Description and photo of varieties of cypress. Evergreen coniferous shrubs What is cypress

Can be found in the United States and Canada near small rivers, in coniferous forests, on mountain slopes, etc.

Cypress trees are undemanding to the composition of the soil, so they are often found on the sides of roads and alleys in long and orderly rows. Their branches are dense and practically do not bend under the snow or in strong winds.

Cypress wood is used in shipbuilding, and its oils have found their application in pharmacology and medicine.

This coniferous plant will be excellent among plantings. Due to the fact that it has a lush and slender crown, it is often planted in groups on alleys, terraces, etc.

Fir can form an elegant and attractive crown, which will become a unique decoration of any yard, park or garden.

IN natural area balsamic habitat is found on the rocky shores of small rivers and lakes. Due to the genetic predisposition, the plant can be planted near small artificial reservoirs, in which case the harmony will be at the highest level.

It should be noted that in decorative and landscape design The most popular types of balsamic are Nana and Hudsonia.

But there are other varieties that differ in different colors of needles (from gray to silver), crown shape (pin-shaped, pyramidal, cone-shaped), growth rate.

Did you know?Fir balm, which is isolated from balsamic bark, is able to cleanse and rejuvenate the body. Such a balm has been known since ancient times, it was actively used by the inhabitants of Kievan Rus.

The needles have a comb arrangement on the branches. It is slightly blunt, has a greenish tint, and small white stripes are observed in the lower part. The length of the needles varies from 20 to 25 mm.

Balsam fir cones are cylindrical in shape, tapering at the base. Their length reaches 10 cm, width - 25 mm. The color of the bumps varies from dark purple to olive brown.

A coniferous plant, with proper care, brings decorative value for 40-50 years. Balsam fir lives in its natural habitat for about 200 years.

Another representative of the evergreen coniferous plants with exceptional longevity. In its natural habitat (North America, East Asia and Europe), a shrub can grow for 3000 years!
There are many varieties, some of which have beautiful and lush decorative forms, the latter are large in size, of no interest to landscape designers.

In the decorative arts, yews are often used in the form of shrubs or dwarfs, which do not grow more than 3 meters in height.

Symbolizes the strength of the spirit, it is also a symbol of overcoming death. Guides in the botanical garden of Yalta often recall that the yew guarded the entrance to the kingdom of Hades for many millennia, while it looked magnificent and slender, like an ardent Cerberus with a mountain of muscles.

Looks great in single landing, and in an intricate composition. He will become bright decoration and the main character of any garden, rock garden, park. Decorative needles will be the perfect backdrop for elegant rock gardens and unusual alpine slides.

This ornamental coniferous shrub has a dense crown and whorled branches. Its needles have moderate rigidity, arranged alternately on short petioles.

The fruit of the yew is a cone berry that has a cherry-red pericarp. Ornamental shrubs are demanding on the composition of the soil, but these are the only conifers that can easily grow in shady places.

A decorative type of coniferous plant, which, due to its low size, is more like a shrub. In the literature, there are often other names that accurately reflect the bright color of the needles: spruce glauca conic, spruce gray conic, spruce white conic.

It is a miniature hybrid of gray spruce, so it is often used to decorate rock gardens, rocky gardens, terraces, alleys. The plant was first discovered in the Canadian mountains in the early twentieth century.

Since that time, the miniature tree began to rapidly fill the estates, yards, parks and gardens around the world. Due to its compact size, the plant is used in art. Moreover, Canadian spruce is planted in pots and placed on and even window sills.

Canadian spruce grows slowly and, with proper care and regular pruning, reaches a height of 1-1.5 m. Its crown is dense and very beautiful, the diameter varies from 1.5 to 2 m.
The shape of the crown resembles a narrow cone, it is densely filled with small needle needles, which do not exceed 1 cm in length. Conifer needles have a greenish-gray color and do not prick at all, therefore they are safe for children and pets.

times already

With a flawless crown spreading a wondrous aroma in the garden. In landscape design, the use of conifer is widespread. It is used both as a hedge and to decorate rockeries, flower beds, mixborders.

noble, evergreen tree is the pride of every gardener. Let's look at its types and varieties, learn proper fit and caring for cypress trees.

A coniferous, evergreen tree belongs to the cypress family. This type of conifer grows in China, Japan and North America. In the wild, they can reach over 60 m in height. The cypress trunk is slender, covered with dark brown or gray color bark.

Cypress branches in the sun

The crown of the tree is cone-shaped, the branches are unevenly located on the trunk, the foliage is dark green or gray-green, depending on the species. Interestingly, at a young age, the leaves form into soft needles, and in an adult, into flattened scales.

Cones on cypress appear already in the first year, which is usually not characteristic of other types of conifers. They are small, tightly gathered in a bundle. Under each scale, 2 fruits ripen - seeds. In the wild, tree trunks reach 2-3 m in diameter, but cultivars are 1-1.5 m. Therefore, cypress can be safely grown in the garden, if the size of the site allows.

Cypress is frost-resistant, especially the one that belongs to the Japanese species.

An adult plant can withstand temperatures down to -25 °. However, young trees must be closed for the winter, especially in the northern regions.

Pests and diseases

Cypress well resists pests and diseases. It is affected very rarely, mainly if it grows at home. IN open ground also rarely affected. However, adverse climatic conditions - rains, dampness and cold, contribute to the appearance of fungal diseases. Among the most common pests, there are only two:

  • spider mite
  • Shchitovka

Of the diseases, coniferous culture is threatened only by root rot. It appears due to dampness, waterlogging of the soil. This usually happens in rainy summer or autumn. If the disease was established at the time, the tree is transplanted to another, more favorable place. But more often the cypress dies, because to see root rot difficult in the early stages of development.

In case of damage by root rot, the shoots begin to wither on the plant, they can turn gray, and then dry out, acquiring a brown tint. The rhizome also takes on a reddish-brown hue that spreads from the tips to the root collar.

You can try to dig up the plant and inspect the rhizome. If there is characteristic features cut off the affected areas and put the tree in a solution with an antifungal drug. Later, you can plant it in a spacious pot so that it stays in quarantine until it is clear whether the disease has been stopped.

The described method is suitable for small species. If it is impossible to save the plant, it is necessary to remove a significant part of the earth from the infected area and disinfect the soil. We do not recommend planting this place until the next season.

If the crown began to turn yellow or acquired a red-brown hue, then the cause may be a fungal infection or a lack of magnesium. We recommend thinning the plant and removing the affected areas.

Falling leaves, extensive dried areas may indicate the presence of a spider mite. In addition, you can see the pests themselves, which resemble red or yellow dots. Another sign is a thin cobweb on the branches.

Getting rid of them is not so easy because of the speed of their reproduction and the fact that chemicals are practically powerless against the eggs of this pest. You can start by treating with a soapy solution in which ash is added. Them chemicals Actellik, Fitoverm and Neoron are effective.

Processing will have to be carried out several times, since the destruction of ticks can only be achieved if you get into the time period when they left the eggs and did not have time to lay new ones.

Sometimes, young plants and species that are small in size are affected by aphids. For treatment, you can try a soap solution, if there are not many pests, or Aktara.

In addition to mechanical

Cypress - very attractive evergreen. It is unique for its centuries-old existence and unknown origin. The composition of its needles contains healing aromatic oils that were used folk healers for many centuries. From the strong wood of this plant, craftsmen built ships and various pieces of furniture.

Some peoples consider cypress a symbol of sorrow and grief and plant it in cemeteries near graves. Others, on the contrary, argue that the cypress symbolizes eternal life. Even the Bible mentions this evergreen shrub as a representative of the Garden of Eden.

Cypress prefers tropical and subtropical climates. With favorable natural conditions its height reaches thirty meters. The crown of this plant can be sprawling or have the shape of a pyramid. The needles of a saturated cypress dark green. Its fruits are cones with a scaly surface and seeds inside.

With proper care, cypress can be grown at home. Many professional flower growers already consider it a houseplant. This evergreen plant pleases the inhabitants of the house throughout the year and fills the room with a pleasant lemon aroma.

For home growing fit and regular wild varieties(there are about twenty of them) and new ones, bred. Before choosing one variety or cultivar, you need to get acquainted with the details of its cultivation and care.

Cypress Goldcrest Wilma is popular among houseplants. His individual feature is almost yellow needles. Such a “golden” pyramidal mini tree was bred by British breeders specifically for home maintenance. Given the peculiarities of care, at home you can grow Large-fruited cypress, Evergreen cypress, as well as reduced new species - Pea-shaped and Fruitful cypress.

Temperature regime

Cypress is a plant native to the subtropics. Indoors, he needs to find a place where it is always warm, light, there is no direct sunlight and there is a lot of free space.

In the summer, the plant is well suited to room temperature. The main thing for him is timely hydration. But in winter period it will be necessary to change the usual conditions and move the cypress to a room where there will be no heating devices and direct heating. At the same time, the standard room temperature in winter is not desirable for the plant. Ideally, you need a temperature in the range of 5-10 degrees Celsius. Watering is reduced in winter, but the soil cannot be overdried.

Considering all the temperature preferences of the cypress, in the summer place it on a window facing north or east. Well, it is better for a plant to winter in the southern part of the apartment or on a glazed loggia.

Location and lighting

Since the plant is light-loving, then the room should be enough Sveta. Just no direct sunlight. This will harm the plant. IN winter time natural light will not be enough, so artificial highlighting is required. The lack of lighting will immediately affect the external state of the cypress - its crown and branches will take on an elongated shape.

In winter, place cypress in the southern part of the house, and in summer - in the north. The place of cultivation can be a windowsill, floor or flower stand.

Watering rules

Watering needs regular and plentiful. It is necessary to find a middle ground, since excessive watering and drying out of the soil are equally destructive.

Spraying is carried out twice - in the morning and in evening time. Use only distilled water room temperature. This procedure should be daily, especially on hot and dry days.

In winter, the schedule of watering and moistening change. Spraying is canceled until spring, and watering is carried out once a week.

Air humidity

In the wild, cypresses grow near lakes and ponds because they prefer high humidity. In the conditions of an apartment, it is possible to maintain the required level of humidity only with the help of watering or spraying.

Soil for planting

The soil for planting cypress should be loose. Can buy soil mix for coniferous plants or cook it yourself. This will require coarse river sand, soddy land and peat in equal parts and two parts of leafy land.

The flower pot must necessarily have holes for water drainage. A quarter of the height of the container should be occupied by the lower drainage layer. These can be pieces of foam or broken bricks, pebbles or expanded clay. The soil mixture is poured onto the drainage.

Top dressings and fertilizers

Cypress is an exotic plant and ordinary fertilizers or complex dressings for indoor plants will not work for him. For example, humus can even harm. Therefore, it is not recommended to experiment in this case.

The most suitable for cypress will be mineral fertilizer in liquid form, intended for coniferous plants. You need to make it once every month - May, June, July, August. As part of the top dressing, a high nitrogen content is not allowed, but magnesium is required.


The soil mixture loses its properties after about two years. useful qualities and the plant lacks nutrients. In this case, a plant transplant in new ground. The most favorable time for this is spring. Since cypress has very sensitive roots, transplant it better way transshipment.

Start by thoroughly watering the soil. The plant is easier to extract from moist soil. The cypress is carefully removed from the pot along with a clod of earth. The earth, which is easily separated from the roots, must be carefully removed and the condition of the roots carefully examined.

When a young shoot is found, it is necessary to carefully separate it from the main trunk along with part of the root system. The place of separation of the cutting must be lubricated with garden pitch. Then each plant is transplanted into a separate pot: an adult - into a larger one, and a shoot - into a small container. Young cypress is covered glass jar for better rooting.

At the bottom of the pots in front of the soil layer, be sure to pour a drainage layer.

Reproduction of cypress

seed method

The seed method is used only in spring time. Freshly harvested seeds that can be taken from the opened cypress fruits (from green cones) are planted in a separate container in moist soil. Seed germination is low, about 25 percent.

A box with planted seeds should stand where direct sunlight does not fall (during the first 15-20 days after planting). As soon as the first sprouts appear, take the box to a sunny place. After a slight drying of the soil, moderate watering will be required.

A month later, each cypress sprout will be ready for transplanting into an individual container.

Cutting method

The cutting method of propagation is used in early spring or early autumn. To do this, choose an already stiff stalk.

Diseases and pests

This evergreen plant is able to resist pests and is resistant to various diseases. Its unique aroma keeps out any harmful insects. They do not tolerate the smell of pine needles.

Cypress wood contains chemical substances that destroy various fungal diseases And harmful bacteria and prevent their development.

Lack of moisture in the soil and in the air

Characteristic features - a web on the needles, the appearance of a spider mite.

Solution - processing by special chemical preparation, recovery proper watering and maintenance high humidity air.

Incorrectly selected soil or its poor quality

Characteristic signs - the development and growth of the plant stops, the needles change in color, a small coating appears on the shoots and needles, as well as small insects.

The solution is to treat the affected areas with a soapy solution, spraying with insecticidal preparations, and airing.

  • Cypress needs good lighting, but not direct sunlight, but diffused light.
  • An earthen lump in a pot with a plant should always remain moist.
  • The plant needs daily spraying and regular watering.
  • In case of drying of parts of the plant (due to exposure to sunlight or due to extreme heat), it is necessary to prune the damaged branches to a living bud.
  • The plant is easy to cut and recovers quickly, it can be given any shape.

The secret of the popularity of cypresses

Cypress trees are a very popular plant these days. They are quite common in garden plots, but also widespread as houseplants. What is the secret of their popularity?

This majestic and noble-looking plant seems to require some unusual attention and care. But in fact, it is absolutely unpretentious and not capricious. The rules for caring for a plant are quite simple. The main thing is their exact observance.

This evergreen tree will thank you for good attitude to him and the spent forces with their beauty. Cypress can become a decoration of the yard, flower garden, garden, any room.

A cypress flower pot can be the main decor of a porch or porch, closed gazebo and every room in the house. An adult coniferous tree can replace Christmas tree, and a few plants can become a hedge. Landscape designers and masters of curly pruning can make a real masterpiece out of cypress.

Decorative qualities plus the unique aroma of needles - this is the secret of the popularity of cypress. We wish you success in growing cypress at home.

Among the decorative conifers, cypress, planting and caring for which do not require significant efforts from the gardener, occupies a special place. These plants, reaching in their natural habitat quite large sizes, in horticulture are represented by artificially bred forms from 25 to 150 cm. Dwarfism and a variety of needle colors make cypress trees convenient for growing at home, in rockeries and mixborders as perennials.

Decratative cypress seedlings are grown in special nurseries.

IN middle lane In Russia, some types of cypress trees can freeze slightly in cold, snowless winters. But North American and Japanese representatives tolerate harsh climatic conditions well, even in Siberia. The small dimensions of the plant allow it to be transferred indoors with the onset of the cold season, if the cypress is cultivated in a pot or tub.

Varieties of cypress

In total, 7 species of this plant are known in nature. The most popular in Russia are Lavson's cypress and its varieties with different needle colors, pea-bearing and blunt cypress. The last two originate from Japan, where they are revered by the locals as plants with special properties. Indeed, like any conifer, these trees release phytoncides into the atmosphere, which have antibacterial properties. The presence of even a small tree on the site can improve the air within the recreation area where it will be planted.

Figure 1. Pea cypress is only suitable for the southern regions of Russia.

The blunt cypress easily tolerates even harsh winters and can be recommended for landscape design in central Russia and Siberia without additional shelters. Pea-bearing cypress (Fig. 1) is less frost-resistant: its crown practically does not suffer from frost, but root system may freeze in winters with low snow cover. For a successful winter trunk circle with a diameter slightly larger than the circumference of the crown, it can be insulated with spruce branches, straw or other materials. This is especially true for young plants, which can be dangerous frost already at -12 ° C.

Lawson's cypress differs from them in the shape of a cone-shaped crown with drooping branches. IN local conditions its height rarely reaches 2 m, although in its homeland, in North America, it is a powerful tree up to 60 m high and with a trunk diameter of up to 1.5 m. In the main species, the needles are bluish-green in color. Its cultivar, Elwoodi cypress, can be silvery or yellow (Fig. 2). These varieties can tolerate frosts down to -25°C.

A variety of shapes and colors makes Lawson's cypress, Elwoodi and Japanese species welcome guests in the areas of the Russians. Sufficiently high frost resistance of plants allows them to be used in landscaping parks and squares, cultivated forest edges.

A small height and slow growth make it possible to use cypress trees to create hedges in the garden.

How to plant cypress trees?

Figure 2. Lawson cypress cultivated from Elwoodi cypress.

Acquire planting material cypress trees, like other conifers, are needed in specialized stores and firms. So there is a guarantee to buy exactly the type and variety of plants that the gardener is interested in.

When buying, you need to pay attention to the fact that the root system of the tree is closed. This means that the cypress must grow in a pot. With this scheme, plants, when they reach a certain size, are transferred from a smaller capacity to a larger one, without damaging their root system. In excavated conifers, it is often damaged central root, because of which they die some time after they landed in the ground. But when buying this, you can not notice even by appearance plants: a sawn-off Christmas tree also looks alive for some time.

All cypress trees do not tolerate shading well. You need to choose a place in the garden for the permanent growth of the tree so that the sun is there for at least half of the daylight hours. This is especially true for forms with colored needles: with a lack of light, a variegated or golden color can change to green. If the tree grows in a pot indoors and only on summer period taken out into the street, at first it is better to leave it in the shade of the crown of another tree or shade it to avoid sunburn.

The soil for cypress is made up of humus, soddy soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 3:2:2:1, respectively. Before landing on permanent place it is necessary to dig a hole with a volume 2 times larger than a clod of earth with the roots of a plant. Fill the pit with soil and plant a seedling in it, carefully freeing it from the container in which it grew before. This operation is called transshipment. In this case, you should not expose the roots or try to straighten them. If the soil in the area is clayey, heavy, with an acidic reaction, then a drainage layer of crushed stone up to 30 cm thick should be poured onto the bottom of the pit and only then a fertile mixture should be added.

The planting depth of the cypress should be such that a layer of soil covers the surface roots of the plant by 15-20 cm. Then, during loosening, there will be no danger of exposing them. It is necessary to loosen the soil in the trunk circle, taking into account the fact that the root system of conifers has a large number of small surface roots located at a specified depth.

After placing the seedling in landing pit and backfilling its root system with soil, the soil should be slightly compressed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe earthen coma of the tree. If necessary, the plant can be watered if the soil in the container was not sufficiently moist before transplanting.

How to care for a plant after planting

Figure 3. For the winter, cypress trees are tied.

Young plants need frost protection the most in winter. A layer of mulch and spruce branches in the trunk circle will protect against freezing of surface roots. During severe winters that occur in the region where the tree is planned to be planted, small plants can be covered in a hut made of spruce branches or other material. Large plants should be tied with spruce branches, film, covering material (Fig. 3) or fenced with plywood shields. Mature plants are able to tolerate enough low temperature air and no shelter.

Shelter can be removed around mid-April. Remove dried branches from the tree, cover the damage to the bark with garden pitch. When the soil thaws, water the tree abundantly, feed the young plants with a complex fertilizer such as "Kemira" according to the manufacturer's instructions. At the beginning of spring, decorative pruning can also be done, giving the crown the desired shape. In the first 3-4 years after planting in open ground, it is recommended to shade the plants from the bright sun in spring.

Cypress trees are also demanding on soil and air moisture. Dry hot air in summer can lead to shedding of needles and loss of decorative look cypress trees. To avoid this, when the summer heat sets in, the plants should be sprayed or sprinkled daily. For pot culture, it is recommended to place wet sphagnum moss on the surface of the soil or between the walls of the pot and planter, pour moistened expanded clay on a pallet or spray the plant.

Watering the cypress should be plentiful, preventing the surface layer of the soil from drying out with the roots located in it. Hot dry soil can cause the death of these small roots, which will also affect the condition of the plant. To preserve moisture in the soil for a long time, the trunk circle can be mulched with decorative bark, peat or sawdust. The layer of material in this case should be about 7 cm.

Amount of water per 1 tree small size(up to 1 m) for watering should be about 10 liters. For larger specimens, you can bring it up to 20 liters. It is very important to moisten the soil well before wintering for a tree in open ground: before the onset of frost, cypress should be watered once a week, spending 10-20 liters of water per watering. If the autumn is rainy, then watering the plant is optional.

Despite the rather troublesome care for cypress trees in Russia, they are popular with designers and gardeners. Decorative forms and standard representatives of the species are suitable for the design of almost any landscape. Indoor forms are often distinguished by a variety of needle colors and dwarf sizes, which makes them desirable in any apartment.

Cypress plant (see photo) under conditions wildlife more common in North America and East Asia. But, as a horticultural crop is grown everywhere. Cypress has very similar external characteristics with cypress, but these are two different shrubs.

Cypress description.

Cypress is an evergreen tree that is part of the Coniferous family. The genus of cypress has only 7 varieties, of which 3 are grown in gardens, as cultivated plant. Cypress trees are attractive because they retain their decorative qualities all year round and do not require special care.

The height of the cypress is from 1 to 5 meters. The trunks are branched, drooping or erect, covered with a scaly crown of gray or brown hue. The crown of trees has a conical shape, formed from outstretched or drooping branches. The stems of young cypress trees are covered with needle-shaped, dense leaves. Mature trees have scaly leaves. The color of the leaves can be green, bright or dark, in some varieties they are painted in a yellowish tint. The fruits of the plant are cones with seeds, up to 1.5 cm in diameter.

Cypress planting.

It is necessary to choose a place for planting cypress based on what kind of variety will be grown. Varieties with a green crown are considered shade-tolerant, and those with yellow leaves need sunshine. The soil should be well-drained but not alkaline. It is preferable to plant cypress on slightly acidic or neutral soil.

For the spring planting of cypress, it is necessary to prepare pits in the fall so that the soil has time to settle. The pit should be deep, up to 60-70 cm, and about 50 cm in diameter. A layer of crushed stone or broken brick is poured at the bottom and covered with compost. The distance between seedlings cannot be less than 1 m, since the rhizome will grow horizontally. Seedlings are planted in open ground in late April or early May. After planting, water abundantly for 2 weeks.

Cypress care.

Out of many ornamental trees cypress is considered the most unpretentious. After planting, some gardeners pour a small shaft around the trunks, and cover the soil inside the resulting circle with a layer organic mulch which will retain moisture.

In dry periods, trees are watered 2-3 times a week, and the rest of the time, 1 time in 7-10 days is enough. Under each plant pour 10-12 liters of water. On the early stages growth, it is imperative to destroy weeds, and for mature shrubs they do not pose a danger. Top dressing is applied three times per season.

2-3 weeks after planting, fertilize with mineral top dressing. Then it is poured twice more with a solution of fertilizer intended for coniferous plants. Feeding is stopped from July-August so that the plant has time to prepare for winter. In addition, it is necessary to produce annually sanitary pruning of the plant.


Cypress can be propagated by seeds and vegetative ways. Seeds can sprout within 15 years, but plants grown in this way will not grow up soon. It is easier to propagate cypress cuttings and layering. Cuttings are cut in spring and autumn, left in a solution to stimulate growth for rooting and planted in open ground. To propagate the tree by layering, it is necessary to bend the marginal shoots, sprinkle with earth and, after a few months, transplant the rooted sprout.


Like many coniferous trees, cypress is quite stable and hardy, so it rarely gets sick. Gardeners who grow this plant on their plots sometimes face raids spider mites and scale insects, which are easily destroyed by chemical insecticides. It is extremely rare for a plant to be affected by fungal infections that cause root rot. As a rule, fungicidal solutions help to cope with the problem.

Cypress grows in one place up to 30 years, provided proper care. It is possible to transplant shrubs, but it is very difficult, since their root system grows 2-3 meters wide and 1 meter deep.