Why does an orchid have soft, sluggish leaves? Why did the orchid's flowers suddenly start to wither and what to do

For a long time, your favorite delighted you with her beauty. And, suddenly, you notice wilting. Perhaps a subsequent fall. Leaves and flowers have such a nuisance. What happened? It is necessary to understand in detail.

It's hard to watch when the plant that you have been grooming is withering away. Moreover, there are species that differ precisely in their gorgeous foliage. But then they wither, turn yellow, and then fall off. Obviously, your beauty is either sick, or you screwed up with leaving. Debriefing always begins by identifying factors.

Phalaenopsis are thermophilic. But everything has its own measure. Unacceptable things: your flower is constantly "under the gun" of the sun's rays. Hot air from an air conditioner is directed at it. The heating battery under the windowsill with the pot on is too hot. Plus low humidity (50% or less).

The trunk, leaves, flowers get very hot. Begins active process evaporation of moisture. The soil also suffers. It overheats by evaporating water. The result is the cooling of the root system. "Cold" roots no longer consume the required amount of moisture. This means the leaves are not getting any nutrients. Result: flabbiness, yellowness, wilting. Everything happens quickly, in a few hours.

The following troubles occur with the root system: decay; drying out. Why? The first priority is the wrong care. The main factors influencing these processes:

Orchid is an epiphytic plant. That is, having "bare" roots. They fasten it to rocks, trees, caves. Frequent, warm tropical rains water the root system abundantly. And since it is not reinforced with soil, the water completely drains away. Warm air dries up the roots. So, until the next rain.

Home conditions do not allow much to keep such a flower with bare roots. This requires more care. Therefore, most varieties grow in soil. Let's say the pot is chosen incorrectly (the wrong size), without enough holes. Then, with abundant watering, the substrate will always be wet. Disease may occur. When the roots acquire a brown tint, lose their elasticity, become lethargic, it means that problems have begun.

It's simple. Bring the conditions of keeping the pet as close to natural as possible. Abundant watering with warm water - draining - drying. Drying is ensured by good air circulation in the room. Do frequent airing, avoiding drafts.

The other extreme of the previous point. If an "experienced" florist tells you to water Phalaenopsis strictly every day, ignore such advice. First, each plant requires an individual approach. Affects species, origin. Second: the meteorological parameters change daily. Such as: air temperature, humidity, sunshine, cloudiness. Make a start from this. In dry weather, high temperatures, water more often. When it gets cold or frosty, reduce watering. Be guided by the state of the substrate. It should be loose, moist (but not wet!).

Many people think: the more fertilizer, the better. This is not true. There are dressings where the concentration of minerals is different. The roots are extremely sensitive to this or that substance. Suddenly, there will be an overload of salts, the plant may die. It also takes into account the variety, periods of growth, dormancy, flowering.

Sometimes the orchid is transplanted into a new pot that has new soil. First, the root system grows, the old pot becomes small. The roots also suffer. Secondly, due to abundant watering, salts, the appearance of mold, fungi, the substrate is destroyed. It becomes denser. Air circulation is impaired. The roots feel a lack of oxygen. Consequence - they "suffocate" and die.

Roots are the circulatory system of the plant. Therefore, the combination of these factors causes problems, as well as in leaves.

  • Overheating: your actions. Create a shadow for the plant (just carry it into the interior of the room). Do not immediately fill it with water or spray it! Such actions cause the death of parts. Let it cool completely. The rest will take 2-4 hours. Then water in the usual way.

Water balance is restored up to four days. The regeneration of the affected parts is unlikely to happen overnight. So be patient.

If such a nuisance has occurred, find a comfortable zone for the flower. Completely deprive sunlight it is forbidden. Give him a table near the window. Or another part of the house. Perhaps the side of the world is simply not suitable for him.

When foliage withers, overheating plays a role only in 10% of cases. The rest is a violation of the function of the roots. Three degrees of injuries are conventionally considered: light, medium, severe, very severe. Unlike the first three, the last degree means the death of the root system, and therefore the plant.

  • Take the phalaenopsis by the trunk, gently wiggle it back and forth. Does it sit firmly in the ground? That probable cause is drought. It's OK.

  • Move the pot away from the heat source. Let him rest for one hour.

  • After, place the flower in a container of water. Temperature +30 - +40 degrees. Let it stand for about an hour.

  • Eliminate fertilizers or stimulants immediately. Otherwise, the situation will only get worse.

  • Next, give your pet a warm, plentiful shower from top to bottom. Try to bypass peduncles.

  • Let the water drain completely. Dry the leaves natural fabric... Better cotton.

  • Find a well-lit area for your orchid, avoiding direct sunlight. The air temperature is moderate, +18 - 25 degrees.

  • Wait 2-3 days, foliage will recover.

If there is no regeneration, it means that you started “resuscitation” late. In this case, atrophy of leaf tissues occurs. Or the death of some of the roots.

When the substrate with roots moves freely, remove it. Examine the root system carefully. What can you see there?

Living roots. Most often they are green. different shades... The main thing is elastic, solid, dense. Young roots are whitish when dry. Wet ones turn green. The old ones are darker.

Rotten roots. They are easy to identify. They Brown color, soft, slippery. They resemble a hollow tube, when squeezed, moisture flows out.

Inspect carefully. Remove the rotten, dried part with a sterile knife. Everything should be removed until healthy tissue. Sprinkle the slices with chopped activated, charcoal... Alcohol-based disinfectants will only do harm. As they dry, they can "kill" the green part of the root.

Even if there is only one living root left, the plant may well recover. Plant the root (at least 5-6 cm long) in a small bowl with a fresh, damp substrate. When it dries out, renew your regular watering.

What a pity when the luxurious buds suddenly fall off. There are reasons for everything. The plant is also a living being.

The factors causing these processes are almost the same as during wilting, leaf fall. We will only add something.

Changing your place of residence is not always enjoyable. Orchids are especially hard to tolerate. You bought a gorgeous flowering plant... They brought him home. Then the trouble began. Just moving plus a new place influenced your beauty so much. A different climate, different conditions of detention - enough for the flowers to begin to fall.

Withering, dropping, withering away - natural process... There is no eternal bloom. Some delight us with beautiful buds for a week or two. Others take several months. In addition, it is not known how much phalaenopsis bloomed before you acquired it. Perhaps, when buying, this period was just ending.

Orchids are thermophilic. Transporting it in winter is one of the causes of the problem. Even when packaged well. At home, the temperature is also less than permissible. It is set at 22 - 32 degrees. Depends on the periods. Stick to modes. Especially the humidity of the air. The average rate is 70%. Its deficiency also serves as a factor in the dropping of flowers.

Orchids need good air circulation. But the draft is destructive. It is enough to thoroughly ventilate the room.

Especially vegetables and fruits. Some of them release ethylene. This gas stimulates the ripening of flowers, even unopened buds. Rapid ripening leads to early wilting. Therefore, remove all food from the flower.

In warm periods, the pot is taken out on open balcony, "Breathe". Small insects pollinate the plant. When everything went well, then the wilting flower will replace the seed pod. If not, then it will disappear.

Mealybugs are especially damaging. He loves the juice of the buds. Outwardly it looks like cotton wool. Leaves a sticky trail behind.

Same as when leaves fall. Hypothermia causes the death of the plant. When stressed, provide natural care.

Check daily for harmful insects. Found - isolate the orchid from others. Remove the pest completely. Treat with insecticide.

Take good care of your pet and everything will be fine!

A healthy orchid pleases its owners abundant flowering and beautiful green leaves. Exot will be a wonderful decoration for any room. However, these flowers require special care. In the article, we will analyze in detail what to do if the orchid has sluggish leaves.

Critical temperatures

The plant does not tolerate direct sunlight in hot summer. They do a lot of harm to the orchid after dinner. Wrinkled leaves, from which moisture is released, signal that the flower is overheated. In this case, too much moisture is released, the roots do not have time to absorb it, as a result of which the leaves become soft.

In order for the plant to recover, it must be transferred to the shade. Spray the foliage carefully so that no water gets on the flowers. If I ignore this problem, the orchid will die.

When growing this plant, it is especially important to monitor the temperature regime in summer. In the cold season, nothing should be threatened. If the leaves do wither, it is possible that the roots are overheating from the batteries that heat the windowsill. Overheating has the same detrimental effect on the plant as direct sunlight. Due to strong heating, moisture evaporates quickly, and the roots constantly lack it.

You can remedy the situation with a double pot. Drainage holes are made in the inner container, and the outer one must be completely sealed. Cover the bottom of the outer pot with pebbles or expanded clay. Excess water will go to the pebbles, and evaporating, moisten the roots, which will not allow the soil to overheat.

Lack or excess of moisture

Improper watering - common reason wilting foliage. Both overdried soil and excessive moisture are dangerous for the plant. In fact, it is very easy to dry out the soil mixture. The microclimate in the room is constantly changing, so it is not always possible to keep track of this. You can determine the problem by moving the plant - if it practically does not move, then the soil is dry.
If this happens, place the orchid directly in the pot for half an hour in warm water, then remove and let the excess liquid drain. Water the plant when it dries up upper layer... It is important that the soil remains loose at all times.

If the flower is poured, its roots will begin to rot. The problem is compounded by the fact that it is not immediately noticeable. An orchid can even bloom with a diseased root system. When the weakened roots can no longer feed the plant, the leaves will begin to wilt. In this case, an immediate transplant is required. The old substrate is cleaned off the roots, all damaged parts are cut off, washed thoroughly with water, allowed to dry a little and planted in a new soil mixture. Experienced growers recommend treating the cinnamon cuts.

Root system problem

If you've watered your flower enough, observe temperature regime, and the leaves are not going to recover, which means that the problem is in the root system. Interestingly, the orchid is a very tenacious flower. The plant recovers even if it has only 5 cm of healthy root. And even if there are no roots at all, it is worth trying to revive the beauty.

Soft leaves indicate that the orchid lacks calcium or phosphorus. Stir the plant gently in the pot - if it staggers like a bad tooth, then the roots are in a deplorable state.

Remove the flower from the container and carefully examine the roots. Remove dry, rotten, slimy parts sharp knife, only healthy tissue should remain. Treat the sections with any antiseptic that does not contain alcohol. Refrain from feeding while the wounds are healing.

The presence of pests or diseases

The leaves of a room orchid can wither due to damage to the plant by a viral, bactericidal or fungal infection. If you suspect that your flower is infected, then first it should be isolated from its "congeners", as the infection spreads quickly.

The disease should be dealt with depending on the pathogen. For the treatment of bacterial diseases, reduce watering, reduce indoor humidity and increase air circulation. The instrument is treated with an antiseptic, and then the affected tissue is removed. After that, within 5 days, they are treated with a bactericidal agent. Viral infections are treated by removing the lesion and creating a favorable environment.

In an orchid affected by a fungus, the lesions are removed with a sterile pruning shears. After the wounds have healed, the plant is treated with a fungicide in a concentrated form for medicinal purposes.

Poor quality soil

Unnecessarily soft leaves may be in an orchid due to a poor-quality substrate. The root system of a houseplant must be well ventilated, therefore the substrate must be breathable. If it is dense, then the access of oxygen to the root system is reduced, so the leaves wither.

To solve this problem, you need to transplant the plant into new soil... The soil becomes dense, dries up due to regular watering, salt deposits, the growth of fungus and mold. In such a soil there are few nutrients needed by a houseplant. Overdried soil can kill the plant.

The orchid cannot be watered on schedule. An individual approach is required here.

Temperature, humidity and light levels change every day. Therefore, determining when to water can only be determined by the condition of the soil. It should always be loose to provide oxygen access to the roots, and moderately moist. Do not make a "swamp" in a pot.

Video "The subtleties of watering an orchid"

In this video, you will learn the secrets of watering orchids.


The process of restoring a flower should begin with the fact that you need to move it. If the flower is, as they say, "out of place", then it needs water treatments Oh. First, water by dipping the pot into a container of warm water. Let the flower stand in the water for about an hour. Next, give the plant a warm shower. Be careful: water should not get on the peduncles.
After the bath procedure, the sheet plates should be wiped dry with a cloth from natural material... Place the orchid in a warm place, but not in direct sunlight to avoid scalding. At this time, it is not recommended to water the flower with means for growth, otherwise the situation can only be aggravated.

Symptoms of improvement should appear after three days. If this does not happen, you should take up the roots. The plant must be removed from the pot and the root system must be carefully examined. Healthy roots will have a bright green color. All dried and rotten roots are removed with a sharp knife to healthy tissue. After this, the cut sites are sprinkled with charcoal or activated charcoal.

The orchid is not only a beautiful, but also a very capricious flower. Failure to follow the rules of care can lead to the fact that the leaves wrinkle, lose their shine. The main thing is to put the flower in a well-lit place, water it, check the moisture content of the soil, replace the substrate during transplantation and process it on time from

It happens that a healthy, prosperous plant suddenly loses the elasticity of its leaves. Why does the orchid have sluggish leaves, what should I do to restore turgor? There are several reasons and it will take time to restore beauty. It is clear that since the castings have lost their elasticity, the biochemical processes in the system are disrupted. Lack of moisture, overheating of the plant, or root diseases are the main reasons why an orchid withers. If you do not take action, the leaves will turn yellow, the plant will die.

Causes of soft leaves in orchids


Overheating of the plant is dangerous for the flower. On a hot afternoon in direct sunlight, even a shaded window gets very hot. At this time, the leaf intensively evaporates moisture. But the substrate also heats up, evaporation is created in the glass. In this case, the roots not only receive little moisture, but also cool, the heat of the substrate is spent on evaporation.

If overheating occurs, you must:

  • remove the plant deep into the room for 2-3 hours, so that the temperature of the leaves and roots gradually level;
  • after that you can spray the plant, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or water;
  • find a place for the orchid that excludes secondary overheating.

An anti-stress drug, a drop of Epin or succinic acid can be added to the irrigation water. Turgor can recover quickly or within 3-4 days, depending on the degree of dehydration.

Frostbite and pests

Why does an orchid have sluggish leaves in winter and what to do about it? Staying in a draft at sub-zero temperatures will lead to freezing of the leaves. They will lie down, turning into a rag. If the plant stands by the window in a harsh winter, frostbite will occur at temperatures below 15 degrees. Frostbite is not cured. The tissues are cut so that they do not develop rot. But there is no need to transplant a wounded flower.

A colony of ticks has grown on the leaves, they suck out the juice, the plant is inhibited and more green leaf nips. Red and colorless mites are especially dangerous for orchids. These insects are afraid of moisture, they breed only in dry air.

After any water procedures, you need to dry the leaf sinuses and the center of the outlet. Stagnant water is harmful to the plant. Always use soft, settled water without hardness salts for plant care. Salts settle on the substrate, poison it and close the pores that contain moisture.

Lack of moisture

What to do if the orchid leaves shriveled due to lack of watering? There is no clear time interval when the orchid substrate needs to be hydrated. It depends on the dryness of the air and the temperature in the apartment. In the midday sun and in rainy weather, the selection of moisture by the roots changes. You need to water the dried out substrate. Therefore, every time before watering, you should make sure that the soil is dry. After drying, simply water the plant with the addition of succinic acid to the water. do it by immersion for an hour in water 30-40 0 С.

Why does the orchid have sluggish leaves after transplanting, what should I do? It is important to choose the right one. An improperly treated bark does not absorb water. Then, no matter how often it is watered, the water will be filtered without lingering in the pores. The contents of the pots will have to be changed.

Root problems

The state of the root system can be judged by the color. If the roots are green or light with a silvery sheen, they are healthy. Brown patches that appear indicate rot. What if the orchid withers, but sits firmly in the pot? Perhaps this is a signal that the plant does not receive enough oxygen while in a dense substrate. If the plant is not transplanted for a long time, algae, microorganisms develop on the surface of the bark and crumbs, the bark is worn out, and the pores between the particles become smaller. Then the roots do not have enough nutrition, and the leaves wither. The same happens if you use excessive doses of fertilizers. In either case, it will be necessary to replace the substrate while the root system is intact.

The bark is taken from the old ones that have lain in the forest for a long time, conifers... There should be no resin in it. The pieces are treated with boiling water three times according to a special scheme. It is necessary to open as many pores as possible so that the substrate retains moisture.

Often, a violation of the nutrition of the leaves lies in the disease of the root system. If the leaves of an orchid wither, you should do the following:

  1. Make sure the plant is not overheated or overdried.
  2. Shaking the outlet, if it sits tightly in the pot, means that the root system is preserved. But the audit needs to be done. The rotten roots are covered in mucus, or have dried up. Remove diseased parts, treat open sections with antiseptic preparations that do not contain alcohol. When rooting, use special preparations - Maxim, Alirin.
  3. If the plant has even one living root left, it is planted in an appropriate small pot and cared for in the usual way.
  4. There are no roots left, the outlet is arranged over a container of water, so that the neck is 2-3 cm above the water.Wipe the leaves daily with water succinic acid... The roots will grow back.

In the future, until the plant regains its lost shape, until the wounds heal, fertilizing and stimulating watering cannot be done.

Video about the use of glucose when sluggish leaves appeared in an orchid

    The most obvious reason for the soft and sluggish leaves of an orchid is the lack of moisture the plant receives. You just need to water your flower more often and harder. Also, the reason may be at the very root, perhaps the root is broken. Maybe they overdid it with fertilizers and burned the roots.

    Mostly lethargic and soft leaves in orchids are due to problems with the root system.

    Poured over, dried out, overheated, frozen the roots. Could burn the roots chemicals or fertilizers.

    Perhaps there is a spider mite on the leaves.

    For more precise definition you need to see the whole plant, including its root system.

    The most common cause of this phenomenon is a lack or excess of moisture.

    If the roots of the orchid receive an excess of water, then they begin to rot, if the deficiency - dry. Hence the lethargy of the leaves.

    The solution to this problem is proper watering of the plant.

    If the orchid has soft (sluggish / flabby) leaves, then the problem is most often in the roots.

    Orchid roots must be intact and healthy to function properly. The most common orchid in the house is the phalaenopsis. Its root system is easy to check for integrity (but this check is also suitable for other orchids):

    1. Remove the plant carefully from the pot
    2. Examine the roots. Normally, they should be deep green (if wet) or silvery green (if dry).
    3. Feel the roots of the orchid. Normally, the roots should be firm and resilient.

    If the horses are orchids: yellow, brown, black - the roots dry up or have already dried / rotted. Yellow roots can be saved, black or brown - no longer, just remove.

    If the roots are soft, slimy or dry, brittle, hollow, it means that the roots have rotted or dried out. They can only be deleted.

    If an orchid has problems with horses, then most likely this is a consequence of improper care and non-compliance with the conditions of detention:

    1. Too hot in the room (direct sunlight, active battery operation and their proximity to the plant)
    2. The roots are rotten - too active watering of the orchid. Watering should be done no more often than the substrate is completely dry.
    3. The roots have dried up - the substrate dries out at different rates, it all depends on the given conditions the environment... when the substrate is completely dry, the orchid must be watered. You cannot overdry it.
    4. Too dense substrate - the substrate (what the orchid grows in) becomes denser over time and loses its properties. and breathable. If the substrate has turned into a homogeneous mass or dust must be replaced.
    5. Concentrated fertilizers - fertilizers must be applied by diluting them in the strict proportion indicated on the package. And this should be done intermittently.

    An orchid without roots must be reanimated: more HERE( Diseases of orchids - Problems with leaves - Resuscitation of orchids)

    In fact, there can be many reasons, of course, the first thing that leads to this effect is an insufficient amount of moisture, but the leaves of an orchid can also become soft and lethargic due to the fact that the flower simply has problems with the root system.

    The main reason that orchid leaves become soft and lethargic is that the plant has an out-of-order root system.

    Take the pot in your hands, if it seems light, then it does not have enough moisture. the plant needs to be watered abundantly, as its roots begin to dry.

    Conversely, if you flooded the plant, its roots have become soft, then they need to be treated.

    We take out the orchid from the pot, remove all damaged roots. the plant should be transplanted using new soil.

    Can be poured over with a fungicide solution.

    Of course, if you took action on time, when the first signs appear, then the plant can be saved.

    Good afternoon, there are several reasons that lead to the phenomenon of sluggish leaves in an orchid:

    1) Overheating of the orchid root system is possible (due to high temperature).

    2) Severe damage to the root system. Consider what causes severe damage to the root system:

    1. The presence of high moisture;
    2. We applied a lot of fertilizers to the soil;
    3. Lack of moisture associated with insufficient watering of the plant.

    In case of overheating of the plant, it must be moved to a cooler place and allowed to cool for two to three hours. Then you can sprinkle it. Then find a less sunny spot.

    With the second reason, you need to fight either a decrease in watering or an increase.

    Moisture problems are often the cause. Which can cause too rare watering of the plant or disease of the root system of the plant.

    Take the pot in your hands and examine carefully the roots of the orchid, they should be dense and silvery in color, and the pot is very light, which means you did not water it enough, make it to stop the processes of flower death.

    But when you observe withered and black softened roots, then this is a clear sign of a disease of the root system. Root diseases are often caused by large amounts of moisture.

    Remove the orchid from the pot, remove diseased roots, transplant into new land... Process: Maxim, Alirin.

    If the orchid began to wither, its leaves turn yellow and die off, then there may be the following reasons for this:

    • Both the roots and leaves of the plant under the influence of sunlight, hot air from the battery, high room temperature evaporate moisture, which is why a vicious circle occurs: the plant has nowhere to take moisture from. In this case, you need to protect the plant from high temperatures and water it a little more often.
    • Constantly moist roots.
    • High fertilizer content in the soil.
    • Insufficient watering, especially during dry summer months.

    Check the roots of the plant, they must be strong, if they are severely wilted, then the plant may not be saved. When the plant is dry, you can transplant it and spray the leaves with a spray bottle.

    The most likely reason for the wilting of orchid leaves is improper watering. You can either dry the orchid or pour the water. In the first case, it is enough to water the flower so that it returns to normal, and in the future, observe the correct watering regime.

    Fill the orchid with the right ground and drainage is difficult, therefore, the reason here is just the unsuitable composition of the soil for the plant. Orchids are not even planted in the soil, but in a mixture of sphagnum, bark, sawdust, charcoal. There is no land as such in the soil for an orchid. Such a composition has excellent water and air permeability, and therefore moisture cannot be retained in nm. But if the soil under the orchid is heavy, the flower will not live long in nm.

The most popular flower among lovers indoor plants is an orchid. Flowers have a variety of colors, perfectly decorate any interior at any time of the year.

When propagating an orchid at home, the plant needs careful care.

Many indoor plant lovers face various problems when caring for an orchid. The most common problem is flower wilting.

There are many reasons why orchid leaves wilt. After buying an orchid, after a while, the leaves of the plant begin to wither.

This is due to the fact that the growing conditions do not meet the requirements of the plant. The main reasons for the wilting of an orchid:

  • insufficient lighting
  • exposure to other plants
  • lack or excess of nutrients
  • excess moisture
  • natural shedding of leaves
  • overheating of the root system

Orchid is a thermophilic plant, therefore it requires good lighting... The flower feels great with bright diffused rays.

If the orchid is located in a shady place or is exposed to direct sunlight, then this can also cause the plant to wilt. In this case, the orchid lacks lighting.

If the plant is located next to peperomia, yucca, cordilina, then the influence of these plants negatively affects the state of the orchid. Therefore, it is not recommended to place an orchid next to the above plants.

The leaves of the plant can turn yellow with a shortage or excess of fertilizers. When choosing a top dressing, you should pay attention to the composition.

If the fertilizers have a low potassium content, then the leaves of the orchid first become pale, then they acquire a yellow tint. As a result, they dry out and begin to fall off.

Plant nutrition should be chosen with the content of iron and potassium, since these elements are the most necessary for the development of the plant.

From an excess of moisture, the plant can wither. The roots of plants must be constantly monitored so that they do not rot.

If the leaves become lethargic and yellowness appears, but the general condition of the plant has not changed, then they may fall off for natural reasons.

This is not a sign of plant death. Such wilting is not dangerous and is typical for some types of orchids.

When exposed to high temperatures, hot air, sunlight, the plant heats up quickly.

In this case, the orchid begins to evaporate moisture through the pores of the leaves. The bark of the plant also heats up and the roots cool, which slows down or stops the absorption of moisture.

Root system in effect various factors can be damaged, which could be fatal. Root damage can be mild, moderate, severe.

With this in mind, it is necessary to take measures to restore the orchid. To avoid problems, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for the care and maintenance of the plant. It is important to eliminate in time the reason why the leaves begin to turn yellow.

To reanimate the plant and prevent problems in the future, you need:

  1. So that after the purchase of the plant the leaves do not turn yellow and do not fall off, in the first days it is necessary to exclude the bait.
  2. It is better to put the pot with the orchid in a bright place. The composition of the fertilizer must be diluted with water in equal proportions. Then, after a while, you can feed it with nitrogen fertilizer.
  3. The problem with a lack of light can be easily solved. To do this, you need to place the pot on the south side.
  4. If the yellowness of the light is associated with insufficient lighting, then the affected leaves must be cut off. If the stem turns brown, then you should cut off not only the leaves, but also the top of the orchid.

After that, the plant will begin to recover. It is necessary to pay attention to the humidity of the air. This is the most important and basic condition for keeping a plant. Orchids need high humidity air especially during the heating period in winter.

From correct watering the growth, flowering and development of the orchid depends. It is advisable to take soft water room temperature... Watering should only be done if the substrate is dry. Therefore, it is important not to forget to check the soil for the presence or absence of moisture. In case of overheating, the plant should be placed in the interior and left for several hours.

It is strictly forbidden to use a spray bottle and water the plant, as it can cause further harm.

The orchid must cool down, only then watering should be carried out. It will take several days to establish the water balance. If, after watering, the plant did not recover on the first day, you do not need to panic.

If the cause of the wilting of the plant is associated with damage to the roots, then the following measures should be taken:

  1. You need to slightly move the plant in one direction and the other.
  2. If the root is firmly seated, it may be due to dehydration. Root system in this case, it will still be possible to save. To do this, pour water at room temperature into a bowl and place a pot with a plant.
  3. The orchid should recover within a few days. If the plant dangles freely, then you need to get it and see if there are living roots.
  4. All rotten roots must be removed. It happens that only part of the root is damaged. To do this, cut off the rotten and dry part of the plant, and process the cut activated carbon, sulfur or antiseptics, no alcohol.
  5. If there is one healthy root in the plant, transplant it into a small container, put it in a lighted place.

Water the plant as the substrate dries. In order to prevent the withering of the orchid, it is necessary to adhere to the rules and recommendations for caring for the plant. Then the orchid will delight with its beautiful flowers for a long time.

Video on what to do if the orchid withers:


What to do and why the leaves of a room orchid dry

Withering and drying of leaves in the phalaenopsis orchid can occur for various reasons. Orchid leaves, like all other plants, grow, perform their functions, and then age and die off. Therefore, you do not need to worry and do something, if the lower leaf turns yellow and dries up, it will give the plant all the accumulated nutrients, and it will be possible to remove it only if it is completely dry. This is a natural process, there is nothing to worry about.

But when the leaves of an orchid wither all at once, sometimes this can happen very quickly, literally in a few hours, which means there is cause for concern. The reason may be stress from changing conditions of detention, for example, the flower shop was changed to an apartment with a different level of lighting and humidity. After transplanting into another substrate, flowers can also react with noticeable wilting for several hours. Even if you move the orchid from one window sill to another, its leaves will react. Close observation of the plant over time will show if there is cause for concern.

If the orchid stands on the windowsill on the south side, and direct sunlight falls on it, then the leaves can get burned or dry out from overheating. If the air temperature is too high, heating from nearby heating appliances there is a very rapid evaporation of moisture, the plant will wither starting from the leaves.

Insufficient air humidity, even at a comfortable temperature, will lead to the loss of moisture by the leaves, which means that they will begin to wither, and then dry.

Violations of the irrigation regime cause root diseases, and if the roots do not fulfill their main function, do not nourish the plant, then the leaves give up nutrients. With excessive watering, the substrate rots, becomes denser, this leads to decay of the roots. And with insufficient watering, the roots simply dry out. Often too hard water brings troubles - impurities settle on the substrate and roots, which prevents moisture absorption. Excessive salinity is promoted by a large amount of fertilizers.

Asking why the orchid has sluggish leaves, you need to carefully examine them, the cause can be small pests that feed on the sap of the plant.

How to restore an orchid

When overheating becomes the reason for the drying of the leaves, it is clear what to do - the flowers need to be taken out into the room with comfortable temperature from +17 to +24 degrees with sufficient, but diffused lighting. No need to water until they have cooled to normal temperature.

If the air humidity level is below 50%, then it is necessary to install an electric humidifier or just often spray the leaves and peduncles (trying not to get on the flowers) with warm soft water using the finest spray mesh. Next to the flowerpot, you need to put a container of water for constant evaporation.

If the leaves have dried out due to root damage, the plant must be carefully moved - the overdried substrate will not allow them to move. In this case, you need to pour plenty of warm water over the orchid, leave the pot in the water for an hour. After that, you can painlessly remove the plant, inspect the roots. Healthy roots have a greenish color of varying intensity, an elastic structure.

White color suggests that they need moisture, but shriveled brown dried roots do not fulfill their function. Yellow, brown, red slippery roots - this is obvious decay. All dead roots must be cut with a sharp sterile instrument to living tissues, the cut sites must be treated with cinnamon powder or activated (charcoal) crushed into dust. The orchid can then be planted in a new substrate.


The very first thing we have to do for an exotic beauty is to create comfortable conditions... She needs diffused sunlight, air temperature within + 17-24 degrees, humidity level - 70-80%, correctly selected substrate, reasonable irrigation regime. Watering is done when the roots change green color on white, it's not for nothing that they use transparent dishes with many holes so that the water does not stagnate, and the air freely gets to the roots. We must not forget about regular replanting with a complete replacement of the soil.

Only clean soft warm water can be used for watering and spraying. If this does not flow from the tap, then it needs to be filtered or defended, sometimes you have to first defend, then boil.

Do not get carried away with feeding. After the store, there is no need to feed anything for 1.5–2 months, then you need to use special fertilizers, just dilute them more than it is written in the instructions.

Video "Orchid leaves are drying"

This video will show you what to do if an orchid leaves dry.


What to do if an orchid leaves wither

  • Finally

The fact that the leaves of an orchid wither is very often encountered by people who first acquired this flower. Orchid is a wonderful plant that literally everyone has experienced florist or in a person who has good taste... It can decorate even the most beautiful flower greenhouse, as it is a very original and exotic flower. Orchids grow extraordinarily on a long stem beautiful flowers... They have a large number of bright colors... The contemplation of such a magnificent plant is aesthetic pleasure. But, probably, everyone knows that this is a rather whimsical flower that requires special attention and care.

The orchid is a rather capricious flower in its care.

Why do orchid leaves wither and turn yellow

Orchid owners often face a problem when the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow for no particular reason. But there are still reasons.

Sometimes yellowing and leaf fall is a normal physiological process of withering away. This is a completely natural genetic quality of a flower. The speed of the onset of such a period depends on both the variety and the age of the plant.

The orchid really needs diffused lighting, therefore, when there is little sun, use ultraviolet lamps.

The reason for the wilting of the leaves can be the placement of flowers nearby, which negatively affects the orchid. Pelargonium, yucca or araucaria should not be placed next to it.

The process of wilting of leaves can occur due to a lack of sunlight. Bright light is vital to the orchid as it is very thermophilic. In case of a lack of light, the leaves begin to turn yellow and the stem deteriorates. To save a flower, you have to completely cut off its top. This is a very difficult procedure, and after it you need to wait long enough for the orchid to fully recover.

Despite the love for the sun, the orchid should not be exposed to direct sunlight, the light should be diffused. Under the influence of intense rays, spots appear on the leaves in the form of burns and the flower withers. Therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences it is necessary to choose the right lighting.

Compositions with potassium are used as fertilizer for orchids.

The yellowing of the leaves may be due to the lack of fertilizers or the wrong product. An orchid needs a certain amount of potassium, so a lack of it leads to yellowing and leaf fall.

The question arises, why is potassium so important? The answer is simple. It is he who is necessary in order to start a full-fledged process of renewing old cells. This will extend the life of the flower and enjoy its flowering.

Ways to restore orchid leaves

Even if you notice that the plant has begun to wilt, do not rush to get rid of it. Correct care will help restore it, and it will delight you with its flowering for a long time.

To restore the orchid, pruning of dried leaves, roots and whiskers is performed.

If you notice that the roots of an orchid are drying, then this means that it does not have enough moisture. Trim off any dried air roots and treat the cut with cinnamon powder or crushed activated charcoal.

After that, put the pot with the plant in a container with warm, settled water for 2-3 hours. During this time, the plant will absorb required amount moisture.

Try to keep in the room with orchids optimal level humidity. During the cold season, when it is turned on central heating, the air can be very dry, which is detrimental to orchids. Use a special electric humidifier to humidify the air. If not, then regularly humidify the air around the orchids with a spray bottle. You can also place a container of water next to the flowers. The water will evaporate during the day, which will slightly humidify the air.

Take an ordinary magnifying glass and carefully examine the leaves: perhaps the orchid has unwanted neighbors. If you identify pests, be sure to treat the plant with special means.

Watering the orchid is carried out carefully, to the roots.

If the leaves of the orchid are shriveled, then perhaps most of the roots of the plant are dry or dry out. If through the walls of the pot you cannot see the condition of the roots, then the plant must be pulled out of the container in which it is planted. If the roots are dry or rotten, then they must be cut off, treated with activated carbon and an anti-decay agent. After that, the orchid is planted in new soil.

If you recently purchased a flower and noticed that the unblown buds dry up and fall off, then most likely the plant suffered a significant temperature drop during transportation or received a serious thermal burn. In this case, cut the stem of the plant so that it directs all its forces to its recovery, and not to flowering. If there is a lack of lighting, be sure to install a special lamp above the flower and apply fertilizer once a week.


The orchid is a very responsive flower. She responds very well to careful caring for her. Do not think that it is very difficult. It is enough to devote 5-10 minutes a day to it.

Every day, check if the soil is moistened, wipe the leaves with a damp cotton cloth, humidify the air around the flower.

Water and fertilize the plant regularly, prune dried roots and yellowed stems in time. All these actions will help restore wilted leaves and provoke the growth of new ones.


Why do the leaves and stem of an orchid turn yellow, what to do if the root dries up and the buds fall off (photo,)

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Causes of diseases and treatment of orchid leaves and roots

Every orchid owner has at least once encountered in practice the fact that the leaves of a plant, its stem or buds suddenly turn yellow for no reason, become lethargic and lifeless. Of course, this also affects the general condition of the flower, not all growers, unfortunately, know what needs to be done, and whether it is necessary at all. And it is undesirable to run such "ailments". Any diseases sooner or later affect the roots of plants, and our main task is to prevent this, not to let the sore go deep.

Before we start talking about why the leaves of orchids turn yellow, it is worth clarifying which types of these beautiful plants are most often grown at home.

The most popular varieties of orchids

In living quarters, it is customary to plant such varieties of orchids as dendrobium or phalaenopsis (epiphytic orchids), shoes or cymbidums (epiphytic), as well as kalanta (earthen orchid). For the most part, for some reason, the most popular among lovers of indoor flowers are dendrobium and phalaenopsis. The choice of amateur flower growers usually falls on these varieties, since they require minimal maintenance. This is especially important if you have just started to get involved in planting flowers and do not have a lot of experience in caring for them. The unpretentious dendrobium is perfect for noobs. Naturally, you, as the owner, will need to know all the "behavior features" of your flower, including those related to leaving, seasonal changes, flowering and changing leaves.

How to care for an orchid?

Orchids do not require any overly intrusive and thorough care. They may well live on the windowsill and feel good there with the correct watering regime and regular feeding. If you decide to equip them with a separate "house" with all the conditions - an orchidarium - so much the better! It is advisable to do it in a bright room, and ideally after consulting a specialist. However, even in the most luxurious conditions with all the "amenities", the plant can sometimes get sick.

Yellow leaves - is it dangerous?

In general, the yellowing of the leaves in itself different plants is not a reason to sound the alarm. Leaves regularly die off and fall off, this is a completely natural process.

Cause of concern should only appear if the leaves turn yellow too often, even when young, and if the yellowing covers a significant part of the plant's body. And also if there are any side effects - roots rot, buds fall, etc.

To know for sure if everything is in order with your orchid, experts recommend remembering how long the leaves of your orchid variety live. For example, if it is a phalaenopsis, then the change of "plumage" occurs at least once a year. First, the leaves turn yellow, then dry, lose their shape and fall off. That is, if your phalaenopsis began to discard its bottom sheets, you know - everything is in order, he just gets rid of dead cells. If we are talking about dendrobium, it is worth remembering that it will be normal for it to change leaves twice a year, most often immediately after it has faded, but sometimes during a dormant period.

Why do they turn yellow?

We pass directly to the conversation about why the leaves of the orchid turn yellow and what to do about it. This can happen for a number of reasons:

If the leaves of an orchid turn yellow, the best therapeutic measure in this case would be to normalize the flower's life regime and change its care depending on the causes of yellowing.