Glass pot for orchid phalaenopsis. Pots from plastic bottles. Possible difficulties growing

Falenopsis orchids are not in vain called "air daughters", their root system participates in photosynthesis and needs oxygen, like all living things. The cultivation of phalaenopsis in a glass pot refers to extreme methods, but this method still has the right to exist. Consider what boards for landing love orchids, and how they behave in closed systems.

What is better to grow phalaenopsis

To understand what pots are suitable orchids of phalaenopsis, it is necessary to understand the features of the root system of these plants. The roots of the epiphytes are actively involved in the process of photosynthesis and do not tolerate excessive moisture. In addition, the phalaenopsis need good aeration and the roots themselves inside the tank. Therefore, these hybrids are grown, transported and sold in plastic transparent capacities equipped with a plurality of holes at the bottom.

The most popular question from novice oscillations is the topic, how to choose a plant for landing or plants. For homemade cultivation Phalenopsis pot must comply with all certain requirements, namely:

  • be made of soft plastic;
  • have down holes for good moisture outflow;
  • the volume must correspond to the volume of the root system.

Most novice flower flowers are difficult to choose a pot for orchid, because the range is quite wide, opinions and reviews are very much, and considering that phalaenopsis adapt sufficiently to new conditions long enough, I want to guess with the purchase.

The system of "crown" - good or bad?

In addition to those mentioned plastic Gorshkov, There are also glass structures designed specifically for this species. They are called "crown" and advertised as universal and most top Pots For orchids, phalaenopsis, however, cause a lot of disputes from experienced flower flowers.

They are quite difficult to maintain the moisture content of the substrate, especially in winter time of the year, when the air is dry and warm in most apartments. Accordingly, the root system dries very much, and with the next irrigation, the roots begin to refine.

Another unpleasant moment associated with this type of pots is injured roots. Through the wide opening of the growing roots, it is cooled out, and during transplanting them is quite difficult not to break.

But this system can be perfectly used in the role of decorative kashpo for orchids, in which Phalaenopsis can be placed in the usual plastic pot. The light will be perfectly passing through the openings of the "crown", while the pot itself will not be visible, and the design will well fit into the interior.

Opaque containers

Also in the range of orchid containers there are colored containers. This suggests, is it possible to plant a Palaenopsis orchid in an opaque pot? Such a "place of residence" is better suitable for the varieties of dendrobium or cymbidium, their root system does not need lighting. But there is also a fairly wide range of non-ferrous translucent glass and plastic pots - they will ensure the lighting for the roots of phalaenopsis and will look beautifully.

If you are not so long with the breeding orchids and are not sure which pot is needed by your blooming favorite, stop the choice on the usual plastic pot. With low temperatures and big humidity, you can always make holes in them, as well as the root system will be in sight.

Quite often, the pot for orchids is confused with plastic or glass porridge. Similar containers are not intended for orchids!

This method of growing epiphytes is called a "closed system" or ZS. It requires certain conditions, as well as a number of skills at the owner of the Orchid.

Phalaenopsis in glass

As we said, Kashpo for Phalaenopsis is not suitable as a permanent residence. Despite the challenged appearance ordinary plastic pots, they are better decision For both beginners and experienced flower flowers. However, it is worth noting that phalaenopsis for many years of selection has learned to adapt to various conditions, what is he doing possible cultivation They are in a glass porridge for orchid or in a beautiful vase.

What needs to be taken into account when transplanting to a glass pot:

  1. In such a pot will accumulate moisture, so you will need to adapt to the proper water.
  2. It is necessary to remember that orchid in glass vase needs to good drainage, Therefore, at the bottom of the vase, it is necessary to pour the grazit of the middle faction, and the bark picks up a larger one.
  3. Adapt the plant to such a pot must be gradually, watering to do moderate along the edge of the tank.
  4. This method is not suitable for newcomers!
Tip! Replanting phalaenopsis into a glass closed system, put a piece of foam from the bottom of the neck. This will protect the plant from the conjunction and rotting the growth point.

By making decisions to grow epiphyts in closed systems, your conditions in the apartment or house should be taken into account. So, for example, mini-phalaenopsis more need moisturizes, rather than midi and standard plants, but the cold is poorly tolerated. If the room is high humidity, cool, and the mini lives in a glass pot, the likelihood of reinforcing roots is very high.


No less popular today are ceramic containers for Falenopsis orchids. They are with holes for draining liquid, and without them. Such pots are good because the ceramics keeps the temperature well, preventing the rooting of the root system and its further rotation.

But for the sake of fairness it is worth noting that with the time the roots are embrying to the walls of such pots, which greatly hurts them during transplantation. Therefore, the best solution will be placed in plastic containers flowers in ceramic porridge.

Cultivation of orchids in homemade pots

Orchid lovers - people are pretty ingenious and instead of boring plastic pots often use homemade tanks. As a rule, these are plastic containers from yogurt, mayonnaise and other food products. With the help of sharp scissors or drills in them, holes and pots for phalaenopsis are drilled!

Another material used for planting epiphytes is pine baskets. Despite the fact that they are more suitable to Vandam and Coriatenes, phalaenopsis, too, can be planted in such pots. They look quite decorative, and instead of the substrate you can use a pine block and moss sphagnum.

To make such a container, it is necessary to make a little effort:

  1. Single lumps are peeling out of pine, polished and fastened by any available way.
  2. The bottom of the basket is stacked by a pine unit with a plating fortified on it.
It is important to remember that this method The cultivation of phalaenopsis requires frequent moisture and adaptation of the plant. It is not recommended to use it in inexperienced flowers.

As a result

So that the orchdieka was healthy and pleased its owners of lush and long blossom, it is necessary to create its optimal conditions:

  1. Phalaenopsis love the combination of heat and high humidityBut getting only one thing - may be sick.
  2. The root system participates in photosynthesis, so plants need transparent pots for good growth.
  3. Inside the substrate should be a good air circulation.
  4. Growing in glass, ceramics and other non-traditional capacities is suitable only for experienced flower flowers.

What are your orchidi grow in?

We transplant orchid to a new glass pot, tips experienced.

To begin with, I propose to get acquainted with general information in transplant. As you understand, if the pot becomes little for your flower, it's time to transplant. The transplant is also needed if any problems and damage in the root system. Well, someone just wants to change the old vessel on a new, more beautiful and suitable for interior design in the house. What by the way and concerns fans of glass / transparent plastic containers.

In the case of a transplant - the main fault is not the process at all, but the result. In order not to mislead the heading of the article, I will certainly silence the word about the transplant. Where without her. But before the transplant itself, it will be useful for a start to know something.

When the flower pot is completely filled with roots, they begin to outstrett the earth. In the case of orchid, the roots can grow over the surface of the Earth, and for a healthy flower it is absolutely normal. And they will be damaged if you plant orchid in the wrong land or wipe it wrong. If the roots began to rot or disperse, and even more so, it is necessary to die the flower urgently. If you have the roots all right, then the best time For transplantation - ending bloom.

Do I need to transplant orchid into transparent?

How to understand whether to transplant orchid? If the Earth crumpled and asslaved and around the roots there was a free place, if you feel the smell of rotting, dampness of mold, and in general it smells not as usual, if the pot has noticeably sick, if the green roots have become gray, brown or other some incomprehensible dark Colors and also started to rot, it's time to deal with a transplant.

Orchid Transplant in Glass Pot

Gently get orchid from the old pot. If you have a pot plastic, it is better not to be afraid to break it than to damage the tender flower roots. After that, put an orchid into a small bowl with warm water and leave it there. With the help of the soul, it will be necessary to wash off the ground with the roots. Of course, it is not so that they glimpse, but the main one. Consider the roots, there are no rotten damaged and if there is, they should be carefully cut and sprinkle sections of wood coal. In order to dry the roots, the flower can be put on a napkin or a paper towel.

While orchid dries, you need to prepare the Earth for a new pot. Since we are talking about a glass pot, it is very important to observe all the rules for the drainage to be placed on fame. After all, even if your glass pot will have holes in the bottom, the evaporation of moisture in it will be completely different. I will create a layer of ceramic shards (it is possible and clamzite) in a height of up to 5 cm. This will allow the water to be free to reach the bottom of the pot. Then we fall asleep the prepared land and it is already putting our backplanted plant. It is better to buy special excavation mixtures for orchids, because they take into account the features of the roots.

Features of watering and care for orchid

After you put into the glass, your orchid and in the absence of holes in the vase / vessel, you can only pour it from above. Make it will not be difficult, to control the amount of water - too, because the pot then you are now transparent. The main thing is not to pass and do not overcover the plant. Since the earth on the surface will dry out much faster than inside your new-fashioned pot. To do this, the surface of the earth can sometimes be sprayed from the sprayer.

If you suddenly decide to multiply it, well, you can do this at the expense of the main plant. But it is better to read a separate specialized article in advance about this, rather than experiment during the replacement of the pot. In general, orchid can be divided into parts with roots. At the same time, after the transplant, do not forget to leave orchid alone, while it can only spray it every day. But do not water. In general difficulties. Therefore, for reproduction, it is still better to allocate a separate time.

What if as a result of all your orchid experiments lost to 95 percent roots? Is there a chance to save the plant? There are few chances of course, but you try. For this, just as for transplanting you need to rinse the roots, find the dead, cut them off and sprinkle for healing. The method of salvation itself is not how much folded as long. Since alternately will have to pull the roots and then dried.

Tips experienced

- If your orchid suddenly did not like her new place of residence, as an option, you can attribute it along with the pot into the workshop and ask to drill a hole in the glass. After that, put the pot into the water. This will help orchide to come.

- Even if you comply with all the rules of watering, all the same from the inside the pot will cover green. And from transparency from him little remains. Watch you will not be a cute orchid roots but for greens. And then it is not only in humidity, but also in the effects of light. Although the greens do not harm this orchids. If you do not annoy this development of events, you can leave it.

Someone generally proposes not to mock the plant and plant it into a well-ventilated plastic pot, well, and they are certainly right.

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  • Room flower Anthurium, care at home behind the plant.

  • Gippeastrum flowering conditions - before and after, and why not bloom?

Since most orchids are epiphyts, in natural conditions they, as a rule, are not growing in the ground, but they go on trees or rocks, attaching to roughness and protrusions on them.

That is why B. room conditions Their roots should also be provided with sufficient air. This condition can be performed using various perforated containers or blocks (pieces of crust or wood) that will serve as much as a power source as a plant support.

Ground types of orchids (litthians), such as Veinelery, Cup, Cymbidium and others, less species in care. Since they have rhizomes and nodules, in contrast to epiphytes are more adapted to life in room conditions, they simply require a special, more nutritious ground.

It is not surprising that the beginner flower flows there is a reasonable question: what should be pots for orchids? Is it possible to plant an orchid in an opaque pot? Or is it better to use transparent cheeks for orchids?

At home both types of orchids are more convenient to grow with the use of pots with big amount drainage holes to prevent overflows and ensure air access to the root system.

It is also done to not be made at high air temperature several irregularities per day for epiphytes, as required when landing on the blocks.

Read more about what a pot for orchids should be, let's talk later in the article. What to choose a pot for orchid, learn from the video:

Value Size Pot for Orchids

The size of the orchid pot also has an important meaning. No need to buy too much a pot for orchid.

It is desirable that their diameter is equal to their height. Large pots for orchids lead to the fact that the soil in them will sink unevenly, which can cause root rotting.

In turn, very small pots without proper support often turn over, which leads to the injury of the plant. How to pick up a pot for orchid proper size? So that the root system is a bit close.

Types of pots for orchids

Currently there is a sufficient choice of pots for orchids. The pot under orchid may be plastic, glass and ceramic. When it is selected, a number of specific rules should be followed:

Important! For those types of orchids, which in the roots are the process of photosynthesis, you only need to use transparent pots to ensure light access. And the pots for orchids without holes require careful tracking the state of the root system.

Let's try more about dealing with the question: what pot plant orchid?

Plastic pots without holes

Plastic pots without holes are not suitable for orchids, so they require additional preparation before planting. It consists in applying additional side holes. To do this, you can use the soldering iron, a drill or just heated large nail.

Holes (about five millimeters) must be made on the bottom of the pot.

It will ensure good air access to roots, and, if necessary, it will be easier to disguise to give more decorative view. After that, they need to withstand several hours in acidic water.

Orchids in pots without holes (banks) Watch the video:

Transparent plastic pots

Transparent plastic orchid pots, with sufficient amounts of drainage and side holes, are well suitable for novice flower flowers.

With such a landing through the walls, it is possible to observe the condition of the roots. In plastic containers, the substrate slightly enhances, and on their inner surface there is a small accumulation of salt. In addition, they do not give roots strongly transferred to winter And overheat in summer.

Important! Plastic pots are poorly passed by air, so you need to carefully monitor the soil moisture to prevent the root system.

Cachepo and glass pots

Is it possible to plant orchid into a glass pot without holes? The cultivation of orchids in glass containers, as well as the use of kashpo for orchids from glass, is permissible for experienced flowerflowers that feel the need of plants in moisture arrival.

The fact is that in such pots there is no possibility for applying additional drainage holes and stock from excess water They have no.

Landing orchids in glassware requires careful cooking substrate and a large drainage layer. Otherwise, the vessels will be bad air exchange and their walls will be covered with algae, and the root system is raised due to non-uniform grazing of the substrate.

Thus, pots of glass for orchids are quite suitable, subject to certain cultivation conditions. See how the orchid grows in a glass dishes on the video footage:

Is it possible to plant an orchid in a ceramic pot?

What is he - the right pot for orchid?

If the ceramic pots are chosen for planting orchids, they must be covered with icing and have sufficient number Side holes. Now they are released specifically for plants of this type. Landing orchids in a ceramic pot has several advantages, they:

  • moisture-permeable and well passes air, which contributes to the fact that moisture is evenly distributed throughout the volume;
  • it is enough heavy that it protects the plant from falling under the severity of its weight.

Important! Ceramic pots and kashpo should be light tonesIn order to prevent overheating of the root orchid system at high summer temperatures.

The disadvantage of clay dishes can be called:

  • the rough inner surface, to which the roots of orchids grow strongly. This can lead to injury to a plant during a transplantation, which can cause his death. Therefore, to damage as much as possible root system, it is necessary to gently break the pot and move the plant into a new container without separating from the roots of the fragments of the ceramic tiles;
  • the inner walls are quickly collected on their surface of the salt that harm the roots of the plant.

Important! The porous surface of ceramic containers leads to a rapid evaporation of moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully observe watering mode.

Before planting orchids, a new clay dishes need to hold a few hours in the water so that it would be good by moisture. If already used containers are taken, then you need to pre-clean them from the salt laid, and then immerse it for a day in acidic water, changing it several times. If there are suspicions for the presence of any bacteria that remained in the pot after previous landings, it should be carried out in the oven for two hours at two hundred degrees.

Pot for orchid without holes - not the most the best choiceespecially for novice flower flowers. And to solve in what pot, orchid should grow, it is necessary to grow from your experience.

Orchid transplant in ceramic pot Watch video:

Is it possible to plant orchid into a glass pot without holes?

The question of which pot for orchid is better, does not lose its relevance. It is possible to use glass pots for orchids only in the presence of great experience in their cultivation, since in this case the root system does not receive sufficient air access.

Because of the stagnation, the roots can be dried, and the plant is completely perished. Therefore, for those types of orchids, which in the root system there is no process of photosynthesis, and it does not require additional admission of light, it is better not to use this species Gorshkov.

Pot for orchid do it yourself

Pot (basket) for planting orchids can be made with your own hands. To do this, you can use oak or teak wood, bamboo, plastic, stainless steel metal mesh and even ordinary plastic bottles.

How to make a pot with your own hands, is shown on the video:

Pots for orchids Photo

Below you can see the photo of orchids in the pots of different types:

Wooden, bamboo, plastic and metal baskets

Wood products are quite decorative and easy to manufacture, but at the same time the root system of orchids grows greatly to the wood, which causes inconvenience during transplantation.

Therefore, often not to damage the plant, simply make the same container bigger size And put a basket with orchid there, and the resulting space is falling asleep by the prepared substrate. Bamboo baskets have a smooth structure and do not create such problems.

For the manufacture of pots, it is necessary to harvest the planks of a tree or a bamboo sticks that correspond to the size of the future container. Next on both sides you need to drill holes small size. The material is placed at an angle in ninety-degrees in compliance with the coincidence of the holes.

The connection of slats and sticks is carried out using copper wirewhich is dried to a strong knot from below, and its upper ends are tied in the rings so that the basket can be easily suspended, for example, on a fishing line that can withstand big weight And almost invisible. If you wish, it can be wrapped using a decorative rope or other material.

Baskets made of plastic or metal mesh are more durable, but often require additional decoration.

In order to plant the substrate when planting orchids in such baskets, it should be closed with moss-sphagnum when making the gaps, and on top of it put a large bark for the entire height of the product. After that, you need to fill the pot to the substrate, put the plant in it, and then cover the entire surface of the soil with moss to slow down its bur.

To finally find out what pots are suitable for orchids, we also remember about such a wonderful and useful thing as the autopolis of plants. In the video you will see which there are baskets, pots for orchid:

Pots from plastic bottles

In disputes about what pots are better for orchids often use the possibility of installation automatic watering, I remember that the flower of orchid in the pot requires a certain humidity of soil and air.

For independent manufacture Potting with auto oppression You can use two plastic bottles of two and one liter. Of these, the pot itself will be made and automatic watering. This is done as follows:

Such a pot with auto oppression allows you to constantly maintain the required plant humidity and avoid overflow, destructive for the root system of orchid.

As you can see, pots for orchids at home can be very different, both by manufacturing material and size and size, and even by functions.

Although the orchid in the pot is considered a rather capricious plant during breeding in room conditions, right choice Pot for landing and competent care at home for the orchid in the pot will avoid many problems with the future of its content. Therefore, it is worth growing in what pots to grow orchids, it is worthwhile before that you have acquired a plant.

We hope, thanks to our material, you now know exactly what pots plant orchids are best and what flower pots For orchids, prefer.

Not all orchids can be grown on open soil. Basically they grow on trees and stones with a complete lack of soil. That is why floral tanks for home phalanopsis should be not quite ordinary.

The most first rule: the plant does not tolerate the mooring of the root system.

Plant container must provide:

  • outflow of excess water
  • good air exchange in the root system and substrate,
  • safe root extraction,
  • ideal temperature mode.

Some varieties are not only sucking the nutrients and water roots, but also take an active part in photosynthesis. Such plants need transparent caspo.

These plants do not require a large space, since they have a weak root system, and they simply may not master the volume of the substrate. Therefore, kashpo is better to choose a medium size.

The main conditions when choosing the right pot is such:

  • the presence of drain holes,
  • the height should be equal to the width of the container,
  • the volume of the container must correspond to the size of the root of the plant.
  • well, if there will be a stand from the porridge.

Most often, the flower is planted into plastic or ceramic floral vases. There are even very beautiful containers in the form of baskets - the roots will breathe well in them and develop.

A glass container is better not to buy, as it can cause an injury not only a plant, but also a person. Everything else glass container is hampered by air exchange. It can be used as a kashpo for orchid in a plastic transparent pot.

Gallery: Cachepo for Orchid (25 photos)

Plastic pots for orchids

Plastic pots for orchids are the most popular option for the container. Plastic does not allow roots, it is easy to use and care and is very durable.

In such a porridge, the holes of the drain of excess water are necessarily provided, and therefore, the cultivation of orchids will be very simple. If there are few such holes, they are very easy to make them with a drill. At the same time, the kashpo will not collapse and will not be damaged.

The plastic version perfectly feels on a rather lit place and even in the shade. It protects the roots of the plant from overheating or cold. Stand under the pot prevents the pouring of excess water to the surface.

There are cases when the roots grow so that they even come out through drainage holes, and then when the transplantation may occur with the extraction of the plant. In such a situation, the pot can easily be cut with garden scissors and at the same time not damage the root system. Naturally, it is impossible when using glass and ceramic flower vases.

For those types of orchids whose roots participate in photosynthesis, it is recommended to purchase transparent caspo. They are good not only for phalaenopsis, but also for similar plants. Through the walls of such a vase perfectly visible:

  • root development
  • moisture consumption
  • substrate state.

Clay floral tanks

The main advantages of ceramic vases for orchids are good air and moisture permeability. The moisture during watering is not assembled in one place, and it is evenly distributed throughout the substrate, the roots will not dry and do not overheat.

With all the advantages of clay vases, they have disadvantages:

  • Root system is tightly embroidered to porous ceramicsWhat leads to injury to the plant during transplantation.
  • The porosity of ceramics decreases after some time - due to salts that are absorbed into the material. These salts affect the root system of the flower.

You need to know some nuances. Before planting, the clay container should be disinfected in the oven, after which it is soaked in clean water. If not used new pot, and used in use, then it must be lowered into a bit of acidified water. Suitable solution citric acid. Such a procedure will allow to completely get rid of salt deposits on ceramics.

To save family budgetIt is quite possible to make a pot for orchid with your own hands, and with an automatic irrigation system. For the manufacture, one liter will be required and one two-liter bottle.

So, proceed to the manufacture:

  • We make a watering container. To do this, cut a two-liter bottle so that the rest of the lower part is in the height of 20 centimeters.
  • From top view of a trimmed bottle, eight cuts need to be made, about four centimeters in depth. They will keep our homemade pot.
  • Each second segment is wound inside.
  • To fill the container with water, you need to cut the neck from the top of the bottle.
  • At the bottom of the bottle, we plan a hole so that you can attach the spout to it.
  • Inserting the poles insert the neck and fasten it with a glue gun.

Such a homemade pot with an automatic irrigation system will support the necessary moisture content of the substrate and will prevent overflow, which is destroyed for the flower. Also for such a vase does not require a stand.

Though room Orchid and is considered a capricious flower, right pot And care will prevent many problems.

Orchids, thermal loving houseplantsAllocated to unique beauty and elegance. There are over 700 species of this. luxury flower and 30,000 hybrid varieties. Distinguishes this species herbatous plants The structure, it is the same in all orchids.

The needs of phalaenopsis

Orchid and phalaenopsis have the same needs: light, air, moisture, nutrients. These factors are the same for them, since the word Orchid is entering into itself the name of the family of flowers, phalaenopsis - the name of the plant's kind of plants in the family of orchid. Falenopsis orchid won the popularity of flowerflowers with touching grace and beauty.

The first look at the plant has a simple structure, however, its more careful study is striking strict simplicity and logic. Each element of the plant performs its function. Basic for these plants - light, moisture, air.

Exquisite, unique beauty of orchids attracts many flowerflowers. Grow them better in greenhouses. However, thanks to the work of breeders, you can now purchase different kinds And varieties that are successfully growing in the room. The lighting and temperature of the room is quite acceptable to them. However, an important question arises: what vessel plant to plant a plant?

For your information. Falenopsia roots increase the process of photosynthesis if additional lights receive. Therefore, it should be placed in a transparent pot, it will provide an opportunity to control the state of the plant.

Falenopsis, blooming in greenhouses and apartments - hybrids, descendants of the genus of phalanopsis, whose birthplace is wet rainforests of the regions South-East Asia. As a result of the selection of orchids changed color gamut, size and shape of flowers, but retained the main natural habits:

  • love for a constant warm temperature in the range of 20-28 o C;
  • habitat on the trunks of trees, growing over the streams, wetrated areas of the forest. Orchid's air roots rise to the top of the tree, whining it with its durable, chain roots;
  • the plants required water are obtained using the same roots that absorb it during the rainy season, morning wet fog and ambient air impregnated with moisture.
  • a nutritional composition consisting of wasches of foliage rotting products, litter birds, insects, is also absorbed by roots and is used by the plant.

For orchids, tree trunks serve as a support on the way to light and the sun, they do nothing at the plant. Based on these needs of phalaenopsis, approximately the same conditions should be created on the windowsill.

The basic requirements that need to comply with orchid growing lovers is:

Vessel value for cultivation of orchid

Creating conditions close to the genetic needs of Phalaenopsis is the main task in their cultivation in the room. The lack of roots at Flenopsis determines the specific choice of the vessel. In this case, it is impossible to be mistaken in the choice of capacity - the plant planted in the inappropriate container is not able to give the most luxurious bloom, for which orchids are bought.

Relying on the requirements of the orchids, which she needed, we will look at all the options for tanks, find out what kind of utensils fits a hybrid to a greater extent.

After buying phalaenopsis, care for it is proper watering and maintaining the optimal plants for this temperature of the temperature regime.

Buying orchid, you probably drew attention to the fact that the container in which the seedling is placed, transparent and filled with a substrate, not like ordinary land. This reception provides lighting access to plant roots and allows you to control the state of the substrate and roots. The plant needs a very neat, careful watering. It is advisable to do without water in general, but to provide high humidity plants.

Two years later from the date of the acquisition of a seedling, the agricultural engineering changes slightly. It is time for feeding and more voluminous irrigation.

For feeding, liquid fertilizers are tagged with a tare - "for orchids." Doses should be small. Usually, the packaging is attached to the dosage and watering instructions.

Orchid transplant

Grown, strengthened, passed adaptation to new environment The plant needs a transplant to permanent place habitat. TO aka better choose Polka dust for orchid? It should be perfect not only outwardly. Orchid should find a house that will allow it to grow, gain strength for flowering.

For your information. When transplanting orchids on the site of remote roots, wound remains, so watering is allowed only in 2-3 days. During this time, the ranks will heal a bit. Watering mode will change. It is necessary to closely follow the fresh substrate, as it will dry faster than the old one.

Since in the annual transplantation, orchid does not need, then the choice of the perfect pot for her. Frequently available pots made from different materials. Consider them all.

Transparent plastic pot

Owners of orchids are not thinking about, in which pot grown this flower, as a rule, they prefer transparent and translucent plastic vessels. And it is completely correct. Especially if such a vessel has holes.

Through the use of such orchid vessels, they receive:

  • good illumination of the root system;
  • the perfect flow of water through the holes in the bottom of the vessel;
  • root ventilation;
  • the material in its structure has a stable temperature. Plastic is not susceptible to overheat and overcooling, which protects orchid from sudden temperature drops.

Clay and ceramic pots

Clay and ceramic containers have a number of advantages of natural material. The porosity of the clay provides vessels in which orchid should grow, high air permeability, which is necessary for its roots. Thanks to another property of kaolin, waterproof, moisture is evenly distributed throughout the volume of the pot, which protects the roots of the plant from drying out.

However, some of the benefits of the material turn into disadvantages due to the qualities of the orchid, which preserved their epiphylet abilities to be squeezed to the surface for the lifting. Under the conditions of the vessel, they are firmly held on its walls and, if necessary, plants transplantation, the risk of damage to the plant roots is created.

Most likely, orchid in a vessel from clay or ceramics will be sick, because with irrigation water and feeding inner surface Pot will cover the salts. Corollary: reducing porosity, aeration of the vessel, probably the death of the plant. Such a vessel ne. suitable for orchids.

But! Manufacturers do not sleep. They produce very beautiful ceramic pots with special holes. They can be covered with icing. Such capacities are very suitable for growing phalaenopsis, besides, they are eliminated from the need to hide low-digging plastic with decorative kashpo.

Glass Capacity for Orchid

Of course, in a glass pot root orchids are clearly visible. But it is difficult to grow it in such a vessel. In such a pot, it is impossible to add additional holes to improve the aeration and stock of excess water.

The substrate for the cultivation of orchid in glass containers should be prepared with a special approach. It properly can prepare a flowerfish with extensive experience in growing phalaenopsis. Only they can choose the desired layer of drainage. Such nuances will provide orchids the right air exchange. Otherwise, algae will grow in the glass, due to the incorrect mode of drying the roots of the roots will be raned, which will cause orchid. With strict adherence to all rules, you can allow the cultivation of orchids in a glass vessel.

Potted Pot

A suitable container is not difficult to make your own hands. By choosing a material for a pot, determined with the size, you can start creating a future monastery for orchid. Most affordable Material - Any plastic containers, you can not limit yourself in shape and color. Although, of course, it is better to take transparent containers from mayonnaise, yogurt, sauces, etc.

Using scolding, drill or any suitable tool in the container donkey contains a lot of holes. In the side walls also make holes.

So that the floral roots are not distributed tightly along the bottom, in the middle of the bottom of the vessel, the plastic plug from champagne should be laid. This technique will improve the air exchange in the vessel.

Special purchased plastic containers for orchids.

Another option for homemade pot - natural materialsMimicing native plants Conditions:

  1. Coconut.
  2. Tree bars.
  3. Pieces of bark.

Pot for orchid and its size

TO an important nuance in the cultivation of phalaenopsis refers size pot. Observations show that the most comfortable orchid feels in a pot, somewhat close for him, it natural feature plants. Therefore, the characteristics of the pot, which is better to plant phalaenopsis, should be such:

  • height and diameter The pot must be equal to the diameter of its neck;
  • the root orchid system should fill the volume of the vessel completely;

To transplant orchids, you should choose a vessel, a little exceeding the previous one. it prerequisite To maintain a unique plant, the ability to preserve health and power.

Substrate for orchid

At home for orchids, phalaenopsis requires a slightly unusual soil, its base is the bark of pine, which is treated in a certain way:

  • crair collected in the forest to cut into small pieces, boiled and dried. This is necessary in order to avoid the development of pathogenic fungi and mold;
  • the cooked pine boron is mixed with clay and wood coal. The ratio of components 2: 1: 1.

In such a mixture, coal and clamzite will perform the functions of moisture drives, then saturate by the Corre. Charcoal Will perform your destination Antiseptic.

Orchid should grow in the right substrate, no matter how cooked with their own hands or purchased in the store.

For your information. Phalaenopsis is very sensitive to the amount of moisture. The lack of moisturizing the plant will cause its withering, with an excess of water, the root shell is disturbed and the plant dies.

Place of phalaenopsis in the room

Determining the material pot, what size should be a vessel for orchids, prepare the substrate, you need to choose a place for a flower in the room.

Falenopsis feels well on the window facing the east. Window in southern or westway It is recommended to protect from bright light with the curtain. It is possible to determine the disadvantage or excess of light in the color of foliage. It should be olive color.

After flowering, Phalaenopsis is cut and installed on vacation in any place remote from bright sunlight.

Personal experience in video