How to choose flowers and indoor plants for your home. Notes of nature in the house: choosing useful indoor plants

We are all accustomed to subjecting the water that comes to our homes through pipes to additional purification. We install main water filters in the apartment, and then we purify the water using filter jugs.

But we rarely care about the cleanliness of the air in our homes. Unless we moisturize it. And that is not always the case.

And this despite the fact that it has been established: the air inside the apartment is often much dirtier than outside.

Fortunately, you can improve its quality using the most common indoor plants.

Below are 15 flowers that grow well in any home and that NASA, which is actively exploring the ability of plants to purify the air, finds the most effective.

Aloe Vera

Cleans the air from formaldehyde and benzene, which are released when using cleaning agents and paints.

Doesn't require any special care. Prefers sunny rooms, facing south.

Chlorophytum crested

Saves the house from benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene.

The care is incredibly simple. Prefers dryness and coolness.

Gerbera Jameson

Disinfects the air from trichlorethylene generated during dry cleaning and benzene.

Unfortunately, this is a rather whimsical plant. Does not tolerate excess moisture. In a pot with poor drainage, it dies immediately. Requires a lot of direct sunlight - at least 6 hours a day.


People do not like this plant too much. They call it "mother-in-law". And they even associate various troubles with him.

In vain. The plant is very useful. It is one of the best natural plant agents for destroying formaldehyde, the most common air poisoning substance in our homes.

In addition, sansevieria is able to release oxygen even at night. Therefore, it is an ideal plant for the bedroom.

The care is very simple. It can grow even when it is practically forgotten.

Scindapsus golden

Another powerful formaldehyde elimination agent.

Attention! The plant is poisonous. Therefore, it should be placed in a place inaccessible to children and pets.


It is most active against benzene.

Needs bright sunlight... It feels best on an open window, in which a soft breeze blows and the sun shines. Obviously, in our country, such expanse for this flower is rarely available.

Dracaena marginata

Protects against xylene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde.

The plant is unpretentious. But, placing it on your windowsill, you should remember that over time it can stretch to the ceiling.

Ficus Benjamin

It is useful for combating formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene.

Growing a sturdy large plant is not easy. It requires constant temperature and consistent lighting — bright but not direct light. Also very sensitive to watering schedule.

Rhododendron Sims

Helps fight formaldehyde. Moreover, it humidifies the air in the room.

Feels best in cool, dry rooms.


Destroys the aerobic particles of faeces that rise into the air every time stool is flushed down the toilet.

For growth, it needs constantly moistened soil and sunlight in the amount of 4 hours a day.

Dracaena Deremskaya

Fights formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene.

It can potentially grow very high - to the ceiling. However, this is rarely achieved, largely because the plant is extremely sensitive to the purity of the water with which it is watered.

Aglaonema curly

A great option for any apartment. Destroys all kinds of toxins and at the same time is so unpretentious that it grows with pleasure in conditions in which all other indoor plants cannot survive.

Hamedorea Seyfritz

One of the most effective plants to combat benzene and trichlorethylene. It also destroys formaldehyde, but not as well.

Feels best in humid, hot rooms with indirect but bright sunlight. It grows large, therefore it requires space.


Very good at eliminating formaldehyde and other volatile organic toxins.

It is unpretentious in leaving. It grows almost always and everywhere. However, it has a significant disadvantage - toxicity, in view of which it should be kept away from children and pets.


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SIMILAR MATERIALS Decorating your home with home plants or not is everyone's personal business. However, if you decide to make friends with indoor flowers, know that there are a number of plants that will not only be pleasing to the eye and easy to care for, but can also bring tangible benefits in the form of a healthy and harmonious home atmosphere. Who are these green wizards? We'll find out now.

1. Aloe (agave)

You can call it a household "orderly": the plant secretes substances that absorb harmful emissions from plastic, linoleum; enriches the air with oxygen; lowers the electrification of the apartment from household appliances; increases the overall positive. And all this along with medicinal properties juice and its ability to heal wounds, cure runny nose, diseases of the digestive tract.

Vladimir Nenov /

2. Geranium (pelargonium)

The plant has the properties of freshening the air, eliminating dampness, carbon monoxide, pathogenic microbes and viruses. In summer, it will save the house from flies: they cannot stand the smell of geraniums! Geranium is able to lower blood pressure, relieve neuroses and headaches, and normalize metabolic processes.

madllen /

3. Usambar violet (Saintpaulia)

This plant gives the atmosphere of the home at the same time harmony, joyful peace and encourages action. White Saintpaulias will cleanse the house of bad feelings, give purity of thoughts, and protect babies from negativity. Pink and red flowers will relieve the owners of isolation and internal stress... We will owe the blue Saintpaulias to awakening creative energy and the disappearance of boredom. Purple flowers will give your home warmth and understanding between family members.

sauletas /

4. Indoor ficus

A kind of home "psychotherapist": relieves of worries, anxieties, aggression, improves the relationship between loving people, giving mutual understanding, patience, respect for each other. It perfectly cleans the air by absorbing dust, toxins, formaldehydes. In addition, the plant secretes substances that contribute to sound sleep and vigorous awakening.

Tamara Kulikova /

5. Chlorophytum

Green "air conditioner" of housing: better than other plants, it cleans the air from harmful fumes from wood-based panels, plastic, floor coveringsas well as toxins, bacteria, viruses, mold. In a word, chlorophytum is able to accumulate up to 80% of harmful impurities that enter the house. The plant is extremely unpretentious to care for and will constantly delight you with lush greenery, bringing aesthetic pleasure.

voltan1 /

6. Tradescantia

This plant is an indicator of a prosperous atmosphere at home: with its imbalance, the plant will not hesitate to respond with yellowed leaves. The flower protects from negative thoughts, helps to look more optimistically at life difficulties, helps to improve performance. Helps to liberate introverted people: develops a sense of humor, removes inner tightness and stiffness.

Igor Vesninov /

7. Dracaena

Along with chlorophytum, dracaena is a biological filter of housing: it absorbs harmful benzene, ammonia, toluene from the atmosphere of the house, emitted by low-quality finishing materials, fights germs. In addition, the plant promotes rapid wound healing, strengthens the musculoskeletal system, and helps prevent complications after gastrointestinal diseases. Energy balance gives the atmosphere of the house, charges household members with joy and love of life.

Lee Serenethos /

8. Fat woman ("money tree")

The fat woman helps to maintain youthfulness to its owners, increases their activity. Perhaps that is why it was popularly called “ money tree"- after all, it is the activity of a person that sets him up to implement his plans and achieve goals, including material ones.

Iurii Pliushchev /

9. "Pike tail" (sansevieria)

A seemingly unsightly plant “smoothes” the surrounding space, making it cozier, friendlier, protects from roughness, harshness, promotes reflection and creativity. It helps meteorological people more easily endure the vagaries of nature, plants are so sensitive to the manifestation of self-love that, getting it in abundance, they enhance their health-improving properties for humans. Be attentive to your plants - and then they will reciprocate you and give you a favorable and healthy home atmosphere, in which you want to live, love and create.

The Village turned to professional florists and found out key pointsthat you need to know so that houseplants can last more than a month in your apartment, cut flowers stayed longer, and watercress sprouted on the windowsill.

What plants are best for home keeping?

Ilya Shinin: "Most unpretentious plants - these are not abundantly blooming, more often decorative deciduous species. These include monstera, anthurium, scindapsus, syngonium, spathiphyllum, crassula, echeveria, various sedums, different kinds and varieties of ficuses, ferns. A plant purchased from a store must be transplanted into a suitable soil. "

Venera Shakurova: “For low maintenance plants, choose ivy, chlorophytum, tradescantia, aglaonema or cacti. There are more whimsical ficuses, palms, blooming azaleas or orchids, but they become a full-fledged component of the interior. Some plants can be kept at home in winter, and in summer they can be displayed on the balcony: roses, hydrangeas, chrysanthemums, cineraria. Recently, conifers have also received the status of indoor: they can be grown at home quite long time, and then transplant to the garden. "

What trends are the most relevant in the field of phytodesign?

Andrey Dvoeglazov: “The number one trend is green walls. A vertical carpet of plants is created by planting them in panels of synthetic felt with prepared pockets of a certain size. They have built-in automated drip irrigation. Form and colors any style and ornament can be set. "

Irina Volkova: “Nobody, of course, says: 'Kalanchoe is in fashion this season.' Phytodesign trends relate to the decor of vases and pots rather than plant varieties. For example, nowadays it is customary to plant all kinds of trees in giant designer pots. Small tangerines, lemon, olive trees look especially good in them. myrtle trees... Another popular trend is florariums in glass. Plants are planted in transparent vases, aquariums and jars so that the soil, pebbles and roots are visible. The super trend is a variety of unpretentious succulents in a long wooden box. Cacti with multi-colored flowers on the tops, planted in one wide pots-dish, look interesting. The style is returned „ hall in a sanatorium “: this is when one huge plant is placed next to a sofa or armchairs. Second life began with suspended structures for plants a la macrame. But the most important thing is to forget about artificial flowers. All designers and florists agree on one thing: a plant that is located where it can be touched and examined must be alive! Better use dried flowers. Lavender, eucalyptus, cotton twigs in beautiful bottles, dried lotus boxes will do. "

venus Shakurova: “If we talk about actual plants, then today they are, perhaps, ficuses, dracaena and orchids. As for the formats, mini-greenhouses are now popular, that is, a variety of miniature flowers planted in close proximity to each other. However, such gardens require careful and painstaking care. "

How to select plants depending on the interior?

Irina Volkova: “If you have rooms in the style of Napoleon III, you should think about purchasing exotic plants (ferns, palms, monsters): this is how the aristocrats decorated their houses. Plants will look good in modern high-tech interiors simple forms, with clearly readable leaves, directed upwards, without sloppiness and falling (for example, amaryllis and anthurium). Eco or loft style interiors can be complemented by an assortment of plants planted in a large wooden box with forged fittings, or those same florariums. And if suddenly you want to add vanilla to the apartment in the spirit of Miss Umbridge from „ Harry Potter, look out for begonias and camellias that resemble bush roses, and campanula and azaleas that resemble miniature lilies. Suitable planters can still be found at IKEA, Crate & Barrel, Zara Home, H&M Home, as well as Wonderwood or florist shops like Azalea. "

How to select plants depending on the purpose of the room?

Andrey Dvoeglazov: “IN small bedrooms it is not recommended to place a large number of plants with sealed windows, as in the dark they absorb oxygen and emit carbon dioxide, which can cause headaches. Plants with fragrant flowers (gardenias, lilies) should also be avoided. A couple of small pots with decorative leafy plants on a window or on a nightstand will be enough. You can place a pot of lavender next to the bed, the aroma of which soothes and helps you fall asleep. True, lavender does not live very long in an average apartment.

In the kitchen, it is better to keep plants with dense leathery (rather than pubescent) leaves, since it is easier to wash off fatty deposits from them. If you have gas stove, plants that can quickly cleanse the air of harmful impurities - various types of chlorophytums and aglaonems - will not interfere.

There are no significant restrictions in the choice of plants for the living room. Near a large window, ficuses will feel good, in the darker part of the room - monstera and philodendrons. Will be appropriate beautifully flowering plants as an alternative to cut flower bouquets and arrangements.

In a bathroom with a window, you can place plants that require high humidity air: various orchids, ferns, saintpaulias, small aroids, arrowroots. In a bathroom without windows, flowers will live only if they are illuminated with phytolamps. Roughly the same situation with the hallway. Shade-tolerant aspidistra, which is not afraid of drafts, will survive in the corridor, but only on condition of additional lighting. "

What pots should you buy?

Ilya Shinin: « The best pots for the maintenance of indoor plants there were and remain clay. This material breathes, and therefore root system is in optimal conditions. "

Venera Shakurova: “It is most convenient to use pots with a built-in automatic watering system. It can be purchased separately and installed in the type of planter that suits your interior. The shape of the pot can be any, but the size must be monitored. Be guided by the previous container: the new one should be three to four centimeters larger in diameter, which will ensure comfortable growth of the root system, and, consequently, the growth of the ground part of the plant. A planter too large will greatly slow down the development of flowers. "

Andrey Dvoeglazov: “The most common poisonous houseplant that can grow to the ceiling is Dieffenbachia. Professional gardeners avoid it. "

Ilya Shinin: “There are plants that contain potent poisonous substances in their juice or in separate parts. As a rule, they belong to the families of aroid, kutrovy, amaryllis and euphorbia. "

Venera Shakurova: “Ficuses, hydrangeas, euphorbia, azalea, monstera, croton and many other plants contain some poisonous substances. If there are small children in the house, they need to be protected from trying to taste the flower, but in general, all these plants are completely safe for both people and animals. Allergies can be caused by flowering plants like rhododendron, cyclamen, pelargonium and others with pollen. "

Why do the potted plants we buy in bloom die quickly after purchase?

Ilya Shinin: “When buying a richly flowering houseplant (azalea, cyclamen, campanula, rose and others), you should take into account that this is primarily a forcing crop. That is, to make the plant bloom profusely, the manufacturer uses special agrotechnical techniques that cannot be recreated at home. Therefore, the purchase of such a plant should be regarded as an alternative to cut flowers or a bouquet. The only thing that can be done is to timely transplant the plant after flowering from the substrate into the appropriate soil and create the environmental conditions necessary for the species. "

What greens can be grown at home without difficulty?

Andrey Dvoeglazov: “Dill, parsley, mint and lemon balm grow easily and quickly. Seeds require minimum conditions: a light window sill and timely watering. Thyme and laurel are also fine, but it is better to buy them with a ready-made bush. "

Ilya Shinin: “Watercress will feel good at home, green onions, lavender, laurel, rosemary, chili. Do not forget about pelargonium and citrus fruits, which saturate the air with phytoncides, thereby purifying it and providing a bactericidal effect. "

What flowers are useful to keep in the workplace?

Ilya Shinin:“Cacti and succulents get along best with the technique, around which dry heated air is formed. Even in such conditions, they need to be watered once a week, not more often. Zamiokulkas, a tropical plant with small fleshy leaves, which is fashionable today, will feel great on the desktop. True, it does not bloom. I advise you to put a small flower on the table so that it does not dominate over other objects and does not distract from work. "

How to choose fresh cut flowers for your home?

Irina Volkova: "IN classic interiors vases with hydrangea caps look great. These flowers are hard to endure cold, heat and lack of water, but their beauty overcomes any pain associated with processing. Before placing in water, be sure to cut the stem by three to four centimeters (it is better to cut it right in the water and never with scissors).

In winter, look out for anemones and ranunculus: unfortunately, their season is short. These flowers are adored by all florists! It is better to put them in simple transparent vases: the pattern that the stems create in the water is almost prettier than the flowers themselves.

The floristic counterparts of food products will look great in the kitchen: brassica cauliflower, hypericum berries, floristic artichokes, blackberries and peppers. An incredible aroma will be settled in the house of freesia, lily, chamelacium, fresh green eucalyptus. Calla lilies and amaryllis will add severity.

At home, I often put my beloved and beloved royal protea. If you want something scary, but mesmerizing, bring Protea, leucospermum and leucodendron to your house. "

What can be done to make the flowers last longer?

First of all, remove any foliage from the flowers that may be in the water. Otherwise, it will get into the water, start to rot, infect the stem with bacteria and, as a result, the whole flower. In addition, the leaves also love to drink water, so if they are not removed, the flower itself will receive significantly less nutrition.

Use a knife to trim the stem by at least three centimeters and immediately lower the flower into the water (or rather, trim the stem in the water). So there will be less chances that the air will clog the vessels through which water gets to the flower.

Plants with woody stems (protea, hydrangea, pittosporum) are briefly placed in hot waterto uncork the vessels.

The more often you change the water and trim the stem a little, the longer your flowers will last.

Photos:, shutterstock

Probably, there is no house in which at least one indoor flower did not adorn. People have long been convinced that living plants create home comfort, improve mood. But not every plant can be grown in your home. We will talk about this.

Useful flowers for home

There are several types useful flowers for home.

They are mainly used for medicinal purposes, as well as for purifying oxygen, these include:

Flowers for individual rooms

Connecting himself with nature, each person tries to supplement his home with a part of it. Perennials have the ability to heal and everyone is familiar with this feature.

Scientists have brought the ability of indoor plants not only to decorate apartments, houses and offices, but also to improve the energy background, protect from radiation, filter the air, have a beneficial effect on nervous system... Each flower has its own specific feature, so knowing it, you can easily determine in which of the rooms the plant will live and benefit.

For kitchen

The kitchen is not an ideal place for growing indoor plants. Due to the temperature difference, high humidity, many flowers suffer and get sick.

But there are several specimens that will not only take root perfectly surrounded by a slab and various household appliances, but also get rid of her negative impact and will be an excellent air filter. In addition, an oasis in the kitchen will improve digestion and perfectly complement the interior.

So, creating a mini-garden on the kitchen windowsill, you can choose from such green representatives of nature as:

  1. Aglaonema. This plant loves moisture, and copes with air purification. Reduces the presence of harmful substances in the kitchen space, which are emitted by plastic, furniture items, lacquer coatings. The disadvantages include slow growth and adverse effects on the eyes. Therefore, it is better to put the plant higher so that the child or animal cannot get to it.
  2. Scindapsus... This plant is also capable of purifying the air. The housewives loved it for its unpretentiousness, which means that it can be grown in kitchen area... The plant is a vine that can shoot up to 2 meters long. Differs in rapid growth, therefore, requires frequent fertilization.
  3. Mother-in-law tongue... The plant is unpretentious and has very beautiful tiger leaves. May bloom in small flowers white... It filters the air well and neutralizes harmful substances. It takes root well anywhere in the kitchen. In full shade, the leaf may darken. Perfectly complements any interior style. As for leaving, the plant needs constant rubbing of the leaves.

For the nursery

Any mother, taking care of her child, wants to protect him from bacteria and negative energy, even at home.

Very reasonable decision there will be growing in the children's room such flowering vegetation as:

  1. Fuchsia;
  2. Balsam;
  3. Violet;
  4. Decembrist;
  5. Begonia.

All these plants do not belong to the class of non-poisonous vegetation, they are very beautiful in appearance and do not require special care.

By choosing living decoration for a nursery, you need to give preference to proven plants, surrounded by more than one generation of children. These include:

  1. Spathiphyllum;
  2. Fern;
  3. Kalanchoe;
  4. Chlorophytum;
  5. Conifers;
  6. Citrus;
  7. Maidenhair.

Such plants neutralize harmful substances in the air, enrich the room with oxygen, normalize the baby's sleep, and are also absolutely safe.

For bedroom

After working days, she dreams to quickly get to her favorite bedroom and enjoy her native and cozy atmosphere... It is in this place that you want to create special interior, which will give warmth and peace.

Naturally, every woman dreams of having a beautiful blooming flowerthat you can admire while lying on your favorite bed. When choosing a flower for the main place in the house, one should not forget about useful properties plants.

The following flowers have become ideal air purifiers:

Universal flowers for home

Beautiful green flower, and even with a gorgeous bloom, it is able to completely change the interior, and add a touch of comfort to even the most unattractive room. For avid florists, they become a part of life and receive appropriate care and all the conditions for growth.

But most housewives sometimes simply do not have enough time to endow the green inhabitant of the house with proper attention and care. Work, family, household chores lead to the fact that one day a woman discovers a herbarium on her windowsill and there is nothing left but to throw another plant into the trash can.

To prevent this from happening, you should with great responsibility choose indoor vegetation for the house, which will be useful for all family members and does not require special care. These plants include:

  1. All kinds... Suitable for those housewives who often forget to water the plant. They are able to reduce the accumulation of electricity in the space, therefore they are ideal for apartments crammed with various household appliances... The plant is able to relieve headaches.
  2. Money Tree... A living representative of vegetation looks great in any room, emphasizing its style. According to most experts in the field of esotericism, the plant is able to attract money to the house.
  3. Canna. Such a flower will not only delight the eye with a gorgeous flowering, but also perfectly take root on the windowsill of any home. It easily tolerates drought and grows actively even in the shade. Despite the large beautiful flowers, it is practically odorless, therefore it is suitable for homes with children and for people prone to allergies.


More recently, it has become fashionable to purchase and arrange indoor flowers in the house based on signs. Therefore, if you are headlong into this idea, you should start with signs from the people:

  • Mother-in-law tongue... According to popular belief, this plant activates in the home positive energy... This is due to the upward growth of long, oblong leaves. It is believed that they are capable of being a conductor of energy from space.
  • Begonia... The flower reduces the aggressive mood in people who live next to her. The frequency of quarrels in the family decreases and laughter is heard more and more often.
  • Violet... The plant is able to develop creative skills all family members.
  • Lemon... Flower just irreplaceable plant for a home with children. Your child will grow up as a good-natured, calm and restrained child.
  • Dracaena.The flower attracts good luck to the house. Be sure to purchase this indoor shrub for your home. Success in all spheres of life will be assured.

Flowers for harmony and happiness

As we have already found out from the above, it is necessary to choose vegetation for the house based on its usefulness for a particular room. But this feature is not the main one.

It is very important that perennials fill the house with positive energy, which will have a beneficial effect on the emotional and physical well-being of all the inhabitants of the house.

Each dwelling must have such plants as:

  1. Fern. Reliable protection for every home. It completely neutralizes bad energythat comes into the house from the street or from negative peopleand also reduces harmful radiation from household appliances.
  2. Tradescantia... Keeper of the well-being of the home. With its appearance, the flower signals the situation in the house. If the leaves start to hurt and dry, then you need to pay attention to the attitude in the family. With proper care, the plant will bring positive energy and calmness back into the home.

Flowers with negative energy

No matter how beautiful indoor landscaping, you need to be sure of the need to bring it into the house. The fact is that many representatives of vegetation can cause irreparable harm to humans.

There is no need to try to save a sick perennial who was taken from work to go out. Such living plant pets will not bring anything good into the house, but will only take away all the positive energy of the home.

  • All perennials with thorns and needles better not to buy. They bring discord into the family.
  • Euphorbia and dieffenbachia belong to the class of poisonous vegetation.
  • Orchid passionate devourer of positive energy. She is especially active in doing this when you are sleeping, that is, at night.
  • Monstera in the common people it is called an energy vampire, so it is better to avoid spending a long time near this flower.

Vegetation in your home is not only a wonderful natural addition to the interior, but also an ideal help for achieving well-being, prosperity and just ordinary family happiness.

Almost all of our houseplants came from distant countries... And each of them requires an individual approach. One needs the sun, while the other can die from its influence and prefers shade. Some people need abundant moisture, but there are those that need to be forgotten. And in order for the plant to please the grower with its appearance, you need to know the rules required for care. Consider a catalog of popular indoor flowers.

Indoor plant classification

All pets plants can be divided into 4 groups, each of which has its own characteristics and characteristics. Groups:

  • decorative and leafy. This group, if you follow all the rules for care, will be with flower growers for a long time. They mostly have leaflets all year round green. The only thing is that there are species that should be removed to cool rooms in winter.
  • decorative blooming. Flowers of this group are referred to as centenarians. Their leaves do not die off after flowering, it's just that in some of their species they become not so attractive. Among the indoor plants of this species, some need to be provided with coolness in winter, and some should be taken out into the garden for the summer.
  • decorative flowering potted plants. These types are mainly used for a variety of flower arrangements... After they have lost their appearance, they are simply disposed of. But, if tubers of some species are left, then it is possible to use them in next year... That is, plants of this group can be decorative and flowering for a short time.
  • cacti. This is the most famous and popular species. Their stems are covered with spines and hairs. Sometimes they are found in cacti and the usual leaves for us. Many of the cacti can bloom. They are long-livers and rather unpretentious.

Catalog of indoor flowers

Consider the names related to decorative foliage, which are valued for beautiful leaves, as well as decorative blooming, capable of boasting excellent flowering.


It is a shrub that attracts with its exotic appearance. It has a rosette of leaves with straight stems that turn into a trunk over time. Depending on the species and age, it can reach three meters... Leaves of this home plant juicy green, elongated. Dracaena with proper care in indoor conditions can last up to 15 years. Dracaena types:

  • dracaena tree
  • dracaena cinnabar
  • dracaena deremenskaya
  • dragon tree
  • fragrant dracaena
  • dracaena Godzef

Dracaena is unpretentious shrub, which will not cause great trouble to the florist, if you follow the following care rules:

  1. dracaena is a light-loving plant, but it is necessary to protect it from direct sunlight.
  2. moisture-loving, abundant watering is necessary. It must be carried out as soon as it dries. upper layer ground by 2 cm approx.
  3. before watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil.



Refers to coniferous crops. Not picky about care, it will take root in a new place easily. He is very light-loving and is not afraid of the sun's rays. In insufficient light, cypress can die... It does not tolerate drafts and strong winds, but the room where it grows needs to be ventilated regularly.

The plant loves moisture, so it must be sprayed, and containers with water can also be placed next to the pot. Cypress need to water regularly, observing this every day to prevent the soil from drying out. IN winter time you can water it less often to prevent root rot.

Cypress in May - September needs fertilizing. It can be purchased from specialized stores.

Decorative flowering indoor plants are loved because of the exquisite flowers. They are also among themselves differ in appearance, according to care requirements, according to smell... Examples of decorative flowering: saintpaulias, acacia, anthurium and others.

Saintpaulias or Usambara violets

These indoor flowers almost ideal, because they bloom almost all year round, mostly without taking up much space on the windowsill. Many colors of flowers, are like delicate shades, and bright flashy. In order for violets to bring joy with their flowering, they need to create the necessary conditions... Saintpaulia care rules:

The lower leaves and faded flowers are cut off. If in the spring the Saintpaulia gave a second outlet, then it must be cut off and put into water.


It has a shortened stem, which can be aboveground or underground. Its leaves are green in color, reaching a length of 15 cm, and 7 cm wide, flowers come in a variety of colors. Anthurium care rules:


It is a stemless houseplant with a short root. Kinds:

  • cannoli spathiphyllum - differs from its other species wonderful aroma flower. Its leaves are juicy green. Blooms in spring and winter.
  • spathiphyllum profusely blooming - can bloom throughout the year.
  • willys' spathiphyllum - perfect for growing indoors.
  • Spathiphyllum helikoniilous - rather large, reaches a height of up to 1 m.

Spathiphyllum care rules:

Indoor plants, the photos and names of which you see below, belong to the decorative-flowering pot type. Difference from the previous type the fact that such indoor flowers can only spend a short period of time in living quarters. If the plant begins to fade, then the days of this flower are already numbered.

Only some of their species can be saved. Therefore b most plants are thrown away, some retainby moving them to cool, while others can be saved as bulbs until next landing.

The short life span of such cultures is the most main drawback... These include flowers such as azalea, chrysanthemum, poinsettia, gloxinia.


It is considered an evergreen, branched, flowering dwarf plant... Types of indoor azaleas:

  • indian azalea. The height of this evergreen shrub is up to 50 cm, its leaves are small, no more than 3.5 cm.
  • japanese azalea reaches a height of 50 cm, it has white shiny leaves, which are smaller than those of the previous species.

Basic rules for caring for room azalea:

Cacti are a separate type of indoor crops that delight the grower with their unpretentiousness.


Enough large cactus with a dark green stem in the form of a ball or cylinder. The main the difference from all other cacti is the presence of papillae from which needles appear... The roots are, as a rule, on the surface, only the root system in the center goes deeper. Types of Mammillaria cactus:

  • Mamilaria shide is a miniature form, shaped like a ball with a diameter of 4 cm.
  • Mammillaria large-nosed - this species is distinguished by its large size, up to 30 cm high.
  • Mammillaria snow-white is also a rather large species.
  • Mammillaria Teresa - this type of cactus has a very large flowers, reaching 3 cm in diameter and, as a rule, they are purple in color.
  • Mammillaria prickly is a medium-sized cactus, often not branched in the form of a cylinder.

Basic rules of care:


It's classic cactus with a stem in the form of a ball, cylinder... Her flowers are yellow, pink, white, red. Types of lobivia:

  • lobivia bakeberg is a dwarf with a gray coloration of the stem. In diameter, it does not exceed 5 cm, the color of the flowers is cream.
  • bolivia lobivia - a cylinder-shaped stem, with a gray-green color. The height of this type of cactus reaches 10 cm.
  • lobivia densispin - this cactus consists of a number of different types of stems, color of flowers, thorns. main feature them big size and bright colors.
  • lobivia zhazhoyana - this type of cactus is distinguished by its spherical stem, not exceeding 10 cm in diameter.

Basic rules for caring for room culture:

Having considered the types and names of the crops presented, the florist will independently be able to choose the most suitable one for himself. Because depending on their type, indoor flowers differ for home care requirements.