Houseplants that rarely need to be watered. Unpretentious indoor plants, or home gardening for the lazy

well maintained beautiful unpretentious houseplants can become a wonderful decoration of the house, saturate the air with phytoncides, absorb harmful substances, create a unique atmosphere of comfort, delighting our eyes and soul.

But flowers do not grow by themselves, they need daily care.

There are capricious green creatures that require spraying several times a day, shading from the sun, lighting in the evenings and much more.

Of course, people who work daily or often leave home cannot give such plants necessary care. So what to do, do without them? Not necessarily, you just need to choose the most unassuming instances.

It is about such plants- complaisant, understanding everything, able to enter into the position of the owners, today we will talk. Let's take a closer look: which indoor plants are the most unpretentious to care for?

The most unpretentious house plants

Perhaps it is impossible to find a plant more unpretentious than sensevieria (pike tail, mother-in-law's tongue). She feels equally good both in the farthest dark corner of the apartment and on the south window. It is possible to transplant this xiphoid beauty only when the roots do not fit into the pot at all, and it is not at all necessary to feed it.

Sensevieria also does not suffer from dry air and lack of watering - there is always a sufficient supply of moisture in its dense upright leaves. In winter, “mother-in-law’s tongue” completely retires, stops growing and wants one thing - not to be disturbed. Just a great example!

Look at this obligatory inhabitant of the halls of public institutions - its leaves seem so tender, brittle, and rosettes-babies on thin stems - so defenseless and in need of care. Meanwhile, this plant is one of the most unpretentious.

Neither excess moisture nor drought are terrible for him. Chlorophytum can continue to grow in the sun, in the shade and in drafts. Many grow this plant to create a useful microclimate in the apartment - it is known that it can, like no other, absorb harmful substances from the air and give away useful ones. Perhaps that is why chlorophytum almost does not need human hands - it just knows how to take everything it needs directly from the air.

Crassula oval(Crassula ovata)
Crassula oval, which is popularly known as the fat woman or Money Tree, is one of the most popular plants. And although the desire of people to have it in the house is more associated not with some outstanding qualities, but with a folk sign about its ability to make the owners richer, it would hardly have been so popular if the money tree had had a less complaisant character.

The plump oval leaves of Crassula retain moisture and nutrients, so this plant almost does not need to be fed or quenched. It can grow well both on the south window and on the north, and the temperature range of its content is simply huge: from 8 to 28 degrees. The only thing the fat woman needs is breathable soil with the addition of a large amount of sand.

In Britain, where the most advanced amateur flower growers traditionally live, the aspidistra was nicknamed the "cast-iron plant" because of the ability to endure all life's troubles and the "friendly family" for the many leaves on long petioles growing in one pot.

Where there is not enough light - in office space with artificial lighting, in dark northern rooms, this flower feels at home. Resistant to lack and excess of moisture, not afraid of the strongest drafts and 30-degree heat.

Such an intricate name has a beautiful exotic shrub with straight stems and dark green, dense, glossy leaves. Nothing will happen to Zamioculcas if you leave it in the scorching sun or forget to water it for a couple of weeks. A large plant will feel great in a small pot and patiently wait for the owners to deign to transplant it.

If you do not water the zamiokulkas for too long (for example, a month), it will shed its leaves and lose its attractiveness. But after the first watering, new young leaves will sprout from the soil and life will go on the second round. Choose ready-made soil for cacti for him, add a little sand - this is perhaps the only wish of this unpretentious overseas guest.

This ampelous plant is one of the most unpretentious indoor flowering plants. It is persistent, and blooms in large bouquets, consisting of many individual flowers - this is hoya carnosa ( wax ivy). Her leaves are dense, glossy, as if waxy. It is thanks to them that karnoza can do without watering for several months.

If you haven’t been home, for example, for a whole year, and your hoya has completely dried up and lost all the leaves, cut off a piece of the stem and put it in a glass of water - and after 1-2 weeks it will take root again. Without a transplant, this ivy can do for years, as well as without top dressing. But it will bloom in a lush color only when good care- here you will not be able to deceive the plant!

or Beaucarney(beaucarnea)
Nolina is just an ideal plant, created as if specifically for those who spend their lives on business trips and tourist voyages. This native of the deserts with a bottle-shaped trunk is not only absolutely unique and inimitable, it also has a very accommodating character. And how it fits into the interiors, especially in modern, designer ones - just a feast for the eyes!

To form a caudex - that same huge base, the bokarney needs to be watered rarely, but plentifully. Plant it in a small pot, in low-nutrient loose soil, water it well once, and you can only admire this exotic for a whole month.

Kalanchoe is a shade-tolerant flower, resistant to sudden changes in temperature, containing a lot of moisture in its succulent leaves, and therefore does not need frequent watering. The most popular types of Kalanchoe have long been used as a medicinal plant, and in recent times breeders have bred many beautifully flowering Kalanchoe hybrids. You can place pots on any windows - both northern and southern.

(Monstera deliciosa)
Monstera - powerful tropical liana, which can grow up to 5 m tall, is just a godsend for beginner flower growers. You can water it no more than 1 time per week, and in winter - 1 time in two weeks. Surprisingly, even diseases and pests bypass this monumental beauty with leaves reaching up to half a meter in diameter. If you deprive it of sufficient lighting, the leaves will become monolithic and somewhat smaller in diameter, that's all.

Scindapsus golden(Epipremnum aureum)
Ampelous plant with heart-shaped or rounded variegated leaves of rich green color with cream patches. It grows rapidly, reaching one and a half meters in length. Hang the scindapsus in a basket or a beautiful planter on the wall somewhere in the back of the room, where the sun's rays do not reach, and it can perfectly manage with artificial lighting. True, the cream spots will disappear, and the color of the leaves will become completely green.

This flower perfectly cleans the air and feels great with sudden changes in temperature and humidity, so it is advisable to place it in the kitchen. The only "whim" of scindapsus is the need for regular feeding.

plant with great large flowers, pleasing with lush flowering almost all year round. Spathiphyllum tolerates a lack of moisture steadfastly: during a drought, the leaves may droop, but after watering they will recover again. Fertilizers are useful to him, but even without them the plant will not disappear.

The most important thing for a spathiphyllum is the right choice of location. Find him a warm cozy haven somewhere away from windows that open for ventilation, cold air and drafts, and there will be no problems.

Read about in this extensive article.

Gerbera can grow both in the garden and in a pot, it is enough to take note of simple tips.

If your dieffenbachia pleased with yellow leaves
, take an interest in more detail about the possible causes of such an event.

undemanding indoor plants quite a lot, and very different: ampelous, flowering, large and small. But unpretentiousness does not mean that you can throw a living creation of nature into a far corner for six months and forget about it.

Even the most simple and hardy pets respond to care with the appearance of new shoots and beautiful lush flowering. If you are a novice florist, then all the listed green ascetics are just what you need!

Everyone loves flowers, but not everyone dares to breed them at home, fearing the difficulties in caring for them. However, there are plenty of hardy houseplants that are perfect for your apartment or office.

Below you will find out which indoor flowers are the most unpretentious, and you can also see their photos and read the recommendations for caring for these plants.

What indoor flowers are the most unpretentious: aloe (Aloe)

Family: Asphodel, deciduous-decorative, photophilous.

Aloe or agave is a small tree or shrub with an upright stem and juicy fleshy leaves of a dull green or bluish color.

At aloe arborescens (Aloe arborescens) they are narrow-lanceolate with strong spines bent upward along the edge.

And at aloe folded(Aloe plicatilis)- belt-shaped with a rounded top.

Broadly lanceolate leaves with white hooked thorns and a colorless awn at the end of spinous aloe (Aloe aristata) are collected in dense basal rosettes.

Spectacular triangular-lanceolate leaves with transverse whitish stripes of variegated aloe, or tiger (Aloe variegate), also form rosettes.

And the most medicinal unpretentious of indoor flowers is considered to be real aloe, or Barbados (Aloe vera, barbadensis), with narrow, serrated, almost erect bluish-green leaves.

Aloe absorbs harmful chemical compounds from the air (nitric oxide, formaldehyde) emitted by thermal insulation and furniture made of chipboard, and has a very high phytoncidal activity against many pathogens.

Aloe juice is widely used in traditional medicine recipes, and the pulp of the leaves is used in various cosmetic masks.

These unpretentious indoor flowers are placed in a well-lit place, not afraid of direct sunlight. Water abundantly in summer, and very rarely in winter.

Spraying is desirable, but not required. Feed only in the summer 1-2 times a month. You can repot every 2-3 years, using a soil mixture of soddy soil, leafy soil and sand (2: 1: 1) or ready-made for cacti and succulents.

Unpretentious beautiful indoor plant Aspidistra

Family: Lily, deciduous-decorative, shade-tolerant.

Aspidistra(Aspidistra), "friendly family", or "shoemaker's palm", is a perennial herbaceous plant with large oval or broadly lanceolate glossy leaves on long strong petioles.

Along with plain dark green leaf blades, there is a decorative form ‘Variegata’ with leaves in longitudinal white, cream or yellow stripes. Growing, it occupies the entire area provided.

As the popular name (“shoemaker’s palm”) testifies, this unpretentious beautiful indoor plant can grow in rather difficult conditions: moderate shading (variegated forms require a lighter place, otherwise the brightness of colors is lost), low humidity, high dust content, slight interruptions in watering . It is afraid of drafts, moisture stagnation and transplants (transplanted in the spring when the container becomes very tight). The soil mixture is made up of sod land, compost, peat and sand (1: 1: 1: 1).

Of the useful qualities, one can name a sound-absorbing effect, an increase in air humidity and volatile activity against a number of pathogenic microorganisms.

Unpretentious indoor plant for the office Zamioculcas

Family: Aroid, deciduous-decorative, photophilous.

Zamioculcas(Zamioculcas)- a tuberous plant with thick stems 50-100 cm high, on which dark green glossy fleshy leaves pointed at the ends with yellow-green veins sit in pairs.

This unpretentious houseplant for the office is ideal for decorating the workspace due to its highly decorative properties and unpretentious care. Zamioculcas is resistant to drought (excess moisture can cause root rot), dry air (leaves can be occasionally washed in the shower), low light (but will not suffer on a lit window), and is rarely attacked by various pests.

Top dressing is carried out only when a new leaf appears and until it is fully developed, it is better to use fertilizers for and. Adult plants are transplanted every 3-5 years into a soil mixture of soddy and leafy soil, peat and sand (1: 1: 1: 1).
In addition, the name "dollar tree" was assigned to the zamiokulkas, and popular rumor ascribes to it the ability to attract wealth.

Unpretentious indoor flowering plant Zygocactus

Family: Cactus, flowering, photophilous.

unpretentious blooming indoor flower truncated zygocactus (truncates) - the same "Decembrist" who, one of the few, pleased our grandmothers with cold winter evenings juicy bright crimson tropical-graceful flowers.

Since then, a huge number of new varieties have been bred, differing both in the shape of segmented shoots (sharper or rounder, larger or smaller), and in the amazing richness of colors of large (up to 8 cm long), fragrant, arranged one by one or a group of flowers.

As you can see in the photo of this unpretentious flowering plant, in addition to the traditional red and white flowers, there are varieties with salmon, lavender, red-orange, peach, orange-red, yellow and multicolor colors.

Currently, the range of colors and shapes is constantly updated.

Transplanted after flowering, when the container becomes cramped (blooms irregularly and less abundantly in a spacious container). The soil should contain a mixture of humus, leafy, soddy soil and sand (3: 1: 1: 2), you can use a ready-made mixture for cacti and succulents.

The unpretentious indoor flowering plant zygocactus requires only one condition to be met - do not move the plant at the time of budding, otherwise all flower buds may fall off. In all other respects, this representative of forest cacti will not cause much trouble: diffused, rather bright lighting, regular watering in spring and summer, as well as during the budding period (from September to December).

Unpretentious indoor plant nephrolepis

Family: Nephrolepis, deciduous-decorative, shade-tolerant.

Nephrolepis(Nephrolepis)- Another representative of the oldest class of Ferns. Unlike many other species, it has perfectly adapted to the climatic conditions of our apartments and is successfully used to “revitalize” corners that are quite remote from windows.

Its light green, pinnate, arcuately drooping fronds add lightness and airiness to any composition.

Large specimens (fronds can reach 1.5 m) are excellent in splendid isolation on a high stand.

Prefers moderate temperature regime about +15 ... +20 ° С, it will be grateful for regular watering and spraying, but it will also survive a short-term drought without much loss.

It reacts badly only to combustion products and tobacco smoke, so it is unlikely to grow well in the kitchen or in the "smoking room" (for this room it is generally difficult to pick up something other than an artificial palm tree).

Top dressing is carried out in spring and summer once every 2 weeks. For planting, use a mixture of leafy soil and compost (1: 1) with the addition of bone meal.

What flowering houseplants are unpretentious: spathiphyllum

Family: Aroid, flowering, deciduous-decorative, photophilous.

If you do not know what other indoor plants are unpretentious and do not require constant care, we advise you to start a spathiphyllum (Spathiphyllum).

This flower can be seen in places that seem to be the most unsuitable for living flowers - poorly lit, often only with artificial lighting, halls or reception rooms filled with various vapors and aerosols of hairdressers or dry cleaners, hallways and stairs.

Not only does it look magnificent due to the abundance of large xiphoid dark green leaves on long petioles, like in Spathiphyllum Wallace(Spathiphyllum wallisii).

Or light green with a wavy edge, like spathiphyllum profusely flowering(Spathiphyllum floribundum) but still blooming.

And the inflorescence of some varieties is only slightly inferior in beauty to the graceful anthurium - a small yellow "cob", half-covered with a waxy white or greenish leaf-blanket on an upright peduncle. This is one of the most unpretentious flowering houseplants, blooming from late spring and all summer. For active growth and abundant flowering, it is still better to place in a bright, warm place with high humidity, water and spray regularly. From spring to autumn, top dressing is carried out once a month. Transplanted in the spring, using relatively small pots, because. often there are underground horizontal stems, and a loose substrate, for example, leafy, peat, coniferous, humus earth and sand (2:4:1:1:1) with the addition of pieces of charcoal.

Small young plants are used in plant groups, and an adult solid spathiphyllum in a beautiful flowerpot will do an excellent job with the role of a tapeworm.

This is one of the most unpretentious blooming indoor colors, it perfectly moisturizes the air, reduces the content of some harmful substances allocated by modern polymeric materials saturates the air with ozone and air ions.

Unpretentious houseplant scindapsus

Family: Aroid, deciduous-decorative, shade-tolerant.

Scindapsus (Scindapsus) - a fast-growing vine with a tetrahedral stem and juicy heart-shaped or ovate leaves with a shiny surface.

Pay attention to the photo of this unpretentious houseplant:

There are varieties with plain dark green leaves;

Or with silver spots;

Or with a border around the edges;

Or with golden “strokes”, thanks to which even in the back of the room the impression of the presence of “sunbeams” is created.

Without any effort on your part, the scindapsus will braid the proposed support. Its aerial roots manage to “stick” even to the unevenness of the wallpaper or plaster.

A pole with coconut fiber or moss, densely entwined with scindapsus, looks very nice.

It is only necessary to plant several plants in one container and periodically pinch the ends of the shoots to stimulate the growth of lateral stems - this way the planting will be more dense and beautiful.

The plant is shade-tolerant, but with a prolonged lack of lighting, the brightness of colors is lost. For a long time, it can grow only with artificial lighting. For good growth, sufficient watering and warmth (+20 ... + 25 ° С) are necessary. Top dressing is carried out from spring to autumn once every two weeks. Replant in the spring as needed.

Scindapsus not only takes dust from the air in large quantities, but also enriches it with phytoncides and ozonides (substances that contribute to the death of pathogenic microorganisms).

Unpretentious plant fat woman

Family: Crassidaceae, deciduous-decorative, photophilous.

fat woman(Crassula) or "money tree" is loved by flower growers not only for its unpretentiousness, but also for its original appearance.

Crassula purslane, or silver(Crassula portulaceae argentea), the most common species, looks like a stocky tree (can grow up to 1 m tall) with round, dark green "coin" leaves. The flowers are small white or pink.

Looks like her and more large fat woman tree-like(Crassula arborescens), but it has oval-shaped leaves, bluish.

Fat woman tetrahedral(Crassula tetragona) more like a club moss - its thin decumbent shoots are densely covered with numerous short subulate, fleshy leaves.

The fat woman is photophilous and drought-resistant. In winter, the temperature is +8 ... +12 ° С. Top dressing is carried out only in the warm season once a month. Transplanted every 2-3 years, in wide low containers, using a soil mixture of soddy and leafy soil, sand, peat (1: 1: 1: 0.5).

It is believed that the fat woman attracts good luck and financial prosperity to the house. Why not try it, because the cost of it is definitely minimal.

Unpretentious indoor plant tradescantia

Family: Commeline, ornamental, light-loving, shade-tolerant.

Tradescantia(Tradescantia)- herbaceous perennial plant with succulent creeping stems and tightly fitting oval-pointed leaves.

At tradescantia riverine(Tradescantia fluminensis) shoots purple, the upper side of the leaf is bright green with yellow stripes, and the lower side is purple.

Tradescantia white-flowered(Tradescantia albiflora) sometimes just bright green, but there are forms with striped foliage: white and dark green stripes on a light green background, or green stripes on yellow leaves, or white and pink on a green background. The flowers are small white, collected in inflorescences, curls.

Tradescantia grow equally well in both light and dark rooms, easily tolerate dry air. "Striped" varieties need a little more light, as in low light the color of the stripes will be less saturated. In terms of care, only regular watering is required (it can be sprayed periodically) and annual rejuvenation with pruning, as the shoots are strongly drawn out during the year and can become bare at the base. For planting, take a soil mixture of leafy soil, humus, peat and sand (2: 1: 1: 1).

Tradescantia promotes sound absorption and humidification of the air, emits a small amount of phytoncides.

Beautiful unpretentious plant cyperus

Family: Sedge, deciduous-decorative, photophilous.

cyperus(Cyperus) alternate-leaved, or sitovnik (Cyperus alternifolius), is an upright herbaceous plant with linear green leaves (up to 1 m long and up to 0.5 cm wide), collected in umbellate panicles.

The form ‘Variegatus’ has leaves with white stripes.

BUT cyperus graceful(Cyperus gracilis) - dwarf species(up to 50 cm tall).

cyperus papyrus(Cyperus papyrus)- the highest (can grow up to 3 m) with filiform leaves.

And at cyperus scattered(Cyperus diffuses) widest leaves.

This beautiful unpretentious indoor plant is grown in pots or tubs. The place is chosen bright, humid and warm (+20 ... + 22 ° C in summer, a little cooler in winter). The problem with high humidity and constantly damp soil can be easily solved by placing the plant pot in another, wider container half-filled with water. Feed only in the summer once every two weeks. Fertilizer should be taken in half concentration. They are transplanted every 3-4 years at any time when braiding a clod of earth with roots. For planting, use an earthen mixture of soddy and leafy soil, peat, compost and sand (1:1:2:1). In summer, it will successfully decorate a pond in your garden (exposed in shallow water right in pots).

Increases air humidity, reduces the content of dust and harmful ions, as well as pathogenic microflora. Cyperus is recommended for rooms where there are many computers or other office equipment, since the moisture evaporated by the plant reduces the content of charged dust particles in the air.

And if there is a cat in the house, then for her it will be an invaluable gift.

Indoor unpretentious plant cissus

Family: Grape, deciduous-decorative, shade-tolerant.

Cissus (Cissus) - another old-timer of various offices and institutions - rhomboid cissus, or "birch" (Cissus rhombifolia).

Climbing liana with thin, abundantly branching shoots and trifoliate dark green leaves. Clings to everything around with long thin antennae. Stems and petioles are covered with brown short hairs.

More rare types:

Cissus antarctica, or "indoor grapes" (Cissus antarctica), with ovate large (up to 12 cm) dark green leaves;

And cissus multicolored(Cissus discolor)- with reddish-purple stems and a silvery pattern on heart-shaped reddish leaves.

"Birch" is thermophilic (the temperature throughout the year is +18 +20 ° C) and shade-tolerant (it grows even under artificial lighting). Water abundantly throughout the year, it is desirable to spray during the heating season. Not afraid of drafts and tobacco smoke. For planting, a soil mixture of soddy and leafy soil, sand (1: 1: 0.5) is used. It can be grown with a support, it can be grown as an ampelous plant.

The healing effect of cissus on indoor air is associated with air humidification, the absorption of formaldehyde (which can be released into the air from chipboard), and the production of phytoncides.

For beginner gardeners, or people on frequent trips, the most unpretentious houseplants, the list of which we have provided below, are perfect.

Surely many have encountered the problem of dried flowers in a pot. And it's not always the gardener's fault. Frequent trips or working moments do not allow time to pour or fertilize the plant.

On hot days, many indoor flowers need regular spraying, which is sometimes quite difficult to do, some varieties are sprayed 2-3 times a day, while others are very demanding on sunlight and need to be constantly shaded at lunchtime.

Office workers simply do not have time for this, but they want beautiful flowering, especially to purify the air in places where computer equipment and working personnel are concentrated. Leaving for the weekend, the office closes, and there is simply no one to take care of the plants.

Even at home, not everyone has enough time to constantly take care of the green space, not to mention weekly trips.

Fans of a home green garden begin to independently select and grow one flower after another until they find suitable species.

In this article, we will try to speed up and simplify your efforts and provide the most unpretentious houseplants, as well as abundantly flowering varieties.

The main requirements for unpretentious plants: occasional watering, fertilizing occasionally, not watering regularly, not mandatory spraying and not picky about humidity and special temperature indicators, and most importantly, maximum flowering and decoration.

Many thought that such indoor plants do not exist, alas, among the many species, we have chosen the top 20 of which you can choose to your liking.

Dracaena - unpretentious plant agave family. There are variegated and plain green leaves. Variegated varieties require increased lighting, unlike monochromatic green species growing in the shade.

Approximate watering 1-2 times a week. If you forget to water, dracaena will tolerate dry climates well for 7-10 days. Contain for the sake of decorative foliage. Provide a moderate temperature and diffused light and the plant will grow happily ever after. AT regular transplant does not need.

One of the drawbacks is the strong smell, sometimes people can't stand it, and you have to put the pot on open air. The temperature of the content is 10-27 degrees.

tall ornamental plant. Ficus is unpretentious in care, but depending on the variety, there are a number of difficulties. There are tall species up to 3 m in height and completely dwarf ones not exceeding 15-20 cm. At home, they are kept for the sake of decorative leaves and air purification. Flowering is small and not a value. Ficus leaves are medicinal, they are used to treat skin diseases.

Water as the top layer of soil dries out, 1-2 times a week. With the onset of winter, watering is significantly reduced. From time to time, the leaves are wiped from dust.

There are some care difficulties described in the ficus section, but dealing with them does not bring much trouble.

There are many varieties and each has its own characteristics and differences.

One of the most popular indoor plants due to the medicinal juice of the leaves. Powerful stem leaves are able to stock up on a lot of moisture, like other succulents.

In addition to medicinal properties, the plant is not whimsical to care for, does not need spraying and frequent watering. Water once a week in summer, once a month in winter. Transplanted about 1 time in 3 years. Grows well in dry climates.

Of the shortcomings - afraid of direct sunlight. Aloe can grow both on the windowsill and in the middle of the room.

In medicine, only one variety of Aloe vera is used. Growth is average. In winter, the minimum temperature is 10 degrees, in summer it can withstand up to 27 degrees.


Crassula is often called "money tree", a very popular plant among gardeners. It grows well on a windowsill and can withstand direct sunlight. There is another name - "fat girl", because it is from the fat family. Growth is slow, therefore, replant the tree as needed if the pot is too small.

Blooms with small white flowers. Fertilize in summer period once a month. It tolerates dry air perfectly and does not need spraying. If you forgot to water, don't worry, the fleshy leaves contain enough moisture for your entire vacation.

Among the shortcomings: it is afraid of abundant and frequent watering and requires properly selected soil from perlite and vermiculite sand, which is well-permeable and breathable.


Monstera is a perennial ornamental plant with large pinnate leaves. There are types from solid color leaves and variegated. A rather unpretentious plant, with the exception of shading from direct sunlight. Monstera grows quite slowly, and it is transplanted no more than once every 4 years. The leaves reach a length of 1 m, with slits in the middle, for the sake of which they contain a green beauty.

Flowering is practically absent.

And in watering and temperature a little picky. At temperatures below 12 degrees, growth stops. The optimal mode is 20-22 degrees. It is not watered often, after the top layer of the substrate dries out, but insufficient watering negatively affects the plant. In winter, with the onset of cold weather, monstera is watered no more than 1 time per week, and sometimes 2 times a month.


Asparagus is a family of asparagus. An unpretentious plant and suitable for a novice gardener. The flowers are small and inconspicuous, the plant is kept for the sake of decorativeness of the leaves. There are many varieties and forms radically different from each other.

Water moderately, after drying the top layer of the earth, if you forgot to water, it's not scary, the plant will have a sufficient supply of moisture.

But still there are drawbacks: you will have to replant once a year. It does not need mandatory spraying, but loves it very much, especially on hot days. Prefers bright diffused light, but can grow in semi-shade, but direct sunlight should be avoided.

Fertilizer in the summer period is applied once a week, in winter 1 time per month is enough.


Aspidistra is another unpretentious indoor plant often settling in offices and greenhouses.
Temperature indicators do not matter, the main thing is that the temperature does not fall below 3-5 degrees. Watered about once a week. There is no flowering at home, it is kept for the sake of decorative greenery. Transplantation is carried out if necessary, and given the slow growth, no more than 1 time in 3-5 years.

The height does not exceed 70 cm and grows well on the windowsills, but with the condition of shading in the summer from direct sunlight.

Some varieties grow well in the shade.

One condition - do not overmoisten the substrate and the plant will grow for a long time.

Nolina Bokarneya

Nolina Bokarneya is a family of agaves, also called the “bottle palm”, due to the shape of the crown. Leaves lanceolate hanging down. Nolina perfectly tolerates dry climates and temperature changes. But the humidity of the palm loves high, the earth must always be in a wet state, otherwise the tips of the leaves will begin to dry out. Powerful root system accumulates enough moisture to ensure normal growth of the plant during the drought period.

Direct sunlight is not harmful, but in the shade of Nolin, bokarneya does not grow willingly.

Transplanted every 4 years, but fertilizers are applied regularly 2 times a month.

The main difficulties with watering: overflowing, or underfilling lead to negative consequences.


Sansevieria - popularly called (mother-in-law's tongue, pike tail.) The height reaches up to 1 m.

The main disadvantage is that it dies with excessive watering. Transplanted only if possible, when the roots fill the entire pot. Water once a week, in winter once every 3 weeks. A peduncle appears next to the rosette, on which small white flowers bloom. But the main advantage of the flower is its beautiful belt-shaped leaves with various variegated colors like snake skin. The average annual temperature is 18-28 degrees. In winter, not lower than 13 degrees.

The plant is not whimsical and can grow both in partial shade and partially tolerate the direct rays of the sun. Humidity does not matter, and fertilizer is applied only in the summer once a month.


Chlorophytum is an unpretentious plant for purifying the air. Look great in the kitchen. Variegated varieties need more light. But they can grow in the shade. It grows well in the form of an ampelous plant.

In low light, the flower stretches and can shed its leaves. Does not need special care. Water once or twice a week. Transplant as the root system grows. Fertilize once a month.

Among the disadvantages: drafts and waterlogging of the soil. Water after the top layer dries out.


Aglaonema - Grows in shade or partial shade, but is afraid of direct sunlight.

At home, variegated species are often used, which are valued for the decorativeness of their leaves. There are also unique hybrid forms, such as crit, with a red-pink color.

Water rarely, once a week, in winter watering is reduced by 3 times. There are no special requirements for humidity and temperature. Transplanted every 4-5 years due to slow growth.

The plant purifies the air in the room, absorbing toxins and secretions from various synthetic materials.

The main condition is not to overmoisten the soil, otherwise the roots will begin to rot.


Zamioculcas- a herbaceous plant with a thick tuber that accumulates a lot of moisture. It can grow in shade and partial shade, but feels good under diffused light. Tolerate dry climates, but with insufficient watering, it can shed its leaves. Excessive watering adversely affects the flower. Watered 2 times a week, in winter once a week.

There are no special requirements for the soil, choose a permeable and breathable light substrate. In summer, the pot is transferred to the open air; Zamiokulkos is not afraid of temperature changes and drafts. It is considered one of the unpretentious plants.

Among the disadvantages: poisonous juice, which is contained in the leaves and stems. After leaving, wash your hands thoroughly, and in an apartment where pets or small children, better plant do not start, or place in an inaccessible place.


Scindapsus - is a vine similar to wax ivy. At home, they contain for the sake of decorativeness of the leaves. They are monophonic, or variegated coloring. In its natural environment, the plant blooms with small scanty flowers. AT room conditions, to achieve flowering is almost impossible. But keeping at home is not difficult. Temperatures can drop to -12 degrees below zero and over 27 degrees Celsius. The plant can exist both in the shade and in the scattered sun. The main thing is not to waterlog the soil. Allow the substrate to dry out between waterings, otherwise the roots will rot.

Golden mustache

Golden mustache is a perennial plant with waxy leaves. Growing leaves partially overlap each other, thereby creating the illusion of a basal rosette. In addition to decorativeness, the plant is grown for medicinal purposes.

Golden mustache tolerates hot and dry climates, but can grow in the cold. The main thing is that the temperature should not fall below 0 degrees. In summer, water abundantly, but do not overmoisten the soil. Propagated easily, in several ways. The plant thrives in shade and sun. During the growing season, mineral fertilizers are applied every 2 weeks and, if possible, sprayed.


Tradescantia is a highly ornamental houseplant with colorful leaves. Depending on the variety, the shoots are erect or curly. Flowering lasts for 3 months, although each individual flower lives 1 day.

At home, tradescantia is kept for the sake of decorative leaves and air purification.
The flower needs to be provided with bright diffused light, its lack affects the color, especially for variegated varieties. In summer, water abundantly, but mandatory drainage in a pot to release excess moisture. In winter, let the soil dry out a little between waterings.

Tradescantia is not demanding on humidity, but on hot days it is recommended to spray the surface.

Croton is one of the most beautiful deciduous plants. At home, only one species is grown: variegated croton. To date, there are a large number of hybrid forms of this species. In addition to the decorativeness of the leaves, croton is kept in the house as a talisman.

The flowers are small and inconspicuous cream color.

Caring for a bush is not difficult, but there are some rules. In summer, you need to spray the leaves regularly. Water sparingly with room temperature water. The plant grows well at room temperature. In the summer it can be taken out into the open air, he prefers a large amount of light and direct sunlight is not a hindrance to him.

Among the disadvantages: the juice is poisonous, and it is not recommended to keep it at home if there are children or pets in the house.

Coleus is unpretentious in care and the high decorativeness of variegated forms allows it to compete with croton.

Often flower growers grow it for the amazing color of the leaves, but there are flowering hybrid varieties.

The plant is easy to propagate by seeds with a high probability of germination. In the hot period, fertilize once a week and water abundantly. In winter, fertilizers are applied once a month, provide moist air and moderate watering. In summer, coleus (optional) but spray the surface with soft water. There are no special requirements for the soil, the main thing is to choose a light and permeable substrate.

The most unpretentious flowering houseplants

Hoya li wax ivy is a beautiful creeping herbaceous plant with white fragrant blooms. During the flowering period, hoya stands out with a strong aroma and a large amount of nectar dripping from the flowers, which is why wax ivy is called weeping liana.

The flower is not whimsical in care, in summer it is watered abundantly, in winter watering is reduced to 1 time per week. It grows well in dry and humid climates and is resistant to temperature changes.

There are several types of ivy different blooms from white to red in color and flowers of various shapes.

In summer, at high temperatures, watering is increased. The lack of moisture affects flowering and leaves.

If you forget to water, the hoya will still feel good for a while, which is why it is often kept in offices.

Among the disadvantages: the strong aroma of flowering in some people can cause intolerance.


Kalanchoe - a flowering plant with a fleshy stem and leaves? refers to succulents.
In addition to beautiful flowering, Kalanchoe is known for its medicinal properties. The juice is used to prepare various medicines. Flowering is long throughout the summer, blooms with lush red flowers.

The plant prefers sunny diffused light, perfectly tolerates temperatures above 27 degrees and hibernates at 12-14 degrees. In summer, water 2 times a week, in winter, watering is reduced to once.

The average growth rate allows replanting no more than once every 3 years. There are over 200 species.

Low humidity and dry climate do not significantly interfere with active growth. 2 times a month it is enough to apply mineral or fertilizer for cacti.

Geranium is a flowering window sill plant. The height of the flower reaches 60 cm. Suitable for the busiest people. In summer, the temperature can reach 30 degrees, in winter it does not fall below 12 degrees. Geranium blooms beautifully in sufficient light, partly tolerates direct sunlight.

The lack of light will tell on flowering. The flowers are small and pale. It does not need spraying and grows quite well in a dry climate. But regularly the bush is cut for lush flowering all year round.

In summer it is watered abundantly, but after the soil dries up, watering is practically stopped in winter. From the many varieties, you will always choose the right geranium for yourself.

Cactus - succulents, are considered one of the unpretentious plants and can long time survive without irrigation. The cactus grows well in the open direct sun, but in the shade they stretch and may die. In summer, they water moderately once a week, in winter they practically do not need watering, once a month they moisten the soil a little.

The main place among succulents is occupied by cacti. This species is able to accumulate moisture in itself.

Cacti are small in size and grow slowly, they practically do not need care, therefore, they are great for apartments and offices.

All succulents are resistant to dry climates and high temperatures.

Among the shortcomings - all succulents are afraid of excessive watering, especially with cold water.

In the cacti and succulents section, the main types and varieties of unpretentious plants are provided.

Euphorbia (milli) - prefers a bright place with diffused light. Water rarely once a week. Fertilizer is applied once a month. Due to the slow growth, they are transplanted at least once every 3-4 years.

Of the shortcomings, during the dormant period (1-2 months) sheds leaves and does not look very attractive.

Blooms with beautiful pink flowers. Small thorns will not allow children or pets to destroy the flower.


Saintpaulia, or another name (Uzambara violet). Thanks to abundant flowering throughout the year and small growth, saintpaulia is found in many flower growers. Thanks to the many varieties, there is a large palette of blooms and forms. Some hybrid forms are simply mesmerizing with their beauty. Humidity is set high, like a natural environment. At low humidity, the violet is not sprayed, but additionally moistens the room.

In summer, it is abundantly watered with warm water 2 times a week, in winter watering is significantly reduced.

Every year a transplant is carried out; Saintpaulia needs a transplant if absolutely necessary.

phalaenopsis orchid

The phalaenopsis orchid is one of the most popular and hardy flowering houseplants. Thanks to epiphytic aerial roots, the orchid must be watered 2 times a week and provide sufficient lighting. Gradually accustomed to the sun, phalaenopsis can grow in direct sunlight, and also blooms beautifully in partial shade.

In low light, there will be no flowering. One of the disadvantages is that the orchid needs high humidity. Now there are a large number of hybrid forms with different flowering. If phalaenopsis blooms, flowering is long and abundant. The flowers bloom alternately, which prolongs the flowering period even longer.

Water abundantly on hot days, gradually reducing watering closer to winter.

After each flowering, the orchid needs pruning.


Heliotrope is a perennial flowering plant with a pronounced aroma of flowers. Heliotrope is used in cosmetology as a flavoring agent. Depending on the variety, flowering lasts from spring to September. There is white and lilac flowering with various shades. At home, it is unpretentious, but demanding on lighting.

Insufficient lighting leads to stretching of shoots, sluggish leaves and small flowers. In summer they are kept at 24 -26 degrees, in winter the temperature is reduced to 5-7 degrees.

It does not need mandatory spraying, but on hot days it will not hurt. In summer, water abundantly, with a decrease in temperature, watering is also reduced.


Bromeliad is a beautiful flowering plant with long lanceolate leaves. A powerful upright peduncle grows from a rosette. It is considered an unpretentious plant and is well suited for offices and apartments.

There are many species with different blooms. Abundant flowering lasts throughout the summer. There are no special temperature requirements, but the humidity will have to be kept high.

Water after drying the top layer of the substrate. At lunchtime, shade from direct sunlight. Fertilizer is applied during the period of active growth 2 times a month. It does not require a mandatory transplant.

Begonia is a beautiful flowering plant that is easy to care for and can grow both outdoors and in pots. At home, they are kept for the sake of flowers and foliage, depending on the variety.

For abundant flowering, sufficient diffused light is needed. Direct rays may cause burns.

In summer and winter, begonias are kept at normal room temperature.

During the period of active growth, water abundantly, in winter, watering is halved. Excessive watering is dangerous for the flower. Feed rarely once a day of the week and only from spring to early autumn. Subject to simple rules, flowering is long and abundant.

Clivia is a flowering ornamental plant with powerful leaves at the base collected in a rosette. The flower prefers bright diffused light. Direct beams can leave burns on the surface. In summer they are kept at a temperature of 24-26 degrees, in winter they are reduced to 16 degrees. The plant tolerates dry air normally, but the flowers will be small and the life span will decrease.

The vigorous leaves contain enough moisture if you accidentally forget to water the clivia. Water with soft water after drying the top layer of soil. In winter, during the dormant period, the plant can exist without watering at all. From spring to early autumn, mineral fertilizers are applied 2 times a month. Since the flower painfully tolerates transplantation, this procedure is done only if necessary.

Clivia grows well in offices and apartments on windowsills.

Schlumbergera (Decembrist)

Schlumbergera (Decembrist) - one of the representatives of cacti. A feature of this zygo cactus is flowering at Christmas, when most plants are at rest.

Flowering is beautiful, with numerous pink, white, red, purple and other flowers.

Transplantation of adult plants is carried out every 5 years. The cactus can tolerate direct sunlight, but it must be gradually accustomed to this.

Among the shortcomings: in the summer they are kept at low temperatures, this is the key to abundant flowering in the winter. In winter, normal room temperature quite suitable. For a cactus, it is necessary to provide high humidity and spray throughout the year.

Water abundantly in summer, letting the top layer dry out, but it will tolerate a dry climate just fine if you forget to water it.

For a long time, people have known the healing properties of many plants. Inseparable bond ancient man with nature has always been tangible, people wanted to enjoy its beauty at home. They began to grow plants in their dwelling. This is how the concept of house plants appeared.

Currently, scientists have proven the beneficial effects of indoor flowers on humans. But not only. all year round, they are able to neutralize all kinds of radiation, saturate the air in the room with oxygen, absorb toxic substances, protect a person from colds and depression. Indoor flowers bring joy and fill the house with a pleasant aroma.

Unpretentious indoor flowers

There is a huge number of the most diverse in color and shape of indoor plants. Unpretentious flowers for an apartment can grow in a dry, dusty and shaded room. They do not need special care and do not take much time for this. Indoor flowers delight the eye with their splendor and make our life more beautiful, creating a feeling of warmth and comfort in the house. Abundant flowering and beauty are distinguished by unpretentious flowering houseplants. For beginner growers who do not have experience in growing indoor flowers, it is better to start breeding them with picky species.


This plant pleases with magnificent terry forms and a variety of coloring. Pelargonium of red, white, pink, raspberry shades blooms very profusely and almost continuously. The plant can be formed at your discretion, make it higher or lower. It is enough to put a pot of pelargonium in a shaded place - and it will stretch in height. At the same time, the beauty of the flowers will remain the same. With moderate watering, dry air will not harm the plant.


A houseplant of this species is traditionally considered a symbol of comfort. It is included in the list of "10 unpretentious indoor flowers." Geranium does not need special care. It tolerates a lack of moisture well, abundant watering only harms it. Geranium loves a lot of light. Give her a place on the southern window, the flower will delight you with the variety of its colors and will bloom for a long time and luxuriantly, emitting a pleasant aroma of mint, lilac, rose, lemon or almond. Geranium not only decorates the living space, but also refreshes the air, rids it of germs and dampness, perfectly repels flies. But putting a flower near the bed is not recommended.


This plant is red and otherwise called touchy. If you touch it, the seeds scatter in all directions. Balsam is unpretentious to growing conditions. The main thing is that it is abundantly watered. Calmly reacts to dry air in the apartment, but blooms better in partial shade. Therefore, when determining its "place of residence", direct sunlight should be avoided.

Chinese rose

This plant has earned incredible popularity among home flower lovers for its unpretentiousness in growth and care. It is enough to put it in a lighted place - and that's it. Fragrant all year round, during flowering you need to water more often, otherwise the buds may crumble. And in the rest of the period, water the rose as needed.

Flowering plants at home

The world of flowers is incredibly diverse and amazing. No wonder people love them so much. Thanks to the bright colors of all the colors of the rainbow, these plants can satisfy the most sophisticated taste. The beauty of indoor flowers can be enjoyed at all times of the year, whether it is a hot summer or a cold winter. The right choice of houseplants can create a continuous flowering effect in the house and allow you to enjoy the Garden of Eden effortlessly.


It pleases and amazes the imagination in various forms. Even if your collection of indoor flowers will consist only of these plants, it will seem unique. Begonia prefers warmth, up to 20 degrees, and will not bloom at cooler temperatures. The flower is picky about humidity, but does not like spraying. To prevent the plant from being affected by fungal diseases, wilted flowers and leaves must be removed. Flower growers of all times treat this culture with special love for its unpretentiousness.


The flower prefers a lot of bright diffused light and moisture. On hot days, fuchsia needs spraying. Blooms white, red, from spring to late autumn. For the winter, fuchsias, generally unpretentious flowering houseplants, need to be removed to a cool room without lighting. At this time, the plant sheds leaves, and it should be watered sparingly.


The plant is very different with yellow, orange and red hues. Collected in inflorescences, they look very impressive. The flower tolerates the drying of the soil well, but does not cope with excessive moisture. Therefore, watering should be moderate - once a month. Despite the fact that Kalanchoe is a light-loving plant, with its lack it can also grow in the shade.

Bright long flowering plants in the house

All indoor flowers that bloom all year round can be divided into two large groups: the first includes those that need constant care in order to get a single flower, even the most beautiful one. To the second - those whose bright, violent flowering pleases for a long time. Of course, more often the hostess will choose a flower from the second group to decorate her house. Indoor plants that bloom brightly and for a long time look great in rooms and offices. Almost all year round they decorate terraces and balconies. You can choose flowers with different flowering periods and enjoy their beauty all year round without interruption.


These indoor flowers, blooming all year round, have one feature. Cyclamens have many species, and each blooms in different time. If you wish, you can admire the beauty all year round. To do this, it is enough to plant Persian and European cyclamens. The first blooms from autumn to spring, and the second - from spring to autumn. For good flowering, you need to moderately water the plant and put it in a lighted place. Cyclamen does not like heat; 15 degrees is enough for normal growth. This beautiful flower feels cozy in a small pot.


Another name for the koleriya is the Colombian beauty. This is an unpretentious plant and is content with little. With moderate watering and dim lighting, it will bloom from early spring until frost. In winter, be sure to take the plant to dark place, it will sleep. If this is not done, the color will not rest and next year will give little or no flowers. In late autumn, it is better to cut the bushes of the plant to the very root. With the onset of spring, new ones will quickly grow and bloom again.


Anthuriums - blooming all year round, open with a coverlet one after another, from early spring until the onset of frost. Usually they are planted in pots in groups. In order for the anthurium to please with its flowering for a long time, it needs warmth and good lighting. He dislikes drafts and respects humidity.


This indoor flower, blooming all year round, belongs to the genus of orchids. If you properly care for the plant, it will bloom all year round. The golden yellow flowers have brown spots small size. It looks amazingly beautiful. Phalaenopsis painfully reacts to the sun's rays. The best place for him will be the east side of the apartment. Prefers moderate watering in the early hours of the day.


Often this flower is called amazon lily. It can bloom several times a year if it is well cared for. Like any other plant, the lily needs rest, otherwise it will not bloom again. Eucharis prefers diffused light, but in its absence it will easily endure darkening. It should be watered moderately and be sure to spray. The lily feels good after washing the leaves. Large flowers open alternately, which makes it possible to enjoy their beauty for a long time.


This plant is very beautiful during flowering. It is no coincidence that he was given the name jasmine rose. This indoor flower, blooming all year round, is a very whimsical plant. Gardenia lovers endure all her whims for the pleasure of enjoying indescribable beauty. The flower feels good with sufficient lighting. In a shaded place and dry air, gardenia will form buds, but they will fall off immediately. Twice a month the flower needs to be watered. Water should be warm and slightly acidic.

Violet blooms all year round

Indoor violets are called uzambar saintpaulias. This plant has 1500 species. Variety of shapes and colors is breathtaking. At floristic exhibitions, delicate violets attract the attention of even absolutely indifferent people. The shape of the flower petals is simple, terry, bordered, star-shaped, corrugated. All this splendor blooms luxuriantly and violently.

A delicate indoor flower that blooms all year round is very loved by women. In every house where they grow plants, there are sure to be Saintpaulias. The flower prefers light, direct sunlight is contraindicated for it. They will destroy him. This is a thermophilic plant. A cold window sill with drafts does not suit him. You need to water the violet with care so that water does not get into the outlet. Otherwise, the flower will begin to rot and die.

Gardeners in Russia and neighboring countries grow cabbage with pleasure and quite successfully. But the “set”, as a rule, is limited to varieties of white cabbage of different ripening periods, broccoli and cauliflower. Meanwhile, we already have popular types of cabbage that ripen earlier, and bring less trouble when growing. In this article, we bring to your attention 5 types of cabbage that you may not have heard of yet, but which are definitely worth growing.

April is a long-awaited and very important month. After all, work in the garden to clean the site, putting it in order after the winter must be combined with the preparation of the beds, and with the first crops. Active work continues in the greenhouse. And growing seedlings even this month takes away almost all the time from summer residents. Moon calendar in April is divided into several periods and allows you to plan work so that the responsibilities in ornamental garden and the garden alternated.

The famous purple morning glory, blooming with purple "gramophones", has proven itself as an annual liana. It is successfully used for landscaping fences, arbors and balconies. This morning glory is so unpretentious that it sometimes becomes a weed, since its seeds can be stored under snow and sprout in the spring. In the people, this plant, often called simply "bindweed", is so well known that it does not need any introduction at all.

Delicate white chocolate truffles with cognac and coconut - creamy and fragrant. This sophisticated dessert is easy to prepare, the ingredients for cooking are simple and affordable. First, mix the ganache - cream with white chocolate and cognac, then wait until the ganache hardens. From the cooled ganache we make round sweets, cover them with coconut flakes. You can use ready-made coconut flakes, but if you are not too lazy and tinker a little with a fresh nut, it will turn out even tastier!

The long-awaited April does not always bring pleasant surprises with the weather. But sooner or later, all work in the ornamental garden will start in April. From simple household chores and clearing plant debris, cutting dry curtains and mulching the soil to laying new flower beds, you will have to take care of a lot. Landings come to the fore in April. Bushes, trees, creepers should be planted this month. But do not forget about the care of seedlings.

Among the variety of tomato varieties, as a rule, only two groups are distinguished: indeterminate and determinant. But the tomato world is divided into more diverse “clans”, which are not only interesting to know about, but also useful. Tomatoes are divided according to the method of cultivation, ripening time, leaf shape, fruit shape, size, color ... Today I want to talk about the varieties that form the most colorful group under the beautiful name "Bi-color" (Bi-Colour).

Charming April, with its delicate flowering and the first dazzling greenery, is a very capricious and changeable month. Sometimes he unpleasantly surprises with a winter atmosphere, and sometimes pleases with unexpected warmth. In April, work starts on the beds, and a full season begins in the greenhouse. Sowing and planting in open ground should not interfere with the care of seedlings, because the quality of the crop depends on its quality. The lunar calendar favors useful plants especially at the beginning of the month.

Those who love to cook will probably often add rosemary to various first and second courses as a spice. Its tart and slightly bitter taste and aroma are best combined with fatty meats and fish. In my opinion, roast lamb without rosemary is a "typical not that". They sell it both in dried form and as greens in large supermarkets. In addition to flavoring shades in dishes, the rosemary plant has some medicinal properties.

Frozen vegetable soup - Mexican soup with corn and beans for every day from simple and available products. This soup can be cooked in meat or chicken broth, and on fasting days boiled in spring water - you get a tasty and nutritious soup without animal products, rich in vegetable protein. Frozen mixtures of vegetables are a lifesaver for housewives who do not have time to cook a complex first course, it’s not every day that you can cook borscht.

Spring sanitary pruning allows you to form a beautiful crown, stimulates the formation of a high yield. Trees easily tolerate it, recovery is very fast, wounds heal well. The main goal is the formation of the crown, the removal of broken and dried branches during the winter. Winter pruning is especially necessary in the first four years after planting, when skeletal branches are laid. The optimal time for spring pruning is from the beginning of winter to the beginning of spring.

extreme sensitivity to low temperatures makes zinnias flyers, which are usually grown through seedlings. But on the other hand, in sowing, and growing young zinnias, there is nothing complicated. They are hardy and low maintenance plants that are easy to grow from seed. And if you also collect your own seeds, you will get one of the most “economical” flyers in your collection. Bright baskets of inflorescences color the garden with a special cheerful canvas.

A wide range of cucumber hybrid seeds is presented on the domestic market. Which varieties to choose to get the maximum yield? We have identified the best hybrids, according to the buyers of Agrosuccess seeds. They were Meringue, Zozulya, Masha and Director. In this article, we will tell you about their advantages. Since absolutely all hybrids of cucumbers do not have flaws: they do not turn yellow, they have many ovaries, the fruits are not large, they are resistant to diseases.

Eggplants are tall erect plants with wide dark green leaves and large fruits that create a special mood in the beds. And in the kitchen, they are a popular product for a wide variety of dishes: eggplants are fried, stewed and canned. Of course, to grow a decent crop in middle lane and to the north is not an easy task. But subject to the agrotechnical rules of cultivation, it is quite accessible even to beginners. Especially if you grow eggplant in a greenhouse.

Lenten charlotte with apples and cinnamon with vegetable cream is a simple pie that is suitable for fasting people, this pastry can also be included in a vegetarian menu. There are situations when dairy products need to be replaced with vegetable ones, then vegetable cream prepared on the basis of vegetable fats comes to the aid of housewives. The taste of cream goes well with apples and cinnamon, the baking powder makes the dough fluffy and airy, the cake is simply delicious.

Buying a blooming orchid, lovers exotic plants they wonder - will it bloom just as well at home and is it worth waiting for it to bloom again? Everything will be - and grow, and bloom, and delight long years, but on one condition. As for any indoor plants, for an orchid, initially you need to try to create conditions acceptable for growth and development. Sufficient lighting, humidity and air temperature, a special substrate are the main points.