Mulberry bush. Mulberry: landing and care

Mulberry in another one is called a tute tree, as it belongs to the family of tute, which is represented by the rim of high shrubs and trees. Berries, as they believe, are not really a berry, but the nozzles of small nuts with controversy by the rags.

Many gardeners know about useful propertiesah Mulberries, but many believe that in our territories it does not grow, as it is considered an exotic plant. But in our territories you can successfully grow a mulberry. So, the silky is landing and care for it.

Mulberry varieties

To date, such varieties are known as decorative, fruit and fodder. Most Popular fruit varieties - White and black mulberry, there are also selection varieties of white silky:

  • Diana,
  • Masha
  • Snow White and others.

Decorative grade of mulberries, such as:

  • Lasiniat
  • Aurea
  • Glosh

and others will decorate your garden with a variety of colors and shape of the leaves. Perhaps these are the most famous and grown in our edges of the variety.

White and black silk: landing and care

Mulberry is a tree with a height of more than 10 meters and is resistant to cold, so our winter tolerates well. One mulberry tree can have female or male flowers, but there are also specimens of trees, on which those and other flowers are found.

Mulberry has acquired its popularity not only due to its delicious and varied color (from white to dark - purple color) Fruits, but also for a lot of useful properties. For the cultivation of white silky there are two main planting methods: seedlings and seeds. Each method requires skills and proper approachOtherwise, all your works can be in vain.

Landing Mulberry - Seed Method

Seeds can be planted as late autumn and spring, but in both cases, the seeds must be treated with a special solution intended for seeds. If you decide to plant seeds of mulberries in the fall, then it is better to do in the middle or late October.

If in the spring, then the seeds must be subjected to 1 - 2 months before the stratification landing for better seed germination. You can also soak seeds for two days by this method: 1 day in cold water, and the second in warm water 30 - 35%. This method can be used for the place of two-month soaking.

Before boarding, choose an outstand, sunny place and prepare the grooves in which you will put the seeds. These grooves need to be well pouring water, it is desirable to add a fertilizer for fruit berry cultures. It is not superfluous to protect your seeds from rodents. Seeds from the Mulberry are very small, but try to sow them as much as possible, it will facilitate the seeding of seedlings.

Seed seeds are necessary by 3 - 5 cm depth, after sowing plentifully pour and climb so that there is no soil drying, and if you plant under autumn, take care of the insulation of your beds so that the seeds do not hide.

After the seedlings go up, you will need to periodically water and pour them. Seedlings of mulberries, like other plants, can be picked up fertilizers for better growth. For proper growing Your seedlings for autumn will be strong and large.

These seedlings will need to be seeding so that they have more space for better development. The recommended distance should be from 3 to 5 meters, but the distance depends on the grade of the silky. Mulberry begins to be fron in 3 - 5 years, depending on the care and variety.

Landing silky seedlings

Now many firms suggests buy silk seedlings and this is perhaps the most less time-consuming way to planting this tree. Bought seedlings need to plant in early spring On the solar place.

I dug a hole, add compost or nutritional soil into it, pour with plenty of water with a fertilizer diluted in it for better rooting of seedlings and pour the soil. Get together once again and climb the soil around the seedling. Care of seedlings is a weeding and watering.

Saplings can also be squeezed in the fall, but it is necessary to do it over a month and a half before frosts so that the seeding manage to take care.

So that the tree has not grown too big and looked well-kept, its crown must be cut and form periodically.

Decorative mulberry - landing and care

The most common variety of decorative mulberry "hanging", up to 2.5 m high. This variety was received for long, thin, hanging branches. Mulberry will greatly decorate your garden, besides, this variety also gives fruit.

Sat this variety is better under autumn, in the middle or late October. In the first year of the life of a planted tree, it must be picked up by complex fertilizers 1 time per month, watering into arid weather and remove weeds. This grade Mulberry does not need to form a crown, which greatly facilitates care, but do not forget to remove dried branches.

How to instill silky

Mulberry can be vaccinated and this will accelerate her fruiting, so the cuttings need to be taken from the already fruitful tree. It is necessary to harvest the cuttings in the fall and store it in the basement, or in spring to dissolve, but well developed kidneys. We need to vaculate the silky for 1.5 - 3 weeks before flowering.

Method of vaccination. Take T - shaped cut sharp knife And remove the bark of the tree around the cut. Insert the prepared stalk into the cut, so that the kidneys are placed symmetrically edges of the cut bark and the canvas are reinforcing polyethylene film, with this kidney, leave open.

Useful properties of silky

Mulberry is very rich in vitamins and is able to get rid of many diseases, and medical properties Do not, only leaves and berries, but even bark. The tincture of the berries of this tree has a diuretic, stiff and anti-inflammatory effect.

Elderly, mulberry will help to get rid of low pressure, improve vision and rumor. Sick diabetes patients can add silky in food or eating fresh berries. Black silky will help when heartburn or constipation, and for overweight, a black berry will help to get rid of it.

The useful properties of mulberries can be listed a lot of time, so it can be used both children to strengthen immunity and adults, causing its body with vitamins.

Mulberry - South Guest, has already become popular in middle lane Russia. It was always skeptical to admit to southern cultures in their native climate, in the Tambov region, however, before this tute tree could not resist. Mulberry always pleases its own lot, active growth, delicious and healthy fruits.

Mulberry white and black

In the middle lane, two types of mulberry are common - black and white. They are called so not because of the color of the fruit, but on the color of the bark. I confirm the problem that the berries of Mulberry white tastier black, they are desserts, sweet. Mulberry has black fruits can only be black. There is still a mulberry pink, but this kind I did not sit down and heard that she was a weak-resistant and we will not survive.

How to remove stains from mulberry

When the seedlings acquired, the seller told me one interesting custom of Yuzhan, for whom Mulberry is an ordinary culture. They are the fruits of white silky black, which contain more sugar and anthocyans with pleasure eating, and white berries, less sweet with large quantity Acids, wipe hands, evapoiced by anthocyanis of black fruits. In our climate, I think this is a luxury and better take advantage lemon AcidTo remove stains from the mulberry.

About the ability of mulberry to thin the blood, read in the article:

Mulberry varieties for medium stripes

Any varieties of mulberry advise to acquire only in specialized nurseries. Today I can recommend 6 grades of Mulberry White ( White Night, Victoria, K19, Royal, Bride and Joy) and 1 Mulberry Black - Admiral. All of them are listed in the State Register and are suitable for growing in the middle strip.

I advise you to experiment and land a few sorts of mulberries in different places The plot to find out where they will be better transferred to the winter. Also, if you want to be with harvests every year, be sure to settle on a plot 2-3 of the tree of mulberries, without fail of a single floor for transferaging.

Landing Mulberry

The silky grows as if "on yeast": a small cutlery, lined in the ground, is gaining a significant vegetative mass for the warm period, it becomes a green "juicy" foliage and develops a powerful root system. So you immediately think well where to plant a mulberry, then it will be difficult to transplant it.

Mulberry landing place

Slap mulberry is needed in place, protected from the North Wind. Soils, she needs thin, samp, black soil or gray-forest with the level of groundwater level not closer than 2 m from the soil surface.

Scheme of landing silky

In order for no competition with other residents in the garden, when landing, I advise you to retreat 4 m from the nearest plants and leave the trees so much.

Dates of landing silky

In the south, the silky can be planted both in the spring and in the fall, but in the middle of the lane I recommend it only in the spring. The kidneys on the silk are blown quite late, so even in early May, the seedlings can still be planted.

Soil preparation for mulberry landing

The soil before planting must be moved to the full bayonet shovel, be sure to choose the maximum number of weeds, especially necessary. Preferably under the people make fertilizers.

Under the silky, 3-4 kg of well-overwhelmed manure or humus, 250-300 g wood ash and 1 tbsp. l. Nitroammofoski per 1 m². The main thing is not to use peat (especially horseback and transition) as a fertilizer, it is pretty much sharpening the soil, and the silk loves this e.

Mauma for landing mulberry

After stewing the soil and making fertilizers, it is necessary to burst the ground, align and start the selection of landing pits. Root system for silky is quite bulky, its long roots yellow color Like spaghetti, so the pit for planting needs to dig more. Optimal size Pile 65-70 cm in width and same in the depth.

In the base of the pits I recommend throwing a shovel of a clamzite or broken brick for drainage, to put a bucket of peat mixture and humus in equal shares, water a bucket of water and install roots for this mixture. Next, it remains well to sprinkle roots and compact the soil so that there are no emptiness between the roots and the soil. At the end, it is necessary to pour a seedling with another bucket of water and clicked the soil surface with a peat or a humid layer in 2 cm.

Solk care

Mulberry in the care of unpretentious. The main thing is to help her move the winter cold, late and early spring frost. This will help the timely watering, feeding and mulching. Cutting silky is needed to form crowns and removal excessive sprouted.

Watering silk

In the first year of the landing of the silk, watering is very important: if the soil is dry, the seedlings will not come together, die. At the same time, the first month is extremely important until the kidneys are dissolved and the leaves and shoots will not start actively.

Falker Mulberry

In the first month after landing, it is possible to produce the first feeding of mulberry nitroammophos - 1 tbsp. l. for each plant. So that the seedlings quickly receive food, fertilizer is better dissolved in water.

In the summer, the silky is preferably to feed the time, making each tree for 1 t. L. Superphosphate and potassium salt.

It is important to stop all the feeding and watering in early August so as not to stimulate the growth of shoots, which will definitely not have time to grow, to win and frozen in winter.

Mulching Mulberry

Also when caring for a silky, I mulch the bonus zone with sawdust. Sawdles block the growth of weeds very well, do not allow the soil, prevent the formation of the crust. Only "But": the sawdust is better updated every year.

Grinding silky

If you want to see the mulberry bush on the site, then cut the saplings after landing, shortering it by 13-15 cm. If you need to grow a tree, it is not necessary to cut a sapling.

Mulberry usually greatly grows with all sorts of small loams, especially at the bottom of the trunk. Such a pig and the crown thickens, and appearance spoils, and negatively affects the crop. Therefore, I advise you to do any year (best in April). Cut out what is called "on the eyes", armed with a saw and a secateur. You see the rustle-competitor, too thin or growing crowns - delete.

After trimming, be sure to insulate the cuts of the garden harr.

Preparation of Mulberry for Winter

Every year, the Mulberry frozen the tips of the shoots. Scary for her and late and early spring frosts: if frosts even at 1 ° C "will be going around" on the flowers, then the harvest can not be waiting. Therefore, the preparation of mulberry for the winter is important, although in a greater degree, the success of its overwrings will depend on the degree of frost and the level of snow.

Here are some tips, how to save mulberry from freezing:

  1. Multitulate the contestant circle, it is possible by the same sawdust, layer at 5-6 cm. Put a couple of spruce paws on top - they are well delayed snow.
  2. There is no need to wrapping the trunk. Usually dying from frost Non-invalid shoots, in my garden, the trunk of mulberry never frightened and did not overturn.
  3. Cock green parts of shootsIf they did not win the nov.
  4. Smoky fires will be saved from frosts in spring. Return freezes in 1-2 ° C below zero can spoil the leaves and kill the flowers.

Mulberry breeding

The best way to reproduction of mulberry in amateur gardening is the rooting of green cuttings. For the drawing, annual increases are taken at a length of 15-17 cm. The cuttings are cut at the very beginning of June and planted in a greenhouse, removing all the leaves except the pair on the top of the top. The soil for cuttings is prepared from humus, river sand and lower peat in equal shares. Subject to watering 5-6 times a day throughout the summer, the roots formed by the autumn of the cuttings.

The silky is rooted very well - almost 100% of squeezed cuttings give roots. If there are 20 cm long cuttings, then they can be replanted immediately from the greenhouse permanent place. If the cuttings are small, then it is possible to cut into bed. And remember - a year, no more, because then the powerful roots of the Mulberry will force you to do, before you remove the seedling from the soil.

Harvesting Mulberry

When collecting berries, mulberry need to know what the ultimate color of the fruits of a particular variety to know when to collect a crop. Ripen fruits undisigned, therefore, fees can be carried out several. The fruits are somewhat reminiscent of the Black Original. Ripe berries are very soft, so we do not fold into the larger packag, otherwise the lower turns into porridge.

Ivan Khodorkin, a laboratory director of the department of berry cultures of the Research Institute. I.V. Michurina

Additionally, about the experience of growing mulberry, read in the article:

How is a tree born? Probably also in flour. Small fragile sprout makes itself to the light, hacking asphalt, spreading stones. An unthinkable thirst for life pushes him up, to the sun. A huge tree grows out of a small seed. But not only seeds are possible to reproduce the mulberry. It is divorced and vegetatively: weeping, cuttings, vaccine.

Mulberry breeding seeds

With seed reproduction, the trees often grow dislikes on their "parents". This method is usually used:

  • In selection to remove new varieties.
  • In order to promote southern plants to the north. Seedlings better adapt to more harsh conditions of existence. By sowing a silky already "moved" into such atypical habitats such as the Moscow region and St. Petersburg.
  • For growing brief seedlings.

It is interesting! Silk seeds can germinate immediately after collecting, that is, they do not need stratification and other additional manipulations.

Mulberry sighs

Sowing can be carried out immediately after harvesting with laundered seeds or scenery berries. Shoots appear at the same summer. By the fall, the seedlings reach 10-15 cm. For the winter it is better to dig and put on storage in the basement, moving with wet sawdust. You can leave B. open soil, Stipped foliage and dry grass.

Seying the mulberry can also be spring. For this:

  • Berries after harvesting are kneading and washed.
  • The obtained seeds succeed and stored in the tissue bags.
  • In the spring, the seeds in the spring are soaked in water or a solution of trace elements. Duration of wigging from 5 to 24 hours.
  • Summary in boxes or open soil.

It is interesting! Mulberry seeds are very small (the weight of one thousand is only 1-2.5 g), so they close their shallow - by 0.5-2 cm.

Shelkovitsy seeds

Slit silky in about two weeks.

Vegetative reproduction

This is the reproduction of the plant with its parts, that is, cloning. All new specimens carry one genetic code and, in fact, are the same organism. They inherit all the properties and signs of the parent plant.

Mulberry reproduction with letters

The lower branch is chosen for the drain. It is flex and fixed at the surface of the soil, falling asleep the earth. For better rooting, the branch is overwhelmed in the bend or remove the crust ring. This technique stimulates the formation of roots. Operation is carried out in spring. Roots are formed on the autumn on the drains.

Grafting of Mulberry

The literature states that the silky can be vaccinated with all known ways and different times. However, experience shows that the spring kopulovation (graft with a stalk) and the summer eyepication is poorly removed on this culture.

Attention! It is best to lay down a mulberry in the spring germinating eye. This method Gives the greatest percentage of peephic observing.

Growth of spring eyepieces

The kidneys take with annual last year's shoots. The cuttings are harvested in autumn or early spring. Store them before performing the eyepiece in the refrigerator or basement at temperatures close to zero. With a spring billet, it is important that the twigs are not frozen.

  • The eyepiece is performed by the "fry" method.
  • Wrapped with polyethylene ribbons or special violating film.
  • The kidney is left open.
  • In stock is cut above the eye.
  • Polyethylene bag is put on vaccination, which is tied below the graft kidney. Thereby create a small guy for better capture of vaccination components.

The operation is carried out from the beginning of April and until mid-May. It is allowed to volatilize the cropped in the spring. Even the crumpled kidneys are coming.

Packages are removed from vaccinations when the length of the sprout reaches one centimeter.

Silence silky

Mulberry reproduction with weathered cuttings

Rootingability in this method is the lowest of all types of drawing.

  • The cuttings are harvested during the leaf falling period.
  • Cut them 20-25 cm long.
  • Then maintained in the solution of the rooting agent or dull to root.
  • Place B. plastic bagswhich are tightly closed, and withstand at a temperature of 20-25 degrees.

After about two weeks, a callus begins to form a callus at the bottom of the cuttings, the first roots may appear. When the cullyus strips appear, the cuttings are planted in an open ground.

Mulberry breeding with green cuttings

Green cuttings - grassy, \u200b\u200bwho did not have time to win, shoots. Cut them early in the morning two - three interstices on the stalk. The operation is carried out with a sharp knife or blade on a solid surface. In no case cannot be given to the leaves to lose elasticity. When the stalk is fading sharply loses the ability to root. Leaves cut half. The lower cuts are treated with root formation stimulants.

Slap cuttings in the carpet in the shade of trees. The rooting is produced in the sand or mixture of sand with peat. Distance between cuttings 5-7 cm.

Air in the guy must be constantly wet. In large production planting material To maintain the desired level of humidity use installation of artificial fog. In their absence, the cuttings spray from a sprayer or watered from a glacule with a small pitch daily.

Silk breeding with semi-resistive cuttings

This design method is optimal for mulberry. They can be rooted by almost all its varieties.

  • In contrast to the green semi-resistive cuttings, more resistant to mushroom diseases, are not so demanding on the conditions of rooting.
  • Compared with the weird, they have a greater percentage of rooting.

The shine of the mulberry is carried out in the period when shoots begin to aute. This is approximately the end of June - the second half of July.

On the cutting should be 2-4 kidneys. The upper cut is made slightly above the upper kidney, the bottom - immediately under the bottom. Delete all the leaves, leaving one or two tops, cutting them with half. Processing in stimulant root formation.

The cuttings are planted in the guy. To create the desired microclimate, you can cover each cutken separately by a can or plastic bottle. Substrate for rooting - sand or blend of sand with peat and earth. Place obliquely, blowing the cuttings about one third.

By autumn, rooting occurs. Wake up and rolled into kidney growth.

Growing semi-restricted stalk in winter in the room

The main thing now to save the young trees in winter. To do this, it is better to dig them with a lore of the earth and stored in the basement, occasionally moistening the earth.

You can leave the winter and in the soil, a good strengthever for the winter. A B. next year Transplant to permanent place.

Branch with fruits of varying degrees of maturity

Not many know that the cultivation of mulberry and care for it in the middle lane and the suburbs are becoming common and familiar. Every year more and more fans of this beautiful and useful plant Mulberry planted (so still called silky) as a supplier delicious berries, in decorative purposes, to create shady corners and alive hedges.

Gardeners attracts to themselves, first of all, the opportunity to get a crop of fragrant and healing berries. Those who tried them at least once will definitely want to have such a beautiful plant at home. It is especially nice that the fuzzy tree is regularly and the crop gives abundant.

Very beautiful. Delightful branches covered with shiny berries, decorative her carved leaves And spreading crown.

Unpretentiousness and plasticity are another dignity. Some enthusiasts grow silky and Siberia. Growing and care for it has the same recommendations as for the middle strip, but it is desirable to limit himself to the bush forms and carefully stroke the root system for the winter, which is most susceptible to frosts.

Botanical description

At home (in the Transcaucasia, Central Asia, China) the tute tree reaches large sizes - up to 15-20 meters high. Growing a mulberry in the conditions of the middle strip of Russia, you can get a plant no higher than 5 meters. Quite often, it is cultivated in the form of a shrub.

More than a half dozen species of this plant are described. In our conditions, usually two varieties are used: and white. For the Moscow region and the middle strip, the mulberry is preferable to the white, since this type will better tolerate cold, has larger and sweet fruits.

Interesting facts. These two types are not coloring berries, as initially you can assume, and the color of the crust. Any of varieties can have berries of light and dark color. Also has more soft leaveswho are a favorite delicacy of a silk worm, actually giving the name to this plant.

It is preferable to have 2-3 plants on a plot in order not to wonder why not fruits a mulberry. The fact is that the Mulberry is a plant by doubling and the lack of a plant of the pollinator may be the reason why the fruits are not tied. Although this plant sometimes can form berries and without fertilization.

Features of the cultivation of silky

For planting seedlings, you should choose a bright place protected from the North Wind. To the soil conditions of mulberry unpretentious, it grows well even on poor soils. But closely located groundwater She doesn't like such places to avoid such places. After landing, the mulberry begins to be fron at the 7th year, if the plant is grown out of seeds. The seedlock obtained by grafting will give the first fruits of the year after 3 or 4.


How to put a mulberry so that she cares better and later felt good? Make it we need spring, but planting Yama Must be ready from autumn. The bush molds are located at a distance of 2-3 meters. Trees are planted no closer than 5 meters from each other. it the most important advice For planting stabinal silk: plants planted, plants are poorly developing, their branches are broken, the crop decreases and decorative decorative decreases.

The roots should be accurately straightened on the Mauma Hollik made in the center of the pit, pour out the ground mixed with a humus and a small number of complex fertilizer ( matchbox on a sapling). The soil is careful, but carefully seal and abundantly watered. After irrigation, it is possible to shine a bit of land and be sure to climb the surface.

Attention! Silk roots are rather fragile!

Crane formation

This procedure is especially important in the first years of development. young Plant. The cutting of the mulberry is aimed at the fact that the plant takes advantage of the desire for the owner. Strongly shortening shoots, you can give to the molding shape of the bush. In order for the plant to develop in the form of a tree, he leaves the main barrel and several skeletal branches on it, located evenly.

After 5-6 years of the growth of the silk, herself regulates the development of its crown, thickening the crown of the branch die themselves. The gardener remains only to cut them in a timely manner.

Sanitary trimming of trees produced once every 3-4 years. Preferred time for it - late autumn. As a last resort, transfer this procedure to early spring. When carrying out trimming late in spring or summer, young shoots may not be crown and subsequently freeze.

Plant care

An amazing feature of our guest from southern edges is its unpretentiousness. Sometimes it is called a plant for lazy. Careful carcase care is needed only in the first years of its development. Water is the most important need for young plants until he does not fully root system. The strengthened plant requires minimal attention and in watering practically does not need, reaching their roots of deep soil horizons.

For the first three years, the silky does not feed, since the fertilizers made when planting fertilizers quite enough. And what to fertilize the silky in the future? Mature plant feeding is needed only if the soil is too poor on the plot. Usually limited to the standard scheme: Nitrogen fertilizers are made early in the rolling circle, at the end of the season - potash and phosphate. After making the mineral tanks, the soil surface is mounted with a compost or humus.

Methods of breeding

Mulberry is able to multiply by most of the well-known ways: root pig, tanks, cuttings, vaccination, seeds. Each of has its own advantages.

  • The easiest and easiest way is to use root row. But in this case the planting material turns out a little.
  • You can speed up the formation of young sprouts by making a chain or cutting a cutting. When and how best to plant mulberry cuttings? Summer is the optimal time to obtain green cuttings and their rooting. Sliced \u200b\u200bshoots remove 2-3 lower sheets, leaving 2-3 upper (shorting them halfway). Placed under the film into the wet substrate of the cutlery in about a month are rooted. Semi-resistive cuttings for this will be needed one and a half times longer. Fully glue shoots are rooted with even greater difficulty, it will take the use of special stimulants of root formation.
  • The most common way to produce seedlings is the cultivation of mulberry from seeds. Above the germination of them becomes after stratification. For this, moisturized seeds about one and a half months are kept in the refrigerator. It is possible to carry out natural stratification, driving the seeds into the ground in the day before the winter. An important advantage of seedy seeds obtained from seeds is their great stability and better acclimatization. The disadvantage of this method is the later entry of young plants in fruiting.
  • The grafting of mulberry allows you to get the first harvest of fragrant berries much earlier. In addition, vaccinating one stramb different varieties Plants can achieve a delightful result: the openwork foliage of a variety of shape and color and a kaleidoscope of multi-colored brilliant berries complements the effect!

Council. It is better to take a white silky with a white, which is a more stable form.

What can be molded to the silky? Of course, its most diverse varieties that differ in the shape of the crown, cut and the color of foliage, the color and taste of fruits. And even grapes are vaccinated! To do this, the hole in the peripheral part of the parent plant is drilled in which a young escape grape vine. For some time they exist together, then the branch of grapes is growing with a silky.

Possible difficulties

Comparatively new culture for the middle strip of Russia, fortunately, sick is quite rare. Most frequent cause Damage - focus. Exposed to him not caused fully branches and root system. Protect the last relatively simple, enough to blame in surveillance Circles hay or napnik. The frost is part of the branches of the plant tolerates painlessly, quickly restoring in the spring.

Mulberry, she is a mulgarian or a tute tree - it large plant, cultivated in Asia, North America, Russia and Middle abroad, living up to 200 years.

There are about 24 types of mulberries, but there are few fruitful ones, most of them belong to decorative species. True, the lack of fruits does not affect the desire of the gardeners to have a beautiful tree on its plot.

Types and varieties of white mulberry

The main fruitful types of silk - white and black, which differ not in color of the berries, but in color of the crust.

  1. White Mulberry (Mulberry White) is different light color Core, while the color of berries happens from white to black. The view came from China, lives not only in a hot climate, but also in moderate. His feature is that the tree carries frost to 30 degrees and perfectly winter in the middle lane.
  2. Black Mulberry has a red-brown boring, comes from Iran, grows in the south of Russia, Ukraine, in more northern latitudes does not take root, because less frost-resistant.
  3. There is also a red mulberry that grows in North America. In Russia, this species does not occur because it prefers a dry and hot climate.

Many sorts of mulberry were derived, each of their differences, which allows you to choose that grade thutwoodwhich is more suitable for climate.

For medium latitudes there are several options. Among them are varieties:

There are many varieties of white silky do not fruitbut at the same time often used in landscape design due to its exotic and beautiful view. Main famous varieties in Russia:

  1. Mulberry molding (or ampel) white - differs hanging down flexible branches.
  2. Large - with leaves of up to 22 cm in diameter.