Consultation on speech therapy (senior group) on the topic: experimentation as a means of developing the cognitive activity of older preschool children in the work of a speech therapist. Experiments and experiments on the development of speech on the topic: experimental research

Little explorer ... How to educate him? How to help a child learn not only to perceive the world around him in all its diversity, but also to understand patterns and connections? We get answers to these questions when organizing an experimental, research activities preschoolers with special educational needs.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

« Kindergartenс№8 "Ogonyok" of the city of Poronaysk "



Prepared by O. N. Beldy, speech therapist

December 2015

One of the fundamental principles of the FSES of preschool education is the formation of the cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in different types activities.

It is through cognition that the development of children in preschool age is carried out. "Cognition is a category that describes the process of obtaining any knowledge by repeating ideal plans of activity and communication, creating sign-symbolic systems that mediate the interaction of a person with the world and other people."

Development cognitive function speech is closely connected with the mental education of the child, with the development of his mental activity. To convey information, new knowledge and information, the word must first reveal the image of each object, its properties, qualities. Speech thinking is carried out on the basis of verbal meanings, concepts and logical operations. The formation of the subject relatedness of a word-name - occurs simultaneously with the formation of the meanings of words and systems of meanings. LS Vygotsky called this connection "the unity of thinking and speech." The concept arises in the course of an intelligent operation.

It is known that preschoolers with general underdevelopment speech affects all aspects of speech, as well as higher mental functions: memory, attention, thinking. This is confirmed by the data of the speech therapy examination of the children of the senior group of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 8" Ogonyok "of the city of Poronaysk. Children have decreased verbal memory, low memorization productivity. They forget the sequence of tasks complex instructions, lag behind in the development of verbal-logical thinking. It is difficult for children to find the right words, to construct a phrase correctly. Correctly understanding the logical interconnection of events, the child is limited to only listing them. In active speech, children most often use simple sentences or in separate words. The inability to designate causal relationships in words leads to the fact that they cannot compose a logical story, fully and fully answer the question. There is a lack of clarity and consistency in the presentation. Most often, children are limited to listing objects or their individual parts. As an example, we cite a story composed by a 5-year-old child: “A car. Steering wheel. Twist. Wheels. You have to go ”.

Difficulty mastering children conceptual thinking, and accordingly, the assimilation of new words, inhibit the development of coherent speech. Therefore, the question arose in the search for new forms of work to develop this function in older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment. As an activating agent, we use cognitive-research activity, since the development of speech and cognition are closely related, and cognitive development a child, the development of his conceptual thinking is impossible without the assimilation of new words that express the concepts assimilated by the child, new knowledge and ideas that he reinforces.

The purpose of the cognitive research activity of preschoolers: the development of cognitive interests, needs and the ability of independent search activity on the basis of an enriched and formed emotional and sensory experience. The Chinese proverb “Tell me - and I will forget, show me - and I will remember, let me do - and I will understand” reflects the tasks:

To form the ability to see the diversity of the world in a system of interconnections;

Develop observation, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, develop cognitive interest in the process of research activities, establish a causal relationship, the ability to draw conclusions;

Develop speech.

Correctional educational work is based on the integration of methods of cognition, which makes it possible to develop in unity the cognitive, emotional and practical spheres of the child's personality.

The lexical principle of construction directly educational activities plays an important role in cognition. We actively use such forms of work as themed days and weeks, thematic classes ("Miracle - button", "Our flowering plants"," Peaceful professions are needed in the Army ").

Depending on the specific educational situation, we also use classes with the simplest experiments: "Where did the wind come from?" (combined with the development of correct speech breathing), "Travel of the Droplet", etc. They deepen children's ideas about objects, phenomena, events, enrich them vocabulary, teach to reason, draw conclusions, act independently, interact with a partner, a group, negotiate, listen and hear, express a common opinion. Example: the thematic lesson "Time for business, for fun - an hour" forms children's ideas about such an abstract concept as time, in particular about a minute. Children experimentally test how long time lasts and determine whether it flows long or fast. To do this, they are consistently offered games 1) "Keep quiet." While the sand is poured into hourglass, the speech therapist suggests to just sit and be silent.

2) The game "Who is faster?" (practical acquaintance with one minute)

(Each child has beads and laces.)

Speech therapist: On a signal, you need to string as many beads as possible on a string. The game will end as soon as the sand is poured down. (Children string beads on laces, then - beads counting). As a result, the children came to the conclusion that the same length of time can last differently depending on the type of activity.

The children subsequently expressed their ideas about time in a small collective story "Bored day until evening, if there is nothing to do." Here is the content: Once Petya and Vanya went fishing. Petya threw a fishing rod into the river and waited, and Vanya decided to catch butterflies. Soon Vanya became bored of chasing butterflies alone and he began to call Petya. But Petya has no time - he catches fish. Vanya did not catch a butterfly, and Petya had a full bucket of fish.

To activate and develop coherent speech, we use transformation games: "Living - non-living", "Wonderful bag", "Yes - no", "Guess the object", "What comes first, what then", "What is superfluous", etc.

Transformation processes underlie the actions that we perform without even thinking. By pressing the switch, we will turn the darkness into light, by washing our hands with soap, from the dirty we will make them clean, etc. Observing such processes and mastering the appropriate actions, the child learns to make transformations in the most different situations... However, the development of transformative abilities in children occurs spontaneously and does not always reach high level... Despite the obviousness of transformations in the surrounding world, the child does not always "grasp" the very moment of transition, transformation, therefore, for example, different aggregate states one and the same substance may appear to him as completely different objects.

The most difficult type of speech is reasoning, because it is closely related to dialogical communication and argumentation, i.e. the child must know what he is talking about. This is facilitated by tasks such as:

- “Finish the sentence” (Petya did not go for a walk, because ...) Then the children come up with: because it's cold outside, because he got sick, etc.

- "Question-provocation": - Why does it snow in winter and not rain? How are butterflies different from birds?

The child, expressing his thought, proving the correctness or incorrectness of his assumption (based on experience, from past experience), learns to reason, to generalize the general opinion.

The most interesting is the assimilation of concepts that can be checked, touched, measured. For example, my children and I experimentally check the smoothness or roughness of the leaves. indoor plants and learn to define them. "Geranium has a velvety leaf, while cyclamen has a smooth leaf," "the skin is smooth, and the fur is fluffy," etc.

In the course of small experiments, children have the opportunity to proactively express themselves, share their experiences. We researched the temperature of the water, and children came up with many definitions for it: lukewarm, lukewarm, cool, pleasant, refreshing, cold, liquid, shiny. At the same time, the teacher's activity is to give an opportunity to explore, to choose a mode of action.

In conclusion, we want to say that the world of physical phenomena that surrounds the child provides tremendous opportunities for the systematic development of transformative abilities as a component of general mental abilities. Speech development and research activities are closely related. Preschoolers in the process of experimenting learn to set a goal, solve problems and test them empirically, draw conclusions, simple inferences. They experience joy, surprise and even delight from their small and large "discoveries", which cause children a sense of satisfaction from the work done.

The effectiveness of our work in this direction is confirmed by the data of the final study of coherent speech. Evaluating the implementation of the proposed methodology "Sequential pictures", we noted that the children had improved indicators in the lexical and grammatical design of the utterance with adequate use of lexical means. To a lesser extent, there is a stereotyped grammatical design and a violation of the word order. The grammatical structures used by children in the form of complex, common sentences.

Thus, the use of cognitive research activity as a means of correcting coherent speech can significantly improve the quality of speech in children with speech disorders.


1. Vygotsky L.S. "Thinking and Speech" Ed. 5, rev. - Publishing house "Labyrinth", M., 1999. - 352 p.

2. Veraksa N.Ye., Galimov O.R. Cognitive research activities of preschoolers. For work with children 4-7 years old. M .: Mosaic-Synthesis. 2012-78s.

3. Kasavin I.T. New Encyclopedia of Philosophy: in 4 vols. M: Thought. Edited by V.S. Stepin. 2001

4. Levchenko I.Yu., Kiseleva N.A. Psychological study of children with developmental disorders. - M .: Ed. "Bibliophile". 2007-152 p.

5. Troshin O. V., Zhulina E. V. Logopsychology: Textbook.-M .: TC Sphere. 2005-256s.

Vlasenkova V.I. teacher speech therapist.

Software content:

1. To acquaint children with the sound “B”, to consolidate the articulatory structure of the sound. Continue to learn to select a given sound from syllables, words , independently invent words with a given sound.

Learn to come up with words-signs for a given word-subject

2. To develop attention, thinking, quick-wittedness when guessing riddles and finding a way out of a problem situation in a story. Teach children, based on the results of the experiment, to draw conclusions and correct their actions.

3. To consolidate children's knowledge of the basics of the safety of life (rules of conduct in everyday life): to be able to assess the safety of invented games.

Preliminary work.

  1. Conversations about the rules of conduct in everyday life.
  2. Reading the story of G. Yudin “How the Mouse was naughty”.



  1. envelopes with cut pictures;
  2. plastic cups and pasta for the experiment;
  3. stripes - words made of metallized paper;

Demo material:

  1. picture and toy Mouse Mouse;
  2. book-piggy bank for invented words;
  3. adapted from G. Yudin's story “Diver Mouse”;
  4. video-cartoon from the official website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations “Spasik and His Friends” (rules of conduct in everyday life);
  5. Pictures depicting divers;
  6. 6. Valerian tincture.

    The course of the lesson.

    Organizational moment.

    The speech therapist invites the children to meet the guests present at the lesson and smile at them.

    Emotional charging: To make it even brighter and more comfortable in the office, the speech therapist suggests collecting children's smiles into one big bouquet and toss up

    Guys, another interesting guest should come to our lesson, but, unfortunately, he is a little late. He asked you to fold the cut picture and then you can recognize him.

    (children put together a cut picture - a mouse)

    Main part.

    A toy mouse MUSHA appears, meets the children and invites the children to play, because he is a real inventor and loves funny games very much.

    1 Riddles of a mouse Mouse:

    a) To rain from the sky,

    So that ears of bread grow

    To sail the ships

    To cook jelly,

    So that there is no trouble-

    We cannot live without …….(water)

    b) I entered the green house

    And stayed in it all evening.

    Turned out to be this house

    Quickly in another city. (railway carriage)

    c) A warm wave splashes

    To the banks of cast iron.

    Guess, remember

    What is the sea in the room? (bath)

    2. Isolation of the sound "B" from the answers.

    3. Showing and explaining the articulation of the “B” sound.

    Display of the signal picture to the sound “B”. Uttering the sound quietly, loudly, on tables, in rows, individually - on the instructions of a speech therapist.

    4. Bringing in a book-piggy bank for words (as they come up with words, children and guests put them in a piggy bank)

    5. Play "Clap your hands" when you hear the sound "B"

    Among other sounds;

    Highlighting sound in syllables;

    Highlighting sound in words (we put the words-strips in the piggy bank)

  7. Exercise for attention:

"How many fingers have we bent?"

Instructions : bend our fingers if we hear the sound "B"

Birds flew: crow, sparrow, tit, dove, peacock, seagull.

(words to the piggy bank)


Mouse: As children of railway workers, you know the word that begins with the sound "B"

Here and there, head turns

Here and there right and left

There is noise and din on the platform. clap hands

Here is a dial tone calling we put our fists to our lips,

as if we are playing the trumpet

The train will leave soon. move with bent elbows,

depicting the wheels of a steam locomotive

8. Reading the story of G. Yudin "The Mouse-Diver"

Speech therapist: Mouse, do you know what games are? Our guys will tell you:







-dangerous !!!

Let's read to the guys G. Yudin's story about how you, a mischievous person, played one dangerous game

Diver mouse.

As soon as mom and dad left, Mouse Mouse decided it was time to become a diver. (Remember who a diver is, look at the picture).

He poured full bath water, tied an iron to his belt so as not to float, plugged his nostrils and ears, and took a long pasta to breathe through it

(Experiment with pasta)

The speech therapist teacher invites the children to put pasta in a glass of water, and then continues reading the story.

Note: To avoid distracting children, the cup is placed in the cupboard.

Mouse took a deep breath and dived. Putting the pasta out of the water, Mouse walked freely along the bottom of the bath, admiring his invention.

Questions for children: What do you think happened to the pasta?

A glass of pasta soaked with water is removed from the cabinet (so that the experiment does not depend on time - this glass is prepared in advance)

“Well, it's time to float” - the mouse finally decided and tried to push off from the bottom, but the iron was so heavy that it was not possible to float. He tried to untie it, but the rope swelled and did not untie (Recall how difficult it is to untie wet laces or ties at a hat).

What to do? - the diver thought in despair.

Questions for children: How to find a way out of a difficult, problematic situation? - guys suggest different variants solutions to this problem.

Suddenly Mouse saw a cork in the bottom of the bathtub. Somehow Mouse pulled it out and the water rushed out of the bath with a noise, picking up the poor diver in a whirlpool and instantly sucking him into the hole.

This is how Mouse sat until the evening, until mom and dad came and scooped all the water out of the bathroom with buckets. They took out the diver, dried him, and then sat in the kitchen and drank valerian instead of tea. Like this!

(invite the guys to smell how strong this medicine smells)

9. After a short conversation about dangerous games, invite the guests, together with the children, to remember what words for the sound "B" they remembered in this story and also put these words in the piggy bank.

10. Speech therapist's story about a special portal created by the Ministry of Emergencies for children on the Internet, which is called SPAS - EXTREME.

Watching the video cartoon "Spasik and his friends" (rules of conduct in everyday life). - 4 minutes

11. Repetition and consolidation of the rules for organizing home games Conversation about dangerous games: with water, with fire, near roads, on railway tracks,

The result of the lesson.

Surprising moment. (The mouse treats the guys with sweets, which have turned from the drawn ones into the real ones).

All children are curious. With great surprise and joy they discover everything interesting and unknown. The child's need for new impressions pushes him to search, to cognize the world around him. It is very important to direct this need for knowledge of the world in the right direction and support the child's desire to experiment. The more diverse and intense the search activity, the more new and useful information children get, the faster and more fully they develop. By the older preschool age, the possibilities of children increase noticeably. This period is most important for the development of cognitive, research and search activities, since it is at this age that children can independently draw conclusions and find a solution. The development of the child's personality occurs not only in the process of mastering skills, knowledge and abilities, but also in the independent search for knowledge and the acquisition of skills.

To develop sociability in children, the ability to navigate in the environment, to solve emerging problems, to be independent, creative personalities is the task that he sets himself preschool education... Child development goes through:

  • development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation;
  • the formation of cognitive actions;
  • the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world;
  • about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, time, space, etc.);
  • O small homeland and Fatherland, traditions and holidays;
  • about the planet Earth as a common home of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

In his work, the teacher needs to take into account the psychological and age characteristics of preschoolers. The child learns everything firmly and for a long time, when he hears, sees and does everything himself. Observing everyone, the educator can and should create conditions for independent experimentation and search activities in the group.

By implementing the “Childhood” program and the “Preparing children with OHP in kindergarten for school” program edited by N.F. Chirkina and T. B. Filicheva, created a long-term plan for experimentation and equipped a center where children can engage in search activities.

The plan reflects the specifics of the compensating group for children with severe speech impairments. For example, in the fall we introduced children to the properties of air, conducted educational games with fruits and vegetables: “Fruits: how can you eat them?”, “Know the taste and smell”, “Fruits and vegetables as cosmetics”, Fruit ”,“ Leaf Prints ”, etc.

In the winter months, you can offer children and their parents games and experiences with water: “Three states of water”, “Colorful icicles”, “Does the mitten warm”, “Different snowflakes”, “Feed the birds”, “Snow depth”, “Prints on snow ”, etc.

For spring, we selected the following: “The sun is an artist”, “Sowing seedlings”, “The dependence of the life of plants on the sun”, “Where the snow melts faster”, “Where is the longest icicle?”, “How do the plants wake up”, “Where does the water disappear” so that children themselves can draw conclusions about how important sunlight and warmth, water are for all living things. There is no life on earth without light, water and heat.

In the summer months, children and parents were invited to visit the countryside, by the river, on the beach, play with sand and water, watch sun bunnies, insects, shadows, so that the children get to know the world of living and non-living nature better, made some conclusions, found answers to questions posed by themselves. And then make drawings, photographs, albums for viewing with other children in the kindergarten.

In the preparatory group for school, we have complicated and expanded the search activity using a microscope, magnifiers, mirrors and other equipment. We expanded and deepened our knowledge about vegetables and fruits (useful properties and vitamins), prepared vinaigrette and fruit salad on our own and treated them to parents. Conducted research: “What is in the soil”, “Moldy bread”, “Big and small” (determining the size of the pupil depending on the lighting), “Properties of paper and cardboard”, “Water filtration”, “Light beam”, “How not get burned ”,“ Candle in a jar ”,“ Rainbow on the wall ”,“ Magnet draws ”and many more different experiments that will help children make small discoveries and find the cause of some facts, find out cause-and-effect relationships.

As practice shows, the results of the experiments need to be sketched in an album or notebook so that the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities are even more firmly deposited in the memory of children.

Here's an example practical experience: in the older group, we conducted experiments with water - we froze it, dyed it, asked the children why does the water freeze in the freezer and outside, and where faster? Why does steam rise from the water outside in frosty weather? Why can water be painted in any color and frozen in any shape? The children experimented and answered the questions: it is warm in the group and therefore the water is warm, and steam comes from it outside. The water became as cold as the air and froze. And then we checked the speed of ice melting - on the windowsill and on the radiator. The children made an independent conclusion that the ice melts faster on the battery, because she's hot.

In the preparatory group for school, similar experiments are carried out on freezing ice from juice, yogurt, butter and vegetable oil. Which solidifies faster: water or vegetable oil, and why? What came out of the frozen juice? Is the frozen one cut with a knife butter? Children make small discoveries. The frozen juice makes a delicious frozen lollipop. Vegetable oil freezes only in the most severe frost, and in the freezer it is not cold enough. The vegetable oil changes color and turns white. The frozen butter is not cut, but crumbles and is not spread on bread. And the melted yogurt became not tasty and grainy.

Pledges successful work experimentation should be:

  • an appropriate developmental environment, including the presence necessary materials for conducting experiments;
  • Availability long-term plan taking into account the age-related psychological and physiological data of the child;
  • the presence of a calm, friendly atmosphere in the group and at home;
  • personal interest in the end result of all adults - teachers and parents, because they are role models and children imitate them.

It is important that experiments, experiments, observations awaken curiosity in children, develop an interest in living and non-living nature, form good feelings, help the knowledge gained to be applied and used in their lives.

Municipal state-owned preschool educational institution of the city of Novosibirsk "Kindergarten No. 381 of the combined type"



(from work experience)

Speech therapists

MKDOU d / s No. 381


N.G. Leonova



For the successful implementation of the new Federal state standards, we must ensure the versatile development of the child, taking into account his age and individual characteristics... And in order to achieve these goals, it is important to develop the ability to speak beautifully and correctly.

To master the phonetic side of the language, you need to be able to listen well, hear and distinguish between correct and incorrect pronunciation of sounds in someone else's and your own speech, as well as control your own pronunciation.

The developed phonemic hearing of a child is a prerequisite for successful literacy learning. Distinguishing the sounds of speech -phonemic hearing - is the basis for understanding the meaning of what was said.

The development of phonemic hearing begins from the very first stages speech therapy work and is part of corrective influence on the frontal, subgroup and individual form of direct educational activities.

In speech therapy and neuropsychology, special exercises have been developed and successfully applied in practice for the formation of non-speech sound discrimination. Distinguishing non-speech sounds by ear is the foundation and basis for the development of phonemic hearing. It is important to take these exercises seriously, give them as much time and attention as you need, and at the same time do not forget that the activities should be attractive and interesting for the child.

Play experiments for the development of phonemic hearing

"Where is the ringing?"

Determine the direction of the sound. This game requires a bell or other sounding object (whistle, tambourine). The child closes his eyes, you stand aside from him and quietly call (rattle, rustle). The child should turn to the place from where the sound is heard, and with his eyes closed, show the direction with his hand, then open his eyes and check himself. You can answer the question: where does it ring? - left, front, top, right, bottom. A more difficult and fun option is "blind man's buff". The child as the driver.

"Ears - hearing"

An adult shows wooden, metal spoons, crystal glasses. Children call these items. It is suggested to listen to how these objects sound. Having installed the screen, the adult reproduces the sound of these objects in turn. Children recognize sounds and name the objects that make them.

"Noisy boxes"

You need to take two sets of small boxes - for yourself and the child, fill them various materials that make different sounds when shaken. You can put sand, cereals, peas in the boxes, put buttons, paper clips, paper balls, buttons, etc. You take a box from your set, shake it, the child, closing his eyes, listens carefully to the sound. Then he takes his boxes and looks for a similar sounding among them. The game continues until all pairs are found. This game has many options: an adult shakes several boxes one after another, the child remembers and repeats a given sequence different sounds... Remember to switch roles and be sure to make mistakes sometimes.

"Listen, try how it sounds"

Explore the sonic nature of any objects and materials at hand. Change the volume, the tempo of the sound. You can knock, stomp, throw, pour, tear, clap.

« Guess what sounded "

Analyze household noises with the child - the creak of a door, the sound of footsteps, a phone call, a whistle, the ticking of a clock, the noise of pouring and boiling water, the sound of a spoon against a glass, rustling of pages, etc. The child must learn to recognize their sound with open and closed eyes, gradually it is necessary to teach him to keep the "voices" of all objects in his memory, bringing their number from 1-2 to 7-10.

"What sounds like"

Do with baby magic wand, tap with a stick on any objects in the house. Let all the objects in your home sound. Listen to these sounds, let the child remember what sounds like and find sounding objects at your request: "tell, show, check what sounded", "what sounded first, and what then." Give a stick to the child, let him "sound" everything that comes to his hand, now it is your turn to guess and make mistakes. Don't forget to take your wand with you for your walk.

A more difficult option is to recognize sounds without relying on sight. The child answers the questions: “What subject did I knock on? And now? What sounds similar? Where have we heard similar sounds? "

"Pick up a picture or a toy"

You knock (rustle, thunder, trumpet, ring, play the piano), and the child guesses what you did, what sounded and selects the appropriate picture, toy.

« Fork"

Invite your child to pronounce any poetic text by syllables and at the same time tap out its rhythm according to the rules: syllables are tapped out (each syllable - one beat), on each word, including prepositions, the hand or leg changes.


An important section of speech therapy work is the development of breathing and the correction of its disturbances. Correction of breathing disorders begins with general breathing exercises, the purpose of which is to increase the volume, strength and depth of inhaled and exhaled air and normalize the breathing rhythm.

The development of breathing is carried out in various positions of the child: lying on his back, sitting, standing. All exercises are performed by the speech therapist together with the child. When carrying out breathing exercises, the child must not be overworked. It is necessary to ensure that he does not strain his neck, shoulders, and does not take the wrong posture. It is necessary to monitor the smoothness and rhythm of respiratory movements. Breathing exercises should be carried out before meals, in a well-ventilated area.

To work on mastering voluntary breathing (the ability to voluntarily change the rhythm, hold an inhalation and lengthen an exhalation), a long training is required, based on involuntary respiratory movements. These exercises are necessary training for further work on the formulation and development of speech breathing. With the development of speech breathing, the speech therapist conducts work aimed at differentiating nasal and oral inhalation and exhalation. It is necessary to make an oral exhalation as much as possiblearbitrary, long-term, rhythmic .

During breathing exercises, the child's attention should be focused on the sensations of movements of the diaphragm, intercostal muscles, the duration of voluntary inhalation and exhalation. To this end, it is effective to conduct some breathing exercises in the form of experiments. In this case, we invite the child to observe and compare the result when performing exercises with varying strength exhalation. This is especially important when working on eliminationlateral sigmatism ... In order to form a directed air stream, it is necessary to show the child that exhaled air can come out of the mouth in different directions: forward, sideways, or even into the cheeks. To do this, we propose to experiment, "catch" an air stream in various game breathing exercises with items.


You need to take two plastic transparent cups. In one we pour a lot of water, almost to the brim, and in the other - a little. The child is encouraged to play "boules" with the help of cocktail tubes. The task of the child is to play "Bul-Bulki" so as not to spill water. Trying to blow into the cups in different ways, the child concludes - into a glass where a lot of water needs to be blown weakly through the tube, and into a glass where there is little water - you need to blow hard. At the same time, we observe what happens if we blow strongly into a glass with a lot of water. Be sure to draw the child's attention to the words:weak, strong, many, few .

Three candles

You will need large multi-colored candles for the game. It is necessary to put three candles on the table in front of the child. different colors at different distances from him and ask him to blow them out in turn: near, middle and far. You need to blow slowly, inhalation should not be noisy, you should not puff out your cheeks. In the course of the game, we observe and conclude that in order to blow out the near candle, it is enough to blow weakly, to blow out the far one, it is necessary to blow as hard as possible.


The child is invited to drive a cotton ball into the gate. To do this, you need to stretch your lips with a "tube" and blow on a cotton ball, trying to drive it into the "gate" from a toy building material... In this case, the gate is placed at different distances from the child. Performing this exercise, the child concludes that necessary strength and the direction of exhalation.A variant of the game is to drive the car into the garage.


The child is invited to show a trick: put a piece of cotton on the tip of the nose, smile, open your mouth, blow forcefully on the tongue, trying to blow the cotton off the nose. Performing this exercise in different ways, we conclude: in order to blow the fleece up, you need to bend your tongue up and blow harder. And in order to keep the fleece at the top longer - the exhalation should be not only strong, but also long.

Catch the air blast

The child is asked to blow on a small turntable, which will spin only if exhaled air gets on it. In order to "catch" the air stream, the child blows and at the same time slowly moves the turntable left and right. Where the turntable spins and air comes out. This exercise is useful for lateral sigmatism.

Two turntables

To play you will need two turntables - one with small blades, the other with large blades. A child blows on the blades of a spinning toy and observes: in order to spin the blades of a small turntable, you can blow weakly, and to spin around a large turntable, you need to blow harder. Similarly, it is suggested to blow on a turntable with one flower and on a turntable with several flowers: in order for all the flowers to spin, you need to blow much harder.

We warm our hands

In this exercise, you will learn how to compare the exhaled air stream. To do this, the child is invited to control the exhalation with his palms - blow on his palms. We use the same exercise when setting whistling and hissing sounds. The child controls the correctness of his pronunciation with his palm. If the "breeze" is cold, "winter", then the sound [s] is pronounced correctly. When pronouncing the sound [w], the "breeze" is warm, "summer", palms get warm.

Sources of information:

A project is a way of organizing joint activities of an adult and a child to achieve common goal... The founder of the projects, American educator William Kilpatrick, presented the educational process at school as a series of experiences. The knowledge gained in the course of one experience developed and enriched subsequent experience. Design is understood as the ideal comprehension and practical implementation of what should be. The didactic meaning of project activity is that it helps to connect learning with life, forms research skills, develops cognitive activity, independence, creativity, the ability to plan, and work in a team. These qualities contribute to the successful teaching of children in school. It was on this basis that I decided to try to do a little research work with the children.

Correctional classes at the speech center comprehensive school attended by first-graders with pronunciation disorders. The goal of a speech therapist is to prepare the child's articulatory apparatus for pronouncing sounds that are difficult for him with the help of special articulation exercises, put (evoke) a sound, fix it in the student's independent speech. At the first stage of work, it is necessary to form a "physiological image" of the sound.

Without an understanding of where and how the organs of articulation (lips, teeth, tongue) are located when pronouncing a sound, it is impossible to reproduce the necessary articulatory poses, and, therefore, sound production becomes more complicated. Part of the "physiological image" of the sound can be explained through exercise articulatory gymnastics when, using game plots and subject pictures, speech therapists develop the mobility of the language, its switchability, accuracy and sequence of movements. But not all children immediately perform the exercises correctly and reproduce the desired articulation pattern.

This is due to a number of reasons, for example, the absence of front incisors in first graders does not provide support for the tongue when pronouncing some sounds. In this regard, I decided to do a little research with the children. And since at the beginning of the school year the most junior schoolchildren cannot do it on their own, let alone draw up the results, attracted parents. Most of the first-graders - speech pathologists have impaired pronunciation of the sound [R], which is why the topic of our research work so it sounds "How to pronounce the sound [R] correctly".

The purpose of the project: understanding by a child - a logopathist of the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sound [R].


Find out which organs are involved in education human speech,
-determine which of them take part in the pronunciation of the sound [R],
- to reveal the peculiarities of the position of the organs of articulation during the pronunciation of the sound [R]

Project type:

research, short-term, individual


The project is being implemented within the framework of the Program of Correctional and Speech Therapy Work with Children with Speech Disorders

Project participants: 1st grade students
Age of participants: 6-7 years old

Terms of implementation: October 2012-13 academic year

Expected Result: deliberate adoption of the correct articulation pattern when pronouncing the sound R.
Estimated criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the project: creation of a booklet that can be used by other children with speech impairments.