DIY playground decoration. How to make the playground a favorite place for children to play? Do-it-yourself children's site in a kindergarten. Playgrounds: design ideas

The long-awaited summer has come. I really want the site kindergarten in the summer it looked bright, lively and interesting! The kindergarten site can be independently and without extra costs decorate with various crafts. Children enjoy riding a giraffe and a zebra, sitting and relaxing next to the frog. Even our "Heel" is treated to goodies.

Adults also come to our site to admire our "guests" and take pictures with them. The comfort and beauty of our site allows us to solve educational problems, involving children in the learning process, because they develop curiosity, creativity, and communication skills. I would like to create comfort for every child.

I bring to your attention photos summer site, which we designed together with the parents. The ideas are mine, but the embodiment is my parents, to whom I am always immensely grateful. I would be very glad if someone took note of our work!

Summer decoration of the preschool educational institution. Photo

Registration of a site in a preschool educational institution. Master classes

Summer decoration do-it-yourself plot in a preschool educational institution

Such bees will not only decorate the yard, but also become an excellent methodological, educational tool for preschoolers.

In summer, bees all day

Collecting nectar is not lazy.

They will take it later.

To the beehive, your wonderful home.

The bee is buzzing over the flower

And in a hurry to collect nectar.

All the nectar that will collect

Transforms a bee into honey.

DIY kindergarten yard decoration

You can decorate the kindergarten area with garden figures, which are abundant in home and garden stores. But you can also make your own garden figure... For example, a heron.

In the summer, such interesting flower beds can decorate the kindergarten site - garden hedgehogs, which can be made even with children.

A winter visitor, the Penguin, can also decorate the kindergarten site

How to make such a Penguin, see

A lazy crocodile can also decorate the site of a preschool educational institution.

In the summer, children play a lot outside

These funny pins will help preschoolers play bowling.

DIY bowling pins. Master Class

And you can make such a garden man together with the children very quickly, especially the material in kindergarten for such flower arrangement there certainly will be.

Such a funny turtle will also decorate the area of ​​the preschool educational institution and it is not difficult to make it.

Children are very fond of fairy tales, so the characters of fairy tales can decorate the kindergarten area. For example, the fairy tales "Kolobok"

How to make such characters see

Now many residents country houses strive to decorate a meadow or flower bed with an unusual composition that will attract the attention of passers-by and delight the hosts and guests. Today you will be inspired to make crafts from various junk materials.

Plastic bottles - no one needs empty container... Many people simply throw them mercilessly into the trash can or trash can. But, experienced needlewomen carefully collect plastic bottles different shapes and size. For what? For making incredibly beautiful and original crafts for a garden and a summer residence. Can be made different birds and animals that will become a real decoration of the infield.

This article is devoted specifically to DIY crafts for the garden and summer cottages. You will learn about the secrets of making deer, sheep, cat, horse, etc. These funny and graceful hand-made animals look great in the garden too.

To make a brown deer, you need to take a five-liter plastic bottle and cut off the neck of it. A 1.5-liter bottle is attached to the cut point with the help of self-tapping screws, bottom down. A liter bottle is attached to the neck of this container.

You just need to cut a circle in the center and insert the plug of the previous workpiece into it. It turns out the head on the long neck and body of a deer.

Then 4 holes are made in a five-liter bottle (bottom) and wooden long slats are inserted into them. These will be the legs of the animal.

The tail and ears are cut out of a plastic container and placed in the appropriate places of the craft.
All that remains is to paint the deer with brown and white paint, paint its eyes and attach antlers from ordinary twigs of an intricate shape. The brown deer is ready!

Yellow fawn - DIY craft for the garden

A yellow fawn is made according to the same principle, only there are a couple of nuances. The five-liter bottle is attached entirely, and the neck is the tail. The neck is made of a short wooden strip.

DIY yellow deer

Cat made of plastic bottles

This animal is made in a completely different way. First you need to collect a lot plastic bottles volume of 2 or 1.5 liters, approximately 100 pieces.

How to make a craft for a garden in the form of a cat step by step:

  1. From each container you need to cut off the bottom, it is this part of the bottle that is needed for work.
  2. Then two balls must be made from a metal mesh: a large one - a body, a small one - a head. They are easily and securely wired together.
  3. Then you need to attach the bottoms of the bottles to the net. This can be done with thin wire or liquid nails.
  4. The hat, tie, tongue and eyes are made from pieces of old linoleum.
  5. It remains only to paint the cat in White color(it is possible in any other).
  6. Paint his eyes, nose and mustache with black paint. But decorate the tongue, headdress and tie in bright shades of red.
  7. In order for the structure to stand firmly, it can be fixed on a metal rod dug into the ground.

Cat made of plastic bottles

DIY sheep

The big lamb is made using the same technology as the cat. You prepare the bottoms of the bottles and fix them on a ball formed from a metal mesh. The legs are made of wooden slats. The ears and muzzle of the animal are cut from a five-liter bottle. But the small lamb is formed from polyurethane foam.

Sheep from plastic bottles for garden and cottage

DIY horse for the garden

It needs a large plastic bottle. In our example, we replaced it plastic pot for flowers. This will be the basis for the animal's body. On the four sides of the pot are attached with self-tapping screws wooden slats... The neck and tail are also cuts of a wooden stick.

The horse's head is made of paint cans and the hooves are plastic trays for flower pots... The animal's mane and tail is an old blue wig. You can attach hay or threads instead of artificial hair.

The finished figure is covered brown paint, and is planted in a pot favorite plant... It turns out both a flowerbed and an interesting character!

Piggies are the most common crafts for the garden and summer cottages

Large water bottles can be used as original flower beds in the shape of a pig. For this, the side of the bottle is cut off - flowers will grow there. Then ears are cut from the remaining sidewall.

Four bottles of one and a half liters are taken and the necks are cut out, they will be the legs of a pig. The resulting legs are attached to the body with wire. The piglet turns white or pink.

Then you need to fill in inner space soil, having previously made several holes in the belly. Now you can plant seedlings. Such a pig will look great in combination with any other flower bed.

Craft - a peacock for a garden with your own hands

Peacocks - extraordinary beautiful birds... You can admire their tail for ages. It is a pity that such beauty can not be seen in every courtyard. Although, the situation is fixable! You can make a gorgeous peacock with a long tail from ordinary plastic containers.

The following materials are suitable for work:

  • Styrofoam;
  • stationery knife;
  • metal rod;
  • stand (log);
  • old canister;
  • metal grid;
  • wire (thick and thin);
  • awl;
  • plastic bottles of all sizes;
  • scissors;
  • paint enamel of different shades.

First, take a stand (it can be a board or a wooden log) and fix the cuts of a metal rod on it, making two legs of the future bird. Then you need to make a torso from the old canister. To do this, the containers should be given the correct shape by cutting off the excess parts. You can fix the canister to your feet with a wire.

Peacock for a garden with their own hands

The neck and head are cut out of Styrofoam and secured with wire to the canister (torso).
And all that remains is to form the tail. To do this, you need to take a metal mesh, cut it to size and lower it along the length to the floor. In order for it to hold, it must be attached to the canister with self-tapping screws or wire. Everything, the basis of the future bird is ready!

Now the most painstaking stage of work is making feathers from plastic bottles. Long feathers are needed for the wings. To do this, the bottle is cut into stripes, and oval oblong blanks are cut out of them. You will also need short oval details to decorate the body and neck of the bird.

You can attach the feathers to the canister and foam using self-tapping screws or pieces of thin wire. In this case, you need to move only from the bottom up, so that each subsequent layer hides the fastening of the previous parts.

For tail feathers, it is better to use 2 liter green plastic bottles. One bottle will make 4 feathers. You need about 70-80 pieces. The tail feather has an oblong oval shape with fringes along the edges. It is better to immediately draw a pattern on each blank. When attaching feathers to the tail, you can use wire or nylon thread. You should move from bottom to top, closing the previous row.

The crest, beak and fingers are also cut from a plastic container. The final stage of work is painting the feathers with enamel paint. Colors should be vibrant and saturated.

Our peacock made from plastic bottles is ready!

Unusual crafts for giving with your own hands

To decorate a flower bed, you can use a wide variety of ideas, you just have to turn on your imagination. For example, you can give a second life to an old non-working TV.

To do this, the back panel is opened, everything is thrown out, only the body is left. The panel must be put back. We fill up the soil inside the TV and outside in such a way that it seems that the earth is pouring out of the screen. Now we are planting small flowers. The illusion is that a colored stream flows directly from the screen.

An unusual flower bed can be built using the most original items. This can be a wheel from an old cart, a rubber tire, old suitcases, dishes, umbrellas, basins, and even old shoes.

Probably not better place on a land where you can have a good rest with the whole family from the bustle of the city and boring noise than your own Vacation home... Here you can forget about everything, enjoy the nature and beauty of the local landscapes, have a nice time with family and close friends. But this is all about us - adults, but what about children, what do they need in order for their rest to be no less useful, rich and exciting? That's right - a playground for games and entertainment! It is better to make a multifunctional playground in the country yourself. So you will not only save a lot of money, but also be sure that the structure will be quite reliable and truly safe. After all, who, if not parents, should take care of the health of their children.

Do-it-yourself playground from scrap materials (photo)

Since the main and priority requirement for a playground is its safety, the importance of placing the playground away from dangerous places where babies can get hurt becomes a top priority for parents. Nothing should threaten or endanger their health.

When playing outdoor games, children completely forget about precautions, so before you release them on the site, you absolutely must be sure that nothing happens to them.

Of course, you will not be able to completely eliminate the risk of accidental injury, because these are children and no one knows what might come to their minds. But to do your best to keep their environment as safe as possible, you must try.

When choosing a suitable place for placing a playground, remember that your little ones, especially small ones, should always be in sight. Therefore, it will be advisable to equip a playground in front of those windows in the house where you are most often.

The remoteness of the site from the house should not be too great, so that if something happens, you can quickly respond to the problem that has arisen.

Children's sandbox with their own hands (photo)

Children's sandbox with their own hands - good way prove to your kids that you care about their childhood. Having shown care and attention to the younger generation back in early age, you will lay a solid foundation for your future relationship.

The simplest and most uncomplicated way to build a sandbox is a wooden structure. open type in the form of a square, rhombus, rectangle, etc. You can go even further and make wooden sandbox do it yourself in the form of a boat or ship.

Children's sandbox in the form of a ship is a dream for any child, especially boys

Child psychologists say that playing in the sandbox, kids not only develop Creative skills and hand motility, but they also develop such positive features character as hard work, perseverance, endurance and restraint.

In addition, it has been proven that being children in the sandbox, at least one hour a day, helps to stabilize their nervous system and stress relief.

Quite simple and quick way playground design - make a small sandbox out of white quartz sand, having previously fenced it with ordinary logs

Your task is to make a sandbox, and how to organize the gameplay, the kids will figure it out for themselves

Do-it-yourself sandbox from scrap materials is quite profitable and practical solution, which will help not only save money family budget, but it will also allow you to use in the process of creating a frame, those unnecessary things that have been lying around for a long time.

DIY slides for children (photo)

Unlike a sandbox, a children's slide is more complex design for making with your own hands. The difficulty lies not only in the fact that its construction requires large quantity building material, but also in particular responsibility for the safety of the structure.

In order for the project of the playground to comply with the most stringent safety requirements, during its construction, many little things and nuances will have to be taken into account:

  • Maximum height of the slide for children preschool age should not be more than 1 meter, for children over 5 years old, the height can be increased to 2–2.5 meters.
  • The angle of rise of the stairs should be within 25 ° - 30 ° degrees, the optimal step width is considered to be 20 - 25 cm;
  • The rubber coating on each step will significantly improve grip and prevent slipping;
  • Reliable, strong railings and balusters will not allow your child to fall from a height if at some point he does not stand on his feet or slips.

For a quick and safe descent from the slide, it is best to use plastic slopes that are lightweight and have an excellent coefficient of friction. Today, stores specializing in the sale of sports playgrounds will be able to offer you a huge selection of plastic slopes, both in height and in the shape of the structure (straight, screw, wavy).

If you nevertheless decide to use natural (wood, plywood) for the slope, remember that their surface should be carefully and varnished.

A playground created at the proper level in the country will allow you to be sure that spending time on it, your children are completely safe. Children's slides for summer cottages is a sport, and physical education, as we all know, not only hardens the body and spirit, but also helps your baby to develop intellectually correctly.

Therefore, if you want your child to always be healthy, maintain the necessary sports form and lead a healthy lifestyle, the question of how to make a playground with your own hands should be paramount for parents.

Following simple rules assembly by assembly wooden structures, you are guaranteed to get a comfortable and absolutely safe playground

A children's slide for a summer residence is not the only thing that you can make with your own hands for a fun holiday for your kids. , trampolines, sports equipment, sandboxes, swings, labyrinths,. Here is just a small list of what you can make yourself with in your hands good tool, and in my head a number of fresh ideas.

All these things, buildings and structures will be an excellent addition to the look of your site, transform it landscape design, but a beautiful platform for active games will give the courtyard a unique ambiance and special style.

Children's swing for giving with their own hands (photo)

Going to the country house to rest and relax from everyday worries and bustle, we dream to spend this time as comfortable as possible.

That is why we buy expensive, soft, and most importantly comfortable furniture for our home. On the street, you can hang a beautiful hammock on which it is so great to have a cup of coffee or read an interesting book. But alas, you cannot tempt children with such a rest, they need something more than soft sofa or a boring hammock, their only interest is the swing. And if you have not taken care of this issue in advance, you will have to make a swing from scrap materials.

When creating a street children's swing for a summer residence with your own hands, you, as a father, must first of all understand that, despite their angelic appearance, they still carry potential danger. Therefore, as with any issue related to the safety of children, their reliability becomes the main criterion.

Children's tire swing is the easiest and fastest way to please your little ones

You can hook the swing for absolutely anything, the main thing is that the support is sufficiently reliable and strong. If these are wooden or metal pillars dug into the ground, then their base should be well, if it is a tree standing near the house, you need to hang the swing only on a healthy and thick branch.

A do-it-yourself playground made at your dacha can also serve as an excellent place where you can equip street swing... After all, there will always be a strong beam on it that can easily support your little baby.

If your "communication" with a hacksaw, a jigsaw and a plane occurs on "you" means to do wooden swing with your own hands, it will not be difficult for you. You just need to buy a suitable rope for the swing, but there will always be a couple of boards on the farm.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the bulk of street swings for summer cottages, which can be made with your own hands, practically do not require any costs.

DIY tree house (photo)

Probably many of you in childhood read a book about an ageless boy Peter Pan from fairy land Neverland. Everyone remembers his mysterious tree house, which attracted and attracted to itself with its mystery. Every child dreamed of such a tree house.

Time passed, the children grew up and the majority, the old dream remained a dream. But why not now, later long years, when you already have your kids, do not make your childhood dream come true. Made so in an original way an interesting playground that will be the perfect addition to your site.

To make a tree house with your own hands, it is enough to have a simple drawing, a minimum set of a carpenter, standard lumber and a reliable assistant at hand, so that if something happens, he can hedge you. After all, the work is to be done, albeit at a low altitude.

Most suitable variety wood for building a house with your own hands is oak. Oak is followed by such strong species as maple, linden, large spruce or pine.

Important! Before starting construction orphanage on a tree, it is necessary to properly examine the object for the presence various diseases... If such facts take place, the construction of a building on this tree must be abandoned.

Active play is an integral and necessary part of any child's life. Therefore, the presence of a good and safe playground on the site is guaranteed to provide your kids with interesting and varied leisure in the country.

There are many good ideas for the design of playgrounds. Projects and drawings will be an excellent help for you when creating these objects. If you do not have them, do not be discouraged, and even more so do not give up. It is quite easy and quick to make a playground for your beloved kids without them.

Irina Pogorelova

The long-awaited summer has come. I really want to the kindergarten section looked bright in the summer, lively and interesting! To stay on plot always pleased children, encouraged to play, attracted to various activities, healed physically in the preschool educational institution, a competition is held annually "The best site registration» . Participation in the competition is a great opportunity for teachers to decorate without extra costs on their own or with the help of their parents plot various crafts from waste material and realize their Creative skills.

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention photographs of creative registration of plots our preschool educational institution teachers and parents.

Lovely lilies of the valley and flowers adorn plot Elena Nikolaevna Shestopalova.

Penek has turned into a kind woodman.

And this smiling kolobok was made for the children by Elena Nikolaevna's husband.

Wonderful smeshariki Krosh and Losyash appeared last year on plot Sandzhieva Nadia Patikhovna thanks to her parents. It's a pity, of course, but one morning, having come to Kindergarten, we saw that Krosh was left without ears, and Losyash without horns. The culprits could not be found and now, during the repair, the Smeshariki will have to be restored.

Well at least the vandals did not cope with the crocodile.

On a walk in the summer, children not only play mobile and plot - role-playing games, develop your physical data, but also in the order of individual work fix the numbers up to 20 with uncle Count, learn letters with aunt ABC. Turtles are my work. I made them for their construction helmets, the head - plastic balls, paws and tail - aluminum spoons.

Many thanks to all parents who accepted participation in the competition and showed their talent and creativity.

The swan princess looks at the sunset.

The fabulous bird sings about its native land.

The African guest is a giraffe.

Cheerful bunny.

Good-natured club-footed bear.

A bear can't do without honey, so I did "Beehive and bees"... I bring to your attention a small master - class of its manufacture.

I needed:

Plastic eggs for making bees - 4 pieces, 2 large - adult bees and 2 smaller - children.

Plastic bottle 5 liters.

Yellow enamel.

Black insulating tape.

Glue - gun and screwdriver.

Eyes - buttons, screws, bees' nose, spirals from an automatic pen - antennae.

Synthetic or any durable bee thread.

1. Let's start with making bees.

Need to paint plastic eggs in yellow... I painted in 2 layers.

Now with the help of black insulating tape we make strips for our bees.

We fasten the nose with a screwdriver and glue the eyes.

We cut out the wings from plastic bottles, immediately tie the strings for which we will hang our bees.

I screw the wings onto a self-tapping screw with a screwdriver.

The bees are ready. It turned out to be a friendly family of mom, dad, son and daughter.

2. We start making the beehive.

Cut a hole in the bottle and apply paint in 2-3 layers.

The roof is an old wicker basket. Apply a thick glue to the bottle cap and glue the roof. Our summer composition is ready. Let's go decorate plot! Now this friendly bee family has settled on kindergarten site, delighting adults and children.

The comfort and beauty of our plots not only develops curiosity, creativity, communication and physical abilities, but also allows you to solve educational problems, involving children in the learning process.

Dear Colleagues! I would be very glad if someone took note of our ideas! Have a nice summer mood!

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A kindergarten is a special institution, practically a second home for its employees and children. And you always want to make your home cozy and warm.

A kindergarten is a second home for kids. Children spend most of their time in the garden and we must not only meet children there, but also create.

Original ideas decorations for the garden with their own hands, they will help to emphasize the natural charm and bring to life the hidden talents of the designer (and everyone has them). Before embarking on an important mission, inspect your supplies ... and off you go!

Advice! Remember sacred rule the real owner of the cottage: nothing should be thrown away!

To create extraordinary things, you will need things that are completely unnecessary at first glance: dilapidated furniture, old dishes, tires from cars, plastic bottles, firewood and trimming of building materials, tubs, barrels, holey shoes, etc. The use of stones, wood and plastic for decoration garden and summer cottages are the most effective ways.

DIY garden decorations: initiation into designer summer cottage art

The most important condition in creating decorative ornaments- a sense of style. First, outline a style direction for yourself (taking into account the size of the territory, the style of the garden and your own preferences). All decoration ideas for decoration garden plot can be divided into two groups:

  • functional;
  • non-functional.

DIY garden figures: functional ideas

This includes elements that harmoniously combine aesthetics and useful functionality.

Magic ponds. If you have old metal / plastic tubs or other containers, use these to create soothing pools. Plant in your ponds aquatic plants... You can even acquire unpretentious fish. Flower bed decoration and reservoirs on summer cottage can be trusted with boulders, pebbles or tiles.

Crafts for the garden from bottles and garden decoration with flowers (photo)

Flower world. Original flower beds made of plastic bottles, old tires, unnecessary shoes, iron buckets. Here you can even beat up an old bed, chairs, bicycle or chest of drawers. If there are large stumps in your area, do not rush to uproot them. You can make gorgeous ones from them with your own hands. flowerpots for the garden and plant flowers there.

Advice! For flowerpots made from stumps, additionally use clay pots (to plant flowers). You should not plant flowers directly in a tree - it will rot from water.

Romantic buildings. Plastic bottles can go into business (you can build a whole gazebo from them). How about cozy benches with a canopy in the spirit of French villages? For this, raw logs of various sizes are used. From old armchairs or chairs, you can build cozy swing or unusual crafts to decorate the garden with your own hands.

Crafts from a tree for the garden and a decorative birdhouse for the garden with your own hands

Favorite birds. Our magical garden simply cannot do without bird play. To make the birds comfortable, you can come up with original wooden birdhouses for them. Decorate them decoupage, painting, decorative details. For the birdhouses themselves, you can use the remains of the boards and wooden furniture... Birdhouses from old boots look great big size... You can awaken your imagination and create a real miracle of nourishing thoughts from corks or large porcelain teapots.

Advice! It is best to hang birdhouses on deciduous trees, with a slight slope. And make the roof removable so that it is easier to clean them.

DIY garden sculptures: decor

The world of pure aesthetics reigns here, which pleases the eye and gives a special charm to the entire appearance of the garden. Various souvenirs, funny animal figurines, garden crafts- such a garden decoration with your own hands from scrap materials will become a real "highlight" yard design.

Crafts from stones for the garden

  • Fantasies made of stone or wood. You can make wonderful things out of stones or remnants of boards. To help you acrylic paints, beads, shards of colored glass. You can create funny gnomes, little men or just wonderful animals or insects. And if you color fluorescent paint the surface of stumps or boulders, you get magical night lights.

Advice! Involve your kids in exciting work with paints and appliques. You will have a wonderful time with them!

  • The renaissance of plastic. The use of plastic bottles of different sizes in the design is the most economical option for decorating a garden. What decoration for a garden from plastic bottles do you want?