Church Orthodox holiday of August. Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin according to the Orthodox calendar

28 Aug 2017

The Dormition of the Most Holy Lady Our Lady is celebrated by the Holy Orthodox Church, as one of the great holidays, on August 28 in a new style. We are preparing for this holiday by fasting for two weeks. The holiday is called the Assumption ("falling asleep"), because Mother of God she died quietly, as if asleep, and, most importantly, it is called so for the short stay of Her body in the tomb, since three days later She was resurrected by the Lord and ascended to heaven.

The Most Holy Mother of God, after the Ascension of Jesus Christ, lived on earth for several more years (some Christian historians say 10 years, while others - 22 years). The Apostle John the Theologian, according to the will of the Lord Jesus Christ, received Her into his home and with great love took care of Her, like a native son, until Her death. The Most Holy Mother of God became a common Mother for all of Christ's disciples. They prayed with Her and with great joy and consolation listened to Her instructive talks about the Savior. When the Christian faith spread to other countries, many Christians came from distant countries see and listen to Her.

Living in Jerusalem, the Mother of God loved to visit the places where the Savior often visited, where He suffered, died, rose again and ascended to heaven. She prayed in these places: she wept, remembering the sufferings of the Savior and rejoiced at the place of His resurrection and ascension. She often prayed that Christ would take Her to Heaven as soon as possible.

One day when Blessed mary so she prayed on the Mount of Olives, the archangel Gabriel appeared to Her, with a paradise date branch in his hands, and told Her the good news that in three days Her earthly life would end and the Lord would take Her to Himself. The Most Holy Mother of God was overjoyed at this news. She told about her to her baptized son, John, and began to prepare for her death. The other apostles were not in Jerusalem at that time; they dispersed to other countries to preach about the Savior. The Mother of God wanted to say goodbye to them, and so the Lord miraculously gathered all the apostles to Her, except Thomas, transferring them with His omnipotent power. It was sad for them to be deprived of their Lady and their common Mother, when they found out why God had gathered them together. But the Mother of God consoled them, promising not to leave them and all Christians after Her death, to always pray for them. Then she blessed them all.

At the hour of death, an extraordinary light shone in the room where the Mother of God lay; The Lord Jesus Christ Himself, surrounded by angels, appeared and received Her most pure soul.

The Apostles buried the most pure body of the Mother of God at Her desire, in the garden of Hothsemane, in the cave where the bodies of Her parents and righteous Joseph were buried. Many miracles took place during the burial. From touching the bed of the Mother of God, the blind received their sight, demons were cast out and every disease was healed. Many people followed Her most pure body. The Jewish priests and leaders tried to disperse this holy procession, but the Lord invisibly guarded it. One Jewish priest, by the name of Athos, ran up and grabbed the bed on which they were carrying the body of the Mother of God, in order to overturn it. But an invisible angel cut off both of his hands. Athos, struck by such a terrible miracle, immediately repented and the Apostle Peter healed him.

Three days after the burial of the Mother of God, the absent Apostle Thomas also arrived in Jerusalem. He was very saddened that he did not say goodbye to the Mother of God and with all his soul he wanted to bow down to Her most pure body. The apostles, taking pity on him, decided to go and roll away the stone from the grave cave in order to give him the opportunity to say goodbye to the body of the Mother of God. But when they opened the cave, they did not find Her holy body in it, but only one burial shroud. The amazed apostles all returned together to the house and prayed to God that He would reveal to them what had become of the body of the Mother of God. In the evening, at the end of the meal, during prayer, they heard angelic singing. Looking up, the apostles saw the Mother of God in the air, surrounded by angels, in the radiance of heavenly glory.

The Mother of God said to the apostles: “Rejoice! I am with you all the days; and I will always be your prayer book before God. " The apostles exclaimed in joy: "Most Holy Theotokos, help us!"

Thus, the Lord Jesus Christ glorified His Most Holy Mother; He resurrected Her and took Her to Himself with Her holy body and set Her above all His angels.

Let us add that the circumstances of the Dormition of the Mother of God are known in the Orthodox Church from the times of the Apostles. In the 1st century, the Hieromartyr Dionysius the Areopagite wrote about Her Assumption. In the II century, the legend of the bodily migration of the Blessed Virgin Mary to heaven was preserved in the writings of Meliton, Bishop of Sardis. In the IV century, Saint Epiphanius of Cyprus points to the tradition of the Dormition of the Mother of God.

Information about Her last days was also preserved by church tradition, in particular, such lengthy apocryphal legends as "The Word of John the Theologian on the Dormition of the Theotokos", "The Word of John, Archbishop of Thessaloniki", as well as the most ancient festive word on the Assumption of the Jerusalem Patriarch Modest (+ 632), words of the Monk Andrew of Crete, Patriarch Herman of Constantinople and three words of the Monk John of Damascus. All these sources date back to the 8th century.

28 August 2017 - Monday 240 day 2017 to Gregorian calendar... August 28 corresponds to August 15 Julian calendar(old style).

Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.

Holidays August 28, 2017 in Russia

  • There are no holidays on August 28, 2017 in Russia.

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Holidays August 28, 2017 in Ukraine

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World and international holidays 28 August 2017

Orthodox holidays 28 August 2017

The following memorable dates have been established:

  • Dormition of the Most Holy Lady of our Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary;
  • Khakhulskaya; Atskurskaya; Sophia - the Wisdom of God (Novgorod); Assumption Adrianovskaya; Borovenskaya; Surdegskaya; Vladimirskaya (Rostov); Galich (Chukhloma); Blakhernskaya (Georgian); Tsilkanskaya; "Assumption" Ovinovskaya; Gaenatskaya; Tupichevskaya; "Assumption" Zvenigorodskaya; Vladimirskaya Florischevskaya; "Assumption" Pskovo-Pecherskaya; "Assumption" (Seven-city); "Assumption" Kiev-Pecherskaya; Kvabtakhevskaya; Bakhchisarai (Crimean, Mariupol); "Assumption" Pyukhtitskaya; Metekhi; Mozdokskaya (Iverskaya) - icons of the Mother of God.

Folk holidays 28 August 2017

Scrap. The folk holiday "Obzhinki" is celebrated on August 28 (according to the old style - August 15). By church calendar on this day, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated. Other names of the holiday: "Dozhinki", "Bolshaya Most Pure", "Spozhinki", "Assumption". By mid-August, the grain harvest ended, hence the name of the holiday. Our ancestors often associated the Mother of God with the ancient deity - the Mother of the Raw Earth, therefore, on the day of the Dormition, the earth was considered the birthday girl. On this day, it was impossible to walk barefoot on the ground, and also to stick any sharp objects into it - no stakes, no shovels, no other tool. The holiday was sometimes called Dozhinka, because at this time they finished harvesting bread. Since mainly women participated in the harvest, in the old days the time of rest after the Dormition was called the young Baba summer, which lasted until Ivan the Lenten, that is, until September 11. The celebration began right in the field, where a small grain plot was left specially until this day - for exactly one last sheaf. The Slavs believed that good field spirits live on the field, who monitor the growth of cereals, scare off pests and from time to time descend to the ground in pouring rain. The spirits hibernated in the last sheaf, so they knitted it very carefully, with special ceremonies and in silence, so as not to frighten the field workers. Everything the last days the sheaves were folded around this place, as logs are folded during the construction of a hut, and the next sheaf was laid so that its ears were superimposed on the butt of another. After tying the last sheaf, several spikelets remained inside this simple structure, which were tied with ribbons and bowed to the ground. This ceremony was called "curling the beard" and was dedicated first to Veles, then to Ilya. Then the celebration continued in the villages and villages. They baked loaves and pies from the flour of the new harvest, cooked salamata (flour jelly), cooked porridge, honey and beer. All this was done together, by the whole village, because the celebration was universal. The table was laid right on the street, and the last sheaf, beautifully decorated, was placed next to it. In some provinces, he was even dressed up in a sundress or shirt. Savoring a rich treat, it was customary to praise the grain from which they prepared large quantity dishes. They bowed to the sheaf in the belt - thanked for hearty lunch... After the meal, the children immediately ran to play for the outskirts, and the women gathered again in the field. Another obligatory ritual is rolling on a compressed field to add feminine strength and for the successful birth of children. After all the conventions were met, the adults dispersed to treat themselves to the courtyards, it was imperative to drink tea and talk with all the relatives. And the girls and the guys went to the clearing to play different funny Games yes to lead round dances. We prepared for this festivities in advance, because the next day they began to send matchmakers to future brides. For a long time, the girls preened themselves in front of the brilliant samovars, it is understandable: the one that is not bridged on the Assumption, the one right up to the Intercession in the girls!

Holidays August 28, 2017 in the countries of the world

  • Holiday in the Philippines August 28, 2017 - Day of National Heroes. On the last Monday in August, residents of the Philippines celebrate a public holiday - National Heroes Day. It is dedicated to all people who have made a significant contribution to the development of the Philippine nation. The date of the holiday was timed to coincide with the start of the Philippine Revolution, as a result of which the Philippines was liberated from Spanish colonial rule and became an independent republic. The first anti-colonial uprising in the Philippines was raised by the secret patriotic organization Katipunan led by Andres Bonifacio in August 1896. The first significant battle between the rebels and the Spanish colonial army took place near the city of San Jose del Monte. National Heroes Day is dedicated to all the heroes of the Philippines, both famous and unknown. However, in 1995, the Committee of National Heroes was established, which compiled a list of people who made the greatest contribution to the formation of the Philippines as independent state... These included: Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Aguinaldo, Apolinario Mabini, Marcelo Del Pilar, Muhammad Kudarat, Juan Luna y Novisio, Melhora Aquino, Gabriela Silang. And for Andres Bonifacio and Jose Rizal in the calendar of the Philippines, there are even separate memorable days.
  • Celebration in China August 28, 2017 - Qi Xi is a holiday for lovers. One of the most romantic traditional Chinese holidays. It is celebrated in the evening of the 7th day of the 7th month according to the traditional Lunar calendar... Hence another name for this holiday - the Double Seven Festival. The Qi Xi holiday is closely connected with the legend of the Shepherd and the Weaver, a touching love story that has come down to our days from time immemorial. During the Song Dynasty (960-1279) and the Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368), noisy fairs were held in the capital, which sold special gifts and things for the Qi Xi holiday. In ancient times, Qi Xi was one of the most beloved holidays. Nowadays, some traditions of the Qi Xi holiday are still preserved in Chinese villages, but in cities many customs have already lost their flavor or have completely disappeared. V last years Qi Xi holiday is very popular among urban youth, who celebrate it as Valentine's Day. During this holiday, Chinese girls are wondering: when the star Vega rises high in the sky, you need to put the needle on the surface of the water, and if it does not sink, then the girl is ready to find a husband. Girls can make any wish on this day, but they say that only one a year. The Japanese, having borrowed the tradition from ancient China, July 7, a similar holiday is celebrated - the Tanabata festival.
  • Holiday in the USA August 28, 2017 - Day of dreams. Day 28 August is known in the United States of America under the unofficial name "Day of Dreams". It was on this day in 1963 that Martin Luther King delivered his most famous speech, “I have a dream”. The most famous speech by a prominent black civil rights activist came from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington, a peaceful protest organized by human rights, religious and workers' organizations. In his speech, Martin Luther King proclaimed his vision for a future where people of different races could coexist as equals. The style of this speech is reminiscent of a Negro Baptist sermon. It contains many references to the Bible, the US Declaration of Independence, the Emancipation Manifesto, and the US Constitution. The speech is considered a masterpiece of oratory and is among the best speeches in history, and the American Society of Oratory has recognized it as the best speech of the twentieth century. The “I Have a Dream” speech eventually had the desired effect: after the march, the authorities passed the Civil Rights Act, which outlawed segregation in public places, and the Voting Rights Act, which gave African Americans equal voting rights.
  • A holiday in Montenegro August 28, 2017 - The day of the declaration of Montenegro as a kingdom. Every year on August 28, Montenegro celebrates an important memorable date - the Day of the Declaration of the Country by the Kingdom. From 1515 to 1851 Montenegro was ruled by sovereigns - spiritual leaders. When Danilo I gave up the clergy, he became the first secular leader of the state. After his assassination in 1860, power was inherited by Nikola I Petrovic-Njegos. Nikola I Petrovic-Njegoš (October 7, 1841 - March 2, 1921) - Prince (1860-1910), and then King (1910-1918) of Montenegro. He is also known as the poet of a song popular in Montenegro called the Serbian Marseillaise. Every year on August 28, Montenegro celebrates an important memorable date - the Day of the Declaration of the Country by the Kingdom. From 1515 to 1851 Montenegro was ruled by sovereigns - spiritual leaders. When Danilo I gave up the clergy, he became the first secular leader of the state. After his assassination in 1860, power was inherited by Nikola I Petrovic-Njegos. Nikola I Petrovic-Njegoš (October 7, 1841 - March 2, 1921) - Prince (1860-1910), and then King (1910-1918) of Montenegro. He is also known as the poet of a song popular in Montenegro called the Serbian Marseillaise.
Published on 8/28/17 00:20 AM

Today, 28 August, is also celebrated folk holiday Obzhinki, Day of the declaration of Montenegro as a kingdom, Day of Lake Sevan in Armenia and other holidays.

Which religious holiday today, 28 August 2017: when the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 2017

On August 28, 2017, one of the 12 main Orthodox holidays of the year is celebrated - the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. This day is dedicated to the memory of the death of the Mother of God. The word "dormition" does not symbolize death an ordinary person, but the ascension of spirit and body to God.

According to legend, after the ascension of Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Mary remained in the care of the Apostle John. When King Herod began the persecution of Christians, the Mother of God and John settled in Ephesus, where she constantly prayed and asked the Lord to take her as soon as possible. intkbbee to yourself. Once the Archangel Gabriel appeared to her and announced that after three days her earthly life would end.

Before leaving, the Virgin Mary wished to see all the apostles preaching Christianity in different cities. Her desire was fulfilled, and the apostles gathered at the bed of the Mother of God, where she humbly accepted death.

The coffin with the body of the Virgin Mary was buried in a cave. The apostles remained at its foot for another three days and prayed, and the Apostle Thomas was late for burial. He was allowed to open the entrance to the tomb and worship the holy remains, but the body was not in the cave, and the apostles were convinced of the bodily ascension of the Mother of God.

Before the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, Christians keep the Dormition fast, and on August 28 the parishioners break their fast. Hostesses prepare holiday dishes, which are treated to the family and those in need.

Traditionally, on this day, people harvest vegetables and fruits and make preparations for the winter. Also, the guys in Russia on this day wooed.

At the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, you must not wear new or uncomfortable shoes, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable throughout the year.

You cannot use foul language, offend your neighbors, refuse to help those in need, be rude and be in a bad mood.

On this holiday, it was forbidden to walk barefoot and stick sharp objects into the soil, which was believed to offend the earth and lead to poor harvest.


The folk holiday of the end of the harvest - the roasting - is celebrated on 28 August. Today the harvesters were rolling across the compressed field, begging the land to give them back the strength they spent on harvesting.

The ritual of curling "beards" ("goats") was carried out on the fry. Some ears were left on the field and tied with a ribbon. It was believed that this would help the earth to recover.

The last sheaf was dressed up and carried to the village, where festivities began with tables bursting with food, dances, and songs.

Good weather portends a rainy second half of September. A rainbow means a long warm autumn, and if there is no frost in the morning, then there will be no frost for another two weeks.

The day of the declaration of Montenegro as a kingdom

Traditionally, on August 28, Montenegro celebrates an important memorable date - the Day of the Declaration of the Country by the Kingdom. From 1515 to 1851 Montenegro was ruled by sovereigns - spiritual leaders. And when Danilo I gave up the clergy, he became the first secular leader of the country. After he was killed, power in 1860 passed to Nicholas I.

Nicholas I was first a prince and then a king of Montenegro. He is also known as the poet of a song known in Montenegro called the Serbian Marseillaise. In 1910, on August 28, when it was the 50th anniversary of his reign, Nicholas I proclaimed the country a kingdom, and he himself became the first king.

On the eve of the First World War, 4 years later, Nicholas arrogated to himself the extraordinary powers of an autocratic monarch. But in 1917, according to the Corfu Declaration, the merger of Montenegro with Serbia was announced. This state existed until 1918 on November 26, and after that, it became part of the new Kingdom of Serbs, Slovenes and Croats.

Lake Sevan Day in Armenia

On the last Sunday of August, every year since 1999, the Day of Lake Sevan is celebrated in Armenia. This decision was made by the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic. The program included the conservation of Lake Sevan and activities related to this topic. Scouting and environmental teams take part in such events.

Sevan is a high-mountain lake in the country, the largest in the Caucasus. It is located at an altitude of 1900 meters, its area is 1240 square kilometers. 28 rivers flow into Sevan. The water here is freshwater, and the surface is azure blue. The lake is also famous for cultural monuments and recreational resources, which are located near the coast.

Here you will find fresh air, mineral springs, beautiful nature etc. And on the shore of the lake there is an amazing artificial forest. Sevanavank Monastery is one of the most famous historical monuments of the lake.

  • 1850 - The premiere of Richard Wagner's opera Lohengrin took place in the German city of Weimar.
  • 1920 - by decision Soviet government the All-Russian static population census began.
  • 1941 - presidium The Supreme Council The USSR issued a decree "On the resettlement of Germans living in the Volga region."
  • 1941 - Tallinn crossing began.
  • 1974 - the Council of Ministers of the USSR approved a new Regulation on the passport system.
  • 2004 - in Moscow, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexei II received the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God from Pope John Paul II.
  • Johann Wolfgang Goethe 1749 - German poet.
  • Ekaterina Mecklenburg-Strelitskaya 1827 - Russian Grand Duchess.
  • Vladimir Shukhov 1853 - Soviet engineer.
  • George Hoyt-Whipple 1878 - American physician.
  • Yuri Trifonov 1925 - Soviet writer.
  • Arkady Strugatsky 1925 - Soviet writer.
  • Vladimir Ivashov 1939 - Soviet actor.
  • Natalia Gundareva 1948 - Russian actress.

We present the holidays on August 28 in Russia and Ukraine, church, Orthodox, festive events and memorable dates of the twenty-eighth day of August last month summer. On this page you will find out what holidays will be on August 28, what they are associated with, what events, and folk signs, proverbs and sayings about this summer day.

Also, at the end of the page, you can find out (briefly) about other holidays and celebrations of the month of August, customs, traditions, folk signs, etc. But first, find out what a holiday is, its definition.

A holiday is a certain period of time (usually one day) allocated in the calendar for the coming year in honor of some significant event, something or someone that has a sacred (mythical, non-everyday) meaning and is directly related to the cultural or religious tradition in a country (region).

The word holiday is also used in other, similar in meaning, meanings, such as:

A holiday is the opposite of weekdays - it is an official day of rest, established in connection with some calendar event;

A holiday is a fun pastime of free time, entertainment events (mass), a day of any personal or social joyful event;

General state of elation (high spirits), (it happens in phrases: "holiday of life" and so on).

Holidays August 28 - dates and events

End of the Assumption Lent

Krishna Appearance Day

Day of the proclamation of the state of Montenegro by the kingdom

Head Throwing Day

Pouting Lips Day

Holidays August 28 church (Orthodox)- Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

After Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, Mary began to live in Jerusalem, where John took care of her at the request of the Savior. Throughout her life, Mary talked about the wonderful event of the Annunciation, about how she conceived and gave birth to Jesus Christ, how her son traveled and preached the Word of God around the world.

Through her presence, Mary planted and established the Christian Church. She spent her days in prayer, looking forward to meeting her son. And 3 days before the death of Mary, the archangel Gabriel appeared, who informed her about the imminent death. Then Mary called the apostles to say goodbye to them.

When Mary died, her body was taken up to heaven. But the belt of the Mother of God, her holy clothes remained, and all this is kept with special reverence. Very often on the feast of the Assumption, as well as on other days of religious holidays, pilgrims from all over the world come to worship these shrines.

It was customary to consecrate ears and seeds on the Dormition, August 28. After that, people organized feasts together, treated the poor and the poor, baked pies, roasted sheep, cooked cabbage soup. It was also time for making homemade preserves - cucumbers were salted, cabbage was sour. Subsequently, they prepared pickles, cabbage soup, ate it all with potatoes and bread.

Holidays 28 Augusta - The day of the proclamation of the state of Montenegro by the kingdom

It is known that when Danilo I renounced the clergy and became the first leader of the state, in the period from 1515 to 1851. Montenegro was governed by spiritual leaders.

After the assassination of the ruler in 1860, Nicholas I took his place, and on August 28, 1910 he became king of Montenegro, after which the principality began to bear the status of a kingdom and in this form it existed until November 13, 1918, and then became part of the new kingdom of the Serbs. Slovenes, Croats.

Nicholas I emigrated at the same time. Despite the fact that August 28 is not a day off and a public holiday, many indigenous people celebrate it in Montenegro.

Holidays 28 Augusta - Appearance Day of Krishna

In 2013, the festival of Sri Krishna Janmashtami falls on August 28. In fact, this is the day of the appearance of Krishna - the famous and most important Vedic holiday, which is widely celebrated in India, being nationwide.

Krishna is the absolute meaning of life, which is the basis of the whole world. The Vedas speak of Sri Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the cause of all causes. Also translated, this word means "All-attractive".

According to beliefs, Krishna came to earth to remind people of eternal values ​​and rules. a decent life... And he was able to establish contact with the transcendental Being, which is capable of giving every aspect of life the necessary completeness.

Gradually, this teaching became forgotten, and then on the 8th lunar day, with the waning moon, Krishna again appeared in Ashtami. At the time of his birth, the planets took the most favorable position, and there was peace and prosperity around.

Therefore, Krsna is considered the source of material creation and harmony. It is said that he never comes into contact with matter, although he himself is the source of material creation, but consists of knowledge and bliss.

Holidays of August - folk omens, sayings, superstitions ...

Macrinus day. Macrida. See autumn in Macrida. Macrida is wet - and autumn is wet, dry - and autumn too. Summer work ends, autumn work begins. "Makrida outfits autumn, and Anna (August 7) ​​outfits winter."

Makrida Day is considered important for the next year. "If it rains on Macrina, on next year rye will be born. "

Elijah the Prophet. Ilyin's day. On Ilya, summer is before lunch, autumn in the afternoon. They note: if the day is dry on Ilyin, then it will be dry for six weeks; if it rains on that day, it will go on for six weeks.

Stop swimming in the river. From Ilyin's day there is a turn to autumn, although summer with its heat will still stand for a long time. Haymaking ends, harvesting begins.

Day of Onesimus. Day of the Seed-Flyer. This was the day when they gradually began to say goodbye to summer. The peasants sowed winter crops on August 3, picked apples in the orchards. There were also signs characteristic of this day!

Thunderstorm on Seeds - the autumn will be long Loudly crying magpies. August 3 - the weather will be very warm in winter. Large heaps on the anthills - expect a cold winter.

Strong dew on August 3 - there will be a bad harvest of flax.
If a person was born on August 3, then his talisman is a sunflower.
They say that such people, according to signs, always strive to walk in the sun in the same way as the indicated flower.

Mary Magdalene. "If there is strong dew on Marya, the flax will be gray and braids." "They take out flower bulbs for Mary." This day has one more name - Maria Yagodnitsa: black and red currants and blueberries are collected in the forests.

Day of Trofim-Insomnia. They said: "Even the day is small for a good owner." It was not accepted to sleep late that day. Moreover, the nights by August 5 were getting longer anyway - it was important to have time to complete all the work on the onset of twilight.

It was on August 5 that the suffering usually began - the peasants had more than enough work. In addition, berries ripened in the forest by August 5, and they went to pick them.

If a person was born on August 5, then he is patronized by a poplar. They said that in difficult times you need to go up to your talisman tree and hug it. It will help calm down and find correct solution a specific problem You cannot sleep for a long time today - a sign that you will not have time to finish all the work.

Boris and Gleb Summer. "Boris and Gleb - the bread is ripe."

What will the weather be like on August 6, if the day falls on the Full Moon - such, according to signs, it will be throughout the second half of August.

Seagulls often sit on the water - wait for rain.

It is forbidden to leave the field on August 6 - signs say that there will be a fire. They said that there are a lot of lightning on this day, and they can set fire to haystacks.

Anna Kholodnitsa, winter guide. If the matinee is cold and the winter is cold. What is the weather before lunch, such is the winter until December, what is the weather in the afternoon - such is the winter after December.

Light and warm on August 7 is a sign that winter will be without a lot of snowfalls, and vice versa.

Yermolai's Day. The peasants on August 8 began early picking apples, but they still cannot be eaten, since it was customary to wait for the Apple Savior.

In addition, by August 8, early potatoes ripened, from which pancakes, cutlets, vinaigrette, okroshka were prepared - such dishes decorated the peasant table on a hot day. On August 8, they served potatoes with beef and even herring with breadcrumbs. Flies on August 8 bite and become annoying - you need to wait for rain.

Panteleimon the Healer. Panteleimon Zazhnivny, pre-autumn collection medicinal herbs... Nikola Kochansky - the forks are curling into the head of cabbage.

Memorial Day Prokhor, Nikanor, Timon and Parmen deacons. Day of the Apostle Prokhor. Prokhorov and Parmeny - don’t start a barter. Dig up the tulip bulbs. Potato tops are starting to wither.

Kalinnik. The peasants in the northern provinces say: "Carry, Lord, Kalinnik in a haze (fog), not frost." Gloomy foggy time is unfavorable for bees. The beekeepers remark: "The bee has no trouble in the hassle."

Day of Strength and Siluyan. Best time sowing winter crops - rye sown on Silu and Siluyan will be born strong. "Holy Power will add strength to the peasant." "The powerless hero lives on Strength (from nourishing food, new bread)."

Evdokim. Evdokim's spell before the Dormition Fast, about which the people say: "The Dormition Fast is not hungry." At this time there is a lot of everything: new bread, vegetables, fruits, berries.

First Savior. First farewell to summer. Honey Savior- break (cut) the honeycomb. Roses are blooming, good dew is falling. Swallows and swifts begin to fly to the warm lands. "

On the first Savior, the beggar will try the doctor. "" Swallows fly off at three Savior (August 14, 19 and 29). "

Stepan Senoval. By this time in the meadows aftermath - "second hay". They start mowing: "And the hay gain is increased." "Otava - autumn hay, summer hay will save". "As Stepan Senoval is, so is September." According to the days of August 15-19, the weather for September-January was determined.

Isaac and Anton Vikhrovei. What Vikhrovei is, so is October. If the wind is swirling, expect a snowy winter. Swirl from all sides - there will be a furious winter with thick snow on the houses. "As Isaac is, so is Nicholas Winter (December 19)."

Evdokia. Avdotya Malinovka. Avdotya Cucumber. The forest raspberry ripens. The last pick of cucumbers. Avdotya Senognnoyka - rains ruin the hay. "Seven youths bring seven rains."

Day of Dorotheus. The people noted that at this time fescue, a dream-grass, which was also called lumbago, begins to bloom. Good weather for Dorofey's day - there will be good harvest grains. The wind blows on this day in August from the east side - the summer will be windy and rainy.

Transformation. Second Savior. Great peasant holiday. Apple Spas - mass ripening of apples. Autumn is a meeting of autumn. A dry day foreshadows a dry autumn, a wet one - wet, and a clear one - a harsh winter. "What is the day on the second Savior, so is the Intercession (October 14)."

Marina Pimena Day. After Maria-Pimena, they no longer go to the forest for raspberries. On August 20, the people celebrated the onset of autumn and the gradual end of summer. On August 20, there were necessarily pies with raspberry filling on the table - this marked the end of summer.

The storks are already preparing to fly away for the winter - autumn, according to signs, will be cold. The morning fog after sunrise on August 20 clears quickly enough.

Myron Vetrogon. There are strong winds on this day. "Winds-carminers drove the dust across the world, burst into tears in the red summer." "Like Miron Vetrogon, like January."

Matthew's Day (Matthias). They said that on Matvey the water in rivers and lakes is cooling down - autumn is already beginning to be felt in the air. You need to look at the water at noon on 22 August. If it is quiet, then autumn will also be calm, and in winter there will be practically no blizzards.

Lawrence Day. The waters are getting cold. They look at the water in rivers and lakes at noon: if it is quiet, then the autumn will be calm, and the winter will be without blizzards and angry blizzards. If there is a strong heat or heavy rains, it will be so long - all autumn.

Day of Euplus. Evpatiya Kolovrat. We noticed that on this day, leaves gradually begin to crumble from the trees. Among the people, the day of Euplus, August 24, was considered one of the most terrible. The people said that on this day a horse gallops through the swamps, which is trying to find its rider, who died and fell out of the saddle.

Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs Photius, Anikita and others. It was a day of harvesting in povets - this is a sheltered room in a peasant's yard for storing household implements.

On that day, they said: "Fotia the Potentate does not give the owner peace - he calls to the poem" - and there all the master's treasure is hidden. It was necessary to figure it out so that there was where to put the summer harness, plow, harrow, it was impossible to allow that "in the winds the devil broke his leg."

Memorial Day of St. Tikhon. On this day, they cleaned up the sheds and cellars - everything should be ready for storing the new crop. It was believed that St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, the patron saint of this day, was an assistant in getting rid of "all despondency."

On this day, they walked around the house with the icon of the Mother of God “Softening of evil hearts", Also called" Passionate ".

Micah. Average term the beginning of leaf fall. If the cranes fly, then it will be frosty by mid-October, but if not, then winter will come later. Known for its winds, the strength of which is used to judge the upcoming weather.

"Mikheev's day echoes with the Indian summer storm-wind". "Micaiah with the Storm - to a Stormy September". "Quiet winds blow on Micah - to bucket autumn".

Dormition, an important holiday of late summer - early autumn. The peasants dedicated this holiday to the end of the harvest and the meeting of autumn.

The day of seeing off the summer and the end of the harvest - dozhinki. End of the Dormition Lent. "See off the Dormition, meet the autumn."

Third Savior. Spozhinki. Bread Day - the first loaf of new bread was baked. After the third Savior, the last swallows fly away. "The third Savior is good - there will be kvass in winter."

Memorial Day Myron. At this time, the leaves begin to fall, and the birds fly away to warm regions. On August 30, leaves fall from birch, elm, bird cherry, linden. The last crane flew away on August 30, which means that it will be quite cold for the Feast of the Intercession.

Day of Frol and Laurus, patrons of horses. Autumn morning performances begin, and frosts also occur. If you don’t get rid of Frol, Frols will be born (flowers). We looked at the roots of the wormwood: if the roots are thick, the year will be fruitful.

"There is a horse festival on Frola and Lavra". "I begged Frol and Laurus - wait for the good for the horses." The last term for winter sowing. Evening "ambush" begins (women’s work in the huts under fire).

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On August 28, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. This is an important holiday for followers of Christians of most denominations, but Catholics celebrate it on August 15 according to the Gregorian calendar. This holiday is one of the most important in Orthodoxy.

"Assumption" is obsolete word... Translated into modern Russian, it means “death, end”.

The Dormition of the Theotokos is included in the list of 12 most important Orthodox holidays. This day ends the two-week Dormition Fast, dedicated to the Mother of God. Many folk traditions are associated with the holiday of August 28, they will take and church rules that every believer should know about.

When the Assumption of the Virgin is celebrated

The feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on August 28 in a new style. He has 1 day of forefeast and 9 days of afterfeast. Forefeast - one or several days before a big holiday, the services of which already include prayers dedicated to the upcoming celebrated event. Accordingly, afterfeast is the same days after the holiday.

What is the Assumption of the Virgin

The full name of the holiday is the Dormition of the Most Holy Lady of our Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. This is one of the twentieth Orthodox holidays. The twelve holidays are dogmatically closely connected with the events of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Mother of God and are divided into Lord's (dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ) and Theotokos (dedicated to the Mother of God). The Dormition is a feast of the Theotokos.

The holiday, which is celebrated in the Russian Orthodox Church on August 28 in the new style (August 15 in the old style), is established in memory of the death of the Mother of God. Christians are led to him by a two-week Dormition Fast, which is comparable in severity to Great Lent. Interestingly, the Assumption is the last twelveth feast of the Orthodox church year(ending September 13, new style).

What can you eat for the Assumption of the Virgin

On August 28, on the feast of the Assumption of the Mother of God, if it falls on Wednesday or Friday, you can eat fish. In this case, breaking the fast is postponed to the next day. But if the Assumption falls on other days of the week, then there is no fast. In 2016, the feast of the Assumption is not a fast day.

Events of the Assumption of the Virgin

From the New Testament we learn that the Savior, crucified on the cross, asked his closest disciple - the Apostle John the Theologian - to take care of Mary: Seeing the mother and the disciple standing here, whom he loved, he says to His Mother: Wife! Behold, your son. Then he says to the disciple: behold, thy Mother! And from that time this disciple took her to him (John 19: 26-27). After the crucifixion of Christ, the Mother of God, together with the disciples of her Son, was in prayer and fasting. On the day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles (Pentecost), she also received the gift of the Holy Spirit.

What can you do on the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

For the ancestors, this holiday coincided with the harvest, so the last sheaf was dressed up in a dress and worn with songs in the villages. This sheaf was called dozhinka. After such processions, the sheaf had to be placed under the icon. And then they had a very big feast, where they sang, danced in round dances, made beer and mead. The next day there will be Nut Spas, so it is customary to collect nuts and prepare various winter preparations on the Most Pure.

Since this holiday is at the same time the end of the Dormition Lent, that is, almost anything can be done. But fatty and meaty is better to limit all the same. If the Dormition fell on Wednesday or Friday, then the breaking of the fast was postponed to the next day.

You can work at home and in the garden, make rolls, ferment cabbage, and do housework. Some villagers believe that some spikelets should be left on this day, as this will help increase the next year's harvest.

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, omens

On August 28, the people celebrated the harvest, which meant the end of the harvest. At the beginning of the day, they tried to consecrate those fields where wheat and grain grew.

This holiday falls at the end of summer, so by weather conditions on this day they judged what autumn will be:

  • if a rainbow appears in the sky, autumn days will be warm;
  • if the weather on the Assumption is clear and sunny, then autumn will be rainy and cloudy;
  • a lot of cobwebs - early, frosty and little snowy winter;
  • if frosts come after the Assumption, then the autumn will be very long;
  • observed how the water behaves. If you are not worried, then the autumn will be calm, and there will be no snowstorms in winter;
  • if it is very foggy on the day of the Assumption, you should expect big harvest mushrooms, and the warm season will delight people a little more;
  • frost on plants on August 28 promises a very short autumn season, and frosts will come very soon.

Events of the Assumption of the Virgin

Everything that we know about the death of the Mother of the Lord Jesus Christ is drawn from Church Tradition. In the canonical texts, we will not read anything about how and under what circumstances the Mother of God departed to the Lord and was buried. Tradition is one of the sources of our doctrine, together with the Holy Scriptures.

From the New Testament we learn that the Savior, crucified on the cross, asked his closest disciple - the Apostle John the Theologian - to take care of Mary: Seeing the mother and the disciple standing here, whom he loved, he says to His Mother: Wife! Behold, your son. Then he says to the disciple: behold, thy Mother! And from that time this disciple took her to him (John 19: 26-27). After the crucifixion of Christ, the Mother of God, together with the disciples of her Son, was in prayer and fasting. On the day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles (Pentecost), she also received the gift of the Holy Spirit.

In written records starting from the 4th century, we find references to how the Mother of God lived further. Most authors write that she was physically delighted (that is, taken) from earth to heaven. It happened like this. Three days before the death of the Mother of God, the Archangel Gabriel appeared and announced the upcoming Assumption. At that time she was in Jerusalem. Everything happened exactly as the Archangel said. After the death of the Most Pure Virgin, the apostles buried her body in Gethsemane, in the same place where the parents of the Mother of God and her husband, righteous Joseph, rested. Everyone was present at the ceremony, except the apostle Thomas. On the third day after the burial, Thomas wanted to see her coffin. The coffin was opened, but the body of the Mother of God was no longer in it - only her shroud.

History of the celebration of the Assumption of the Virgin

Reliable information about the history of the feast of the Assumption begins only from the end of the 6th century. Most church historians believe that the holiday was established under the Byzantine emperor of Mauritius, who ruled from 592-602. Most likely, before this time, the Assumption was in Constantinople a local, that is, not a general church holiday.

Sermon on the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Video

Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos: history, icons, prayers, sermons

28 August new style and 15 August old style Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of our Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. The Dormition of the Theotokos is a holiday dedicated to an event that is not described in the Bible, but which is known thanks to the Tradition of the Church. The word "dormition" itself can be translated into modern Russian as "death".

After the ascension of Jesus, the Most Holy Mother of God remained in the care of the Apostle John the Theologian. When King Herod persecuted Christians, the Mother of God withdrew with John to Ephesus and lived there in the house of his parents.

Here She constantly prayed that the Lord would quickly take Her to Himself. During one of these prayers, which the Theotokos performed at the place of the ascension of Christ, the archangel Gabriel appeared to Her and announced that in three days Her earthly life would end and the Lord would take Her to Himself.

Before her death, the Blessed Virgin Mary wanted to see all the apostles, who by that time had dispersed to different places preach the Christian faith. Despite this, the desire of the Mother of God was fulfilled: the Holy Spirit miraculously gathered the apostles at the bed of the Most Holy Theotokos, where She prayed and awaited Her death. The Savior Himself, surrounded by angels, descended to Her to take Her soul with Him.

The Most Holy Theotokos turned to the Lord with thanksgiving prayer and asked to bless all those who honor Her memory. She also showed great humility: having achieved holiness, which no other person can compare, being the Most Honorable Cherub and the Most Glorious without comparison Seraphim, She prayed to Her Son to protect Her from the dark satanic power and from the ordeals that every soul passes after death. Seeing the apostles, the Mother of God joyfully gave Her soul into the hands of the Lord, and immediately the angelic singing was heard.

After his death, the coffin with the body of the Most Pure Virgin was carried by the apostles to Gethsemane and there he was buried in a cave, the entrance of which was filled up with a stone. After the funeral, the apostles remained at the cave for three more days and prayed. The apostle Thomas, who was late for the burial, was so saddened that he did not have time to bow to the ashes of the Mother of God, that the apostles allowed the entrance to the cave and the grave to be opened so that he could bow down to the holy remains. Having opened the coffin, they discovered that the body of the Mother of God was not there, and thus they were convinced of Her miraculous bodily ascension to Heaven. In the evening of the same day, the Mother of God herself appeared to the apostles who had gathered for supper and said: “Rejoice! I am with you all the days. ”

The Church calls the demise of the Mother of God Assumption, and not death, therefore the usual human death, when the body returns to the earth, and the spirit returns to God, did not touch the Blessed One. “The laws of nature in Thee are defeated, Virgin Virgin, - the Holy Church sings in the troparion of the feast, - virginity is preserved in birth, and life is combined with death: being born as a Virgin and after living death, You always save, Mother of God, Your inheritance.”

She only fell asleep in order to awaken at the same moment for eternally blessed life and after three days with an incorruptible body to move into a heavenly incorruptible dwelling. She fell asleep in a sweet sleep after the heavy wakefulness of Her mournful life and “passed away to the Belly,” that is, to the Source of Life, as the Mother of Life, delivering with Her prayers the souls of the earthly born from death, instilling in them with Her Dormition the presentiment of eternal life. Truly, "in the prayers of the relentless Mother of God and in the intercessions, the immutable hope, the coffin and mortification will not hold back."

Dormition of the Virgin - icons

Prayers for the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin

Troparion, voice 1

At Christmas you preserved virginity, / in the suppression of the world, you did not leave, the Mother of God, / you fell to your belly, / Mother of the Existing Belly, // and with Your prayers save our soul from death.

Kontakion, voice 2

In the prayers of the Unsleeping Mother of God / and in intercessions, the immutable hope / coffin and mortification will not hold back: / like the Mother's Belly / to the belly put // into the womb the ever-virgin All-in-One.


We magnify Thee, / Most Immaculate Mother of Christ our God, / and glorify the all-glorious / Your Dormition.