Combined wallpaper for the dining room with large flowers. How to decorate a dining room in a stylish and original way - advice from designers with photos. Choosing wallpaper for the kitchen-living room

In the middle of the last century, a kitchen and dining room were included in the layout of any apartment. Over time, apartment designs changed, and dining rooms were pushed out of standard architect plans.

The kitchen began to look like a small room, in which a family of 4-5 people could hardly fit.

However, the kitchen and dining area modern apartment occupies a special place. Family and guests gather there and host merry celebrations and get-togethers. Therefore, the design of the kitchen dining room must fulfill all the requirements for this room.

Interior decoration

Today there are 3 options for dining room layout:

  • Separate dining room;
  • Kitchen combined with dining room;
  • Dining room - living room.

Advice. Be sure to divide the interior of the kitchen dining room into separate functional areas.

By combining the kitchen-dining room with the living room, a very comfortable room for a full reception of guests. After finishing the meal, you can move with your guests to watch TV or drink a cup of mulled wine by the fireplace.

When creating a kitchen dining room project, do not forget to combine the style of the room and divide it into functional zones.

How to properly do zoning in the kitchen dining room

Walls painted in different colors. You should not play with bright contrasting shades.

The selected palette should be in harmony with each other.
It is better to make the flooring part of the kitchen area from tiles, while for the recreation area the ideal choice is: laminate, parquet, carpet.

Installing a bar counter is one of the popular options for planning a kitchen dining room in small apartments. This zoning looks elegant, adds sophistication to the room, and also allows you to save valuable centimeters.

If you are the owner of a large dining room - kitchen, then it is better to give up the bar counter. Firstly, the chairs are too high for small family members; it will be quite problematic to sit on them. Secondly, sitting on such stools is not comfortable enough.

Advice. When cooking food, food odors may spread; to avoid this, take care of a powerful hood in advance.

Recommendations for designing a kitchen and dining room

A kitchen-dining room in an apartment is a solution to the problems of modern housewives. Gone are the days when the family watches TV in one room and the wife prepares food in the kitchen in complete isolation.

Stick to it the following tips when creating a kitchen-dining room:

  • Take care of lighting dining area. Can be installed panoramic windows- will add zest to the room. When decorating windows, choose light tulle or blinds designed for the kitchen.
  • You can use paintings to decorate the walls;
  • Place long decorative vases on the floor;

Varieties of layouts

  • Linear;
  • Double row;
  • Ostrovnaya.

Linear layout is ideal for kitchen dining room interior design with narrow zone. Kitchen set It is worth installing near one wall, and place the dining table against the opposite one.

The two-row layout is suitable for walk-through kitchens with a dining area. It allows you to turn main drawback into undeniable dignity. This optiongood decision, if there are 2 housewives in the house.

Advice. If the kitchen-dining space is small, then if you have a balcony you can increase it. Just tear down the wall and glaze the balcony room.

An island arrangement is a sophisticated option when creating a kitchen dining room in the home, where a piece of equipment or a dining table is located in the center.

  • Items that can serve as an island: table, bar counter;
  • Various shapes can be chosen: square, circle, oval;
  • A two-level version of the island can be used if one part is work area, and the other acts as a dining table;
  • Folding table - perfect solution for receiving guests;
  • The style is selected in accordance with the style of the kitchen and dining room.

Below are photos of the dining room kitchen, where you can see possible design options for this room.

Photo of kitchen-dining room design

A broad soul, feasting holidays, a family way of life, these are the phrases that characterize Russians. It is in Russia that, from time immemorial, there has been a wonderful tradition of visiting or gathering with the whole family at one table. For these purposes, there was always a dining room in the house.

She played a key role in organizing life in pre-revolutionary Russia, as if she played the role of the center of the whole house.

Unfortunately, it was replaced by small kitchenettes of typical apartment housing of the Soviet period, and it seemed that even the name of such a room as a dining room had disappeared forever from our everyday life.

But fortunately in Lately More and more families consider it necessary to plan for such a room when building or purchasing a home.

Today, the dining room, like a room in the house, is increasingly becoming part of everyday life. And it is very important to give this place a comfortable, finished look in a certain stylistic decision interior of the entire house or apartment.

It is important to competently and professionally select not only furniture and attributes, but also think through the lighting of this room, divide it into functional zones - this is what will enable the dining room to become the favorite room in the house.

Today, the dining room is most often combined with the kitchen, forming a common space with it. Zoning of such a room is carried out using various design solutions, of which there are a huge variety.

It could be arched passage between zones or multi-level ceiling, or even floors of different heights. By the way, the steps between the kitchen and the dining room are an interesting touch; they give the maximum feeling of dividing the room into zones and at the same time a sense of community of space.

Such techniques will give a more stylish perception to the ensemble of the kitchen and dining room. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the operation of the room, using finishing materials of different properties in the finishing.

For example, to decorate a dining room, you need to use materials that give a feeling of homeliness and comfort, such as parquet flooring, a chandelier hanging above dining table, wallpaper on the walls.

At the same time at kitchen area, it is necessary to use such materials as a variety of types of tiles, washable wallpaper, stretch ceiling. This is due, first of all, to the specifics of this room - frequent wet cleaning and cooking.

Dining room and living room

Another option present in the interiors of modern houses is when the dining room and living room are combined. This option is no less practical than the one discussed above. Having finished the feast, you can move to the living room area, where you can continue the celebration or just a family vacation.

This combination also requires strict zoning of space. But if in the first case it is logical to apply interior solutions related to construction design solutions, then more often the division of the living room and dining room is conventional and is done with the help of furniture, decorative partitions or using decor in a setting using household appliances or even an aquarium.

Although the use of aquariums and other “corners of wildlife” today is not as relevant in the interior as it was several years ago.

An ideal option if the dining room in your home occupies a separate room. This, first of all, emphasizes the status of the owner and speaks of his material wealth and a certain way of life of your family. About your tastes and traditions.

It is this kind of room that requires the deepest study in terms of interior design, since this is the meeting place for your family around a common table.

Before buying furniture, decide on the style of the room, consider as much as possible possible options design in order to most successfully fit the interior of the room into the overall ensemble of the house.

When planning to decorate an interior, contact a specialized studio with many years of practice and a good reputation, where they will model the interior in 3D and show you how it will look after implementation. Carefully work on every detail of the interior, be it the ceiling or decorative elements.

Consider all furniture options from classic to modern folk style. Look how she fits in overall design room, as it harmonizes with its parameters, the design of windows, doors and other attributes of the dining room.

Review and Present various options table and chairs. They are the main attribute of this room.

Consider different cabinets and sideboards for dishes. Pay attention even to what tableware will best suit your dining room, since now computer modeling methods can do almost everything, except to put you inside your 3D room.

Distribute the lighting and choose (even if virtually) the chandelier for your future dining room. In a word, bring your project to the ideal that you have always dreamed of.

As a rule, design studios will offer you not only to model the interior, but will also help you bring it to life. If it allows family budget, this is a very good reason to accept their offer.

talk about dining room interior you can endlessly, but remember that the most important thing is not to create this room, but to fill it with the spirit of joy, kindness and hospitality. Make it truly the center family life and a source of traditions for everyone it unites!

Choosing wallpaper is always accompanied by some difficulties, and by and large it doesn’t matter which room you choose them for: living room, kitchen, bedroom. Often difficulties arise due to old wallpaper, to which we have become so accustomed, and we cannot imagine a different interior.

Conditional division into zones with a pattern on the wallpaper

Subtleties of the kitchen

But if you are planning to carry out a small renovation in the kitchen, choose wallpaper for the dining room, then we will try to help you and give you a couple of tips on creating a memorable interior. You can absolutely glue the dining room different wallpapers, much will depend on its size, style and location.

Silk-screen wallpaper looks great and is also practical

Creating a cozy and practical interior requires some effort on your part, regardless of whether you have a typical kitchen or not, the approaches to creating the desired design may be different. When choosing the style and color of wallpaper, you need to focus not only on taste preferences, but also on the furniture present, household appliances and other kitchen utensils.

Focus your attention on the practicality of the wallpaper and the entire interior, since the kitchen is one of those places where pollution is constant.

But this does not mean that you need to choose nondescript liquid wallpaper; there is a huge selection of washable vinyl wallpaper in stores; these moisture-resistant examples are both beautiful and functional.

freedom of choice

Many of us have encountered the feeling when, upon arriving at a construction supermarket, our eyes simply ran wild. Some confusion grips people who see such a wide range for the first time. finishing materials, which is available nowadays. Wallpaper is not the last place on this list. Yes, there are a lot of them, both types and colors, but not all of them are suitable for our dining room.

In the twenty-first century, the trend towards environmental friendliness is clearly visible, so wallpaper made from natural materials such as paper, wood, cork, bamboo. These wallpapers can be used in many rooms of the apartment, they create coziness, but they are not at all suitable for the kitchen.

Fresh and light kitchen interior, all because there is a lot of white color

The fact is that they are highly susceptible to dirt and absorb odors well, which does not fit into our practicality strategy. The dining room is a place of constant cooking, and despite the operation of the hood and regular cleaning, natural wallpaper will absorb fat and odor with their texture.

WITH textile wallpaper A similar situation is that when glued in the kitchen they quickly become dirty, and it is almost impossible to remove soot from their texture.

Simple geometric figures on the wallpaper

You may ask, what about paper wallpaper? WITH paper wallpaper the situation is twofold:

  • if you buy the simplest and cheapest simplex paper wallpaper, or thicker duplex, or coated with acrylic foam, then they will not last you long, since they are not treated with a special moisture-proof compound and are not washable,
  • if you buy inexpensive single-layer wallpaper with a glossy coating created by a special composition, marked “washable,” then such wallpaper is quite suitable, but its colors are very limited.

Paper wallpaper looks great on the walls of a children's room or bedroom, but in the dining room there is no need for paper wallpaper, and besides, there is no particular need to glue it.

Therefore, being in hardware store, you can safely ignore the display cases with such wallpaper, this time they are not suitable for us, we will glue more functional modern canvases to the dining room. These canvases include all types of washable vinyl with paper and non-woven backing, paintable wallpaper, and liquid decorative plasters.

Horizontal division of wall space in the dining room

Modern vinyl is so wear-resistant and durable that it can withstand constant washing and cleaning without losing its properties. decorative qualities. Wallpaper for painting is the basis on which we will apply paintwork, ready for anything, but liquid wallpaper is plaster, which costs nothing.

Now we have come close to the functionality that the finishing coating of our dining room should have.


For creating the right interior, which will satisfy all the requirements, you must first put them all together. What is fundamentally important for us in a finishing material, and what we turn a blind eye to.

Combining wallpaper in the kitchen, creating an accent on the main wall

The list is as follows, consisting of four points:

  1. Strength and wear resistance of the material, increased service life. Besides that heavy wallpaper Simply glued to the wall, they can withstand many mechanical impacts, which is very important in the unpredictable conditions of the dining room.
  2. Moisture resistance of wallpaper. To regularly wash wallpaper, it is necessary that its structure can withstand a large amount of moisture, and ideally not get wet at all. Wallpaper in the kitchen and dining room needs to be cleaned constantly.
  3. The ability not to perceive odors or absorb them. Wallpaper that smells of food does not add coziness.
  4. Resistant to fading. We are more accustomed to being in a kitchen illuminated by natural light, so in standard layouts apartments are being built in this room big windows. Therefore, wallpaper must actively resist fading and not lose its color. We are directly interested in preserving their decorative qualities for as long as possible.

The list of requirements is impressive, but not critical; a large number of wallpaper varieties fall under these parameters.


We have already briefly touched on the wallpapers that suit us, let's expand this list to something acceptable.

Luxurious dining room, and what a chandelier, just look

Wallpaper made of paper is suitable for the dining room only if it is treated with a special water-repellent compound. These are inexpensive paper wallpapers, sold as “washable”; they are mainly produced by Russian and Ukrainian factories.

I would like to note that the colors of such wallpapers are not the best, they are more suitable for country houses, verandas, bathrooms.

We divide vinyl-based wallpaper into several subgroups:

  • A soft, washable vinyl made specifically for kitchens and dining rooms. It is distinguished by its textured texture, high moisture-resistant qualities and a rich range of colors. They occupy the middle price segment of the wallpaper market, closer to inexpensive.
  • Hot-stamped rigid vinyl, usually applied to a non-woven backing. This is meter-long, highly durable wallpaper, which is produced by the vast majority of factories. Great design They are produced by Germans and Italians, domestic manufacturers copy them well. There are currently more rolls of increased width than standard 53 cm wide sheets.
  • Silkscreen printing, vinyl woven with fabric fibers. It has a beautiful, highly durable texture that does not fade over time and can withstand the roughest cleaning. Silk-screen wallpaper ideally sticks to absolutely smooth walls, since all surface defects are visible through the thin wallpaper.
  • Foamed vinyl. We do not recommend this type of vinyl, since it is similar in texture to paper wallpaper with acrylic foam. Its surface is rough, absorbing fats, but it is difficult to wash; there is always a danger of damage to the texture.

Paintable wallpaper is made from non-woven fabric and fiberglass. Non-woven fabric is a more versatile material, just suitable for home use, while fiberglass is used mainly for industrial premises.

Durable vinyl wallpaper on dining room walls

Liquid wallpaper, or rather not wallpaper at all, but plaster is also quite suitable for the dining room. With their help, a simple and understandable plain interior, but if a variegated color scheme is needed, you will have to resort to the options described above.


Of course, you choose wallpaper for your dining room according to your taste preferences; there can be no other option. But in some cases it is appropriate to find a good combination that will suit everyone.

The color of vinyl wallpaper cannot be changed; once you paste it, so be it. However, in the case of paintable wallpaper, it is easy to change the color to another, and you need to remember this.

To choose wallpaper for the dining room, you should follow classical rules creating a balanced design.

For a small kitchen, a light palette of colors would be appropriate, allowing you to maintain a visual sense of space or even slightly increase it. The pattern on such wallpaper is preferably small; chintz looks great, which is visible up close, but from afar blends into the background.

Too much dark colors for the most part, they will not look very good in such a room, since they will create false associations with pollution.

Contrasting kitchen in the house

Wallpaper pairs can be used, in which some wallpaper is the background, while the other comes with a pattern. A successful combination will allow you to distribute the accents, moving them away from the cooking zone to the zone of enjoying food. But don't go overboard with your selection. various colors, this will only oversaturate the dining room space; two options are quite enough.

When calculating your budget for purchasing wallpaper for the dining room, take a closer look not only at expensive imported samples, but also at domestic options. Last time wallpaper factories The Russian Federation has made a big qualitative leap, updated production, and reached the proper level.

Floral motifs on wallpaper

Their products meet all standards, but the design is partly their own, partly copied. Handsome and practical interior It’s not easy to create a dining room, but with due diligence, you can count on a decent result.

When choosing wall coverings for the dining room you should start from furniture set, its color and the materials from which it is made. For example, natural wood It is recommended to shade with plain canvases. If you decide to purchase canvases in one color, you need to think about the color combination with the kitchen furniture. The monotony of the canvases can be beautifully emphasized with a relief surface or embossing. They will look advantageous both in natural and artificial lighting. Often, designers prefer to design bright dining rooms in sunny side V blue tones, and rooms facing north should be decorated with yellow-orange, light beige and even lemon color wallpaper.

Mustard striped wallpaper

An important point is the decision to determine the material from which the wall decoration is made. It is better to look for designs made from moisture-resistant components, then possible contamination will be easily cleaned. One of the new products in the composition modern coatings is vapor absorption, which allows not only to preserve them for a long time original appearance, but also to prevent the proliferation of moldy fungi. The wallpaper catalog for the dining room contains articles of all the above listed colors and types. Just choose the ones you like and contact the managers of the online store “Wallpaper Store”.

What is the most favorite place in the apartment of all household members?

Of course, KITCHEN!

When choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, you need to create a cozy space, maintain style, and, most importantly, take into account the practicality of the material and color. This is exactly what I will help you do now.

Selection of 105 photos good decisions for wallpaper in the kitchen, comparison of washable, liquid and other types of wallpaper. And detailed infographics will help you when choosing the color and style of wallpaper design.

Stylish wallpaper for the kitchen: from loft to Provence


A kitchen decorated in Provence style is most often light with vertical stripes, checkered patterns or flowers. And also all wallpapers with images in the style of European cafes, provincial motifs (houses, animals, country utensils)

As a rule, these are muted shades: mustard, olive, lavender, wheat, beige, sand. Wallpaper that creates the effect of cracked plaster or barn boards will also look good.

Below is a photo of wallpaper in Provence style.


Country-style kitchens are designed to create a cozy atmosphere at home.

For this, wallpaper in calm, muted shades is best suited: green, beige, terracotta, soft yellow, brown, soft pink, crimson, blue.

This style is natural; wallpaper in simple natural materials: stone, wood, etc. will look great in such a kitchen.


Japanese style

Kitchen in Japanese style– a place of relaxation, rest for soul and body.

To create a calm, relaxing interior, natural natural colors like ocher and green are best suited. Wallpaper that imitates bamboo or photo wallpaper with ethnic motifs and calligraphy, drawings with exotic flowers and birds will enliven the kitchen.

You can choose a design in the spirit of Japanese minimalism, or you can give preference to bright colors, choosing wallpaper that contrasts with the furniture.


Laconism, rigor, simplicity, cleanliness, functionality, maximum light and space - these are the cherished canons of a kitchen in the minimalist style.

A plain, simple wall decoration, perhaps with a small smooth pattern, will help to realize all these tasks in one interior.

The traditional solution for minimalism is the use of contrast in the interior gray walls and a white headset. In fact, the dominant color can be anything, but bright hues still preferable. Main color can be effectively emphasized using stone, metal, natural wood.


Choosing wallpaper: the most popular colors with examples

Sky blue

Blue wallpaper is best suited for active and energetic people: the gentle, calm colors have a calming effect, will help you relax and unwind after a long day of work, as well as create a relaxed atmosphere of romance and carefree relaxation.

Calming wallpaper in the color of a summer sky will go well with yellow and accessories. Another popular combination is blue wall coverings and furniture, diluted with blue decorative items as bright accents.

Calming green

This color has countless shades, with correct selection which can create truly impressive lightweight and summer interior. Green wallpaper in combination with brown, beige, orange, gray or black furniture looks especially impressive in the kitchen. A green background always sets off the color very favorably, refreshing the interior and creating a calm, harmonious atmosphere in the kitchen.

Sophisticated gray

Gray wallpaper in the kitchen looks aristocratic and stylish. This color will never look boring; rather, on the contrary, it will beneficially diversify any color scheme. Gray is easy to combine with other colors. Most often it is used in high-tech kitchen interiors.

creative orange

A wide range of orange colors - coral, peach, amber, orange, salmon - will help create a friendly atmosphere in the kitchen that promotes communication. Citrus tones in the interior lift your mood and increase your appetite. Orange wallpaper They will be best combined with warm blue, green, and black colors.

Classic white

A white kitchen is a classic of a minimalist interior. Light colors will visually give your room more light and free space. To prevent your kitchen from looking boring, add bright accents to its interior, for example, combining white wallpaper with green, orange or even black.

In harmony with nature: how to take into account the cardinal directions when choosing colors

The side of the world that your kitchen windows face can give you a little hint when choosing color range interior

What material should you choose wallpaper from?

Kitchen - territory high humidity, and when choosing a design this should definitely be taken into account. Wallpaper should not only be pleasing to the eye, but also be practical, not absorb kitchen aromas and be easy to maintain. For this purpose, it is better to leave the surfaces above the stove and sink unpainted and lay them out with other finishing materials.

There are several types of wallpaper based on their structure and properties; below we will dwell on each of them in more detail.

Washable wallpaper

Over the past few years, this type of wallpaper for the kitchen has become the undisputed leader among materials for wall decoration. They are easy to clean, tolerate humidity and constant temperature changes well. No matter what happens, they will not tear, wrinkle or wrinkle.

Liquid wallpaper

This is a type of finishing material, which is a special powder mixture of cotton fibers, an adhesive binder, mineral chips, cellulose, and coloring pigments. Before use, this mixture is diluted with water and carefully applied to the walls. An obvious advantage is their ability to quietly mask all imperfections on the walls and not leave seams on the surface after application. If any section of the wall is damaged, the coating can easily be replaced with a new one.

To increase service life liquid wallpaper, cover finished walls protective acrylic solution.

Vinyl wallpapers

This wallpaper is suitable for those who like monochromatic wall decoration. This coating has a high density, does not fade in the sun and generally lasts quite a long time: the walls can be easily scratched, scrubbed with a brush and rubbed with a damp cloth. Vinyl wallpapers They also best hide all the unevenness and roughness of the walls. There are special varieties that also have disinfectant and bactericidal properties, preventing the appearance and proliferation of mold and fungi. Do you agree that this is just an ideal option for the kitchen?

Attention! On wallpaper with three-dimensional images, dirt will be quite difficult to wash off. To make cleaning easier and not have to redo repairs regularly, it is preferable to choose wallpaper with a smooth finish.

Non-woven wallpaper

The wallpaper material consists of 70% cellulose fiber. fit perfectly on the walls, do not shrink, do not tear, do not wrinkle, and neatly cover all dents and cracks on the surface. This is a real godsend for the kitchen: they are moisture resistant, durable, and easy to clean.

Acrylic wallpaper

They consist of a two-layer material based on thick paper and coated with a thin layer of acrylic. This paint provides free air exchange in the kitchen and does not contain harmful substances, and, unlike benzoates in other finishing materials, does not negatively affect human health. The wallpaper has a delicate relief pattern, so when washing, do not use hard rags or detergents.

Glass wallpaper

Made exclusively from environmentally friendly natural materials. Such wallpaper is ideal for masking all cracks and irregularities. They do not tear and do not allow moisture to pass through, preventing the development of fungal microorganisms. Fiberglass wallpaper, if desired, can be repainted in other colors (up to 10 times), and its structure will be preserved.

Choosing wallpaper for the kitchen-living room

In a combined studio room, it is necessary to correctly select colors and combinations of patterns so that the decoration of the living room and kitchen are in harmony with each other. Designers recommend choosing standard washable wallpaper for the kitchen area, and elegant and expensive wallpaper for the living room. For small size better to choose wallpaper light colors. You can try using colorfully designed photo wallpapers to decorate the walls, which should match the overall style of the kitchen-living room.

Combined wallpaper: a practical design solution

Using this decorative technique helps solve several interior problems at once:

  • zone the space;
  • visually add light to the room;
  • visually enlarge and expand the walls;
  • disguise design flaws.

To choose the right wallpaper and radically transform the interior, you need to consider the following points:

  • Wallpaper must match general style interior;
  • Try to select wallpaper of the same quality and same price category;
  • Make sure that the wallpaper is of equal thickness;
  • Alternate bright designs with monochromatic colors, rich colors balance with calmer ones;
  • An abstract pattern will go well with a geometric one, wood textures will go well with floral patterns.

The best wallpapers of 2018 to create a trendy kitchen

The modern market of finishing materials for the kitchen is replete with all sorts of colors, patterns and creative design solutions for every taste and budget. Here are the main trends this season:

Luxurious ornaments. Decorators never tire of coming up with more and more new collections, stunning with their fabulousness and whimsical forms of collections. Proud peacocks, strange plants, lace frills, wicker textures, ancient letters - you just want to call this wallpaper a work of art! Make your kitchen royally bold and stylish!

Hypnosis. Modern ones allow you to achieve a cosmic effect. Such fantasy patterns catch your eye and don’t let you look away.

Nature. The best way create an atmosphere of calm and tranquility in the kitchen - choose wallpaper that resembles the texture of the fauna world. Artistic images of natural landscapes will look great in any style of interior.

Photo wallpaper on the wall: make your kitchen special!

This is definitely one of the most fashionable and stunning ways to decorate your kitchen space. According to their own decorative possibilities This element of wall decoration simply has no equal! Tastefully selected wallpaper seems to expand the boundaries of the room and create the illusion of perspective. A familiar wall suddenly turns into a summer garden, a cozy foreign street or the ocean coast.

Photographic images require a lot of space and will look best in a minimalist interior: a neutral background, a minimum amount of furniture and decorative elements.

Photo wallpapers are often used in spacious kitchens and living rooms to zone space, creating unusual visual effects. But this does not mean that they cannot be used on . In this case, it is important to select a photograph, taking into account the dimensions of the room, so as not to create a feeling of clumsiness and inappropriateness of the decor. About how to decorate the living room interior with photo wallpaper.

We glue wallpaper in the kitchen with our own hands!

Bringing all your design ideas to life yourself is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. In these videos you will find valuable recommendations on how to tackle the task of wallpapering your kitchen yourself.