How to transplant house flowers. When to transplant indoor plants? Fight harmful bacteria

True lovers of indoor flowers are well aware of the role of annual plant transplantation. This is fresh nutrition, room for roots, disease prevention. Beginners often underestimate the importance of this procedure. Or they do it wrong, which brings harm instead of benefit.

How to transplant a flower into another pot? Now we'll tell you.

The flower is transplanted when the clod of earth is as dry as possible. Some sources recommend watering the plant abundantly before changing locations. Well, yes, go ahead. And then you will long and hard pick out an earthen lump swollen from moisture from an old pot. Yes, even with the help of a knife, a hammer and a well-known mother.

Do not torture yourself and the plant, do not water it before planting. Indeed, in dry land it is much easier to see all the old and diseased roots. And in the wet, they will merge with the total healthy mass in color. And you will carry so much dirt that you will then refuse to replant.

We choose a pot. If the flower rose slightly above the soil surface. If roots are visible from the drainage hole or on the surface of the earth. If your pet is stunted. Then be sure to transplant it into a pot, the diameter of which is 1.5-3 cm larger than the old one.

We try to choose the material of the vessel as it was before the transplant. Pour boiling water over new pots. We thoroughly wash the old ones with a stiff brush in a solution of potassium permanganate or phytosporin.

Whether to leave the old soil

It depends on the condition of the flower and the soil itself. The flower shows signs of disease, sluggish, flimsy. The substrate smells unpleasantly of old age or mold, there is white coating. These are signs that the soil needs to be replaced completely.

The flower feels great, but does not grow further. The soil has a pleasant smell of fresh earth, a characteristic color. So, we do not change the soil, but simply add it.


Almost every flower needs drainage. The exception is plants planted in very loose soil or with holes along the walls of the pot.

Well suited for arranging drainage:

  • broken shards
  • expanded clay
  • gravel
  • sand
  • granite or marble chips
  • eggshell
  • limestone
  • moss, peat

These materials are strongly compressed and do not fulfill the function assigned to them.

Step by step transplant

So. Prepared new pot, knife or fork, drainage, some sand, water, gloves, wooden stick, scissors. Pour drainage material into the container with a thickness of about 1-1.5 cm. In some more, see the recommendation for certain colors. Be sure to make sure that the pebbles close the hole at the bottom of the pot, but do not plug it tightly. Leave open - the substrate will spill out. Shut up - there will be nowhere for excess fluid to drain.

Pour clean calcined sand on top. About 0.5-0.8 cm. This is also part of the normal drainage system. Then we apply soil. No more than 3 cm. Its composition must meet certain requirements. Which one - find out depending on which plant you are going to transplant.

Now we need to get the flower from old container. In no case do not pull on the plant! Try to pry off the earthen lump with a fork. Putting the pot on its side, after prying it is easy to pull out the flower along with the entire soil. If you still managed to water the flower before transplanting, congratulations! Moral hemorrhoids you have earned yourself. Take a knife and poke it along the sides of the container. It is quite possible that the magical mention of some words of the great and mighty will help you.

If it doesn’t work out, then take the flower with one hand so that the central stem lies between your middle and ring finger. The second hold the pot by the bottom. Turn the structure upside down and shake lightly. Doesn't fit? Gently tap the container on the edge of the table. The whole earthen ball should fall into your hand. No way? So not today. Let the soil dry until next time.

Now do not shake the soil lump, so as not to damage the roots. Again we arm ourselves with a fork and remove old shards and sand with it. Cut off old or diseased roots with scissors. If a complete replacement of the substrate is needed, then again carefully pick out the maximum part of it with a fork. And gently wash the roots or tuber in a solution of phytosporin or potassium permanganate.

Then we put the flower in the prepared new pot. Spread the roots over the entire surface with a wooden stick, evenly and gently. If the growth point is much lower than the sides of the pot, then we take out the flower. We add a little more earth and try on the plant again. Growth point at the level of the sides? Wonderful.

After it has been sprinkled enough soil, you can water the flower. After 2 hours, see if you may need to add a little more soil. If she sank a lot.

Now we put the flower for a week in partial shade for good survival. During this time, you can water it with any root formation stimulator or spray it with any anti-stress drug (epin, zircon).

How to transplant a flower if it is huge

It happens that a transplant requires a large plant or the pot is already gigantic. Where is more? Nowhere. Such flowers are not transplanted. If you drag such a colossus - there is a high probability of breaking the stems or cutting off the foliage.

With peace of mind, carefully remove the top 6-8 cm of the substrate. Gently loosen with a wooden stick to the maximum possible depth of the container. Sprinkle 4 cm of fresh earth. Mix with what was previously loosened. Be careful, try not to tear root system.

Now you can add fresh soil to the top, as before. We pour settled water and do not drag anywhere. Let him stand in his place, you did not touch the flower itself. Just replaced upper layer.

Advice. Before the next watering, check the soil level. It may need to be sprinkled a little more.

  1. Be sure to transplant a flower just bought in a store. The soil in which he grew up there is transportable. It is not intended for long-term nutrition and normal growth.
  2. Some plants begin to bloom only when the pot becomes too small for them. Consider this. Otherwise, along with a transplant into a more spacious container, deprive yourself of flowers. But such a plant cannot be deprived of new sensations. What to do? Just transplant the flower into the same size pot, but completely replace the substrate.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to add fertilizers to new ground! This can burn the root system completely. Let the flower first take root and get used to it. And only then can you start feeding in the usual way. It is advisable to slightly reduce the dose for the first time, because there is a certain amount of nutrients in fresh soil.

How to transplant a flower into another pot? As you can see, everything is very simple. A little caution and more accuracy. And a whole sea of ​​love. Then the transplant will be fine and painless. And don't worry, you'll be fine!

Video: how to transplant a houseplant

Just planting a flower in a pot is far from the only condition for it. successful cultivation. When and how to transplant indoor flowers is a question that interests not only beginners, but also experienced flower growers. From the right time for transplanting, it will depend on how quickly the plant adapts to a new place and begins to grow green mass.

In this article you will find helpful tips and transplant recommendations. indoor plants, as well as learn what transshipment of flowers is and how to carry it out correctly.

How to transplant indoor flowers

All cultures, including indoor ones, are constantly evolving. So that your favorite flowerpot is not cramped in an old pot, you need to know how to transplant flowers at home correctly.

There are several reasons for the need regular transplant (picture 1):

  • In cramped pots, crops are more susceptible to pests and diseases;
  • The roots become crowded, so the leaves and stems develop much more slowly;
  • The compacted earth in a pot contains much less nutrients and passes air to the roots worse.

Figure 1. Signs by which you can determine the need for a transplant

In addition, a grown specimen that is cramped in a pot can easily break. That is why you need to regularly change the containers and the substrate in them.


To know how to properly transplant home crops, you need to decide on the main types of transplant. It is complete and incomplete. In the case of a complete transplant, the flower is moved to a new pot, completely replacing the old substrate and cleaning it from the roots. With an incomplete transplant, part of the soil remains on the roots, forming an earthen clod, and the fresh substrate is partially added to the new pot.

In addition, you can simply replace the top layer of soil so that the crop receives more nutrients.

Transplant rules

In order for the flowers to feel comfortable in a new pot, you need to properly transplant. It is desirable to carry out the procedure quickly and with all cultures at the same time. And best time early spring is considered for transplantation, when most species, including exotic ones, have not yet entered the stage of active growth, or are at rest.

The basic rules for transplantation are(picture 2):

  • The flower is gently removed from the pot so as not to accidentally damage its roots;
  • It is important that the flower is healthy, as specimens weakened after illness or intensive flowering do not tolerate transplantation well and may even die;
  • If the culture has formed a dense earthen ball, it must be carefully cleaned of part of the substrate and placed in a new container;
  • It is important to ensure that the roots do not protrude from the drainage holes in the bottom. If this still happened, you need to pick up an even larger container or carefully cut off the extra roots.

Figure 2. Rules for transplanting plants

When the flower is placed in a new pot, it is sprinkled with a new layer. fertile substrate, watered and lightly compacted the soil. This is necessary so that it quickly forms a new earthen ball and receives all the necessary nutrients (Figure 3).

These rules apply only to compact views. Large varieties are difficult to transplant completely. If the pot normally accommodates the root system, you can simply replace the top layer of soil. But, if the culture has become cramped, you can carry out transshipment, which will be discussed below.

When is the best time to repot indoor flowers?

The most suitable time for transplantation is considered to be spring, when all cultures come to life.

Note: If you did not transplant one or more copies in the spring, the procedure can be carried out later if there is an urgent need for this.

In fact, transplantation cannot be carried out only in winter. Therefore, if you decide to move your pets to pots bigger size, try to carry out this procedure from March to September. In March, they are just beginning to emerge from the state of winter dormancy, and in early September they begin to prepare for winter, and they will normally transfer the transplant.

Figure 3. The main stages of transplantation

It is important to consider that not all species require an annual transplant. This condition is relevant only for young crops that are actively growing green mass and need nutrients. It is enough to transplant adult specimens once every 2-3 years or as the roots outgrow.

Transshipment of indoor plants

Transshipment of plants is carried out if they are too large, and it is impossible to completely clear its roots from the ground. In addition, such a procedure is necessary for species that have been in the old pot for too long, and their roots have formed a dense ball (Figure 4).

What it is

The main difference between transshipment and transplantation is that the earthen ball in which the roots are located is not disturbed. In fact, the flower is simply transferred to a new large pot and part of the substrate is replaced.

Figure 4. Stages of transshipment of home flowers

Transshipment is a great way to renew potted soil with large specimens. For large specimens, a regular transplant is not suitable, since it is physically impossible to remove all the soil from the roots.

Why do you need to transfer

The main purpose of transshipment is to enable crops to grow normally, develop and bloom regularly.

Transshipment is carried out much faster than transplanting, so the flowers do not experience serious stress and practically do not suffer from the procedure. Let's consider what features transshipment has, and what rules to follow during its implementation.


A characteristic feature of transshipment is the low invasiveness for the flower itself. As a rule, transshipment is carried out for large species, which simply cannot be lifted, cleared of the ground and moved to a new pot.

In addition, the roots are not injured during transshipment. They are simply removed from the old container and moved to a new pot along with an earthen clod, and the free space is filled with a new nutrient substrate.


To carry out transshipment correctly, you must strictly follow the rules of procedure. First, you need to try to carefully remove the plant from the old pot. To do this, slightly loosen the soil along the edges of the container and carefully remove the plant. If transshipment is carried out for a very large crop, it is better to put the pot on its side, loosen the ground and simply remove the pot from the earthy coma.

Secondly, you do not need to clear the roots from the ground. Gently holding the plant by the lower part of the stem, it is rearranged into a new container so that the earthen ball is in the center. After that, the free space of the pot is filled with fresh nutrient substrate, slightly compacted and watered. It is important that the plant is firmly fixed in the ground. If this does not happen, it makes sense to choose a more capacious container or add another layer of soil.

When to transplant indoor flowers in spring

Many flower growers are interested in the question of when it is better to transplant indoor flowers. Despite the fact that this procedure can be carried out almost all year round, except for winter, spring is considered the most suitable time.

In March, the plants have not yet fully awakened after hibernation, but have already accumulated enough strength to endure the transplant well. Therefore, it is recommended to plan the transplantation of young plants for March, and other crops can be transplanted later, when necessary.

Transplanting indoor flowers in spring: video

If you have never transplanted plants yourself, or you want to get more practical advice for this procedure, we recommend watching the video. In it, you'll find expert repotting tips and learn how to move flowers to new pots with minimal plant stress.

Transplanting plants when growing them in closed pots or containers is prerequisite their good growth and development, as well as abundant flowering.

If the flower is in open ground, such a procedure is not needed, because nothing constrains its roots, they grow freely and often occupy a large amount of soil.

At home, the growth of the plant's root system is limited by a flower pot, so the roots can become so crowded that they start to come out through the drainage holes or onto the surface of the soil. The strong growth of the root system in a small volume leads first to the oppression of the entire flower, and then to its death. But even if indoor flower already old and growing weakly, he still needs a transplant.

For a long period of the plant being in one soil mixture it is greatly depleted, even if regular feeding is carried out. In this case, indoor flowers should also be transplanted into new land, although not as often as young ones.

In the article you will learn how and when to transplant indoor flowers and plants at home.

When does a plant need a transplant?

If the plant is regularly transplanted into a fresh earthen mix, it is not deficient in nutrients and looks beautiful and healthy. But the absence of transplants or their very rare conduct immediately affects general view indoor plant. It slows down its growth and often loses a significant part of its lower leaves. Its stems are exposed, it loses decorative look. BUT flowering species do not form buds.

Sometimes, by the appearance of a flower, it is still impossible to say that it needs a transplant, since it gives a good increase, and its leaves and stems are normal. But the root system has grown greatly and does not fit in a pot.

Often in such cases, the roots come out through the drainage holes. If this has not happened yet, then, having taken the flower out of the pot, you can see that the clod of earth is densely braided with roots.

Transplantation is also carried out with a disease of the root system. If the flower does not grow, its leaves turn yellow and lose elasticity, most likely the root system is rotten. it fungal disease can only be prevented early stage. In the fight against it, an urgent transplant into a new soil after washing the roots and removing their diseased areas helps well.

Instruments and materials for transplantation

Before transplanting flowers, you need to take care of everything necessary tools and materials. You will need a new pot, a set of tools, material for drainage and for making a soil mixture.

The flowerpot can be plastic or ceramic, it is only important that the pot was slightly larger than the previous one. It should be larger than the old one by 2 cm in height and 1.5-2 cm in diameter. Its shape also matters. You need to take a pot that expands upwards, because it will later be easier to remove the plant from it for transplanting.

It should not be too high so that moisture does not stagnate in it. It is advisable to buy low pots for succulents that do well in quickly drying soil. You can read more about pots.

For a transplant you will need:

The drainage layer is poured from large or small expanded clay and broken bricks. Expanded clay fraction depends on the size of the pot or tub. Sometimes stones or small gravel are used. It is desirable to have a large shard (a piece of expanded clay) so that it is convenient to close the drainage hole in the pot.

The soil for the transplanted plant must be prepared in advance. Each species has its own composition of the earth mixture, which is more suitable for the plant. It must be clarified and purchased at the store, you can also mix the earth yourself.

For marsh and moisture-loving plants, heavier soils are needed, for most other flowers - standard substrates. For plants that can withstand drying out, light earthen mixtures are suitable, and for succulents, special depleted and very porous soils that pass moisture well are needed.

Choosing a plant pot

Before transplanting a flower into another pot, you must choose it correctly. When choosing a pot for transplantation, the material of manufacture and its size matter. For many flowers, the material of the pot is the determining parameter. In some pots they grow well, in others they die quickly. The size also needs to be carefully chosen for the successful cultivation of the flower after transplantation.


Ceramics is the most common production material flower pots. Ceramic pots have porous walls through which air penetrates to the roots of the plant and some of the moisture from the soil evaporates. They are indispensable for succulents and other plants that do not tolerate waterlogging of the soil, as the soil in such pots dries evenly.

Today, plastic flower pots are becoming more and more popular.. They are durable, lightweight and have a beautiful appearance. The only drawback of these products is the structure that does not allow water and air to pass through. Plastic does not "breathe", so the risk of waterlogging the roots increases when growing a plant in such pots.

On sale you can also find pots made of glass, stone and metal, tubs made of wood. These containers are suitable for growing only some plants. They have not received wide distribution.

The size

The size flower pot very important for the growth and development of a houseplant. The pot should not be too tight. Otherwise, the root system will have nowhere to grow, the development of the entire plant will slow down, and flowering will not occur. However, the pot should not be too spacious, because the soil, not mastered by the root system, quickly turns sour. Bacteria and fungi multiply in it, affecting the roots.

For planting a houseplant, choose a pot size so that its root system fits freely in it.. Also, the pot is chosen taking into account the structure of the roots.

If the root system is superficial, the pot should be wide and shallow. Fibrous roots require high capacities.

Transplantation of flowers is carried out in larger pots. Usually the container is chosen 1-2 cm wider than the previous one, so that there is room for the roots to grow.

Time to change flowers

Transplantation is best done in April or early May.

Find out when you can transplant home flowers. Usually houseplants are transplanted in the spring. Transplantation can be done from late March to early May.

During this period, the flowers begin to grow intensively, so they tolerate this procedure more easily, and the damage to the root system received during it recovers faster. In addition, it is in the spring that the plant will need fresh soil to grow, into which it is transplanted.

Some delicate houseplants are recommended to be transplanted in mid or even late May. transplanted no earlier than May to ensure good flowering in winter. A transplant blooming in spring plants is carried out only after flowering. Such flowers do not need to be disturbed when they grow buds, since after transplantation they will no longer bloom.

Flowers that do not have a dormant period and grow rapidly all year round, for example, and can be transplanted at any time, but in winter, when the room temperature is somewhat lower and there is a risk of root rot, it is better to refuse transplantation.

This article is often read:

Is it possible to transplant indoor flowers and plants in winter? The limber of indoor plants in winter is possible only when it is necessary measure. If soil pests are present in the ground where the flower grows, the potted soil turns sour and the plant dies for this reason. In these cases, it must be transplanted immediately.

You can read more about the effect of temperature on flowers. Now you know when is the best time to repot houseplants, but it's important to do it right, more on that later.

plant transplant process

A simple transplant process consists of several stages.

Removing a plant from a pot

In order to remove a transplanted plant from the pot with the least damage to the root system, it is necessary to moisten the ground before that.

Roots with a clod of wet earth are taken out much easier than dry ones.. It is best to water the flower, and start transplanting the next day so that the ground is not too wet.

The plant with the pot must be carefully turned over and knocked on the bottom of the pot. Usually after that it is easily removed. But there are also difficulties. If the plant is not removed, you can carefully separate the clod of earth with roots from the pot in several places with a long thin knife. This must be done very carefully, but damage to the roots is almost inevitable. If there is a clay pot, you can simply break it so as not to injure the flower.

Inspection and pruning of the root system

Having taken out the plant, you need to carefully remove the old earth from its roots without damaging the root system. Then the roots must be carefully examined, rotten, dry, sluggish parts removed. Roots with brown spots must be cut to healthy tissue.

All cuts should be sprinkled with charcoal powder to prevent rotting.

If the roots have grown too long, you can cut only the bottom thinnest roots, which then quickly grow back. In diseased plants, the root system is washed with water, removing all the old earth, and all rotten and damaged roots are carefully cut off, sprinkling the cuts with coal powder. It is also necessary to inspect the entire plant, cutting off dry leaves and stems.

Preparation of drainage and earth mixture

In a new pot, you need to close the drainage hole with a shard, and then pour a drainage layer to drain water after watering.

Usually the thickness of the drainage depends on the type of plant and the size of the pot.. However, even in the smallest pots, the drainage layer should be at least 1 cm, and preferably 1.5-2 cm. In large pots, it can reach up to 5 cm.

After laying the drainage, a layer of new earth is poured on it. Before planting a flower, a new pot should be filled with a quarter of fresh earthen mixture.


The transplanted plant is taken with one hand and its root system is placed in a pot. It is necessary to ensure that the flower is located in the center of the pot, and its roots are straightened.

After that, with the other hand, they begin to carefully pour the earthen mixture into the pot. The mixture should fall between the roots and evenly fill the container of the pot.

The flowerpot must be covered with earth to the top so that the root neck of the flower is at ground level. After that, the earth in the pot must be tamped so that there are no voids between the roots. The rammed earth will not reach the top by 1.5-2 cm. This is necessary so that when watering, the water does not spill out of the pot.

Watering after transplant

After transplanting, many plants require watering. They are watered abundantly so that the earth shrinks and better penetrates between the roots. The exception is succulents. They are prone to decay of injured roots. Since even with the most careful transplantation, slight damage to the root system is inevitable, transplanted succulents should be left without watering for 2-3 days so that wounds on the roots can heal.

Plant transshipment

Sometimes especially tender plants or plants that have already begun to grow are transplanted by transshipment. Transshipment differs from transplantation in that the old earthen clod is completely preserved.

The roots of the plant, along with all the old earth, are placed in a new larger pot., and new earth is poured on the sides. Of course, such a substrate in a pot will not be very nutritious, but the root system of the flower will not suffer, and sometimes this is very important.

Often transshipment is a forced procedure. It allows you to transplant newly acquired plants from temporary pots to stationary ones so that they do not feel the transplant.

What to do if a transplant is not possible

Very large plants in large pots or tubs cannot be transplanted. However, the land in which they grow must be periodically changed to fresh. Otherwise, it will be increasingly depleted, and as a result, the plant will die from a lack of nutrients.

The earth in large pots cannot be completely replaced, so only the top layer needs to be replaced. From above, the largest possible layer of soil is removed to the roots of the plant, and a new nutrient mixture is poured instead. This procedure can be done annually and even twice a year - in spring and autumn.

Features of transplanting some popular flowers

Transplanting some indoor flowers has its own characteristics. When transplanting such popular species as succulents, saintpaulias, ficuses and orchids, you need to follow some nuances that will help to successfully carry out this procedure and help the plant to transfer it more easily.


differ in a root system that is not too sensitive to transplantation. Their root hairs grow only after watering to absorb moisture.

As the soil dries, they die off, leaving only a thick and not too branched part of the root system. It is not very sensitive to damage, so these species can be transplanted by completely removing the old soil from the roots.

Succulents love ceramic pots that are not too tall.. After transplantation, they can not be watered for 2-3 days. The roots can be damaged during this procedure, and if moisture gets into the wounds, they quickly rot. But soon all the damage is completely healed.


Or indoor violets they really don't like transplants. Their tender roots suffer greatly from this. And since these plants cannot be overdried, any moisture ingress on the damaged areas of the roots causes them to rot.

Violets are transplanted every 2-3 years in low plastic containers. This is done very carefully by transshipment so that the plant does not even feel the transplant. After planting in a new pot, the violet needs to be watered a little.


Young quickly build up the root system, so they need to be transplanted annually. Plants do not tolerate this procedure well. Therefore, they must be transplanted by transshipment into a spacious and fairly deep pot, which will be 2-3 cm wider than the previous one.

After transplantation, the flower is moderately watered and transferred to partial shade for 2 weeks. But even with these requirements, Benjamin's ficuses often shed their leaves completely. Plants lose their decorative appearance, but do not die. With proper care, they soon increase the leaf mass.


When transplanting orchids, special pots are needed. In many species, the roots must be located in the light, as they undergo the process of photosynthesis. Therefore, transparent plastic or glass flowerpots are suitable for these plants.

Orchids are transplanted no more than 2-3 years later. It's a painstaking process.

It is necessary to completely remove the old soil without damaging the root system, and then plant the plant in a pot, filling all the gaps between the roots with special soil from the bark and sphagnum moss. After that, the orchid is not watered for 2-3 days and transferred to the shade for 2 weeks.

There are also plants that are not poisonous, but require special attention and caution when transplanting. These are many types of cacti that have needles that break easily. With any careless touch, you can prick yourself and get a rotting wound that does not heal for a long time.

When transplanting plants containing poisons, you need to work only with protective gloves and goggles. If the juice of the plant gets on unprotected skin, it must be washed off. large quantity water.

After finishing work, hands are washed thoroughly with warm water and soap.

Protective rubber gloves do not save from sharp needles of cacti. When working with cacti, wear thick leather gloves. And to hold the plant, it should be wrapped with a piece of thick paper.

Now you know everything about transplanting flowers and how to properly transplant a houseplant.

Indoor flowers are in the house of many housewives. They decorate the interior, enrich the room with oxygen. In order for the plants to please you as long as possible, you need to properly care for them: water, cut, replant on time. How to transplant a flower into a pot into another pot.

When does a flower need to be repotted?

As a rule, plants are transplanted into another pot in the spring, when active growth begins. However, the flower needs to be transplanted in such cases:

  • the appearance of signs of rot on the roots;
  • rapid root growth, as a result of which the flower does not fit in a pot.

It is quite simple to notice these processes, so you need to immediately start transplanting. For accuracy, you can raise the plant along with an earthy clod. If the soil is densely braided with roots, then it's time to transplant. The fact that plants need to be transplanted every 1-3 years should also be taken into account.

Do I need to repot flowers purchased in a store?

After the purchase, it is not necessary to do the procedure. But if you see that the plant is cramped in the old pot, immediately transplant it into a new one. In places of sale, flowers are often planted in pots. small size to save space, so the soil is quickly depleted, the roots lack not only space, but also nutrition. Another important point- in the store, indoor flowers are sold in pots with transport soil. It is very light, thanks to which the plants are easily transported. However, the flowers do not feel very comfortable in it. This is another reason why purchased flowers need to be repotted.

Stages of transplanting indoor flowers:

  1. Pick up a new pot. In diameter, it should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. It is not necessary to take too large containers - water stagnates in them, which often leads to rotting of the roots.
  2. Choose an earthen mixture, focusing on the plant variety.
  3. Water the plant the day before you plan to transplant it. If it doesn't work in a day, do it at least an hour in advance.
  4. Make a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot. You can use broken bricks or shards. Sprinkle a layer of expanded clay on top. Add sand and a 1-2 cm layer of fresh earth.
  5. Take the flower pot in your hands, turn it over and lightly tap on the table, gently holding the plant. If this is problematic, separate the roots from the walls with a sharp knife.
  6. If there are old shards at the bottom, remove them. Leave part of the earth on the roots so as not to damage them. If some roots are rotten or damaged, cut them off.
  7. Place the flower on the earthen layer in a new pot, carefully fill the remaining space with fresh earth. To avoid voids, after adding the next layer of earth, tap the edge of the pot on the table. The stem should be in the middle.
  8. Press the soil around the roots with your fingers. Plentifully water the plants, transfer them to a damp place for a couple of weeks. Spray the leaves every day. After the specified time, the flower can be put in its original place and looked after as usual.

Important! New clay pots must be soaked in water for 24 hours before use. If they have been used before, thoroughly clean them with a brush. Finally, scald with boiled water.

Transshipment is a gentle way to transplant. This process involves not complete, but partial destruction of the earthen coma. During transplantation, only the layer of earth is disturbed, which falls off on its own. Transfer is suitable for plants that grow quickly and constantly need a new pot. It is undesirable to transplant them too often, so experts advise using the transshipment method. Transshipment is also suitable for plants with very delicate roots.

What to do if the flower cannot be transplanted?

There are times when it is difficult to transplant a plant. For example, it grows in a large pot or tub. How to be in this case? It is enough to replace only the top layer of the earth. It is also possible to change the top layer of soil in the case when the flower began to “feel” badly.

  1. The old pot should fit easily into the new one. it main feature that you have chosen the correct container size.
  2. There are 3 types of containers for transplanting plants: container, planter and pot. The cache-pot has no holes - a pot with a plant is inserted into it. The pot has drainage holes. The container is equipped with a solid bottom. It is convenient to put several pots in it at once. Which pots do you prefer: clay or plastic?

clay pots

In such pots, excess moisture quickly evaporates, since the material has a porous structure. Among the disadvantages of clay containers can be identified - big weight and fragility. They are problematic to reuse, since the pores of the clay surface are quickly clogged with mineral salts that are released by plants. To avoid this, you can cover inner surface glaze containers.

plastic pots

The containers are light in weight, they do not break during a fall or careless handling. The plastic surface perfectly retains moisture, so the flower does not need to be watered too often. Modern stores provide wide selection various kinds plastic pots, so you can choose a pot by color, height, width, with different decorative elements. plastic pots they heat up quickly, do not pass moisture well, therefore, with abundant watering, the roots can rot or the soil sour.

A few words about the choice of soil

For plant transplantation, special flower mixtures are used, which are sold in any store. For each plant, you can choose a separate type of soil. To prevent the soil from compacting over time, manufacturers add small pebbles, charcoal, sawdust, coarse sand, and foam plastic balls to small stones.

When buying a ready-made mixture, carefully read the inscription on the package. Pay attention to what is included in the composition of the soil, what fertilizers are added, what level of acidity it has. Check out the expiration dates. If there is no potting soil available for your flower, buy a mixture that is suitable for flowers in the same family.

Open the soil package before you transplant the plant. This is necessary so that the accumulated moisture evaporates from the packaging. Do not use a simple garden mixture for transplanting. It may not suit your flower composition. In addition, pests or pathogens can live in it. If you do decide to use a garden substrate, be sure to sterilize it before transplanting.

What can be done? Moisten the selected soil slightly, process in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees. You can sterilize not only garden soil, but also ready-made soil that you purchased at the store. This is an excellent prevention of the emergence and reproduction of microbes and viruses.

Possible mistakes

  1. Do not use containers with a "reserve" for transplanting. This greatly harms the plants - the roots can fester, stop growing, stop blooming.
  2. It is a mistake to assume that any kind of mixture will suit the plant. The main thing is that it is nutritious. Each plant needs its own mixture. Only in this case it will fully grow, develop and delight you with lush flowering.
  3. Some plants are very useful tightness. A cramped pot is good for hippeastrum because it inhibits the growth of babies and stimulates abundant flowering. Epiphytic orchids also “relate” well to tightness.
  4. Do not combine transplanting and pruning at the same time. These are stressful procedures for flowers, so they may simply not endure them and die.

Transplanting is an important step in caring for plants. It should be done once every 1-3 years. Some plants grow too fast, so gardeners recommend using a surface transplant, which does not hurt them as much.

You should prepare for the transplant in advance: pick up correct soil, pots, choose a shaded place in which the flowers will stand after transplantation. It is worth considering the fact that some plants are suitable for exceptionally cramped pots that stimulate their flowering. Carefully study the features of indoor plants and follow the transplant rules. Only in this case, the flowers will delight you with their beauty.

It is a well-known fact that proper care of indoor plants prolongs their lifespan. One of the factors proper care is a transplant into a larger pot with fresh soil. The intervals between transplants are different for all plants, but nevertheless, in this article we will try to systematize these data and consider the basic principles and rules for proper transplantation.

Majority perennials needs to be repotted once a year or every two years, some slow-growing plants can be repotted every three years.

There are three main types of transplant, depending on how much land has been replaced:

  1. Complete transplant. During such a transplant, the entire earth is replaced, be sure to clean the roots of the plants from the old earth.
  2. Partial transplant. For such a transplant, the roots should not be disturbed, it is enough to replace the soil around the rhizome.
  3. Replacing the top layer. This type of transplant is suitable for situations where it is enough to “sprinkle” the bare root of the plant or when it is necessary to remove the top layer and fill the vacated place with fresh soil.

The main stages of transplanting houseplants

And now let's dwell on the basic steps when transplanting houseplants.

  • Preparing the pot for transplanting

If you have chosen a clay pot, then in order to get rid of the burnt lime inside, before transplanting, it should be filled with water and allowed to stand for a day. If you decide to use an old pot, then just rinse and dry it.

  • Putting on the first layer

In order for the flower to develop successfully after planting, when transplanting plants, it is recommended to create in a pot drainage system. And this will be right, since drainage will smooth out small misses in watering. For these purposes, suitable: expanded clay, pieces of brick or shards.

  • We take the plant out of the old pot

To do this, you can water the plant abundantly an hour before transplanting, then the flower outlet will easily come out.

  • We clean the roots

With your hands, carefully clean the roots of the plant from upper ground being careful not to damage them. If the plant has rotten roots, then it is better to remove them.

  • We plant a plant

We take a new pot with drainage and lower the plant to a layer of earth so that the root collar is just below the edges of the pot. And we fill the remaining space between the old earthen clod and the walls of the pot with a new moistened substrate.

  • We compact the earth around the plant

After the compaction procedure, which can be done by hand, fresh earth should be added.

  • Watering the plant

This step does not apply to all plants, for example, flowers accustomed to dry soil do not need to be watered after transplantation, they just need to be planted in a slightly moistened substrate. This applies to orchids, Crassulaceae and cacti.

What soil should the plants be transplanted into?

Thanks to the huge selection in garden stores, there is no need to prepare the substrate yourself, you can buy everything you need in the garden departments. So that the soil in a pot with a plant does not become compacted, in ready mixes add coarse sand, small pebbles, sawdust, charcoal and even styrofoam balls.

Your task is to clarify for which plants this or that land is suitable, what fertilizers have already been added to it, you also need to pay attention to its composition, acidity and shelf life. It is better to give preference to trusted manufacturers.

Land from the garden is rarely suitable for transplanting houseplants, moreover, it is often infested with pests or pathogens.

How to choose the right pot for transplanting?

When transplanting a plant, preference should be given to a container larger in diameter by 3-4 centimeters from the previous one. There are three types of containers for planting: pot, planter and container. The pot can be made of clay or plastic, the former has a porous structure, due to which it is the best home for a plant, but a plastic pot is very durable.

There are drainage holes in the pot, but they are not in the planter, so do not confuse them when buying, when correct use the first is inserted into the second.

The container, as a rule, also has a solid bottom. Several pots are placed in it or several plants are planted.

When is the best time to transplant plants?

For each plant, the optimal transplant time is different, for example, the beginning of summer is suitable for conifers, at the same time azaleas and camellias are transplanted. bulbous plants transplanted at the end of the dormant period, for cacti the optimal time is the beginning of winter.

Young plants are transplanted every year, adults - every few years.

In order to check if your plant needs a transplant, you need to get it out of the pot, after watering it thoroughly. If the pot is cramped for the plant, then the earthen ball that was in the pot will be densely braided with roots, and the earth itself will hardly be visible at the same time. If the roots are not very densely braided with an earthen ball, then such a plant does not yet need to be transplanted.