Disease of the grape spotted vine. Diseases of the vine. Grape spider mite

" Grape

Although grapes are an unpretentious crop, they still require some maintenance. One of these activities is the prevention and treatment of diseases. Breeding new grape varieties, breeders are working on this problem, however large-fruited varieties with a high sugar content are still susceptible to all sorts of diseases. In order to get a high yield every year, the winegrower needs to be aware of the danger and be able to deal with it correctly and know what to do.

The most common and common diseases of this culture are:

  • mildew;
  • alternaria;
  • cercosporosis;
  • armillariasis;
  • oidium;
  • chlorosis;
  • rubella leaves;
  • septoria;
  • escoriasis.

Mildew and his treatment

The second and more common name for the disease is downy mildew. This disease is very dangerous not only for the grape bush, it can affect the entire grape plantation in a short time. On initial stage manifests itself in the form of light spots of yellow-oil color, the size of a penny coin on young foliage. On older leaves, the spots are angular and parallel to the veins.

With further development, a mycelium appears on the back of the leaf in the form of a white fluffy bloom. If the weather is warm with high air humidity, the fungal infection rapidly spreads to the tops of young shoots, whiskers, inflorescences and recently set fruits.

Formed given view fungal disease in summer period in leaf plates, where it survives the winter well.

Spores of the fungus are activated at a temperature of +10 degrees. Most favorable conditions for instant distribution is an increase in air temperature from +20 to +27 degrees and humidity for 3 to 5 hours. However, at a temperature of +8, and above + 30 degrees, the fungal infection does not spread, since the spores do not germinate.

Grape leaf infected with downy mildew or mildew

The most dangerous periods for the spread of infection are:

  • May 20-June 13;
  • June 23-30;
  • July 15-August 7.

In order to avoid infection, you must:

  • the right choice of a site for growing grapes;
  • autumn mulching of row spacings;
  • correct formation of the vine to ensure good breathability;
  • timely pruning of excess shoots;
  • removal of weeds under bushes and between rows;
  • drainage or drip irrigation;
  • fertilizing with mineral fertilizers;
  • starting from the spring period, preventive treatment with Bordeaux liquid every 10 days.

Alternaria disease

Alternaria, or olive spot, affects the leaves of grapes as a result high humidity... It appears as spots on the back and an olive-gray bloom. With the active development of the fungus, the leaves dry out and curl.

This type of fungal disease also affects the fruit. During storage, the fungal infection spreads to healthy hands, affecting them. On fruits, the fungus manifests itself in the form of cracking and changes in the taste of the berries. The shoots affected by a fungal infection do not mature and do not tolerate wintering. Spores of the fungus overwinter on infected shoots, fruits and in upper layers soil.

Alternaria on grape leaves

The necessary preventive measures are:

  • timely pruning of infected shoots;
  • removal and burning of weeds and dry leaves;
  • top dressing;
  • treatment with copper sulfate and Bordeaux liquid.

The beginning of the defeat of Alternaria grape berries

Dates of the preventive measures opium:

  1. During the period from March 21 to April 12 after tying the vine, spray it with copper-containing preparations.
  2. April 24 to May 9 to carry out treatment with biofungicide. You can use the drug "Trichophyte" for these purposes.
  3. May 16 to June 1 treat with the drug "Quadris". Continue processing every 14 days until the initial stage of berry ripening.
  4. August 15 to September, after harvesting, prune the vine and burn it.
  5. October 20 to November 10 it is necessary to remove fallen leaves and treat the soil and vine with copper-containing preparations.

It should be treated with sprayers from the bottom side. There will be no results when processing the top surface of the sheet.

Cercosporosis and how to deal with it

This fungal disease affects leaves, shoots, stalks and fruits. First of all, foliage close to the ground is affected, since the sun's rays do not penetrate well into this part bush, and under the bushes there is increased humidity. The most rapid development this disease occurs at an air temperature of +30 degrees. If the temperature rises to + 40 degrees, the fungus stops growing. In direct sunlight, the fungus dies.

With a strong fungal infection, grape bushes bear fruit poorly, deteriorate taste qualities fruit, the vine does not reach maturity.

It appears as an olive bloom on the lower part of the leaves. Over time, brown spots appear on the surface of the leaf; with a light touch, the leaves fall off.

Affected berries are covered with an easily washable olive bloom, hardened and fall off when touched.

Preventive measures necessary to prevent the disease:

  • obligatory pruning of grapes twice a season;
  • deep digging of the aisle in the spring and autumn;
  • watering 4 times per season;
  • weed removal;
  • spraying bushes in autumn and spring with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid;
  • compulsory feeding.
  • spray infected bushes with fungicides every two weeks;
  • burn infected foliage.

Armillariasis affecting the roots

This disease is a fungal infection that develops on the roots of a plant. The infection infects the roots of grapes, penetrates into the bark and releases toxic substances, kills living tissues, and then develops on infected cells. It is spread by fungal spores. Spores are extremely toxic and can kill the infected plant. Typically, infection occurs in spring, and in the fall mushrooms grow on the bush yellow color.

For the development of this disease, there must be high humidity and air temperature from +15 to 26 degrees. To prevent the spread of the disease, it is necessary to uproot the infected bush, treat the soil with special fungicides and not plant new seedlings in this place during the year.

In order to prevent infection of the vineyard with armillariasis, it is necessary to separate the bushes growing along the forest belt with the help of a ditch.

Aspergillus rot

With this disease, grapes are affected. Distinctive feature this disease is its rapid development at a high air temperature - above +31 degrees.

The first symptoms of the appearance of Aspergillus rot on grapes. It is necessary to remove diseased berries

At the initial stage, a berry affected by another fungal disease becomes a beneficial breeding ground for the Drosophila fly.

At first, a little noticeable appears on the berries white bloom, then dark depressed spots. The skin in these places shrinks and cracks. The pulp of the berry rots due to the presence of Drosophila fly larvae. On the surface of cracks, plaque initially has White color, then darkens and turns into a dark powdery mass.

Measures to combat this disease are:

  • destruction of residues with fungal spores;
  • timely harvest.

If the recommendations are not followed, Aspergillus rot instantly spreads throughout the bunch

Oidium or powdery mildew

Fungal disease has a second name - powdery mildew. It affects the green mass of the bush, inflorescence shoots. Inflorescences do not develop or ripen when damaged. This disease lives and progresses only on living cells. Hibernates in cracks in the bark and on buds.

Spores, falling on leaves, multiply rapidly, carried by the wind. Exceptional conditions are high air humidity (over 80%). Depending on the temperature regime incubation period lasts from a week to two weeks. A favorable temperature for the rapid development of the disease is +20 degrees.

Signs of infection:

  • white bloom on both sides of the sheet;
  • the edge of the leaves is curved, yellow;
  • plaque that appears on bunches and flowers resembles flour;
  • shoots are covered with dark spots;
  • dead areas appear on the processes.

Preventive measures are as follows:

  • digging up soil, cleaning foliage and weeds;
  • feeding with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers;
  • treatment with "Topaz";
  • timely pruning of bushes in order to prevent thickening of the vineyard;
  • tool processing after trimming;
  • accurate watering without hitting the bushes;
  • water - 10 liters;
  • sulfur-100 grams.

With this solution, it is necessary to process the bushes in the evening.

Oidium on grapes. The disease prevents clusters from developing.

Chlorosis and measures to combat it

Chlorosis occurs when there is a lack of iron. The plant does not produce photosynthesis, as a result of which the development of the bush stops and the yield decreases. It appears as spots on bright lemon-colored sheets. The shoots stop developing, and the leaves dry out and fall off. The fruits become small and do not reach maturity. A weakened bush may not survive wintering.

Prevention of this disease is the treatment of bushes with the drug "Chelate".

Chlorosis-affected grape leaves acquire a rich lemon hue

Rubella leaf

In late spring or early summer, grape bushes can become infected with this fungal disease. It affects grape leaves damaged by insects.

You can determine the infection of the bush with rubella by the following signs:

  • the sheets in the affected areas have spots like maple leaf covered with a rusty bloom;
  • before the beginning of the flowering period, the infected leaves fall off;
  • in white grape varieties the leaves are covered with light yellow spots, gradually darkening, outlined with a yellow border;
  • in dark varieties, the spots are bright red.

To avoid infection you need:

  • process leaves with Bordeaux mixture;
  • carry out regular pruning of bushes;
  • rake and burn fallen leaves;
  • apply top dressing to the soil;
  • dig up the aisles.


Typical for Muscat grape varieties. It appears as small brown spots on sheets. If the humidity is high, then mold forms on the underside of the leaves. When dry, it falls off and spreads the spores of the fungus.

To prevent the spread of the disease, it is necessary to remove fallen leaves and damaged plants.

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to carry out the treatment with a 1% solution of the Bordeaux mixture.

Leaves affected by septoria begin to mold and dry out

Escorosis disease

Escoriosis is a dangerous fungal disease that affects all parts of the plant. Represents black spots on the leaves and shoots of the bush. Fastest spread in cool, humid weather. Affected bushes become weak, while their frost resistance decreases.

To combat this disease, the drug DNOC is used. During the growing season of plants, you can apply the treatment with Bordeaux liquid.

With a strong defeat of the bushes after autumn pruning dried sleeves are removed and the bushes are carefully treated with copper-containing preparations.

Preventive measures:

  • mandatory application of fertilizers containing zinc and boron;
  • timely formation of the bush;
  • removal and incineration of affected parts;
  • using healthy seedlings for planting.

To protect the vineyard from disease, it is necessary to comply with the conditions for growing grapes and timely conduct preventive actions to prevent the spread of infections. It is recommended to plant those varieties that are most suitable for growing in the region.

If any of the listed insects settled on the bush, it is worth immediately taking adequate measures and exterminating the pest, otherwise irreparable damage may be caused. You can lose up to 50 percent of the crop, or even the entire plantation completely.

Consider each pest separately and the measures to combat them.

Grape mite

Mites, settling on the inner side of the leaf of the grape bush, spread along the branches and infect the buds and inflorescences, which, without ripening, fall off. If this happens, you should carefully examine the inside of the leaves. The presence of a tick will be indicated by small pimples, tubercles, covered with cobweb villi. A strong infection of a grape bush with a tick leads to the fact that all the leaves begin to dry, shrink and fall off.

In the fight against this pest, it is better to give preference to preventive measures. To do this, in the spring, before the vine begins to bloom, treat the entire shrub, each branch with a solution of DNOC 2%. After that, you can apply the nitrofen solution according to the instructions.
In the summer, if a tick infestation has occurred, it is worth treating the plant, especially leaves with inside, one of the solutions:
Fufanon solution,
Actellik solution,
Neoron solution,
Tevit solution.

Important! It is worth choosing the means of dealing with mites from those that are not dangerous for bees pollinating bushes, and for humans. All of the above drugs are classified as such.

One of these drugs should be used to process the plant according to the instructions, then take a break for two weeks and repeat the treatment. Already after two procedures, the effect of the treatment will be noticeable.

Grape aphid

This insect settles on the leaves of a grape bush and is capable of damaging the plant so much that the roots will begin to die off and the bush will have to be removed from the plantation or garden plot... If aphids have settled on a grape bush, then with back side bush leaves, you can see the so-called galls (capsules in which insect larvae are located).

Mealy worms

Malicious wasps

Insects such as wasps can damage crops. They do not touch the shrub itself and do not pose a danger to it, but the bunches of grapes should be protected from these pests. On the site, you can lay out bait for wasps away from the grape bushes and periodically change or clean them. When the berries begin to ripen, it is worth wrapping the bunches with special non-woven fabric... It is necessary to make such a shelter free enough in order to ensure air circulation and sunlight, as well as to protect it from rot.

Grape mottled

Pied moths can be quite dangerous to the vine. In the spring, they lay the larvae on grape leaves. Many caterpillars hatch from these clutches and begin to devour the plant (leaves and buds). The speckled moth lives for about a month, but under favorable weather conditions, the pest colony can reach a large number and cause severe damage to the vineyard.
It is easy to fight motley by spraying the plant with insecticides in several stages with a break of a week.

2. Contagious diseases

Among the most dangerous diseases that a grape bush can contract, the following can be distinguished:
gray rot.
Below is a description and photo of each of these diseases, methods of control and prevention.


Mildew is a disease that occurs everywhere and more often than others. It is also called pernosporosis or downy mildew. It is a fungal disease of plants, very resistant to manifestations external environment... Spores of pernosporosis winter in the depths of the soil or in the remains of last year's plants. In spring they are carried by the wind over long distances (up to 100 meters). It affects the leaves and buds of plants. First, the spores fall into droplets of moisture (dew, drops from rain or watering) and begin to grow there and turn into small flagella, then penetrate deep into the leaf and grow. At night, germinated spores emerge on the surface in huge numbers. There are many of them, they are small, so that to the human eye they appear in the form of a gray plaque, which can be erased at the initial stage of the lesion.

Important! After the disease has grown inside the plant, treatment in the form of treating the plant with chemicals becomes ineffective.

To overcome the disease, you need to carry out multiple treatments special means(fungicides).

The first treatment is carried out even before the onset of symptoms of powdery mildew disease, as soon as the temperature environment will reach 10 degrees, and plant shoots 10 centimeters high. Subsequent treatments are carried out depending on the weather (preferably once before flowering and once before the fruits begin to set).


Powdery mildew is a mildew, and mildew is mainly a fungal disease of grape leaves. Oidium looks as if the plant was showered with flour. It affects leaves, shoots, inflorescences and berries.
You can fight diseases with the help of preventive measures:
tie up the shoots of the plant,
remove weeds from under the bushes of grapes,
pinch the plant.
For treatment, you can spray with chemicals (Strobi, Topaz, Tiovit, etc.).


This grape disease occurs after heavy rain or hail. In another way, it is called the bird's eye, since the sores and spots in this disease resemble the eye of a bird, another name is the hail disease, the spots on the leaves, twigs and fruits resemble dents from hail blows.
How to treat such a disease? The answer is simple - with copper preparations immediately after rain and hail. As soon as the next rain and / or hail has occurred, the treatment must be carried out again.

Gray rot

This disease affects almost ripe bunches of grapes. It occurs quite often in cool and / or rainy summers. Cracks and gray rot appear on the berries. This disease cannot be cured. You can only protect the plant by applying preventive measures, namely: harvest on time, thin out the leaves in order to increase ventilation inside the bush, if some brushes are affected, you should immediately cut them off, and treat the rest with a solution of soda.

3. Diseases of improper care

These diseases are not contagious, they consist in non-compliance necessary conditions and caring for grapes during the period of growth, flowering and fruiting. Among them are:


Chlorosis of grapes occurs as a result of a lack of iron in the diet of the vines. It is manifested by a change in the color of the leaves to a light, cream or whitish color. For treatment, you need the usual feeding with iron preparations, for example, iron sulfate.


The lack of moisture in the plant can be determined by such signs as:
slow growth of shoots,
drying of the tips of the leaves, yellowing and falling of leaves,
shedding of ovaries in spring.
Such a disease does not need to be treated with anything; it can be resumed by timely watering in sufficient quantities. You can use such a method of watering as watering in the root zone through special tubes dug near the root.


Into strong summer heat the sun can damage the grapes. Bunches of grapes affected sunburn, look like boiled berries, the leaves - as if they were ironed. In order to avoid this, it is worthwhile to carry out timely and in the right amount of watering. Affected bunches can be sheltered from the sun by turning them over sunny side or deep into the bush under the leaf. When planting, it is possible to take into account the arrangement of the rows of grape bushes in such a way that they would shade each other.

Also find out.

White, pink. people use black grape varieties for different purposes. On summer cottages mainly grapes are grown for consumption in fresh making juices and aromatic homemade wine... To obtain good harvest, it is necessary to study not only the rules of planting and care, but also to find out weak spots plants, their enemies and diseases. To the attention of site visitors, we offer a series of articles on pests and diseases of grapes to help them learn how to prevent diseases in a timely manner and provide assistance to their garden pets. Each article describes in detail several diseases and methods effective fight.

Non-communicable diseases

These are grape diseases caused by poor growing conditions, and not by the vital activity of harmful living organisms.


There is an infectious one (more on this below, in another section). With chlorosis, the leaves lose green color due to a violation of the synthesis of chlorophyll - a green pigment. Other pigments are retained in chromoplasts, so the leaves acquire a light yellow, creamy, whitish color. Caused by a lack of iron in the plant. In this case, the plate itself turns yellow, the veins remain green for some time. To check the diagnosis, we apply a strip, sign or symbol to the sheet with a solution of iron chelate (citric acid iron). After a few hours, the leaf turns green at the place of application.

The most common causes of non-infectious chlorosis are as follows:

  • Soil salinization.
  • Excess moisture.
  • Excessive, in comparison with iron, the content of copper, manganese, phosphorus, lime in the soil.

Under such conditions, the assimilation of iron from the soil is disrupted, which leads to chlorosis. Chlorosis of grapes is treated 3-4 foliar dressing solutions of iron preparations, the cheapest - ferrous sulfate... It is convenient to combine top dressing with the introduction of other microelements, stimulating and therapeutic drugs.


The viticulture zone does not always have the right amount of moisture for the plants. Lack of water is externally expressed as follows.

Shoots - growth and development slows down sharply, crowns grow dull, wither, dry out.

Antennae - they grow stiff, dry up, starting from the ends, they disappear.

Leaves - massively turn yellow, starting from the edges lower leaves, can thicken, curl, fall off.

Berries -in early spring the ovary falls off. In case of drought in the phase of the pea - wither and dry out, starting from the bottom of the bunch. Drought in the filling phase causes a characteristic lesion: darkening and brown color of a part of the berry, as if pressed by a fingernail. When the skin is removed, the insides are healthy. As a result, the berries dry out like raisins, but alas, they become inedible.

Winter drought is accompanied by cracking of the soil, while small roots are torn apart.

Control measures
- watering and preservation of the moisture available in the soil: mulching; shelter for the winter with soil; shallow loosening in order to disrupt the capillaries of the upper layer of the soil, which makes evaporation more difficult. into the root zone through specially dug tubes is preferable: more economical and more efficient.


During the hottest months, grapes can overheat in the sun. In appearance, the berries are similar to scalded boiling water, in the future they wrinkle and dry out. They are perceptibly hot to the touch. The leaves are as if they have been under a heated iron: they dry up green, turn brown over time. Leaves with damaged petioles are the first to suffer: they have difficulty in supplying water to reduce the temperature. All damage is only on the sunny side of the bush, while such a picture does not happen with infectious diseases. The bush tries to defend itself by vigorously evaporating water to cool it. Does not grow, does not accumulate nutrients.

Control measures. The main thing is availability enough water, therefore - watering, mulching, destruction of the soil crust fur. processing. In the heat, we transfer all the freshly grown shoots with a "visor" to the sunny side. You can cover the affected bunches with everything that is available: with newspapers, leaves, etc. We do not cut the aisles, we will wait until the weather is cooler. When laying down - choose such a row spacing that the rows sufficiently shade each other.

Infectious diseases of grapes

Mildew, (downy mildew, pernosporosis)

Perhaps the most common disease. The pathogen hibernates in soil and plant debris, is resistant to any weather, lasts 2-5 years, and spores are carried by the wind up to 100 km. In the spring, oospores germinate, with the help of jiguks in the smallest drops of moisture (dew, watering, rain) they swim to the stomata and germinate into plants, where they invade living cells, destroying them. Treatment with contact fungicides after germination of the fungus into the plant is ineffective.

After introduction, thin filaments of the fungus - hyphae - develop inside the plant, spore-bearing organs move out at night. There are so many of them that for a person it looks like an easily erasable gray bloom on the lower surface of the sheet. Top part leaves acquire an oily shade, at first small, with a light center, the spots on the leaf increase, gradually merging.

On the shoots, yellowish elongated spots appear, gradually acquiring a brown color. Affected berries dry out in dry weather, and rot and mold in wet weather. With late infection of berries, bluish gray depressed spots appear near the stalk, at the end of the berries they warp, rot, fall off. Complete loss of yield is possible.

Control measures- multiple treatment with fungicides.

The first is carried out before signs of the disease appear!

We use the rule of 3 dozen: temperature 10 ˚С, shoot length 10 cm, precipitation 10 mm. The conditions are met - it's time to process. Subsequent treatments - depending on the weather. In a favorable year for the disease, the number of treatments can reach 6-8 ...

Prevention. First of all, the selection of resistant varieties. But do not rely too much, this does not completely remove the problem: in bad years the development of the disease on resistant and unstable varieties differs in the rate of spread, a little more - in the severity and percentage of the destroyed crop. So, most likely, you still have to process.

Oidium, or grape powdery mildew.

With the beginning of the growth of grapes, shoots and leaves lagging behind in growth appear. Such leaves curl. Leaves, berries, bunches look like they are showered with flour, hence the name of the disease. This plaque is the thinnest strings of the fungus. It is attached to the plant with special suction cups called apressoria. Of these, haustoria are injected into the berries, through which the mushroom feeds. The growth of berries with the simultaneous destruction of the walls leads to ruptures, the seeds are exposed. At the edges of the hyphae, constrictions appear, these pieces are easily torn off and carried by the wind. Once on other vines, new bushes germinate and infect.

In case of partial damage, when part of the grapes is used for wine, sorting with the selection of damaged berries is necessary. Otherwise, the wine will have a moldy taste, absolutely invaluable by connoisseurs ...

Measures to combat grape mildew. Correct, well-ventilated grape formation, destruction of vegetation in the aisles helps to prevent or mitigate disease. Fungicides and copper preparations that help against mildew are not suitable for treatment powdery mildew grapes. Sulfur preparations give an excellent effect. The finer the sulfur particles, the better. Powdered sulfur for pollination must be properly stored so that it does not stick together in the breasts, always in a dry place. The temperature during processing matters. The air must be warmed up to 20 ° C, otherwise it will not work. At the same time, in extreme heat, burns are possible, in hot summer we process plantings in the morning or evening hours... It is good to use special colloidal sulfur pastes when making tank mixtures from mildew and powdery mildew. In this case, we save time and effort by reducing the number of treatments.

Grape anthracnose (bird's eye, hail disease).

The disease is activated after heavy rains with hail, hence one of the names. On the leaves, it is manifested by the appearance of small dry brown spots surrounded by a darker border. Later, the middle of the spot dies off, acquires grey colour, often bursts. Leaves become full of holes. On the shoots, depressed spots with a dark border appear, the shoots dry out, break. Similar spots, gray-brown, depressed, with a dark border appear on berries. A bit like the image of a bird's eye, which gives rise to another name for it.

Control measures.
When grapes are infected with anthracnose, treatment is carried out by treatments with copper preparations or systemic fungicides. It is not for nothing that the disease is called the disease of hail; after a heavy rain with hail, we immediately carry out the treatment. Without delay and regardless of the time after the previous one.

The grapes need our care, otherwise it is difficult to hope for a good harvest. It is clear that this includes only spraying with drugs. Correct fit, pruning, fertilizing, watering - everything matters. A strong, nutrient-rich plant that resists any disease better.

Fight against grape diseases - video

It is difficult to find a person who would remain indifferent to the sweet aromatic grapes. And what a shame it is when a grape harvest dies because of your oversight. Most often, the cause of the death of the crop is various diseases... Therefore, people who decide to start growing vines need to know the main diseases of grapes and methods of their treatment.

All grape diseases are divided into three groups:

  • fungal;
  • viral;
  • bacterial.

Fungal diseases include:

  • mildew;
  • oidium;
  • anthracnose;
  • alternaria;
  • cercosporosis;
  • escoriasis;
  • apoplexy;
  • gray rot;
  • white rot;
  • black rot;
  • armillariasis;
  • verticellosis;

The group of bacterial diseases is:

  • bacterial cancer;
  • bacteriosis;
  • bacterial necrosis;
  • bacterial spot:
  • Pierce's disease;
  • sour rot;

Viral diseases of grapes are:

  • marbling of leaves;
  • creeping mosaic;
  • leaf vein necrosis;
  • chlorosis;
  • short node.

Treatable and therefore relatively safe are only fungal diseases... Viral and bacterial diseases are practically incurable, and can destroy not only the harvest, but the entire vineyard.


One of the most common grape diseases. It is also often called downy mildew. The culprit of its appearance is the fungus plasmapar vitikol.

Spores of this fungus can easily tolerate both frost and heat. This harmful fungus can give up to 15 generations per season. But for intensive reproduction, it needs humid warm weather. At + 12 °, its development practically stops.

Mildew damage to grapes is signaled by the appearance of fat yellow spots on the leaves. On the underside of the leaf, colonies of fungi form a white bloom. As the disease progresses, the spots increase in size and become brown, the leaves dry out and fall off prematurely.

You can fight mildew with both chemicals and folk remedies... Of the folk remedies, the most effective are planting dill next to the vine - its smell is not to the liking of the fungus.

You can also spray the bushes with water-based garlic or horsetail decoction. To prepare it, take 75 g of garlic or horsetail in a bucket of water.

From chemical reagents they fight mildew by spraying the shoots with preparations containing copper: Bordeaux mixture, copper oxide and chlorine. The causative agent of the disease is killed by drugs, the working component of which is Mancozeb - Mancozeb, Acrobat MC, Rapid Gold, Acidan, etc.

Effective against mildew Ridomil and Ridomil gold, in which Metalaxil acts as the main "striking force". To effectively combat mildew, you can also treat biological preparations: Planriz, Delan, Alarin-B.

For the treatment of vines, a working solution is prepared by diluting the contents of the preparation in water according to the instructions attached to it, and the plants are sprayed with this solution. The treatment is repeated three times: the first time the plants are treated in early spring, before bud break, the second - before flowering, the third - at the beginning of the setting of berries.

Oidium (powdery mildew)

The causative agent of the disease is an uncinated grape fungus. May affect vines throughout the growing season. Affects young vines, leaves, inflorescences and berries.

The leaves on the bushes affected by the fungus are completely covered with a white bloom, and it is observed not only on the outside, but also on the back of the leaves. Under optimal development conditions (moderate humidity and warm weather), the mycelium grows so strongly that it covers the plant like a second bark. The berries on the affected plants crack, it seems that the grains from them are about to fall out.

To fight the disease, use chemicals: Topaz, Tiovit-Jet, Skor, Bayleton. Also today, combined preparations are produced that can protect the planting of grapes from both mildew and mildew. This is Quadris, Storby, Cardio.

Of the folk methods, sometimes a milk solution is used to combat powdery mildew (1 liter of milk is diluted in a bucket of water), a 5% solution of potassium permanganate (5 g of manganese is diluted in a bucket of water), which are sprayed several times on plants during the growing season.

Gray rot

The causative agent of the disease is the gray botrytis mushroom. Almost all terrestrial parts of the plant are affected by the disease. Outwardly, its manifestations are very similar to ordinary rot, but, unlike it, with high humidity the fungus multiplies rapidly, affecting large areas.

On the affected bushes, the entire berry crop perishes. There are no effective preparations for combating gray rot yet; most often, Zuparen or Fundazol preparations are used to treat infected plants.

From folk ways spray the bushes with iodine solution: 1 g of the drug is diluted in a bucket of water and treated with this solution. But both chemicals and iodine solution can only slow down the development of the disease, but do not stop it completely.

As a prophylaxis against gray rot, pinching of vines and removal of part of the leaves can be considered. These measures contribute to better ventilation of the bush, which significantly reduces the risk of disease.


The causative agent is the fungus Gloeosporium ampelinum. On the leaves and berries of the affected plants, spots of a pinkish-gray shade appear with a brown edging along the edges. Leaves and berries quickly dry out and fall off, deep cracks appear on the bark, due to the difficulty with nutrition, the bush lags behind in development.

When the first signs of the disease are detected, the vineyard is treated with the drugs Ridomil, Arcerid, Acrobat. It is necessary to carry out 3-4 treatments per season, at intervals of 10-14 days, while it is better to alternate preparations.


The causative agent is Alternaria fungi. The disease usually rages in the spring, affecting the ground parts of the bush. Silvery brown spots appear on the leaves and bark, and on the berries they are white. In wet weather, the spots turn olive.

For prophylaxis in the spring, grape bushes are treated with copper sulfate, and if signs of a disease are detected, the plants are treated with Skor, Quadris, Rapid-Gold, Kolfogo super.

White rot

The causative agent is sclerotinia fungus. At high humidity and high temperatures, the fungus develops very quickly. Infection of bushes most often occurs in August. It mainly affects berries and young shoots. Outwardly, it looks like white dust settled on berries and shoots.

Berries affected by white rot become soft, as if scalded. If signs of white rot are found, the bushes should be immediately treated with Fundazol or Kolfogo super preparations. To finally defeat the disease, it is necessary to carry out at least 3-4 treatments.

Bacterial diseases

Bacterial diseases are the result of the development of various pathogenic bacteria on the bush. Almost all of them are practically not amenable to treatment, and the only way to get rid of them is to completely remove and dispose of the bush.

Bacterial cancer

The causative agent of the disease is a rod-shaped, gram-negative bacterium.

It acts in late autumn and winter, affecting the vine. First, the bark on the infected plant blisters and then breaks. Some vineyard owners are trying to fight this scourge with tetracycline oxide, but the effectiveness of this remedy is seriously questioned.

The only effective way to combat bacterial cancer today is the complete removal of the bush. But even after that, on the stricken land plot for 4 years, strict quarantine supervision has been established.

Viral diseases

Viral diseases appear under the influence of harmful viruses. Like bacterial, they are practically not amenable to treatment. Today, 35 diseases of grapes are known associated with the defeat of its virus. But they have been studied very little, in most cases there are only descriptions of diseases, and even those are not always complete.

It is possible to infect a healthy plant with a harmful virus only with infected juice. Most often this happens when pruning a patient and healthy bushes with one tool. Natural spreading viruses are nematodes and sucking insects.

Sometimes symptoms viral diseases expressed weakly or absent altogether - it all depends on the natural immunity of the plant itself or varietal resistance. But there are times when the development of such diseases proceeds quickly and violently.


The leaves of the grapes become asymmetrical, begin to "curl". Interspersed with normal length internodes appear ugly-shortened, sometimes one internode is located next to another (double internode). Young shoots in affected bushes become flattened and forked. The berries crumble, not ripe, the bushes quickly degenerate.

Yellow mosaic

It is clearly visible in the spring, when the affected bushes change their natural color, turn yellow. Yellow spots or stripes appear on the leaves. There are almost no bunches on the vine, and no more than a pea grow on the formed berries. The growth of the bushes stops, the plant dies.

Wood furrow virus

Longitudinal depressions in the form of pits or furrows appear on the bark of infected plants. The bark thickens and becomes loose. The growth of the bushes stops and the plants die quickly.

Red leaf virus

The leaves on the affected bushes become noticeably smaller than healthy ones, have a yellowish color. In the future, with the development of the disease, they quickly turn red and fall off.

Leaf roll virus

Symptoms of the infection are similar to those of the red leaf virus. The disease develops in the second half of summer, the leaves on infected plants quickly turn yellow or red, but at the same time a green strip remains on them along the central vein. The leaves thicken, curl, the set berries fall off without ripening.

To fight with viral infections there is only one way - complete removal of infected bushes. It is impossible to grow grapes in the area affected by the virus for 5-6 years.

Despite such a huge number of diseases, and even a dozen pests annoying grapes, it can and should be grown.

You just need to treat it like little child- to look after, to protect, to carry out preventive "vaccinations" on time, processing bushes in order to prevent the appearance of diseases. And then in the fall the grapes will thank you with weighty brushes, each berry of which will contain a piece of sunny summer.

Most grape diseases can destroy the harvest or significantly reduce the quality characteristics of the berries. For this reason, fighting them is extremely important. Among diseases most widespread got the mildew of the grapes. Treatment of this disease is carried out in accordance with the method of combating fungal plant infections.

A particular danger of fungal diseases is the rapid spread of infection. They are able to cause significant damage to the plant in a few weeks and dry the grape bushes within 1-2 seasons. The rate at which the disease spreads depends on the type of infection and weather conditions... For example, mildew (a downy mildew fungus) actively spreads in rainy weather, while mildew (an uncinula mushroom of grapes) completely stops developing during rain.

Disease control measures should take into account the prevalence of infections in the growing area. In central and southern Russia, grapes are most often sick with mildew. Treatment for a fungal infection is as follows:

  • preventive measures - spraying with antifungal drugs, pruning unnecessary shoots, garter vine, removal of diseased leaves and branches, removal of weeds, etc .;
  • maintaining and strengthening the agricultural background;
  • preventing the spread of diseased plants and fruits - quarantine.

Mildew is the most dangerous fungal disease

Affecting inflorescences and berries, the fungus completely destroys the crop. The deciduous cover of grape bushes dries up under the influence of the fungus, after which it falls off. A sharp reduction in the area of ​​the deciduous surface disrupts the process of proper fruit ripening. The berries of diseased bushes lose their nutritional value and the sweetness, the wine made from them is sour in taste. A diseased vine does not ripen well, this negatively affects the resistance of the bush to winter cold.

The fungus, affecting the plant, develops especially actively on young inflorescences from individual pedicels or ridges. The areas affected by the disease turn brown, all the ovaries with inflorescences below die. Under the influence of rain, the fungus actively spreads and destroys the plant.

Mildew Propagation Conditions

The fungal infection hibernates in the form of spores on fallen grape leaves and soil. In the spring, when the soil becomes very humid, and the air temperature stays at 10 degrees for 7-8 days, the fungus spores swell and germinate.

Visually, the development of the disease begins with small yellow spots, over time, covering the entire leaf area. A sign of the spread of the disease is the appearance of a white cannon in the lower part of the leaf, formed after rain. Infected leaves turn completely yellow and die off. You can recognize mildew on a vine by spots that look like small dots of a brownish hue.

The microorganism poses the greatest danger to young inflorescences, since sporulation of the fungus is formed on their surface. Young inflorescences die under the influence of mildew - the berries turn black, wrinkle and crumble. The spread of the disease stops in dry hot weather, air temperatures above 30 degrees.

General rules for dealing with the disease

If grapes are infected with mildew, treatment is carried out by spraying with a toxic chemical that destroys the primary foci of infection. Before the grapes begin to bloom, the bushes are sprayed with antifungal mixtures. The next stage of spraying begins immediately after the beginning of flowering and the appearance of small berries (the size of a match head). Let's consider the methods of dealing with the disease in more detail.

Anti-mildew technique

The main stage of the organization of the struggle is to provide conditions that prevent the development of the disease. The infection that contributes to the development of mildew lives in places of high humidity, in lowlands, which long time trap rain puddles, dew and fog. The complex of agrotechnical works contributes to better ventilation of the plants and excludes the accumulation of excess moisture near the grape bushes.

As mentioned, mildew spores winter in fallen grape leaves. In autumn, after the end of the harvest, the fallen leaves must be burned.

Spraying grape bushes with poisons that destroy fungi is the most effective way to preserve the crop. As a rule, they are made with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid. For the first spraying, a solution of 0.5% is used, the subsequent treatment is performed with an increase in concentration from 0.75% to 2%. The low content of the active substance prevents the antifungal solution from burning leaves and shoots infected with grape mildew. Treatment (the photo below shows the process) involves spraying grape bushes with a tank mixture in order to prevent infection.

Antifungal mixtures for spraying grapes

There are various folk methods and preparations to combat grape mildew. Treatment with folk remedies is effective as a prophylaxis. Effective way treatment - spraying with solutions containing active chemical components. Antifungal solutions contain zinc and are most readily available and effective drug is a bordeaux spray liquid solution.

Characteristics of the active component of the Bordeaux mixture

It should be remembered that a solution in a concentration of more than 3% copper sulfate is capable of burning the surface of grape leaves. The main active component of Bordeaux liquid is characterized by rapid dissolution in water, so it rains in short term remove medicinal mixture from the surfaces of the grape bush.

In order for the solution of copper sulfate to remain on the surface of the plant as long as possible, it must be mixed not with water, but with milk of lime. Lime neutralizes the acidic reaction of copper sulfate, the liquid becomes viscous and sticky. By sticking to the substance, it stays on the surface longer when exposed to rain.

In order to effectively combat grape mildew, treatment should be carried out with a product that is prepared according to technological standards. The quality characteristics of all components matter.

Paying attention to the main active ingredient - copper sulfate, you should make sure that the powder does not contain foreign impurities, and its color is bright blue. Lime for mortar is suitable for both slaked and quicklime. However, it is best to quench while preparing the solution. It is the freshly slaked lime that ensures the best adhesion of the preparation to the surface of the grape leaves.

Proportions of Bordeaux mixture solution

All preparations for the treatment of mildew in grapes have a predetermined safe concentration of the active ingredient. The concentration of copper sulfate in the Bordeaux mixture solution can be from 0.5% to 3%, a higher content of the active substance will burn the leaves. To prepare 10 liters of a drug with a concentration of 1% of the active substance, you should take 100 g and the same amount of copper sulfate. Mixing is carried out in a container, the material of which is resistant to chemical reactions and does not interact with the components of the solution. The best option- glass or ceramic container, use of galvanized or metal containers is unacceptable.

To prepare the mixture, copper sulfate is diluted with one liter of hot water. As soon as the powder dissolves, another 5 liters are poured into the container. cold water... Separately, 100 g of prepared lime is slaked, after which the rest of the water is added and the volume is adjusted lime mortar up to 5 liters. The lime preparation is filtered. A solution of copper sulfate is gradually added to the resulting milk of lime. The process of combining the components is accompanied by constant stirring.

It should be noted that a solution of copper sulfate is added to the lime solution, and not vice versa. If the sequence of actions is not correct, the resulting suspension will be ineffective in the fight against mildew, the active components will precipitate.

Characteristics of a properly prepared preparation

A solution of Bordeaux liquid, which is prepared in accordance with the technology, has a blue color and a slimy structure, sticks to the fingers. The color can signal the concentration of the active substance. For example, green means that copper sulfate is added in excess, and when sprayed, the liquid will burn the grape leaves.

Are the grapes sick with mildew? Treatment: how to carry out the treatment with Bordeaux mixture?

If during a visual examination it is established that the grapes are sick with mildew, treatment with a solution of Bordeaux mixture is the best solution. To make sure that the prepared product is safe, a metal nail is briefly immersed in it. If, when removing the nail, it does not become covered with bloom, the solution is safe for plants. The appearance of small grains on the surface of the nail will indicate the low quality of the Bordeaux liquid and great content active component. In this case, it should be additionally diluted with lime mortar.

However, the Bordeaux mixture prepared in accordance with the technology is also capable of harming the grapes if spraying is performed on a hot day after a heavy rain. In order to minimize the risk of plant burns, the treatment is performed at dawn or at sunset.

Prevention of viral and fungal diseases of grapes

The maximum effect is given by measures for the prevention of fungal and viral diseases. Prevention is carried out during three seasons: spring, summer and autumn. During this time, plant breeders water the bushes, cut the vines and strengthen the agrophone, fertilizing the soil.

Before spraying the grapes, it is necessary to remove damaged leaves, trim excess shoots and tie up the vine. Garbage in the form of foliage and shoots affected by the disease is necessarily burned, preventing the development of infection.

Caring for grapes before harvesting

It is extremely important to perform mildew treatment on grapes in July. In the summer, before harvesting, plant breeders perform the main spraying of the bushes. The schedule for treatment with a Bordeaux mixture solution is every 3 weeks, starting from the first days of July. Spraying grapes with antifungal drugs is completed in the first decade of August and is not carried out until the vine is pruned.