Planting raspberries in the fall - we calculate the best times and methods. Planting raspberries in the fall. Planting dates for raspberries in autumn

Raspberries can be planted any time of the year except winter. But, experienced gardeners claim that the best time the year for planting is autumn. Planting raspberries in autumn Is a very difficult process. In order to collect a large number of ripe sweet berries in the summer, you need to carefully study the timing of autumn planting and the basic rules for working with this shrub.

Why is it better to plant raspberries in autumn?

In most regions of Russia, warm, but rainy weather is observed in early autumn. It is this climate that contributes to the rapid rooting of raspberries. On the contrary, this shrub does not like heat and drought. When planted in autumn, raspberries have time to develop their root system and accumulate nutrients for the growth of shoots in spring. In this case, raspberries begin to bear fruit already at next year... For some only northern regions spring planting is preferable. This is due to the fact that frosty winters with little snow are most often observed in such an area. The exact timing of planting raspberries is determined by the following parameters:

  • The climate in the region.
  • Nearest weather forecast.
  • Raspberry variety.
  • The growing season of the shrub.

In the southern regions, it is recommended to plant shrubs in the first decade of October. V middle lane, as a rule, it is customary to carry out work at the end of September. In the northern regions, planting of raspberries should be done a little earlier, in early September. However, for all regions of Russia there is a general rule: you need to plant raspberries at least 2 weeks before the onset of severe frosts.

In addition, you need to carefully study the planting requirements for a particular raspberry variety. The early varieties should be planted in September and the later ones in October. For winter-hardy shrubs it is not necessary to strictly adhere to the landing dates. Even if the work is carried out 1 - 2 weeks later than expected, they will have time to take root. The situation is completely different with varieties that are not resistant to frost. It is better to postpone their planting to the spring.

Experienced gardeners always consider the growing season of the shrub. Raspberries should be planted only after the growth of their bushes has stopped. At the same time, the foliage from the bush should fall off intensively. These signs indicate that the so-called dormant period has come, in which it is necessary to produce planting work... However, the correct growing season can only be determined by experienced gardeners who have been caring for raspberry bushes for several years. The rest should stick to general rule that raspberries are planted from the last decade of September to the first decade of October. If it was not possible to plant raspberries on time for some reason, it must be saved until spring.

  1. Store in a cool, draft-free environment.
  2. Digging into the ground.
  3. Snowing (dropping packed seedlings under a dense layer of snow).

Seedlings can be purchased at the nursery or taken from your own formed raspberry bush. The seedlings must be mature and healthy. When choosing, it is better to be guided by the following rules:

  • You need to choose only annual shoots that extend from the root.
  • Carefully examine the roots of the seedling. If necessary, they need to be cleaned and damaged roots removed.
  • The root thickness of the seedling must be at least 1 cm;

Landing place

Raspberries love sunlight and moisture. For this reason, you need to choose well-lit places. Raspberry bushes develop very poorly in the shade. The ripening time of the shoots increases, the berries ripen much later. In addition, raspberries growing in the shade are much more vulnerable to insect pests and fungal infections. The place must be protected from drafts. There are no special requirements for the soil at the raspberry planting site. Ideally, the soil should be fertile and well-drained. If you plant raspberries in high sandy soil, the berries will appear about 2 weeks earlier than usual. Some gardeners recommend shaping the soil with different composition... In one place it can be light loamy, in another sandy soil. In this case, ripe berries will delight you much longer.

How to plant raspberries?

There are 2 methods of planting raspberries: artisanal and trench. In the first case, seedlings are planted in one hole in a group. In the second case, raspberries are planted in rows, one seedling per hole. Gardeners believe that the second method allows for higher yields and is most beneficial for the shrub. The place for planting raspberries must be carefully dug up, weed plants must be removed and loosened. Form trenches with holes in the soil, the diameter of which should be 50 cm and the depth of about 30 cm.The distance between the holes is at least 60 cm, between the rows - at least 4 m.This distance can be reduced by several meters if there is little free space on the site. territory.

Pour humus at the bottom of each formed hole. Then place the raspberry roots in this hole. It is important that the roots of the shrub are horizontal. If they point up or stick out of the ground, the raspberries will die. Cover the roots with earth, but do not tamp tightly. At the end of planting, pour plenty of water over the raspberries. Each seedling should take about 1 bucket. Over the next three days, raspberries need to be sprayed with a spray bottle with water. Install support pegs at the beginning and end of each row. If desired, they can be installed more often, every 4 m.

To create shrubs favorable conditions for development, you need to mulch the soil. For this, a piece of land with raspberries can be covered sawdust, straw or peat. In regions with little snowy frosty winters, you can insulate raspberries using plastic film... From it you need to create a frame around the bushes.

Caring for raspberries after planting

After planting on raspberries, it needs intensive watering. The soil must be moistened to a depth of 30-40 cm. If it rains in the region, the intensity of irrigation decreases or stops altogether. The soil does not need additional fertilization, since humus is introduced into the ground during planting. However, in order to protect young shoots from insect pests and infections, you need to treat the soil around with a solution copper sulfate... Bending down should be done before the first frost. To do this, the raspberry bushes need to be bent over each other and fixed with twine. This work is best done in the afternoon. At this time of day, the bushes are most flexible. In winter, it is necessary to ensure that the raspberries are covered with a layer of snow, without it the bushes will freeze.

In the spring, the shoots are freed from the rope, straightened and visually inspected. Frozen and damaged bushes should be removed. During flowering, raspberries are fertilized with mineral or organic fertilizers purchased in garden stores. Raspberries have not only a pleasant bright taste, but also contain a huge amount of nutrients. In order to collect as much of a high-quality crop as possible, all planting rules must be observed.

Raspberry seedlings planted in autumn give better growth and higher yields than those planted in spring. However, there are many factors to consider when landing. We will tell you which ones.

Most often, gardeners plant raspberries in spring, but autumn planting has a significant advantage over spring planting - with others equal conditions planting seedlings in September-October will provide the berry grower with better survival and higher yields.

Planting dates for raspberries in autumn

There is no definite answer to the question of when to plant raspberries. Specific terms depend on several factors at once: climatic zone, weather conditions, raspberry varieties.

It is necessary to plant seedlings 15-20 days before the onset of frost. In the middle lane, the planting period of this shrub usually falls at the end of September - mid-October; in warmer regions, it can be planted until the end of October.

The main criterion by which the readiness of seedlings is determined is the appearance of replacement buds on the root collar. Have early varieties they can appear as early as mid-September, in late September by the end of the month.

If you miss the moment and plant the raspberries too late, they will not have time to root well and the seedling may die in the harsh snowless winter.

Site preparation for autumn planting of raspberries

This berry bush will feel good in a sunny corner of the garden well protected from drafts.

Ideally, a place for planting raspberries is prepared in advance, 2 years in advance. If there is such an opportunity, before planting seedlings, siderates are sown in the selected area.

If the decision to plant raspberries was made spontaneously, and you do not want to wait for two years, choose areas for this crop where perennial grasses grew before.

Immediately after strawberries and nightshades, raspberries should not be planted!

Raspberry prefers loamy and sandy loam soils. If your site is acidic, increased acidity needs to be corrected by liming. For this, fluff, ground limestone, marl, burnt lime, dolomite are introduced into the ground. Lime promotes the accumulation of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil, improves the structure of the soil.

How to choose raspberry seedlings?

Only healthy seedlings can guarantee an excellent harvest. A weak, diseased seedling will not grow a strong plant that will bear good harvest... Therefore, to the choice planting material must be approached responsibly.

A high-quality raspberry seedling should be a 20-centimeter shoot with a diameter of at least 5 mm with a well-developed root system.

Purchased bushes should be placed in water for two days, and before planting, dried stems must be cut off. Immediately before burying the seedling, its roots are dipped in a mullein solution (1:10).

Bush method of planting raspberry seedlings

Bush planting of raspberries (in a separate hole) is one of the most common methods. It is great if your garden does not have room for a raspberry "plantation" and you plan to plant several shrubs in different places.

First of all, it is necessary to make a markup with a twine, leaving an interval of 0.7-0.9 m between plants, between rows - 1.5-2 m.

After that, you should dig holes 30 × 30 × 30 cm in size.In each of them add 3-5 kg ​​of compost or humus, 30-35 g of superphosphate and 20-25 g of potassium salt.
Fertilizers in the pit are mixed with the top fertile soil layer. Then recesses are formed in the ground. The roots of the seedling are lightly shaken off, straightened. The seedling is placed in the center of the hole so that root system took up all the space. Raspberries are buried so that the replacement kidney is 2-3 cm below ground level.

After planting, the soil around the seedling is slightly trampled down, 5 liters of water are poured under the bush.

Tape method of planting raspberry seedlings

Gardeners find tape planting of raspberries (in trenches) a convenient and effective way.

To mark the rows, the ropes are pulled in the direction from south to north with row spacing of 2.0-2.5 m.Then, a trench is dug 40 cm wide and deep.

On 1 running meter trenches consume the same amount of fertilizer as in one pit with bush planting(3-5 kg ​​of manure, 30-35 g of superphosphate, 20-25 g of potassium salt). Then fertilizers are mixed with the top fertile soil layer.

Prepared raspberry seedlings are placed in a trench at a distance of 30-75 cm from each other.

Tight fit speeds up filling of the trench. But the most convenient for maintenance are belts with a width of 0.4-0.8 m.

Before planting, the soil must be loosened for a more rational distribution of moisture in it. With the tape method, raspberry seedlings are planted several centimeters deeper than they grew before. Then the soil is well trampled so that there are no voids left between the roots. The planted plants are watered and calculating 0.5 liters of water per bush.

To preserve moisture in the soil, prevent the growth of weeds and protect the seedlings from freezing, after planting, the soil around them is mulched. Humus, hay, sawdust, shredded stems of sunflower and corn are used as mulch. A protective layer is poured no more than 5 cm thick.

To protect the seedlings from freezing, after the first frost, they must be covered with a 15-20 cm layer of peat. In the spring, when the soil thaws a little, the peat must be removed. Further care behind the bushes the usual: watering, feeding, pruning and preventive treatments against diseases and pests.

With the arrival of autumn, there are no fewer worries in the garden. It is necessary to have time to collect and process the remnants of the harvest, plant the purchased seedlings, prepare the garden for the coming winter.

In this article we will talk about raspberries, what to do with raspberries in the fall. Most often, novice gardeners ask the following questions:

Autumn harvest

  • How and when is it better to plant raspberries in the fall?
  • How to prune bushes correctly?
  • How to transplant raspberries to a new location.
  • How to prepare plants for winter.

Let's start by planting raspberries in the fall.

Planting raspberries in autumn

Landing dates. The most favorable dates for autumn planting of raspberries are from mid-September to mid-October. These times may vary slightly depending on the region. The main condition is that about a month should pass from planting raspberries to the onset of frost. This time is enough for the plants to take root and take root in a new place. Poorly rooted seedlings may not survive the winter, so planting in late autumn is risky.

When is the best time to plant raspberries, in autumn or spring? Raspberries are definitely best planted in the fall. Subject to the rules and terms of planting, the seedlings winter well, in the spring they quickly start to grow and are much ahead of the plants planted in the spring. And in general, caring for autumn plantings is much easier. In autumn, the weather is more favorable, there is no spring heat, which greatly complicates the survival of plants after planting.

What is the difference between an autumn planting of raspberries and spring ones? The best survival rate of seedlings. The planting technique itself is the same in spring and autumn. The yield of your raspberry plant will depend to a large extent on the following factors:

  1. Choose your raspberry variety responsibly.
  2. Find the right place.
  3. Carry out pre-planting preparation.

The choice of a variety is a separate topic and we will talk about this in the next article, so let's go straight to the second point.

Where to plant. Raspberry is a surprisingly unpretentious plant, it can grow anywhere, without special care, and at the same time it can still give some kind of harvest. Of course, “some kind of harvest” will not suit us, we need the branches to literally burst from ripening berries, and for this we need to take into account everything that raspberries love and dislike.

Raspberries do not like low, wetlands very much, they bear fruit poorly in the shade and with a thickened planting. Prefers light loamy soils, well filled with organic matter. Most often it is planted along a fence or wall of a house with sunny side... Almost no one washes raspberries before use, so try not to plant them near dirt roads, where there is often a lot of dust.

Raspberries are best planted in a bright, sunny place.

Requirements for planting material. The thickness of the shoots of the seedlings should be about one centimeter. The root system has a thick lobe and is at least 10 cm long. Thin, fibrous roots die very quickly in the sun, so add them as quickly as possible, or at least wrap them in a wet rag.

Landing scheme. There are two main ways of planting raspberries - bush and ribbon. With the bush planting method, the raspberry plant will consist of bushes in each of which there will be 8 - 10 shoots of different ages. The distance between bushes in row 1 is 1.2 meters, and between rows 1, 5 - 2 meters.

When planting with a ribbon, stripes of raspberry stems no more than 40 cm wide are formed. The distance between plants is 40 - 50 cm, and between rows 1.5 - 2 meters.

Watch a video on how to plant raspberries, so that they long years gave a bountiful harvest:

How to plant raspberries in the fall

Raspberries will bear fruit for a long time and abundantly if organic matter is generously introduced into the ground before planting. Anyone who is familiar with the principles of natural farming knows what it is about.

At first glance, this pre-planting preparation can seem extremely difficult and time consuming. In fact, everything is not so difficult, but in the future you can do without any additional fertilizing and fertilizers.

First of all, we dig a trench.

When planting raspberries in the fall, such preparation must be started in advance. First of all, you need to dig a trench 40-50 cm wide and about 40 cm deep.

Lay pieces of wood at the bottom of the trench and cover them with manure.

At the bottom of the trench, lay any pieces of wood, preferably already half-rotten. Pour manure on top with a layer of seven to ten centimeters. If there is no manure, then use plant humus from compost heap... If there is no compost heap, then fill up the fallen leaves, tops, grass. All this will gradually rot and supply your raspberry plant with all the necessary nutrition. So that later the plant does not run out of the garden, immediately install pieces of slate or roofing material in the trench.

It remains to fill the trench with earth and spill it with water.

Add on top fertile land, water well and wait until the soil settles, you may have to add more earth.

We plant raspberries in a prepared trench.

Autumn planting of raspberries. Prepare pits large enough to accommodate the root system of the seedlings. Spread the roots in different sides, make sure that they do not turn up and cover with earth. The root collar of plants should be at ground level or slightly lower. Some novice gardeners consider the recommendations "straighten the roots ..." optional, "on duty", but this is not at all the case. When planting any seedling, the roots must be straightened and directed downward, then it will be much easier for the plant to take root in a new place.

After planting, water the seedlings and mulch.

After finishing planting, water the seedlings well and mulch with manure (if any) or fallen leaves, straw. If you plant raspberries in the spring, then immediately after planting it is necessary to cut the seedlings to a height of 15 - 20 cm. When planting in autumn, it is also better to prune in the spring. Any pruning provokes the growth of lateral shoots, and if the autumn is warm, then the seedlings can have time to release young shoots. In winter, they will of course die, and this is highly undesirable.

Of course, not everyone will be able to carry out such a pre-planting preparation, which is described above. Of course, raspberries can be planted in ordinary pits, but in this case, half a bucket of humus, 30 grams should be added to the holes. superphosphate and 20 gr. potassium salt. Nitrogen fertilizers, such as urea or saltpeter, are not recommended for planting raspberries.

The most common mistake when planting raspberries is thickening plantings.

Pruning raspberries in the fall

Pruning remontant raspberry and raspberry regular is held in different ways. To be precise, regular raspberries are not pruned in the fall. It is pruned in the summer, immediately after harvest.

The raspberry bush consists of shoots from the previous year and young shoots grown this year. The crop is formed on the shoots of the previous year, and these shoots must be cut out immediately after harvesting. This should not be delayed, because they interfere with the development of young plants, which should receive a lot of light and sun.

Along with cutting out old shoots starting to dry out, rationing of the remaining young ones is also carried out. First of all, remove the weak, underdeveloped, and from the strong choose and leave in each bush 4 - 5 of the most powerful shoots. Do not feel sorry for them, because in the spring new shoots will begin to grow and in the summer there will be no longer 4 - 5, 8 - 10 shoots in the bushes.

If for some reason you did not prune in the summer, then you will have to prune the raspberries in the fall, but try to do everything on time next year.

Trimming raspberries in the fall video:

Pruning remontant raspberries in the fall

Repaired raspberries can be grown in two ways:

  1. For two harvests. The first crop ripens at the end of June - July, and the second from the beginning of September until frost.
  2. For one harvest. This harvest ripens from the end of August and also lasts until frost.

These are, of course, very approximate terms, which may vary depending on the region and the variety of raspberries. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, which gardeners have been arguing about for many years.

Using the first method, you will eat raspberries almost all summer, but the plants will be slightly more susceptible to diseases and pests.

Choosing the second option, you will get one autumn, very bountiful harvest, which in terms of its mass is comparable to the two harvests obtained with the first method of cultivation. Try both of these methods and decide for yourself which one is best.

Now let's talk about autumn pruning, because with the methods described above, raspberries are pruned in different ways.

Cropping remontant raspberry video:

Pruning raspberries when grown for two crops

For remontant raspberries, the harvest is formed both on the shoots of the previous year and on young shoots that have grown this year, therefore, two crops can be harvested from it in one year. Pruning two-crop remontant raspberries is very similar to pruning regular raspberries.

Likewise, after collecting summer harvest, the sprouts that bear fruit must be cut out immediately. This is usually done in late July or early August. The remaining young shoots are already gaining color at this time, and at the beginning of September the berries are already beginning to ripen on them.

The whole autumn harvest will focus on the top of the shoots. After harvesting, it is this panicle with the remaining dry inflorescences that must be cut off. On this actually autumn pruning remontant raspberry and ends. It remains only to bend the shoots to the ground so that they do not freeze in winter.

Many gardeners, growing ordinary raspberries, cut off the tops of their heads in June to grow side shoots... In remontant raspberries, you cannot cut off the tops of the heads in summer, otherwise you will ruin part of the crop that is formed in the upper third of the shoot.

Autumn pruning of remontant raspberries when grown for one crop

If you decide to grow remontant raspberries for one autumn harvest, then there is no need to preserve the shoots of the previous year. In late autumn, just cut off absolutely all the shoots to the very ground, but do this only in late autumn, better even in the frost. If you cut the shoots when it is still warm, then after pruning, young shoots will begin to grow, which will certainly die in winter.

In the spring, young growth will appear from the ground, there will be a lot of it, but you cannot leave everything. Leave 3 - 4 largest shoots for each bush, remove the rest. Once again, I want to remind you that the most common and ubiquitous mistake when growing raspberries is thickened plantings. Modern raspberry varieties give very large yields, but only if the bushes are well lit.

Pruning remontant raspberries in the fall.

At the end of August, the berries will begin to ripen, and after harvesting, in late autumn, cut your raspberry again to the ground and so on from year to year. In winter, the beds with such raspberries leave naked, only hemp sticks out.

Raspberry transplant in autumn

Most often, gardeners are interested in the question: when is it better to transplant raspberries in the fall?

Transplanting raspberries to a new location in autumn (like planting raspberries in autumn) is best done from mid-September to mid-October.

Raspberries are transplanted to a new place, as a rule, in two cases:

  1. If she was put in the wrong place and she suddenly began to interfere.
  2. Raspberries grew in one place for a long time, yields began to fall and the raspberries need to be transplanted to rejuvenate the plantation.

This clarification had to be made, because raspberries are transplanted in these two cases somewhat differently.

If after a year or two after planting it turned out that the raspberries were planted "in the wrong place", then the young bushes are carefully, trying not to damage the roots, dug up and transferred to a new place. The new location should have already been carefully prepared by that time.

If the raspberries are transplanted to rejuvenate the raspberries, then the old bushes are uprooted and thrown away, there will be no sense from them. Young, strong shoots are chosen for planting in a new place. It is best to do a transplant in the fall. Raspberry transplant technology is no different from planting.

For plantation rejuvenation, transplanting is the most effective reception... The reason is clear: at the new location, you can safely prepare trenches or landing pits, fill them with organic matter and fertilizers. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to move the raspberry to a new place from time to time.

You can rejuvenate raspberries without transplanting them. To do this, the old rhizome is simply cut down with a shovel, and young shoots will begin to grow from the roots remaining in the ground. It is from this growth that new bushes are formed.

How to bend raspberries for the winter

Most often, raspberries freeze the tops of the branches. Whatever this happens, the bushes must be bent to the ground. Of course, it will not work to lay the shoots on the ground, they will simply break, and this is not necessary. It is enough to bend the stems in an arc and tie them to the bottom of the neighboring bush. The photo clearly shows how it looks. The shoots should be bent to the ground before the onset of frost, otherwise they will freeze and become fragile.

In winter, it is advisable to cover the raspberry with snow, but this should be done in frosty weather, when the snow is soft and fluffy. If you cover the bent bushes with wet, heavy snow, then you can break them like that. Raspberry covered with snow always winters very well.

Raspberry belongs to the Pink family. It is an erect shrub with thorns. The color of the fruit can be very different: from light pink to almost black. There is also a yellow raspberry. As for the variety, today, more and more often in personal plots, newly bred remontant raspberries are planted, which does not need to be treated with chemicals and is not susceptible to pests and diseases during proper care... In addition, if the planting of raspberries in the fall is done according to all the rules, the total harvest remontant grade it always turns out 2-3 times more than the usual one.

Planting raspberries: timing

Transplanting raspberries is best in the fall. The exact dates for planting raspberries are from late September to mid-October. The bushes planted during this period pass into a dormant stage. This gives them the opportunity to completely rest and, with the arrival of spring, start growing with renewed vigor.

Another advantage of replanting shrubs at this time of the year is the prevalence of rainy, cool weather, which is perfect for rooting. Therefore, such dates for planting raspberries in the fall must be observed.

Preparation of seedlings

For planting, young offspring are selected, coming from the root of the bush. In this case, planting raspberries in the fall should be carried out using exceptionally strong seedlings with well-formed shoots. You can also dig up the whole bush, and then divide it into several parts so that at least one shoot remains in each of them. Young strong seedlings can also be taken from an already adult garden. To do this, they are carefully separated from the main bush.

Before planting, the seedling must be shortened by cutting off the top of the shoot for this, and then clear it of the leaves. The height of the seedling should not be more than 40 cm. This will allow the bush to take root better and, as a result, give more yield. If you neglect this rule, raspberries will not be able to form new shoots, since they will spend all their strength on the survival of the bush. As a result, the harvest can be expected a year later.

Planting remontant raspberries: choosing a place

Planting raspberry bushes begins with choosing a suitable place, which should be in a well-lit sunlight plot. Lack of light increases the ripening time of berries, worsens the maturation of stem tissues, reducing its winter hardiness. In shaded conditions, the plant is more often affected by diseases and damaged by pests. In addition, planting raspberries in the fall should be carried out in places protected from strong gusts of wind, this is important condition when growing a remontant variety.

Raspberries, when compared to others berry crops, absolutely not afraid of waterlogging. Moreover, moisture is the basis of her harvest. She experiences the maximum need for water during the period of fruit ripening and shoot growth. This culture grows equally well both on a flat surface and in low-lying areas.

The soil for raspberries should be not only moist, but also fertile. The final results of the autumn planting of raspberries depend on its composition and applied fertilizers.

Planting methods

There are two ways to grow raspberries:

  • bush;
  • tape.

In the first case, several bushes are planted in one hole at once, and in the second, the germinated cuttings are planted in a row one by one. Most often, gardeners use ribbon planting, planting bushes along the fence around its entire perimeter, creating a living green barrier. The main advantage of this method is to save the usable area of ​​the site.

Planting raspberries

Raspberries need to be planted in rows, the distance between which, if used different varieties at the same time there should be at least 4 m, and the distance between adjacent bushes - 60 cm. This will allow avoiding re-grading in the future. If there is not so much free space on the site, the distance between the rows can be reduced to 1.5 m.

Having decided on the place for planting, you need to dig trenches or holes 25-30 cm deep. A layer of loose humus must be laid at the bottom of the resulting hole.

Raspberry seedlings should not be greatly deepened. The roots are best placed horizontally, carefully covering them with earth without tamping. When planting seedlings, you need to make sure that the tips of the roots are not directed upwards in any case.

Mulching raspberries in autumn

Raspberries are very fond of mulching, during which free areas of soil near the bushes are covered with a layer organic material... These can be weeds removed after weeding, grass, sawdust, shavings. Under the influence of microorganisms and worms, they rot during the winter, forming humus, as a result of which raspberries, planting and caring for which are simple, will grow faster.

The mulch is distributed around the raspberry bushes in a five-centimeter layer, without reaching the plant stems. Otherwise, they will start to rot. Shrubs need to be mulched within a radius of 40-50 cm. The timing of mulching, like the time of planting raspberries, requires strict adherence - this should be done every 2 years in the fall.

Wintering raspberries

Experienced gardeners know that raspberries need to be weighed down for the winter. This must be done before the onset of sub-zero temperatures. During the bending, the shoots are stacked on top of each other, after which they are tied with twine or attached using homemade hooks to the ground. You need to carry out such work in the afternoon. It is at this time that the shoots are more flexible and do not break. In the spring, the twine is untied and the bushes rise.

It is wrong to bend raspberries half a meter from the ground, while leaving a high arc. In this case, planting raspberries in the fall will not bring the desired results, since the buds located in the central part of the shoot remain unprotected, as a result of which they simply freeze.

The quality of wintering is no less influenced by the state of the plant. Therefore, simply bending down the raspberry bushes and forgetting about them is not enough. This plant and in winter time demands to itself special attention... The first step is to constantly monitor how the bushes are covered with snow. If the winter is with little snow, then it will be useful to add snow where there is not enough snow. In addition, raspberries need constant access to air. And when an ice crust appears, it will need to be pierced. For a successful wintering, the bushes must be covered with a thick layer of soft snow.

Raspberry care: feeding

Caring for raspberries planted in the fall should be started as soon as early spring arrives. To do this, you need to clear the snow from the raspberry and untie the bushes, and then conduct a thorough inspection of the shoots. If frozen shoots are detected, they are removed. This will help prevent the development of diseases.

Before the bushes begin to bloom, they must be treated with mineral and organic fertilizers... For spring feeding urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are ideal. Mullein can be added to urea. To do this, a mullein shovel is bred in a bucket of water and matchbox urea. This fertilizer is enough for the entire growing season. It must be laid next to the growing stems, while avoiding falling asleep tops of the newly formed shoots.

How to tie raspberries

Despite the fact that raspberries can grow quietly even in an abandoned place, if not cared for, they run wild. To prevent this from happening, after the winter they must tie it up. This technique increases yields, greatly facilitates caring for them and harvesting fruits.

To tie up raspberries, it is enough to bury the posts or pipes along the edges of the row, and then pull a wire between them, to which you can later tie up the shoots. In a very long row, so that the wire does not sag, additional stakes are hammered.

Features of watering raspberries

Most of the raspberry roots are located within a radius of 30-50 cm from the trunk. Moreover, the depth of their occurrence is 10-20 cm. It is for this reason that the lack of moisture in the soil negatively affects raspberries. It needs to be watered at least 5 times per season. To determine exact amount watering, you need to focus on weather in a particular region. If the summer is dry, you need to water more often, rainy - less often.

Watering must be done before flowering, during ovary formation, during fruit ripening and after harvesting. When watering, moisture must penetrate to a depth of at least 30 cm.

To obtain a rich harvest, it is very important to regularly remove ripe berries from the bushes. This should be done every other day, that is, at least three times a week. If this is not done, the berry will become unusable and crumble, as a result of which the amount harvested will decrease significantly.

You need to pick the berries carefully, carefully removing them from the bush along with the stalk, since raspberries, planting and caring for which were performed correctly, turn out to be very tender. It is advisable to do this in dry weather in the morning, immediately after the dew has melted. Berries harvested in rainy weather spoil quickly. It is recommended to use wicker baskets as a container.

After picking, raspberries should not be left in direct sunlight. It is best to take them to a shaded area right away. Without consumption and processing, they are stored no more than a day. From own-grown raspberries personal plot, you can cook delicious jam, which will help in the fight against colds in winter, or a fragrant compote rich in vitamins. It can also be frozen in freezer refrigerator to use in winter for making healthy fruit drinks or delicious desserts.

Features of post-harvest work

After the harvest is harvested, it is necessary to carefully cut out all the fruit bearing shoots. This will allow, together with them, to remove pests and pathogens from the raspberry tree. various diseases... Shoot removal must be carried out at soil level. There is no need to leave hemp.

As soon as the shoots are cut, the soil in the rows should be loosened. But before that, bring into the ground charcoal at the rate of 2 glasses per 1 sq. m. As you know, the roots of raspberries lie close enough to the surface, so it is impossible to dig up the soil between the bushes.

Properly executed planting and caring for raspberries will very soon bring the desired result.