How to water hyacinth: frequency and watering methods. Hyacinth at home in pot of Correct Care

It is possible to grow magnificent blooming hyacinths not only in the garden, but in the conditions of the city apartment. Despite its grace and beauty, these flowers are absolutely unpretentious. Even inexperienced flowerflower can be expelled to expel hyacinths at home if simple rules and recommendations for the cultivation of these colors. When plants are swinging, they can be transferred to the garden to next year Again to admire colorful bloom. Optimal method The reproduction of hyacinths is the division of bulbs.

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    Hyacinths belong to the extensive asparagus family. Their flowers are sometimes reaching 30 cm long, and flowers can be painted in blue, white, purple, pink and even black.

    Almost any garden variety Plants can be expelled at home if you comply with simple rules of cultivation. Blooming hyacinth in the room in early spring And even in winter it looks quite effectively, and also exudes the fragrant smell.

    Varieties and preparation for cultivation

    Pretrates are derived quite a few varieties of hyacinths suitable for growing in indoor conditions in the pot. The most popular of them:

    • Carnegie (carnis) - white hybrid.
    • Lady Derby - pink-raspberry flowers.
    • Pink Pearl is a bright pink variety.
    • Delft Blue - Blue-Blue Hyacinth.
    • Chain pink - pink variety.
    • Dilat - with large pink flowers.

    Landing and care for hyacinths of the above varieties will not be much difficult.

    Selection of Lukovitz

    For a flower, it is extremely important to achieve lush flowering hyacinths, so all the bulbs must pass strict selection.

    For planting a pot, specimens reach in diameter 5 cm and more. Only large bulbs will be able to give a lush inflorescence. They must be dense, healthy, without damage.

    Before boarding the bulbs of hyacinths, withstand 30 minutes in a weak-pink solution of manganese, to exclude possible appearance Diseases.

    Choosing a pot

    Hyacinth in room conditions must be planted in a suitable vase so that the flower felt comfortable and necessarily bloomed.

    This plant loves wide and shallow tanks.

    In the bottom, the pot must be made drainage holes for the flow of extra water, as hyacinth does not tolerate moisture.

    Preparation of soil

    Soil for growing hyacinths can be bought in a specialized store. For self-preparation, soils should be taken in equal proportions:

    • ferrous land;
    • compost;
    • leaf Earth;
    • humus.

    In order for the substrate to have sufficient water and breathability, 100 g of river sand or peat is added to each kilogram of the soil.

    Landing Lukovitz

    When bulbs, pots and soil will be prepared, you can start landing.

    This process takes place in several stages:

    1. 1. At the bottom of the vase, the drainage layer of ceramzit is stacked.
    2. 2. The thick layer of the soil is embanked from above.
    3. 3. Through the soil is stacked thin layer of fine sand.
    4. 4. The bulbs are laid out on the sand, the distance between which should be at least 3 cm.
    5. 5. They are slightly pressed into the ground, and then sprinkle on top of the earth.
    6. 6. Played bulbs are abundantly watered.

    When landing hyacinths in the pots, it should be borne in mind that the tops must necessarily look out from under the soil. It is impossible to blow the bulbs in the ground completely.

    After the landing, the club begins the period of rest. Pots should stand in a dark and cool room, the air temperature in which you need to maintain at + 5 + 10 degrees. As a rule, the rest period lasts about 2 months. All this time, plants need to water, preventing the drying of the soil. It is extremely important to provide plants this "artificial winter", otherwise they will be weakly blossoming.

    After 2 months, the pots are transferred to a warm and bright room, the air temperature in which should be about +15 degrees. This period lasts until the hyacinth will begin to bloom. As soon as it happens, the containers are transferred to the desired room.

    An important condition for magnificent and prolonged hyacinth flowering - the air temperature in the room should not be higher than +20 degrees.

    Home care

    To room hyacinth really bloomed, and not just gave the leaves, after him it is necessary to carefully care for the entire period of vegetation.


    The basis of care of household hyacinths is right watering. A sufficient amount of moisture is necessary a flower for the formation of buds and lush flowering.

    Watering hyacinth is necessary both in the period of growth and during wintering, but it should be done differently:

    • In winter, only a little moisturizes the soil in the vase.
    • In the period of growth, the flower needs larger quantities moisture.

    In no case cannot be allowed to dry out the land coma in the pot.

    Water for irrigation is used only in advance - for at least 24 hours. She must be room temperature or slightly warm. It is impossible to water hyacinths water waterSince it is too tough.

    During the irrigation, you need to follow that the water does not get on the leaves and buds. It is recommended to pour water immediately into the pallet or gently pour on the edge of the vase.

    Requirements for lighting

    Hyacinths love the light, so winter landing Or on a cloudy day they need to freeze lamps. Due to the lack of sun, the flower can even die.

Hyacínthus enters the house either in the form of a gift or in the form of bulbs purchased for "distillation". In the first case, we are talking about a blooming plant that needs certain care during and after flowering. Do you know which care at home requires hyacinth in a pot? An excellent flower trucks are engaged in distortion, which are breeding hyacinths in the house or grow them in the flower bed in the open sky. But anyone can be expelled to expel hyacinth at home.

In any case, Hyacinth comes to the house is not just like that - always with love! It is with love, fun and joy that a bright hyacinth is associated for centuries. There is, however, another version and hyacinth are attributed to the symbolism of sadness because of his name, but about this later. Let's focus on love!

About plants

The name of the hyacinth is translated from greeklike a "rain flower".

Interesting! In Russia, Hyacinth was hit by Peter the Great.

Hyacinths - Flowers, which are still unanimously classified. They were also attributed to the Sparazhev family, and to the family of Lily, and even hyacinth recently. Hyacinth inspires perfumes. The finest fragrance is present in the collections of famous world brands: Guerlain, Chanel, Nina Ricci, Lancome, etc.

In 2005, the Black Hyacinth Midnight Mystic, whose selection took 16 years. But the exclusive - truly black hyacinth - is considered to be Dark Dimention, the supply of which is made by appointment.

The terry hyacinth was disabled by chance. The famous Dutch flower water for obtaining a larger onion has always broken the resulting buds. But once in the process of breeding, he fell ill and missed the right moment. After a while in the flower garden, unprecedented terry flowers were dismissed.

Know! The substance of colchicine, which is contained in hyacinth, is used to treat gout.

What to do with blooming hyacinth? If you gave you a blooming hyacinth in a pot, it just gives you from two to three weeks. But after flowering, the plant will begin to wither, despite the care. At this stage, many throw hyacinth. Do not do that. Caring for hyacinth at home in the pot is simple and described in detail below.

Focus attention! If you want the hyacinth to bloom longer, put it in a cool place.

In science, hyacinths refer to the ephemeeroid plant group - perennials with a very short period of vegetation. After flowering, the plant resets overhead. Having accumulated nutrients, the bulb flows into a state of rest before the next favorable period. By the way, in this hyacinths look like snowdrops, daffodils, tulips, crocuses and others.

The problem for those who wanted to keep the bulb is the season of hyacinth flowering - winter or early spring. After flowering, planting it, to put it mildly, nowhere. In this case, you can cut the color-seater and care for the hyacinth, as for the usual home plant. Until the opportunity to transplant it to open soil.

If the plant still drops the leaves, then the bulb can be removed, dried, stitching and stored in sawdust until the conditions are favorable for transplanting conditions. It is advisable to store such a bulb until the autumn when hyacinths are planted in accordance with the breeding method.

BUT B. real life Little bully surrounds from winter to autumn. Therefore, the amateur flowers still recommend landing the hyacinth in the flower leaf so that in June it to dig and store it to autumn according to the hyacinth care technique in open soil.

As a rule, for repeated unrivor flowering ("distillation") just that the sworded hyacinths are not suitable. However, the practical experience of some flowerflowers showed that it is possible to re-make the bloom of depleted bulbs. Lee is needed - this is another question.

And for landing in the home conditions, it is always better to use prepared bulbs from shops and markets or "rested" garden.

How to care for hyacinth in a pot at home

Hyacinth is pretty unpretentious plant. But it must be remembered that, first of all, this plant is a plant. Therefore, at home you need to create conditions as close as possible to the fact that outside the window.

Also for planting the hyacinth of the house uses bulbs who survived the rest period. It is assumed that those intended for sale of the bulbs in stores and in the markets have passed such training. In private farms for "distillation", rested bulbs from the flower are digging.

How to choose Lukovitsa

Golden size of a healthy bulb for "distillation" - somewhere 5 cm in diameter. The bulb should be well stunned, tight to the touch and not have mechanical damage.

Focus attention! For landing in open ground, the bulbs are smaller.

How to prepare bulbs dug from flowerbeds

The bulbs, digged from the open soil and intended for planting a pot at home, must undergo a certain period of preparation. Such bulbs are usually digging in June. This makes it possible to explore the bulbs, separate the kids or leave for growing, treat preventive tools.

After that, the bulbs are subject to proper storage: They need to withstand at temperatures up to + 30 degrees and high humidity about two weeks. Then two weeks need to hold garden bulbs at a temperature of +25. And before planting a pot - not higher + 17 degrees.

How to pick up sad

Selecting the soil should be remembered that hyacinth is an eastern plant, whose homeland is the Middle East, North Africa and Mediterranean. It is soils with low peat content, black-rich, rich in sand. Such an effect can be achieved at home: buy a nonxidated soil and mix it with sand to increase the water supply. Hyacinth drainage is also needed.

How to plant a hyacinth in a pot

Unlike tulips, hyacinth does not tolerate deep fit. The bulb of hyacinth needs to be located so that about a third rose above the ground level. Place the landing sprinkle with sand. And then also from above sprinkle sand to protect against rotting.

Focus attention! When landing the bulb of hyacinth is better slightly lit into the ground, but do not screw.

If several bulbs are planted in one pot, it is necessary to ensure that they do not come into contact with each other and with the walls of the pot. It is best to leave up to 2.5 cm.

How to water hyacinth

Focus attention! Hyacinth cannot be sprayed.

Hyacinth is very moisture-loving plant. For watering it is better to use talu Water Room temperature. At worst - resistant water. Water pour only the edges of the pot so as not to moisten the sinuses of the leaves. A special calcium solution can be added to water or use the folk method - to insist water on the eggshell.

Focus attention! Calcium does not give the flowerons strongly stretch and extends the hyacinth flowering.

How to organize sufficient illumination

Bad illumination is one of the reasons why hyacinth does not bloom. Flower need a large number sunlight. Therefore, those who grow hyacinths in the open ground, there are no illumination problems. At home, it is necessary to provide a plant to 12 hours of illumination per day. A B. winter time - Use the source of artificial light.

Focus attention! The flower itself, and especially the floweros turn to the light source, so the hyacinth must rotate so that the floweros does not fall. Or provide him with support.

What temperature is hyacinth like

Hyacinth is very comfortable at a temperature of + 20-22 degrees. But heat sources are better to keep away in order to avoid drying the leaves.

How to feed hyacinth

During flowering, the flower needs feeding. Use mineral fertilizer to use for this. Not organic!

How to transplant hyacinth

About the hyacinth transplantation it comes when, after flowering, the hyacinth is sent to the restoration of the open ground. Or, on the contrary, from the flower beds, the hyacinth is digging for "distillation". We must try not to damage the bulb. Carefully removing the bulb from the ground, the remnants of the soil can not be removed so as not to damage the root. For transplanting it is necessary to prepare a primer or a pot, given the landing rules (drainage, sand, etc.)

Focus attention! The main transplant rule is caution!

How to crop hyacinth after flowering

As mentioned, after flowering, the hyacinth starts to fade. First swept the flowers. It must be cut off to the fetus startping, so that the bulbs did not spend power on the seeds. After the bloomer will gradually begin to dry out the leaves. You need to give them to dry out the natural way and only then cut off or shatter.

Giacinta reproduction

Hyacinth reproduction methods are somewhat: bulbs kids, seeds and bulbous scales. Seeds are mainly the work of specialists who are engaged in breeding.
Very often, the maternal bulb independently builds children during the active vegetative phase.

After flowering, removing the bulb, you can detect small bulbs around it. If they are easily separated, they can be cleaned separately. If they are tightly pressed, then it is better to land the maternal bulb along with children, and the department will produce next year.

You can stimulate hyacinth to breeding and artificial way. In everyday life, the method of "Cutting of the Donette" is practiced, with which the bulb gives 8-15 kids. True, the bulb itself after such manipulation is not restored and dies.

To do this, you need to take a bulb who passed the phase of rest and accumulated sufficient number nutrients. The bulb should be large, healthy, without mechanical damage.

Such a bulb must be rinsed, dry and depress the scales. Then you need to be treated with a disinfectant solution. After that, the sterile knife produce four nurses around the bottom of the bulbs so that the square is. Now it needs to be reheated at a stable temperature of about + 20-22 degrees.

After the cuts are open, they should be picked up with anger coal, put in the ground and put in a dark place with the same temperature + 20-22 degrees.

Focus attention! Usually, the aging period of new bulbs does not take more than three months.

After separation from the mother's bulb, small bulbs are frightened for another 2-3 years. In industrial flower growing, the "Cutout" method is also used, which allows you to increase to 40 kids on one bulb. Maternal bulb also collapses.

Hyacinth in pot photo

Hyacinth diseases and pests

At home, hyacinth is resistant to diseases and pests. Especially if, during landing or transplanting, the bulbs were processed by a disinfecting solution and complied with care recommendations.

But sometimes hyacinth threatened:

  1. Bacterial rot. Bacteria causing rotting is quite a lot, and the symptoms are quite varied (the leaves are covered with black dots, and there is a mucus with an unpleasant odor around the bulbs; light brown dents; drying of the roots; softening of bulbs and so on). In industrial flower growing there are ways to cope with the disease. In the domestic conditions, as a rule, this is a sentence for the plant and for the soil in which the disease appeared. Such a bulb is desirable to throw out with the infected soil. And the pot needs to be disinfected.
  2. Insect pests (root tick, wave, etc.). Against this threat you can use special chemicals. But only before the flowering period.
  3. Physiological disorders ("green tops", "spontaneous inflorescence", "top bloom"). All these deformations of the floweros are caused by non-compliance with the "distillation" mode, namely the cooling period.

Focus attention! When landing the bulbs of hyacinth into the ground, sprinkle it a little sand. This will help prevent rotting.

Common cultivation problems

  1. Yellow leaves. If the leaves are yellow after flowering and along the entire length is the natural preparation of hyacinth to the recreation phase. Caring for such a flower is described above.
  2. If yellow leaves are yellow during flowering or yellow only tips, probably the air is too dry or the flower is not enough light. It is necessary to strengthen watering without spraying and get rid of the heat source near the hyacinth, if any. And also reconsider its location in the house.
  3. Short bloomer. Often the reason for this may be insufficient humidification of the soil. Another reason is the non-compliance with the "distortion" technique, namely the lack of cooling period or too sharp transfer of the cold plant to heat.
  4. Get down the bulb. As a rule, rotting occurs due to excessive moisture or irregular irrigation when water hits the sinuses of the leaves or buds.
  5. Hyacinth does not bloom or weak. One of the reasons is a planted bulb too small. She has enough forces only on the leaves, but not a flower.
  6. Often, the hyacinth is not ready to throw away the flower, if the surveillance mode was not met. If the flower is removed from the state of rest and put in a warm and bright room before the appearance of sprouts with a height of 3-4 cm, the hyacinth will grow badly and blossom. And if you redistribute flower in the state of wintering, all his power will go to the leaves. Sometimes the plant does not bloom with insufficient soil moisture.

"Pulling" of hyacinth

In a pot

"" This is a special agrotechnical manipulation, in which the bulbs are intentionally removed from the state of rest and seek flowering at the desired time.

Focus attention! If flowering is expected to be a new year or christmas, the bulbs are planted to the middle of September. If by March 8 - plant hyacinth is necessary in October.

In this case, flowering can only be achieved once. After that, the bulb needs to ensure the state of rest and put in open ground to restore forces for 1-2 years.

Lowned on a pot of bulb (or bulbs) are covered with a bag with small holes. The plant should breathe, but be in the dark - the package is closed. Then the packaged pot must be placed in the refrigerator to the bottom shelf or another dark place, where it is possible to maintain the temperature at the level of + 5-7 degrees. In such conditions, the bulb is stored for 2-2.5 months, no less.

Focus attention! Often, hydrofins are used to darken the planted bulbs.

Hydish hyacinth is often not needed. Just ensure that the soil does not drive. After the specified period, the sprouts reach 2-2.5 cm in height. Now the hyacinth must be transferred to the warming room (+ 10-15 degrees) and with good ventilation, but without drafts. But when the plant gives the first buds (about, in about a month), the pot can be safely rearranged to the place of constant location: well lit, without heat source and drafts.

In water

Stages of distillation are the same as in the generally accepted technique. Only in this case, the bulbs are placed in molds with water so that they do not come into contact with water - only roots in water. Water is better to filter in advance or collect rain. The bulb itself is covered with a cap of dark paper and sent on peace as well as a plant in a pot. The only condition is to constantly monitor the water level.

When sprouts appear from the bulbs, the mineral fertilizer and the plant is added to the heat and light. BUT further care For such hyacinth, it does not differ from the care of the flower in the pot.

Hyacinth: Interesting Facts

  1. Hyacinth was brought to Europe merchants from the countries of Eastern Mediterranean and Central Asia. And its modern external species owed to Dutch breeders.
  2. White hyacinth is the most tender aroma, and the dark pink is the strongest.
  3. In pre-revolutionary Russia, it was already able to competently make the "distillation" of hyacinth at home. Engaged in this mainly before Easter.
  4. At one time, the hyacinth was even called the "Easter flower".
  5. According to the teachings, Fengsui hyacinth is energetically favorable plant Along with azalia and orchids.
  6. In Klumba, hyacinth is best combined with daffodils, red and white tulips.
  7. In astrology, hyacinth is considered a flower of scales. And under the action of his sign, he fills the person with energy, cleans his thoughts and strengthens the will, inspiring the generous noble deeds.

Hyacinth in mythology

Hyacinth is the name of the Son of the Spartan Tsar Amikla, the great-grandfather of Zeus. The prince was Yun and beautiful so much that even the Olympic gods were visited by Hyacinth. In particular, God Apollo who loved to spend time from younger.

Once during the competition in throwing disc, God western wind Marshmallow changed the direction of the disk pulled by Apollo, and the disk wounded the hyacinth. Apollo was next to the dying hyacinth, while his soul was not departed in the kingdom of Aida. And then Apollo whispered: "You will always live in my heart, beautiful hyacinth.

Let the memory of you forever live among people. " And after these full love And the tenderness of the words from the blood of Hyacinth grew up the beautiful, exacerbye divine flavor, a flower - hyacinth.

Video - Secrets of the care of hyacinth in a pot

In the winter months, the surveillance of hyacinths arrives - small bulbs with leaves and inflorescence. The sworded hyacinths should not be thrown away. They are easy to save, and then planted on the site. The following year, these hyacinths will bloom.

Hyacinth Care

Hyacinths that are sold more often in small pots, please us in winter and early spring. They quickly bloom, filling the room with a fabulous aroma. Unfortunately, the life of such a hyacinth system and full of deprivation. It suffers from lack of nutrition and thirst, a little space in a pot for a normal amount of soil. When irrigated, it is difficult not to soak the bulb, so the substrate in the pot has to moisturize through the pallet or carefully water in the very edges and corners of the pot. Hyacinth in the warm room fell apart and is easily overwhelmed. This is because his elongated bloomer with a heavy chick is inclined towards the light (windows), and it is impossible to strengthen the support in a tiny pot.

Help various techniquesallowing to keep the floweros in a vertical position. The pot from time to time has to turn, to transfer it to the night in a cooler place or strengthen with infirred means. The larch of hyacinth, the pots with which stands in a bright and cool place (on a glazed insulated loggia, a veranda, in winter Garden etc.). In addition, winter surveillance depletes the bulb.

I buy a flowering hyacinth in a pot not only as a temporary decoration. I use this opportunity to replenish the collection of hyacinths. If just a purchased hyacinth is quite closely, it keeps on some roots, and little from the substrate has little left, you have to immediately engage in the new flower pot. Before that, I well moisturize the contents of the previous pot with an outcast and gently pull the bulb with the roots in the container bigger size. The main thing is not to burst the neck of the bulb. The bulb does not necessarily fall asleep the earth. You can add additional soil to it later, after flowering. Behind the blooming plant, transplanted into a more voluminous pot, it is easier to care. It looks much more interesting, and it can be fused in such a pot after the hyacinth is wondering, and the floweros will be cut.

What to do with the sworded hyacinth?

The first scenario. Many people throw out the sworded hyacinths. Sometimes they leave an empty pot, as it can be used when growing seedlings or for cacti.

Scenario second. Some bodies in flower growing (including articles in newspapers and magazines) are recommended to expose the blurred hyacinth of the execution: the plant first cut the onion, the bulb is removed from the ground and disinfected, after which they are sent to storage to autumn landing Location on. It is believed that the bulb who passed through such a test will bloom in a year. I tried many times to preserve the hyacinth bulb in this way. First of all, it is very troublesome. And most importantly, my bulbs never lived even to the end of the summer. They picked up like that further blossom Even the dream did not have to dream. By the time of the autumn planting from the dried onion, there was nothing left, except for the lump of the rustling scales. There was nothing to plant in the ground.

Scenario Third. This option gives one hundred percent result. In addition, it is very simple. I start with the fact that I cut off the blonde bloom. After that, I make transshipment from the old little pot into a more capacious flower pot. Of course, only if I did not transplanted hyacinth to a new flower pot immediately after purchase. Be sure to put the drainage layer on the bottom (better from the ceramisit). Spend pre-prepared garden land, mixed with peat and sand. You can take the purchase of colors. It is important that this is not a solid peat or too nutrient soil type "Living Earth". To such content packages, you must add at least sand. The bulb falls asleep the earth to the cervix. She should not be deeper!

After transshipment, the pot with hyacinth put in a bright cool place on a warmed glazed loggia. You can put it on the windowsill. Hyacinth quickly begins to grow excellent green leaves.

I care for him as a room plant during the period of growth: moderately watering the soil in the pot, trying not to dangle the bulWhi itself, and feed the complex fertilizers. The soil during irrigation can not be rejected. Hyacinth will naturally develop in a pot (on loggia or windowsill) as well as his relatives in the open soil. The whole difference lies only in time and place of growth. As soon as the possibility appears, the hyacinth must be moved to the flower garden. There, I neatly turn the earth with the roots of the pot into the hole and equalize the Earth. The bulb will not block up, because The neck must remain at the soil level all the time. Talk usually produce in (by weather).

The hyacinths that were bought in pots and before landing in the ground focused on the house, have time and the ability to accumulate nutrients to grow a full-fledged bulb. They are ready to bloom the next year.

About how to care for these hyacinths (formerly interpreting) in the open soil, you can read in the articles and.

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Do you think hyacinth flower? No, this is the name of the young man, a hot friend's friend greek God Apollo. Often you entertained, throwing the disk alternately. But the jealousy of the God of Western winds led to misfortune. And here the hyacinth expires blood on the hands of a friend - God of Apollo. Apollo could not help him, only in memory of each other created a unique flower and called Him Hyacinth.

It turns out that, thanks to who many women on March 8 receive a delightful smelling gift. Yes, and such a variety of colors: white, pale yellow, pink (any tonality), lilac, blue, blue, red, purple.

Gaining hyacinths at home

Looking at the hyacinth, everyone will think: "I want! Want! Want!". If you want, then everything will be, at the same time you have to try. "Hyacinth" - greek word, translated as a "rain flower", maybe because the flower is needed to shed a lot of sweat over its cultivation. This is, of course, a joke, however, you should not just know the peculiarities of growing, but also to adhere to them.

We first note that it will be possible to need additional lighting and supports under the patterns (too inflorescences are sweaty). Our task is to get closer to the conditions of the natural environment - South Asia and the Mediterranean.

Selection of space, suitable temperature and illumination

This is a difficult matter, since all the following factors should be taken into account:

  • light day is required about 15 hours (windows south or southeast are suitable, additional lighting is needed - the extension of the day);
  • flower loves light, but not heat - comfortable temperature a little more than 20 ° C - so from the right sun in the summer you will have to remove the vase or pledge it;
  • does not tolerate drafts or a sharp change in temperature;
  • loves walking on the terrace or balcony at due temperature;
  • in winter, the neighborhood with heating devices is unacceptable.

Creating the necessary humidity of air and soil

Everything is simple - it is impossible to allow soil drying - on the one hand, the bulbs and leaves are dropping - on the other. Watering to produce regular, a pot along the walls, not getting to the bulbs. Excess water From the pallet to merge. In spraying, hyacinth does not need, and during flowering this procedure is prohibited.

Child selection, fertilizer

The choice of soil is important, a neutral soil is suitable for hyacinth, the ideal is the use of leaf and turf, peat, humid and sand in the same proportions. No fresh organic. Earth pre-give 1.5 hours in the oven - for disinfection. For lush flowering, the plant will require forces, it means that the feeding is required (by conventional complex fertilizers for flowering plants). The first time at the beginning of the vegetation, then during the bootonization period, it is possible a little in the final phase of flowering.

How to choose the planting material

Pledge beautiful blossom is a high-quality bulb. Select the bulbs follows in flower stores according to the following parameters:

  • the diameter of the bulb is at least five centimeters;
  • there are no damage and disagreeability;
  • the bulb is dense, not dried;
  • the best time for buying lukovits - August.

If you are purchased, then the stem and floweros should be reprehension.

Examination of the hyacinth How to fit the beginning of flowering under a specific date?

It is very approximately possible to calculate this: from landing to flowering it takes about 2.5 months, the plant itself blooms 10-18 days (depends on the variety), so it is easy to calculate. We want for the new year - we start in the middle of October, to Valentina Day - the end of November, by March 8 - the 20th day of December. Before buying bulbs, read the conditions of cultivation prettier - the most important thing is that on three phases of the surveillance required different temperatures (So \u200b\u200bdifferent place).

First stage - Sale a bulb in a pot and imitate winter. 1.5-2 months Content a pot at temperatures up to 8 ° C and full darkening. It may be a cellar, and for the absence of it - the bottom of the refrigerator (the pot close the pot). Go to the next step when the sprout reaches 5 cm. The substrate in the vase is maintained constantly wet, drying is unacceptable.

Second phase - Increased temperature by 5 -7 ˚С (spring comes), the room is still darkened. Gradually, you can move closer to the window, adding light. We are waiting for the appearance of buds.

Third stage - bloom, passes with good illumination and a temperature of about 20 ° C. Golden Rule - No sharp heaps of heat and heat, otherwise you will not see colors.

Landing hyacinth at home

Pot fill in a nutrient soil for two thirds in height. No longer needed.

The bulbs plant half the height so that the tops are on the surface. So hyacinth does not get sick with grinding diseases and will grow well.

After neatly pollen, not touching themselves, put the pot into a dark cool place. When the leaves are 7-8 cm in height, the pot should be placed on the sunny windowsill.

If you have submitted the whole process, we found places with a suitable temperature - forward, plant bulbs. This is simple.

  • You can choose individual vases by 5 cm wide bully, and you can place hyacinths in a container of several pieces (at a distance of 2-3 cm) - so they look more spectacular.
  • At the bottom of the tank, it is necessary to place drainage, then the earth, do not sleep to the top so that the lucker looks out for 2 cm from the soil.
  • Seed the bulbs (not close to the edge of the tank), we will tamper the soil and rush.
  • From above, you can pour a layer of sand (up to 1 cm) to avoid revealing bulbs. All cover the dark film (necessarily ventilation holes) And in the "winter", on the first phase.

Hyacinth at home after flowering

Eastern name Hyacinte - "Lokon Guri". So they dismissed, pleased us with their curls, a wonderful aroma, it's time to relax.

What to do with home hyacinth after flowering:

  • Flower plowed - cutting a bloomon. In the period of rest, adhere to moderate irrigation, give the plants the opportunity to form "kids" and gain strength to the main bulb.
  • Support plant with complex fertilizer.
  • Only after the complete drying of the leaves should dig a bulb.
  • Carefully inspect, dry in the air, remove the dry husk, too small "kids" let them remain with "mom", and you can separate more larger.
  • All of them must be perfectly dry - the first week even at 30 ° C, then another 2 weeks - 25 ° C, and until the landing - at a temperature of 17 ° C and high humidity (so that the bulb does not dry). This is a very important stage, because it is now the future of inflorescence and small children (therefore next landing It is necessary to be careful not to damage them).

In the fall of the Bulb of Hyacinth, it is necessary to land into the ground on the flower, so that they can recover after flowering at home. Put them with dealers (15-20 cm) so that they do not extinct, and cover the layer of mulch 10 cm. Spring in the spring. Plants can not bloom in spring, but perfectly prepared for the next trampling in the new season. In the fall of the bulbs you can dig, dry and store in a cool place before planting a pot. The bulbs can form children, they are better to carefully separate and leave on the flowerbed, they will grow 4-5 years, until they reach the size of adult bulbs. Only then can be used to distill at home.

How to propagate hyacinths at home

  • The outflower plant does not like to re-distortion - it is necessary to plant it in an open soil (in the fall, even on the flower bed at the entrance) so that it gets strength.
  • If you plan to grow it in a year again, then this year in the soil hyacinth should bloom (there will have to cut the bloom).
  • A small baby for 3-4 years can be revealed to normal sizesSo that it goes to pasture at home.
  • Over these years, "young" will take periods of vegetation without flowering, gradually gaining power.

Here, a healthy thought is born: to get a ready-made seating material, and let it be engaged in nurseries.

Diseases and pests

The flower occasionally amazed with a yellow bacterial rot, with whom, alas, nothing can be done. The plant from the ground will have to throw out, and if the pot is planned to be used further, then it is necessary to disinfect.
Pests can be:

  • web tick;
  • nematodes;

Insecticides are used to combat them, however, during the flowering period it is impossible.
Possible problems When care for hyacinth at home:

  • yellow leaves - to blame the draft and watering into the outlet;
  • the leaves are wither - lack of lighting;
  • the extinguishing of buds - water fell on buds, sharp temperature difference;
  • termination of flowering - Flower is hot;
  • range - chronic overvoltage.

Conclusion: Hyacinth can grow, manifesting patience and attentiveness. Grow with the mind and enjoy luxurious flowering!

Description of hyacintha

Hyacinths photo When to plant at home Hyacinthus orientalis 'Delft Blue' photo

The hyacinth is now attributed to the Sparazhev family, although it was used to be isolated in a separate family of hyacinth or ranked in Lily. This bulby perennial is considered to be a leaving from Asia Minor, but Dutch breeders worked so diligently over the removal of its new varieties, the spread of a flower and bulbs that it can be considered truly modern "Dutch".

Hyacinth is a plant with a height of up to 30 cm, stem and oblong leaves are growing from a dense bulb. Hyacinth flowers - small bells with swirling leaves - assembled into a dense inflorescence-cone (reminds of pillage). In the form of flowers are simple and terry.

At the end of flowering and bloom, and the leaves dry out, in the corners of the leaves you need to search for small bulbies-kids (you can continue to apply for dilution), and the main bulb develops on the stem inside the maternal bulbs.
Perfectly proven itself at home, also in the open soil (where it is shown in the spring from the ground one of the first). This is not unfounded, it says more than four hundred years of exploring hyacinths. During this time, about 30 species took this point, including half a thousand plant varieties.

However, today the hyacinms include three types:

  • eastern (Hyacinthus orientalis);
  • Litvinova (Hyacinthus Litwinowii);

It is based on their basis and a variety of forms and colors of these plants is created.

Types and varieties of hyacinth with photos and description

East Hyacinthus Orientalis Hyacinthus - The very great-grandfather of the majority of today's varieties. Flowers with a gentle aroma are loosely placed on a thin bloomer. Can have any of the shades of white, yellow, pink or blue flowers. IN wildlife You can meet in Lebanon, Turkey or Syria.

Hyacinthus Litwinowii Hyacinthus Litvinova Hyacinthus - It has blizzard leaves and light blue flowers with sticking stamens. Natural Area - Iran, Turkmenistan.

CUSPIAN HYACINTHUS TRANSCASPICUS HYACINTHUS - A low-length flower (up to 20 cm), has up to two stems, the leaves are equally thickened over the entire length. In the loose of the inflorescence is not more than a dozen flowers. Natural location - Mountains of Turkmenistan.
Another classification of hyacinths is their separation by colors:

  • - ARENTINE ARENDSEN (white or cream flowers), terry Snow Crystal and Madame Sophie;

  • - Yellow Hammer (saturated yellow), Oranje Boven (soft yellow), City of Haarlem (salmon);

  • pink - Anna Marie (light pink), gertruda (saturated pink), Moreno (pink with a dark raspberry);
  • red - La Victoire, Tubergen's Scarlet, Hollyhock (terry);

  • lilac - Bismarck (pale), Blue Magic (Red Purple), Indigo King (dark purple);
  • blue - Queen of the Blues (Sleeper Blue), Perle Brillante (Palevo Blue), Marie (Saturated Blue).

Many flower houses keep young hyacinths at home in a pot, because this flower is very beautiful, Yapik, and during flowering fills the room subtle pleasant aroma , creating especially cozy atmosphere. Owners household plots, among other things, thus try to keep the flowering hyacinth bought in winter to autumn to decorate the garden flower garden.

However, many acquire this flower in order to replenish them a room floral collection, constantly updating it with the help of the "children" on the bulb.

Consider all the nuances how to properly care for hyacinth at home in a pot, but first take a look at the photo of this flower:

Landing and transplanting

The bulbs are planting in a pot either one by one, or at once three things closely. Bottom need to lay out drainage (2-3-centimeter sandy layer is quite suitable). Bulb the bulbs should not be completely: they must stick over the ground by a third.

Up to 2.5 months just planted bulbs have to keep in a dark place at + 5-9 degrees of heat (The refrigerator is an excellent option) periodically moisturizing. They transplant (or rather - they pass along with the land of the earth) of the bulb, only if the former pot becomes crazy.

Read more about planting and transplanting plants.


The most comfortable room hyacinth feels at temperatures between 20-22 degrees above zero. For a flower dangerous drafts, as well as proximity heating devices - It must be considered when choosing a place for the plant.


Hyacinths require abundant irrigation, but without convergence. Therefore, so important good drainage: Soil should not rear, but the water should not be stamped.

It is also important to ensure that so that the water does not get on the buds, the sinuses of the leaves, as well as the bulbs themselvesTherefore, it is better to give up from Leek.

How to water the hyacinth in a pot not to damage? Water carefully on the edge of the tank.

Best water for watering hyacinth - rain or Talalay, Convened indoors and warm to room temperature.


Hyacinth does not like shadow, so requires at least 12 bright hours daily. In relation to the light source, it is not so demanding: in addition to sunlight, it is quite suitable and artificial lighting. So that it is uniform, the capacitance with hyacinth must be periodically rotated.

Growing and reproduction

For the cultivation of hyacinth required bulbs from 6 cm in diameter - dense, without damage, weathered in the period of rest during the summer.

Hyacinth is breed at the end of the summer or the beginning of the autumn on bulbs - "kids", which are formed on an adult plant with time.

Also for reproduction are suitable scales and seedsBut the last method is carried out only by specialists.


Requires the care and flowering of hyacinth. Nature is provided so that the hat is bright, fragrant, tightly planted flowers early spring appears.

On one instance, up to 30 flowers - tubular, bell or funnels can be blown.

The bloom of hyacinth can be artificially coincided by a certain period of time - this called "outstanding".

The time of planting the bulbs in the pot, the temperature and the period of cooling the bulbs, as well as the process of pasting itself affects this.

However, in the course of the bulb, it is very depleted, so it is planted into the ground for the restoration of forces after flowering.

Learn from a separate article.


After home hyacinth is flowing, its coloros should be cut. After that, when growing in a spacious pot with proper care, the hyacinth will begin to grow new strong leaves, thereby preparing for new flowering.

What to do in spring?

Heat, as well as a long day day will help develop beautiful, strong colors. Hyacinth in spring is required only water and occasionally fertilize plants, Watching the temperature. For fertilizer, phosphate and saltra are most often mixed.

Caring for winter

After the hyacinth blew, the blooming is cut, but the plant needs to continue to water and even feed. As soon as the leaves of hyacinth in the winter are completely faded, the bulb is taken out of the ground, purify from faded foliage and dried a couple of days. If there are well-developed "kids" on the bulb, they can be separated.

If the "kids" have not yet become stupid and are poorly separated from the maternal bulb, it is better to leave them until next year.

Next, the hyacinth bulb can hold in dryness and coolness to autumn landing on the garden plot. Or continue to grow hyacinth as indoor plantbut in the fall anyway is needed a ground fallout, as re-grow from this bulb flowering plant Houses will not work.

The soil

A special relationship when leaving at home hyacinth in a pot requires to soil. The composition of the land for hyacinth can be different, the main thing is to nOT acid. Sand-peat mixture or compost mixed with sand. Upper layer The soil of hyacinth is also sprinkled with sand 1-centimeter layer to prevent rotting.

Some flower products grow hyacinths without soil: in vases filled with water with dissolved in it mineral fertilizers.

Benefit and harm

Poisonous or no hyacinth flower? In some flower water, the care for hyacinth in room conditions causes concern the property that all his parts of poisonous If you get inside the organism.

If your house has small children or pets, take care to put the flower in an inaccessible place for them, or give up the cultivation of hyacinth.

However, hyacinth can benefit. In particular, it is believed that his the smell has the properties of aphrodisiacAnd also normalizes the activities of hormones, eliminates stress, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.

Also hyacinth used in perfumery and cosmetologyBut before using these funds you need consultation with a specialist, since the oil of hyacinth refers to potent substances.

Diseases and pests

If you decide to get homemade hyacinth flowers in a pot, how to care for home for them - an important question, with improper care, the plant will get sick.

When caring for a home flower, hyacinth leaves may be yellowed due to the unsuitable temperature mode , as well as because of drafts. Lack of lighting will lead to foliage foliage.

If a opal budsThe reason for most likely it was the wrong watering or moisture from the flower. Signs of rotting are caused by overgrowth. All this is easy to fix a change in the care regimen of hyacinth.

Appearance black dots on the leaves and mucus around the bulbs Speaks about a more serious disease - yellow bacterial rot. It is impossible to cure it, you can only destroy the infected plant.

But the disease can be prevented: for this, it is necessary to observe the measure in watering, and to hold the bulb before planting in the drug with phosphorus content.

The pests dangerous for hyacinth include stealth nematodes, root ticks and a wave. You can get rid of them with the help of special drugs, but they need to use them strictly before the formation of buds.

Now you know what is a hyacinth flower, how to care at home behind this plant. Grown and captured in homemade pot Hyacinth is ready to be planted in a nursery flower garden. And in order to decorate the house with a new blooming hyacinth, you can use his bulbs- "kids."