Beautiful wall decoration. Design and decoration of walls in the living room

The living room is the place where most of the time of all households and guests is spent, so it should be cozy and stylish. The main part in arranging a living room is the choice of materials for decorating the walls. In design solutions, there are many ways to decorate the walls, in which the living room will acquire a comfortable atmosphere.

Wallpaper selection

It should be selected for aesthetics, focusing on quality, methods of pasting and environmental friendliness. There are several types of wallpapers that have their own characteristics:

You can add a variety of colors using combined pasting correctly selected wallpaper. A simple decision to choose finishing material for the walls, decorating the wallpaper with a border design will serve. With this solution, a horizontal line running along the walls will visually lower it and add sophistication and elegance to the room.

Combined wallpaper in the living room

The room can be pasted over with wallpaper or texture elements on them, and then covered with paint in discreet shades.

Council. Colors are ideal for walls: milky, olive, pale pink, matte. Such a combination will never go out of fashion, and will bring joy and comfort to the inhabitants of the house.

Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster will give uniqueness and originality to the walls in the living room, which is ideal as a wall decoration in the living room. Plaster is rich in shades and patterns that will suit any owner's taste. For wall decoration, the following plasters are suitable:

Council. When mixing styles, remember that furniture should match the color scheme and wall decor. They can be varnished in white or beige.

Decorative panels

You can decorate the walls in the living room and visually expand the space using panels of decorative origin. It can be wood, laminate, chipboard. Laminate and panels can be finished to match natural wood, stone, tiles, wallpaper or paint in any color you like.

Living room wall decoration with decorative panels

In rooms with high condensate evaporation, it is recommended to install moisture-resistant tiles with imitation of tiles. The walls, covered with wood panels, will perfectly fit into the interior of the living room, made in country or classic style. More economical solution will serve as a choice of MDF panels imitating a woody surface. The panels are durable, moisture resistant, do not sag and do not change shape over time.

Finishing a niche under the fireplace with panels

If desired, the panels can be coated with a protective varnish or a specialized film that will give a noble appearance. When laying, you can use a custom setting in the form of patterns or horizontal stripes. Structural characteristic such panels are quite diverse: from glossy reflections to massive relief lines.

Wall panels can be selected with fabric upholstery

A good option when decorating walls in a living room is to install plastic panels, which are fireproof, do not absorb moisture, do not need additional care, when laying they look like one whole.

Painting the walls

Wall covering plays an important role in the further decoration of the room. Choice colors completely depends on the owners of the premises and their taste preferences.

Neutral light gray walls

A living room in gray or matte shades looks comfortable and will contribute to relaxation. Colour ivory (or pure white) will give the room freshness and cleanliness, and vivid flower arrangements will add a summer motive to the interior. Gently blue shades will fill the interior with a pleasant tint that pleases the eye. Bright design walls will fit with a minimum amount of furniture.

Important. In order to avoid evaporation and moisture accumulation, it is recommended to paint the walls in the living room with oil or enamel paint.

Painting the living room wall in 2 colors

Combinations are possible in modern design different styles, in which one wall is painted brightly, and the second is pure white or. This combination should be combined with interior items. This color will help expand the indoor area and add light.

Matte paint does not create glare

For creating home comfort you can use pale orange or yellow colors, as well as with a shade of yellow, you can pick up a carpet or lamps. To dilute the interior, you can use wallpaper with a discreet ornament in the form of hieroglyphs or flowers.

The living room is perhaps one of the most demanded rooms in the house. The whole family gathers in it to chat, the hosts meet guests and just do household chores. The decor of this room should be pleasant and modern, creating a sense of comfort, but not clutter.

To create a similar effect, you will have to work hard, and for inspiration, you can see the design of the walls in the living room, photos in different sources.

Deciding on materials

First you need to decide what material will be applied to the walls, because each of them has its own specifics of application. In addition, you need to take into account how the surface will look and specifications premises, for example, decorative rock or tile due heavy weight not always suitable for decorating the walls of the living room.


Traditionally, our compatriots like to design the living room wall with wallpaper, which is quite understandable: the variety of options and price characteristics of wallpaper on the market is so great that you can choose suitable option you can always. In addition, the process of gluing wallpaper canvases does not require special skills, except in some difficult cases, and any homeowner can do it independently.

When purchasing wallpaper, it is necessary to build on not only the chosen color scheme and style of the living room walls, but also the material. The most environmentally friendly and convenient to use are paper wallpaper, they are easily glued to the wall, just as easy to remove, breathable and lightweight. The only thing is that they quickly fade and stutter out, therefore they require frequent updating, but at a low cost of the material, this is not a problem.


Vinyl wallpaper is poorly breathable, but very decorative. They are easy to attach and last longer than paper ones. Non-woven wallpaper looks even more interesting in the living room photo. Their use is possible for a long time, if desired, you can purchase such wallpaper for painting, then it will be possible to regularly change the design of the walls of the living room with a fresh coat of paint.

Glass and wallpaper look no less original, it is better if they are present in the interior in fragments, diluting the general background or creating a bright spot on the wall.


Another popular way to decorate walls is painting. This method allows you to create a very original and modern interior, especially if you use the tips of the designers.

The oily and enamel paints are gradually going out of circulation. Yes, they are wear-resistant and give a beautiful shine to the surface of the walls, but the application process is rather inconvenient due to their toxicity, long drying time, while they are also fire hazardous.

Water-based paints are much safer for painting walls, they do not smell, form an even smooth surface, easily fit on any irregularities, and the color intensity can be adjusted independently. The use of water-based paint can be combined with the wall design of the living room with wallpaper, or even applied to the wallpaper.

Glue paints have similar properties, they are bright enough and airtight, but they are afraid of exposure to water. In contrast, silicate paints can be wiped clean. This option works well for painting plaster and paper surfaces, but is not compatible with metal, glass and stone in the overall design of the living room. Another disadvantage of silicate paints is the presence of alkali in the composition, so you need to work with them carefully.

Decorative plaster

She refers to modern materials, is quite durable and resistant to various influences, allows you to hide wall defects, and thanks to fillers, it can create different effects. The use of plaster in the design of the living room allows you to show your own creative possibilities, when, due to different application techniques, it turns out different design walls in the living room.

Stone and tile

This group of materials is very durable and aesthetic, with the right choice, they look very interesting, creating a special atmosphere. Natural materials are very environmentally friendly, breathable and resistant to various influences. But in large numbers they look rough and variegated, so they are usually used in a limited wall space.

Other materials

In addition to traditional materials, other types of materials are used for wall decoration, giving the interior an interesting look:

  • Wooden lining;
  • Wall panels;
  • Laminate;
  • Leather;
  • Drywall;
  • Glass and others.

Using these funds, the owners often take risks, because they cannot accurately assess what effect will be achieved in the end. However, with the right approach the resulting living room design will look original and will delight all guests.


There are three factors to consider when choosing a color:

  • The side of the horizon on which the windows face (more precisely, the illumination);
  • Basic furniture colors;
  • Owner preferences.

In the northern room, it is preferable to choose light warm shades of yellow, mustard, orange or olive for the walls. Southern windows should be compensated for with cold colors, and with sufficient lighting, dark shades can be used. If the furniture will act as an accent in the living room, then the colors of the walls are chosen in contrasting ones. So light furniture will stand out against the background of dark plain walls, and dark - on light ones.

A combination of similar shades in furniture and wall painting is also possible, in which case the role of the accent will go to some other detail, for example, a carpet or a large panel. When using wallpaper, not only the main background is taken into account, but also the picture. The combination of variegated colors in the furniture and walls will strain the tenants of the apartment, and a too calm range will cause boredom.

If desired, you can combine plain wallpaper and drawing, you can combine several drawings or even several shades of one image. It all depends on the imagination of the owners and the desire to experiment.

How to decorate walls in a living room modern design is presented in large numbers in interior magazines and on websites. Before starting the repair, it is worth studying the latest trends and descriptions of technologies, as well as using someone else's idea. There is nothing terrible in this, because not every person is able to achieve perfect combination shades.

When designing surfaces, it is necessary to take into account the wishes of all family members, because the living room is a joint room and everyone should be comfortable in it. No need to be afraid and combine different variants colors and materials, sometimes this mix looks much more interesting and modern.

Important little things

For those who are afraid bright colors, you can start with parts that are easy to replace: paintings, posters, mirrors, fabric, sconces. All this will complement the interior and give a sense of completeness. When decorative elements annoying, they can be replaced and thus change the whole design. Even replacing the frame can change the look of the picture and, accordingly, the wall on which it hangs.

Of the permanent elements, moldings, stucco moldings, interesting glass inserts and illuminated niches look interesting. All these elements are quite applicable even in small rooms, the main thing is that they match the style.

The living room as the heart of the house for guests and households attracts attention, therefore the modern approach of designers to decorating the walls in the living room is very important not only from the point of view of functionality, but also aesthetics. The design of the walls in the interior of the living room should correspond to the size, zoning, style of the room, to create a complete image.

The photo shows a luxurious classic living room, where the walls are decorated with wallpaper.

Choosing the color of the walls

When choosing a color, you need to consider:

  • intensity natural light and the size of the windows;
  • decoration color furniture set and upholstery;
  • the chosen style of the interior;
  • living room size.

If the windows overlook sunny side, then the effect of coolness will create blue, blue, turquoise... If the windows are on the north side, you can fill them with light and warmth using warm colors (red, orange, yellow and pastel shades derived from them: mustard, peach, ocher).

The photo shows the living room, where the emphasis is on the mirror in the frame and the fireplace. Light colors in the design, glass and mirrors fill the room with spaciousness and allow you to complement the interior with any details.

The walls in the living room interior can be a backdrop for furniture or become a bright accent. For visual highlight dark furniture fit light walls in the living room (ivory, milky, light beige, pastel shades of pink and blue). If the furniture is light (white or light wood), then when decorating the walls, the color should be deep or bright.

The color should suit all family members, as an option, you can combine several shades to decorate the walls. For example, make stripes, divide the wall in half, or paint adjacent ones in contrasting colors.

  • White, gray or black in the living room can be basic colors that are complemented by yellow or orange; red or green.
  • Shades of beige and light brown are neutral in themselves and can be complemented in the interior with white, pink, turquoise and blue.
  • Deep colors (blue, burgundy, wine, purple) are appropriate only if there are several windows and a large space.

The photo shows the interior of a modern living room, where the walls are painted in coffee color, and the bottom is decorated with white panels. The focus is only on the fireplace, which makes the style versatile.

Finishing materials

The choice of materials for decoration depends on the desired end result for a successful combination of wall decor textures in the living room and furniture.

  • For painting, you need to prepare the walls (they should be perfectly flat and smooth, as the paint will highlight all the roughness and cracks). The paint is not afraid of moisture, easy to clean, does not accumulate dust and walls are easy to repaint. Modern special paints do not exude an odor and are intended for interior decoration.

  • Wallpaper different types offer a large selection of colors and textures, this design hides defects and is mounted independently without presence special tools... For the living room, paper and non-woven wallpapers are suitable. Photo wallpaper can be used to create an accent wall in the interior.

The photo shows an example of decorating an accent wall with photo wallpaper in a modern living room in natural shades.

  • Decorative plaster in the living room smooths out all the irregularities and will always look unique. Patterns are created with a spatula (bark beetle, rain, carpet, etc.) and then the wall is painted and varnished for greater wear resistance.

  • Wooden decoration creates heat and sound insulation. It can be panels, cork or laminate on the bottom of the walls around the perimeter, or you can sheathe only an accent wall in the interior with wood.

  • Decorative rock and decorative brick suitable for decorating a wall by the fireplace (TV or false fireplace) to create an interior in scandinavian style, country and classics. Such cladding is not afraid of moisture, it is cheaper natural stone and does not create additional load.

  • Soft panels are suitable for decorating a wall near a TV or over a sofa, they will help to place accents, hide defects, and create sound insulation. The materials are suitable for leather, leatherette, fabric. The synthetic winterizer holds its shape better, and the foam rubber is suitable for creating a softer surface.

  • Decoration by mirrorsappropriate in a rectangular and small room. It can be a panel, tiles or panels of a square, or other shape. Light colors and the reflection of a window or doorway will add space to the living room, while the reflection of an adjacent wall or furniture, on the contrary, will reduce the space.

  • Wall 3d panels in the design of a living room with a bas-relief and high-relief, they are suitable for creating an accent even in the tone of the main walls, they are easy to attach and do not require additional alignment. There are wooden, glass, plastic, MDF, plaster.

Combination features

Most often, the living room is the place where you can show imagination in the interior due to the combination of colors and textures to create unique design walls in the living room and highlighting zones.

For example, an area by the fireplace or a place for receiving guests can be revetted with decorative stone or laminate, and the recreation area can be covered with wallpaper or paint. The banquet part can be decorated with paint or plaster, and the place by the sofa ⎯ with liquid wallpaper.

Modern designers welcome any experiment in colors and textures, but if there is no desire to take risks when designing, then it is better not to combine natural finish with synthetic (for example, wooden panels or veneer with plastic trim), natural colors (neutral brown, beige, white) with acidic shades of yellow and green.

The photo shows an example of creating an accent in the same shade, but using a different texture, panels and paint are combined in the design of the walls.

Accent wall decoration

An accent wall always differs in color and texture, its task is to attract attention and visually change the space of the room.

  • The accent needs to be created on the wall that catches the eye first when entering the room.
  • When small room you can accentuate a part of the wall or a partition.
  • Any material that differs from the main walls is suitable for decoration.
  • The color of the accent wall should overlap with the color of some interior items.
  • You can highlight a wall with color, plot, pattern and texture, but you shouldn't mix everything together.
  • When arranging wallpaper, you need to adhere to one quality, combine ornaments with plain colors and maintain a balance between a background neutral color and a highlighted bright one.
  • Wall murals or painting will add individuality and a cozy atmosphere to the interior.
  • Horizontal stripes when decorating will expand the room, and vertical stripes will visually raise the ceilings.

The photo shows an example of interior decoration in the art deco style, which allows you to combine an abundance of gloss, glass and bright colors in decoration. Pink 3D panels and a mirror on the accent wall complete the style.

Wall decoration above the TV and fireplace

If it is not possible to highlight the wall for decor, then you can accentuate the space above the interior items.

  • For decor over the fireplace, decorative stone and brick for a classic living room are suitable, and metal for modern design... For safety reasons, it is best not to hang carpets or paintings on the wall.

The photo shows the interior of the living room in a rustic style, where it is appropriate to accentuate the wall with brick.

  • The TV can be arranged in plasterboard niche backlit. Such a wall in the interior can be painted or covered with wallpaper. As a supplement, you can apply mirror mosaics, clocks or paintings. The design of the wall with the TV in the living room can be decorated in any style, but the main thing is not to overload it with details, since the TV itself is a big accent.

The photo shows the design of a rectangular living room in a classic style, where glass panels on the accent wall near the TV create the effect of wide walls.

The photo shows the modern interior of the room, which combines an eco-fireplace and a TV set against one wall, additionally decorated with paintings.

Living room wall decor ideas

Based on the style, you can choose the most diverse decor. For example, for classic interior skirting boards, moldings, carpet, mirrors in gold frames, fabric panels are suitable.

For country and Provence will be appropriate decorative plates, embroidered products, weaving from a vine, wooden clock... Antique interior items (telephone, gramophone, posters and books) are suitable for retro-style decoration.

On the accent wall, you can make your family tree, a large photo or attach memorable travel souvenirs.

The photo shows an example of how you can decorate a wall with posters, paintings and maps. Such decor is always easy to replace or remove.

The living room is a room in which the owners show their lifestyle to the guests, it is the decor that makes it possible to add zest to the interior design of this room, to make it special. It is not difficult to decorate in your own living room with your own hands. Just follow a few tips.

First of all, you need to decide on the direction and style of the living room interior. It is worth choosing the option that best suits the character and therefore more attractive to the owners. Also, you should immediately decide on the purpose of the decor and take into account the details. For example, for a small living room, the walls and ceiling are best decorated in light colors, add mirror elements for the walls - this way you can visually increase the area. In the large living room, the area allows you to place various items related to hobbies, such as collections or an aquarium. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the interaction and combination of all selected elements, to allocate a separate place for their placement.

DIY living room decor

Living room decoration methods

The decor of this room includes a choice of colors and coverings for walls, ceilings and floors, as well as all kinds of decoration options. Furniture plays an important role - it takes largest area. Right choice its shapes and colors are the key to success in the design of the living room.

Another important feature of the living room is lighting - it can be arranged in different options from ceiling chandelier to all kinds of lamps.

Also, various little things that show the life of the owners, hobbies and leisure are well suited.

Decorating method

Method advantages

Application Tips

They betray the room with solemnity and emphasize the style of the room. They create coziness and ennoble the windows.

Length, material and color depend on the selected style. For the classic, curtains made of heavy, dense fabrics (satin, brocade, velvet) are applicable. For provencal style light, airy curtains made of silk, chintz or cotton are characteristic.


Such a living element can give a room bright colors, to bring comfort and favorable atmosphere. The aquarium will transform the room beyond recognition, will delight the inhabitants and guests.

There are several ways to use an aquarium:

Separation dining area and recreation areas;

· A piece of furniture (coffee table).

This element makes the room comfortable and decorates the hall. They are able to add solidity, comfort or warmth to the hall.

It all depends on the specified function that the puffs need to perform.

amount square meters in the hall allows you to place live plants indoors different sizes... Flowers not only serve as decoration, but also purify the air, saturate the room with oxygen.

These can be potted flowers or cut flowers in miniature vases. The material of the vases is matched to the style of the room.

Wall decor

The interior wall decoration includes: paintings, mirrors, souvenir items (plates, figurines). They bring a certain mood to the room and give special meaning to the room.

The options for decorative elements completely depend on the style of the room, which they will emphasize. For modern styles (hi-tech, modern) discreet paintings in flat frames are suitable. Classic style would not be complete without paintings and mirrors in heavy gilded frames.

Beautiful living room decor

Simple living room decor ideas

To change the design of a room, it is quite elementary to create a slightly different order of arrangement of things and the view will immediately change. For more drastic changes, you can suggest repainting the furniture, changing the color of the walls, or adding a relief design to them.

One of simple options the decor are paintings. Just one piece of art can set accents or add the necessary completeness and completeness to a room.

It is also worth taking a closer look at the various little things - they can emphasize individuality and add a sense of comfort to the room. Practical objects can also act as decor if they are properly decorated. For example, a nicely designed pencil holder. It is better to arrange various trinkets and souvenirs together in color so they will not look too pockmarked. You can also use hand-made gizmos.

You can add mirror elements to the interior, especially since now it is possible to choose them of any shape or order them on the Internet.

Soft puffs will help to add comfort - they will not take up much space and will appeal to both children and adults.

Living room decor option

Seasonal living room decoration

DIY living room decor

What mistakes are common: decorative elements in the living room

Incorrect lighting distribution

For the living room is simply necessary enough light, however excess is not desirable. It is best to use multiple sources and lighting options. The natural light from the windows will be complemented by small lamps with soft lighting in low-light areas. And for the evening version, it is worth adding a few to the ceiling light wall lamps or floor lamps.

Excess or lack of furniture

The hall is designed for relaxation and communication - the best option use the minimum required set of furniture. Arrange her better in groups for the convenience of communicating with guests and family. The use of bulky furniture or in large quantities will only reduce the space.

Lack of carpet

Even the most impeccable floor will look better and more comfortable with a carpet - it not only adds decoration to the room, but also absorbs unnecessary sounds.

Modern living room decoration

Beautiful living room decor

Bare windows

The use of curtains on the windows is an obligatory part of the living room interior - they give it a residential look and complement the overall picture.

Mixing styles

It is necessary to follow the chosen style and not go to extremes in mixing them. Adjacent styles may and will look good, but an object that stands out from the general picture will attract unnecessary attention.

The same rule should be followed when choosing accessories - too different will look inharmonious and create discomfort.

Seasonal decoration and decor of the halls

Do not put everything in plain sight at once. Various seasonal items will regularly refresh your look and bring positive emotions.

In the warm season, fresh flowers in vases will look good. Various colors small parts will help convey the seasonal mood. For spring, saturated green tones are suitable, in summer - bright warm shades, in autumn you should turn to orange and red, and in winter decorate the room with white crafts.

Living room decor option

Seasonal living room decoration

DIY living room decor

Stylish living room in neoclassical style

Neoclassicism is characterized by straight and symmetrical elements that emphasize rigor and luxury. A hall in this style is made without partitions; a solid carpet is used for the floor. All elements should emphasize the space and freedom of the room.

Embossed columns and walls, stained glass windows and surfaces will help to emphasize the style.

Living room in scandinavian style

The main requirements for decoration in this style are environmental friendliness and practicality. Furniture and decor are dominated by wooden crafts simple form, natural fabrics for furniture and interior. Contrary to the name, the design is more in light colors, there are many additional lamps.

Modern living room decoration

Beautiful living room decor

Living room finishing materials

Wall, floor and ceiling decoration play an important role in decoration. Changing them takes a lot of effort. Therefore, even a small change can transform the look of the living room.

The simplest and cheapest design option is drywall. It allows you to quickly create the desired shape and easily blends into the wall.

For walls, there is often a choice between wallpaper and painting. A wide selection of materials and wallpaper colors gives you freedom of action. Decorative plaster is best in harmony with painting. To convey the splendor of the look, Venetian plaster is suitable.

The room can also be decorated decorative tiles, stone, or molding. It all depends on the style and capabilities.

Living room decor option

Seasonal living room decoration

DIY living room decor

Openings and decorative elements in the design of the living room: compliance with the direction

The design of door and window openings should correspond to the general style and emphasize it. So for a living room decor in a Scandinavian style, they are better suited window frames and doors out natural materialsthan metal-plastic. For neoclassicism, the doorway can be decorated with carvings or moldings.

A special touch in the design

A little experimentation won't hurt appearance, so you can add a twist to the design, make your own individual approach to style. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the effect of such a decorative element - it should not be too distracting, and even more annoying.

Modern living room decoration

Beautiful living room decor

Decorating the walls in the living room

The walls in the living room decor play a major role and the whole overall effect depends on them.

Wall decoration and stucco decoration of the living room

Decorative molding will suit classic styles like baroque. It gives the effect of luxury and order. Moreover, such decor should be as less massive and more symmetrical and orderly. With your own hands, such a decor can be made using imitating materials - they are inexpensive and have a decent appearance.

Living room decor option

Seasonal living room decoration

DIY living room decor

Decorating the wall above the sofa

The sofa takes center stage in the living room, and the wall above it should attract attention.

The easiest option is to decorate it with a picture or a large framed photograph, you can even use several. Abstract works can be used as a painting, with a good combination colors, they will fit perfectly. A budget option such a solution - photo wallpaper.

A shelf or several shelves filled with books or decorated with various compositions of souvenirs and handicrafts will also attract the attention of guests.

You should not be limited only to such options. For creative people, any even crazy ideas are suitable.

Modern living room decoration

Beautiful living room decor

Decorative niches in the interior

Niches can carry functionality and grace. The mirrored back will also expand the room. Most often, additional hidden soft lighting is used for such elements, which emphasizes the comfort.

Paintings, photos and carpets for living room decor

The decor in the living room is well complemented by paintings and framed photos. Various styles allow you to choose a canvas for any interior option.

Although wall hangings are considered a relic of the past, there are some quite interesting design solutions in this direction, so do not discount them.

Video: Renovation, design and decor of a living room

The design of the living room walls should correspond to the general style of the room. But this is not so easy to do, because there are various materials and this does not mean at all that it is easy to make repairs. It is necessary that the finishing fit into the overall interior.

Today we will look at how to properly design a living room wall. What to use and how to make different combinations of materials. Also on the video in this article, it is quite possible that you will find a ready-made solution.

The design of the wall in the living room should immediately be thought out according to the design materials. Indeed, each of them has its own specific installation.

Not every material will work in every room. And although almost everything can be done with your own hands, when choosing the material and the design itself, something will need to be taken into account.

Attention: Take into account not just the style of the room, but also take into account the technical characteristics. For example, if the wallpaper does not require extra space for fixing and does not increase the weight, then the plates will take up the usable area. And finishing with a stone will increase the load on the load-bearing walls.

The design of a living room wall can be determined by several of the most commonly used materials.

Let's see which one is right for you:


They can be combined by dividing the room into separate zones or giving variety to the interior.
  • It is allowed to combine wallpapers that are the same in texture or pattern, but differ in color, or canvases of the same tonality, but with a different pattern.
  • A special position among all the variety of canvases belongs to photowall-paper (see). This is the highlight of any interior. It is recommended to choose one of the walls under the wallpaper, which will not be covered by furniture. And in the interior, apply a couple of elements that will be in harmony with the theme of the wallpaper.

This is a widespread option. Impressive accent wallthat visually enlarges the space and helps to bring closer or move the selected wall.
  • For small room fit light shades, for rooms with windows facing south - warm, to the north - cold. So it is quite possible to design a living room wall design of 18 sq.M.
  • A special place is occupied by: quick-drying, odorless, with the possibility of tinting. Glue or silicate paints are also good, but you should not use oil paints.
Decorative plaster

Perfect for decoration. Outwardly, it is very diverse and depends on the type of composition used. At the end of the finish, an unusual surface is obtained with a shimmer or small bulges.

Apart from excellent decorative qualities, this material has other advantages: it is suitable for any type of interior, is able to hide the flaws of the walls, durable and environmentally friendly.


This is not quite a finish, but it cannot be called not a finish either. It is the ultimate base for fastening many materials. Also, drywall allows you to make various niches and transitions.

If you get tired construction works, then the use of drywall will ideal solution... It evens out the surface well.

Behind short term and relatively low cost unusual architecture is created in the interior - arches (see), niches, partitions, on which illumination can be installed later.

Wooden lining

To create an eco-friendly living room as a finishing material the best way natural wood is suitable. The lining is made from different types of wood.

In apartments with low humidity and the same throughout the year temperature regime recommend pine wood, which has a warm shade and relatively low cost.

MDF panels

MDF panels are a good replacement for clapboard. These panels are great for imitating various materialssuch as wood and stone. Distinguish between tiled, rack and sheet panels.

Rack reminds lining. The basis is mDF plate, which is either laminated on top or veneered, and in some cases covered with paint.


An alternative to MDF panels for living room decor is a conventional laminate. Preference can be given to any kind of laminate, even the simplest, since its strength, wear resistance and water resistance do not play any role.

Laminate flooring allows you to make the finish unusual. Just like MDF panels, laminate flooring well imitates the texture of stone and wood of any tree.

A rock

The rarest option used for decoration is a natural stone... Pleasant in appearance and with a long service life, but at the same time expensive and capricious in work. When it comes to its use in decor, then, as a rule, they mean a stone created by artificial means.
  • Outwardly, it cannot be distinguished from natural, but it is ideal for a limited budget. Plus, it's lightweight. Manufacturers that have proven themselves with better side, in the manufacture of artificial stone, a large number of parts are used.
  • For this reason, the same components in the created product are rare. This is what gives the similarity artificial stone and natural.
Ceramic tile

You can get away from the familiar and standard design by using tiles as a finish. When choosing, pay attention to indicators such as resistance to moisture or exposure to harmful chemical substances, it is not necessary, since the room, as a rule, has low humidity, there are no grease contamination, which, for example, cannot be said about the kitchen or shower room.
Wall panels

If you wish, you can use wall panels... Usually they are trimmed with leather or textiles. They perfectly match the interior of the room.

It would be ideal to use panels to decorate the relaxation area. The panel consists of plastic, a sound insulating layer and an outer decorative layer.

The top is grooved, soft and pleasant to the touch. The use of these panels helps to create a unique look, increase the sound insulation of the room, and mask the unevenness of the walls. Installation is not difficult - the material is easy to work with.

The design of the walls in the living room can be made using various materials. This is mainly done using various combinations. The price will depend on the quality of the materials. This issue is already determined by you personally.

We offer already ready-made solutionswhere you can choose the appropriate option:

Classic living room style Classic living room style

Wall decoration with different materials

Living room wall design can be made in various combinations. It should be said that wallpapers are used mainly everywhere. Let's consider in which options it is better to carry out the design and what to combine with.

The advantages of paper wallpaper include a relatively low cost.

Attention: It should be borne in mind that they are made of thin material, which can only be pasted on leveled surfaces.

  • In addition, the wallpaper has a low resistance to ultraviolet radiation... If the windows of the room face south, then the canvases will quickly lose initial appearance, the brightness of the colors will go away. More rational decision Is the use of non-woven products.
  • Their advantages include a variety of patterns and ornaments, as well as a high service life, density and resistance to moisture. The ability to repaint canvases several times is a significant plus. The environment that has become familiar is renewed easily and quickly.

They look unusual and fashionable in any living room vinyl wallpapers. Vinyl flooring look like one whole - the seams are hard to see. Unlike non-woven, they are thinner, but this does not in the least affect their quality. They can even be wiped clean with a damp sponge. In addition, they are environmentally friendly - conscientious manufacturers do not add toxins to them.

Fabric wallpaper will fit perfectly into the living room if it is decorated in the Rococo or Baroque style. A wide range of colors, uniqueness of textures, a variety of patterns - that's distinctive features of these products.

A high degree of protection against wetting, burnout and various contaminants is possible due to the presence of a Teflon layer. The decorative layer is made of silk, velor, felt or polyester.

Attention: Please note that the cloths must not be washed. Under the influence of moisture, they will lose their original appearance. A vacuum cleaner will help to avoid the accumulation of dust on them.

A beautiful and unusual atmosphere in a room can be created by using modern photo wallpaper... Seas, outer space, tropics, megalopolises - any pictures and for every taste. Wall murals are the highlight of the room. They make the interior stylish and unforgettable.

If you combine wallpapers that differ in texture and color, you can remake the living room beyond recognition. One of the most simple solutions - is to paste over the walls with wallpaper with borders. However, they are more appropriate to use in high rooms: dividing the wall into parts visually reduces the room. At the same time, the room will acquire a sophisticated and presentable look.

Everyone can choose the design of the living room wall independently. If you carefully study the recommendations and do everything right, then the design will delight the eyes of visitors and life will be comfortable and cozy. The instruction will help you avoid mistakes.