Role-playing game “Summer walk on the sea. Role-playing games for children in kindergarten

Elena Fedosenko
Role-playing game "Summer Walk on the Sea"

Role-playing game« Summer walk by the sea»


exercise in the ability to act consistently in accordance with plot

development of imagination, elements of creativity in building the plot of the game

consolidation of ideas about transport.

Preliminary work (within 3-5 days).

Observation of pedestrians and vehicles in natural conditions with educators and parents.

N / a "Crossroads" in the traffic safety corner on the site of the d / garden.

Did. picture game"On the ground, in the sky, on the water"- control in the grouping of transport, depending on the environment of movement.

The game"Ball in a circle"- control in distinguishing transport by destination (cargo - passenger, recalling pictures, as well as transport from personal experience and observations.


subject pictures: tram, trolleybus, bus, a car, train, truck, van ( "Ice cream", "Bread", milk tanker (car - tank, plane, helicopter, balloon, boat, yacht, diesel locomotive, motor ship, metro.


sailor collars, peakless caps, binoculars, anchor, steering wheel, flags. Remote construction material for building a ship, rope.

The game

Introductory conversation:

Look at the 4 pictures and find among them the ship on which we will sail along the sea... A new riddle will help you

"Walks White City- giant

to work at sea - the ocean. "

Collective construction and equipment of the ship with the help of external building material and attributes.

Formation of the ship's team by competition in solving a crossword puzzle puzzle:

and lm r and d and s t x o t - radio operator

m o r u le v y b a l - helmsman

s s t and r d b o c m and n - boatswain

vel dk a p and t a n k u - captain

z a yu m and t r o m z d i - sailor

The rest of the children and the teacher are passengers.

Road to the sea

1. Passengers are asked to imagine that they live in some city, very far from the sea.

2. We need to think about how to get to the warm blue sea (It is advisable to remember what seas we have).

3. Pictures are displayed as a hint (train, helicopter, plane, bus, balloon, car).

4. Passengers choose the type of transport (a picture, for example, a train, an airplane.

5. The path to the train or airplane:

a) find out and name where trains and planes depart from

b) what kind of transport can you get to the station, airport?

6. Arrival to the sea, boarding the ship, accommodation.

7. The ticket for the ship is the name different options composition of the number 10.

Walk on the sea

The motor ship gives up the ends. The crew performs their duties, and the passengers admire the sea. Everyone tells what he feels and sees while sailing on a motor ship, without repeating each other.


A fresh sea breeze is blowing in your face.

The shrill cries of sea gulls are heard.

One seagull swept low over the deck.

Flocks of fish swim by.

A speedboat rushes towards.

The sails of the yacht whiten in the distance.

dolphins accompany the ship, and one dolphin even jumped out of the water.

A fisherman with a fishing rod, etc., is sitting on the shore.

After returning, it is specified what the transport is for (for the carriage of passengers, various goods, for recreation).

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Organization of children's games preschool age v summer period.

Material description: In the summer, preschoolers spend almost the whole day on the street. In order to successfully implement the main educational and educational tasks, the teacher needs to effectively organize the summer leisure of children. I bring to your attention short review games of preschool children and the peculiarities of their organization for a walk in the summer. This work may be of interest to preschool educators and people organizing children's leisure time.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the summer period, you should choose games and activities that do not require serious training of the teacher and children, but still carry developmental and educational functions and are interesting for pupils.
To with maximum benefit use play activities preschoolers during summer walks, when planning summer leisure, the teacher needs to consider all types of games and the features of their organization.

Classification of games of preschool children according to N.K. Krupskaya.
1. Creative games: Role-playing; Directing; Theatrical; Construction.
2. Games with rules: Didactic (desktop-printed, verbal, with objects); Movable (depending on activity, depending on attributes, depending on the main movements, plotless and plot).

General rules for organizing games for preschoolers on the site.
o The game must be safe.
o The game must be appropriate for the age group in which it is played.
o The game should contribute to the development of mental and physical activity.
o The rules of the game should be simple and understandable for children.
o All children should be able to actively participate in the game.
o Equipment for the game should be beautiful, interesting, safe.
o The game must not be left unfinished.

I. Organization of role-playing games for a walk.
The main type of game for preschool children is a role-playing game. It develops children's potential and is critical to mental development child, the emotional world of the baby is formed in it.

Types of role-playing games:
o Games based on everyday subjects: in "home", "family", "holidays", "birthdays". In these games, games with dolls take a large place, through actions with which children convey what they know about their peers, adults, and their relationships.
o Games on industrial and social topics, which reflect the work of people: Kindergarten, school, store, library, post office, hairdresser, hospital, transport, police, firefighters, circus, theater, construction, army ...
o Games on patriotic themes reflecting the heroic deeds of our people
o Games on the theme of literary works (cartoons). In these games, children repeat episodes from literary works (cartoons), imitating the actions of the characters, assimilating their behavior.
o "Director" games, the child determines the actions of the toy, directing all actions, endowing them with certain signs.

The director's play, being a special case of a plot role-playing game, is individual. Therefore, it makes no sense to consider the organization of such games on the street.
During the walk, you can organize various group storylines role-playing games, the attributes of which can be taken out on the street. The easiest games to use are “Hospital”, “Mail”, “Road construction” ...

II. Organization of construction for a walk.
Construction is one of the types of productive activity of a preschooler, aimed at obtaining a certain product, closely related to the game. Promotes comprehensive development the personality of the child.
Types of children's construction.
o Construction from building material.
o Constructing from details of constructors.
o Construction from large models (blocks).
o Paper construction.
o Construction from natural materials.
o Computer and practical design.
o Constructing from different materials on the site of the kindergarten.

Children are happy to design on a walk, using any natural material found on the site (sand, snow, cones, chestnuts, leaves, stones, straw, grass, etc.). It makes sense to offer the guys for creativity waste material- all kinds of packaging different sizes, sticks, ropes, polystyrene, plastic bottles and etc.
Collective work is interesting. For example, building a city out of wet sand and scrap materials, or a zoo out of paper boxes. It is important to "beat" the craft after construction by adding cars or animals.
However, the constructive activity of children on the site of the kindergarten cannot be successful and interesting without active participation educator.

III. Organization of theatrical games for a walk.
Theatrical games are built around literary work, have a ready-made plot and roles. Such games form a sense of partnership in children, teach them to understand people's feelings, enrich with a variety of impressions, form cognitive interest, develop fantasy, imagination and creative thinking, contribute to early detection individual characteristics child.

Types of theatrical games for preschoolers:
o Tabletop theatrical games (table theater of toys or drawings).
o Poster theatrical games (stand-book, flannelegraph, shadow theater).
o Dramatization games (finger theater, bi-ba-bo theater, puppet theater, with masks or hats, improvisation).

Theatrical games suggest preparatory stage(distribution and learning of roles, preparation of requisites ...), which is not acceptable in the conditions of summer walks. However, it is possible to use improvised dramatization games based on works well known to children. Paper masks can be used as costumes. For example, in younger group you can play the tale "Turnip".

IV. Organization of didactic games for a walk.
Didactic games contribute to the development of cognitive and mental abilities, the development of speech and the social and moral development of preschoolers.

Types of didactic games:
o Games with objects (toys).
o Board games.
o Word games.
o Interactive didactic games.

The most convenient - verbal didactic games can be conducted anywhere. They are used to consolidate the knowledge gained about the subject, as well as to generalize and systematize ideas about the world around them. Such games develop coherent speech, attention, speed of reaction. "Who flies, runs, jumps", "In the water, in the air, on the ground", "One is many", "Name it affectionately", "Name in one word", "Tell the word", "It happens or not", "What , which one, which one ”,“ Who will name more actions ”,“ Guess, we will guess ”,“ The fourth extra ”,“ When you do it ”,“ Broken phone ”,“ It is necessary - it is not necessary ”, etc.
The rest of the didactic games are more difficult to organize while walking.

V. Organization of outdoor games for a walk.
Age characteristics that should be taken into account when organizing outdoor games.

Junior group
Younger preschoolers with a rather narrow outlook, are active, thinking specifically, attention is unstable, so they should be offered games with a simple plot. The movements included in the games should be simple and varied: walking, running, jumping, balancing ... Competitive games are not recommended.
Recommended games: "The Sun and the Rain", "The Fox and the Chickens", "Sparrows and the Car", "Colored Cars", "Along the Straight Path", "Bubble", "Hit the Circle with a Bag" ...

Middle group
In children middle group broader understanding of the world around, which makes it possible to complicate the plot of the game and add variety. Games that are competitive in nature can be introduced. Games are offered, accompanied by text. The text gives rhythm to the movement, promotes the development of speech in children; the end of the text serves as a signal for the cessation of actions or for the beginning of new movements.
Recommended games: "Hares and wolves", "Find yourself a mate", "Airplanes", "Who will sooner reach the flag", "We are funny guys", "Bear in the forest", "Geese-swans", "Hunter and hares "," Who will remove the tape as soon as possible "," Zateyniki ".

Senior group
Older preschoolers are more independent and active. They should be offered games with more complex motor tasks. The rules get more complicated. The same movements are used: running, jumping, throwing, but more stringent requirements are imposed on children in relation to the quality of movements, the correctness and accuracy of their implementation. For example, in the game "Freeze" you need to "freeze" immediately after touching the driver. Children at this age are good at their movements and are interested in the result of the game, they are interested in collective competition.
Recommended games: "Sly Fox", "Two Frosts", "Mousetrap", "Catch from the Circle", "Freeze" ...

Children's sports... Suitable for middle and older children. Promote the development of agility, the ability to coordinate movements, improve physical fitness, teach children to act in a team.
Games with a hoop and a skipping rope.
Ball games
Relays with sports equipment.
Relays with running, jumping.
Relay of water carriers.
Quest, or game - journey... Suitable for all ages. It is very interesting for children, often even the "quiet ones" are included in the game. This game is a "thematic journey" during which children complete certain tasks on a previously prepared route. The children are given a game task (for example, preschoolers go in search of treasures ...). There are stops along the route where children are offered various tasks. Educators share functions: some of them accompany the children along the route, and the rest are at “stops” and, playing a certain role, offer the children tasks. The game assumes a reward when completing a route.
A wide variety of contests... "For the best drawing ...", "For the best costume from the newspapers", "For the best dance" ...

Outdoor games with a didactic focus.
In such games, children learn to combine movement and acquired knowledge, systematizing them into a holistic view of the surrounding reality. “We play and decide”, “Cheerful account”, “Count and catch up” ...

o With soap bubbles. Suitable for all ages. Brings a lot of fun. Excellent lung workout. The ability to make small discoveries. For example, soap bubbles can be obtained not only by blowing through a stick from the set, but also through a straw, between soapy palms ... and what bigger hole, the bigger the bubbles will be. It turns out that soap bubbles do not always burst if you take them with your hands, you can make complex shapes out of them ...
o With balls. Safe, fun and not expensive occupation- balloon games.
o With pebbles. You can think of many games with stones. For example, transferring stones with a spatula from one bucket to another, or putting pebbles on a tree, you can spread stones along the contour of the drawing on the ground, or paint them with watercolors ... It is fair to say that this kind of fun is not suitable for all groups.
o Foam party. It is used on especially hot days to avoid overheating. You need cheerful music, a basin with baby foam and a good mood.
o Water firefights. Like the foam party, it is used to prevent overheating of children. You will need water pistols or their substitutes - plastic bottles with a hole in the cork. It is important to remind children of the rule: DO NOT SHOOT ABOVE SHOULDERS, and take away weapons from violators.

Target: Development of the creative initiative of preschoolers in the role-playing game.

Tasks: 1) Form skills, independently distribute roles and act in accordance with them, independently make the necessary buildings.

2) To develop creative imagination, the ability to jointly deploy the game, to coordinate their own game plan with the plan of their peers.

3) Encourage children to display knowledge about the life around them in the game.

4) To form the skills of positive communication of children and a benevolent attitude towards each other.

Game material: children's tent, backpacks, bowler hat, disposable tableware, a set of doll dishes, children's chairs, a steering wheel, a set of products, artificial Christmas trees, a set of wooden mushrooms, dry branches for a fire, fishing rods, fish with magnets, a net, a camera, a compass, a map.

Game roles: group leader, minibus driver, vacationers.

Game actions:

1. The choice of the route of the trip.

2. Travel by bus to your destination.

3. Choosing a clearing for a halt.

4. Distribution of responsibilities (setting up a tent, collecting firewood for a fire, making a fire, fishing, picking mushrooms, cooking on a fire, eating)

5. Rest after lunch, photographing.

6. Collecting the way back, cleaning the territory.

7. Return journey.

Game progress

Greetings: children stand in a circle, join hands and say: "Let's hold hands together and smile at each other." The smile immediately lifted everyone's spirits, because a smile gives people joy.

Organizing time

Guys, it's late autumn outside our window, it's cold and damp. Today, when I was going to work, I remembered the sunny summer days and rest on the shore of the lake, and I really wanted to go there again. Didn't you want to relax on the shore of the lake, bask in the sun?

Let's go for a picnic, i.e. one day rest.

1. Distribution of roles. The educator takes on the role of the group leader.

2 defining game goals:

A) driver, what will you do?

C) I will drive the bus, follow the road and traffic lights.

Team leader: let’s guys distribute responsibilities so that everyone knows what they’ll be doing when we arrive.

Fishing lovers: We will dig up worms, we will fish for fish soup.

Mushroom pickers: We'll be picking mushrooms for lunch.

Cook: I will cook dinner.

Cook assistants: We will help peel potatoes and fish.

Younger guys: We will collect firewood.

Photographer: I will take pictures of everyone.

Well done, everyone is ready.

3. Creation of a game environment.

Children build a bus from chairs, arrange Christmas trees and mushrooms, mark the lake with cubes and launch fish into it, collect the necessary food in their backpacks, take a compass, a map and fishing rods.

4. The game.

Children put on their backpacks and get on the bus. The recording of the song “We are going, we are going, we are going” sounds. At the end of which the children get off the bus.

Team leader:

Here we are. See how beautiful it is around, what fresh air, take a deep breath, how nice it smells like pine needles. Let's choose a place to rest.

A place for a halt is chosen, the children justify the choice of this place.

Boys set up a tent, fishermen go to dig worms and then go fishing, mushroom pickers gather mushrooms.

The group leader makes a fire, the girls prepare dishes and food, begin to prepare food, the rest of the children collect brushwood.

Fishermen bring fish, everyone praises them for a good catch, they tell who caught what fish.

The cook takes the fish and cleans it with an assistant, then they take the mushrooms and fry them.

While dinner is being prepared, everyone is playing ball. They catch butterflies, take pictures.

The chef signals and invites everyone to dinner. Pours fish soup into plates. Everyone eats, praises dinner. Then the chef distributes fried mushrooms... Everyone eats and thanks for the delicious food.

The group leader invites you to play your favorite the game "Let's go, let's go"

Go. Let's go ... and arrived at the Vegetable-Fruits store. What can you buy there? (children name vegetables and fruits)

Go. Let's go ... and arrived at the dairy store. What can you buy there? (children call dairy products)

Well done boys! We played well. Let's now sing a song with a guitar.

The soundtrack of the song "Smile" is played. The children are singing and one child is playing the guitar.

Photographer: And now a photo for memory.

Guys, the sun is setting, it's time to get home.

Children collect things in a backpack, garbage in bags, fill the fire with water, cover it with earth. They get on the bus and go home.

The recording of the song “We are going, we are going, we are going” sounds

Team leader: So we arrived home. We had great rest. A bit tired, but it's a pleasant weariness.

5. Discussion with the children of the game.

Did you enjoy our trip?

Who liked what?

You can play such a game on a walk and in a group in your free time.

WITH erchenya S.V., educator

Iqualification category

Role-playing games in a mixed group in the summer.

(from work experience).

The main activity of preschool children age-game, in the process of which the child's spiritual and physical strengths develop. In addition, play is a peculiar way of assimilating social experience. A special place is occupied by creative and plot-based role-playing games. Creative games most fully shape the personality of the child, therefore they are important tool education.

During the summer period, the group consisted of children of three ages. If you look closely, you can distinguish the children of different groups. In the game, they chose partners only from their own group. It was like this for about two weeks. Then, with the help of educators, the children began to unite. The older ones invited the younger ones to participate in the game, but at the same time they demanded full compliance with the agreed rules.

Here are some examples of the development of play and relationships between children. Rainy weather. We don't go for a walk. I gathered the children and began to discuss what to play. Andrey R. and Olya N. have chosen a desktop builder. They built a fabulous city. We took them to play with nesting dolls. They were closely watched by Anton V. and Natasha K., on my advice, the elders took them into the game. All together brought the game to the end (about 40 minutes).

On another day, Dima M. and Sasha F. played floor builder. They had garages residential buildings, road, gas station. Seryozha O. and Timur G. really wanted to play with them. The older boys did not want to take them into the game. She offered the younger ones to become chauffeurs, to deliver building material. There was a relationship, a joint game. After that, the kids themselves successfully fantasized, developed the game, accepting new participants.

Several steady games could be observed on the court. Children played in them almost daily, in different groups. For example, football. To have excitement, more interesting game, invited the audience. We supported different teams. And later, the boys themselves, in collusion, called the spectators to the match, played for them.

Once Natasha P. fell and bruised her leg. The girls calmed her down, gave her valuable advice... Translated their conversations to the need to arrange a "clinic". She was immediately organized in the house. Found plantain leaves, coltsfoot. She explained how to stop blood, relieve pain with these herbs. The girls took a great interest in the treatment. They took the sick, went to the house on call, provided assistance to the injured footballers. Thus, a connection appeared between different groups of players.

Kids love to play with tins, bake cupcakes, etc. I talked with older children: Olya B., Tanya S., Serezha L - how to interest children, expand the game, make it more interesting. The children understood. They showed an example of how to set up a cafe, beautifully decorated their "pastries, salads, sweets." Everyone who wanted to dined in the cafe. She reminded the visitors of gratitude, politeness of communication.

Also, the example of the elders enriched the buildings in the sandy town with new themes: a vegetable garden, a garden, in a country house, in the mountains, a kindergarten, etc. taught children to use natural materials: pebbles, grass, meadow flowers, sticks. Children already have the concept of "pretend", willingly used it in games.

Some children like to swing on a swing just like that. I took on the role of a tour guide and played a game - a journey. Reviewed and compared flowering shrubs, told about the benefits of plantings, about the respect for everything around. This game is not easy, children rarely play it.

Basically, the children themselves united in games, came up with plots, conspired when distributing roles. The plot game makes it possible to develop in children positive features character: the ability to subordinate their interests to the interests of the whole group, restraint, moral qualities, a positive attitude to work. Interesting games create a cheerful, joyful attitude, satisfy the need for invention, movement, communication with peers. Creative play is closely related to other activities of children. It seems to me that the joint role-playing games were facilitated by outdoor games (they played loved ones in each group), listening and discussing works of art, performing physical exercise, duty in the corner of nature and in the dining room, observation in nature and the work of adults.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Consultation for preschool educational institutions "The influence of substitute toys used by children during role-playing games during a walk on the development of mental operations"

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Educator Mutnykh E.V.
Role-playing game passport
1. Age group: senior group"Clever people"
2. Venue: group room MKDOU "Umniki"
3. Date: January 29, 2014
4. Duration: minutes
5. Title: "Hike to a forest clearing"
6. Purpose: Education of patriotism through love of nature, respect for animals and birds, green spaces.
7. Tasks:
· Strengthen the ability of children to play together to distribute roles, to prepare conditions for the environment.
· Promote a conscious attitude to the observance of the rules of role interaction, directing attention to the quality of the roles performed, their social significance.
· Develop initiative, organizational and Creative skills children.
· Education of understanding of the rules of human behavior in nature.
· To cultivate respectful attitude to each other, to cooperate.
8. Play material: backpacks for each child, artificial Christmas trees, buckets, toy animals (squirrel, hedgehog, hare, ant), fish with magnets, garbage, garbage bag, cage, camera, toy phone, bedspread, food - dummies , fishing rods, a model of a fire, music, mushrooms (lego-items-substitutes), a children's tent, a bowler hat (helmet-item-substitute), doll dishes, a folding chair for fishing, children's chairs, a wooden constructor (brushwood for a fire-items- deputies), a steering wheel, a chick with a nest, posters with nature, baskets, a first-aid kit, a construction of sticks for cooking over a fire, matches (a box and twigs-items-substitutes for matches).
9. Playing roles: children - dad, mom, older and younger children, family friends.
10. Preliminary work: Viewing illustrations on the topic "In the forest", "The orderlies of the forest", "Matches are not a toy"; acquaintance with the plants and fauna of the native land; walks to the pond, to the forest; observation of the world of plants and animals; reading informative stories about the forest, about its importance for human life from the book "With love about nature", reading an ecological fairy tale about garbage, mysteries about the world of plants and animals; conversations about the rules of behavior on the street, in the forest, in nature; didactic games: "Who lives where", "When does this happen?" , "Name in one word", "I know five names ..." and others; outdoor games with elements of imitation; making game attributes; motivation: the teacher's story about his games in childhood (acquaintance with the main points of the organization of the game), inventing games in nature, the selection of substitute items.
11. Game actions:
· Choice of the route of the trip.
· Travel by car (train ...) to your destination.
· Choosing a clearing for a halt.
· Distribution of duties (setting up a tent, collecting brushwood, making a fire, fishing, picking mushrooms, cooking on a fire, eating ...).
· Correction of problem situations (help the bunny out of the cage, help the chick ...)
· Rest, photography.
· Collection on the way back, cleaning of the territory.
· Return trip.
12. Didactic means: play material, play environment, musical accompaniment.
13.Expected Result:
· Reflection in the game of impressions of people's lives.
· Building friendly and friendly relations during the game.
· Interest in the game, the general concept of the game plot, the consistency of the actions of the players; performing game actions.
Manifestation own initiative, development of imagination when using substitute items.
· Development verbal communication playing.
Beginning of the game. Introductory remarks by the educator.

Tay, tay, swoop in

V interesting game play,

We accept everyone and do not offend anyone.

Guys, look how many guests came to us. Let's say hello to them and smile. The guests smile back at you. Our smiles immediately became warmer and brighter.

Guys, you know, when I went to work today, I was very cold, because it was frosty outside and I really wanted to get into the summer, at least for a day, go to the forest, relax, listen to birdsong, admire the flowers and greenery of trees, pick mushrooms , berries. You, probably, would also like to be in summer? (Yes) . And let’s close your eyes and imagine that you are in a summer forest. What do you hear: silence or some sounds? (Sounds). Right. I suggest you listen to the sounds of the forest.

(The soundtrack of forest sounds sounds: cuckoo, rain noise, fire crackle, woodpecker ...).

Children guess sounds.

Well done, you did a great job. Guys, when you listened to these sounds, you were imagining a summer forest. Do you want to find yourself in this forest? (Yes) .

But before you go to the forest, I would like to check if you know how to behave in nature, what rules must be followed. For this, I have prepared a game for you that will help me test your knowledge. I will give pictures to some children and signs to others. Your task is to find a match for yourself and tell you which rule is suitable for the sign.

(D.I. "Pick up a sign").

Great, you're just smart. You have coped with my task and now I can send you to the forest with peace of mind.

The course of the game.

Tell me please, would you like to go camping as kindergarten children with a teacher or as a family: dad, mom, children and other relatives? (How is the family). Think about how you will go to the forest.

So, we turn into a family, the game begins.

Children assign roles (agree on who will be whom), designate zones (arrange Christmas trees, mushrooms, spread out a river, launch fish into it, build a car from chairs), take attributes for a hike, and go to the forest by car.

During the ride, a children's song sounds "We are driving, driving, driving ...".

When the children arrived in the forest, a phonogram with birdsong sounds.

Children play, communicate with each other, and the teacher in the role of a dispatcher quietly comes to help, directs, creates problem situations that children must notice and correct on their own.

Situations: a hare in a cage, throwing garbage into a river, an ant on the road, a chick has fallen out of its nest (an egg), the soundtrack is "howling a wolf", a child is playing with matches.

At the end of the game, children must put out the fire, collect garbage in garbage bags.

Final part. Chatting with children. Surprise moment (donate badges, stickers, candies ...).

Surprise moment: For the fact that you are such wonderful friends of nature, I want to give you badges (stickers), as a sign that you will always remember the rules of behavior and keep nature clean!