Other people's children. Why do you dream about other people's little children?

what does it mean if someone else's baby is in a dream

A newborn baby is a pleasant surprise. Crying children- to illness. A walking child signifies your desire for independence. In a dream, seeing someone else's baby being bathed means a happy outcome. Beautiful and healthy children mean prosperity and good. Sick or dead baby- complications in life. Games with kids - achieving trading and love goals.

Why do you dream about someone else's baby?

If you are present in a dream at childbirth, events will occur in your life that at first you consider insignificant, but in the future the consequences will be a big surprise. Playing with someone else's baby means doing an unloved job that deprives you of strength. Seeing a lot of children means a lot of problems, although small, but requiring time and effort. Crying children - you are in danger.

interpretation of someone else's baby dream

Seeing someone else's baby in a dream is a great surprise. A child dreams of being naked - to trouble.

dreamed of someone else's baby

Anxiety, care, accumulated fatigue control you if you see in a dream infant. Someone flatters you, but it doesn't make you happy. Someone else's baby getting sick means trouble.

interpretation of someone else's baby dream

Children, according to Freud, are a symbol of the genitals. Boy - male, girl - female. If you dream of playing with someone else's baby, then there is a desire for self-satisfaction. Saving someone else's baby, or a child in general, indicates a desire to adopt an orphan.

Why do you dream about other people's children? Depending on their type and behavior in a dream, the plot may indicate good or unpleasant events. Cheerful, healthy - a harbinger of joy and success. When they are sad and sick, minor failures and disappointments lie ahead. However, even seriously ill children, according to the dream book, do not promise big troubles, but only minor difficulties.

Don't relax - troubles are possible

Why do you dream of holding someone’s babies in your arms? The dream book indicates: a trick lies ahead from your friends. They, knowing about the kindness of the sleeping person, can use it to harm him.

Push a stroller with someone else's child - close person may betray you, you have to be prepared for this.

Why dream of finding other people's children in a coffin? The dream book warns: in reality you will incur a lot of debt, and this can provoke serious difficulties. Try to return the borrowed amount as quickly as possible to avoid problems.

A mother’s dream about their sick babies foretells that in reality their health will be good. But some troubles are still possible.

Problems can be overcome

Seeing calm boys in a dream - small or slightly older - means good luck and prosperity. When they are aggressive, financial difficulties are possible ahead. Beautiful girls, especially two, promise gossip at work, which could get you fired. However, if the little ones laughed in the dream, you will quickly find a new good place.

Did you dream that someone was killing them? The dream book warns of impending old age and fatigue with life. Killing yourself in a dream - oddly enough, such a vision promises the sleeper some joyful, important event soon.

When there are many other people's children in a dream, a person will need to solve many small problems. Moreover, each will take a lot of attention, time and effort. But also if there are a lot of these kids, this indicates quick profit and prosperous financial affairs.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Seeing many beautiful other people's children in a dream - good sign. He portends to the dreamer material well-being, prosperity. If these boys and girls study and do something useful, a peaceful life and prosperity await the sleeper.

Who did you dream about?

The interpretation of a dream about other people's children can have different meanings:

  • little boys playing with each other - according to the dream book, personify family well-being;
  • to see girls asking for help - the dreamer will successfully cope with his difficulties without resorting to anyone’s help;
  • cheerful little pranksters foretell to young people: they will soon meet their soulmate;
  • Geminis promise harmony at home, confidence in conducting your affairs;
  • two other people's children, with whom the dreamer is playing, warn: business partners may betray him.

Everything will work out great!

The explanation of why twins dream also depends on marital status sleeping. If these are unmarried boys or girls, a love wedding awaits them soon. For those who are married, such a plot is a sign of a large family.

Little children are the personification of purity, goodness and light. Therefore, many people, when they dream of children, consider such a dream to be kind and good.

People do not attach importance to such dreams, thinking in absentia that they foreshadow only favorable events. But it is not always the case. A dream about someone else's child can portend not only joy and good luck, but also negative events.

To understand what the plot you see means, it’s worth remembering it in detail.

It is necessary to analyze all the situations and events occurring in the night plot:

Other interpretations

The gender of someone else's baby also plays an important role.

Therefore, it is worth remembering who exactly dreamed:

  1. Boy. The interpretation depends on the character and behavior of the baby:

    Aggressive, angry boy prophesies money problems and need.
    A cheerful boy portends prosperity and good luck.

  2. Girl. A dream about a girl prophesies the occurrence of gossip and gossip at the dreamer’s work. This is a sign that the guardian of the dream is constantly discussed by colleagues.

    If a girl cried in her sleep, then dismissal cannot be avoided. The laughter and joy of the girl in the night story also prophesies dismissal, but it will be followed by employment for more a good place work. Therefore, such a dream should be taken as a favorable sign.

An important role in a dream is played not only by the gender of the child, but also by his actions in his night dreams:

  1. Seeing little boys playing with each other. A similar dream promises well-being in the family. This is a sign that the dreamer has created a strong family in which there is no place for lies and betrayal.
  2. See girls asking for help. Such a sign foreshadows the emergence of obstacles on the dreamer’s path. The dream indicates that thanks to strong character and the will of a person will pass all tests with dignity and overcome obstacles.
  3. See mischievous pranksters doing petty pranks. If a single person saw the vision, then it promises him a meeting with his other half.
  4. Had a dream twins. Gemini represents peace and prosperity within the family. But the dream should be interpreted based on the dreamer’s marital status:

    For unmarried people, twins promise a quick marriage.
    If the dreamer has already “bound” himself in marriage, then one should expect a new addition to his family. Soon he will have a child.

  5. See smiling girl. This is a sign of a new, passionate relationship.

Meanings according to different dream books

Dream Interpretation Interpretation
Miller According to Miller's dream book, newborn children predict danger for the dreamer. He should expect betrayal, deceit, and deceit.
A dead baby symbolizes an addition to the family.
Wangi A joyful child predicts career growth and good luck.
Tsvetkova Children represent problems. It is worth remembering the age of the baby. The larger it is, the more global the troubles and problems will be.
Islamic The sign promises trouble. The dream indicates that trouble will happen due to the dreamer's negligence. This is a warning sign that you should be more attentive to many life situations.
Loffa The guardian of the dream will face deception and betrayal due to a person’s recklessness and excessive gullibility.
Freud A dreamed child prophesies problems in the intimate sphere with the opposite sex.
Slavic Prosperity is to be expected.
I dreamed that I was breastfeeding a baby. For a girl, this promises disappointment.
Modern This is a sign of deception.

If a woman who cannot get pregnant dreams of a newborn baby, then the dream represents her subconscious desire to become a mother.

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One of the most common plots in women's dreams is a dream about their own child. Why do you dream of other people’s children according to the dream book?

What does the dream portend?

The presence of a child in a dream is a symbol of approaching joy. However, some details of the vision can significantly change the entire interpretation. According to the classic dream book, other people's children are dreamed of as a harbinger of prosperity, happiness and well-being.

  • Playing with kids in a dream means success in an important commercial or personal matter;
  • Children crying is an alarming premonition warning of the insidious plans of enemies directed against the dreamer;
  • Seeing a cute child in a dream is a pleasant acquaintance;
  • A child with his mother is a happy time;
  • A child walking alone means things that have been put on the back burner will cause you trouble if you don’t take them up soon.

Often other people's children are dreamed of by women who really dream of having their own child, but for various reasons cannot yet have offspring. In this case, a dream involving children serves as a reflection real desires the dreamer, and not a prediction of the future. However, if you for a long time are trying to get pregnant, then such a dream may be a sign that your attempts will soon be crowned with success.

Dreaming of a child boy in a dream

Interpretations of dream books about what other people's children mean in dreams vary greatly. In addition, the interpretation of the dream depends on the gender of the dreaming child, his mood and actions.

  • A boy plays - well-being and good luck in the family;
  • Angry child - be careful when entering into dubious transactions. Protect your savings - theft is possible;
  • A mute boy in a dream means death awaits one of your loved ones;
  • A boy dies in a dream - troubles, anxiety and worries;
  • Playing with a boy is a desire to find a favorite activity or job. However, so far your attempts have been unsuccessful, which makes you feel uncomfortable.

Dreaming of a girl in a dream

If in your night dreams a sweetheart follows you on your heels beautiful girl, which means that soon you will become an involuntary witness to gossip at work. Your management will not like this, which may lead to dismissal. However, this will not be a big loss for you: you will quickly overcome your emotions about losing your job and find something you love.

  • The girl asks the dreamer for help - you will cope with your own problems without anyone’s help;
  • Sick child - you should pay attention to the little things, which will allow you not to make a fatal mistake;
  • The girl smiles and laughs - a meeting of a new passionate love, which will turn into a long and mysterious romance.

Children in women's dream book

Small other people's children in this interpreter foreshadow prosperity and a bright streak in life. Seeing children studying or working is a sign of peace and prosperity. It’s easy to guess that upset or crying babies indicate impending troubles and deception on the part of imaginary friends.

  • Looking for a child - due to minor problems you will not be able to find a way out of the current situation;
  • Seeing dead children in a dream means anxiety and disappointment;
  • A hopelessly ill baby is a serious threat to the well-being of the dreamer and his family;
  • Seeing yourself in the role of a child means your behavior is far from the best. Your childish antics are not entirely appropriate and can be offensive to the people around you.

Family dream book about children

Many children dream of future worries and troubles. If you see that a child has fallen and hurt himself, it means that you will soon be faced with a series of trials in business. A crying baby is a symbol of deception and problems.

  • Seeing a child and being touched by him is good news or a new acquaintance that will bring you positive emotions;
  • Babysitting children - your close people and friends, on whom you really rely, will betray you at the most crucial moment;
  • Dropping a child means collapse of plans;
  • Punishing children in a dream means you will have to repent of your mistakes;
  • Dirty children mean big troubles and legal squabbles that will suddenly fall on your shoulders;
  • Seeing a stroller with a child inside - a faithful friend will come to the rescue at the right time;
  • Hearing a child's voice means peace and well-being in the home;
  • Seeing a child grow and become prettier before your eyes is an improvement in well-being and a good position in society.

Find out more

Little children are the personification of purity, goodness and light. Therefore, many people, when they dream of children, consider such a dream to be kind and good.

People do not attach importance to such dreams, thinking in absentia that they foreshadow only favorable events. But it is not always the case. A dream about someone else's child can portend not only joy and good luck, but also negative events.

To understand what the plot you see means, it’s worth remembering it in detail.

It is necessary to analyze all the situations and events occurring in the night plot:

Therefore, it is worth remembering who exactly dreamed:

  1. Boy. The interpretation depends on the character and behavior of the baby:

    An aggressive, angry boy prophesies money problems and need.
    A cheerful boy portends prosperity and good luck.

  2. Girl. A dream about a girl prophesies the occurrence of gossip and gossip at the dreamer’s work. This is a sign that the guardian of the dream is constantly discussed by colleagues.

    If a girl cried in her sleep, then dismissal cannot be avoided. The laughter and joy of the girl in the night story also predicts dismissal, but it will be followed by employment in a better place of work. Therefore, such a dream should be taken as a favorable sign.

An important role in a dream is played not only by the gender of the child, but also by his actions in his night dreams:

  1. Seeing little boys playing with each other. Such a dream promises well-being in the family. This is a sign that the dreamer has created a strong family in which there is no place for lies and betrayal.
  2. See girls asking for help. Such a sign foreshadows the emergence of obstacles on the dreamer’s path. The dream indicates that thanks to strong character and will, a person will pass all tests with dignity and overcome obstacles.
  3. See mischievous pranksters doing petty pranks. If a single person saw the vision, then it promises him a meeting with his other half.
  4. Had a dream twins. Gemini represents peace and prosperity within the family. But the dream should be interpreted based on the dreamer’s marital status:

    For unmarried people, twins promise a quick marriage.
    If the dreamer has already “bound” himself in marriage, then one should expect a new addition to his family. Soon he will have a child.

  5. See smiling girl. This is a sign of a new, passionate relationship.

Meanings according to different dream books

Dream Interpretation Interpretation
Miller According to Miller's dream book, newborn children predict danger for the dreamer. He should expect betrayal, deceit, and deceit.
A dead baby symbolizes an addition to the family.
Wangi A joyful child predicts career growth and good luck.
Tsvetkova Children represent problems. It is worth remembering the age of the baby. The larger it is, the more global the troubles and problems will be.
Islamic The sign promises trouble. The dream indicates that trouble will happen due to the dreamer's negligence. This is a warning sign that you should be more attentive to many life situations.
Loffa The guardian of the dream will face deception and betrayal due to a person’s recklessness and excessive gullibility.
Freud A dreamed child prophesies problems in the intimate sphere with the opposite sex.
Slavic Prosperity is to be expected.
I dreamed that I was breastfeeding a baby. For a girl, this promises disappointment.
Modern This is a sign of deception.

If a woman who cannot get pregnant dreams of a newborn baby, then the dream represents her subconscious desire to become a mother.


Why do you dream of someone else's child? Dream interpretation

If in a dream you dreamed of someone else’s child, then be on your guard, you are warned of betrayal and provocations. If in a dream you hold this baby in your arms, then expect a trick from people you have known for a long time, who, knowing about your kindness, can turn it against you.

Someone else's baby in a dream is a sign that in reality you have, if not enemies, then those who are hostile to you and gossip about you behind your back. A dream in which someone else’s child dies foreshadows an unplanned addition to your family.

See also in the dream book

In our dream book you can find out not only about why you have dreams about someone else’s child, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see someone else's child in a dream in online dream book Miller.

Dreaming of someone else's child? Tell me your dream!

See also in the dream book


Dreams come to us at the most active work subconscious, while the constantly analyzing consciousness sleeps. Each dream can have an impact on our lives, be a warning about a future event.

In this article we will find out why other people’s children dream and what to expect from such a dream.

Why do other people’s children dream: interpretations

Why see sick or healthy children? Health is of great importance appearance and children's behavior. To see healthy, happy and joyfully playing children in a dream is a sign of great joy, prosperity, and success. True, if there are too many children, then such a dream can mean troubles and worries.

Seeing sick, unhappy children means minor disappointments and failures. In general, seeing even a terminally ill child does not portend huge misfortunes, but rather minor troubles.

Crying children are interpreted by dream books as betrayals and deceptions that may happen to you in the very near future.

Playing with small children in a dream often symbolizes betrayal of your business partners, and at the very last moment. Feeding other people's babies means an unexpected and difficult task at work.

If in a dream you feel tenderness at the sight of other people's children, in reality a romantic adventure is possible that will bring only joy.

Seeing yourself as a parent of children playing in a dream is an alarming sign. You may not have children of your own.

Seeing babies in a dream is often a harbinger of troubles and troubles, while older children are a sign that you will be helped.

You may also be interested in the article Why do you dream about a newborn?

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  • Babysitting children, pushing them in a stroller - you will be betrayed by a person you trusted.
  • Holding someone else's child in your arms means you won't go to war with the enemy.
  • Babysitting a baby means you will achieve success, but the road to it will be long.
  • Feeding a child with milk - you will receive a new task from management, quite labor-intensive, but bringing a good increase in salary.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller, fiddling with an infant brings happiness and well-being to the home.

A beautiful newborn means a favorable environment in the family, good luck.

A dead child, in a coffin, a funeral - you will be disappointed in life, there will be a lot of troubles.

I dreamed of a child in a stroller

Other people's children in their arms, nurse them, feed them breast milk, are considered by the dream book as the unclean intentions of people whom you let too close. Perhaps you even trust them as yourself, you are afraid of losing their favor. They are trying to harm you in every imaginable way.

Babysitting someone else's child in a stroller is a sign of betrayal loved one, you can lose it forever.

The funeral of an unfamiliar child, the baby is in a coffin, has died - beware of borrowing money, you risk not returning it on time.

Sick, aggressive strange boy - trouble in financial matters, your family will need material goods.

Too many other people's children in a dream - the dream book says that the dreamer will face minor difficulties and troubles, but there will be many of them, and you can waste a lot of time.

Interestingly, a beautiful little girl can warn you of troubles at work that will arise due to evil tongues. True, if a girl laughs boisterously, then you will not worry about having to lose your job, but will simply find a new, better place.

Someone is trying to kill a baby, you see that he has died, dead, in a coffin - you are growing old before your time, you are very tired of life. Maybe you shouldn’t work so hard and be diligent?

A sick baby, boy or girl, dreams of failure.

Positive Predictions

Seeing someone else's boy playing with another baby means you will have a happy family.

A little girl asks for help - you can easily overcome any difficulty.

If you dreamed of a girl

Perhaps you just see unfamiliar children, but if you focused your attention on the fact that it was a boy or a girl, then such information is also important for interpretation.

A strange girl in a dream is a sign of something new. Something will happen that will greatly surprise you. To figure out what the surprise will be like, it’s worth remembering your emotions and actions. For example, rejoice, kiss a newborn, nurse him - the surprise will be pleasant. The baby looks sick and tired - you will be unpleasantly surprised.

Stranger infant female in your arms - you will envy someone else’s happiness or success.

Feeding a girl with breast milk is the birth of something new, be it an idea, a project, a trend. In doing so, you will become an agent of change.

Other predictions

Unfamiliar children will kiss you - to the financial replenishment of your budget.

Kissing a baby you don't know yourself is a positive sign. So it's yours future life will be prosperous.

Kissing a baby who is sick means quarrels with family will take up all your energy and time.

For women, feeding a baby with breast milk is a natural process. Such a vision only means that you have a lot of unspent maternal love that you are ready to give.

Feeding someone else's baby milk, while experiencing negative feelings - look around. Perhaps some people take full advantage of your kindness and compassion?

Babysitting someone else's child means success on the love front. True, if the baby is sick, then your relationship will be far from ideal. A sick child in this case indicates that your chosen one or chosen one will not be entirely adequate people, although initially you will not notice this.