Planting a spherical thuja. The highlight of the garden: thuja with a spherical crown shape. Varieties of pillow-shaped thuja

Spectacular beauties of thuja in landscape design rightfully occupy a leading position among conifers. Diverse in height, crown shape, color of needles, resistant to frost and winds, they comfortably exist even with increased gas pollution in urban environments. Thuja has an amazing ability to purify the air, filling it with a delicate resinous aroma, exuding peace and tranquility. Neither an amateur gardener nor professional designer they will not deny themselves the pleasure of creating at least one composition in which the evergreen luxury of arborvitae will be the soloist.

The scope of thuja in landscape design is truly unlimited. Slender tall thujas form very dense dense hedges, spherical forms most often solo on lawns, dwarf varieties comfortably located in rockeries and rock gardens. The most common type is the western thuja, which has many varieties that can satisfy almost any design fantasy.

Tui with a pyramidal or conical crown shape

To create hedges, varieties are used that grow vertically upwards and have a pyramidal or conical crown shape.

Variety "Brabant"- tall, powerful, fast-growing conifer, reaching 4 m in height, pyramidal crown shape. With proper care, it is able to create a dense fluffy wall in a fairly short period of time. Resistant to frost and winds, requires annual sanitary pruning.

Variety "Emerald" characterized by a conical shape of the crown, it can reach a height of 6 m, drought-resistant, undemanding to soils, does not need pruning, it is characterized by high cold resistance and wind resistance. Thuja "Smaragd" in landscape design is used more often than other varieties. Due to the absolutely correct shape of the crown, it looks great not only in the hedge, but also in single landings.

Variety "Holmstrup"- slow-growing, with a pyramidal crown, demanding on moisture. Max Height- 2.5 m, more often used in the south due to the low ability to withstand severe frosts.

Globular thuja

Spherical arborvitae, having the correct rounded shape of the crown, depending on the height, are used in solitary and group plantings when creating compositions. These varieties do not need formative pruning.

For rock gardens and rockeries, dwarf varieties are most often used, not exceeding 80 cm in height. Fluffy balls that retain their decorative effect all year round, are able to decorate any, even the most concise landscape. They are organically combined with decorative elements in the form of garden sculptures, they look wonderful on a rocky placer, in a patio, giving sophistication and sophistication to the composition.

Evergreen, hardy and showy coniferous plants- a great way to give the territory a unique image ....

thuja "Danica" has the correct spherical shape of the crown, the needles are thick, brightly colored. The height of an adult plant is 70 cm, the width of the bush is not more than a meter. This variety grows slowly, does not need to form a crown. Perfect for rock gardens, large containers, patios, decorate a small garden area. It has high cold resistance, undemanding to lighting, tolerates partial shade, but develops better in well-lit areas, on fertilized moist soils. Fits harmoniously into any style. "Danika" is the most common variety of spherical arborvitae in Russia.

thuja "Little Dorrit"- a variety with a spherical, slightly elongated crown shape, the height of the plant reaches 80 cm, in diameter - no more than 70 cm. It is used in container plantings, to create rockeries, in tape compositions.

thuja "Teddy"- a variety that has recently appeared on sale, having a dense cushion-shaped rounded crown, similar to a prickly ball, due to the finely needle-shaped needles. Such a baby grows very slowly, the height of the annual growth is no more than 3 cm. The height of an adult plant does not exceed 50 cm. In winter, during the dormant period, the needles become brown. This variety is very demanding on the composition and fertility of the soil, on air humidity. In very dry weather, it needs evening sprinkling watering.

thuja "Tiny Tim" with feather-shaped flat needles, it is very demanding on lighting, while it feels great on any soil, although it prefers acidic loams. High cold resistance makes this variety especially in demand in the climatic conditions of the middle lane. Looks great on hills, in compositions among low-growing deciduous shrubs.

Tui with a golden hue of needles

As tapeworms on the emerald green of the lawn, against the background of a stony placer, in combination with garden sculptures, arborvitae look great, having the correct crown shape, an unusual golden color of the needles.

Variety "Rheingold"- spherical thuja with golden yellow needles. Height reaches 150 cm, grows slowly, very demanding on light. Looks spectacular in a single landing on the lawn. With the onset of cold weather, the color changes to brown.

Variety "Sunkist"- a shrub with a regular, conical crown shape, golden yellow needles. Slow-growing thuja, at the age of ten, not higher than 3 m, with a meter crown diameter. It is demanding on air humidity, it is very difficult to tolerate drought, it needs abundant watering and sprinkling.

Variety "Golden Taffet"- spherical brightly colored thuja, golden needles, becomes almost orange by winter. One of the smallest, the height of an adult plant is not more than 35 cm. Hanging flexible shoots give it the appearance of a lacy openwork cap. It is grown only in well-lit areas. When shading, it loses the color of the needles, becomes dull. Demanding on the composition and moisture of the soil, in the dry season it needs evening sprinkling. Looks great in contrasting compositions with dark green thujas, in, in containers, patios, borders.

There are currently a large number of planting material, including thuja. As a rule, pleasure is not cheap, so you should carefully examine the seedling before buying. It must meet the following requirements:

  • The root system must be closed, this is one of the necessary conditions survival rate. A bare, chopped off part of the roots sticking out of the transplant container is practically a guarantee that the newcomer will not take root.
  • The needles and twigs should have a healthy appearance, the color should correspond to the natural one, their elasticity and resilience to the touch is a sign of health. If the needles crumble when touched, even with a normal color, then you can’t take it, the seedling has either already died or is on the verge. The biological feature of thuja is the ability long time keep the color of the needles after death.
  • Before purchasing seedlings, carefully read the characteristics of each variety, its requirements for lighting, location and soil preferences. Decide what role it will play in the design of the garden, choose a place and then feel free to make a purchase.

Dwarf spherical coniferous plant. Can live from 10 to 150 years, depending on the variety.

Description and care of globular thuja

Thuja spherical grows up to two and a half meters. Vertically directed, round-conical branches create the shape of a round, dense shrub. The needles are scaly, flat, up to 7 millimeters long. They have many shades: from yellow-green to brown and brown, keeps on the branches for 3 years, and then falls off. Thuja blooms in spring. The cones are small, growing up to only 12 millimeters. Young fruits are green, while ripe ones change color to brown. They may be ovoid or oblong in shape. The number of scales on a cone can be from 6 to 12. Each fruit has two seeds.

Features of planting and growing thuja spherical

The plant prefers fertile garden soils, it is not demanding on soil acidity, it develops normally in strongly lightened and darkened places, resistant to drought, waterlogging, wind, frost. Withstands temperatures down to -35 degrees. It tolerates city air polluted with smoke and gas well, which makes it possible to use gardens and parks for urban landscaping.

Thuja spherical needs sprinkling with water. For the plant to always have nice shape, it is necessary to tie the crown or make a frame.

It is used as an excellent element for landscaping green roofs, balconies or container plantings. It forms green hedges, borders, groups, or simply planted singly in the landscape of the plots.

Decorative - dwarf varieties of globular thuja

Variety "Danica" - is the smallest. Its height is only half a meter. And the width of the ball reaches a meter. The foliage is scaly green. Perfectly decorate small garden plots, patios or rock gardens.

Variety "Golden Globe"- one and a half meter slow-growing coniferous shrub. The crown in diameter reaches 0.8 meters. The needles are golden yellow. Frost-resistant, shade-tolerant form of spherical arborvitae. Used as windproof hedge. They look great in small gardens and flower arrangements.

Grade "Globoz" - grows up to 1.2 meters in height and 1 meter in width. The annual growth is 5 centimeters wide and 5 centimeters high. The branches are dense, flat, growing to the sides. The needles are shiny different shades and colors (grey-green to brown). Requires fertility and sufficient soil moisture.

Sort "Reingold"- a small coniferous shrub (1.5 meters). The branches are thin with a pink tint. The needles are light yellow, golden, scaly and needle-like.

Variety "Tiny Tim - Tiny Tim" -in The height and width of an adult bush reaches 1 meter. Beautiful dwarf form of thuja spherical. Slowly growing. It is recommended to plant singly, in a group or on rock slides.

Variety "Teddy"- grows less than half a meter in height and width. It's new dwarf plant. A ten-year-old thuja of this form reaches 0.3 meters. Has an unusual look.

You can buy thuja spherical in a pot or your favorite varieties in our plant nursery. The order can be made by phone, using the Internet order or visit the nursery in person.

The tree of life, also called thuja - one of the most welcome guests garden plot and all thanks to the beautiful carved leaves, small sizes and ease of care. If you wish to give the shrub original look, you just need to cut it correctly. Usually spherical thuja grows no more than 70 cm in height, but this parameter depends on the variety. Young leaves are soft, but over the years they become more rigid and scaly.

Landing technology, and further care for this native North America does not differ in complexity, but there are some nuances and features for different varieties. For example, miniature Danica and Globoza tolerate drought quite well. But the unique "Miriam", which has bright leaves of a symmetrical shape, on the contrary, loves abundant moisture. Dry air has a detrimental effect on the Golden Globe; shady terrain will be the most suitable for its landing. By the way, this variety got its name due to the golden color of the leaves.

There are completely unpretentious species, such as Tiny Tim. The technology of planting and caring for the thuja of this variety is very simple, because it does not need constant fertilizer, it is frost-resistant, it takes root perfectly on almost any soil. The only thing - you need to take care of sufficient lighting. But the exclusive "Teddy" is very capricious. It is necessary to plant it only in well-fertilized soil, and during growth it is imperative to monitor the humidity of the air. Dry environment is fatal for him. Each variety is good in its own way, the photos below will help you evaluate the beauty and make a choice.

We begin to grow thuja - planting rules in spring and autumn

Despite some differences, for all plants of this species is similar. Spring on permanent place rooted specimens are planted 5–7 years old. You need to buy them only in pots, so that root system was in the ground. The transplant procedure is simple, but it will take you time, since the hole should be prepared two weeks before the direct relocation of the pot resident to a permanent habitat.

The size of the hole depends on the variety, but usually the depth does not exceed 80 cm and the diameter is about a meter. Focus on the root system and the size of the pot, the neck of the bush should be flush with the ground. It is very important to choose the right place. Be aware that most of these evergreen flora do not like to grow in the open sun. If you want to plant several on the site, then you need to maintain a distance of at least half a meter between them.

Filling the hole special mixture from sod land, peat and sand, taken in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. Add 5 g of nitroammophoska. If the soil is clayey, then lay out 20 cm of drainage to the bottom.

Now let's proceed directly to the resettlement of a new resident to a permanent place. Plentifully water the soil in a pot, then you can extract the plant without damaging the roots. Then we place it in the prepared hole so that the root neck is level with the soil and sprinkle it with earth. Lightly tamp the soil. Now the thuja needs abundant moisture, it is better to water it through the prepared hole so that the moisture is absorbed by the roots as much as possible. not to study practical nuances in words, we invite you to look detailed video planting thuja.

It is best to plant thuja in the spring, although sometimes it is done in the fall. But if possible, it is better to wait until next year, because a fragile plant may not endure severe winter frosts. autumn planting has several features, and it should be treated more demandingly. Avoid transfer to the ground in late autumn, as in this case the plant has very little chance of taking root. Be sure to make sure that the root neck is not buried in the ground. Immediately after transplantation, it is recommended to introduce drugs that stimulate the development of the root system, for example, Kornevit. Treat the crown twice more Zircon. Maintain an interval between procedures of 7 days.

If the autumn was not rainy, then you yourself will have to help a little. bonsai. For the first week, moisten the crown every day with water from a hose. Then increase the interval to 3-4 days. Mulch the soil and cover the shrub with the onset of cold weather. If the winter is with precipitation, be sure to shake off the snow from the still fragile plant, as the adhering layer can simply break the seedling.

What does the globular thuja eat?

With a North American resident on your property, get ready for some maintenance. There is nothing complicated about this, but you will have to follow some rules. You need to regularly moisten the soil, feed, control pests and shelter this ornamental plant for the winter. In the first years after planting a globular thuja, special attention should be paid to all this.

During the first month after planting, the plant needs abundant weekly moisture. Under each bush it is necessary to pour about 10 liters of water.

If the summer turned out to be hot and dry, then repeat watering twice as often, and the amount of liquid can be increased to 20 liters. At the same time, it is desirable to loosen the soil every time. But do not get carried away too much, since the root system is too close to the surface, do not go deeper than 10 cm. Mulching also affects the condition of the tree. It is enough to withstand a layer of 7 cm.

It is very important to choose the right place, because even though the shrub loves the sun, direct contact with the rays, especially on young leaves, provokes burns. It is very difficult to heal such injuries. You need to start feeding only after 2 years. To date, the choice of mineral and organic fertilizers big enough. Highly good feedback has a drug Kemira wagon. And the solution of foundationazole will protect from the fungus. Prevention of the plant must be carried out several times a year.

The beauty and health of a tree

Pruning is just as important as fertilization, pest control, or other maintenance activities. But in the first 2 years, it must be treated with care. During this period, it is only allowed to cut off the tips of the branches to stimulate their growth. But serious sanitary pruning is done only in the third year, when the plant is fully grown. You can remove dried, damaged and diseased thuja branches in any season, but they thoroughly approach this in spring and autumn.

Don't be sloppy with your choice cutting tool. The secateurs must be sharp so that there are no dents at the cut site. If you are doing a shaping pruning of a thuja, then do not remove more than a third of the shoot. This will greatly weaken the tree. Yes, and to engage in the formation of the crown should be only after the thuja has grown to the required height. And since some specimens have a slight increase, only a few centimeters per year, it will not be necessary to start such an operation soon. You can find the scheme and rules for cropping in the photo.

If you are seriously thinking about the reproduction of this ornamental plant, then you need to create favorable conditions - air humidity is at least 70%, the greenhouse is well lit, transparent is best. Reproduction of thuja is most successful by cuttings and only in autumn period, in the spring the sun is likely to dry out the recruit. We cut off a shoot 50 cm long, remove all the needles from its lower part and place it in water for several hours. At this time we are preparing the ground. The mixture consists of sod land, peat and sand. All components are taken in equal proportions. We plant a thuja stalk in a hole 3 cm deep.

What care will thuja require in winter?

Young one-year-olds with the onset of cold weather with natural or artificial insulation. Spruce branches, branches, etc. act as the first. Leaves with straw should not be used. Rodents often start up in them and a green bush can forbid.

Synthetic materials have proven themselves well. As soon as the temperature outside the window drops below -5 degrees, we cover the insulation with a film. Many gardeners believe that the plant needs natural protection and cover it with snow. It is unacceptable. Firstly, tender branches can break under weight, so the thickness of the snow cover should be regulated. Secondly, in spring, drops of melted snow will focus the sun's rays and burns may appear on the greenery.

An adult globular thuja may well endure the winter on its own. Consider one of the ways how to protect a young shrub from scorching winter sun and cold wind. For this we need gauze and a simple stapler. We cut pieces of fabric a little longer than the height of the tree and connect them at the top and at the root with a stapler. Be careful not to damage the needles with staples. Do not skimp on the material, as it shrinks when wet, and it is inevitable.

Tui are common in landscape design, because they are relatively unpretentious in care and retain an attractive appearance all year round. Due to their different shapes and sizes, they can ennoble both large personal plots and miniature gardens. Let us consider in more detail the varieties and types of thuja with photos and names.

The main types of tui

Although a wide variety of evergreen shrubs and trees are found in nature, cultivated only 5 species . Based on them, a huge number of varieties have been developed that differ in color, crown shape, and size. The following varieties of thuja have the greatest potential for breeding work:






western evergreens

It is the varieties western arborvitae most often found on sale. The reason is the adaptability of the species to the climatic conditions of the middle zone, frost resistance, unpretentious care. This is the richest variety of evergreen plant.

The western thuja comes from North America. In their natural habitat, they reach 20 m. At a young age, they grow in the form of a neat pyramid. Old copies are rounded up. The needles are flat, scaly, green. Distinctive feature- from the bottom side a few tones lighter. The bark is red-brown, cracking with age, exfoliating and hanging from the trunk in strips. Cones no more than 1.5 cm, crumble in autumn.

eastern evergreens

This variety is mistakenly called thuja. Although the correct name is Eastern Biota or Oriental Flathead. It grows naturally in China and Korea. The plant is accustomed to poor, rocky soils. Grows well in temperate climates.

The eastern species grows very slowly. In warm regions it develops in the form of a tree, and in cold regions it develops in the form of a shrub. Adult specimens reach 5-10 m. The crown can be cone-shaped, pyramidal. The base is usually wide. The branches are flat, vertically directed. The old needles are scaly, and the young needles. Changes color depending on the season. The bark is red-brown, exfoliating with age.

Folded evergreens

Giants come from North America, and more specifically from the Pacific coast. In their natural habitat they grow up to 60 m, but in middle lane usually do not exceed 15 m. Tui prefer warm climatic conditions, so at low temperatures they can freeze a little.

The branches are either horizontal or slightly raised. Young side shoots are drooping. The needles are elongated, scaly. From the outside it is painted in emerald color, and from the inside it has a characteristic whitish stripe. On the basis of the folded species, about fifty varieties have been bred.

japanese evergreens

In nature, thuja is found in central Japan, as well as on the islands of Shikoku and Honshu. The Japanese themselves are kind to the tree, considering it sacred. In ancient times, its felling was strictly prohibited. In its natural habitat it grows up to 20 m. In cultivation, it usually does not exceed 9 m.

The crown is pyramidal, the branches are spreading, vertically directed. The needles are fragrant, flat, scaly. Matte bright green on the outside and silvery blue on the inside. The bark is red-brown, fibrous. The species is not afraid of low temperatures, but is picky about moisture. Grows well in open sunny areas and partial shade.

Korean Evergreens

Native to the valleys, forests, and mountain slopes of Korea and China. Grow either in the form of a loose conical tree, or in the form of a sprawling shrub. Usually do not exceed 8 m in height. The plant is winter-hardy, not afraid of low temperatures. Shoots are flat, scaly needles are blunt, narrow. Green on the outside, slightly silvery on the inside.

The Korean type of thuja is light, airy shoots. Young twigs form graceful lace. Their edges are slightly raised. The species is not numerous, has a small number of varietal varieties.

Varieties of pyramidal thuja

In landscape design, conifers are grouped according to the size and shape of the crown. The most popular are cone-shaped or pyramidal thuja. Their base is wide, and the top is narrowed. In the photo you can see both dwarf and large varieties of the group. Consider the brightest representatives.

Smaragd (Smaragd)

Thuja can be used as a tapeworm and in group coniferous plantings. It is with the name Smaragda that luxurious hedges are most often associated. The variety tolerates pruning well, allowing you to create intricate shapes.

    annual growth of shoots - up to 20 cm in height and about 5 cm in width;

    the size of an adult plant is up to 6 m in height and 2 m in width;

    needles are scaly, fragrant, bright green, young growth is yellow-green.

Thuya Smaragd is characterized by high frost resistance. It is not demanding on the soil, it needs minimal care, which comes down to periodic watering and sprinkling. At favorable conditions the crown remains dense, beautiful pyramidal shape. The needles do not change color throughout the year.


Universal thuja , which looks equally good as both a tapeworm and a hedge. Differs in average growth rates, resistance to adverse conditions external environment. Holmstrup develops equally on the countryside personal plot and in the city park.

    the size of a 10-year-old tree is 2 m in height and 0.6 m in width;

    annual growth - about 15 cm;

    needles are scaly, bright green.

The crown is dense, cone-shaped. Does not need frequent pruning. Adult specimens can reach 4 m in height and 1.2 m in width. The grade maintains decrease in temperature to -34 °C.

Platycladus Pyramidalis Aurea (Platycladus Pyramidalis Aurea)

Thuja belongs to the eastern species. The crown is dense, wide at the base, proportionally tapering upwards. The apex is pronounced, pointed. Main features:

    height about 4-6 m;

    needles are scaly, dense;

    the color is yellow-green, does not change depending on the season;

    annual growth - up to 10 cm.

Like all oriental varieties, it can freeze a little in harsh winters. The variety is used to form hedges, spectacular plantings of evergreens.


A bright variety of folded appearance. Forms a luxurious tree with a pyramidal crown. The base is wide, starting almost at the very ground. Main characteristics:

    A 10-year-old plant grows up to 3 m high and 1.5 m wide;

    the branches are elastic, horizontal or slightly drooping;

    glossy needles are dark green on the outside and silvery on the inside, changing color to golden or bronze for the winter.

Kornik in landscape design is used as a tapeworm or to form a hedge. To create a continuous green curtain, seedlings are planted 1 m apart.

Varieties of spherical thuja

Evergreen balls save decorative look even without a haircut. The maximum that they need is to correct a few shoots that stand out from the total mass. They grow slowly, evenly increasing both in height and in width. Spherical thujas in landscape design are used in group plantings, for decoration garden paths, alpine hills. They harmoniously look at small personal plots, suitable for growing in containers.

Golden Globe

The variety was created by Dutch breeders. Forms a rounded bush from thin, short branches. Main features:

    an adult plant with a diameter of slightly more than 1 m;

    approximate growth per year - 8 cm;

    the needles are scaly, yellow with a golden tint, at low temperatures it acquires a red-copper hue.

In order for the thuja to show the beauty of its color to the maximum, it is necessary to place it in the sun, open area. Looks best in the design of paths, mixborders, flower beds.


A popular globular variety of western arborvitae. Attractive unpretentiousness in cultivation, a unique form. The plant does not need pruning, it creates a perfect ball on its own.

    the needles are needle-shaped, but not prickly;

    the color is bluish-green, at low temperatures it becomes brown;

    annual growth of shoots - up to 3 cm;

    A 10-year-old bush grows up to 0.4 m.

Thuya Teddy is indispensable in the design of rock gardens, garden paths, flower beds. It looks good both in single and in group plantings. Not demanding on soil. The roots are superficial, therefore it reacts positively to moderate watering.


Polish variety of the western type. The crown is spherical, cushion-shaped in adulthood. Skeletal branches at an acute angle directed upwards. Along the entire length, they are overgrown with miniature ones, looking into different sides shoots. Thanks to this, the surface of the entire ball looks velvety.

    the diameter of a 10-year-old plant is about 0.5 m;

    adult specimens do not exceed 1 m in height and width;

    small needles of a rich green color, at low temperatures it acquires a bronze color;

    annual growth - 4-8 cm.

Undersized thujas are used to decorate garden paths, design flower beds, mixborders, rock gardens. grow well in open ground and containers.

Varieties of columnar thuja

Beautiful variety of coniferous plants. It is the columnar thuja that is most often used to form hedges. When densely planted, they create continuous curtains that additionally protect against noise. Annual growth depends on the variety and growing conditions. But mostly they are fast growing plants. Their height often exceeds 5 m.

Columna (Columna)

Considered one of the easiest varieties to grow. . Thuja was created by German breeders at the beginning of the 20th century. Columna grows slender, tall tree. Growth rates are average.

    10-year-old seedlings 3 m high and up to 1.5 m wide;

    adult plants reach 10 m in height;

    glossy needles are small, rich dark green.

The crown of the thuja is columnar, proportionally tapering upwards, the top is rounded. The branches are horizontal, their tips are expanded in the shape of a fan. The variety does not need a haircut, is not afraid of low temperatures, and is unpretentious in cultivation.


Fast growing western variety. It is mainly used in group plantings to create green alleys. The main features of the variety:

    annual growth - up to 30 cm;

    needles of a scaly type, rich green color that persists regardless of the season;

    adult specimens reach 3-5 m in height.

Tui are mostly columnar, but sometimes they can form a narrow cone-shaped crown. Young shoots are flat, resembling beautiful fans. The entire surface of the tree is slightly wavy. Old specimens have a loose structure.

Varieties of dwarf thuja

The names of miniature evergreen shrubs and trees will come in handy when decorating alpine slides, mixborders, garden paths. Dwarf thuja do not take up much space, grow slowly, do not interfere with the development of other plants. In landscape design, they are used both in group and in single plantings. Tui can become a bright accent in any flower bed.


Western variety of thuja. Grows as a shrub. The crown is round at first, and with age, oval, very dense. The main features of the variety:

    approximate annual growth - up to 5 cm;

    diameter of 10-year-old seedlings is about 0.3-0.5 m;

    the needles are scaly, green, young growth of a cream shade, in winter it acquires a brownish-brown tone.

Thuja looks light and airy due to fan-shaped thin side branches. The needles are very soft, textured, a bit like a lichen.


Demanded variety in the design of flower beds, rock gardens, garden paths. Used as a soloist among flowering plants, as well as in group plantings of conifers. Tui main features:

    the size of an adult plant is 0.8 m in height and up to 1 m in width;

    young needles are needle-shaped, and old ones are scaly;

    the spring-summer color is bright green, and the autumn-winter color is brown.

Danica prefers open sunny areas. But it can also grow in partial shade. In the shade, it loses its decorative effect, usually a dense crown becomes loose, shapeless. The variety is frost-resistant, withstands temperatures down to -30 ° C.

Zmatlik (Zmatlik)

The brainchild of Czech breeders belongs to the Western species. Dwarf thuja form a narrow columnar crown. Although at a young age their shape is ugly, somewhat disheveled, the trunk may be curved. The main features of the variety:

    the height of an adult plant is slightly more than 1 m;

    needles are scaly, small;

    the color is dark green, saturated.

Zmatlik has an attractive appearance due to the winding fan-shaped branches that create waves and spirals. The variety prefers open sunny areas, in the shade the crown becomes loose.

Varieties of pillow-shaped thuja

Like spherical, cushion evergreen grow slowly, do not need additional adjustment of the crown. They are decorative in themselves, they look spectacular both in group and in single plantings. Evergreen pillows complement high pyramidal or columnar arborvitae. Harmoniously look with spruces, junipers. They can also coexist with flowering plants.

Umbraculifera (Umbraculifera)

Relatively large, but slowly developing specimen. The crown is dense, consists of flexible branches, overgrown with dense side shoots. The main characteristics of the variety:

    approximate growth per year - up to 10 cm;

    the size of a 10-year-old plant is 1 m in height and 2 m in width;

    the needles are glossy, dark green, young growth with a bluish tint.

The crown is pressed, slightly rounded along the edge, which resembles an umbrella. side shoots curved and directed in different directions, thereby creating the effect of water ripples.

Golden Tuffet

Low-growing variety of western arborvitae. Forms a squat, dense cushion-shaped crown. The main features of the variety:

    height of adult plants - no more than 0.6 m;

    the needles are needle-shaped, green, the young growth is pinkish-yellow;

    in winter, the needles change color to bronze or orange.

In order for the thuja to fully reveal its potential, it is advisable to place it in a fertile, loose, well-lit area. In the shade, the shrub loses its decorative effect. Its crown becomes sparse, the warm shade of the needles is replaced by greenery.

Varieties of yellow thuja

Golden conifers in landscape design are no less popular than green ones. They are refreshing general form personal plot, allow you to harmoniously combine color scheme flower beds, mixborders or alpine slides. Among the golden thuja there are large, medium and dwarf specimens, which allows you to design a garden of any size.

Forever Goldy

A bright representative of the folded look. Forms a compact dense pyramidal crown. Short branches are densely covered with needles, young shoots are multidirectional, creating the effect of a plush surface. The main features of the variety:

    annual growth - 10 cm;

    the size of adult specimens is 4 m in height and up to 1.5 m in width;

    scaly needles;

    the coloration is golden-bronze in spring and summer, reddish-bronze in autumn and winter.

The variety is photophilous, in the shade it loses its attractiveness, the needles turn into a lemon-green hue. Needs shelter for the winter, as well as protection from the scorching March sun.


Under the description lies a very unpretentious, but slow-growing shrub. It belongs to the hardy, frost-resistant western species. Young seedlings grow in balls. With age, they form a conical crown. Main features:

    approximate growth of shoots per year - 10 cm in height and 5 cm in width;

    the size of an adult plant is 3 m in height and 1.5 m in width;

    young needles are needle-shaped, old ones are scaly;

    in summer the color is yellow-golden, in winter bronze.

It is advisable to plant a shrub in a well-lit area. In the shade, it loses its decorative effect, the crown becomes loose. Handles haircut well. Does not like prolonged stagnant water.

Varieties of fast-growing thuja

Slow-growing varieties are good for small gardens, rock gardens, mixborders. But here fast-growing arborvitae are best suited for creating hedges . They allow for a short time from a small seedling to grow a large tree or shrub. Such varieties are no less decorative than plants with a slow or medium growth rate. They look good both in group and in single plantings.

Gelderland (Gelderland)

A popular representative of the folded species. Forms a dense, cone-shaped crown starting from the ground itself. Can be used as a tapeworm or as a hedge. The main features of the variety:

    annual growth - up to 25 cm;

    the height of an adult tree is about 5 m;

    needles are scaly, soft to the touch;

    summer color is green, winter - golden-bronze.

Thuja is unpretentious in care, prefers sunny areas. Handles pruning well.


Thuja belongs to the folded species. It develops very quickly. At a young age, it forms a columnar crown, then retains a conical shape. The base is wide, squat. Main characteristics:

    annual growth of shoots - about 30 cm;

    the size of an adult plant is 15 m in height and 3 m in width;

    needles scaly, glossy;

    the color is saturated green, the shoots are slightly lighter.

In Excelsa, the branches are horizontally directed or slightly raised upwards. The ends are drooping. Resistant to low temperatures, unfavorable environmental conditions grade. Needs constant soil moisture.

Large and miniature, fluffy and slender, of various shapes and colors, evergreens are always appropriate in home gardens. The description of the thuja will help you make the right choice and harmoniously decorate the mixborder, alpine slide or a living fence.

Plant nursery "Sign of the Earth"

Landscaping of the site

Landscape design of the site is a real art, which involves a whole group of specialists. Landscaping is individual, because you can hardly find two identical plots: each house with its surrounding plot and landscape is unique. Therefore, designers and planners create a landscape design that is suitable only for you and where all your dreams come true. Landscape design is only up to your imagination. For example, you need to beautifully decorate your terrace for a pleasant pastime. Or maybe you dream of a small pond where a cascade of murmuring water will be arranged. If the project provides for a swimming pool, then a changing cabin is needed, and the ground around the entire perimeter must be covered with safe materials.
Having equipped the fountain, you can listen to the sound of falling water. Someone does not need the presence of reservoirs on a personal plot, then a landscape design specialist can realize the appearance of the presence of water with the help of a “dry” stream. The fantasy of our landscape designers is limitless, and the photo gallery of our implemented projects will help you in determining what the suburban area should be. Our company employs creative personalities, who are experienced and highly qualified specialists, ready to fill your garden with life, which will bring the joy of communicating with it for many years.
Our studio landscape design seeks to preserve and improve the natural environment that has developed on the site. In this regard, each tree, shrub or part of the relief, according to your desire, will become an integral organic element of the new garden design. Our experts love their work and will be happy to provide any assistance!

Nursery ornamental plants

We are engaged landscaping personal plots, dachas, suburban and urban areas. Our task is A complex approach to landscaping. We are ready not only to give you beautiful and adapted plants, but also to deliver them and plant them.

Only competent and qualified specialists in various fields work in our plant nursery. Each of us has unique knowledge of planting and transplanting plants, pruning trees and shrubs, we will tell you how to properly care for the garden and give recommendations on landscape design.