When to plant garlic before winter: timing and scheme, varieties for winter planting. How to plant garlic before winter so that it is large: planting rules

It is important for the farmer and summer resident to know: when to plant winter garlic - at what time, at what distance, at what depth. How to determine the exact planting time, subtleties, nuances - agronomists advise, experienced farmers recommend.

When to plant garlic in autumn:

It takes 34-40 days to root system formed from 12 to 18 roots 5-10 cm long. Planting dates winter garlic- 2-3 weeks before the onset of frost: the teeth should have time to take root, but not germinate.

The timing of planting garlic depends on three factors:

  • soil temperature + 10 ... + 7 ° C;
  • no night frosts with t not lower than -10 ° C;
  • the soil should not be too wet so that it is possible to plant garlic both by hand in the country and in field conditions using mechanized equipment.

Late planting of garlic in late October-early November, adjusted for the region, is fraught with low germination: the cloves that do not have time to take root die.

Advice! Winter garlic not planted in autumn can also be planted in spring.

Depending on the variety, during spring sowing, the cloves will form a bulb not differentiated into cloves - the so-called. one-tooth onion. Cold storage at t -5 ... + 5 ° C and early dates landing.

Preparing the soil for planting winter garlic using a wide-row method.

Estimated time frames vary by region. Winter garlic in the Moscow region is planted from September 15-20 to the first ten days of October, in the Kostroma region - until mid-October inclusive, in the South Urals - until October 5-10. Given climate change and warmer autumn, the timing may shift. If you ask the older generation, they will answer clearly: until the Pokrovs, which signify the arrival of winter, have come - October 14.

On the personal plot a possible planting scheme between rows is observed from 45-40 to 30-35 cm.In comparison with commercial areas, it is possible to reduce the distance between rows by increasing the distance in a row: 25 cm x 12 cm, 30 x 10 cm.

When to plant garlic before winter and how - agronomists advise.

Planting scheme of winter arrowhead garlic with different mass of a clove for large areas is as follows:

  • for large cloves weighing 6-9 g - 45 cm × 70-10 cm with a feeding area of ​​35-45 cm2;
  • for an average mass of 5-7 g - 45 cm × 7 cm with a feed area of ​​300-320 cm2;
  • for small 2-3 g - 45 x 5 (up to 220 cm2 per plant);
  • for very small ones up to 1.5 g 45 cm × 3 cm (up to 140 cm2).

Why all these numbers? To determine the required number of cloves in terms of weight per unit area.

So, when planting medium-sized cloves with a feed area of ​​320 cm2: divide 10,000 m2 by 0.0320 m2 and we get 312,500 pieces.

To determine the mass of garlic per hectare: multiply the average weight by the quantity: 312,500 × 4-5 g = 1406 kg per hectare. The sowing rate for large cloves can be up to 2000 kg / ha.

Important! Taking into account the scales, the bottom and part of the arrows, the amount of garlic per hectare increases by 5-7%.

The optimal planting pattern for industrial areas, farm plantings will be a tape two-row planting pattern - 45 cm between rows (double rows) and 20 cm between double rows, as well as a wide-row method - with a row spacing of 40-45 cm.

The planting density with the first method will be about 380,000, with the second - about 270,000 plants per hectare.

For mechanized care and cleaning in industrial areas, a four-row planting scheme is also practiced (with a main row spacing of 54 cm, and 27 cm - four narrow ones). A line planting of winter garlic will give good results - with row spacing of 30-40 cm.

The feeding area of ​​one plant is from 80-100 to 360 cm2, depending on the variety, size of the clove, agricultural technology, soil and climatic conditions.

Distance in a row

The distance in the row depends on the size of the clove. So, winter garlic is usually larger than spring garlic (up to 2-3 g), and requires a longer distance: from 6-10 to 12 cm. With the wide-row method (45 × 7), the optimal feeding area will be up to 320 cm2.

Two-row scheme for planting winter garlic.

Important! An increase in stocking density leads to a decrease in gross yield, while improving product quality due to more large bulbs.

At the same time, the sowing rate of air seeds (bulbs) of garlic per 1 running meter of a row of 55-60 bulbs at a weight rate of about 50 kg / ha, depending on the caliber.

Planting depth

To what depth to plant the garlic - there are many opinions. The correct answer is that the depth depends on the size.

Winter garlic is sown to a depth of 7-8 cm and up to 10-12 cm, depending on the size of the bulbs: medium specimens are buried by 7-8 cm, large ones - by 10-12 cm, small ones - by 3-5 cm. Soil layer above teeth should not be less than 3-4 cm.

Important! On light sandy loam soils, it should be planted at a greater depth due to the faster freezing of soils with a light texture. At the same time, a decrease in t to -12 ... -14 ° C in the bottom zone can become critical and lead to freezing.

Collection of winter garlic.

Correct fit is a lengthy question. It is worth noting a few nuances and bad advice.

About soaking. Before planting, the teeth are soaked in a foundation solution, immersed for 2-3 minutes. Classic potassium permanganate can cause burns in high concentrations, and foundation is more effective.

Some sand. With a low agricultural background, it is recommended to sprinkle the bottom of the planting rows with sand so that the bottom does not come into contact with the ground in order to avoid root rot, etc.

Position. For better rooting, the teeth should occupy a strictly vertical position, which is not always possible with mechanized planting: the teeth are laid at an angle, which affects productivity - it decreases by 10-15%.

Do not loosen the soil. The most common anti-tip is loosening before planting. The bottom should lie on a compacted bed: loose soil will not give a tight fit with an earthen lump, it will slow down germination.

Too loose soil is rolled up on industrial plantings, rolling is practiced on light soils. Gardeners simply mulch, raking up a mound of earth from above.

About mulching. Do not mulch the plantings with peat, tyrsa: these are heavy, moisture-consuming materials, and in the spring they make it difficult to warm up the soil.
About fertilization. The introduction of organic matter before planting negatively affects the germination and phytosanitary quality of the product, gives the growth of green mass to the detriment of the bulb.

Let's hope that some simple advice - when to plant garlic, where and how will be useful, and not useful tips will not be used. A generous harvest!

Good day everyone!

On my agenda today important question for gardeners and amateur gardeners. Tell me, have you already prepared the garlic for winter, I mean planted it in the ground in the fall, so that you can harvest it later in the summer?

Let's figure it out - when and how to do this work correctly. What you need to know and be able to, so that later your favorite fragrant and piquant vegetable will please us with a large harvest, because almost anything you can do without it, or for example, a real tasty rich

V folk medicine it is used very often, and is also a repeller for many soil inhabitants.

And the benefits of this vegetable crops I think that I will not write in this article, because it seems to me that its benefits for all of us are obvious, and we know how? and where it can be used. Well, and to whom it has become unbearably interesting, you can always find any information on the vastness of the Internet.

How and when to plant winter garlic with cloves?

This type of garlic should be planted in the ground in October, namely, if you look at the Lunar calendar, the dates there are 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27 October 2019 ...

You can also plant in November, but this is for certain regions where it is warm.

Interesting! If you look at the calendar, you can see such information for 2019, you cannot plant on such autumn days: from October 1-15. For 2019, winter garlic should be planted on September 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27 September, or 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22 , 23,24,25,26,27 October. For those who did not have time and for warm regions of Russia, you can land on such days November 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25, as well as December: 15-21, 23.27.28.

In general, you should understand that the main rule for planting garlic is planting it before the arrival of cold weather, frost. The approximate limitation is that they will come in 30 to 45 days. In other words, if your temperature outside is +10 +12 for two weeks, then this culture should be planted in the soil, because stable cold weather will soon come.

Important! Planting times will depend on which region you live in. Generally speaking, for all territories of Russia, then this is not earlier than mid-September, but not later than the first decade of December.

Remember that if you plant garlic early in the primer, it will germinate, and this is an early death ... And if you plant too late, it will not take root and freeze, and nothing good will come of it either.

Important! Remember that garlic should be planted where annual vegetables such as cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, and courgettes grew. In no case do not plant where root crops grew. Therefore, never plant garlic where it grew. onion, garlic, potatoes, and tomatoes. This contributes to disease attack, such as nematodes.

It is recommended to change the place of residence of the garlic every two years. And also there are some tricks, nuances that absolutely everyone should know about. I highly recommend watching this video, everything is very detailed in it, but at the same time everything is shown and told in a compact manner:

Another remark and condition for garlic to give good harvest it must be planted at the correct moon phases. As usual, on a full moon and a new moon, no garden work cannot be produced. And also on the waxing moon.

Stages of garlic planting work:

1. Prepare the soil for planting in advance, walk with a cultivator or ordinary shovel. And also you need to take planting material, I personally never process it.

2. As for the garlic, I have a Belarusian variety, as shown in this photo, it is white with a purple tint.

Important! The larger the planting material, the larger the crop will be. Ha, logical))).

Use the largest cloves, but renew the garlic periodically from the bulbs. It is preferable to use your own garlic than to buy it in stores or supermarkets, it’s better then buy it from your grandmother in the market, where it is at least your own home.

Break the garlic into chives and remember to do this just before planting.

Plant enough garlic for food, harvesting, and planting.

3. So, start planting. There are so many different options this activity.

Interesting! You can use various special patterns, etc., there is a lot of know-how in our market for garden products.

I always prefer to do it easily and quickly, without any hassle. How I do it, I need two tools - a rake and a shovel.

With the help of a rake, or rather its handle, make such a ruler so that it is even. And with a scoop, make indentations, turn the scoop over and use a handle to make holes in the ground. My garden is not very large, so I plant in three grooves, you can do more at your discretion.

Important! The distance between the holes is 10-15 cm, do it by eye. And the depth of planting garlic is about 6-8 cm, you can make a mark on the handle of the scoop.

You can go another option, take a plank and make notches on it for convenience, and the indentations can be made with an ordinary peg.

4. Divide the head of garlic into cloves, prepare for work. I hope you know where the tops are and where the roots are. Who has forgotten, then be sure to look at this picture, because you must plant the roots in the ground.

5. In our case, in the groove you made, place one clove of garlic vertically, and in no case do not press it, but just carefully put it and cover it with earth. No need to water.

Important! To prevent the clove from rotting from the torrential autumn rains, after you place it in the ground, add 1 teaspoon of sand to the hole, the sand will do the drainage work.

Interesting! For novice gardeners, you can make grooves around the entire perimeter, and then, so as not to lose where you planted, and where not, stick garlic.

6. When all the cloves are planted, sprinkle well again with earth, using a rake.

7. And of course compact, also with a rake.

It's so easy, quick and simple to do this job!

How to plant garlic in bulbs before winter so that it grows large?

But as for the garlic bulbs, and not cloves, then this kind can be planted in April. This garlic is called spring garlic, not winter garlic.

Remember that if you plant with bulbs, then they will bring a real harvest only after a year. In the first year, only a clove will grow from one bulb, and already in the second year, a whole head from this clove.

All the same, the bulbs sound cool, such small and amusing things))).

I propose to watch the video and learn how to make such a planting of garlic correctly:

Planting garlic in the fall before winter for different regions of Russia

As I said earlier, approximate dates for sowing garlic are determined for each region. Let's sort it out in order.

Planting garlic before winter for residents of the Moscow region according to the lunar calendar 2019

It is recommended to plant this crop on October 25-30. But, there is an opinion that the time before the Day of Intercession is better for this area, and this is October 14th. According to signs, it is believed that the garlic planted in this period will give a very large harvest.

Among the varieties especially loved by gardeners for this region are: Spas, Jubilee 07, Jubilee Gribovsky, Messidor, Kharkovsky, etc.

Planting garlic in autumn before winter in Siberia

Most best time planting for Siberian residents falls on the second mid-September, namely, to be more precise, in the period of September 23-30.

I would also like to note for the Altai Territory, since I myself live here, these terms are correct.

Correct planting of garlic before winter in the Urals

For the population of the Urals, landing falls on October 16,20,21,22,23, if it is Southern Urals if it is Medium, then October 25,26,27,28,29,30.

Here is such a useful article turned out, I hope now you have precisely understood and remembered how and when to plant garlic. Wish you big harvest next year, and of course always good and positive mood... See you everyone, bye!

P.S I completely forgot, I want to remind you that with the onset of cold weather the symptoms of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory infections come, they can be dealt with with garlic, hanging around your neck at home, and especially for children, beads made of balls with a surprise and breathe this aroma.

Best regards, Ekaterina Mantsurova

There are two varieties of garlic - spring and winter. Spring garlic is planted in spring, while winter garlic is planted in autumn, and its bulbs can be planted in April and in autumn, you can get planting material for the next season. In order for the harvest of winter garlic to be good and not to freeze in winter, you need to know how to plant garlic in winter correctly, we will talk about this in this article.

How to plant garlic for the winter and when

Like all winter crops, garlic is planted in the fall. By folk signs all plantings must be completed before Cover of the Day - October 14th. For the central part of Russia, the optimal time for planting garlic from about mid-September to mid-October... In order not to plant the garlic too early, experienced agronomists recommend waiting for the moment when at night the soil will be covered with an ice crust that thaws during the day.

Since the climatic conditions in Russia are very different, the main rule is to complete the planting of garlic 30-45 days before the onset of frost. During this time, the garlic will have time to grow roots up to 12 mm long, while the green growth will not have time to ascend. Planting garlic for winter 2017 lunar calendar will take into account not only the timing of disembarkation, but also the optimal days for disembarkation in accordance with the lunar phases.

Favorable days for planting garlic in autumn in 2017 according to the lunar calendar:

  • September: 7, 10, 11, 14, 15;
  • October: 7, 8, 11, 12, 18;
  • November: 5, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 6, 17.

If you plant the garlic earlier, then it can have time to rise and then the young green shoots will freeze, and if you plant it too late, then the garlic will not have time to take root and will freeze.

Preparing a bed for planting winter garlic

Garlic is a rather capricious culture, respectively, the soil should be:

  • Nutritious. In at least two weeks, all the necessary fertilizers must be added to the soil under the garlic ( the best choice there will be an introduction of humus - 5 kg per 1 sq. m) and dig it up.
  • Lightweight. Garlic grows poorly on heavy soils and prefers sandy loam type of soil.
  • Weakly acidic. The culture practically does not develop on acidic soils and gives a meager harvest, and therefore the soil must be deoxidized.

Place for planting garlic must meet the following requirements:

  • Illumination. Garlic is a light-loving culture, therefore, when choosing a place for it, you must definitely take this into account.
  • Sublime place. The place where the garlic bed will be organized should be elevated so that there is no stagnation of melt water on it.
  • Be protected from the wind. If there is no snow on the garlic bed in winter, then it must be covered, otherwise it will simply freeze out. Therefore, it is advisable that the wind does not blow snow from the garlic bed in winter.

A good plot for the garden would be fence spot on the north side... After the planting site has been selected and the soil is fertilized, cover the bed with foil until the garlic is planted.

When choosing a site for garlic, planting before winter when planting, it is imperative to take into account the rules of crop rotation, otherwise the harvest will be poor. Failure to comply with these rules can lead to the fact that the soil will lack the elements necessary for garlic nutrition. Pathogens and larvae of pests from the previous culture may be in the ground. In addition, planting garlic after the recommended crops contributes to a good harvest due to the accumulation of substances beneficial to garlic in the previous crop.

  • It is not recommended to plant garlic after root crops, as their harvest is late and the soil may not have time to recover. In addition, garlic should not be planted after garlic and onions.
  • Experts recommend planting garlic after annual crops with a short growing season (cucumbers, zucchini, peppers, and others).
  • Planting garlic in the same place, including after related crops, is allowed only after 3-4 years.

Also, when choosing a planting site for garlic, it is worth considering the compatibility of crops. Before planting garlic in the fall, consider a planting plan for next year so that incompatible crops are not planted with each other.

How to properly plant winter garlic in autumn

For planting, only good and strong teeth are selected that do not contain damage. Before planting, the cloves are disinfected in a chilled ash solution (0.5 kg of ash per 2 liters of water) for 2 hours.

Rules for planting winter garlic

  • To plant garlic for the winter, having prepared a bed, you need to make grooves or indentations with a thin cuttings 15 cm deep. The planting scheme is as follows - 15 x 20 cm (15 cm is the distance in a row, 20 cm is the distance between the rows).
  • A 1.5 cm layer of sand is poured onto the bottom of the recess to prevent tooth decay and increase drainage. Then we put the cloves with the bottom down and cover them with earth.
  • From above, the bed must be mulched with a layer of dry peat or a layer of sawdust mixed with the ground.
  • In a winter with little snow, as well as in the Urals and Siberia, garlic for the winter must be covered with roofing material or a film so that it does not suffer from frost.
  • The bulbs planted in April will give planting material for the next year by autumn. They can be planted according to a denser pattern to a depth of about 3 cm.

Care rules

After the garlic is planted, the bed is mulched and, if necessary, covered, all work stops until spring. For a good harvest of garlic in the next season, you need to carry out the following work:

  • remove roofing material and mulching layer;
  • at the first shoots, apply nitrogenous fertilizers;
  • abundant watering at the stage of active growth and head formation;
  • loosening and weeding the beds after watering;
  • periodic breaking off of the issued arrows;
  • in late June - early July, add ash to the soil.

Popular varieties of winter garlic

When planted before winter, garlic is first of all chosen zoned, i.e. varieties suitable for the region so that the harvest is good and the gardener is happy. The most popular and demanded varieties of garlic are: Lyubasha, Spas, Komsomolets, Petrovsky, Gribovsky 60 and Yubileiny Gribovsky, Messidor and many others.

How to plant garlic in the winter correctly - a step by step plan

  1. Drawing up a plan for planting crops for the next year, taking into account plant compatibility, crop rotation rules and soil requirements.
  2. Choosing a place for planting winter garlic, applying top dressing and covering with a film until the garlic is planted. Term of work: from late August to early September.
  3. Selection planting material(we choose extremely strong, undamaged teeth with a whole shell). Carrying out their disinfection. Term of work: before landing, but no later than October 14.
  4. Removing the film from the bed and preparing the grooves, taking into account the scheme and depth of planting, planting the cloves. Work completion time: mid-September - mid-October.
  5. Covering the beds with roofing material or foil if winters in your area are harsh or with little snow. Term of completion: immediately after planting the garlic.

In our country, garlic is used for food with almost no residue: its young leaves are used in the preparation of many dishes or are simply served as a side dish; cloves are used both for preservation and for use in fresh, and the arrows are pickled. But just not everyone succeeds in growing a rich harvest of this plant. And all due to the fact that few know about the right for the winter.

Basic rules for winter sowing

Experienced gardeners say that late sowing is best suited for winter sowing.It is in them that the largest amount of trace elements is preserved, which means that the new head will grow strong and healthy. The largest and undamaged teeth should be selected.

Now about when to plant garlic. It is quite understandable that winter sowing is carried out in the fall, but in which month it depends on the specific area of ​​residence. After all, somewhere winter comes in November, and somewhere severe frosts and snow should not be expected earlier than January. In any case, before winter, it should not be carried out earlier than mid-September and later than the first decade of December. But when should be decided independently, taking into account weather conditions in the region of your residence.

Another important point is an additional disinfection of the seed. Experienced gardeners it is strongly recommended to carry out additional processing three days before planting the garlic.

The selected cloves are placed in a concentrated manganese solution and left in it for 30 minutes. Then they are removed and allowed to dry well. Disembarkation can be done after 72 hours. The distance between the cloves is about 4-6 cm, and between the rows - no more than 10 cm, but not less than 4 cm.

It must be remembered that if you want to get a truly rich harvest, then you should only use the seed material that is ideal for your climate.

Soil preparation rules

So, if we figured out how to plant garlic for the winter, now we need to talk about how to properly prepare the soil for planting it. First of all, it should be remembered that this plant cannot be planted in the same place for two years in a row. This is because garlic becomes more vulnerable to pests and diseases. And also there is no longer in the earth enough essential nutrients.

Secondly, you should choose a landing site at least ten weeks in advance. The earth needs to be dug up and fertilized, ideally with organic matter. But here you should be careful not to overdo it with feeding.

But, speaking about how to plant garlic for the winter, one cannot but say about the soil in which it is better not to plant it at all. You will not get a good harvest if the sowing was done in clay or loamy soil. It is too heavy and does not contain the required amount of minerals.

Winter Garlic Care Basics

But it is not enough to know how to plant garlic for the winter. You must also have reliable information about the rules of caring for him. By by and large everything is simple here. After the emergence of stable seedlings, the beds must be weeded out. As for watering, before the arrows appear, it should be daily and abundant. Only in this case can you expect to get large and healthy heads of garlic. It is not necessary to additionally feed this plant, but only if the soil was fertilized before planting.

Despite the fact that planting garlic before winter seems difficult at first glance, in fact it is far from the case. By following all of the above tips, you can easily grow this plant on your site.