Lychnis flower: cultivation features and varieties. "Fitozont coniferous", "Rakurs", "Pinocid" - unique preparations for the health and beauty of conifers

Lyhnis is called beautiful plant blooming for many years from the Carnation family. It grows in a temperate and subtropical climate. Lychnis is unusually beautiful, gardeners love it and use it with pleasure. professional designers... His name Greek origin- "lichnos" means "lamp".

It is no coincidence that it bears this name, because in ancient times the plant was used as a wick. Popular name"Dawn", "adonis", "soap". The first two names were obtained for the bright flowers that burn in the middle of the flower bed.

The last name stuck with the flower due to its unusual soapiness. Therefore, in ancient times, the plant was not only a wick, but also used as a soap. It is not difficult to take care of lychnis. Even a novice florist or an ordinary amateur can cope with this task.

The most popular variety is the Maltese Cross, so named because it has flowers in the form of crosses.

  • Lychnis of Jupiter. Born on the alpine slopes. The plant is tall, reaching 80 cm. The stems are completely covered with oval-shaped leaves. Blooms from mid-summer. Flowers up to 3 cm in diameter have a purple color. This species of lychnis loves sunny places, is drought tolerant and easily tolerates frost. It is advisable to rejuvenate the bush every 4 years.


The correct conditions for planting lychnis in open ground Is the first step to successful cultivation beautiful flowering plant... It can grow and bloom in dark places, but only growing in sunny areas will show all the beauty of flowering.

The inflorescences not only become brighter, but also acquire big sizes... In winter, there is no need for a lyhnis shelter, the plant can easily endure any cold weather.

The soil in which lychnis grows must necessarily consist of moistened sand. Its number is calculated as follows: for one square meter a bucket of coarse sand is poured out of the territory.

The soil must be constantly loosened, this will save the plant from death as a result of stagnant water. If there is an opportunity to prepare the soil for planting lychnis in a month, digging there potamagnesia, superphosphate and humus are introduced.


The plant does not require special care and does not cause any difficulties. All that is required is timely watering, fertilization, fertilizing, mulching and elimination of dead shoots and flowers. With the onset of autumn, lychnis is cut off completely.

How to fertilize lychnis?

Despite the simplicity of caring for the plant, it must be constantly fertilized with minerals. Feeding is carried out approximately 2 - 3 times during one growing season.

Initially, they try to feed the lychnis when it is actively gaining growth, but is not yet blooming. The feeding solution should consist of potassium sulfate, superphosphate and urea. Watering is carried out with three buckets per square meter.

When the plant is actively blooming, the solution should already include potassium sulfate, superphosphate and Agricola - 7, mixed in a tablespoon in 10 liters of water. This solution is also suitable for autumn feeding.


Lychnis reproduces vegetatively using cuttings, dividing a bush or seeds. Let's consider each option separately:

Diseases and pests

Lychnis very rarely can attract the attention of pests or be affected by serious diseases.

However, if the plant is improperly looked after, it can be attacked spider mite, aphids, powdery mildew and a leaf roll.

With constant overflow, the plant develops root rot, rust, smut, leaf spot.

Drainage of the soil is a must when growing lichnis, and thinning the shrub is also very important. You can cultivate the land before planting lyhnis various drugs light form.

In case of damage to the bush with a leaf roll, it is treated with biological products, such as tobacco or tomato tops. If the defeat has become serious, only chemicals(,). They will save the plant, but it will not be able to bloom for the next year.

Combination with plants

Lychnis looks great with the following colors:

  • aster;
  • chrysanthemum;
  • nivyanik;
  • bell;
  • gypsophila;
  • Carnation.

Landscape use

Likhnis is used by landscape designers when drawing up flower beds and mixborders. Ideal for rocky slides.

Lychnis is also often planted along the coast. garden ponds and even lakes. Tall species are suitable for decorating walls, fences and gazebos in the summer.

Alpine lychnis is planted in sunny areas, mainly in rock gardens. Bright flowers look great against the background of plants with yellow inflorescences.

Lichnis can be used to make bouquet arrangements, but unfortunately they do not last long. That's why the best way using this bright plant- flower gardens and rock gardens.

It is in such places that you can enjoy the rich colors of this amazing flower alive.

Description of mirabilis

Despite the opinion prevailing among many domestic gardeners about Russian origin mirabilis, in fact, it was brought from hot Latin American countries. Literally translated from Latin, the name of this shrub means "extraordinary". Now more than 60 varieties are known. Growing from seeds in our country is only one of them. We are talking about such a species as Yalapa. Due to the fact that from late evening until early morning, the people call it "night beauty", as well as "dawn". Our plant is an annual, while in a more favorable climate it is grown for many years.

Planting and growing

In April, sowing of seedlings of mirabilis flowers begins. Growing from seeds in this way is considered the most reliable. In about two to three weeks, the first shoots of the plant will appear from the ground. After the threat of appearance has passed spring frosts, seedlings can be safely transferred to permanent place in the garden. For a plant such as mirabilis, planting is done at a distance of about 40 cm from neighboring seedlings. These flowers are very fond of warmth and light, and therefore their location should be appropriate. After the beginning of the opening of the leaves, it is recommended to pinch the bushes, which will allow them to grow in width, and not in height, and will contribute to the appearance more flowers. As for the soil, the plant is most suitable for clay and loamy soils, which contain lime. At the same time, it will not grow in damp or acidic soil conditions. Growing from seed is not the only breeding method. Some gardeners use tubers for this, despite the fact that it is very time consuming and not entirely effective. Among the advantages of growing, the drought resistance of the plant should also be noted, which does not need constant watering... In leaving, he can be called very unpretentious.

Blooming mirabilis

These shrubs grow very densely and luxuriantly, reaching a height of one meter. The flowers of a plant such as mirabilis, the cultivation of which is practiced in our country more and more every year, have a purple, red, pink, yellow or white color. "Dawn" blooms magnificently until the beginning of frost in autumn. Main feature of these bushes is that flowers bloom on each of them at the same time different shades... Moreover, there are times when multi-colored stripes appear on the petals. The seeds are oval in shape and are under a hard shell that must be removed to ensure more high level germination. Mirabilis, the cultivation of which is no longer a curiosity in Russia, will become a real discovery, especially for novice gardeners, because it is able to decorate any flower bed or flower garden with itself, while not requiring much trouble in planting and leaving. Despite the lack of exotic and spectacular flowers in this plant appearance, their pleasant aroma hardly comparable to any other. And this is especially felt in the evening.

Likhnis - perennial shrub, belonging to the genus Carnation. Inflorescences of this beautiful flower visible from afar and can decorate any flower bed. For this feature, the plant was popularly nicknamed "Dawn" or "Adonis".

There are white, pink and red shades of flowers. Lychnis stems are erect, even and, depending on the species, reach a height of from half a meter to one meter, and have a fairly unusual light ash ebb. The leaves are lanceolate and there are very few of them on the stem.

One more characteristic feature of this plant is the fact that the petals (as well as the rhizome) are soapy. For this unusual ability, lychnis received another name "soapy".

Varieties and types

- is an erect stem, stretching up to one meter in height, with many lanceolate leaves and small hairs along its entire length.

The inflorescences, in turn, delight the eye with a scattering of small red, white or pink flowers (0.5-1 cm in diameter of each flower) collected at the top of the shoot in the form of a cap.

- has a steel densely branched stem, up to a meter high, and the flowers are represented by fabulously bright shades of pink, rich crimson and white. Flowers are solitary and not collected in inflorescences. Flowering begins in early summer and ends closer to autumn.

- a perennial shrub, a representative of a low-growing species, up to 20 cm in height. The most popular variety among gardeners, it is customary to consider the variety " Lara ", Which is famous for its delicate pink inflorescences. It should be noted that when caring for this type of lychnis, it is unacceptable to use acidic soils.

- has dark crimson stems, rising one meter up. The inflorescences are also not the same as in other species, have a paniculate shape with a scattering of double flowers (white, pink or crimson). Blooms for about two months (June, July).

- a medium-sized bush (up to 40-50 cm), considered garden hybrid... The inflorescences are painted in bright red or orange tones. Flowers are collected in neat brushes.

The most striking variety of this species is the variety " Hot lava ", Which got their name due to the bright bloody tones of the inflorescences.

- presented in the form of a loose bush up to 70-80 cm high. Has pubescence in the form of white hairs. The flowers are light purple.

Likhnis planting and care in the open field

The flower can grow both in a well-lit revenge and in partial shade, but when compared, the specimen that is planted in an open, sunny place has larger flowers and inflorescences and richer colors.

Lichnis soil

For healthy plant growth, the soil for planting should be well moistened, drained, contain sand and fertilizers. The amount of sand is taken on the basis that one bucket of sand is needed for one square meter of planting area.

Preparation of the earth begins about a month before planting: dig up the site and add about 40 g of potassium magnesium, 50 g of superphosphate and 10 kg of humus, and all this per square meter. Do not forget about good drainage for each bush (for example, small pebbles, pebbles).

Fertilizer for Lichnis

Top dressing is carried out several times. First time mineral fertilizer applied in a volume of three liters per square meter, before flowering: dissolve in 10 liters of water in a tablespoon of superphosphate, potassium sulfate and urea.

The second and third feeding is carried out during and after flowering with a different solution of five liters per square meter of the plot with the plant: dilute one tablespoon of superphosphate, potassium sulfate and Agricola7 in 10 liters of water.

Lychnis watering

Lychnis loves moisture, but does not tolerate stagnant water and waterlogging, this can lead to decay of the roots. Therefore, watering is carried out only as the soil dries out and in small portions.

V summer season intensified watering (on especially dry days, but not overmoistening), in spring and autumn - moderate. Once a week is enough. An important point- watering is best done in the morning. After all, the plant actively absorbs moisture only in solar time days, and if watering is carried out in the evening, then during the night the roots may freeze or get wet (after all, the temperature drops significantly at night). With constant such violation, decay and other diseases and damage by various pests will occur.

Lichnis pruning

Lychnis growing from seeds

When the period of lychnis flowering ends, it remains only to wait for the ripening of the seeds, and this happens in autumn period when the inflorescences begin to dry out. At proper storage(dry, dark place), the seeds can be stored for up to four years. Seeds are sown directly into the ground on the plot (in the garden) from April to July.

The first shoots will appear after three weeks, provided the daytime air temperature is not lower than 18 ° C, if young shoots have sprouted too close to each other, then thinning is necessary. This procedure is carried out in order to ensure the free and full growth of the sprouts.

After they get stronger and full leaves appear, a transplant is performed. Each shoot is planted in a separate hole at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other, taking into account the expansion of the bush in breadth.

Lichnis reproduction by dividing the bush

With this method of reproduction, a bush is selected that is at least five years old and, depending on the density of rhizome development, is divided into several parts, so that each division has its own growth point.

Each of the parts is planted in the ground, at a distance of 25-30 cm, in spring or autumn.

Lychnis propagation by cuttings

This method is best suited for breeding varieties with double flowers... At the beginning of summer, it is necessary to cut cuttings 20-25 cm long and plant in the ground (or in boxes) and create a greenhouse, covered with a jar.

Closer to autumn, the cuttings will take root and they can be transplanted to a permanent place. Keeping the distance between them.

Diseases and pests

If you adhere to the rules of caring for lichnis and carry out preventive measures to protect the plant, then he is not afraid of any misfortunes. If, for example, waterlogging of the soil is allowed, then this will most likely lead to infection with diseases such as root rot , rust and blotches ... For prophylaxis, it is recommended to treat the soil with copper-containing preparations before planting.

2882 ​​09.03.2019 5 minutes

Lychnis rosetta is perennial, which belongs to the carnation family. You can distinguish a culture from other varieties by the presence of roughness, large leaves and straight stem. Blooms can be presented in a variety of shades, including scarlet, pink, cream and orange. You can grow a crop with seeds directly in open ground.


Lychnis Rosetta is an ornamental crop, the height of which reaches up to 1 m. The stem is rough. Leaves are cordate, acute and lanceolate. They are omitted on both sides. Lychnis rosetta buds are short, reaching up to 2 cm. Their color is carmine red. The flowering culture lasts a long time, for a month. But you can extend this time if you periodically remove wilted inflorescences.

Some gardeners call this flower Tatar or girlish soap. This is due to the fact that the roots and flowers are moist. If you rub them in your hand, they will start to wash. It was this feature of the plant that people actively used in ancient times, since they could wash their hands and wash clothes.

Another culture may have such a name as dawn. It can be seen in steppe meadows and gardens. The plant can be combined with bells, gypsophila and orange-yellow flowers. But just cutting off the lichnis rosetta is not worth it to create a bouquet, since it does not stand in a vase for a long time.

Among the herbs, the Lychnis variety in question can grow for many years. In this case, thorough care is completely unimportant. But only profuse flowering possibly provided that the soil is loose, well-drained and moderately moist. When choosing a place, it is necessary that it be carefully lit. General care behind the plant assumes regular watering, after the soil dries out, it will have to be loosened.

Reproduction of lychnis rosetta occurs by seeds or cuttings. Self-seeding is also possible. If you decide to choose propagation by cuttings, then such a manipulation is necessary in June. But to knock out the seeds in April. Moreover, for this you do not need to grow seedlings, since planting material immediately goes into open ground.

But if you live in the northern regions, then it is better to use the seedling method. You can see flowering in a year. Since lychnis rosetta is a perennial, cut off its shoots for the winter, leaving 5 cm. You do not need to cover with anything, since the flower is frost-resistant. But how the planting and leaving of Likhnis flowers occurs, you can understand by going to this

What the Alpine Astra looks like can be seen in the photo in this article:

But how to plant Nasturtium with seeds, and how to do it correctly, is described in great detail in this

Lichnis can be grown in one place for 6 years, but not longer. The fact is that after a specified time, the bush will lose its decorative appearance. And this is due to the fact that the flowers begin to shrink, and the inflorescences lose their splendor and beauty.

On the video - growing flowers Likhnis:

How and when to plant

As already mentioned above, the reproduction of Lychnis rosetta occurs in two ways - by seeds and cuttings. If you live in the southern regions, then it is necessary to plant the planting material directly into the open ground. This can be done in April-May. To do this, you have to dig up the site, apply fertilizers to it. If the soil is not moist enough, then moisten it. Next, dig shallow holes, plant the seeds and cover with a layer of the end. Pour water on top. You can expect seedlings for 2-3 weeks.

When the first 2-3 leaves are formed, then make a pick and send the seedlings to a permanent place. When choosing a site, make sure that it is well lit and not cold.

If you live in the northern regions, then you first need to grow seedlings. To do this, prepare boxes with fertile and well-drained soil. Sow the planting material, crush it with earth and moisten. Install the container in a warm place and insulate with foil. On the 14th day, you can see the first shoots. When 2-3 leaves are formed, then dive the seedlings, transplanting them into separate pots. When it will be on the street temperature regime 18-20 degrees and there is no likelihood of frost return, then the seedlings can be transplanted to an open area. Lychnis bloom can be observed at next year... How the cultivation of Lychnis crown seeds is carried out can be seen in this

On the video - how to plant flowers:

If you do not want to mess with the seeds, then you can use cuttings. To do this, in the spring, cut off the stalk from the main stem or side branches. This must be done using sharp knife while leaving the bark. Place the cuttings in the sand until they take root. When it happens, then you can drop them off at a permanent place. But how the ornamental cabbage is planted with seeds, this will help to understand

How to care for a plant

Lychnis rosetta is a plant that does not require careful maintenance and can grow in any conditions. But it is best to find a favorable landing site. To do this, you must adhere to the following simple rules:

Fans of bright and contrasting flower beds must plant chalcedony lychnis in their garden. The plant blooms with bright, bright red, fiery, pink, white, dark crimson flowers that attract with their appearance. Let's take a closer look at how the cultivation and reproduction of chalcedony lychnis occurs, as well as where it is applied.

Short description

The plant is sometimes called the common dawn, due to the fiery bright inflorescences one gets the impression that it is glowing.

A perennial plant can grow in one location for up to five years. It has erect stems covered with ovoid or lanceolate leaves. Bushes can grow up to one meter in height.
Lychnis chalcedony blooms in June and blooms for 75 days. His decorative view it gives the garden a fabulous beauty with bright, glowing flowers.

The bushes have small red flowers with two-lobed petals that gather in inflorescences spherical with a diameter of 10 centimeters.

Features of planting a plant

Common dawn firmly resists a variety of weeds and blooms harmoniously on time. You can plant a plant in the fall or in early spring by sowing seeds in the ground. In the second year after planting, it will bloom at the end of summer.

In order for lychnis to bloom in the same year when it is planted, it is important to keep the seeds in the refrigerator for 14 days, and then sow them in March for seedlings. It is recommended to grow seedlings in bright light and low air temperatures. As soon as the seedlings grow up, they are transplanted from a greenhouse or greenhouse into open ground.

Important landing rules:

  1. Lichnis is planted on any garden, light, permeable and non-acidic soil.
  2. If land plot located near groundwater, drain using coarse sand.
  3. It is important to ensure that the bush does not die due to too high dampness.
  4. Too heavy soil can be lightened with sand.
  5. When planting seedlings in open ground, add a small amount of humus or compost to the holes.

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The place for planting the plant should be chosen sunny and open. As soon as the dawn is planted in the ground, be sure to sprinkle it with soil and water it.

Since chalcedony lychnis easily tolerates drought, it is rarely watered. If the summer is too hot and you want to keep the plant decorative, water it once a week.

In the spring, it is important to feed the bush with complex fertilizer. Cut off in the fall aerial part... The terry type of plant for the winter must be covered. All other varieties are winter hardy.

Every five years, the bushes are dug up in spring or autumn, divided into several parts and transplanted to new places. When planting between plants, be sure to make a gap of 30 centimeters.

Harvesting a plant

Common dawn is often used to create drugs or household tools. Therefore, it is important to know how you can prepare raw materials.
For harvesting, flowers, leaves and roots of the plant are collected. The raw materials are dried and stored in a dry place.

The collection is carried out at the beginning or during flowering. It is during this period that all useful active substances accumulate in the plant.

Plant protection from various misfortunes

It is easy to care for lychnis, but it is important to protect it from various diseases and insect attacks.

  • Most often, the bushes are affected by rust, root rot, spotting on the leaves. It is important to carefully examine the plants, and before planting perform good drainage... Such measures will prevent the appearance of unwanted diseases.
  • Lychnis can be completely affected by aphids and leafworms. If larvae of such insects are found, treat with a decoction of tobacco or tomato tops. If there are too many pests, gardeners save the plants by applying special chemical insecticides.

Reproduction methods

The lychnis plant propagates by seeds, cuttings or dividing the bush. Each method has its own characteristics of breeding.

Seed reproduction

Often the plant reproduces on its own, scattering its ripe seeds around the garden. You can also collect and sow them in open ground in April.

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Before sowing, dilute the soil with sand, humus or compost. To make the plant grow better, stratify the seeds before sowing the seeds. In other words, keep the seeds in the refrigerator for several weeks by placing them in the ground. After a while, leave the seedlings just in the room on the table so that they release the first shoots.

After the appearance of two leaves on the seedlings, they are transplanted into separate cups.
In early August, flowers are planted in open ground at a permanent place of growth. There should be a distance of 30 - 40 centimeters between the bushes.
Lyhnis will bloom, planted by seed method only in the second year.


Cut the cuttings, 20 centimeters long, in June. Root them the usual way, sprinkled with earth and covered with foil. Transplant the plants to a permanent growth site in September.

Divide the bush

In the fall, dig out the bush and carefully divide its rhizomes into several parts. Plant the resulting cuttings in a permanent place of growth, making small gaps between them.
By dividing the bush, the common dawn can be propagated even during flowering. It is important during the procedure to act carefully to prevent the destruction of the root soil coma.

Features of the use of the plant

Lychnis is used in folk medicine, on the farm and to create a beautiful landscape. Rules for the use of the common dawn:

  • in some countries, the plant is used as an anti-inflammatory and antimycotic agent for the treatment of skin and blood disorders. It is contraindicated to use means with a plant for individual intolerance, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in childhood... It is important to consult a doctor before use;
  • the farm uses a powder from the roots of the plant. It is used to make soap that removes greasy stains from clothes and hands;
  • for creating landscape design Likhnis gardeners plant both singly and in whole groups. They plant it near non-aggressive plants. It is recommended to plant red flowers among green perennials. They are decorated with garden paths, borders, flower beds, shores of small reservoirs.
  • The common dawn is loved by flower growers to plant on their plots, since it is easy to care for it and is pleasant to use for useful purposes.

Read also: Unpretentious perennials - bush carnations

Now you know how the planting and care of Lychnis chalcedony is carried out, how it reproduces and where it is used. Since the plant is unpretentious, any person can grow it, even one who is not versed in gardening. If you decide to treat skin diseases with dawn-based remedies, be sure to go to the doctor with this question.