What air humidity is considered normal in an apartment - the importance of the parameter and its standards

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

It is no secret that each apartment has a special microclimate. This concept includes temperature conditions, illumination, humidity and many other parameters. All of them have a direct impact on the quality of life of people. If any indicators are too high or, conversely, lowered, both your own health and the decoration of the apartment may suffer. Therefore, it is imperative to monitor your housing and avoid such situations. Let's find out how the level of humidity in the apartment affects our lives and why it is so important that it be within the normal range.

How does high and low humidity affect a person?

Both high and low humidity most directly affect the life and health of the inhabitants of the apartment.

high humidity

Consider the situation when the humidity in the apartment is increased.

  • If the air is too humid, the temperature is perceived differently by the body. The process of heat transfer is disturbed, at high temperatures the body overheats, at low temperatures it becomes supercooled.
  • This phenomenon, combined with high room temperature, is especially dangerous for people suffering from hypertension and cardiovascular diseases: it leads to dehydration and chemical imbalance, blood clotting, high blood pressure and exacerbation of chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • High humidity adversely affects the physical and mental activity even completely healthy person, since fatigue in such conditions occurs much faster.
  • If a person is in a room or apartment with high humidity, he is more susceptible to infectious diseases and colds. Long stay under such conditions, it can contribute to the development of more serious diseases: rheumatism, tuberculosis, etc.
  • The increased moisture content in the air is dangerous for allergy sufferers. Wet environments are very conducive to the emergence of powerful allergens that can lead to really adverse effects on the body, not to mention that they spoil appearance and decoration of the apartment.

In addition to fungus and mold, high humidity contributes to the development of various pathogenic microorganisms and insects. Furniture deteriorates from it, an unpleasant musty smell appears.

Reduced humidity in the apartment has the following consequences:

  • Too dry air dehydrates the body, dries out the mucous membranes. Dryness of the nasal mucosa is the cause of frequent colds.
  • The skin becomes dry, inelastic, metabolism is disturbed.
  • People feel constant nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, which lead to sleep disturbance, anxiety and irritability.
  • Dry air in the apartment contributes to the spread of dust, in which various microorganisms, as well as dust mites, can multiply.
  • Leaves indoor plants dry and fall off.
  • Wooden furniture, parquet dry out, become covered with cracks. The same applies to musical instruments made of wood: they are constantly out of tune, gradually falling into disrepair.

What is the optimum air humidity?

Both excess and lack of moisture in the air is a danger to the health and condition of the apartment. What should ideally be the humidity in a residential area?

  • To make it comfortable for a person to be in a room, the humidity of the air should be from 30 to 60%.
  • Comfortable air humidity in the apartment during the cold period is about 30-45%.

In the warm season, this level is not at all difficult to maintain. However, in winter, with running batteries and other heating appliances this can be quite difficult. At this time of the year, the percentage of water in the air sometimes drops to 20%, and sometimes even to 15%, which is completely unacceptable.

Normal humidity in the apartment is of great importance not only for people, but also for various objects. For example, for indoor flowers, furniture and books optimal indicator– 40–60%, for items household appliances – 45–60 %.

How to measure the level of humidity in the apartment?

There are several ways to help determine the level of humidity in a room.

Glass of water

This is a less reliable, but often used method at home. If you do not want to purchase a special device, then you can measure the level of air humidity using a container of water.

Pour into a glass of water and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. During this time, the water temperature should drop to 3-5 ° C. Then put the glass in the room away from the heaters. At first, the walls of the container will be foggy, but you need to observe what happens to them after 5 minutes.

  • If they dry out, then the air in the room is dry.
  • If the glass remains foggy, the humidity in the room is at an optimal level.
  • The streams flowing down the walls of the glass will help you find out about the high humidity in the room.

This method does not require special equipment, but it will not allow you to know the exact value of the water content in the air.

What to do if the humidity is too high?

So, we have learned to determine the degree of humidity in the premises. Suppose you get a result indicating that it is too high in your room. What will help in this case?

  • Air Dryer. This device will allow as soon as possible get rid of humidity in the apartment. The dehumidifier can be portable or stationary.
  • Moisture absorber. It usually takes the form of a tablet made from a special absorbent.
  • Hood. Unventilated rooms where moisture constantly accumulates are best equipped with exhaust devices: a ventilation duct,. With a poorly functioning hood in the apartment, it is recommended to install a forced ventilation system.
  • Air conditioner. It will help eliminate excess moisture and maintain its optimal level in the room.
  • Frequent ventilation. The influx of fresh air also helps to reduce the water content in the air.

How to increase humidity if the apartment is too dry?

If the air in your apartment is too dry, the situation can be corrected in the following ways.


The easiest way to increase the humidity is to put a humidifier in the room. This device is capable of influencing the air in rooms up to 150 square meters in size. m. The principle of its operation is simple - it is necessary to pour water into a container specially designed for this, which the device will evaporate, saturating dry air with water vapor. There are three types of humidifiers:

  • Traditional (cold type). Have simple design with moisturizing cartridges and a fan that drives air through them. Such a device can restore normal air humidity (up to 60%), its disadvantages include noise.
  • Steam. They operate on the principle of an electric kettle: they boil water and bring it out in the form of steam. Advantages: high performance, no consumables, the ability to work with ordinary tap water. Disadvantages: a fairly high level of noise and power, steam that can burn you (up to 60 degrees).
  • Ultrasonic. Considered the most modern, their work is based on the oscillation of a membrane that turns water into cold steam. They work almost silently, allow you to adjust the level of humidity. Some models heat water, killing germs and bacteria. The disadvantage is the exactingness in care, the use of cartridges that need to be replaced regularly, or distilled water.

Humans are known to be 60% water. And how much water should be in the air around us? We understand the norms of humidity in the apartment, nursery and office.

The Importance of Humidity

The air we breathe is always filled with water vapor to some extent (of course, we do not take into account the desert regions that are not suitable for human life :)). Humidity indicates the content of these vapors. It is absolute and relative.

If we measure the volume of water in a cubic meter of air, we will know its absolute humidity. Imagine that we took one cubic meter of air and found 13 g of water in it. These 13 g/m3 is its absolute humidity.

But if we want to calculate the relative humidity of the air, then we need to know two quantities: the maximum possible volume of water in a cubic meter of air (it depends on temperature: the higher it is, the more moisture the air can hold) and the actual volume of water in a given cubic meter of air. The percentage of the actual volume to the maximum possible will be the relative humidity of the air. For example, a cubic meter of air at 24°C can hold a maximum of 21.8 g of water. If we found 13 g of water in it, then its relative humidity is about 60%.

When we talk about the norm of air humidity, we always mean relative humidity, in other words, we are interested in the degree of saturation of air with moisture.

What is the norm of humidity in the apartment indicated in official sources? Building codes for Russia are spelled out in the interstate GOST 30494-96 “Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters.

According to this document, the optimal relative humidity in the cold season is 30-45%, and in the warm season - 30-60%. Limit indicators are also indicated in GOST: in winter, according to the authors, it should not exceed 60%, and in summer - 65%.

It is worth remembering that the figures indicated by GOST are intended primarily not for the residents of buildings, but for those who design and maintain these buildings. This can be seen, for example, by the fact that the GOST standard for humidity in an apartment is lower in winter than in summer. This is due to the fact that during the cold season, the relative humidity of outdoor air drops significantly when it warms up to room temperature. It is difficult to design and maintain a building in such a way that it maintains “summer” humidity standards in winter without significant costs. But that doesn't mean winter human body need less moisture.

30% humidity - the lower limit of the norm according to GOST - is felt by many as dry air with all its attendants. This humidity is not enough for most indoor plants: they will begin to dry and wither. Optimal Humidity for indoor flowers common in our latitudes - 40-70%.

Humidity in the children's room

The child's body is worse than an adult, copes with harmful factors environment. Children freeze faster and overheat faster, catch colds more easily, catch infections more often and endure diseases more difficultly.

Therefore, the microclimate in the nursery should help maintain the protective forces of the child's body, and humidity plays an important role here. The air must never be dry. In dry air, the child's body rapidly loses moisture. The mucous membranes of the nasopharynx dry up and resist infections, the baby may feel itchy in the eyes, and peeling may appear on sensitive skin.

The norm of humidity in an apartment for a child is 50-60%.

The famous children's doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky insists on more: he calls 60% humidity the norm for children. healthy child and 70% recommends for a baby who has caught an infection (the higher the air humidity, the less the mucous membranes dry out).

The norm of humidity for a child in winter does not differ from summer. But there is important point: both in winter and in summer, it is desirable to maintain the temperature in the children's room at a level no higher than 24 ° C. If the room is warmer, then the humidity of 60% will turn the nursery into the tropics: You probably know from your own experience that high humidity is much more difficult to tolerate in the heat than in the cold. In addition, exceeding the specified temperature norm can cause overheating of the child's body, which will again lead to loss of fluids, drying of mucous membranes and skin.

Humidity in the workplace

The norm of humidity in the workplace depends on the specifics of work. different types production require different levels of humidity. Let's say the air in flower greenhouses will be much more humid than in a pharmaceutical factory.

If we talk about office work, then the humidity rate in the office will be approximately the same as for residential premises: 40-60%. Higher humidity is highly undesirable because it can adversely affect equipment and documents. However, the problem of high humidity is not typical for office rooms. Much more common is the opposite problem: too dry air. A humidifier is already a familiar attribute of offices. As a rule, this is the easiest way out if the humidity in the office is not up to standard, the main thing is to install it.

Knowing the norms of humidity in the living room and offices, you can begin to adjust it (unless, of course, this is necessary).

Most reliable way increase humidity - install a humidifier with sufficient air flow. If the air in the apartment is very dry, then you may have to wait 7-10 days until the air is filled with moisture. Decoration Materials and furniture: only after that the humidity of the air will begin to rise.

The moisture concentration in the premises should be constantly monitored, taking measures to normalize it in case of deviation from the recommended values. The norm of air humidity in the apartment must be strictly observed to maintain health and ensure comfortable life. What is this norm and why is it important to observe it?

A person cannot determine the optimal values ​​​​of air humidity in a room with the help of the senses. Inconsistency with the norm manifests itself in the physiological state gradually, over time.

The main signs of a constant low concentration of moisture in the air of the apartment are the following:

  • dry skin;
  • fragility of nails;
  • loss of hair elasticity;
  • drying of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nasopharynx;
  • weakness, rapid fatigue;
  • disorders in the work of the heart and blood vessels arising from an increase in blood viscosity;
  • allergic reactions from the respiratory system.

Most quickly, symptoms of trouble can occur in a child due to insufficient development of adaptive capabilities. Allergy sufferers are especially sensitive to the moisture content in the air.

Excessive moisture content is also fraught with unpleasant consequences, which are primarily caused by the intensive reproduction of microbes, fungi, and the appearance of mold. As a result, the residents of the apartment often begin to get sick, the room is acutely damp, unpleasant odors appear.

It makes sense not to wait for the first symptoms of high humidity or dry air, but to measure it regularly, just as we always monitor the air temperature indoors and outdoors.

Basic concepts

To determine whether the humidity in the apartment is normal, you can use special devices. There are two main indicators that determine the amount of water vapor in the air:

  • absolute;
  • relative.

The absolute value indicates the mass of water in one cubic meter of air, measured in g / m3.

The relative indicator provides information on the ratio of the available moisture concentration in the air to the maximum possible value at a given temperature. It is measured in percentage.

Note! It is the values ​​of relative humidity that are indicated in the regulatory tables. They are guided by, taking readings from instruments or determining folk methods.

The higher the relative humidity value, the higher the concentration of water vapor in the air. In this case, temperature is of particular importance. Postpone high humidity at 20° easier than at 40°.

Instruments used to determine humidity:

  • several types of hygrometers;
  • psychrometers;
  • combined devices.

For home use compact devices are offered, equipped with the most simple, easy-to-understand scale. The instructions provide information on the rules of use, normal indicators for the air in the house are given.

What affects the microclimate in the room

The conditions for a comfortable stay of a person in a room are determined by several factors. We do not feel very well in rooms without sunlight, with poor sound insulation, not ventilated for a long time, containing a lot of dust.

It is very important the quality of building materials used for finishing work, the environmental friendliness of furniture, the absence of background fumes from upholstery fabrics, floor coverings, interior items. Do not overload the rooms with household and computer equipment, audio and video equipment.

It must be remembered that all parameters are closely related. It is necessary to monitor not only humidity, but also temperature, air ventilation, and lighting. Accumulation of dust, dirt should not be allowed, because even if the humidity standards in a polluted room are observed, bacteria and dust mites will multiply more intensively.

Note! Regulatory parameters of the microclimate in living quarters regulates GOST 30494-2011.

The temperature in the room is usually quantified. perfect temperature conditions corresponds to the range from 20 to 22 ℃. Sanitary requirements it is allowed to decrease the indicator in the cold season to 18 ℃. Interestingly, the maximum air temperature in the apartment allowed in summer is 28 ℃. More warm air takes us out of our comfort zone.

The standards stipulate the permissible temperature difference, which between walls and air cannot exceed 3 ℃, and between the floor and air - 2 ℃.

Interestingly, just as important in sanitary standards given to the speed of air movement. In the living room in summer and spring, it cannot exceed 0.3 m / s, in cold weather - 0.2 m / s. Therefore, sanitary doctors do not recommend arranging drafts in apartments.

Humidity standards in rooms

Permissible humidity indicators in the premises are limited by the quantitative values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in SanPiN. During checks, measurements are carried out in accordance with the methods of GOST. Permissible values ​​for housing located in different climatic zones, differ, the required norms are not the same at different times of the year.

Summer and winter

Sanitary standards regulate the maximum relative humidity value allowed in living rooms ah, which in summer is 65%, and in the cold season - 60%.

Physiologists pay attention to the need to control the minimum indicators, which at any time of the year should not be less than 40%. It is believed that ideal parameters for living rooms should have average values ​​​​between 40% and 60%.

In winter, when heating the room, whether private house or apartment, humidity can drop sharply due to dry air. This must be monitored, if necessary, including a humidifier, opening a window for ventilation or installing baths with water.

In separate rooms

Sanitary standards stipulate relative humidity in any living rooms, including bedrooms, without specifying them special purpose. However, pediatricians voice their opinion regarding the microclimate in the child's room.

In some diseases, dry heat is useful, but it is usually applied not to the room, but to individual parts of the body. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor. Properly selected temperature and humidity parameters will contribute to a quick recovery.

The temperature in the child's room should not be higher than 25 ℃, optimally 22 degrees. It is recommended to ventilate the room several times a day. Newborns are especially vulnerable to violation of normative parameters. Low humidity makes them especially sensitive to microbes, and high humidity causes overheating and diaper rash.

For kitchens, bathrooms, combined bathrooms, toilets and pantries, relative humidity values ​​​​are not standardized by sanitary standards. Do not allow them to be constantly waterlogged, as this will lead to the development of mold and bacteria. Therefore, hoods are installed in bathrooms and kitchens, and the temperature is monitored in pantries.

Relative humidity measurement

No one doubts the need to periodically determine the relative moisture content in the air of an apartment. The easiest way to do this is to buy a special device for home use. It is easy to use and has instructions with explanations. Regardless of the principle of operation, with its help you can easily and quickly obtain the value of interest, compare it with the standard.

If there is no device, and the humidity indicator needs to be determined, you can use folk methods. They give a fairly complete picture of the microclimate in the apartment.

The easiest method is to hang wet laundry in the room. If it dries in 1.5 hours, then the air in the room is too dry.

It is useful to observe indoor plants. With low humidity, the soil in pots quickly dries out, and the tips of the leaves begin to turn yellow.

An interesting tip is about how to determine the moisture content using an open flame of a candle or a lighter. It is believed that if the flame burns vertically, then the humidity is normal, and the fluctuations of the fire from side to side allegedly indicate a lack of moisture in the room. The idea from the point of view of the laws of physics is very doubtful. Flame fluctuation can be caused by several factors, of which moisture concentration comes last.

Experiments with water and cone

A simple method using water in a cup or glass is reliable. The liquid container must be placed in freezer, soak for several hours until the water temperature reaches 5 ℃. If you put the cup in the freezer for a few minutes and the water freezes, it's okay, you can experiment with ice.

Then the cup must be placed on the table in the room and observed. Condensation will appear very quickly on the walls. The observations are then interpreted as follows:

  • at fast drying– humidity is reduced;
  • within 5 minutes there was no change in the condensate - the humidity is normal;
  • drops flow down the walls of the cup - the humidity is increased.

An interesting way to determine the moisture concentration requires the presence of a spruce cone. It should be placed in a room away from heating equipment watch her for a few minutes. Surrounded by dry air, the cone will open, wet air will shrink tightly.

After clarification of the humidity level, it may be necessary to adjust.

Ways to boost

In an apartment with dry air, you need to do it often wet cleaning, you can leave wet towels on batteries, start an aquarium if the household has no contraindications.

The easiest way is to place water containers near the wall at least for the night. It is advisable to turn on air conditioners and heaters in such apartments as rarely as possible. You can plant indoor plants that require frequent watering and regularly monitor them, irrigate the foliage.

When you are ready to invest a small amount of money in ensuring a normal microclimate in the apartment, it is easiest to buy special humidifiers. They are inexpensive, and the effectiveness is not in doubt.

Ways to downgrade

You can reduce the moisture concentration in the apartment by frequent airing, installing an automatic microclimate control system, checking the efficiency of ventilation, installing additional fume hoods in the kitchen and bathroom. Of course, you should make repairs in the apartment in a timely manner, monitor the tightness of the pipelines, and do not dry the washed laundry in the premises.

Ultimately, any deviations in the microclimate are easily eliminated. The main thing to remember is the need to control humidity indicators, the rest important factors providing a comfortable living environment.

  • And these are only external manifestations, in addition to this, our general well-being worsens: drowsiness appears, attention becomes more scattered, due to the drying of the nasal mucosa, viruses and bacteria freely penetrate our body. In a room with low humidity, we inhale more dust, which can be in the air for hours, bouncing off various surfaces. To eliminate all these consequences of dry air, a household air humidifier will help.

    Air humidity and air conditioning

    In summer, the main enemy of humid air is the air conditioner, which, like a vacuum cleaner, draws moisture out of the room: moisture condenses on a cold heat exchanger and is removed from the room to the street. Industrial systems ventilation (often used in places public use, offices, in production) with the help of air intakes, street air is pumped into the premises, but it can also turn out to be dry if this happens in winter or in summer heat. Therefore, in this case, you can not do without a humidifier.

    Humidity in winter

    In addition to the air conditioner, the enemies of humidity can be various Appliances: TVs, computers, etc. But the most formidable enemy of air humidity, of course, is central heating. It is because of him that in winter the air humidity in our apartments reaches the most critical point - less than 20% (this figure is even lower than in the Sahara desert). "Helps" central heating and frost. Most of us know that - the lower the air temperature, the less water vapor can be contained in it. Thus, in frosty outdoor air, the absolute moisture content is minimal, and when this cold air enters the room and heats up, the relative humidity tends to zero.

    Dry air is dangerous not only for people, but also for pets and indoor plants. In addition, furniture, wood products, parquet also need to maintain a balance of temperature and humidity. But most of all, small children suffer from exposure to dry air, whose bodies are not yet ready for such aggressive exposure to dry air.

    All of the above problems with dry air in both summer and winter will help solve the humidifier. Venta has various models designed for different areas of service. All models both humidify and purify the air from house dust and allergens. In addition, Venta air purifiers can aromatize room air.

    Humidity in the room

    The air parameters maintained in the building are important for human life, the safety of building structures, and the smooth operation of equipment. In fact, humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. There are two types of this parameter:

    1. Absolute (moisture content) - the actual mass of water in the form of steam in 1 m3 of air. It is measured in kg / m3 and is used in climatic and thermal calculations.
    2. Relative - the percentage of the absolute value to the density of saturated steam at a given temperature (this is the maximum possible moisture content at this temperature). This parameter determines how close the moisture content is to the maximum (100%). This value is used to analyze and determine the effect of moisture from the air on a person and the environment.

    The optimal humidity in the room is determined by its purpose.

    Indoor air humidity standards

    The main air parameters (temperature and humidity) are normalized. There are their limit values, above and below which people experience discomfort, or there is a negative impact on structures and equipment. The norm of humidity in the room is indicated in the sanitary and building regulations for each type of building. For example, for residential buildings and apartments in GOST, the following values ​​\u200b\u200bare indicated for living rooms in the warm season:

    During the cold season:

    For toilets, bathrooms and kitchens, the values ​​​​are not standardized, but it is advisable to take them the same as for living rooms.

    For public buildings the values ​​are the same. In rooms where people stay, the limits of relative humidity are determined by comfort, but the effect of moisture on building materials, antiques and appliances should also be taken into account. There are the following recommended humidity parameters:

    • For rooms with parquet and other products from natural wood– 45–65% in any period of the year.
    • For paintings, antiques, books - 50-60%.
    • Computer and electronic equipment - 20-60%.

    Normal humidity in the room winter period if there are people with respiratory problems in the room viral infections can reach 70-75%.

    Influence of humidity and methods of its regulation

    Why is it important to maintain humidity within specified limits? How does an increased or decreased value of a parameter affect people, equipment, wood, building materials? Let's consider in more detail. Low humidity affects the following:

    • On people - drying skin, mucous membranes. Dry mucous membranes (nose, larynx, eyes) cause an increased incidence of respiratory infections, therefore, in case of illness, it is necessary to maintain high humidity, especially in winter. Also, low humidity provokes static electricity, which is unpleasantly felt by people.
    • On wood - drying and cracking of parquet, furniture, antiques.
    • On equipment - the appearance of the same static electricity, which can disable electronics.

    High humidity has the following effect:

    • On people - an increase in the feeling of cold or heat, a load on the respiratory system.
    • On building structures - the formation of condensate on windows and walls during the cold period, which leads to fungal infection and the destruction of materials.
    • On electronics - there is also an increased likelihood of condensation, which is unacceptable for technology.

    Relative humidity depends on air temperature, so this parameter outdoors and indoors at the same time can differ significantly. If the moisture level does not fit into the norms, it is regulated in the following ways:

    • Boost - moisturizers. They are issued for various purposes and performance for domestic and industrial applications.
    • Lowering - dehumidifiers. Just like a dehumidifier, a split system works with this function or when working for cooling.

    Maintaining the right humidity in your home will help to avoid frequent colds, damage to building materials and structures, and failure of equipment. If necessary, it is advisable to use devices for regulation even in domestic conditions.

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    What is the normal humidity in the house?

    Most people, first of all, pay attention to air temperature, forgetting about such an important indicator as humidity. But it is on her that the feeling of heat or cold, general well-being, the condition of plants and the safety of household items depend. What is the norm of air humidity in the apartment, how does it affect the human body and not only.

    Problems arising from lack or excess of moisture

    Dry indoor air provokes increased moisture loss through the skin and respiratory tract. This may lead to such backfire, how:

    • decrease in the elasticity of hair, nails and skin, accompanied by the appearance of microcracks, wrinkles, peeling, dermatitis;
    • drying of the mucous membrane of the eyes, the symptoms of which are itching, redness, a feeling of "sand";
    • thickening of the blood, leading to a slowdown in its circulation, weakness, headache, decreased performance, increased stress on the heart;
    • an increase in the viscosity of gastric and intestinal juices, provoking a slowdown in digestion;
    • drying of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, which results in a weakening of local immunity and an increase in the frequency of SARS;
    • an increase in the amount of respiratory allergens in the atmosphere, which should normally be bound by liquid droplets.

    Excess moisture in the air creates acceptable conditions for the reproduction of mold, fungi, bacteria. As a result, you may encounter the following problems:

    • respiratory diseases - chronic runny nose, bronchitis, asthma, allergies; a feeling of stuffiness or dampness in the room;
  • unpleasant odor due to the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • increasing the drying time of the washed laundry.
  • Excessive or insufficient moisture in the house has a bad effect on the condition of home furnishings. Plants dry out or begin to rot, wooden furniture and parquet are deformed or “shrink”, paintings fade, paper products lose their structure.

    Factors Affecting Humidity

    The main factor affecting indoor humidity is temperature. If you ventilate the room in winter, the air will become fresher, but less humid.

    Reduce air humidity:

    • heating devices;
    • air conditioner;
    • constant ventilation at outdoor temperatures below -10C
    • interior items, especially upholstered furniture, toys, carpets.

    Any sources of water and steam increase the humidity of the air:

    • aquarium;
    • houseplants;
    • wet linen;
    • containers with boiling water;
    • faulty water pipes and plumbing.

    Constant condensation on the windows indicates elevated level humidity in the room.

    Humidity rate in the room:

    • warm period - 30-60%, the maximum allowable - 65%.
    • cold period - 30-45%, maximum allowable - 60%.

    In young children, heat exchange processes are increased, so they are especially sensitive to non-compliance with microclimate parameters. The ideal air humidity in the children's room is 50-60%, and if the child is sick with SARS, it is recommended not to drop below 60%.

    Indirect signs of low indoor air humidity are considered to be the drying of the tips of the leaves of plants and electrical discharges emanating from synthetic clothing.

    How to regulate air humidity?

    At any time of the year, the normal humidity in the apartment should be at least 40% and not higher than 65%.

    Ways to reduce humidity:

    • frequent ventilation of the premises;
    • installation of exhaust fans;
    • use of air conditioners and heaters;
    • serviceable pipes and plumbing;
    • refusal to dry clothes in the room;

    How to increase the humidity in the room:

    • the presence of an aquarium or a decorative fountain;
    • minimal use of heater and air conditioner;
    • hanging wet towels on batteries;
    • periodic spraying of water from a spray bottle;
    • using a humidifier;
    • regular wet cleaning;
    • growing a large number of indoor flowers.

    Humidity in the house - important parameter affecting both the well-being of residents and interior items. Normally, this indicator is in the range from 40 to 60%. It is especially important to monitor the humidity in rooms where children spend most of their time, as well as people with respiratory diseases. To adjust the concentration of moisture in the air, it is convenient to use household humidifiers and dehumidifiers.

    What is the danger of dry air for health

    If the air in the room is dry, then the “transportation” of oxygen into the circulatory system is difficult. As a result, a person constantly feels drowsiness and increased fatigue, while often not understanding where the poor health came from. When a person breathes dry air for a long time, his susceptibility to various infections increases, hence the appearance of a runny nose in the morning. Due to dry air, the nasal mucosa and bronchial tubes cannot self-cleanse as efficiently as with air of normal humidity. As a result, the body easily succumbs to infections and various respiratory diseases. This is especially true of the smallest, whose immunity is weaker than that of adults. After all, it is not for nothing that even in the room of newborns it is recommended to hang wet linen to make the air more humid.

    Dry air is also bad for skin health. When you stay in a dry room for a long time, the skin becomes like rubber. The reason is that due to the lack of moisture, evaporation from the skin is accelerated. Therefore, it quickly becomes rough and dry.

    The most simple and effective way increase the body's resistance to infections in dry rooms, as well as increase the elasticity and healthy appearance of the skin. drinking water. Several glasses of natural water a day give a big boost of energy to your body and boost your immunity.

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    What should be the humidity in the apartment

    In modern society, people increasingly began to think about the quality of the air around them. And if on the street, due to the abundance of exhaust gases and natural features, it is impossible to influence the airspace, then in own house you can freely create a comfortable and healthy atmosphere. That is why the norm of humidity in a residential area began to be carefully studied by people who care about their health and at home. V Lately various air purifiers and air conditioners have gained popularity. Very often, people, worrying about the temperature of the atmosphere and its cleanliness, completely forget about the level of humidity. Namely, this parameter has an active effect on the condition of human skin, ease of breathing, a sense of the temperature of space, and the duration of the service life of household items.

    What is the humidity level in the apartment?

    The state of humidity of the air space is based on indicators of saturation of the atmosphere with water-steam masses. In order to determine the percentage of masses of air humidity in a room or in a building, the following calculations should be used:

    • the absolute indicator of air humidification is determined from the number of grams of water in a cubic meter of air space;
    • the relative indicator is determined after calculating the absolute indicator and looks like a percentage of the maximum permissible indicator in a particular room.

    To determine the comfort level of humidity in an apartment, a relative parameter expressed as a percentage should be used. For what purposes should moisture parameters be taken into account? When. if the atmosphere is excessively dry, then there is a high probability of a negative impact on the external state of human health. Namely: there is constant dryness and peeling of the skin, hair becomes less elastic and docile, nails become prone to delamination and brittleness, the mucous membrane of the eyes dries out quickly, causing fatigue and drowsiness, the blood in the vessels thickens and blood circulation is disturbed, metabolic processes and metabolism slow down. The low level of humidity in the apartment affects the decrease in the level of human immunity, since microbes and irritants penetrate more easily through the unmoistened mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. People living in rooms with dry air are most prone to colds and allergies. Besides negative impact per person, low humidity in the room, the norm of which deviates significantly from the required one, affects the condition of household items.

    Quick-drying plants and a cracked wood floor are the consequences of a lack of control over the humidity of a space.

    Excessive humidity in the room also affects the person and surrounding objects. Namely, the abundance of water in space tends to make a person feel sleepy and unconcentrated, and also makes it difficult to breathe. The abundance of water in the atmosphere negatively affects household appliances and electronics. metal parts quickly begin to rust and become unusable.

    Reasons for deviations from the norm

    First of all, the temperature of the space has a huge impact on the state of the air environment in the room. It is believed that high temperature contributes to greater retention of water vapor. That is why the relative humidity of the air at a warm temperature in space will be the strongest concentration of vapors. In winter, when ventilating the room, the incoming cold air has a very low relative humidity, despite being fresh and pleasant to breathe. The normal temperature to maintain comfortable humidity will be warm no more than 20 degrees Celsius. It should also be taken into account that the level of water in the atmosphere is also affected by pieces of furniture. Takes a lot of water Stuffed Toys, stuffed sofas and armchairs. In winter, the relevance of using means that regulate the humidity in the room increases significantly, since, in addition to the cold, dry winter air in the apartment, all moisture is removed by heating appliances and air conditioners.

    The following factors influence the increase in vapors in space and the creation of a wet steam room in the apartment:

    • the presence in the house of an aquarium with fish;
    • moisture sources such as houseplants;
    • boiling water in the kitchen;
    • drying wet linen and clothes;
    • leaks in the plumbing system;
    • condensate on pipes;
    • holes in the roof.

    If there are such situations and problems in the room, then in this case we can say that there is high humidity. Also, evidence of a deviation from the level of norms in the direction of increasing water in the atmosphere is evidenced by drops of condensate on the windows.

    Indices of the norm of humidity in the room

    What humidity in the apartment can be considered normal? How should it be in a nursery? Before you rush to buy a humidifier, you need to figure out how the humidity in the living room will be considered optimal for living. Perhaps, after some calculations, we can come to the conclusion that the room does not require additional steam generators at all. V percentage comfortable humidity air in the house should correspond to 30 to 60 percent. At the same time, the maximum possible permissible value water per cubic meter of the house should not exceed 65%. However, assumptions were introduced based on the characteristics of the climate and temperature in the environment and this figure was increased to 75% water.

    The amount of water in the atmosphere should be determined in the bedroom, living room or other living room, except for such spaces as a bathroom, toilet, pantry, corridor. The parameters of the amount of moisture for specific items that may be in the apartment should not be excluded from attention, namely:

    1. If the house has antiques, then in this case it is important to control the humidity level in the amount of 50%;
    2. Fifty percent of water will also be comfortable for home appliances;
    3. Books are best stored in a specialized room with a relative humidity of no more than 60%;
    4. Tropical and indoor plants are very fond of high humidity and for them you can specially organize a place on the loggia with the amount of moisture up to almost 100%.

    Moisture control for baby

    Many parents who are worried about the state of their child's breathing install specialized air humidifiers in the children's room. However, what should be the humidity of the air for children? Young children and adolescents are extremely often susceptible to various infectious and viral diseases.

    This may also be due to the drying of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Children's organisms are most susceptible to temperature and atmospheric changes and changes in the internal climate of the room. It is important to maintain a constant temperature, air purity and humidity in the children's room, in order to eliminate reactions to interseasonal changes in indoor humidity. The norm of humidity in an apartment for a children's room will be at least 50 percent, but not more than 70. The higher the humidity in a child's room, the easier it will be for him to fight colds and flu. Extra hydration mucous membranes of the child's respiratory system helps to quickly flush out pathogenic bacteria and microbes from the body.

    Determination of relative air humidity

    In order to determine the amount of water in space, special devices were invented - hygrometers. At the moment, there is no problem to purchase one for use at home. Such devices can be ordered online and are relatively inexpensive. To meet the needs of consumers, hygrometers were invented that measure humidity using electricity, chemical analysis or by condensation. In some cases, you can purchase a watch face combined with a hygrometer or an air temperature meter.

    It is completely optional for a home to purchase an overly expensive and accurate device, errors of 5 percent will not be strong handicap. It is important to consider the location of the device, namely, it must be installed as far as possible from sources of moisture. In this case, the indicators will be the most accurate. There are also folk means of measuring the humidity of the air space. These include the method using a spruce cone. If you bring a cone from a Christmas tree into the house and put it away from heating systems, then after a few hours you can determine the presence or absence of water in the atmosphere by reaction. If the scales of the cone are closed and will fit smoothly to each other, then such a reaction indicates moist air. If the cone opens, then it is considered that the atmosphere is very dry and the space needs moisture.

    How to regulate the water levels in the apartment?

    There are several ways to help you easily, stylishly and cost-effectively adjust the level of moisture in a space. What kind of humidity in the apartment can be without proper control? In order to increase the amount of water per cubic meter of space, you can do the following:

    • buy an aquarium with fish;
    • hanging wet towels on heaters;
    • the use of a spray bottle with water;
    • increase in the number of wet cleanings;
    • the acquisition of a large number of indoor flowers in the room;
    • using a special humidifier or steam generator.

    If, on the contrary, it requires reducing the amount of water per cubic meter of space, then in this case the following methods should be used:

    • minimize the use of heaters in the apartment;
    • dry linen and clothes on the balcony or in the bathroom;
    • install an additional device for extracting moist air from the kitchen;
    • increase the ventilation of rooms;
    • installation of a special dehumidifier.

    For budgetary control of moisture in the air, it is enough to ventilate the room in time, and in the case of dry air, arrange containers with water around the room. For complete and reliable control, it will not be superfluous to purchase specialized devices for climate control of the air space of an apartment, such as air purifiers, humidifiers, air conditioners, and climate control units. Controlling your own comfortable breathing is the concern of every self-respecting person.

    Humidity: what, why and how

    I figured out a little about the issue of air humidity and why it is so important.

    Humidity can be absolute (how much moisture is in the air) and relative (how much moisture is in the air in% of the maximum possible).

    Relative humidity of 40-60% is optimal for humans:

    • If the relative humidity is high, then sweat does not evaporate well from the skin (the air is already saturated with moisture), and the person does not cool down in the heat. It becomes hot and stuffy compared to the situation of dry air of the same temperature.
    • If the relative humidity is low, then the air that is not saturated with moisture begins to suck moisture from the surrounding objects. Including from human skin, its mucous membranes, which become dry and crack. There is a runny nose, as an attempt to moisten the mucous membranes in the nose. This is especially bad for children. House plants also do not tolerate low importance - their leaves dry up.

    The key physical fact is that the maximum possible amount of moisture in the air (of which relative humidity is considered in %) depends on its temperature. The higher the temperature, the more moisture the air can hold. Accordingly, if the air is heated, then at the same absolute humidity, its relative humidity will drop (now % is taken from a larger indicator). Conversely, if the air is cooled, its relative humidity will increase.

    Examples and consequences:

    • On the street during the day, the air humidity is lower than at night (it is easy to verify by looking at the humidity readings for any day). This is because the air temperature is higher during the day than at night. Sometimes at night the air temperature drops so much that the relative humidity approaches 100%. Since 100% is the limit, excess moisture is removed from the air by condensation. It's called "dew".
    • In winter, the humidity of the air outside is 50-90%, which is relatively comfortable for a person. However, when air from the street enters the apartment (and all the air in the apartment eventually comes from the street), it heats up to room temperature (and this is plus 30 degrees), which leads to a sharp drop in its relative humidity to a level of 20-30%, which is already well below the norm. This explains why in winter there is a problem of dry air in the apartment. It's all about the temperature difference between the house and the street (whereas the humidity outside is almost always normal).

    For these reasons, I bought myself a humidifier. I haven’t tested it yet - my hands haven’t reached, and it’s not cold outside yet.

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    What should be the humidity in the room (norm)

    A person will feel comfortable if the relative humidity is between 40 and 60%.

    Dr. Komarovsky writes: "For a healthy child, the humidity should be at least 60%, for a patient with a respiratory infection - at least 70%. More than 80% is not necessary.

    Houseplants and pets also suffer from lack of moisture.

    1. Using a thermometer and Assman's psychometric table. Record the temperature on a thermometer installed in the room. After that, wrap its end, which contains mercury, with a damp cloth. Check the result after 5 minutes. If it turns out to be higher than the previous one, then you didn’t moisten the cloth very well. In this case, repeat the process. Write down the result. Then consult the Assmann table. In the left column of the table - the values ​​​​of the dry bulb, at the top - the temperature difference in degrees between the dry and wet bulbs. The temperature intersection point will show the approximate humidity.

    The most optimal and modern way to increase the humidity in the apartment is to buy a humidifier. This device is designed mainly for rooms up to 150 m³. Water is poured into a special container of the humidifier, which evaporates during operation of the device.

    • traditional
    • steam
    • ultrasonic

    How to increase humidity folk remedies

    1. The most common way is to put a wet towel or sheet on the radiator. The fabric heats up and the water begins to evaporate. When the towel dries, it must be wetted again.
    2. If you don’t feel like going to the bathroom every time the fabric dries, you can place water containers on the batteries. In this case, you will need to add water every few days.
    3. From water containers placed on pieces of furniture (on cabinets, for example), evaporation occurs more slowly, but the humidity still increases.
    4. You can put a bowl of water near the battery. An end bandage folded in several rows is lowered into it. The other end is on the battery. The water on the bandage constantly rises to the top and evaporates from the heat.
    • drying clothes in the room;
    • breeding indoor plants, which themselves give off moisture and require daily spraying;
    • installation of an aquarium;
    • the door to the bathroom, opened after a shower, contributes to the release of moisture into the rooms;
    • purchase of a small decorative fountain;
    • insulation of the apartment (walls, window frames).

    Lowering the humidity in the room

    Among folk remedies the simplest is regular ventilation. The more often it is carried out, the drier the air will become. Even if the humidity on the street is higher than home, when airing in the apartment, it decreases.

    60C), plus or minus 2C (other)

    • Measures temperature limit: 0-50. (С32.F - 122)
    • Measures humidity limit: 20% RH (Relative Humidity) - 90% RH
    • Display: hygrometer and temperature, humidity and time.
    • 100% brand new and high quality
    • 2 in 1 design Celsius thermometer and hygrometer
    • Clear LCD display, easy to read
    • ultra mini size, performs
    • temperature measurement from -20 ℃ - +70 ℃
    • Humidity Measurement Range: 10%-99% RH
    • Temperature measurement accuracy: ± 1℃
    • Humidity measurement accuracy: ± 5% RH
    • Screen resolution: 0.1 ℃ (temperature), 1% RH (humidity)
    • Powered by: 1 x 1.5 LR44 button battery (included)
    • Size: 44*15mm (D*T)

    Detailed instructions for the K5BO hygrometer in English can be downloaded here

    • Measuring range: temperature: from 0 ° C to + 60 ° C; Humidity 10% to 99% RH
    • Measurement accuracy: ± 1 ° C temperature; humidity ± 5% RH
    • Display resolution: 0.1°C of temperature and humidity 1% RH
    • Enable display °C / °F
    • Max/min temperature and automatic humidity memory function.
    • Power supply: 1.5V AAA battery.
    • Size: 140X80mm
    • Net weight: 0.2kg

    You can download detailed instructions in Chinese here.

    FORECAST: analog forecase

    Date Display: year, month, day, week

    Alarm function: alarm and snooze function

    Accuracy: Temperature +/-1°C Humidity +/-5% RH (30%-70%)

    Product size: 8 * 8 * 2.8cm

    Temperature measuring range: 0°C-50°C

    humidity measurement range: 20% -95%

    Resolution: temperature 1 ° C humidity 1% RH

    Moon phase display Battery: 2 * AA batteries (not included)

    Detailed instructions for the IQAir AC-201B hygrometer in Chinese can be downloaded here

    Hygrometer HTC-8 with backlight

    Year, month, day, hour, minute, temperature, humidity

    Backlight, alarm clock, temperature (°C/°F) display, clock (12/24 hours) display, min/max temperature and humidity display.

    Size 106*98*22mm

    Temperature: -58°F

    Temperature Resolution: 0.1°F (0.1°C)

    Humidity: 10%RH

    Humidity Accuracy: ±3% RH

    ± 5% RH (40% RH

    80% RH)

    Humidity Resolution: 1% RH

    Battery: (1) AAA 1.5V batteries included.

    One of the main characteristics of a healthy indoor climate is air humidity. A normal level of humidity is very important for a person's well-being. Therefore, it is necessary to know what the normal humidity indicator should be in order to control it and, if necessary, increase or decrease.

    Air humidity norm

    To assess the microclimate various premises used relative humidity, measured as a percentage. That is, the ratio of the amount of water vapor in the air to a given ambient temperature is determined.

    For good health, the optimal humidity level is between thirty and forty-five percent. The allowable rate for residential premises is no more than sixty percent. Such humidity is considered comfortable not only for humans, but also for birds, animals and even household appliances and furniture.

    According to state building codes in residential premises, the humidity indicator should be:

    • from 30 to 45% in the cold season;
    • from 30 to 60% in the warm season.

    The humidity rate also depends on the value of the room:

    • in the bathroom and in the kitchen, it should be from 40 to 60%;
    • in the living room and dining room - from 40 to 60%;
    • in the library and office - from 30 to 40%;
    • in the children's room - from 45 to 60%;
    • in the bedroom - from 40 to 50%.

    In winter, the air in the apartments dried up heating systems and air conditioning in the summer. At the same time, the amount of dust increases, and pathogenic microbes appear that contribute to a decrease in immunity and cause viral diseases.

    If there are no air conditioners in the room, then in autumn and summer, at temperatures up to thirty degrees and frequent ventilation, the humidity index of the air in houses and apartments is most often normal.

    The value of normal air humidity

    A normal humidity indicator in the room helps maintain immunity and human health, as well as keep furniture, things and furniture in good condition. beautiful view indoor plants. However, it is not easy to keep the indicators in the norm. In most houses and apartments, the humidity is lowered for the main part of the year.

    If the level is below normal:

    1. The nasal mucosa dries up.
    2. The process of breathing worsens, as a result of which the body is little enriched with oxygen.
    3. The risk of viral diseases increases.
    4. Often there is a feeling of drowsiness.
    5. Decreased performance.
    6. The mucous membrane of the eyes dries up in those who wear contact lenses.
    7. Due to the increased dust content in the room, allergic reactions can occur.

    Children especially suffer from low air humidity in an apartment or house.

    Increased moisture content indoors contributes to the formation of fungus and mold, the occurrence of respiratory diseases, reduced immunity, reproduction of dust mites.

    In order for the humidity in the apartment to be optimal, it is recommended to monitor its indicators and, if necessary, increase or decrease it.

    How to check the humidity in the apartment

    To do this, you can use a special device or improvised means.

    Humidity instruments

    The percentage of water vapor in the air can be found using a psychrometer, hygrometer, or a special household indicator.

    More accurate instruments are psychrometers which may be electrical or mechanical.

    Hygrometers exists:

    Each type of device has its own characteristics, but one base of measurement. Using a hygrometer is very simple - it shows the percentage of the amount of moisture in the room.

    Today you can buy domestic weather stations, which are digital thermometers equipped with humidity indicators. With the help of such a device, you can find out not only the humidity in the room, but also the ambient temperature, as well as upcoming changes in nature.

    Folk remedies

    If there is no special device for this device at hand, then you can use improvised means.

    For example, you can use a glass of water, which will need to be cooled in the refrigerator for five hours. After that, the glass is pulled out and placed on the table away from the radiators:

    1. If after five minutes a glass of water remains misted, then the microclimate in the apartment is normal.
    2. If trickles flow down it, then the humidity is increased.
    3. If the glass has time to dry in five minutes, then this indicator is lowered.

    You can estimate the humidity level in a room using tables Assmann and thermometer. To do this, having fixed the temperature that the thermometer shows, it will need to be wrapped in a wet cloth and wait five minutes. After that, the tissue is removed, and the result obtained on the thermometer is recorded.

    In the Assmann table, the dry thermometer readings are shown vertically, and the difference between the two indicators is shown horizontally. At the intersection will be the humidity indicator of the room.

    You can build a "hygrometer" yourself, taking for this spruce bump and fixing it with tape or a carnation on plywood. Then you will need to watch her:

    • if bump long time will lie unchanged, then the humidity in the room is normal;
    • if her scales quickly begin to open, then the indicator is lowered;
    • if even after a day the tips of the scales do not rise at least a little up, then the humidity in the apartment is high.

    You can determine the moisture content by indoor flowers. From them it is easy to find out that the air in the room is dry. If in Fatsia, Asplenium, Diefenbachia, Dracaena, Ficus, the tips of the leaves dry up and even spraying does not help, then there is low humidity in the house or apartment.

    You also need to listen to your feelings. At an extremely low rate, irritation and constant dryness in the throat and nose may occur.

    For a comfortable microclimate in the apartment, you must:

    • regularly do wet cleaning;
    • ventilate the room;
    • grow indoor plants.

    If the humidity level is low

    Most often in the winter season in the apartment humidity index lowered. To normalize it, you need to take measures:

    But most modern way increasing the moisture in the air is a special humidifier, into which water is poured, evaporating during operation of the device.

    Traditional Humidifier equipped with a fan that drives air through the water tank and at the same time cleans it from dust and moisturizes.

    V steam humidifier water boils and steam comes out. You can even use it for hard or dirty water. Such a device can be sold with built-in nozzles and used as an inhaler.

    ultrasonic humidifier Water is converted into steam using a special membrane. With it, you can fight germs in the room. However, only distilled water should be used for it, or special cartridges should be installed that will soften and purify the water.

    If the air humidity is high

    Dehumidifiers can be portable and stationary, which are mounted into the wall and have a large capacity.

    An oil cooler can also be used as an air dryer. m equipped with a fan.

    The kitchen and bathroom need install hoods. They will help fight moisture and excess odors.

    If the humidity index is increased, then it is not recommended to dry the washed laundry in the room, and the sink and bath should be wiped immediately after use.

    But, with any indicators of air humidity, it is necessary to ventilate the room as often as possible. Oxygenated fresh air kills bacteria, fungi and neutralizes dust mites. And most importantly, it normalizes the humidity in the room, while establishing a comfortable microclimate for a person, which is so important for health and well-being.