Rhododendron is a beautiful fantasy of nature. Rhododendron: useful properties of the plant, cultivation technology and care

These shrubs are great during flowering. At the beginning of the 19th century, rhododendrons began to decorate the gardens of Russia for the first time. Varieties grown in open ground, planting, care, reproduction: we cultivate rhododendrons according to all the rules.

Description of rhododendron: varieties and varieties

The genus of rhododendrons is quite extensive - more than 1,000 species, which include various varieties of this wonderful plant. Natural area the spread of rhododendrons is limited Eastern countries: China, Japan, Korea, Himalayas; some plant species are found in the Caucasus, in North America, in northern Africa and Australia. In European territory, two varieties of rhododendron grow in the mountainous regions of Germany.

Rhododendron is a magnificent plant with a long flowering period

The culture refers to flowering deciduous or evergreen shrubs of the heather family. The branches of the plant can have smooth bark or pubescence. Leathery, dark green small ovoid leaves are sometimes pubescent. Bell-shaped flowers, funnel-shaped, simple and double. The color of the petals varies depending on the variety: white, pink, lilac, red, purple. Modern varieties of rhododendron are yellow and orange in color. Numerous small seeds ripen in capsules.

Rhododendrons, the cultivation of which on the territory of Russia is most acceptable, is limited to 26 species belonging to three groups of plants.

  • Evergreens are tall shrubs that do not shed their dark leathery foliage even in winter. Large flowers are painted in different colors and tone. Growing evergreen rhododendrons outdoors requires a number of necessary rules: plants are placed in places with diffused shadow; the soil for them should include a large amount of peat.

Rhododendron evergreen

Tip: It is important to choose the right neighborhood for evergreen rhododendron species, especially when decorating territories in landscape design... It can be of all types conifers, heather, outdoor ferns.

  • Intermediate (semi-evergreen) - low shrubs that winter well under a layer of snow. The plant is characterized by a compact form, a huge number of flowers during the flowering period. V winter period the main part of the leathery leaves falls off, only the whorl of leaves at the ends of the branches remains, from the center of which new foliage grows.

Semi-evergreen rhododendron

  • Deciduous - rhododendrons of this group are most adapted to the conditions of the Russian climate. The cultivation of these plants is not difficult, and the plants themselves do not need to specially adapt in winter. Blossoming in spring, repeated in autumn.

Deciduous rhododendron, grade "Fireworks"

Planting a plant

Rhododendron: planting and caring for plants in compliance with agrotechnical rules - plant transplantation is allowed in spring and autumn. In autumn - in any of three months, in spring - in warm, well-established weather, when the soil is no longer frozen (usually April or May).

The choice of a place for planting a plant must be carried out with special care. Planting rhododendrons should be protected from the prevailing wind and direct sunlight. It is important that the bush is accessible for viewing, then decorative view Plants during the flowering period will decorate the territory and please the eye.

Tip: Before planting the plant from the container into the open ground, it should be thoroughly saturated with water.

A planting hole for rhododendron bushes is prepared based on the actual size of the root system, and should be 2 times larger in volume. The natural soil should be removed completely. To plant a plant, it is required to prepare a special earthen soil consisting in equal parts of heather earth; peat; garden soil or leaf humus; rotted manure; needles (pine).

It is very important to plant the plant correctly, then it will quickly take root.

The prepared pit is filled with a mixture, a place is prepared in it for planting a rhododendron bush, which must be placed strictly vertically. The soil around the root system of the plant must be tightly squeezed - the formation of voids and "pockets" in the planting soil is not allowed. At high level groundwater, it is necessary to provide for the laying of a special drainage layer at the bottom of the pit. After planting, the topsoil should be mulched with peat chips.

Rhododendron: proper watering

Watering the planted plant is carried out at the time of planting, - abundant, sufficient to moisten the soil to a depth of 20-30 cm. Subsequent watering of rhododendron should be done with soft, acidified water, with full soil moisture.

Tip: When planting a plant with buds, it is necessary to remove most of them.

Plant care

A transplanted plant requires attention and careful care. In addition to regular abundant watering, the rhododendron needs spraying over the foliage, especially when planting at a later spring time... The soil needs to be mulched to maintain sufficient moisture. When mulching, you should choose options that increase the acidity of the soil.

The plant needs regular watering

The root system of rhododendrons consists of delicate, fine hairs, similar to matted hair, so loosening the soil, especially deep, should be excluded from flower care measures. Weeds growing next to the plant need to be removed periodically.

The appearance of the plant will immediately inform about the lack or excess of water - the leaves of the rhododendron will begin to turn yellow and fall off. Watering is required in enough, but without overflow, this is one of the main rules of crop care.

To provide proper care for the rhododendron, it is important to carry out timely pruning of overgrown bushes. Places of cuts to prevent infection of the plant are covered with paint or garden varnish.

Bushes need to be pruned periodically

Compliance with simple plant care requirements will allow you to grow a wonderful flowering bush.

Fertilizing and feeding rhododendron

In the first year, the transplanted plants already require careful fertilization, which is applied in a highly diluted form, in small portions. The plant itself will signal the need for fertilization: it will stop growing, drop the foliage or the leaves change color, the formation of flower buds will stop.

Organic fertilizer for feeding rhododendron bushes - semi-decomposed manure, which must be infused in water. Top dressing is carried out with an aqueous solution of manure. To increase the formation of flower buds, as well as to extend the flowering period, granular superphosphate, or double superphosphate, is used, which is scattered over the moist soil under the plants. The plant is also useful for fertilizing with microelements, - fertilizers are applied in the form of watering or spraying the green mass of the bush. Intensive fertilization of the bushes is required until the end of August.

Rhododendron before flowering

Reproduction of rhododendron

Growing rhododendron involves plant propagation by layering and seeds, dividing the bush, grafting, cuttings.

Seed propagation is a great way to get plants with improved traits. Sowing is carried out from the end of December to the end of March. The second period suitable for seed reproduction of rhododendrons is the end of November.

Sowing seeds is carried out in shallow bowls or boxes filled with a nutrient mixture of peat, sand, coniferous and sod land, taken in equal proportions. The seeds are pre-soaked for a day. Sowing is carried out on the top layer of the soil, without embedding deep into the soil. The sowing is moistened by spraying. It is required to provide the seedlings with a 12-hour fluorescent light. The timing of seed germination depends on the variety. The first flowering of seedlings is possible in 3-4 years.

Rhododendron seeds

This method has its advantages, but with seed reproduction of rhododendrons, it takes up to 5-6 years to obtain full-fledged plants.

New plants can be obtained faster with vegetative methods of culture propagation: cuttings, dividing the bush, rooting of cuttings.

Diseases and pests

The fulfillment of the requirements for agricultural technology of rhododendrons guarantees excellent growth and development of plants. However, repeated waterlogging or overdrying of the soil, alkaline reaction of the soil, sunburn leaves can provoke a surge in crop diseases.

Plants can be damaged by spots, rust and chlorosis. Disease control measures - improving plant conditions, using special means to fight disease. Often, rhododendron diseases are caused by pathogenic fungi: gray rot, fusarium, late blight.

Spotting - a fungal disease of the rhododendron

Pests that damage rhododendrons: slugs and snails that eat young leaves and buds. The collection of these pests is done manually. In addition, the plant is harmed by: bedbugs (rhododendron), spider mites, mealybugs, weevils, scale insects, rhododendra fly. Pest control is easy with systemic insecticides.

Rhododendron: combination with other plants

Planting plants in combination with conifers and a group of heathers has a positive effect on the development of rhododendrons. It should be remembered about the height of the rhododendron bush. Low cultivars should be located away from the dense shade of mature trees, but avoiding direct sunlight.

Blooming rhododendron perfectly sets off conifers

An excellent combination is observed when located next to rhododendrons of shade-loving ferns and host.

In landscape design, rhododendron is an indispensable attribute for planting in partial shade. The huge advantages of the plant are its long and very decorative flowering. Rhododendrons are widely used in the design of heather gardens, as an addition to the plantings of pine groves. The plant looks great in mono plantings.

Rhododendron in landscape design

Low-growing varieties of rhododendrons are planted near alpine slides, in mixborders and decorative flower beds.

Planting a garden rhododendron: video

Types of rhododendron: photo

(18 estimates, average: 4,08 out of 5)

The garden plant rhododendron (in Latin Rhododendron) belongs to the genus of semi-deciduous trees. Also, this genus includes deciduous, evergreen trees and shrubs of the genus Heather plants... According to various biologists, this genus includes from 85 thousand to 300 thousand plants, including houseplants azaleas, which growers call indoor rhododendron.

Plant characteristic

The very word "Rhododendron" comes from two words: rhodon - "rose" and dendron - "tree". The most common names are "Tree with Roses" or "Rosewood". Many florists notice that the plant looks a lot like a rose.

Rhododendrons can be found in many countries, but they are mainly distributed in the countries of the Northern Hemisphere: Southeast Asia, North America, Japan, South China. These plants can grow on the coastal zones of oceans, seas and rivers, in the partial shade of forest forests, on the slopes of the northern mountains.

Some rhododendrons can grow up to 35 cm, while other plants are found as creeping shrubs. Rhododendron flowers vary in shape, color and size. In nature, the smallest sizes can be found, and the diameter of large flowers can reach 25 cm.Currently garden rhododendron has about 3 thousand varieties and species.

Thanks to its decorative leaves the rhododendron flower is popular all over the world. The main advantage of the plant is the magnificent flowers of red, purple, purple, pink and white... They allow you to create bouquets of exquisite and excellent beauty.

Depending on the type and variety, the shape of the flower can be tubular, ringed, wheel-shaped. Some varieties have a pleasant aroma.

The fruit is a five-leafed, multi-seeded capsule with small seeds up to 3 mm in size. The plant has a superficial, compact root system, consisting of a large number of fibrous roots. Thanks to this root system, transplanting does not cause great difficulties and hassle and is easy enough. Rhododendron is an excellent spring honey plant. Growing a plant is a simple process, but certain requirements must be met.

Common varieties

  • Kamchatka rhododendron
  • Daurian rhododendron

Kamchatka rhododendron grows in the Khabarovsk region, it can also be found on the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, in Japan, Alaska and Chukotka. The plant is a branched, deciduous shrub with rough branches. Early shoots are covered with glandular hairs. Grows in height, growth is slow. The variety prefers cold, damp and open slopes with slightly acidic soils. Since the variety is winter-hardy, planting is carried out in early spring and early autumn. Requires regular watering and feeding.

The shape of the crown of the leaves is large, sessile. Leaves are dark green. The flowers are red or pink, odorless, with a diameter of 2 to 5 cm. The seeds are in a yellow seed capsule, propagated by cuttings.

Rhododendron Kaursky grows in Eastern Siberia, North China, Korea and Mongolia. Inhabits rocky slopes and coniferous forests. It is an evergreen shrub. The leaves are small, light green in color. The flowers are purple-pink up to 5 cm in diameter. Flowering lasts 3-4 weeks. The variety is winter-hardy, propagates by cuttings.

Found in the mountains of Tibet and on Far East... Prefers rocky slopes and mountain forests. The shrub is low, about half a meter in length. Shoots are glandular. The leaves are dark green. Flowers are pink. This plant is listed by biologists in the Red Book of the Buryat Okrug.

Gallery: rhododendrons (25 photos)

Growing conditions

In the conditions of the Russian climate, only winter hardy varieties. Landing in the ground is carried out in spring (from the beginning of April to the end of May) and in the fall (from the beginning of September to the end of November). If necessary, planting can be done at any time, but not during the flowering period. You can repot the plant after 1-2 weeks of flowering. Planting is best done on the north side of the building, in the shade.

The plant is grown on loose, well-drained acid and humus soil. If on your personal plot groundwater flow at a depth of more than 2 m, then you should raise the bed and only then land.

Grows well next to plants such as pine, larch, oak, since in these plants the root system grows far in depth. And other trees - maple, poplar, elm, willow, alder, chestnut and linden - will deprive the roots of the plant of full nutrition, since they have a superficial root system, the same as that of the rhododendron. If it is impossible to avoid such a neighborhood of trees, then it is necessary to dig slate, polyethylene or roofing material into the ground. This will protect the plant's root system. Ideal neighbors for rhododendron - pears, apple trees and plums.

Please note that if you are going to plant rhododendron in the Urals, then choose such winter-hardy varieties that can withstand a drop in air temperature up to 30 degrees without extraneous shelter of the plant. For example, Nova Zembla, Katevbinsky Grandiflorum, Roseum Elegance.

Landing in open ground

A well-mixed mixture of 3 buckets of clay and 8 buckets of peat is poured into the planting hole with a diameter of about 55 cm and a depth of about 35 cm. The mixture is rammed to the bottom of the pit, then a hole is dug. The hole must match the size of the plant's root system. Before planting, the seedlings are immersed in water and kept there until air bubbles are released. Then the landing is made.

After planting, the bush is watered abundantly, and the ground is sprinkled with peat or needles. If there are buds on the plant, then it is necessary to remove them so that all forces are directed to the development of the horse system, and not to flowering. If the site is spacious, then it is necessary to tie the plant to a peg to protect it from the wind. Once the root system is solidified, the peg can be removed.

Flower care

Rhododendron care can be done using the usual procedures: weeding, feeding, watering, spraying, pest control, and bush formation. It is forbidden to dig up and loosen very close to the surface of the root system... Weeding must be done manually, without special tools.

During flowering and bud formation, rhododendron needs humid air. During this period, it is required to follow the watering rules: water must be rain or soft... The water is also softened by adding several handfuls of peat to it the day before watering the plant. The frequency of watering is determined by the state of the leaves; they must be dull and not have a yellow tint.

The soil should be soaked to a depth of 35 cm, however, there is no need to fill the root system, as excess moisture will cause the leaves to curl. Do not add more water each time you water. In extreme heat, the plant can be additionally sprayed with water.

Reproduction of rhododendron

Generative way

Reproduction takes place by seeds. They are sown in a small bowl with moistened peat or heather soil with sand in a ratio of 1: 3. Next, the seeds are covered with sand, cover the dishes with a piece of glass and placed in a bright room for germination.

In the future, the room is ventilated and the formations are removed from the glass. After about a month, the first shoots of the plant appear. When the first leaves appear, the plant must be planted more freely, deepening the seeds into the ground so that the root system is formed. The first year the plants are kept in a greenhouse, and the next year they can already be planted in the ground, on beds with soil, sand and peat. Saplings grow slowly, and flowers appear only for 5-7 years.

Vegetative way

The plant reproduces by dividing the bush, cuttings, layering.

Propagation by cuttings is also a complex procedure. Cuttings 4-7 cm long must be cut from the shoots. Then the lower leaves are removed from the cuttings, and their cuts are kept for 11-13 hours in heterouaxine, a growth stimulator of the root system. Then the treated cuttings are placed in the ground with sand and peat and covered with foil. Cuttings take long and hard rooting, within 6 months. They are grown in wooden boxes with soil containing pine needles and peat. In winter, the boxes with the plant need to be stored in a cool room, and in the spring they are taken out into the garden, dropped directly into the ground and grown for about two years. Then they are transplanted to a permanent place.

Pruning bushes

Many gardeners recommend not focusing on pruning rhododendron because in the process of growth, the plant takes on the correct shape... Only tall shrubs and frozen shoots need to be trimmed.

In an adult bush, shoots are pruned in early spring. Garden pitch is applied to the cuts of thick branches. A month later, when buds appear on the shoots, the plant begins a renewal period. Very frozen and old bushes should be cut at a height of 30 cm from the ground. First, in the first half of the year, one part of the bush is cut, and in the second half of the year, the other.

Feeding rules

First of all, you need to fertilize those plants that you have recently planted. The first feeding is done at the beginning of spring, and the second - at the end of the first half of summer, after the end of flowering, and when new shoots are growing. Ideal for rhododendrons feeding from hornmeal and cow dung... Cow dung must be poured with water, in a ratio of 1:15, and let it brew for 2-3 days. After that, you can fertilize.

The plant must be watered before feeding. Don't forget that rhododendron grows in acidic soils, therefore, it is desirable to use fertilizers containing minerals, superphosphate, ammonium and potassium phosphate. These fertilizers must be dissolved in weak proportions, for example 1.1: 1000, and if the solution contains potassium substances, then it must be even weaker. It is optimal to apply top dressing in early spring and in the middle of summer.

Diseases and pests

The rhododendron has its own pests - slugs, snails, rhododendron flies, ticks, weevils, scale insects, mealy worms and bed bugs... Slugs and snails can be collected by hand and then treated with a solution of Thiram or fungicide. Bed bugs, spider mites, weevils are destroyed by diazinon. If the plant is affected by a weevil, then its leaves, stems, and the topsoil are treated with an insecticide. Other insects are exterminated by karbofos. Remember to follow the instructions when using this product.

Rhododendron is most commonly affected fungal diseases... The first signs of plant disease may be stains or rust on the leaves. Fungal diseases arise as a result of poor root care. In this case, the plant must be treated with a solution. copper sulfate and remove diseased leaves. Besides, in early spring and in late autumn, for prevention, you need to spray the plant with Bordeaux liquid.

Rhododendrons in the Moscow region

Growing a rhododendron in the Moscow region is not very different from the usual process of planting and caring for it in other areas. Here the basic requirements must be met:

  • Humic and acidic soil without lime, ash and other substances.
  • The rodendron must be protected from the sun's rays with a net when planted in early spring.
  • Balanced and deep watering.

At the beginning of autumn, during the growth of rhododendron, when rainy weather sets in, it is necessary to spray the bush with potassium monophosphate or a sulphate solution from a spray bottle. This procedure will prevent woody shoots and stimulate the formation of buds for the next year. After spraying, stop watering. In winter, you can cover the plant in a greenhouse or place it in a warm and dry room.

Rhododendron is a wonderful plant of the heather family, which, however, is not easy to grow in our northern latitudes. Their homeland is the Mediterranean, so they are very thermophilic and do not tolerate Russian winters well. "Sissies", in a word. In order for them to take root, you need proper care and proper agricultural practices.
But this flower is so charming that an increasing number of experienced and novice florists are trying their hand at cultivating it. It should be noted that there are many pitfalls and nuances in caring for rhododendron. Let's list some of them.

The choice of planting material

There are several winter-hardy species of this evergreen that have a chance to survive even with not very skillful care. These include the following species: Katevbinsky, deciduous Schlippenbach and Japanese.

v wildlife grows in North America in the highlands of North Carolina, where the Katevba River, which gave it its specific name, originates. Grows well in the shade on acidic or slightly acidic soils. It tolerates our winters very well. The height of the bush is 2-4 meters, the leaves are leathery, dark green, 15 cm long. The flowers are large, very beautiful lilac-purple color, up to 15 cm in diameter. Recommended for group and single landings in gardens and forest edges in the northwestern zone of Russia.

grows in the forests of Korea, Japan, Northeast China and Western Primorye. The name is obliged to the Russian naval officer and traveler - Shlippenbach A.V. Hardy, shoots appear annually. Can multiply by rooting branches and seeds. The height of the cultivated plant reaches 1.6 m. The leaves are wide, falling, in autumn they are painted in bright yellow-red colors. The flowers are large (up to 10 cm in diameter), the color is pale pink, diluted with purple specks.

grows on the sun-drenched mountain slopes of the island of Honshu. Winter-hardy, photophilous. Propagates well by cuttings and seeds. Very handsome. During the flowering period, from a distance, it looks like the flame of a bright fire. Moreover, it remains so until late autumn, due to the coloring of the leaves in orange-red tones. Flowers with a tart aroma, large, orange shades. In beauty during the flowering period, it surpasses all other species that can grow in central Russia. The bush grows very dense due to its strong branching and reaches a height of up to 2 meters.

The successful cultivation of rhododendron largely depends on the place of purchase planting material. The best way- nurseries or experienced gardeners who can provide useful tips on cultivation techniques and wintering rules specifically for your region. For beginners, I recommend starting by planting and growing the species rather than a specific variety of rhododendron. The species is less capricious and more winter-hardy than the variety obtained on its basis. And although the varieties are more attractive due to the huge variety of shades, the species are also distinguished by a riot of all kinds of colors.

Plants bought at markets or horticultural fairs, on the other hand, are much less likely. This is because sellers often simply do not know what species and varieties of rhododendrons they are selling. In summer, these plants will bloom and beautify your garden, but only for one season. They may not survive the winter.

For reproduction, two- or four-year-old bushes are best suited. In seedlings, you need to pay attention to the bushiness of the cuttings (the most tenacious ones begin to branch immediately at the root collar) and to the leaves (there should be no spots or swellings). Inspection of the roots is also mandatory - wet blotches and knots are unacceptable.

Soil and place for rhododendrons

Rhododendrons love acidic soils and are tolerant of waterlogging. These are shade-loving plants, which many growers simply do not know about. Planting bushes on open areas their garden, they have been waiting for years to bloom, which may never come. However, it has been noticed that competent transplants are only beneficial to this plant. Therefore, you should not be afraid to experiment with choosing and changing the landing site. True, we are talking about well-rooted perennial plants. Keep in mind that the root system of rhododendrons is shallow and very compact. It will not be difficult to dig it up.

When planting a rhododendron, it is very important to pay attention to the neighboring plants that will surround the "rose tree". Trees with a shallow root system that will leave it without nutrients are undesirable. Bad neighbors for rhododendron: oak, birch, willow, maple and some other trees. Good neighbors: spreading apple, pear, pine, spruce, larch. Some types of deciduous "rose trees" can be planted in open areas (Daurian, Kamchatka, Canadian), but even they grow better in diffused shade. It would be good to add a mixture of peat and rotted compost soil to the planting pit in a ratio of 3: 1. Planting rhododendrons in the soil is done up to the level of the root collar. From above, you can fall asleep with sawdust in a layer of 5-7 cm. Before planting, be sure to shake the roots with your hands so that they straighten out.

Rhododendron care

In summer, caring for rhododendrons is simple: removing wilted inflorescences, regular watering and frequent spraying of plants in hot weather with streams of water. Tap water with bleach and lime for watering these capricious plants is completely unsuitable. Best option: rain, melt or running water... Rhododendrons only tolerate soft water, which washes well and does not form scale on electrical appliances. Rhododendrons respond well to feeding before flowering, immediately after, and in late summer - early autumn.

For feeding, there is a special instant fertilizer for rhododendrons (20-30 grams per 1 liter of water). You can add 5-10 grams of any nitrogen fertilizer to it. From autumn feeding nitrogen must be excluded, and 30 g of superphosphate with the addition of 15 g of potassium sulfate should be added under each bush. It is imperative to mulch the soil under them with sawdust. conifers twice a year - in early spring (when the snow melts) and at the end of summer. The benefit is twofold: the soil will not dry out, and coniferous sawdust will reduce its acidity. In addition, mulch protects well against weeds.

Preparing rhododendrons for winter and shelter for the winter season

A reservation must be made here. They need to be prepared for winter everywhere, but the timing of its beginning for different regions is different. In conditions middle lane the beginning should be considered the first days of August. In dry autumn, abundant watering is needed - at least 10-12 liters of water for each adult plant... After the onset of the first frost, rhododendrons need to be covered with burlap, lightly tying the branches with twine. It is necessary to remove the cover in early spring, after the snow melts. This is necessary to ventilate the bushes. It is better to do this on a cloudy day, since the spring sun can harm a bush that has not yet woken up.

it is a charming ornamental plant for your garden. But it is not easy to grow it in our area. The homeland of this flower is the Mediterranean, which speaks of its thermophilicity, and poor frost tolerance. Therefore, in order for the plant to take root, it will be necessary to comply with all the conditions of proper agricultural technology and provide it with proper care. Today we'll talk about how to choose the right seedlings for planting a rhododendron on your site, about the features of this process, and also pay attention to the subsequent care and preparation of the rhododendron for winter. In addition, information regarding its application in landscape design will be no less useful.

The correct choice of planting material

Two- or four-year-old rhododendron bushes are best suited for planting. When buying, pay attention to the bushiness of the cuttings of the seedling (the most tenacious branches immediately near the root collar), and to its leaves (should be free of spots and swells). Also, be sure to inspect the roots of the seedling, it is unacceptable that they have wet blotches and knots. The place where you buy the seedlings is also important.

It is best to buy them in experienced gardeners or special nurseries, and it is not desirable in the markets, since they have much less chances (most sellers simply do not know what varieties and species they trade).

Important!For beginners, it is recommended to start not with a specific variety of rhododendron, but with planting the species. Since the species is less whimsical, and more frost-resistant than the variety obtained on its basis. Despite the fact that the varieties are very tempting with their wide variety of shades, the species also stand out for the variety of colors.

Planting rhododendron in the garden

When planting a rhododendron in a garden, you must follow certain guidelines when and where to plant a rhododendron, how to do it correctly, and how to prepare the soil.

Did you know?The arboreal rhododendron is the national flower of Nepal. In this country, rhododendron is used in the form of pickled flowers, and in the form of juice.

When to plant rhododendron

It is recommended to plant rhododendron in the ground from early April to mid-May, and from September to November. But in fact, this can be done at any time during the growing season of the plant, in addition to the flowering period of the rhododendron, and a couple of weeks after the end of flowering.

Where is the best place to plant rhododendron on the site

It is better to plant rhododendron in a shady place, on the north side of the house. The soil should be loose, acidic, well-drained, rich in humus. When the groundwater in your area lies at a depth of less than one meter, then the plant is planted in a raised bed. When planting a rhododendron, it is also important to pay attention to nearby plants.

It is undesirable to plant rhododendron near trees that have a superficial root system, because they will take all the nutrients from the plant. Undesirable neighbors should also include birch, willow, maple, chestnut, linden, alder, and the inhabitants of the site near which rhododendrons can be planted include apple, pear, pine, spruce, larch, poplar.

How to prepare the soil and plant a rhododendron

  • First of all, prepare the planting hole. The hole is dug about 40 cm deep and about 60 cm in diameter.
  • Then make a mixture of eight buckets of high-moor peat and three and a half buckets of loam (loam can be replaced with two buckets of clay). Stir this mixture thoroughly, pour into the pit, and tamp well.
  • After that, dig a hole in the ground the same size as the root ball of the seedling.
  • Before direct planting, put the rhododendron seedlings in water and keep them there until air bubbles stop coming out.
  • Place the seedling in the hole and sprinkle the hole with the substrate to the very top, so that the root collar is at the level of the surface of the site, tamping it down to eliminate all voids.
  • Water the plant abundantly, and mulch the soil around the trunk with peat, moss, sawdust, oak leaves, or pine needles, in a layer of about 5-6 cm.

Important!If there are many flower buds on the seedling, then it is better to remove them so that all the plant's forces are directed to rooting the rhododendron, and not to its flowering.

Combining rhododendron with other plants and use in landscaping

Rhododendron will find its place in landscaping in almost any style. The plant looks great in the role of a tapeworm, and in group compositions, and in the latter case, it is excellently combined with conifers, and with other species flowering plants... It is best to select the species with which the rhododendron grows in its natural environment - pines, larch trees, ferns, junipers, and others.

Rhododendron is perfect for decorating rocky gardens and alpine slides. For this, undersized species of rhododendron with different terms flowering. You can compose them, making out rocky slopes, with gentian, mountain pine, heather.

Medium-sized species of rhododendron are often used in group plantings in the form of living fences, with the selection of the desired shades of the plant. For example, rhododendrons with yellow flowers go well with those shrubs that bloom with red and bright orange flowers, and rhododendrons with purple and pink flowers go well with plants that bloom in white.

Shrubs planted on the lawn or along garden paths and borders look good, especially when decorating a parterre lawn, although in this case only adult rhododendron shrubs (at least ten years old) are suitable.

When creating group compositions with rhododendrons, it is recommended to combine evergreen species with deciduous ones, while correctly "mixing" plants of different heights. Tall bushes look better in the center of the composition, and undersized ones at the edges.

Proper care of rhododendron in the garden

Caring for a rhododendron consists of the usual procedures for plants: feeding, watering, spraying, weeding, pest and disease control, and bush formation.

Important!Loosening the soil around the plant is prohibited, and even more so digging it up, since the roots of the rhododendron are placed too close to the surface. For the same reason, it is better to remove weeds by hand, without using a hoe.

How to water

Rhododendron requires atmospheric and soil moisture more than other plants, especially when buds are formed and during flowering. You need to water it regularly, and in dry weather you should also spray the plants with water. Proper watering affects the laying of flower buds of the rhododendron next year. Water the plant with soft water(settled, thawed, or rain), which can be softened with a handful of high-moor peat, thrown a day before watering.

The frequency of application of the liquid is determined by the state of the leaves: for example, when they are dull and have lost their elasticity, then the plant is thirsty. When watering, the soil should be soaked 20-30 cm deep.

Important!When watering, do not pour rhododendron roots, because they are very sensitive to excess moisture. You can find out about an excess of liquid by looking at the drooping and curled leaves.

How to feed the plant

The first feeding of rhododendron takes place in early spring, and the last one - at the end of July, at the end of the flowering period, when young shoots begin to grow. Can be used to feed a plant semi-rotten cow dung, and horny flour. Rhododendron prefers liquid feeding, so the manure is poured with water (ratio 1:15), and left to brew for a couple of days. Before fertilizing the rhododendron, it should be watered.

If speak about mineral fertilizers, then in order not to disrupt the reaction of the environment (rhododendron grows in acidic soils), it is best to use superphosphate, ammonium sulfate, magnesium of low concentration (1.2: 1000), and even weaker solution of potassium fertilizers.

The optimal feeding regime involves the introduction of organic or mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizers at the rate of fifty grams of magnesium sulfate and fifty grams of ammonium sulfate per one square meter(fertilizers are applied to the soil in early spring), and at the end of the flowering period (at the beginning of June) - one square meter should have forty grams of ammonium sulfate and twenty grams of potassium sulfate and superphosphate. In July, only twenty grams of potassium sulfate and superphosphate are introduced per square meter.

Did you know?Honey from the nectar of certain types of rhododendron has hallucinogenic and laxative properties. Even the ancient Romans and Greeks talked about side effects honey from rhododendron.

How to prune a rhododendron

Rhododendron requires minimal shaping and pruning, as its bushes form the correct shape by themselves. However, from time to time it will be necessary to trim too tall, frozen or old shoots, which will help rejuvenate the rhododendron. Rhododendron shoots are cut in early spring, and the places of the cuts are processed with garden pitch (but only where the thickness of the branches reaches 2-4 cm).

After a month, the dormant buds on the shoots wake up, and the renewal process begins, which lasts for a year. Heavily frozen or very old bushes are cut off at a height of 30-40 cm from the ground - one half of the bush in the first year, and the second the next.

Important!Rhododendrons have characteristic feature: one year they bloom and bear fruit quite generously, and the next year they are much more modest. To get rid of such periodicity, it is necessary to break off the wilted inflorescences immediately after flowering. Then the rhododendron will use the strength and nutrition to form flower buds for the next year.

Preparing for winter and sheltering a rhododendron

It is necessary to prepare rhododendron for winter in advance. To do this, from the end of summer, you should stop feeding the plant with nitrogen, and switch to potash fertilizers (this will help the ripening of late growths). You can also add colloidal sulfur to the soil, which will acidify the soil and slow down the growth of fungi.

There is an opinion that caring for a rhododendron is rather difficult, and the shrub itself is capricious, so not everyone can grow it in a moderately cold climate. And only after getting to know this amazing and beautiful plant better, you understand that it's not about complexity, but about the specifics of the culture. Rhododendron is not complicated - it just is not like everyone else.

A rhododendron bush in bloom - such a handsome man is worth the effort!

General requirements for the growing environment

It so happened that the rhododendron belongs to the elite of the floral and decorative kingdom. Buying such a valuable specimen, many strive to highlight the best place for him in the garden - in the sun, with fertile soil generously seasoned with humus. Stereotypes are triggered that have nothing to do with the real needs of the culture, and this is the main mistake of inexperienced gardeners.

Under natural conditions, most species of rhododendrons grow in the undergrowth, that is, in a special microclimate under a tree canopy, where they are reliably protected from the scorching sun, piercing winds, and drafts. When planting rhododendrons in the garden, they need to create growing conditions, focusing on the principles of life in the natural environment.

  1. Light is needed intense, but diffused. It is this kind of illumination in the lower tiers of the forest, and it is this intensity of solar radiation that determines the structure of the leaves and the type of photosynthesis. Evergreen species are more sensitive to excess sun - on open space they get leaf burns.
  2. Sour and well-drained soil. Under natural conditions, most of the root system (and in rhododendrons it is superficial) is in deciduous forest litter, consisting of rotted and fresh litter, humus, podzolic soil. This environment is not very nutritious, has an acidic pH, but is saturated with air, which is important given the structure of the plant roots.
  3. Symbiosis with mushrooms is the basis of plant nutrition. The roots of rhododendron, like other members of the heather family, do not have root hairs. The role of the supplier of nutrients from soil to tissue is played by the mycelium of mycorrhiza - the simplest fungi that live directly in plant cells. To prevent the mycelium from suffocating, a constant flow of air is needed, therefore dense clay soils they are absolutely not suitable for heather crops.
  4. Increased moisture in the soil and air. Rhododendrons have a special attitude to moisture - they suffer from both lack of water and excess, especially in case of stagnation or flooding. The problem is solved by a properly selected structure of the planting substrate, which should not only be filled with moisture and retain it, but also have sufficient aeration.
  5. Wind and draft protection. Many, including winter-hardy, species that endure temperatures of -30⁰C and below, suffer from winter piercing winds and drafts. For protection, agricultural techniques are used - a sheltered place, a shelter for the winter, planting in groups.

Thus, if rhododendrons are grown taking into account biological characteristics, they will not create any problems and will delight the owners with magnificent flowering for decades.

Evergreen rhododendron in bloom

The right choice and planting is the key to the longevity of the plant

So that the acquired rhododendrons do not become a crop of one season, you should thoroughly prepare for the reception of the plant. Agrotechnical measures preceding planting are conventionally divided into several stages - the choice of a suitable variety, the storage of components for the substrate, the selection of the site.

Plant selection

The agricultural technique of planting and caring for rhododendron largely depends on the species. If you are new to gardening or if you are unsure of the temperature in your area, it is best to start with deciduous varieties. Firstly, they are more adapted to cold climates, do not require crown cover for the winter; secondly, they are not so demanding on moisture and can grow in the open sun.

Of deciduous shrubs for the middle lane, R. canadian, Japanese, Daurian, Schlippenbach, yellow, pink are suitable. Moreover, it is better to start with the species, and not the varieties - they are more viable and resistant to adverse conditions.

If, nevertheless, the choice was stopped on evergreen rhododendrons, start with the Katevbinsky, Caucasian, Yakushiman species or varieties and hybrids created on their genotype.

Important! When choosing planting material, give preference to plants from local nurseries. Although they are not as attractive as those grown in the mild climate of Europe, they are hardened and adapted to the conditions of the region. The optimum age of the seedling is 3-4 years.

A correctly selected variety winters well even without shelter.

Seat selection

For growing rhododendrons, the most problematic areas of the garden, unsuitable for light-loving crops, are often suitable - in the shade of trees, on the north, north-west side of buildings. The main thing is that it should be secluded, protected from the prevailing winds and midday sun rays in the region.

Placing shrubs under trees, you need to choose varieties of the latter with a deep root system in order to delimit the zones of plant nutrition. Rhododendrons prefer growing in the vicinity of pines, junipers, oaks, maples, and apple trees.

Substrate preparation

In our gardens, soils suitable for growing rhododendrons are quite rare, so the planting substrate should be prepared in advance. Required ingredients for potting mix:

  • high moor (red peat) with acidic pH;
  • coniferous litter, consisting of semi-decomposed needles, twigs, cones, mixed with humus and other plant residues;
  • river sand or sandy soil (top fertile layer);
  • rotted sawdust of coniferous trees.

The substrate is prepared from peat and coniferous litter in equal proportions with the addition of one part of garden soil or river sand. Needles can be replaced with sawdust, ordinary low-lying peat can be acidified by adding sphagnum moss, acid fertilizers, for example, potassium sulfate or ammonium. The main thing is that the substrate is light, breathable and acidic. If there is nowhere to find suitable ingredients for the substrate, you can purchase targeted soil for azaleas.

Important! One of the reasons why rhododendron does not bloom may be alkaline soil. Such an environment has a depressing effect on the plant - in addition to the fact that it does not bloom, it grows weakly, is affected by pests, chlorosis of the leaves develops.

Landing technology

Seedlings grown in containers are planted both in spring and autumn. In the spring, it is advisable to do this before the start of the active growing season, approximately in April. The autumn month of planting is September, so that the plant has time to take root and adapt before the cold weather.

A mandatory agrotechnical requirement for planting shrubs is the preparation of a deep (at least 50 cm) and wide (60–70 cm) planting hole, which is filled with a prepared substrate. It is carefully compacted and spilled with water.

Before planting, the seedling is dipped in water so that the earthy clod is limp, the roots are straightened and placed in a prepared hole. Another requirement is that in no case should the root collar be buried, it should be at the same level as before the transplant.

After planting, the root zone must be mulched. For these purposes, coniferous needles, rotted sawdust, leaves, straw are suitable. Their layer should be at least 5-7 cm thick. Mulch not only retains moisture, but also serves as a light organic fertilizer for rhododendrons.

The shrub loves group planting - natural thickets reliably protect the shoots from winds and freezing. The distance between seedlings depends on the height of an adult shrub, but not less than 1 meter.

The planting pit is much larger than the size of the root ball - this is a reserve for growth and nutrition for many years to come

Seasons: seasonal worries

For rhododendron, the specificity of care is determined by seasonal changes: in the spring - getting out of winter sleep and preparing for flowering, in the summer - taking care of growth and laying flowering buds next year, in the fall - preparation for winter.

Spring chores

When positive temperatures are established and there are no strong night frosts, the covering material is removed. You need to do this in cloudy weather, it is possible in several steps, gradually opening the bush, first from the north, and a little later from the south side. Leaves overwintering without access to light are sensitive to the bright spring sun and can get burned.

The leaves of rhododendron in the spring remain twisted for some time, without receiving an impulse from the roots, so the first thing to do is to start the work of the root system. To do this, rake off the mulch so that the soil thaws faster. If after a week the leaves are still curled, it means that they have lost a lot of moisture and the root zone must be watered with warm water.

After the buds swell, the shrub is examined and the frozen shoots and dried branches are removed. If the weather is dry, the plant must be watered at least 2-3 times a week before flowering. Watering rate - 10-15 liters per adult bush.

Important! Water for irrigation of rhododendrons must have a pH level in the range of 4-5 units, otherwise it will alkalize the soil, which is undesirable. To acidify the water, 3-4 g of citric, oxalic, acetic (70%) acid or 15-20 ml of electrolyte for batteries are dissolved in 10 liters of liquid.

Spring is the only time of the year when rhododendrons can be fed with organic fertilizers. You can only use well-rotted manure, if possible, high-moor peat is added to it. A bucket of this mixture is poured into the trunk circle instead of mulch and watered abundantly.

How to feed rhododendrons in spring if there is no organic matter? At the end of flowering, feeding with Kemir's targeted complex fertilizers for azaleas (rhododendrons) is effective. It is completely balanced and, in addition to containing the necessary nutrients, acidifies the soil.

Evergreen rhododendron is about to dissolve bright buds

Summer care

After flowering, rhododendron care is aimed at replenishing the strength for the growth of young shoots and the establishment of flower buds. The plant needs the following agrotechnical measures.

  • Regular, plentiful watering and spraying of the crown with water in summer temperature during the hottest hours.
  • Removing the seed pods so that the shrub does not expend energy on ripening the seeds, but sends them to young growth. This should be done in hot weather so that the injured shoot dries up immediately.
  • If the plant was not fertilized with Kemira during flowering, June feeding with a nitrogen-containing fertilizer, for example, ammonium nitrate (25–30 g per 10 l of water), is needed. Nitrogen is needed for the growth of green shoots. Watering rate - 2 buckets of solution per adult bush.
  • In addition to feeding rhododendrons in spring and June, some gardeners recommend fertilizing in the second half of July. By this time, the shoot completes the growth, its leaves become dense, leathery, and at the top appears flower bud... Top dressing at this time with a phosphorus-potassium composition is a guarantee of abundant flowering for the next year.

Advice! For top dressing in three doses - in early spring (100 g / m²), during flowering (100 g / m²) and in mid-July (50 g / m²), use the following universal composition of acid fertilizers. Superphosphate (10 parts) and sulfates are mixed - ammonium (9), potassium (4), magnesium (2).

By the end of summer, a flower bud has formed at the top of each shoot - now, the main thing is to keep it until spring.

Preparing for winter

An important element of rhododendron care - correct preparation for winter.

An evergreen shrub should be very well saturated with moisture in the winter so that it will last for long months of cold weather, so it is recommended to water it abundantly in the fall. Deciduous shrubs only need watering in dry weather.

Both deciduous and evergreen species need to cover the root system with a thick layer of mulch (up to 20 cm). The soil is covered in trunk circle on the radius of the crown.

For shelter, a frame of wire or wooden slats is built around the bush - a kind of improvised wigwam. It is covered with spruce branches or covered with 2 layers of breathable covering material (burlap, lutrasil). Low-growing varieties are covered with fallen leaves, needles.

Shelter ornamental shrub spruce branches

When growing rhododendrons, the main thing is to understand their nature, learn to recognize problems and needs based on the state and outward appearance bush. The plant is responsive not only to correct agricultural technology but love and care and will definitely reciprocate.

Video about preparing rhododendrons for winter:
