How to name a girl a fish. What is a beautiful name to call a girl

In anticipation of the appearance of the baby, parents have to decide many important issues- from the arrangement of the room to the purchase of clothing. At the same time, the most important and difficult moment is the question of choice suitable name for a little princess. The rating of the most popular girls' names in 2018 compiled by experts, and helps expectant mothers and fathers to make a choice.

Many parents choose the name of the patron saint from the church calendar, others name it after relatives or friends, choose a name according to the zodiac, month of birth, etc. All parents strive for the name to be beautiful and harmonious, to emphasize the individuality and uniqueness of the child.

Tip: When choosing a name, keep in mind that each has its own special meaning, affects the personality and fate of the person himself. Therefore, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the meaning of the name before giving it to the child.

Current trends in name choice

This year in Russia, the tendency to call children with unusual names is not losing its relevance. According to the information provided by the Moscow registry office, in the first quarter of 2017, the most extravagant names were Uma, Ophelia, Juno and Serena. There are also names such as Elizabeth, Francesca, Julia and Zinaida. As a rule, such names of children are called families in which one or both parents are foreigners, for whom these names are familiar.

However, quite often rare names are chosen by newborns and parents who want to stand out. V this year the most in demand are traditional Greek and Slavic, as well as native Russian. Today, parents have much fewer opportunities call your child an unusual name.

In early May, the President signed a law prohibiting the use of symbols, numbers, designations and signs, swear words, titles and positions as names. You can still use abbreviations as they have become a common practice for a long time.

Top 17 popular female names of 2018

The list is headed by Sophia (Sophia). 925 newborns received it. These girls are conscientious and accommodating, always achieve success in their profession, and achieve their goals. They arrange their lives the way they want to, without looking back at the opinions of others. Sophia will always help those who need her. Most of all, calmness and regularity. The character is dominated by generosity, sensitivity, delicacy and kindness. Both in life and in clothes, he prefers classic eternal values. Translated from the ancient Greek word "Sophia" is translated as "wisdom". Today it is the most popular female name in Russia.

In second place in popularity this year is Maria. This name has several interpretations - "stubborn", "beloved." It came to us from Ancient Judea. Maria's character is distinguished by tenderness and kindness, and, at the same time, incredible strength and firmness. She takes any little things very close to her heart, worrying and pondering difficult situations for a very long time. Masha can bravely stand up for herself, and will never give offense. Mary's are very fair and sane, they always study diligently and help their parents. They are faithful wives and loving mothers. They can easily find a topic for conversation with any interlocutor.

In third place is Anna: these young ladies are very neat, and Special attention devote to their appearance. They are completely devoted to work, have a well-developed intuition, a meek and uncomplaining disposition, prefer calm and quiet to noisy companies. It is devoted and loving wife, and a lovely mother. Anna completely surrenders to her family, her temperament is dominated by honesty, disinterestedness and benevolence. However, she does not tolerate rudeness and rudeness, does not tolerate infidelity, betrayal and betrayal. Translated from Greek, this name means "sweet", "graceful".

The name Alice also appeared in the ranking of common names for girls in 2018. Babies love everyone's attention, they are inherent in fun and mischief. They easily find mutual language with all the people around them, without exception, and do not tolerate betrayal and lies. They are loyal friends who never give offense to the weak. Creativity manifests itself from childhood. Alice's straightforwardness, openness, and purposefulness evoke admiration from everyone who knows her closely. This is the keeper hearth who will always prefer family to a career.

Anastasia is a word that came to us from Hellas and is interpreted as “resurrected”. The girls are very affectionate, kind and gentle. This is the embodiment of grace and charm. They are easily offended or hurt because of their innate vulnerability and sensitivity. They are very neat and love to do household chores. Gullibility and sensitivity are the main features of Nastya. Thanks to her well-developed intuition, she can predict events in advance. The ideal companion is a strong and courageous man.

The name Pauline, which occupies the 6th line of the list, is derived from the ancient Greek god Apollo. This is a sacrificial and selfless person. She is distinguished by friendliness, responsiveness and complaisance. Polina will always sympathize and come to the rescue in grief. Envy is uncharacteristic for her - she can rejoice in the successes of her friends as if she were her own. Loves animals very much. The leading personality traits are responsibility, thoroughness and reliability. Binds himself by marriage only with the chosen one whom he respects.

On the 7th position - Victoria. A word of Latin origin meaning "victory". Therefore, in the character of these women, assertiveness, firmness and uncompromisingness are noticeable. They are naturally excellent leaders. Victoria can reach her full potential only by doing what she loves. He has a very fine mental organization, and at the same time loves to be in the spotlight. She is always in control of her emotions and any manifestations of feelings. A sharp and clear mind and well-developed intuition guides all of Victoria's actions. She does not tolerate falsehood and lies.

Alexandra: the name came to us from the Greek language, and is translated as "protector". WITH early childhood Alexandra prefers to spend time in male society. She perfectly understands her role in life, loves to learn and improve. For a spouse, a girl will become not only a faithful wife, but also a wonderful friend. She appreciates family hearth and travel, has a great sense of humor, and always succeeds.

Xenia is a word with ancient Greek roots, translated as "wanderer". Such girls are fickle and unpredictable, emotional and receptive, irritable and stubborn. They are characterized by adherence to principles and perseverance. Even a small defeat is extremely difficult for Ksenia. She is endowed with an innate sense of justice, and always stands up to protect the weak and the offended. The faithful is carefully chosen, the ideal spouse for Xenia is a man older than her, strong and experienced. Shows a talent for creativity in all its forms - from dancing to needlework.

Catherine - Russian name for a girl with Greek origins. Katya does not tolerate the superiority of others, so she always tries to surpass her surroundings. As a child, he studies for excellent grades, and enjoys authority both among peers and among teachers. This is a person of mood. As a life partner, Catherine will choose a man who will be as similar to her as possible in character. She has a penchant for impulsive actions, a sense of beauty and an aesthetic perception of the world.

Natalia: translated means "native". The character is distinguished by cheerfulness and sensitivity, patience and pride. He knows his worth, loves praise very much, and does not tolerate reproaches. Always ready to comfort those in need of sympathy. From an early age, Natalia amazes others with her achievements - both peers and adults.

Barbara - means "stranger". Outwardly, Varvara is a very calm, judicious and reserved person, but inside her real passions are boiling. She is timid and indecisive, has amazing patience, and at the same time, the girl is dreamy and unyielding. Modesty, patience and hard work prevail in the character of Barbara. A developed sense of taste influences the choice of a profession, she should be given to her work with all her heart. Girls easily get close to people thanks to their developed discernment. She is a wonderful hospitable hostess.

Elena - in the language of the ancient Greeks, is translated as "light". Her nature is characterized by calmness and poise, compassion and sympathy. Elena values ​​her family and home more than anything else. It is very difficult to piss her off, as the girl is always ready to compromise. Tragedy and sacrifice can be used for their own purposes, attracting everyone's attention, and also as a way to manipulate loved ones. Elena is able to enjoy her life and what she has, without asking for more.

Elizabeth is a name that is on the 14th line of the 2018 ranking. It came to us from the ancient Hebrew language, and means "worshiping God." In Western European countries, this name was considered royal, and was very common among aristocrats. The character is dominated by pride, categoricalness, stubbornness and imperiousness, responsiveness and kindness. These girls are rather reserved, but they know how to find a common language with others, adapting to them. Curiosity and poise never allow Elizabeth to quit the business halfway through, and any setbacks are perceived by her very painfully. Main life priority- family and home.

The list of popular female names also includes Veronica - a name translated from Latin, meaning "victorious." It came from the ancient Roman goddess of victory - Nika. In childhood, babies are characterized by shyness, timidity, indecision and excessive sensitivity. Over time, she becomes more stubborn, active and outgoing. He values ​​comfort very much, and loves to surround himself with beautiful expensive things. She is prone to spontaneous unusual actions, and is able to find the best way out of even the most difficult situation.

Christina is distinguished analytical thinking... She will always find a way out of a difficult situation and solve all problems. She always successfully completes the started business, is honest and unobtrusive. In childhood, he shows a cheerful and positive disposition, learns easily and well, becomes a favorite of both peers and adults. Peers are charged with irrepressible energy and fun from Christina.

The name Valeria completes the top 17 in-demand names for babies born in 2018. Has a Latin origin, translation - "healthy". Valeria is an extremely purposeful person with tremendous willpower. She is able to survive any troubles in life, while finding the strength to comfort loved ones and help people. Nature is distinguished by impulsiveness and easygoingness.

Personal names have arisen at a time when a person spoke for the first time. Millennia have passed since then; tens of thousands of names arose. How to choose from this amount suitable option? What to name a girl in 2017? How to name a boy in 2017? All these questions are of interest to future parents more than others. Of course, the easiest way is to open a book with the interpretation of each of the names and choose the most beautiful one. Believers can turn to the saints and name born child according to the church calendar. The fashion for astrology, which originated in the late 1980s, makes moms and dads look at lists of names, suitable sign Their child's zodiac. Whichever method you use, you must not forget - the name should be euphonic, not associated with unpleasant people, objects and events, harmoniously combine with a middle name and be easily pronounced by others.

How to name a girl in 2017 - Beautiful maiden names by patronymic

There are parents who are confident - you can look at the interpretation of the name of a daughter born in 2017 in dictionaries and choose the most favorable of them, guided by its beauty. However, the little man will grow up, and in society they will refer to him mainly by his first name and patronymic. Therefore, mom and dad need to take this into account. It is unlikely that the colleagues of Stanislava Stanislavovna, Valentina Valentinovna or Valeria Valerievna will reprimand full name the employee working next to them. Think, is it appropriate to call the girl Melissa or Georgina if her father's name is Ivan or Peter? Aren't they going to make fun of Jessica Emelyanovna or Malvina Efimovna?

Examples of beautiful names by patronymic - Calling a girl in 2017

Think about the child's future, choosing a name for him, which must be combined with the name of his father - the future patronymic. In addition, be sure to pay attention to the length of the name and patronymic. The longer the father's name, the easier and shorter his daughter should be called. For example, Olga Vladislavovna, Anna Lavrentievna, Yana Mstislavovna. On the contrary, if the girl's dad is a foreigner or a person with a non-Slavic name, it would be more appropriate to name the girl in 2017 so that her name sounds beautiful and natural with her patronymic. Not a bad and quite logical choice such as Elina Albertovna, Yadviga Karlovna, Monika Leonovna. Simple Russian names sound very nice next to Slavic patronymics: Elena Andreevna, Tatyana Ilinichna, Natalya Olegovna.

How to name a girl according to the church calendar and the Zodiac - 2017 Names for girls

If until the 20th century in Russia it was customary to call newborn girls according to the calendar - the days of saints according to the church calendar, at the end of the 1980s in the USSR and the RSFSR, interest in astrology, a science that studies the influence of planets and stars on our lives, rapidly increased. In addition to the interpretation of horoscopes, astrology has always been engaged in the clarification of the names that are "under the auspices" of different signs of the zodiac. For example, to this day it is considered that names with a graded "p" and a vowel "a" should be given to girls born under "strong" signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio. The constellations of Cancer and Pisces and the sounds "l", "and", on the contrary, give the softness of the born. Today there are 2017 calendars on sale with a list of names related to all zodiacal constellations.

Examples of maiden names according to the church calendar and zodiac sign in 2017

In Orthodoxy, it has always been customary to give names according to the calendar (days dedicated to saints) or according to the church calendar, which mentions other revered saints. Unfortunately, in the calendar female names are much less common for men, therefore, when naming a girl in 2017, one can also refer to the names of saints who are simply liked by parents. These are names such as Anna, Maria, Natalia, Anastasia, Daria, Elizabeth. Dads and mothers who listen to the advice of astrologers can call the girl a bright, sonorous name. 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster, therefore, the name should correspond to the character of this noisy, restless, beautiful and artistic animal. Alice, Aglaya, Arina, Carolina, Karina, Elizabeth are perfect for babies.

How to name a girl in 2017 - Beautiful names for girls

After the revolution of 1917 and in the early years of its existence Soviet power the most beautiful names dedicated to outstanding communists or new events were Electrification, Stalin, Traktorin, Revmira. Later, after the victory in 1945, Victoria, Miroslava, Victory began to be born. In the early 1990s, when the entire female half of the country followed with enthusiasm the events unfolding in Latin serials, Gabriella, Rose and Rosalind, Britney, Izaura were born. Today, some parents, wanting to immediately declare the uniqueness of their daughter, call her a beautiful, sometimes unusual name - Carolina, Juliet, Alice, Vasilisa. In 2017, the "lucky" female names are Veronica, Marianna, Lucia, Ariadne.

Examples of beautiful names 2017 - How to name a girl

Today, having met Olympiada Leninidovna or Moskvina Vilenovna at work, you will probably be surprised: why did the parents call the girl that? Indeed, at all times there was a certain fashion for names. Today, in 2017, Elizaveta, Alexandra, Alevtina, Iraida, Juliana are considered the most beautiful female names.

How to name a boy in 2017 - Beautiful names for boys

The greatest "imprint" on the character of the child is imposed by unusual, ridiculous-sounding, sometimes even funny names. On the contrary, having named their son beautifully, the parents "program" in advance his success, a calm relationship with others, an adequate perception of the future of a man in society.

Examples of beautiful boy names in 2017

Many dads and mothers acquire such literature in advance and come up with a beautiful name that promises happiness to the future person long before the birth of the person himself. However, not everything is so simple here. For example, Boris Higir, the famous modern researcher of names, in his writings explains each name, talking about the future inclinations and talents of the child, his possible problems with health, hobbies, relationships with parents. Of course, it cannot be argued that the name determines fate. In the end, upon reaching the age of majority, anyone can change their name to a more euphonic one. However, only a few do it. The rest continue to live with the name given by their parents. The most beautiful male names 2017 are Alexander, Vladimir, Svyatoslav, Ruslan, Maxim, Albert.

How to name a boy according to the church calendar - Name for one born in 2017

Centuries ago in Russia, it was customary to name newborns according to the holy calendar - the days of the church calendar dedicated to the saints. On the one hand, this approach greatly simplified the task for parents. The priest would simply open the book and present the father and mother with several boy names to choose from. Unfortunately, this choice was not always great, therefore, over time, the tradition of using the calendar was gradually forgotten. However, in believing families, sons are still called by the name of the saints. In 2017, Petras, Nikolai, David, Maxim, Dmitri, Roman, Andrei, Prokhor are born more often than others.

Examples of names for boys born in 2017 - How to name a boy according to the church calendar

If the parents of the newborn 2017 - Orthodox people when naming a child, they can turn to the priest for help. Opening church calendar and after consulting the calendar, he will offer them several options for what the boy can be called. Today Christians often call their sons Alexandra, Sergei, Stepan, Andrei, Nikita.

The main questions of newly minted parents this year are "What to name a girl in 2017?" and “What to call a boy in 2017?” They can be answered exactly by the zodiacal or church calendar - you choose. The main rule when choosing a name is pronounced along with a middle name, it should sound beautiful.

Pending happy event- replenishment in the family - future parents are faced with the most difficult and important task: finding a name for a newborn. The future mom and dad are especially careful when choosing modern Russian female names, which are not only beautiful, but will also be fashionable and original in 2017.

What you need to know when choosing a name

For a long time it was believed that the name can influence the fate of a person. Wrongly chosen, it can affect the character, for example, strengthening its bad traits. And, conversely, you can name the child so that luck and prosperity will accompany him throughout his life. According to popular belief, you should not call a baby by the name of a person with an unkind fate or someone who died a violent death.

You should also pay attention to the sound of the name - if it can cause ridicule in the future, it is better to refuse it so as not to deprive the child of self-confidence. Often, a successful naming of a person has a positive effect on his fate, makes adjustments to his character, forming his resilience. remember, that long time the baby will be called in a diminutive form, so you need to think about how the affectionate sound of the name will sound.

A simple choice would be to name the newborn after the patron saint of the day it was born. But it also happens that the name that dropped out on this day did not suit the taste of the parents. After all, all mothers and fathers dream of naming the baby, and even more so, the girl so that the uniqueness and individuality of the little beauty becomes noticeable to everyone. If boys are called sonorous and courageous names, then for girls in 2017, female names should be exceptionally soft and beautiful.

It's no exaggeration to say that given name a person hears throughout his life much more often than other words. And in order for the owner to like it, at the same time causing a sense of pride, it should be considered not only in terms of sound, but also in combination with a patronymic and surname. In some cases, there are several consonants at the junction of words, which complicates the general pronunciation. It would seem - a trifle, but as a result of this, the name can be seriously distorted during pronunciation.

Fashion trends in choosing names for 2017

Girls born in the year of the Red Rooster will be endowed with hard work, endurance, dedication, a noticeable personality and high intellectual abilities. Others distinctive features the nature of children born in 2017 will be eccentric, uncompromising and stubborn. One of the main tasks of parents when choosing a fashionable and beautiful name is to fix their eyes on the one that will maximally balance such a complex combination.

Foreign names that have been popular for the past few years are no longer surprising. However, the fashion for the native Russians is gradually disappearing. In 2017, names for girls are best chosen from those that were popular at the beginning of this millennium.

A good choice would be a name for a baby that is comparable to a horoscope. Little princesses born in the cold season are usually endowed with strong character... Affectionate and gentle-sounding adverb will give your baby fragility and trepidation.

Fashion names for winter girls

  • Valeria - "strong", "strong" - surprisingly purposeful nature. Self-confidence helps to cope with any life situations, and emerge victorious even from the most difficult
  • Zoya - "life" - a beautiful and gentle name. Its owners are distinguished by a balanced character, well developed intuition and the ability to quickly resolve conflict situations in a collective
  • Evgenia is "noble". The fashion for this name is back. Zhenechki are sociable, educated, and have excellent taste. They are excellent hostesses, although they are a little short-tempered.
  • Anna is a biblical name. "Pretty", "grace". Feminine, gentle baby, devoted to the family since childhood. Does not tolerate betrayal, but she herself is distinguished by her loyalty
  • Nina is "regal". The name speaks for itself. Adorable in childhood, growing up, Nina turns into real beauties-queens. Although she is narcissistic, her innate tact allows her to feel good in any company.

Names for girls born in spring

Born in the spring, under the first warm rays of the sun, girls are often prone to excessive emotionality and sensitivity. A chosen beautiful, but not too melodious name will help to give the character the lack of firmness.

  • Tamara - associations with this name refer us to the beautiful Georgian queen. A bit domineering, impulsive nature. Capable of short time achieve your goals. Hardworking and exceptionally obligatory
  • Alexandra is a "protector". Dominant personality with amazing efficiency. An excellent hostess who will deny herself everything for the sake of her family
  • Ruslana is a "lioness". Graceful beauty, sociability and sociability of which attracts people to her of different ages and interests. Activity and dedication allow you to achieve a lot in life.
  • Christina is a "Christian". She has an analytical mind. Little Christines are cheerful, learn well and are non-conflicting. However, they are prone to changeable moods, so sometimes it is necessary to distract babies from sorrowful thoughts.
  • Irina - "peace", "rest". Appreciates comfort and family joys. Knows how to get along in a team. Able to realistically assess life situations and make the right decisions quickly

What can you call girls born in the summer

Children born in the summer months are quick-tempered and slightly touchy. A very simple and not too long name can completely smooth out these features.

  • Julia - "July". Sociable and open, but at the same time touchy and vulnerable. The melodic and mellow name actually hides the tough character of a true leader. Absolutely not envious, therefore they are the best of friends
  • Jeanne - "God's gift". Jeanne is straightforward and stubborn, does not tolerate gossip and always defend own point vision. Perseverance directed in childhood gives excellent results in future
  • Elena is "bright". Picky and balanced. Loves home and family. Knows how to sympathize even with a stranger. Able to compromise in any situation, but sometimes tries to manipulate loved ones, attracting attention to herself
  • Ulyana - according to one version - the Russian analogue of the name "Julia". Ulyans are empathetic and tactful, possessing a sense of justice. Slightly indecisive, but with age, the character is formed, and they easily overcome life difficulties

Modern female names for fall princesses in 2017

Autumn endows newborns with a delicate, creative nature. Girls are dreamy and can be slightly insecure. Strong-sounding names are good choices for them.

  • Faith - "true", "true". Capable housewives, caring and kind. However, in order to achieve their goals, they can be tough. Weaknesses Faith are suspiciousness and unwillingness to study hard
  • Natalia is "dear". A proud and wayward girl. Natasha knows her own worth and from early childhood defends her interests. He takes insults and praise close to his heart. Able to surprise and amaze others with their achievements
  • Taisiya is “fertile”. An excellent leader and a diligent student. Has a penchant for risky but deliberate actions. Does not tolerate gossip and lies. The only negative is that he doesn't like household chores too much. But nowadays this is not a problem.
  • Hope - the name speaks for itself. Nadya is cheerful and sociable. Resolute character and firmness of character help to overcome all life barriers. Unique hard work helps to successfully complete several tasks at the same time. The soul of any company

Knowing everything in advance possible options, it is not very difficult to find beautiful female names in 2017. To do this, young parents will have to think well, come to a consensus and make the only right decision. And let the adorable baby grow up happy, loved and healthy.

Replenishment in the family is always a joyful and troublesome event. Having a child is important for the continuation of a kind, and it does not matter what gender it is. The most important thing is that the baby is healthy and smart, develops quickly and pleases the parents. The question of how to dignify your heir or princess worries people from generation to generation. The current society dictates to us the rules, and we must follow them so that our child is comfortable to be in it and to be realized as a person. Even if you prefer to be original in everything or have your own personal vision of how to name a child, we still recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most popular women and male names 2017 in Russia.

There is one very simple way to find out what to look for when choosing a name for your baby. You can find information from the registry office at your place of residence, completely throughout the country, in order to make a choice in the future, taking into account the general situation of names in your region. But this method is suitable only for those who are not looking for difficult paths, who want to keep up with the times and follow the "fashion".

As for people who approach the choice of a name very scrupulously, perhaps even philosophically, they think about this question long before the birth of their little one. Someone is very fond of their grandparents and wants to honor their memory, calling them the name of a son or daughter, while someone is very religious and follows Christian canons. But the bulk of people have already moved away from family and other traditions and in choosing a name relies solely on their tastes.

Rooster baby personality

Children who were born in the year of the Rooster will receive an explosive temperament and impulsive character from their sign. They will be very energetic, hardworking and hardy. Your baby will have leadership skills, stubbornness that will help him in his studies. In adulthood he will have an active position, he will be very charismatic and sociable.

An appropriate name must also be given to such a person. Experts recommend giving cold names to your children: Snezhana, Gerda, etc. Girls are advised to be called soft and feminine names, but little fighters, on the contrary, are advised to be called strong and domineering names: Alexander, Kirill.

What fashion dictates

With the development of technology, communication with foreign citizens has become so accessible that we must take this fact into account when choosing a name for an heir. Knowledgeable people recommend naming their children so that they feel comfortable, both in their own environment and surrounded by foreigners. For example, Catherine in America will be called Catherine, Alexander Alex, Anna Ann, and so on.

If you are an esthete and enjoy the sound of speech, then the following information will upset you. V modern world people have no time to listen to long names like Maximillian or Juliet. Otherwise, be prepared that the child " blue bloods"Will be called Max or Zhulka.

There are completely unique cases when parents are so crazy about calling a child an unusual name that they do not even think about his gender. it gross mistake... Be prepared that your girl Zhenya may have complexes. Therefore, it is better to know in advance the sex of the future baby.

Creative parents sometimes overdo it so much that they give their children double complex names: Sophia-Bettina, etc. All the same, in life, as a rule, a person is called some one name, while the other remains in the passport.

The desire to call your little one iPhone, Apple or some kind of Lucifer is just crazy and comments are unnecessary here.

How fashion trends are created for names

Movies, religious practices, politics, and so on, affect how you will dignify your heir. It used to be very popular to name your children after emperors and princes. Art and literature have left a big imprint on this. Works of art by great masters and poets contributed to the birth of Ann, Ekaterin, Elizabeth, Lyudmil, Ruslanov and others.

A colossal imprint was imposed on this and historical facts... After the revolution, many Oktyabrins were born, etc. Parents who are not indifferent to Mexican and Brazilian films began to name their children after the main characters and heroines.

Many famous personalities they were the first to name their children, contrary to fashion. Then this trend itself became very fashionable and everyone started to follow it.

When parents choose a name for their "treasure", it should not only be consonant, but also give great strength, hide a deep meaning in itself. Children with unusual and rarely seen names feel like extraordinary personalities, they are usually more successful than their peers in their studies and careers. It is not for nothing that they say that how you name a ship, so it will float. This zest and personality - the embodiment of loving parents, will remain with the child throughout his life.

We select the name of the future girl

We talked about how to choose the right name, what to rely on, and how not to do it. And now it's time to name those most popular female names of 2017. Next, a dozen winners will be presented, who most often appear in modern birth certificates. In it, everyone can find a name that sympathizes with him.

List of names for girls:

  • Starts our top ten simple good name, - Tatiana . If a girl is born between the end of December and January, then she is a Capricorn. Experts advise to call the goat Tatiana, because they are born leaders, and this name is translated from Greek as “founder”.
  • Another good old name, Vika-Victoria, or simply Victory! So it is desirable to call the representative of the sign of Virgo.
  • Who does not want to name the child simple name, may pay attention to Diana. The name means "divine", which does not require any other argument.
  • Another rather extravagant name, - Dominica... Still, because his translation says that she was born on God's day! The best choice for the sign of Libra.
  • As you know, children love fairy tales and a child can be called fabulous, - Vasilisa. Translated means "queen", which perfectly characterizes Aries.
  • The top five includes the name of uni-sex, Alexander. Translation: Alex is the protector, Andr is the people, that is, the protector of the people.
  • The beautiful name of Valery is as universal as the previous one, because it also has a male counterpart. Translated as "thirsty for health."
  • Queen Catherine is in the top three. She will find herself in any business. Ideal for girls born in December.
  • Today one of the most common names is Anastasia. This is a "revived life", or just a very beautiful option.
  • Oddly enough, the leader is a name that does not give up its positions in popularity throughout the globe, - Anna . This name is of Jewish origin and is translated as "grace".

How to name your son

Modern society is attracted by Greek, Jewish Slavic names... Due to the fact that Russia is very large, different regions have their own traditions. For example, in Kabardino-Balkaria, Caucasian names are chosen and so on.

We will not cover big list popular male names 2017, but consider only the winning top ten:

  • Our list begins with Egor. This is the personification of a person engaged in agriculture. This is his Greek translation.
  • One of the most popular male names in 2017 is Mikhail. The situation is exactly the same in the West with the name Michael. Translated as "divine".
  • The most common name is Nikita. It sounds very noble and translates as a winner.
  • If you are religious, then turn your attention to Cyril. For the last quarter of a century, this name has not given up its positions in any way. Its meaning is "lord".
  • One of the most common names is Ivan. It is found in all CIS countries, and has reached the west. Such people are very reliable, ready to lend their shoulders in a difficult situation.
  • Danil, - this is a "judge", suitable for religious people, well personifies the prophet Daniel.
  • Artem means "good health" in translation, which is also important.
  • "Dmitry" has a secret reverence for the goddess of fertility, Demetria.
  • Each parent considers their child to be special, and even the greatest. The name Maxim perfectly embodies this meaning.
  • Well, in conclusion, let's name Alexander, who has always been and will be relevant. This is a real warrior, protector, and adding something is pointless. The greatest kings, emperors and generals are proof of this.

Light names

The main quality that will be inherent in your child with an easy name is the desire to bring all your affairs to a victorious conclusion. Such qualities will help him gain confidence in life and stand firmly on his feet. People with easy names easily reach great heights and go up the career ladder.

All their talents will be fully revealed, many of them will become famous. Such people need to be wary of excessive gambling.

Girls: Polina, Olga, Valeria.

Purposeful and punchy

If you call your child a name that carries the meaning of assertiveness and determination, then you should be very careful and think carefully about your choice. Usually people with such names are cold and rude, which can play a cruel joke with them. They often rush from one extreme to another, have great energy, explosive character. But this does not mean at all that such children will be hooligans. A good upbringing is the basis for the formation of a successful personality and a good person.

It has been known since ancient times that the name influences the fate of its bearer. It determines the character, and even when naming it endows a person with qualities that may appear in the future. This article will help determine the name of parents who are expecting the appearance of a girl in 2017.

Names for girls by month for 2017

In order not to get lost in the variety and a huge number of names, it will be more convenient to divide them by month. Moreover, parents often turn to Orthodox calendar, in which the birthdays of the canonized righteous are entered in this way. To name a baby in honor of a saint means from the moment of birth and for life to endow the daughter with a personal guardian angel.


So, according to the names for girls according to the calendar, a newborn in January 2017 can be called:

  • Ulyana, Anastasia, Eva, Eugenia, Emilia, Tatiana, Nina, Yulia, Alisa, Varvara, Efrosinya or Natalia.

Research in the field of astrology claims that babies who celebrate their birthday in the first month of the year will have a strong, strong-willed character in the future. To soften the excessive authority and firmness, the name for a girl born in January 2017 is better to choose with a soft consonant. Leadership, decisiveness, self-confidence in January ladies are inherent in nature. And the task of the parents is not to ruin these valuable and vital sprouts.


It is very easy to choose a name for a girl born in February 2017. You just need to turn to the Orthodox calendar. This month the following saints have a name day:

  • Louise, Vasilisa, Karina, Anastasia, Agatha, Olga, Ksenia, Maria, Ekaterina, Alexandra, Irina, Vera and Bella.

The nature of the snowstorms and snowstorms born in the month of the princesses is quite selfish. Girls have extraordinary courage and determination, like those born in January. But there is a small nuance here - the February ones are afraid of difficulties. Another quality that gives girls this month is straightforwardness.


The month is rich in gentle spring names:

  • Marianna, Camilla, Elizabeth, Kira, Victoria, Daria, Elena, Nadezhda, Kapitolina, Matryona, Alena, Olesya, Vasilisa, Berta, Cornelia and Christina.

The March girls have the same “spring” character and are vulnerable and susceptible. They react painfully to criticism, they hardly tolerate failure. They are sensitive and indecisive, but still quite ambitious and stubborn.


Girls born in April can be called by these names:

  • Maria, Daria, Svetlana, Polina, Taisia, Lydia, Alla, Miroslava, Susanna, Tamara and Larisa.

April makes those born in it materialists. Self-confidence is an essential quality of April girls. And as a result, in the future they will be successful in all spheres of life. But they also have laziness, with which they will constantly have to fight in order to achieve the desired success.


Names of this month:

  • Violetta, Valeria, Glafira, Carolina, Arina, Faina, Irina and Julia.

Girls whose birthday was in May have an unyielding and changeable character. They are sharp-tongued, demanding, power-hungry. They have no rigid principles and priorities.


In the first month of summer, girls can be called like this:

  • Efrosinya, Alena, Diana, Vera, Julia, Valeria, Alisa, Martha, Angelica and Pelageya.

June girls are talented. They are also soft, non-conflicting and practical. They very often reach the top in their careers, because they approach any business responsibly, developing their skills to the highest level.


For girls born in the middle of summer, the following names are suitable:

  • Rimma, Zinaida, Inna, Yana, Agrippina, Angelina, Evdokia, Valentina and Veronica.

By nature, they are independent, selfish, proud, but generous. Leadership is in their blood. Good friends, unless, of course, you do not notice that they look down on even their friends.


Name days are celebrated this month:

  • Anfisa, Margarita, Iraida, Maria, Sofia, Julia and Anna.

These girls are energetic and very emotional. August gave them good qualities: wisdom, self-confidence. They are the type of person who smiles even when everything falls out of hand. The only negative is excessive gullibility.


The beginning of autumn is favorable to such names:

  • Elizaveta, Karina, Lyudmila, Ksenia, Vera, Irina.

September gives rise to practical, selfish, secretive people who trust only the closest people.


October babies should be given the following names:

  • Arina, Tatiana, Polina, Nadezhda, Zinaida, Elizabeth.

By nature, these are changeable, quick-tempered, emotional creative natures.


Best names for November:

  • Anastasia, Feodosia, Yaroslava, Agafya, Kapitolina, Elena, Nina, Claudia.

Those born in November have serious tenacity and determination. These are the qualities that, together with self-confidence, are needed to achieve success in life. But it is precisely this very confidence that they lack. And another obstacle to achieving what you want is inner fears. But parents can easily cope with this if they wish.


December girls names:

  • Yana, Julia, Sofia, Lilia, Angelina, Zoya, Olesya and Victoria.

In December, reasonable and calm girls are born. They are also responsible. And they are practical. Open only with loved ones.

Rare names for girls in 2017

There are names that have not been used for a long time. But they can make a far from modest contribution to the formation of positive human qualities. Among the long forgotten, but very good female names, there were the following:

  • "Regal" Augusta;
  • "Blameless" Agnes;
  • "Blooming" Virinea;
  • "Sweet" Glyceria;
  • "Given by God" Dositheus;
  • "Happy" Eupraxia;
  • "Cheerful" Ilaria;
  • "Kind" Kaleria;
  • "Fair" Ustinya;
  • "God's creation" Thecklists;
  • Juno is the goddess of love and marriage.

And, perhaps, the most frequently used in recent times names of girls.

Best Popular Names for Girls in 2017

The most common modern female names are:

  • Milana is sweet;
  • Arina is peaceful;
  • Anastasia - resurrecting;
  • Kira - mistress;
  • Sophia is wise.

Giving a name to a child is a sacred act. After all, it determines future life baby. Although it is more important which necessary qualities parents will bring up in it. And yet: the main criteria for choosing should be not only the month of birth, the meaning of the name, its rarity or popularity, but also consonance with the patronymic and surname. And, of course, common sense.

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