Mulberry reproduction by layering. Mulberry: planting, growing and care (photo), different types of formation. About Mulberry - From Sapling to Harvest

Mulberry, or mulberry tree - thermophilic plant. Thanks to the hard work of breeders, this southern beauty today can grow in northern regions. Growing and caring for a mulberry tree is the topic of our article today.

When to plant

How to plant mulberry - with the answer to this question we will begin our story. Planting begins in the spring before the sap flow begins, until the tree begins to open buds, or in the fall, when the leaves on the trees have already circled. Luminaries in gardening prefer autumn landing. In their opinion, if a tree successfully survives the winter period, then a long life is provided for it.

How to plant mulberry

If you decide to plant mulberry, first decide on the place of planting. It should be the warmest, well-lit by the sun's rays and protected from gusts of wind. It is better to plant a fruit crop on the south side of the site. In this case, the winds from the north and east will not bother her.

Mulberry will bear fruit when planting in any soil. But it will grow well and bring abundant crops on fertile soils. Planting and caring for mulberries is not possible in marshy areas and swampy lowlands. The most better soil for a mulberry tree one that holds water well.

First of all, holes 80x80x60 cm in size should be prepared. Fertile soil from sheet soil, humus, sand taken in a certain ratio is placed in dug holes. You can buy complex fertilizer in a specialized store and use it. Fertilizer is mixed with soil.

Mulberry tree seedlings are placed in the ground so that they do not come into contact with fertilizers. Spreading the roots, they plant a seedling, shaking the trunk so that there are no voids in the soil. After landing trunk circle they condense, pour two buckets of water there and mulch.

Care Rules

Mulberry Processing

In early April, when the mulberry tree has not yet released buds in order to prevent diseases and pests, it is treated with fungicides. You can use Bordeaux liquid. The most best remedy from all diseases - urea solution (7%). Its use not only destroys all microorganisms and their larvae, but also allows you to feed the tree with nitrogen fertilizers.

Watering mulberries

Correctly care for the mulberry - this means to prepare it for winter season. To do this, until July, the tree needs to be saturated with moisture, fed with mineral and organic fertilizers. During this period, the fruit crop should be watered abundantly. Since July, watering and fertilizer cease. Thanks to these simple procedures, the mulberry will normally tolerate temperature changes and successfully winter.

Mulberry dressing

From early spring to July, the mulberry is intensively fertilized. In the spring, the predominant part of fertilizers should be nitrogen, and in the summer, phosphate and potash will be most welcome.

Mulberry pruning

During trimming, the crown is shaped so that fruit tree it looked like a bush. The height is left within 3 m. This bush method of trimming - optimal option, as it facilitates the care and collection of fruits.

The cropping technology is as follows:

  • form a low stem, for which, at a height of 1.5 m, a branch is cut over the third and fourth shoots, which are in strong growth;
  • form skeletal branches in the amount of 8-10 pieces;
  • provide free crown growth;
  • unnecessary shoots are removed in the summer;
  • when the tree begins to bear fruit, it is thinned out.

The natural form is the formation of the stem. Shoots at the age of one year are systematically tweezed, which prevents rapid growth. This procedure is carried out in the summer.

Thanks to this type of pruning, the mulberry tree grows up to 5 m up. Fruit culture is growing very fast. Young shoots often do not have time to cover themselves with bark before the onset of cold weather and can freeze. But this does not affect the abundance of the crop, since the fruits appear on perennial branches.

Although sometimes in middle lane the tree can sometimes even completely freeze due to severe frosts, thanks to the frost-resistant roots, the mulberry tree quickly bounces back and gives many young shoots.

Mulberry propagation

Reproduction of the mulberry tree occurs in several ways: by seeds and vegetatively. Vegetative methods include: green cuttings, cuttings with bark, layering and offspring, cultivars grafted. The seeds are usually propagated to get a stock. White mulberry seed is stratified before sowing. Two years later, the seedlings are moved to open ground with a "permanent residence permit". After another year, they are vaccinated with a graft from abundant fruiting mulberry.

Varieties are grafted on the stem of two-meter seedlings, resulting in bonsai with weeping twigs and a crown in the shape of a ball. Can be vaccinated different varieties on one tree to get colorful berries, as well as leaves different shapes and colors. When propagating by layering, a uterine tree is cut to a stump.

On the next year the tree gives a powerful increase, it is bent to the ground and instilled. Overgrowth, which grows vertically, spud during the summer. In the fall, seedlings are planted. In the seventh year, a berry begins to appear on the trees.

Pest and Disease Control

Mulberry tree practically does not get sick. He is more afraid of low temperatures than diseases. The mulberry tree is affected by spider mites, moth moth caterpillars, white American butterflies, an insect sucking on a comstock. The latter feeds on the juices of the tree, settling in the bark. As a result, wounds and even tumors appear on the tree. If not treated, then through the wounds the tree can become infected with diseases.

To control pests, the tree is sprayed. From spider mite apply thiophos. To control the caterpillar of the American butterfly, chlorophos is a sure remedy.

Features of growing in different regions

Growing in the suburbs and in Moscow

This thermophilic plant is successfully grown in many regions of Russia. In the Moscow region, mulberry has long been no wonder, as it can withstand frosts up to 30 ° C if it is under snow. But without snow, a tree can freeze in the middle lane and at -10 ° C.

Planting and caring for the mulberry in this area has its own characteristics. For example, you need to deepen the root of the neck of the soil. The length of daylight in the suburbs does not correspond to the “needs” of this fruit cultureTherefore, she has two periods of vegetation - spring and autumn. In autumn, not only the leaf falls off the tree, but also the shoots. This is due to the ability of mulberries to form cork between the mature and immature parts of the shoot.

Cultivation in the Leningrad region

At the beginning of the 20th century, mulberries were planted in Leningrad region. Today in the parks they grow white mulberry. Mulberries are cut in the Leningrad region in the spring. In this case, a special formation of the crown can be omitted. Since the plant is prone to thickening, it will be correct to simply thin out them. In the Leningrad region - as well as in the suburbs - the tree has two periods of vegetation.

Growing in Siberia and the Urals

White Mulberry in recent times successfully grown in the Urals and in Western Siberia. Mulberry grows well on Far East. This is a vivid confirmation of her excellent acclimatization. In order to introduce mulberry into the culture in the middle lane, it is necessary to write out material for planting from the Far East.

It must be propagated by seeds. An obstacle to cultivation in Siberia is the insufficient length of the growing season. Mulberry in Siberia should not only be winter hardy. Suitable for growing early ripening varieties. In order to grow mulberry in the Urals, it does not have enough winter hardiness. However, there are successful attempts to grow a tree as tall as a human with black fruits.

Growing in the Crimea

Mulberry in the Crimea is a valuable decorative breed. These trees are perfectly modeled due to pruning. Grow here various forms: weeping, umbrella. The spiral form grows rapidly the first few years, and then growth stops. Then, for decades, the tree retains its size. For palace complexes and villas it is worth paying attention to the royal mulberry.

Video "Growing Mulberry"

In this video you will hear useful tips for growing mulberries.

Mulberry is a very useful tree that must grow in every household plot.

Mulberry belongs to the family of mulberries, which grow as tall treesand bushy plants. The mulberry berries, as they are believed, are actually not berries, but the fruitfulness of small nuts.

This tree got its name in China - this is exactly the tree that the silkworm caterpillars fed on. The leaves of her (white mulberry) are delicate, the silk came out extra-class. The fruits are usually white, yellowish or pinkish, juicy, sweet, and there are dark varieties. Breeders bred about 400 varieties of mulberry tree.

  • Mulberry is very rich in vitamins and is able to relieve many diseases, because healing properties possess leaves, berries and bark.
  • The tincture of the berries of this tree has a diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Mulberries will help grandparents get rid of low pressure, improve eyesight and hearing.
  • People with diabetes can add mulberry to their food or eat fresh berries.
  • Black mulberry will help with heartburn or constipation, and for those who want to get rid of excess weight, black berry will help to lose it.
  • Mulberry can be used both for children to strengthen immunity, and for adults, replenishing your body with vitamins.

When to plant mulberry

The best time for planting mulberries is mid-spring (April) or early autumn (September-October), before the rainy season. If the seedling survives the winter, he will have another 200 years to live.

The mulberry tree can reach 35 m in height, but in the garden you need to form a crown so that the tree is no higher than 2-3 m. For 5 years after planting, you can wait for the first crop, and from grafted trees - even earlier. Therefore, for landing, choose a spacious place. And the owners of small land plots weeping mulberry will do.

Attention! When planting mulberries, one more thing to consider important point. Mulberries can be self-pollinating (monoecious - there are male and female flowers in one inflorescence) or to have female and male plants (dioecious), depending on this one tree is planted, or necessarily a couple (male and female tree).

Where to plant mulberry

Mulberry is best planted on loose sandy loamy or loamy soils. It can also grow on saline soils.

If you will grow bush forms of mulberry (and they can be achieved by regular tree pruning), then the distance between plants in a row should be about 0.5 m, and between rows 3 m. The distance between trees should be 5 m, between rows about 4 meters.

The rest of the landing process is consistent general rules. Just consider that the mulberry roots are very delicate, plant very carefully.

How to care for mulberry

Caring for mulberry seedlings includes watering, pruning and picking berries.

How to water a mulberry. In order for the tree to winter well, in the first half of summer until July, if you planted seedlings in the spring, you need to water the mulberries and fertilize them with mineral and organic fertilizers, and in July you need to stop feeding and watering the seedlings. This will help mulberry to winter well.

How to crop mulberry. Mulberry pruning depends on the desired result. If you form a tree with a stem (trunk), it should be 1–1.5 m high, and the crown height will be 2-4 m, the shape of the crown is spherical.

Young growths of the past year often freeze, because they still have a weak bark, unlike old shoots covered with cork bark. In this case, they need to be cut, this will not affect the crop.

Harvesting and using mulberries

Mulberry berries, depending on the variety, ripen from late May to August. The berries ripen unevenly, overripe berries fall off.

Tip: To harvest the mulberry, at the beginning of the ripening of the berries, lay an agro-fabric, a film under the mulberry crown, so that it is more convenient to harvest.

Mulberry or mulberry tree (Morus) is a plant from the Mulberry family (Moraceae). This is a genus that is well known to amateur gardeners, which includes twelve main species represented by deciduous wind-pollinated trees. The culture is most widespread in a moderately warm and subtropical climate, where it grows in natural conditions. Mulberry tree in nature can reach 35 m in height.

Botanical Description

Young plant characterized by rapid growth, which, as the deciduous crop grows older, slows down and stops at a mark of 10-15 m. Leaves of a sequential arrangement, simple, often lobed, with serrated edges. The plant blooms in May.

The fruits are represented by complex compound and fleshy drupes. Their length does not exceed 20-30 mm. Standard staining can vary from pronounced red to dark purple, there are varieties with white fruits. Some types of mulberry form edible sweet fruits with a pleasant smell.

The plant is very durable. A tree can grow in one place for two hundred years or more. Propagation by means of sufficiently small seeds is allowed. In home gardening, the mulberry or mulberry tree, also known as tutina, often reproduces vegetative way, green cuttings.

The main types

Most often, in the conditions of home gardening, decorative mulberry is grown on boles of different heights, and in last years other varieties of this culture are also of interest.

View Wood Leaves Bloom Fruit
Black Mulberry or M. nigra Height not more than 10-13 m Pubescent, 10-20 cm long and 6-10 cm wide May-June Dark purple, almost black, edible and sweet multi-shoots 20-30 mm long
White Mulberry or M. alba Height not more than 15-18 m Shirokooyaytovidnoy form, with serrated and palmate edges, length within 5-15 cm Same-sex, with inflorescences, in April-May Mock fruit is represented by multi-shoots, up to 40 mm long, of cylindrical shape, white-pink or red color with a sugary sweet taste
Red Mulberry or M. rubra Height between 10-15 m Heart-shaped, no more than 7-14 cm long and 6-12 cm wide At the beginning of summer Dark purple edible and sweet multi-shoots 20-30 mm long looks like a blackberry
Small-leaved mulberry or M. microphylla Height between 10-15 m Small sizeattractive heart-shaped At the beginning of summer Dark purple staining edible and sweet multi-shoots similar to blackberries

Photo gallery

Popular varieties

The best varieties Mulberries are successfully grown by gardeners in the Moscow Region and surrounding areas, as well as in Belarus, Ukraine and central Russia. The most unpretentious and resistant varieties are perfectly adapted for cultivation in the Urals and Siberia. The leaves of this species are bare from below, sometimes with the formation of characteristic warts. The formation of weak-hearted leaves makes varieties of this species quite interesting from the point of view of landscape design.

Mulberry: planting and care (video)

Grade name Botanical Description Fruit Advantages and disadvantages
The Black Baroness Tall plant with a moderately dense spherical crown Slightly aromatic, juicy and sugary complex drupes of black coloration with a length of 35 mm or more and a diameter of up to 15 mm Unpretentious variety with frost resistance up to -30 ° С and abundant, stable fruiting
"Dark-skinned girl" Relative to medium growth power, a plant with a thick and wide pyramidal crown Edible, juicy, sugar, black, 3.5 cm long, up to 1.2 cm in diameter Unpretentious grade with frost resistance up to -30 ° С
Ukrainian-6 Relative to medium growth, a plant with a dense spherical crown Non-aromatic, edible and sugary complex drupes with a matte black surface with a length of 40 mm or more and a diameter of up to 8 mm Early fruiting and high yields
"Smolensk pink" A fairly tall plant with a dense, well-leafy crown Pink berries, darkening as they mature, small in size, with a very pleasant and sweet taste Early and very hardy variety
"Crying" Reaches a height of 5 m and has thin branches drooping to the ground Black stained edible berries with a pleasant taste Widely used in landscape design due to its very decorative appearance

Varieties belonging to the species M. Nigra and others are found a little less often in household plots and in garden plots. Such plants are quite thermophilic and even in the southern regions may need high-quality preparation for the winter cold.

Name Botanical Description Fruit Advantages and disadvantages
"Black Prince" Medium-sized tree with a wide crown Black staining, large sizes, up to 5 cm long High winter tolerance and stable yield
Shelley The height of the tree does not exceed 3.5-5.0 meters Fruits of a very dark color and large shape, up to 5 cm long Large-fruited, disease resistant and high-yielding variety from Poltava breeder
"Royal" Medium-sized, partially self-fertile tree with a relatively wide crown Berries of black color, up to 3 cm long, with excellent tastetransportable Resistance to diseases and pests, frost resistance and high productivity
Vladimirskaya Bush-shaped tree more than 6 m high with a wide and well-leafy crown Sweet multi-shoots of dark purple coloring up to 3 cm long The variety is characterized by sufficient frost resistance and is classified as self-pollinated

Among the decorative forms of particular interest for landscape design are pyramidal mulberry, bushy mulberry, golden mulberry, and remontana dwarf mulberry (M. nigra Everbearing), grown in container culture.

Breeding technology

In the conditions of home gardening, several very effective and sufficiently simple ways breeding of different types of mulberry.

Propagation method Execution technology Features of the method
Seeds After stratification, seeding is carried out in early spring in fertile soil with a depth of one centimeter Signs of the parent plant are not transmitted
Green cuttings In June, cut the cuttings with a pair of buds from the middle part of unripe shoots. Lower leaves remove completely and plant green cuttings with a depth of 3 cm under the film The resulting plants exactly inherit all the characteristics of the mother plant
Semi-lignified cuttings In mid-summer, cut the cuttings with a pair of buds from the middle part of not fully matured shoots. Remove the lower leaves completely and plant cuttings with a depth of 3 cm under the film The process of complete rooting in compliance with the technology takes about a month and a half
Lignified cuttings Prior to the onset of a steady cooling, 18 cm long dehumidified cuttings treated with a root stimulant are planted in moist soil Can be used for vaccination by copulation.
Copying with a tongue or simple Based on the use of the same scion and stock thickness Requires specific skills.

Landing rules

You can plant a mulberry tree on almost any site, which is due to the absolute undemanding nature of the plant to the composition of the soil. Nevertheless, in order to obtain maximum yield, seedlings are best placed on fertile soils with an acid level in the range of 5.5-7.0 pH. Almost all types of mulberries prefer well-lit areas.

Every parent knows the mulberry (mulberry): the purple-black spots left by the juice of the mulberry berries that are indelible from the skin and clothes of the child are remembered for a long time. However, the culture has no equal in the number of useful vitamins and minerals in the composition, this berry is a real find from Asian countries. More recently, mulberry cultivation was available only to the southern regions. But thanks to selection, now every summer resident can plant frost-resistant mulberry in the garden.

Mulberry planting

Mulberry planting dates are different. There are two options, planting mulberries in spring and autumn. For the southern regions there is no fundamental difference which way to prefer. But for residents of the middle lane I advise you to pay attention to the planting of mulberry in the fall. Such a choice will simultaneously fulfill two important functions: it will discard the insolvent mulberry seedling, and will strengthen the plant if it survives the winter. If a tree planted in autumn is safely preparing for flowering in spring - rest assured, this tree will outlive all family members.

For planting mulberries, take open areasunny. You should not hide the southern plant from the sun, but it is also dangerous to place a draft on the route. Garden August - time to reap the benefits and rest profitably

Prepare the pit for mulberry in advance, the approximate dimensions for one tree are a cube with a side length of 80 cm. A few weeks before planting, put fertilizer, humus, compost in the pit, mix with fertile soil. Mulberry roots before planting, inspect the shoots healthy plant elastic, without spots and soft spots. Soak the roots in the growth activator for 10 minutes, then transfer the seedling to the hole, spread the roots in the pit evenly, without creases and bends. Sprinkle with earth, tamp, water abundantly and mulch the trunk circle.

Mulberry Care

Standard mulberry care procedures include watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing, pruning, and propagating. However, some of them have important features.

  • The culture loves moisture, and to increase frost resistance, watering mulberries is optimal from spring to mid-summer. But such a regime is typical for hot and dry summers. If enough rain has spilled in the spring, forget about watering the tree at all.
  • The mulberry tree just planted does not need fertilizers, before fruiting it successfully eats from the stocks brought during planting. Mulberry top dressing begins in the year of the first harvest. In spring, apply during watering; repeat them in the middle of summer. And in the fall, start preparing mulberries for wintering with phosphoric and potash fertilizers.

  • Three methods are most common for mulberry propagation: seed, grafting, and grafting. Reproduction of mulberry seeds - a simple, but lengthy method. Not one year will have to wait for fruiting. Seeds are extracted from berries by alternately drying and grinding through a sieve or gauze. In the propagation of mulberry by cuttings, a direct dependence of the age of the cuttings and the dates of collection and planting. Collect green cuttings in early summer, root in a makeshift greenhouse. Semi-lignified cuttings take longer to root, gather in mid-July. Lignified cuttings are ready for harvest in the fall, followed by planting on permanent place growth. Mulberry propagation by vaccination - successful way for a new crop. The optimal timing for vaccination is early spring.

Mulberry pruning

Mulberry shoots can grow by tens of meters, this spoils the external impression of the tree, and also deprives the plant of abundant fruiting. Mulberry crown shaping is a must for crop care. The timing of the mulberry pruning depends on the goal pursued. Sanitary pruning of mulberries is carried out in autumn, remove broken and diseased shoots. Formative pruning of mulberry is carried out before the beginning of sap flow, in March. Slices should be made with confident movement with a sharpened tool. Keep the tree bark unnecessarily damaged. Fresh sections do not need to be processed with oil or garden varieties, these products will not help in accelerating healing, but will only make it worse, extend the healing time.

Properly planted mulberry, careful care and timely pruning will provide a crop healthy berries several generations of your family, since a healthy mulberry grows and bears fruit from 150 to 300 years, depending on the variety.

Gardeners in Russia and neighboring countries with pleasure and quite successfully grow cabbage. But the "set" is usually limited to varieties white cabbage different term ripening, broccoli and cauliflower. Meanwhile, cabbage species that ripen earlier are already popular with us, and bring less hassle when grown. In this article, we bring to your attention 5 types of cabbage, which you may not have heard of, but which are definitely worth growing.

The long-awaited April does not always bring pleasant surprises with the weather. But sooner or later, all work in decorative garden start in April. From simple household chores and clearing plant debris, cutting dry curtains and mulching the soil to laying new flower beds, you will have to take care of a lot. Landing comes to the fore in April. Bushes, trees, creepers are best planted this month. But do not forget about the care of seedlings.

Among the variety of tomato varieties, as a rule, there are only two groups: indeterminate and determinant. But the tomato world is divided into more diverse "clans", to know about which is not only interesting, but also useful. Tomatoes are divided according to the method of cultivation, by ripening time, by leaf shape, by fruit shape, by size, by color ... Today I want to talk about varieties that form the most colorful group for beautiful title "Bi-Color" (Bi-Color).

Charming April with its delicate flowering and the first dazzling greenery is a very moody and volatile month. Sometimes it unpleasantly surprises with a winter atmosphere, and sometimes it pleases with unexpected warmth. In April, work starts on the garden beds, and a full season begins in the greenhouse. Sowing and planting in open ground should not interfere with the care of seedlings, because the quality of the crop also depends on its quality. Moon calendar beneficial plants especially favored at the beginning of the month.

Spring sanitary pruning allows you to create a beautiful crown, stimulates the formation of a high crop. Trees easily tolerate it, restoration is very fast, wounds are well healed. The main goal is the formation of the crown, the removal of broken and dried branches during the winter. Winter pruning is especially necessary in the first four years after planting, when skeletal branches are laid. Optimal term spring pruning - from the beginning of winter to the beginning of spring.

Extreme sensitivity to low temperatures makes zinnias flyers, which are usually grown through seedlings. But then in the sowing, and in the cultivation of young zinnias, there is nothing complicated. These are hardy and easy-care plants that are easy to grow from seeds. And if you also collect own seeds, then you will get one of the most “economical” flyers in your collection. Bright baskets of inflorescences bloom the garden with a special cheerful canvas.

On the domestic market A large assortment of seeds of cucumber hybrids is presented. What varieties to choose to get the maximum yield? We defined best hybrids, according to buyers of seeds "Agrouspeh". They became “Meringue”, “Zozulya”, “Masha” and “Director”. In this article we will tell you about their advantages. Since absolutely all hybrids of cucumbers have no shortcomings: they do not turn yellow, have many ovaries, the fruits are not large, and are resistant to disease.

Eggplant - tall upright plants with wide leaves of dark green color and large fruits - create a special mood in the beds. And in the kitchen they are a popular product for a wide variety of dishes: eggplant is fried, stewed and canned. Of course, to grow a decent crop in the middle lane and to the north is a difficult task. But subject to the agrotechnical rules of cultivation, it is quite accessible even to beginners. Especially if you grow eggplant in a greenhouse.

Lean charlotte with apples and cinnamon with vegetable cream - a simple pie that suits fasting, this pastry can also be included in the vegetarian menu. There are situations when dairy products need to be replaced with vegetable ones, then vegetable cream based on vegetable fats comes to the aid of housewives. The taste of cream goes well with apples and cinnamon, baking powder makes the dough lush and airy, the cake is simply delicious.

By buying blooming orchidlovers exotic plants they ask themselves - will it bloom at home as well and should you expect blooming from it again? Everything will be - and grow, and bloom, and delight long yearsbut under one condition. As for any indoor plants, for an orchid, you must initially try to create conditions suitable for growth and development. Adequate lighting, humidity and air temperature, a special substrate are the main points.

Noble lush greens, unpretentiousness, the ability to clean the air of dust and pathogens make nephrolepis one of the most popular indoor ferns. There are many types of nephrolepis, but any of them can become a real decoration of the room, and it doesn’t matter if the apartment is vacation home or office. But only healthy well-groomed plants can decorate the room, so the creation of suitable conditions and proper care - The main task of flower growers.

The correct herring under a fur coat is layers in turn, on the order of which the taste of the dish depends. It is important not only to stack the fish and vegetables in a certain sequence. Of great importance is the preparation of products. Never cook vegetables for this snack the day before; overnight in the refrigerator they will lose some of their taste and become fresh. Cook vegetables 2-3 hours before cooking and cool them to room temperature. You can also bake carrots, beets and potatoes in the oven in foil.

In the garden medicine cabinet of experienced gardeners, gardeners must have crystalline iron sulfate, or iron sulfate. Like many others chemicals, it has properties that protect horticultural crops from numerous diseases and pests. This article will talk about the features of use. vitriol for treating garden plants from diseases and pests and other options for its use on the site.

Many do not imagine their diet without ripe tasty tomatoes. Moreover, the variety of varieties allows you to choose the one that is most to your taste. There are varieties called salad, that is, it is better to use them in fresh. These include the Honey Tomato, whose name speaks for itself. In 2007, the Honey variety was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. “Agro success” offers seeds from top breeders additionally tested worlds

Retaining walls - The main tool for working with complex terrain on the site. With their help, they not only create terraces or play with planes and alignment, but also emphasize the beauty of the landscape of rockeries, the change in height, the style of the garden, its character. Retaining walls allow playing with raised and lowered platforms and hidden areas. Modern dry or more solid walls help to turn the shortcomings of the garden into its main advantages.