What is the optimal humidity in the apartment. What level of humidity is considered optimal

In order for a person to feel comfortable in an apartment, he needs optimum temperature and normal air humidity. If these indicators are violated, infectious diseases of the respiratory tract occur, health worsens, and a headache occurs. The optimum temperature in the house is considered at 24 degrees Celsius and humidity at 45-60%. There is a hygrometer for determining humidity and there are some folk ways setting the humidity level.

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    Why do you need to maintain normal air humidity in the house?

    For a comfortable stay, you need an optimal level of humidity in the apartment. Each room, depending on the purpose, has its own microclimate.

    Violation of the air humidity rate affects the condition of humans and plants. People are more likely to care about the temperature in the house, not thinking about the fact that the number of water molecules in the air affects the perception of temperature by the human body.

    The optimal indicators are considered at the level of 45%. This figure depends on the type of room and its operating conditions.

    Deviations from the norm occur both in the warm season and in winter period... An increase or decrease in humidity entails a deterioration in health, damage to furniture, wall coverings, and affects the growth and development of plants.

    Optimum indicators of air humidity

    For the main premises, the indicators are averaged.

    About the consequences of deviation from the norm of humidity

    Overdried air occurs during the operation of electrical appliances, heaters. As a result, the mucous membrane of the throat and nose is irritated.

    Dry air has a negative effect on the condition of the skin and on the structure of the hair. Static electricity is generated in the room, which lifts dust particles into the air. This is how dust mites and germs spread through the air.

    The negative effects of dry air:

    1. 1. Decreased elasticity of the skin, hair, nails. The result is peeling, dermatitis, and premature wrinkles.
    2. 2. Redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, unpleasant itching, sensation of foreign bodies in the eyes.
    3. 3. Thickening of the blood. The circulation of blood through the blood vessels slows down. Headaches, weakness occur, working capacity sharply decreases, the load on the heart increases.
    4. 4. Increasing the viscosity of gastric and intestinal juice. The work of the digestive system slows down.
    5. 5. Weakening of immunity.

    Exceeding the norm of humidity

    An excess of moisture in the house is dangerous because mold appears, fungal spores develop. High humidity leads to the following consequences:

    • an increase in respiratory diseases - runny nose, bronchitis, allergies, asthma;
    • feeling of stuffiness;
    • lack of feeling of freshness, the occurrence bad smell in the House;
    • deterioration of the condition of plants, rotting of crops;
    • damage to furniture, wall coverings, the occurrence of deformation changes.

    Standards in accordance with GOST

    Humid air is either relative or absolute. For comfortable conditions is necessary optimal indicator, regulated by GOST. The relative is indicated in percentage two quantities:

    • permissible;
    • optimal.

    The allowable indicator is not harmful to health, but it can negatively affect well-being. In the rooms where a person spends more time (bedroom, nursery), special rules for air humidity are provided, and in the kitchen, bathroom, toilet, corridor, they do not have to be adhered to.

    To measure the absolute humidity, take the actual content of water droplets in one cubic meter. If a cubic meter contains 25 grams of water, then the absolute humidity is 25 g / m³. To obtain a relative, calculations are carried out, taking into account the maximum permissible water content in a cubic meter and the actual amount.

    The percentage ratio of real indicators to the maximum possible will be the relative humidity. For example, if the room is plus 24 degrees Celsius, then about 22 grams of liquid will fit in one cubic meter. If in fact 13 grams of water is present in it, then the relative is 60%, which is considered normal.

    Indicators of the norm of air humidity in the room according to GOST depend not only on the purpose of the room, but also on the season. In warm weather, it is 30-60%. In winter, the standards for relative humidity in the room are 40-45%. The maximum allowed value is 60 percent.

    There are also norms for furniture and plants:

    • 40-60% for furniture;
    • for household appliances from 45 to 60%;
    • for paper things and books, 30 to 65 percent of air humidity is needed;
    • for tropical greenery required high humidity- about 80-90%, subtropical ones grow well at 70-80%, and for others the optimal indicator is from 40 to 70%.

    Norm for a child

    The child's immunity cannot cope with negative impact environment... Newborns succumb to overheating faster and freeze faster, often get colds, infectious diseases, ARVI.

    A decrease in humidity should not be allowed in the child's room, since the baby's body loses moisture. For him, the optimal indicator is at the level of 55-60%. If the child has caught an infectious disease, then the humidity of the air mass is brought to 70 percent. The higher the humidity, the less drying out of the respiratory tract mucosa.

    The maximum temperature should not exceed 24 degrees Celsius. An increase in performance can lead to overheating of the baby's body.

    Determination of moisture level without a device

    To determine the moisture content of the air, use:

    1. 1. A glass of water. It is placed in a refrigerator to cool the water to 5 degrees. The container is there for about three hours. Taking out the glass, put it near the battery on a table or on any other surface. After 5-7 minutes, condensation forms on the walls of the dishes. Observe the condensate. If the walls of the glass dry up - the air is dry, the drops of water on the glass have not disappeared - the indicators are normal, drops have flowed through the container - the permissible rate is increased.
    2. 2. Spruce cone. It is placed away from heaters. After 3-4 hours, check the condition of the scales. In dry air, they open, and with an excess of moisture, the cone will shrink.

    These methods are conditional. For the accuracy of the indicators, it is better to buy an air humidity sensor.

To ensure comfortable conditions, it is necessary to clarify what is the rate of air humidity in an apartment. With today's post, you can quickly explore theory and practice on a given topic. The knowledge gained will be useful for solving practical issues at a reasonable cost.

Read in the article:

Air humidity - what is it

To eliminate errors and better understand certain important processes, it is necessary to clarify the basic definitions. The air can contain a limited amount of moisture. Condensation forms during the experiment while maintaining the static pressure and decreasing the temperature.

This level is called the "dew point" by analogy with a natural phenomenon that can be observed on the grass in the morning.

Humidity is called absolute, which is determined by the formula:

P = m / O , where:

  • m - total mass of water;
  • O - the volume of the measured air.

Taking into account the above information on the effect of temperature, the relative indicator is more informative. To calculate it, they take the value of absolute humidity and divide it by the maximum allowable water content in the atmosphere, corresponding to certain conditions. The result is multiplied by 100. This is the relative humidity. It is she who is indicated in the standards, measured using specialized devices.

The relationship between the parameters is shown in the following table:

Air temperature in the room, in ° C Level in ° C (dew point), which corresponds to relative humidity in%
30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 90%
30 10,5 14,9 18,4 18,4 23,9 28,2
25 6,2 10,5 13,9 16,7 19,1 23,2
20 1,9 6 9,3 12 14,4 18,3
15 -2,2 1,5 4,7 7,3 9,6 13,4
10 -6 -2,6 0,1 2,6 4,8 8,4

Before figuring out what air humidity in an apartment is considered normal, you need to understand the mechanism for changing this parameter. From general information it can be concluded that there is a significant decrease in moisture concentration in winter when the temperature drops below zero. Consequently, Negative influence the normal ventilation of the premises will have an effect on the corresponding standard.

Separately, it is necessary to consider the persistent myth about the air "overdried" by heating devices. This technique is actually capable of converting water into steam particles. However, it will not leave the room if there is no effective exhaust ventilation.

In fact, equipment that is designed to lower the temperature reduces the humidity level. Moisture concentrates on the cooled plates of the air conditioner heat exchanger. Drops roll into a special tray and are removed through a special tube into the drain.

The humidity level in the Finnish steam room is constant

However, the use of a "Russian bath" or "hamam" presupposes a high concentration of water in the atmosphere of the room. Humidity increases:

  • in showers and bathrooms;
  • in the kitchen while cooking;
  • during operation of steam generators, air humidifiers.

Optimal air humidity in the apartment - the requirements of GOST

For detailed information and clarifications, use the original source. In this case, we are talking about GOST 30494 (2012) "Indoor microclimate parameters", which came into force on 01.01.2013 (the last amendments were made in 2016).

For your information! Do not confuse with the outdated edition of 1996. It is to it that references are often made quite often in answers to questions about what air humidity in an apartment is considered normal. There are several important changes in the new documents in force.

This standard is designed for residential, public, educational properties. It defines the boundaries of the values ​​of humidity, temperature and air mobility, which, with prolonged exposure to human body unable to harm health. They regulate the permissible indicators, taking into account the possibility of a certain discomfort, which is caused by individual physiological characteristics.

Also use the concept of "optimal" parameters. They are understood as a combination of the above factors, which does not activate the natural functions of thermoregulation. At the same time, comfortable conditions are provided for people in a room with a statistical sample of at least 80% according to a special research technique.

A person's stay in a room for at least 2 consecutive hours or 6 hours cumulative for a whole day is considered permanent. Cold is the period of the year when the temperature is equal to or below + 8 ° C (average over 24 hours). In detail, rooms are classified into 6 categories, taking into account the type of activity, clothing. Below are the standards for residential properties.

PeriodsPremisesHumidity rate in a room for a person,%Indoor air temperature, ° CAir speed, m / s
Optimal values ​​(OZ)Valid values ​​(DZ)OZDZOZDZ
ColdLiving room30−45 60 20−22 18−24 0,15 0,2
KitchenNo rationing (N / N)N / n19−21 18−26 0,15 0,2
Bathroom, shower room, combined bathroomN / nN / n24−26 18−26 0,15 0,2
ToiletN / nN / n19−21 18−26 0,15 0,2
Bedroom, study30−45 60 20−22 18−24 0,15 0,2
Corridor between apartments30−45 60 18−20 16−22 N / nN / n
StaircaseN / nN / n16−18 14−20 N / nN / n
Storerooms and utility roomsN / nN / n16−18 12−22 N / nN / n
Warm (above + 8 ° C)Living room30−60 65 22−25 20−28 0,2 0,3

What air humidity should be in the apartment in summer

For the warm season, the rates are increased. In good weather, users often ventilate the room. Outside air parameters are quite favorable, therefore it is not difficult to fulfill the requirements of the standards.

The use of technical means for adjusting microclimate parameters is discussed in detail below. However, you may notice that such equipment can be used in rainy weather to reduce humidity levels.

What should be the humidity in the apartment in winter

During this period, they use reduced standards. It should be remembered that it is necessary to take a comprehensive account of all significant factors to create a comfortable and healthy environment.

In winter, you will have to solve the problem of adequate ventilation while maintaining normal humidity levels.

What humidity should be in the child's room

At the stage of the formation of the organism, individual physiological mechanisms are unable to perform their functions fully. In particular, thermoregulation is difficult.

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In this publication, we will consider the criteria for choosing humidifiers, manufacturers and best models, optimal prices and recommendations of specialists.

The growth of the body is accompanied by an active production of heat. Its removal is carried out together with the exhaled air and through the skin. The second path is accompanied by the release of sweat, the loss of valuable moisture and useful salt components. Lack of fluid makes digestion difficult. Draining of the mucous membranes occurs. The appearance and condition of the skin is deteriorating.

Taking into account the above facts, experienced pediatricians recommend maintaining the temperature range in the nursery from + 18 ° C to + 20 ° C. A value of + 22 ° C is considered a threshold and should not be exceeded. At the same time, an adequate intake of fluids should be ensured with food and drink. It is necessary to take a bath regularly and maintain the humidity in the room, which is optimal for the baby, at 50-60%. For the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases, experts recommend maintaining the level of 60-70%

How to measure the humidity in the apartment

Hygrometer - a device for measuring indoor air humidity

This figure explains what and how the hygrometer measures. Ether or other easily evaporating liquid is poured into a small container (2). Using an ordinary "pear" (4), air is pumped through it, which is accompanied by a gradual cooling of the metal body. At a certain moment, condensation forms on the outer polished surface (1). Record this temperature using a built-in thermometer (3). Further, according to the value of the dew point in the table, the corresponding value of the relative humidity is found.

Devices in this category are more convenient, since with precise adjustment you can immediately see the result on the scale. In this case, they use the property of the exemplary material to change size with an increase / decrease in the level of humidity in the apartment.

For your information! If hair is applied, it is recommended to remove oil. This treatment will remove obstacles to moisture penetration. Instead, special films made from organic materials are used.

If humidified air is pumped through a hygroscopic sample, the measured parameter can be determined from the change in weight. But this and the above methods do not correspond to the habits of modern users.

This technique performs its function using different principles:

  1. By complementing the condensation hygrometer with a light emitter and a photocell, an automated installation for fixing the dew point is created.
  2. When the humidity level in the apartment fluctuates, the resistance of the electrolyte or porous sensor will change accordingly.
  3. The capacitance of the capacitors is measured using appropriate electronic circuits (some metal oxide and polymer models are suitable).

The obtained value is corrected taking into account the readings of the built-in sensor and temperature. The final results are displayed on the screen. A well-equipped electronic hygrometer has the following advantages:

  1. The large LCD screen does not consume much power.
  2. To improve visibility, a backlight is installed.
  3. In addition to the relative humidity in the apartment, the temperature, time, calendar, and other useful information are displayed.
  4. Supplementing with external sensors for monitoring parameters in several rooms and outside the building is acceptable.
  5. The received data is transmitted over the Internet, used to control household appliances.

Determination of the moisture level using the Assman psychrometric table

This technology is replicated using simple measuring instruments at home. They take two alcohol thermometers and fix them on a single panel for convenience. The tip of one is dipped into a wad of cloth, which is wetted clean water... The readings obtained using this table are converted into the operational value of the air humidity in the apartment.

Despite the emergence of modern electronic models, such devices are in demand. They are cheap and do their job without batteries. Despite the seeming primitiveness, a sufficiently high measurement accuracy is provided. In some manufactured products, the scale division is no more than 0.2 ° C.

For an objective analysis, the following limitations and features should be mentioned:

  1. The alcohol-containing liquid is harmless, but even a slight blow can damage the fragile glass parts of the structure.
  2. A standard room air humidity meter of this type is designed for operation in the operating range from -10 ° C to + 40 ° C.
  3. If the measurement is carried out at a temperature of less than + 23 ° C, the air humidity in the apartment is determined only from a level of 40% or more.
  4. A strong draft (flow velocity greater than 1 m / s) significantly degrades the accuracy.

"A glass of water" and other simple techniques

How the air humidity is measured is clear from the previous sections. However, the correct conclusions can be drawn by indirect indications or with the help of improvised means.

Dry skin also indicates the need to correct microclimatic parameters.

Too much moisture, on the other hand, can lead to mold and mildew.

For an operational check, fill the glass to the middle with tap water, place it in the refrigerator compartment (standard temperature from +4 to + 6 ° C). After 1-1.5 hours, the measuring device is removed and installed on any flat surface away from the heating system devices and other heat sources. Excludes direct sunlight. If after 6-8 minutes there are drops of water on the walls, it means that the air humidity in the apartment is correct. Drying out / dripping down corresponds to a reduced / increased level, respectively.

You can also use a standard alcohol thermometer. Measure the temperature as usual. Next, lower the device into cotton wool or other porous material moistened with water. Using the obtained data and Assman's psychrometric table, get the value of air humidity in the apartment.

What are the consequences of deviations from the norm of air humidity in the apartment?

Normal air humidity in an apartment should be such that a person feels comfortable. The above figures are based on official research. However, we must not forget that they are average indicators. In order not to be mistaken, it is imperative to take into account individual characteristics. People with asthmatic attacks may experience discomfort with high and low humidity levels in the apartment.

Lack of water impairs immunity, effectiveness protective systems organism. The nutrition of the hair roots, integumentary and other tissues is disrupted. Cosmetic defects appear. Draining of the mucous membranes is accompanied by cuts in the eyes. The oxygen saturation of the blood decreases.

Excessive humidity creates a favorable environment for the life of ticks and various harmful microorganisms. Some of them provoke the emergence of extremely dangerous and chronic diseases. If the norms are not observed, children and older people are at particular risk.

Approximately the same range is provided by the developers of household appliances. The high concentration of water in the atmosphere of the room intensifies corrosion processes that destroy strong metals. Under such conditions, oxides are formed that disrupt the normal conductivity of electrical circuits. It is difficult to localize the corresponding faults. It is they who quite often disable high-quality smartphones, TVs, and other equipment.

For tropical plants, the level of humidity must be increased.

This example once again confirms the correctness of the individual approach. In order to maintain a special microclimate, individual rooms must be well insulated from other parts of the property.

Ways to normalize moisture content

The cumulative assessment of all important facts explains the benefits of preventive measures. Maintaining an optimal level of air humidity in an apartment helps to save money, prevents accidents and diseases. It remains only to figure out how to solve the problem correctly. To do this, consider sequentially specialized equipment and technologies that are used in practice.

How to increase the humidity in an apartment using modern technology

This technique creates the smallest water droplets using high-frequency vibrations of the working element. Compactness can be added to the listed advantages, reasonable cost, nice appearance of modern models.

Expert opinion

Ask a specialist

“If hard water is used, a whitish coating may appear on the surfaces in the room. Scale salts clog the working ducts, so pre-filtration of the liquid must be applied. ”

Sets of disks are installed in such devices. When rotating, these blocks are wetted with water at the bottom. The democratic cost distinguishes the products of this category.

Important! Wet working parts create a favorable environment for bacteria, therefore, during operation, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of regular cleaning.

Multifunctional humidifiers are complemented with a built-in hygrometer. Such devices maintain the user-specified humidity level in the apartment, taking into account real conditions. Additional equipment:

  • flavoring;
  • HVAC design engineer (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) ASP North-West LLC

    Ask a specialist

    “How long the humidifier should work in the room to normalize the parameters is indicated in the official documents of the manufacturer. As a rule, the maximum room dimensions are given in m². Please remember that the corresponding value is given for rooms with standard height ceilings - no more than 3 m. "

    How to increase the humidity in the room using improvised means

    A similar result can be obtained using a hand spray, frequent wet cleaning.

    Ways to reduce air humidity in an apartment to normal

    In swimming pools and for solving problems of an industrial scale, specialized moisture absorbers are used.

    Such a design is easy to make on your own. On the top shelf put a special tablet. It absorbs moisture from the air and converts it into a saline solution. For its accumulation, a corresponding reservoir is installed below. It is emptied by hand.

    For your information! Devices of this type are characterized by low performance. A standard tablet will work for up to 5 months. At one refueling, it turns out to collect 0.6-0.8 liters of liquid.

    Maintaining a normal humidity level in an apartment is necessary to create a healthy and comfortable environment. Thorough preliminary preparation will help determine the parameters of the project, select a set of equipment. In emergency situations, available tools and simple specialized techniques will come in handy. In the comments to the publication, give own examples successful decisions... Ask questions here and share your opinion about different samples of technology.

    This video describes how to make an air humidity meter in an apartment.

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about air humidity in the apartment, norm which is in the range from 30% to 60%. Perhaps this is a publicity stunt for air humidifier sellers. However, this indicator does affect well-being. Personally, I thought about this after watching Dr. Komarovsky's program on childhood immunity.

However, it is not so easy to keep it at these rates. In winter, the air dries up due to district heating, in summer the humidity is often higher. How to measure the humidity in the apartment and bring it back to normal?

First, let's find out why excess or insufficient humidity is harmful to humans. Why, in fact, bring it back to normal.

Our well-being directly depends on the level of humidity. Excessively dry air dries up our mucous membranes (eyes, respiratory tract, nasopharynx) and can lead to a decrease in immunity, fatigue, and deterioration of the skin condition. And just to the discomfort. Excessive humidity is quite capable of causing diseases such as asthma, allergies, rhinitis.

Children are especially sensitive to changes in humidity. That is why the level of humidity in the children's room must be taken into account most carefully.

And the room itself "suffers" from a lack or excess of moisture in the air. So, in dry air, parquet, furniture, etc. very quickly lose their appearance. wooden surfaces... Cracks may appear, objects "shrink".

Excessive humidity is even more detrimental to your apartment, because it can cause the appearance of fungus, mold on the walls and especially in the corners where air movement is minimal. Food products deteriorate quickly under the influence of moisture.

Air humidity in the apartment: how to achieve the norm

So, the standard rate of air humidity in the apartment, as we already wrote, is 30-60%, while average level- 45% is the most optimal. The level of humidity depends on the concentration of moisture outside the room. In winter, this difference is significant due to the operation of the heating. To measure humidity, they use a good old hygrometer (personally, I still have from my grandparents - 3 in 1: thermometer, hygrometer and barometer).

How to increase the humidity in the apartment

  • The easiest way to get the humidity back in your home is to use a household humidifier.

Don't discount the height of your room's ceiling when purchasing a humidifier. For example, the ceiling in the nursery is very high (it is in the nursery that we use a humidifier), so the humidifier can barely cope with maintaining the humidity level. It would be necessary to buy a more powerful one.

  • Increase the amount indoor plants... Firstly, they themselves have a positive effect on the air humidity in the apartment (albeit slightly), and secondly, they will become a kind of hygrometer: if the leaves wrinkle and dry up, this is a sign of a lack of moisture in your apartment.
  • If you are not a fan of indoor flowers, start an aquarium. Just remember to add the evaporating water regularly.
  • Everyone knows that it is necessary to ventilate the room not only in summer, but also in winter. There is nothing better fresh air... However, at the same time, oddly enough, the humidity in the apartment decreases, since the cold air has low humidity. Therefore, when ventilating the apartment in winter, do not neglect the tips for humidifying the air in the apartment.

So that at the same time the house does not cool down, it is better not to leave the window open for a long time, but, on the contrary, to open the window wide open for 5-7 minutes. During this time, the air will have time to renew itself, and heat loss will be reduced to a minimum.

Don't forget that those who work Appliances(TV, computer, iron, etc.) dry the air in the room. To bring the air humidity back to normal, try to ventilate these rooms more often or put a humidifier in them.

You can buy a humidifier at a hardware store, but personally I think it's easier to do this in an online store. Firstly, it is often significantly cheaper, and secondly, the choice of humidifiers here is simply huge, unlike the assortment of a regular store (2-4 models). Well, for example, on the website of a popular Internet hypermarket, there is a page with ultrasonic air humidifiers. Moreover, here each model is represented by several stores and it is possible to compare prices and choose the most profitable for yourself.

We bought one for our nursery. Satisfied :) (My impression of him - in the article "")

How to reduce the humidity in the apartment

  • Steam builds up after cooking, washing, bathing or showering. Therefore, these rooms must be ventilated immediately.
  • Drying clothes in the house is undesirable. Better do it on outdoors or in a spare room by closing the door and opening the window.
  • To bring the air humidity in the apartment back to normal, in summer, do not curtain the windows in damp rooms, let the sun dry them out.
  • By analogy with a humidifier, there are special moisture absorbers that contain an absorbent substance that absorbs excess moisture from the air, like a sponge.

And one more important point: working in the summer not only lowers the air temperature in the room, but also dries the air. Despite the fact that it is easy to breathe in an air-conditioned room, this does not mean that the humidity is within normal limits. Therefore, it is advisable to use a humidifier in a conditioned room.

« Air humidity in the apartment: the norm "specially for the site Eco-life

Most people, first of all, pay attention to the air temperature, forgetting about such an important indicator as humidity. But it is on her that the feeling of heat or cold, general well-being, the state of plants and the safety of household items depend. What is the rate of humidity in the apartment, how does it affect the human body and not only.

Problems arising from a lack or excess of moisture

Dry indoor air causes increased moisture loss through the skin and respiratory tract. This can lead to such unpleasant consequences, how:

  • a decrease in the elasticity of hair, nails and skin, accompanied by the appearance of microcracks, wrinkles, peeling, dermatitis;
  • dryness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, the symptoms of which are itching, redness, feeling of "sand";
  • thickening of the blood, leading to a slowdown in its circulation, weakness, headache, decreased performance, increased load on the heart;
  • an increase in the viscosity of gastric and intestinal juices, provoking a slowdown in digestion;
  • drying out of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, the result of which is a weakening of local immunity and an increase in the frequency of ARVI;
  • an increase in the number of respiratory allergens in the atmosphere, which should normally be bound by droplets of liquid.

Excess moisture in the air creates acceptable conditions for the growth of mold, fungi and bacteria. As a result, you may encounter the following problems:

  • respiratory diseases - chronic rhinitis, bronchitis, asthma, allergies; a feeling of stuffiness or dampness in the room;

  • unpleasant odor due to the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms;

  • increasing the drying time of the washed laundry.

Excessive or insufficient amount of moisture in the house is also bad for the condition of household items. Plants dry out or start to rot wooden furniture and the parquet deforms or "shrinks", the paintings fade, paper products lose their structure.

Factors affecting humidity

The main factor affecting indoor humidity is temperature. If you ventilate the room in winter, the air will become fresher, but less humid.

Reduce air humidity:

  • heating devices;
  • air conditioner;
  • constant ventilation at outdoor temperatures below -10C
  • interior items, especially soft furniture, toys, carpets.

Any sources of water and steam increase the air humidity:

  • aquarium;
  • houseplants;
  • damp laundry;
  • containers with boiling water;
  • faulty water pipes and plumbing.

Permanent condensation on the windows indicates elevated level humidity in the room.

Indoor humidity rate:

  • the warm period is 30-60%, the maximum allowable is 65%.
  • cold period- 30-45%, the maximum allowable is 60%.

In young children, heat exchange processes are increased, so they are especially sensitive to non-compliance with microclimate parameters. The ideal humidity in the children's room is 50-60%, and if the child is sick with ARVI, it is recommended not to lower it below 60%.

Indirect signs of low indoor air humidity are dry tips of plant leaves and electrical discharges from synthetic clothing.

How to regulate air humidity?

At any time of the year, the normal air humidity in the apartment should be at least 40% and not higher than 65%.

Moisture reduction methods:

  • frequent ventilation of the premises;
  • installation of exhaust fans;
  • use of air conditioners and heaters;
  • serviceable pipes and plumbing;
  • refusal to dry clothes in the room;

How to increase the humidity in the room:

  • the presence of an aquarium or decorative fountain;
  • minimal use of heater and air conditioner;
  • hanging wet towels on batteries;
  • periodic spraying of water from a spray bottle;
  • using a humidifier;
  • regular wet cleaning;
  • growing a large number of indoor flowers.

Air humidity in the house - important parameter, affecting both the well-being of residents and interior items. Normally, this figure is in the range from 40 to 60%. It is especially important to monitor the humidity in rooms where children spend most of the time, as well as people with respiratory diseases. It is convenient to use household humidifiers and dehumidifiers to adjust the concentration of moisture in the air.

Why dry air is dangerous for health

If the air in the room is dry, then the "transportation" of oxygen to the circulatory system is difficult. As a result, a person constantly feels drowsiness and increased fatigue, while often not understanding where the bad state of health came from. When a person breathes dry air for a long time, his susceptibility to various infections increases, hence the appearance of a runny nose in the morning. Due to dry air, the nasal mucosa and bronchial tube cannot self-clean as effectively as with air normal humidity... As a result, the body is easily susceptible to infections and various respiratory diseases. This is especially true for the smallest, whose immunity is weaker than that of adults. It is not for nothing that even in the room of newborns, it is recommended to hang wet clothes to make the air more humid.

Water constantly saturates the atmosphere of the Earth in pairs. Mass fraction of moisture in a cubic meter of gas mixture determines absolute air humidity... For example, for null ambient temperature, this value is - 5 g / m3.

As the temperature rises, the number of water molecules that evaporate from the surface of water bodies increases and the air becomes more humid.

The state of saturated vapor is observed in a sealed vessel when the process of evaporation and condensation of the liquid reaches equilibrium.

The value of the relative humidity of air shows how many times its density is greater or less than the density of saturated vapor at a certain temperature. Range values ​​of this quantity from 40 to 60% at 15-20 degrees Celsius defines conditions comfortable microclimate for human life.

At long stay in rooms with high or low humidity levels decreases immunity, there are acute and chronic diseases... In order to maintain the indicators of the microclimate of the living space within norms, it is necessary and, on the basis of the obtained indicators, to carry out a constant the control air condition using a hygrometer or psychrometer.

How do you know if the house is dry?

Notice a decrease in level humidification of the room atmosphere is possible without special devices:

  • The earth in flowerpots with indoor plants dries up quickly, becomes covered with cracks, and the leaves turn pale and wrinkle;
  • Wet laundry dries out in a short period of time and it is difficult to iron it;
  • Obsessive smell of dust;
  • Electrified static electricity things and objects;
  • Cracked furniture creak and wooden floors;
  • Dryness skin and hair brittleness.

Lack of moisture in the air makes you feel discomfort and constant thirst. Fatigue, poor appetite and irritability are external manifestations of a violation of the water balance of the body.

Dry mucous membranes of the respiratory tract cease to perform protective functions, which leads to acute respiratory diseases.

Dangerous sign dryness air in the house is the occurrence allergic reactions to household dust. If you do not take action, complications can become chronic bronchitis and asthma. Read about how to increase the humidity in the apartment.

Signs of high humidity

The parameters of the microclimate of premises in buildings of various purposes are determined by GOST 30494-2011 which was put into effect 01.01.2013 ... According to the table values ​​of GOST, the relative humidity in the living room should not exceed 60% in winter and 65% summer.

Optimal value for the cold period is 45-30% and in warm period of the year - 60-30% .

Maximum standard values ​​allow you to judge the excess of the relative humidity in the house according to the control readings of measuring instruments.

If there are none, you should note for the next signs:

  • Smooth high flame burning candle with a pink halo;
  • Damp salt in an open salt shaker;
  • Stagnant water in flower trays;
  • Wet clothes and linens;
  • Poorly closing wooden doors ;
  • and education condensate on the glass of window openings;
  • Fungal microorganisms on the surface of the outer walls.

During the summer months, the relative humidity increases due to the rise in temperature. The air is getting more dense and makes breathing difficult. The body temperature rises, the body tries to rebalance and excretes large amounts of fluids.

But evaporation of sweat and cooling of the skin does not occur due to the moisture-saturated air. This condition can provoke heatstroke, fainting, and even heart attack.

Enhancement humidity in the room is most often observed in off-season when the outside temperature drops, when the heating is not yet switched on. Condensation on the walls creates a favorable environment for development mold and fungus.

In addition to the unpleasant odor, fungal microorganisms release into the air toxins, which can cause not only allergic reactions, but also acute poisoning. Dizziness, decreased concentration, lethargy - common features intoxication.

Long stay of a person in raw indoors reduces the body's resistance, which leads to infectious and colds. Complications of frequent illnesses can be rheumatism and tuberculosis. The first signs of a person's reaction to uncomfortable conditions Difficulty breathing, decreased performance, persistent headaches.

So from high humidity in the apartment you need to get rid of. How to do this, read in.

The norm of relative humidity in the apartment for the child

Pediatricians advise maintain the relative humidity in the baby's room not less than 50%... A highly active child's body has relatively small reserves of water, therefore, when the air is dry indoors, the child quickly loses it.

Lethargy, bad mood, lack of appetite can be signs of a banal dehydration... And dryness of the mucous membranes is directly related to frequent colds.

The higher the humidity level in the child's room, the better he will feel. If you have a hygrometer, you must constantly control microclimate in the children's room. Range of humidity levels in the nursery from 50 to 60% is optimal for the normal development of the child.

In case of illness, it is worth humidifying the air in the room. up to 70%... This will ease the symptoms of a cold and prevent your baby from having a dry cough.

How to measure air humidity?

Humidity control is carried out by electronic and mechanical hygrometers... These devices differ in size, appearance and the principle of action, but they all show percent relative humidity inside the room.

The mechanical version of the device may look like Wall Clock with scale and arrow. Electronic the type has a display on which the values ​​of relative humidity and temperature are displayed (you can find out what the optimal temperature should be in the apartment).

Principle of operation a psychrometric hygrometer is based on measuring the ambient temperature with a dry and wet thermometer. Calculating difference of readings, determine the relative humidity from the reference table, which is located under the glass of the device.

In the same way, you can set the level of air humidity using medical thermometer... The temperature in the room is measured first with a dry thermometer, then the mercury tip is wrapped in a wet cloth and in 7-10 minutes re-measure.

In the cell of the reference table, at the intersection of the dry bulb reading and the temperature difference, the percentage of relative humidity is found.

Ways to reduce moisture

To reduce the humidity in the living area necessary:

  • Ventilate rooms regularly;
  • Provide damp rooms with forced exhaust ventilation;
  • Install additional devices heating;
  • Choose the optimal mode for air conditioning;
  • Place moisture absorbers in the room;
  • Use a household dehumidifier.

The principle of operation of the room dehumidifier based on the principle of moisture condensation at low temperatures in the unit chamber. Then the dry air is heated and discharged into the room with the help of a fan.

Depending on the capacity, one appliance may condense from 12 to 300 liters per day. Various models dehumidifiers are shown in the photo.

Moisture absorbers are absorbent material in a plastic case. The adsorbent capsules must be changed as moisture accumulates in them. This option is suitable for seasonal use.

Ways to increase moisture

For creating favorable climate in the apartment, it is enough to ventilate the room well, to dilute a home greenhouse from indoor plants, to install or start a large aquarium with fish.

You can hang mini-humidifiers from batteries and periodically fill them with water. All these ways require attention and some effort to keep it in order.

Much easier to install in a room humidifier... The steam version of this device, although it works on the principle of a kettle, can humidify the air more than by 60%... A mechanical humidifier with a fan makes a lot of noise and will not be able to increase the humidity in the room much.

Most effective is an ultrasonic humidifier. Its principle of operation is based on spraying water droplets in the form of a fog using piezoelectric emitter.

Safety, low noise, increased humidity up to 100% - Main advantages ultrasonic humidifier.

Insufficient or excessive humidity in the apartment can lead to temporary or chronic deteriorating health