Musical and correctional activities for the comprehensive development of a child with disabilities using the Carl Orff methodology. Work program in music (senior group) on the topic: work program in music for children with disabilities

Now that we've learned to fly

through the air, like birds, swim underwater,

like fish, we lack only one thing:

learn to live on earth like people.

Inclusive practice with children with

special health opportunities

in musical and educational activities.

According to the All-Russian clinical examination in 2002, the number of children with disabilities, which include children with impaired vision, hearing, speech, intelligence, disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere and learning difficulties, has increased significantly. In 2008, two new documents were published, which became the basis for integrated education and inclusive processes in the educational space of the Russian Federation. The letter of the Ministry of Education and Science dated 01.01.2001 3AF-150/06 “On the creation of conditions for the education of children with disabilities and children with disabilities” states: “Receiving education for children with disabilities and children with disabilities is one of the main indispensable conditions for socialization , ensuring their full participation in the life of society, effective self-realization in various types of professional and social activities. In this regard, ensuring the realization of the rights of children with disabilities to education is considered as one of the most important tasks. public policy not only in the field of education, but also in the field of demographic and socio-economic development Russian Federation».

Tolerance should become the basis of the life position of the society. Inclusive education helps develop in healthy children tolerance for the physical and mental disabilities of their peers, a sense of mutual assistance and a desire for cooperation. They contribute to the formation of a positive attitude towards peers and adequate social behavior in children with disabilities.

The most common form of education for children with disabilities at present is special (correctional) education. One of its main tasks is the implementation of the necessary correction of deficiencies in the physical or mental development of the child. Currently, inclusive education of children with disabilities in preschool institutions in Russia is being activated, various forms and models of interaction between special and mass education are being tested, various attempts are being made to create adequate conditions for the most complete socialization and adaptation of such children.

A necessary condition for the organization of successful education and upbringing of children with disabilities in educational institutions is the creation of an adaptive environment that allows them to fully integrate and personal self-realization in an educational institution.

The problem of raising and educating children with disabilities requires a delicate and flexible approach, since everyone realizes that not all children with developmental disabilities can successfully integrate into an environment of healthy peers. An individual educational route involves the gradual inclusion of such children in a group of peers with the help of an adult. Children with disabilities can realize their potential only if the process of education and upbringing is started on time and adequately organized.

Musical education is part of the system of correctional and pedagogical work carried out with children with disabilities (with mental retardation and intellectual impairment). Fits organically into this system, namely into its aesthetic block. The ability to imitate the actions of an adult is formed gradually, throughout all stages of training, and is one of the main areas of corrective work in music classes.

Inclusive education based on the ideas of inclusion is one of the current areas of activity modern system education. For more than 7 years, this idea has been successfully implemented in practice in musical activity in the Palace of Culture No. 000 "Oblachko". In our kindergarten (building number 1) there are six normal groups, four groups with mental retardation and two groups of children with intellectual disabilities. The purpose of the work of the music director is to create conditions for the inclusion of children with disabilities in the educational system and their socialization, and the formation of a tolerant attitude towards them for all children kindergarten. To implement the idea, the following problems were identified and identified:

The unpreparedness of kindergarten students to interact with children with other physical and mental abilities

Lack of contacts of children with disabilities with peers norm groups

· The distrust of parents who are worried about their children, fearing that their child may be offended by an unkind word, is intrusively considered. This problem exists even now.

The involvement of children with disabilities in children's society is a very painful process associated with bias and misunderstanding even on the part of parents of healthy children. With their incorrect remarks, they cultivate a negative attitude towards children with disabilities in their children. In such a situation, we can talk about the moral and spiritual flaws of our society, because a moral person will never offend another with either a look or a word.


Ø Creating optimal conditions for the successful gradual adaptation of children with disabilities to the children's society with the help of musical activities

Ø Ensuring the correctional and educational process of teaching children with disabilities.


Ø Formirov the development of a tolerant attitude towards children with disabilities in children the norm of groups

Ø Development creativity children with disabilities with the help of children norm groups

Ø Creating an atmosphere of humane friendly attitude towards all pupils, which allows them to grow up sociable, friendly, able to help their neighbor, striving for joint creativity

Ø Maximum use of various different types musical activities, their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process

Ø Creative organization of the musical activity of children, the norm of groups and disabilities

Ø Variable use of musical material, allowing to develop the creative abilities of each child

Ø Respect for the results of joint creativity

Ø Development of communication skills and culture of communication, creation of a positive emotional mood in musical activity

The main stages and forms of work with children with disabilities to solve the identified problems.

Stage 1: years 2008 – 2010

Organization and holding of musical entertainment and holidays together with children norm groups

In the systematic work on the formation of a tolerant attitude towards children with disabilities, an exceptional role is played by inclusive education. There is no doubt that it is joint learning that contributes to the awakening of a sense of compassion, forms in children life values and high morality.

Organization of entertainment is one of the simplest and most accessible forms of musical activity, a huge world positive emotions and joyful experiences. The participants of these events were children of normal groups and children with disabilities (with mental retardation and intellectual impairment). The children of the ZPR were especially successful in joining the game and dance forms, “rooting” not only for their own, but also for other children. But children with intellectual disabilities are grateful listeners and spectators. They watched with pleasure and showed emotional responsiveness, at the end of the entertainment, many of them danced with all the children with great desire. Entertainment was held on the themes "Children's Day", "Day of Humor and Laughter", "Knowledge Day", etc.

The organization and holding of holidays is one of the forms of musical activity, where all types (playing the musical instruments, singing, auditory perception, musical and rhythmic movements) constitute its main content. The joint holidays “New Year”, “Hello Autumn”, “Red Spring”, etc. were very successfully organized. In preparation for the holidays, the need arose for joint musical meetings. Children of the ZPR watched with interest the singing and playing musical instruments of the children of the norm groups and with great desire took part in joint dances: much faster they learned to move like a snake, drive a concentric circle, move in pairs and threes as shown by their peers.

Every year in anticipation international day Tolerance in our kindergarten is a city campaign "Kindly warmed!" within the framework of the city network project "Togliatti - the city of tolerance". It was kindergarten No. 000 "Oblachko" in 2012, at the initiative of the head, that stood at the origins of this movement. The methodologists of the kindergarten developed a plan for the interaction of children from the norm groups with children with disabilities. Children went to each other's houses, held joint classes on productive activities, walks, games. The result of this week was a big musical holiday "We are together", where for the first time the children of the preparatory norm of the group and children with intellectual disabilities interacted. In the course of joint meetings, many pupils made new friends, they helped them, felt responsible for them, sang together, played musical instruments and danced. However, it should be noted that not all children are ready to interact with children with disabilities.

In November 2014, other kindergartens also took part in this movement: MBU No. 000 Raduga, MBU No. 000 Skazochny, MBU No. 000 Solnechny, No. 000 Gvozdichka. In September 2015, secondary school No. 73 joined the project "Tolyatti - the city of tolerance", and the final concert event for all children with disabilities and their parents was held in the small concert hall of the Palace of Children's and Youth Creativity (MOUDOD DDYUT).

Stage 2: years 2010- 2013

Development and implementation of an adaptive educational program of additional education for children with disabilities (with mental retardation) and the norm of groups.

In the kindergarten "Oblachko" there are several services for additional education, including the circle "Noise Orchestra". For the first time this service was offered in 2010. Parents of children with disabilities were very enthusiastic about this information and enrolled almost the whole group in this circle. For more than 5 years, children with disabilities have been studying according to the author's program of the music director

The main idea of ​​the program is a child conductor. One of the main tasks is the education of orchestral thinking, the ability to combine rhythmically and timbrely different groups of children's musical instruments. The credo of our repertoire is the best examples of classical music.

There are two groups of children in the Noise Orchestra circle: the first is the preparatory norm of 10 people, the second is the preparatory ZPR of 9 people. It should be noted that all the tricks of the game are practiced in ordinary music lessons. In the circle, creative work is underway on the repertoire, and the same musical material is taken for all children (for example: a march from the ballet "The Nutcracker", L. Mozart "Sledding"). There are general and joint classes when children interact with each other, so there are no problems with concert performances.

The result of this work is a graduation party, where one of the children (the most active) takes the place of the music director and conducts the orchestra.

The result of this creative work is a very successful performance of all pupils of the Noise Orchestra circle:

· 2012 -2014- Letters of thanks from school No. 69 for participation in concert performances in the charity marathon "Hurry up to do good deeds" of the city action "For life without barriers"

· 2012 - Diploma of the 3rd degree of the competition of instrumental orchestras and folklore ensembles of the city festival of children's creativity for children with special health abilities "Solar Circle"

· 2010-2015- Diplomas of laureates of the regional Christmas festival of children's and youth creativity "Star of Bethlehem" in the nomination "Noise Orchestra"

· 2010-2015- Diplomas of laureates of the regional Christmas festival of children's and youth creativity "Easter Drop" in the nomination "Noise Orchestra"

· 2012- After the performance at the gala concert of the ZPR children with the musical number of I. Strauss "Village Swallows", the hall gave a standing ovation, and the teacher was awarded a diploma "For performing skills" (video attached)

Stage 3: years 2014- 2015

Development and implementation of musical projects, theatrical performances (fairy tales), the formation of a system of work on the socialization of children with disabilities and spiritual and moral relations of kindergarten students

During the implementation of project musical activities, a great interest was noted in children with disabilities (with mental retardation)

The most interesting of them:

· A project using integrated learning "In the world of magical noise sounds" for children of the preparatory group with mental retardation (according to the principles of the Carl Orff program). Here, children played with great interest on crystal wine glasses, cups and saucers, voicing S. Rachmaninov's Polka. They experimented with a sheet of paper, created a noise orchestra, using various techniques in the game (clicks, shaking, etc.), voiced M. Glinka's Polka. In productive activities, they painted patterns in a fantasy style, made homemade tools from halves of walnuts. The presentation included an exhibition of noise instruments and a children's concert.

· The project "Think up your own dance" - created with the aim of developing creative imagination in children with mental retardation and consolidating musical genres.

· Joint theatrical project of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood and in a new way". It was attended by children of the preparatory norm of the group, the preparatory ZPR and a subgroup of children with intellectual disabilities. Parents are happy to be involved in this project. It was they who came up with various additional characters. And the music director determined the roles in accordance with the individual musical abilities of the children.

· Musical fairy tale "Frog - Traveler". In the staging of the fairy tale, children with mental retardation and intellectual disabilities became its full participants, being included in the game episodes of the fairy-tale action.

Stage 4: years 2015- 2016

Job perspective - mapping an individual route


As a result of many years of purposeful work on musical education, it was possible to create certain conditions that:

Contribute to the creation of a musical space for all children, including children with disabilities

Children with disabilities receive high-quality additional education in the Noise Orchestra circle and are awarded numerous diplomas of laureates of city and regional competitions

Many pupils of the kindergarten "Oblachko" demonstrate their tolerant attitude towards children with disabilities

The team of teachers is doing everything possible to destroy the stereotypical perception of the problems of disabled people in the children's society and involves all their pupils in joint public events.

Municipal state preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 7"

"Musical activity as a means of development of children with disabilities"

Prepared by:

music director

Popov S.V.


Preschool age is the most important in human development, as it is filled with significant physiological, psychological and social changes. Preschool childhood plays a decisive role in the formation of personality, determining the course of its development at subsequent stages of a person's life path. Over the past year, the regulatory, legal, economic and administrative conditions for the existence of the system of preschool educational institutions have changed. The educational program of a preschool educational organization is formed as a program of psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization of the development of the personality of children preschool age. In this regard, the entire educational content of the program, including the musical content, becomes the condition and means of this process. In other words, music and children's musical activity is a means and a condition for a child to enter the world of social relations, to discover and present his "I". This is the main guideline for specialists and educators in interpreting the musical content of the program in accordance with the Standard. Currently, the percentage of preschool children with disabilities is increasing, which is manifested in a decrease in muscle tone, imperfection of general and fine motor skills, uncoordinated movements, unformed voice-forming systems. Passion for computer games, unlimited viewing of television programs leads to a decrease in the motor activity of children, problems in communicative communication. A separate category is made up of children with various speech disorders.

The purpose of the educational program of the kindergarten is to create conditions for the social situation of the development of preschoolers, which opens up opportunities for the positive socialization of the child, his comprehensive personal moral and cognitive development, the development of initiative and creative abilities on the basis of activities appropriate for preschool age.(games, visual activity, construction, perception of a fairy tale, etc.) , cooperation with adults and peers in the zone of its proximal development. I work closely with a speech therapist teacher, we came to the conclusion that the more diverse the forms of work with a child of preschool age, the more successfully deviations in his development are overcome.

The purpose of my work is to help children with mental retardation actively enter the world of music, stimulate the development of musical abilities, and form communication skills through the main types of musical activities.

The main task of my correctional and pedagogical work is to create conditions for the comprehensive development of a child with mental retardation in order to enrich his social experience and harmonious inclusion in a team of peers. I will characterize the main directions of the work of musical activity.

Musical education of preschool children with disabilities is carried out in the process of mastering various types of musical activities:

perception of music - a complex sensory process filled with inner experiences. The perception of music is independent view musical activity, as well as a methodical technique that precedes children's performance(singing, moving to music, playing children's musical instruments) .

To listen to music, I use vocal and instrumental works.(software and non-software) , different in subject matter;

children's performance - which involves the visual and activity manifestation of children in singing, moving to music, playing a musical instrument;

musical and educational activity - manifested in the assimilation by children of elementary information about the art of music, its expressive features.

children's musical and creative activity - expressed in elementary manifestations in various types of musical activity.

The musical education of children is carried out by me through various forms musical activity:

A musical lesson is the main form of organization of musical education, training and correction of deviations in the development of children with problems through the means of musical art. It is based on program requirements, drawn up taking into account clinical and psychological, age features such children. The musical abilities of preschoolers with problems are manifested in joint activities with adults.

Artistic and leisure activities are a form of musical activity for preschoolers, including holidays and entertainment. It unites children and adults with a common experience, enables the child to acquire the experience of communication, creates a sense of triumph. The colorful decoration of the room where the celebration is held, music, bright children's costumes, the presence of spectator parents - all this provides a strong, unforgettable experience for a child with developmental problems. Holidays and entertainment are an important means of artistic development, the formation of artistic culture.

Conducting a music lesson is built according to a certain scheme: Listening and singing along; musical game show; funny gymnastics: pestles, nursery rhymes, songs, games, dances.

One of the main points in the musical education of children with various disabilities is individual work. In face-to-face communication, various corrective tasks are performed. For example, in the game “Horse”, “Titmouse”, “Cloud-Serdyuchka”, children develop singing skills that contribute to the development of communication skills.

Exercises are selected taking into account not only physical, but also mental disorders of each child. When performing tasks: “Sing and move like me”, “Building a house”, “Funny hands”, “Musicians”, children develop rhythmic hearing, modal feeling, and a positive emotional mood is formed.

And let these children perform not so clearly and rhythmically, but with their desire they give joy to others and loved ones.

They feel that people need them, they believe that they will succeed, and self-confidence is the inner strength that can overcome any ailments.

The main form is directly musical lessons, which include not only listening to musical works accessible to the perception of children, teaching them elementary singing, movements in musical games and dancing, but also learning to play children's musical instruments, which I pay great attention to in my classes. Why? Yes, because children's music making is one of the most accessible forms of introducing children to the world of music. Playing children's musical instruments contributes to the overall development of mental abilities, mental processes - thinking, memory, attention, auditory perception, development of fine motor skills, motor response, which is very important for children with disabilities. But most importantly, it increases the interest of children in music lessons.

The work is carried out by me in an organized and consistent manner, a variety of methods and techniques are used: showing illustrations, toys, using musical and didactic games, there is a large database of children's musical instruments ..

The systematic use of musical toys and instruments in music lessons arouses children's interest in such activities, expands their musical impressions, and promotes creative activity.

Watching how children play with great pleasure in the classroom with the musical toys offered to them, I decided for myself to teach them to play noise instruments (rattles, maracas, tambourines, whistles, spoons, circular rattles, bells, etc.) - this is the most a numerous subgroup of tools and for the most part the most accessible for mastering by children with disabilities. They do not require any special training and the techniques of the game are simple, and represent such natural movements as swaying, shaking, hitting.

I consider the work of teaching children with disabilities to play noise musical instruments successful, because the children enjoyed the lessons and looked forward to new meetings. The best reward for my work is the shining eyes of children, always waiting for a miracle, their inexhaustible interest in music. I consider my work on the musical education of children with disabilities to be a small part of the whole process, I am glad that my work also makes it possible to make the lives of children more interesting and attractive.

For children with cerebral palsy, playing children's musical instruments is a more accessible direction than, for example, musical and rhythmic development, where children, due to their physical capabilities, are less successful. Playing musical instruments develops fine motor skills of the fingers, promotes the coordination of musical thinking and motor functions, develops imagination, creativity, musical taste. Far from immediately and not all children can move correctly and well to music, sing, explain their impressions of the music they listened to, therefore playing musical instruments accessible to children to some extent compensates for their forced inactivity.When teaching children, I try to create a positive emotional climate in the classroom, which in turn allows you to successfully master practical material. Based on the program tasks and requirements, as well as having studied the experience of other music teachers, I systematized the material on teaching children to play children's musical instruments, selected musical and didactic games for better mastering of playing the instruments.Playing an instrument brings emotional fulfillment to all children. In the classroom, there is an atmosphere of enthusiasm, sometimes even inspiration.

Currently Special attention focuses on the all-round development of children. There are many methods aimed at the full physical and psychological development child. This approach is also relevant for children with special health needs. And the method of art therapy, as a way of self-expression and mental development of a person, occupies a special place among other approaches.

Art therapy is one of the central psychotherapeutic areas, which includes therapeutic, corrective and rehabilitation work. There are several methods in art therapy, the purpose of which is to create a harmonious development of the personality through the formation of the abilities of self-expression and cognition. Art therapy methods include drawing, music, modeling with paper, modeling, wood or stone work, literary creativity, singing, dancing, etc.

In working with children - preschoolers with special health opportunities, art therapy methods are also relevant and widely used by specialists. The method of music therapy is one of the most accessible and effective ways productive interaction with a child with disabilities and his development. The need for musical and rhythmic classes with children, their beneficial effect on the sensory and psycho-emotional state of children is beyond doubt. Movement to music is currently used very widely both as a means of creative and musical development of children, and as a tool for their physical education, as well as a means of correcting and treating existing disorders.

This program is designed for preschoolers with various developmental disabilities, and includes various exercises aimed at developing general motor skills, coordination of movements, the ability to stay in a circle, notice other children in a group, and correct emotional state and overcoming behavioral difficulties.

The program is structured in such a way that playing musical exercises include the development of various areas of a child's development, from simple ones from the beginning of the school year to more complex exercises by the end of the year.



Adapted educational program

additional education for children

Art therapy in work with children with disabilities.

Musical and rhythmic education "

Designed for preschool children with disabilities

Explanatory note

Currently, special attention is paid to the comprehensive development of children. There are many methods aimed at the full physical and psychological development of the child. This approach is also relevant for children with special health needs. And the method of art therapy, as a way of self-expression and mental development of a person, occupies a special place among other approaches.

Art therapy is one of the central psychotherapeutic areas, which includes therapeutic, corrective and rehabilitation work. There are several methods in art therapy, the purpose of which is to create a harmonious development of the personality through the formation of the abilities of self-expression and cognition. Art therapy methods include drawing, music, modeling with paper, modeling, wood or stone work, literary creativity, singing, dancing, etc.

In working with children - preschoolers with special health opportunities, art therapy methods are also relevant and widely used by specialists. The method of music therapy is one of the most accessible and effective ways of productive interaction with a child with disabilities and his development. The need for musical and rhythmic classes with children, their beneficial effect on the sensory and psycho-emotional state of children is beyond doubt. Movement to music is currently used very widely both as a means of creative and musical development of children, and as a tool for their physical education, as well as a means of correcting and treating existing disorders.

This program is designed for preschoolers with various developmental disabilities and includes various exercises aimed at developing general motor skills, coordination of movements, the ability to stay in a circle, notice other children in a group, correct the emotional state and overcome behavioral difficulties.

The program is structured in such a way that playing musical exercises include the development of various areas of a child's development, from simple ones from the beginning of the school year to more complex exercises by the end of the year.

Let us formulate the main targets and goals comprehensive education and development of the child with the use of musical means.

1. Raising interest in musical and rhythmic movements.

2. Development of emotional responsiveness to music, figurative-game movements.

3. Development of auditory perception, musical ear:

Musical sensory abilities (distinguishing dynamics, duration, pitch and timbre of musical sound);

Feelings of rhythm - the ability to express in movement the rhythmic pulsation of a melody;

Auditory attention - the ability to start and end movements in accordance with the beginning and end of music;

The ability to change the tempo (contrasting - fast-slow) and the nature of the movement in accordance with the change in tempo and the nature of the sound.

4. Development of the motor sphere - the formation of basic motor skills and abilities (walking, running, jumping), the development of spring, swing movements, expressive gestures, elements of dance movements ("flashlights", stamping step, etc.); development of expressiveness of movements, the ability to convey in facial expressions and pantomime images of familiar animals and characters (bunnies, bears, birds, etc.).

5. Education of sociability, the ability to get in touch with an adult or a child.

6. Development of elementary skills of spatial orientations: the ability to stand one after another, move in a “flock” behind the leader, in a circle. Forward and backward.

7. Development of the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text of songs and nursery rhymes (formation and development of speech activity, expansion of vocabulary).

The repertoire consists of songs, the texts of which are accompanied by appropriate movements. Reliance on the word is of particular importance for the development of children's speech, as well as for concretizing the movement itself, filling it with meaning. In general, such compositions have a complex effect on the child, contributing to the manifestation of bright positive emotional reactions and activating movement, the desire to sing along, dance along with adults or peers.

Given the ability of children to imitate, their desire to move with adults and, at the same time, the inability of most of these "special" children to act according to verbal instructions, the teacher must perform rhythmic compositions as expressively and clearly as possible, since the quality of children's movement directly depends on this. .

Combining the efforts of parents and teachers in the upbringing and development of children is, perhaps, the red thread that permeates the focus of work on the formation of the personality of a “special” child, as well as improving the emotional relationship between parents and their child.


musical means throughout the year


This period is one of the most difficult for the child, his parents and teachers, since it is at the beginning of the school year that adaptation to the new game environment, the teacher and other children takes place. Hence the main task is the use of game motor exercises as a means of emotional interaction between a child and an adult. During this period, the most necessary is the creation of psychological comfort for the kids. To evoke joyful emotions in a child, interest in fun games, music, to captivate and occupy him is much more important than to teach any movements and skills. However, the teacher pays attention to the development of the following skills:

1. children master walking and running as basic, contrasting types of movements (exercises “This is how we can do it”, “Legs and legs”, etc.) Children perform these exercises as shown by the teacher and move in a circle and in a flock, with the participation of parents .

2. Children learn to transmit the simplest game actions also as shown by the teacher (exercise "Hide and seek", "Bird and dog", "Here the birds flew", etc.)

3. Children learn to rhythmically perform the simplest dance movements, stomping with each foot in turn, “flashlights”, etc. (dance “Ay-da”, “Chok da chok”, “Little Poleka”).

4. In familiar exercises, children sing along with repeating words and onomatopoeia (“knock-knock”, “la-la-la”, “buy-by”, “drip-drip”, etc.)

So, in the autumn period of work with children, the most important thing is to establish contact with the child and his parents. If this task is solved, then subsequent training will move more successfully.


During this period, the development of children in musical activity is more intensive: contact has already been established with some children, the children are already developing a kind of reflex to a musical game session and a “musical adult” who dances and sings, and other teachers participating in the program. Teachers get the opportunity to pay more attention to the quality of movement and at the same time achieve more precise and rhythmic movements.

Tasks are set:

1. Improve walking (some even run).

2. Develop figurative-game movements (bunnies)

3. Develop the ability to convey the rhythm of a melody in playing musical instruments (development of a sense of rhythm and dexterity of movements).

4. To form the ability to perform the simplest dance movements (for some children), for example. Under the "Russian dance".

5. Cause a desire to sing along, perform repeated words with the teacher.

By the end of winter, the movements of children become more confident. The performance of exercises as shown by the teacher is more coherent. Also, a little faster it is possible to involve the child in a circle and a round dance.


In the third quarter, children are offered exercises that include new, more complex movements:

Walking back and forth We learned to walk”;

Straight gallop ("Horse");

Dances in pairs (“Top-clap”, “Boat”, “In a circle”);

A variety of figurative-playing exercises with objects (with handkerchiefs), figurative-playing expressive movements (“Here the birds flew”, “Sparrows and a cat”);

Dances and exercises are carried out in various starting positions and formations (in pairs, in a circle, sitting on the carpet), which allows you to diversify the movements of the arms and legs.

The tasks of musical game education of children are essentially the same, however, the teacher can slightly increase the load in the classroom by offering to perform large quantity exercises in a row (for 1 - 2 compositions).


As a rule, children attend only one month in the summer, so for the rest of the summer, the proposed material can be used by parents (who by this time have already brought up an interest and understanding of the importance of developing a child using musical means).

The repertoire offered for learning this quarter is aimed at improving the skills of basic movements in children (walking, for some children running and jumping), mastering more diverse ways to perform them - walking in pairs (“Let's walk”, jumping in pairs, holding hands “We let's go - let's jump"). Children can already cope with exercises that are rather difficult in terms of coordination: galloping in pairs (“Horse”), swinging back and forth, sitting on a carpet (“Boat”).

The musical game “Rain” and the round dance “Given Summer” activate the creative manifestations of children.

By the end of the year, some children are already actively singing along with an adult, memorizing words and phrases from songs, sometimes performing them on their own (according to their parents).

A striking indicator of the success of musical development is the emotional behavior of children, their desire to practice together, the ability to focus on the exercise, without being distracted, performing movements as shown by an adult.

By the end of the year, some children try to perform some elements of movements or dances learned in the classroom on their own.

Finally It can be said that group joint musical game sessions of children with their parents instill in them the desire to communicate with other children, form the ability to interact with each other. At such game sessions, it is easier for children to learn the rules of behavior in a group (the ability to say hello and goodbye, to participate in joint games and exercises).