is needed - the dream book indicates: moderate your ambitions if you do not want to reap mistakes in the near future.

Buying an iPhone means financial independence.

Dreaming about an expensive iPhone in a dream and playing on it - you will spread rumors.


In a dream, a bell rang, but when the phone was picked up, was the subscriber silent at the other end of the wire? The dreamer is closely watched from the side.

Who did you communicate with?

In the night story, did you immediately determine with whom to communicate before the voice of a person sounded? In reality, the dreamer has an attraction with this person, but at the same time they repel each other so much.

Why dream of communicating on it with a person you don’t know? In the near future you will learn news that can radically change your environment.

I dreamed that they tried to call a friend, but the conversation did not take place, as there were problems with communication - relationships with this person may worsen.

If in a dream they talked on the phone

Had a conversation with dead parents? The dream book advises to listen to their words, since native person is a guide in a dream.

Who dreams of a telephone conversation

But it is important to note who exactly was talking on the phone.


Does a woman dream that she is talking on the phone? The dream indicates: although the thoughts of a woman do not always coincide with the words and actions of a loved one, this does not mean that his feelings are insincere.

Did the young girl in the night story happen to see an iPhone and talk on it? In real life, she will be a victim of the envy of others. According to the plot, she did not hear what she was told - to part with her lover.


A phone seen in a dream for a man portends changes in real life.

Talk in a dream with ex-wife- the subconscious sends a signal that the sleeping person wants to establish relations with her, but is afraid to take the first step.

Mobile phone

Dreamed of a mobile phone? The dream interpretation interprets the plot as follows: the dreamer's life has changed in better side but the person was tired and lost interest. In the plot of a dream, you may receive a hint that will tell you how best to get out of this situation.

Had a dream in which you were looking for a ringing mobile? Be careful, you may miss important news due to communication problems.

There is a dream in which a mobile phone appeared as a signal that a person was tired of loneliness.

It is important to note what shades it was:

  • Light - to positive events and emotions. A dream portends good luck in all endeavors.
  • Gloomy and in dark colors- to troubles at work and to financial difficulties.

see phone number

If you saw a phone number

Dreamed of a phone number? The dream interpretation indicates that it is important to note which figure was seen in the plot:

  • One - in the dreamer's life there will be some kind of struggle. Perhaps the person who saw this dream will have to defend his truth.
  • A deuce dreams in a dream - to gossip in real life.
  • Three - you can count on success in all endeavors.
  • Four - stop! You are living in an illusion.
  • Five - you are lucky. This figure is dreaming of victory over enemies.
  • Six - beware of deception in real life.
  • Seven - also dreams of success in the dreamer's real life.
  • Eight - now stability in the dreamer's life. The situation will not change for now.
  • Nine - a person who sees her in a dream can count on great luck.
  • Zero - dreams of failure.

precious find

Why see in the night story that the dreamer found the phone? The interpretation indicates: luck will accompany a person in real life, it is also worth counting on luck. Fate will be given a chance to find a way out of this difficult situation, and in this you can count on the help of a friend. Find two phones in the house - bad sign indicating betrayal and betrayal of a loved one. Found someone else's phone? The dreamer will independently ruin relations with others.


Lost your phone? Take a closer look at your friends, perhaps someone is starting an evil plan that will harm your reputation.

The dream interpretation indicates that to see the loss of a gadget in a dream means that in real life your secret will be revealed. Take care of this in advance - prepare the ground, and try to make the situation profitable for the dreamer.

If the phone was broken


What did you dream about in a dream: was the phone stolen? The dream portends disappointment. Your acquaintance will commit a misdemeanor, and this will make you look at him from the other side.


dreaming broken phone? A dream indicates upcoming losses in the dreamer's life. According to the interpretation of the dream book, a dream should be taken as a signal and measures should be taken in a timely manner, only in this way it will be possible to avoid unpleasant situations in life.

Broken - a person tries to hide from life situations. The dream book advises to take courage and resolve all unpleasant situations, because they are actually not as complicated as a person thinks.

What did you dream about broken screen phone? The interpretation indicates that you will regret that you cannot read other people's thoughts.

Why dream of trampling your phone in a dream with your feet or breaking it with another object on purpose? Be restrained, otherwise there will be many quarrels in your life and conflict situations, and you will be to blame for this.


If you were given a phone

Absolutely everyone loves to receive a nice and expensive gift. But why does it happen to see in a dream that you were given a phone? A night dream portends changes in a person’s life that he cannot influence. The dream book advises that if a person has a dream in which he was presented with a phone, it means that the dreamer needs to let go of the situation and not interfere in the course of events.

The man was presented with a small phone - which means that the dreamer is worried about the size of his manhood.

The girl has a dream in which she was presented with a new gadget - in real life, an interesting guy will offer her to meet.

Interpretation of modern dream books

Of course, you will not find a transcript of a dream with a telephone starring in old dream books. But how will modern dream interpreters decipher the plot?

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

  • Why is the phone dreaming? There is a meeting with an insincere person.
  • Hear a call - in real life you will find out unexpected news.
  • To get through to the subscriber - to an unexpected, pleasant meeting with an old acquaintance.
  • For a woman, a dream indicates evil envious people in her life who seek to harm her.

Miller's dream book

What color was the phone

The phone seen is a symbol of the dreamer's connection with his environment. Perhaps they are trying to mislead a person.

Dream Interpretation Longo

According to the interpretation of this dream book, it is important to note what color they saw him in the night story:

  • White - to the envy of others.
  • Blue - the dreamer has a secret.
  • Red - to the beginning of a new romantic relationship.

Presented? A dream is a dream for new acquaintances.

A mobile phone is a device that allows two close people to stay in touch. Finding a phone in a dream means finding a connection with a loved one soon, from whom there has been no news for a long time. However, it may not only be close person. But also just a friend or even a completely random person.

What if you dream of finding a phone?

It is worth preparing in advance for this meeting. It can be both pleasant and not very. A person can bring bad news or offer a bad deal. It is not necessary, because of the joy of the meeting, to immediately agree to the offer made by this person, no matter how tempting it may turn out to be. Find a phone in a dream - you should expect lies from people around you Everyday life. For women, this sign means the need for communication. There is a lack of communication with close people with whom communication is not currently maintained for various reasons.

If in a dream not only a phone is dreamed, but also a person who is talking on the phone, this means that all the obstacles that will follow in the near future will be overcome with the help of loved ones. If no one answers the phone in a dream, it means you have to deal with everything alone.

Often finding a phone in a dream - to gain contact with the right people in the future. However, the phone means that these people will not personally influence. Most likely this will happen remotely. And the phone will be that means of communication with this person or group of people. It is worth leaving aside current affairs, no matter how important they may seem, and remember about friends and girlfriends. Communication will bring joy and satisfaction, and perhaps soon changes in the financial situation. But subject to contacts with people who wish good and positive.

What portends?

It is worth waiting for an acquaintance that will change the course of life, or at least - worldview. the right person help to find peace of mind, perhaps it will help to understand your personal life, without directly affecting it. Personal or confidential information may be entrusted. And there will be a choice either to tell her and gain some benefits, but lose the respect of the person who trusted her, or keep everything a secret, but miss the opportunity to improve her financial situation. Astrologers advise nevertheless to keep the secret, since the person who trusted her will be able to help in future problems.

It is important to distinguish important people from the unimportant. You can't pay attention to everyone. You should be wary of paying too much attention to the wrong person. This may not give the desired results. But still, it is strongly not recommended to ignore people.

But still, finding a phone in a dream is good omen. In spite of possible difficulties in the near future, this sign means, after these difficulties, a worthy generous reward for all the efforts made. Therefore, do not worry, you should hope for the best.

The phone plays a big role in our daily life. We can no longer imagine how we can do without it. And even in the kingdom of Morpheus, we see this device quite often. But do we know what the phone is dreaming of? Turning to various interpreters, you can accurately decipher the meaning of such a vision.


Let's start our study with an Italian dream book. It says here that seeing a phone means personal loss, any actions performed under duress. Dream Interpretation for birthdays of September, October, November, December portends the imminent arrival of a friend. He says that the meeting will be held soon

Answering the question of why the birthdays of May, June, July, August are promised an invitation to visit someone.

Women's dream book

This source says that the dreamer will meet with some acquaintances whose reasoning and behavior can easily be confusing. If a girl sees that she is talking to someone on the phone, it means that many people envy her. Balance and calmness will save her from all kinds of attacks and petty anger of others. When it seems to her that she does not hear the interlocutor, this means that in real life she should be more careful, because she risks parting with her lover. That's what a woman dreams of a phone.

According to some interpretations, the telephone is a link that connects us with other people who are not available at this moment, but who strongly influence us. A telephone connection in a vision suggests that a person treats us somewhat differently than we would like. The Ukrainian dream book in this case portends a deception on the part of a loved one.

Expert opinion

And why is the phone dreaming, according to psychoanalysts? They tell us that such contact is akin to sexual contact. If you cut the telephone wire - this is how your attitude towards death is expressed. In addition, this may mean a certain loss of a sense of reality, a desire to live a different life.

And in dream book XXI centuries to see the phone portends a meeting with insincere, deceitful people; if you only heard how he called, this is a quick and unexpected, but good news. If you yourself call on the phone, while they answer you on the other end, this means that soon you will meet old friends or good acquaintances who have not been seen for a very long time. And if you could not talk to the subscriber, then you greatly exaggerate your misfortunes and failures, do not worry, everything will be fine.

And many more are interested in what dreams are about finding a phone. If a woman sees this, then she has some kind of ill-wisher, but he cannot harm her. If you receive a long-awaited fax message, this indicates that you have to make a lot of efforts to complete some important business. If you send, then you can make the only right decision in a difficult situation. The dream book of winter birthdays tells us that seeing a phone is a rumor.

The Stranger promises us good news. And talking to him is gossip. And according to the predictions of Medea? She says that this device represents a connection with the outside world or immersion in oneself. If you call him, you will overcome all difficulties.

Miller's dream book portends us a meeting with deceitful people. If a woman sees herself talking on the phone, it means that someone is jealous of her, but this does not threaten her. She can become the center of some pretty nasty gossip.

Loff's dream book

This source claims that the phone is a connection with other people who are not available to you at this moment for some reason. It is often referred to as the second version of presence, and its use symbolizes that the person you are talking to has a strong place in your life. The white magician promises you to receive classified information whose secret you cannot keep. If they called you, then you will find out some funny gossip and spread it further. Everyone interprets your dream in very different ways. The mobile phone, according to Madame Hasse, is a harbinger of dubious enterprises. The esoteric dream book tells us that it is worth listening to the information received from any sources. If you hear a call, take into account all the news received when building plans. Sometimes such a vision means the dubious course of your affairs.

Pythagoras is based on calculations. If, as a result of adding all the digits of the number, one comes out, then your lover will cheat on you in the near future. Unfortunately, you won't be able to resist this. And if addition is not given to you, then you will part with it. If someone helps you do the calculations, then you will soon buy a house. If a deuce comes out, this is a change in life. Three - to a meeting with an old acquaintance, four means that very soon you will have a strong attachment, possibly falling in love. But the five portends that at the right time you will set your priorities wrong, you will not be able to understand what is most important. The Six Promises Promotion career ladder, seven - some sporting achievements, eight says that you will be happy. And the nine symbolizes a quick marriage.

good find

Finding a phone in a dream means that you will soon receive a bonus at work. Its size depends on the numbers on the screen: the higher they are, the more your additional income. Wait, probably your financial situation will improve. It could be a big win or