How to fine the dahlias in the spring. Savy dahlia correctly: a blooming corner with your own hands. Georgina Perennial, landing and preparation for it

Are a perennial tuber plant of the astrine or complex family. Overhead After flowering plants, annually dies off. In order for Georgina to always please bright color and lush blossomYou need to know the rules for planting them and leaving the plant.

Stems in dahlias hollow, reaching height from 40 to 200 cm. Foliage lush, leaf is large.

The fleshy roots form dirty thickening at the base of the root. Flowers are collected in large inflorescences in the shape of a basket, on their territories there are tongue flowers of bright colors, in the middle - tubular two-mounted.

The most common methods of reproduction of the plant are shilling and dividing tubers after the end of flowering. The reproduction of seeds of dahlias is used in breeding little varieties. Such plants differ in non-none flowers and a collar form of flowering.

Conditions for growing

Georgians love the well-lit by the sun and ventilated place, bloom for several months, starting from May, and ending with the end of October. Georgin varieties are distinguished by flowering time.


  • early varieties that begin to bloom at the very beginning of May;
  • middle varieties blooming from mid-July;
  • late dahlia blooming in early August.

With a lack of light, an excessively intensive growth of shoots to the detriment of flowering occurs. Optimal temperature For growing - 15-20 ° C. Georgins are successfully transferred both heat and a decrease in temperature to 0 ° C. In the cold climate, tubers do not winter, they need to dig and store in a cool place, and in the spring again fall on permanent place on the garden plot.

How to prepare the soil

When landing Georgin, you need to pay attention to the choice. The soil with sand and clay impurities is not suitable for growing these colors. The soil should be fertile, neutral or weakly acid.

Place for planting flowers is prepared from autumn. It needs to be thoroughly moved, make a humid or compost on neutral soil. If the Earth is a weakness, then fertilize her lime. 14 days before the landing, pay for 1 sq m of the soil of 30 g of fertilizer with sulfate potassium.

When planted dahlia

In the fall, the tubers of plants that do not tolerate frosts and cold weather should be properly digging.

To do this, it is necessary to neatly dig a plant at the end of September, to suspend the tubers with ashes or sand. During the storage of tubers, they need to periodically inspect that the rot does not appear. If the tuber begins to be installed, you need to get rid of the plot, touched by the rot, to protect the root of the plant. From time to time, tubers must be moisturized.

Having planted dahlia, you need to follow easy rules:

When planting plants, it is necessary to be sure that warm and dry weather is not changed by frost and sharp cooling, which can be observed in middle lane Russia in April and early May. The land must be heavy enough to sunshine.

If the dahlias are already planted, and unexpected freezers have come, you can use a means to strengthen the roots of the plant called "Loutrasil". If the cold damaged the plant's sprouts, its roots will survive thanks to the use of this fund and will give new shoots.

While watching the video, you will learn about the cultivation of Georgin.

Because of his juicy cheerful color, Georgina are among the most beautiful decorative flowerswhich can very often be seen in the country area. They decorate flower beds, border lines and flower beds. And even a novice gardener will be able to grow, if he knows when to plant these unpretentious plants and what the weather can harm them.


Bright, motley dahlias of all sorts of colors and shades often decorate the gardens of our country. Accustomed to warmth, these plants do not win in the context of the Russian climate, so those who want to enjoy the magnificence of their colorful buds, have to plant flowers every year. We will tell about landing Georgin in the spring in this article.

Homeland dahlias are countries South Americawhere culture grows as a perennial. When choosing a place for planting flowers, it is important to take into account their thermal liness. Flowerbed with dahlias, it is advisable to have a sunny place, not blow-cutting. It is worth considering the variety of colors, as some varieties have a sufficiently high stem, which can easily break from a strong gust of the wind.

Choosing a place to land Georgin, pay attention to the site located on the south side of the house. It is desirable that the place of growing culture was on a small elevation, but in no case in lowland, where the cold air and an extra moisture in the soil will accumulate.

The landing of dahlias can be made on a plot with a minor sample, the main thing is that the place is not blocked by the winds and was lit by the sun at least half the day.

Pricing for soil to plant

Prepare land for landing dahlias needed in advance, even before the beginning of winter. In the fall, when the growing season of plants is completed, the soil should be switched and add fertilizer into it. The humus or compost is used as fertilizers, which are added to the ground at the rate of 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bper 1m³. With the arrival of spring, the soil can be enriched again, scattering the mixture from compost and ash on the flower bed. After that, the earth looms rake.

As for the characteristics of the soil for landing of dahlias, it should be lightweight, breathable and quite fertile. Colors also need to provide good drainageOtherwise, the tubers can be labeled or mold from the overabundance of moisture. Georgins prefer land with neutral or weakly acidic reaction. If the ground is too sour, it can be neutralized with haired lime. The soil of alkali composition should be slightly torn off peat.

Georgins for the development of the root system requires a large amount of nutrients, which means that the flowers quickly deplete land. It is not recommended to plant such a culture in one place. It is undesirable to plant dahlia and where Astra has grown before that, since both types of colors are subject to identical diseases.

Genuing tubers dahlias

Planting dahlias by tubers in the spring begins with their germination. This can be done directly in the open soil, we describe the process sequentially:

  1. When warm weather is installed on the street, choose a place on the site where tubers will be cleaned. Drop there in a trench in a depth of about 20 cm and a width of 40 cm.
  2. Flowerball colors sort by type and put them in the prepared furrow.
  3. Put the bulbs of the earth, and cover the soil with polyethylene from above, to provide plants with greenhouse conditions.
  4. So that the film did not blow up the wind, on the edges, fix it large quantity Earth.
  5. Swipped tubers must germinate in the ground about 2-3 weeks. You don't need to water them at this time, because after winter the soil is still quite wet.
  6. When green sprouts appear above the surface of the earth, polyethylene should be removed, otherwise in greenhouse conditions, the plants can burn under sunlight. At night, the film can be returned to the place, so that the sprouts do not frozen.

Planting flowers at a permanent place

Division of tubers Georginov

When the bulbs release sprouts, they can be turned out and prepare for landing. For this, the tubers are first washed under flowing water, And then, with the help of a sharp knife, they share them so that one or more sprouts remained on the bulb with a cervix. After that, the planting material needs to disinfect with a weak manganese solution.

Sharing tubers before landing in the ground is necessary for several reasons:

  1. In the process of such an operation, there is damage to the plant, which activates the protective function of the root and leads to its rejuvenation.
  2. If the bulb before planting does not divide into parts, it will begin to produce too many sprouts. As a result, the bush will turn out to be thickened, young shoots will be too weak and thin, and the main branches will stretch up. All this will affect the number and size of buds.
  3. Dividing tubers dahlia - one of best ways multiply a varietal culture.

Planting flowers on flowerbed

The process of landing Georgins to a permanent place of growth can be described in stages:

  1. Before landing annolete dahlias At a pre-prepared section, a holes for bulbs should be digging. The depth of the wells should be approximately 10 cm, and the distance between individual recesses can range from 30 to 80 cm, depending on the specific grade of the culture and height of the bush. In pits designed for landing, it is advisable to make a drain layer.
  2. In each such yam, it will be necessary to plant 2 tuber - this will allow you to achieve beautiful lush bushes With bright abundant blossom. More than 2 bulbs in one hole are not recommended.
  3. When warm weather is installed on the street, and the land will warm up to 10 ° C, the tubers of Georgin can be boiled into the soil. If the earth is not wet enough, each well is recommended to pour each well before planting a small amount of water. It is necessary to plunge the bulbs in the soil so that they are located horizontally - this will allow the root system to develop in full force.
  4. After landing, Georgina requires minimal care, which comes down to removing weeds from flower beds and periodic watering. In the first months of spring, when the soil is still quite wet after melting of snow, dahlia can not water at all. In May, if there is a hot dry weather on the street, the flowers should be irrigated as the soil drying. After each watering, when the water is completely absorbed into the ground, upper layer Earth is recommended to loosen by robbles.
  5. When the bush grows, unnecessary shoots can be removed from it, leaving only a few strongest branches. To get large beautiful buds, during the entire growing season, Georgina is preferably steaming.
  6. Before the plant blooms, it is not necessary to get involved in making feeding, otherwise, from the very beginning of its development, the bush will increase a large number of green mass, and subsequently it will affect the number and size of buds.

Planting dahlias in spring, video:

Culture care features

So that dahlias during the growing season pleased with beautiful bright inflorescences, It is necessary to follow the rules of care. These rules are reduced to the following:

  1. From the flower beds, where the culture grows, it is necessary to remove weelle plants from time to time, which are pulled from the ground. Nutrients.
  2. In the summer, during the period of flowering, Georgina is recommended to water well. It is advisable to conduct such a procedure daily and closer to the evening. IN last weeks August frequency and volume of irrigation can be reduced slightly.
  3. Temples of Georgin are spoiled if an extra liquid is stared in the ground. To avoid this, at the stage of landing in the wells, you arrange drainage. In addition, it is impossible to allow stagnation of moisture near the bushes.
  4. In arid weather, water from the ground evaporates too quickly, to slow down this process, the soil can be mulched.
  5. During the growing season, dahlias are fertilized from time to time. For feeding use organic and mineral compositions, alternating them among themselves. Excellent fertilizer For such colors, the tincture of a cowboy is considered. It is bred in water in proportion of 1 to 10, and then bring under the bush during irrigation. You can use as feeding the infusion of bird litter. In 1 bucket of water, 2 liters of infusion are dissolved and under each bustice, dahlia is poured 1.5 liters of the resulting liquid.
  6. During the actual growth of colors in the ground may not be enough nitrogen. In this case, the soil can enrich ammonia Selievera. 15 g of this substance on 1 m² of flower beds will be quite enough.
  7. When the dahlias will release buds, culture can be fed by superphosphate or potassium compositions. 30 g fertilizers are dissolved in 1 bucket of water and bring to the roots of plants every 14-15 days. At this time, manure and nitrogen for feeding no longer use.
  8. Georgina have hollow stems and tall cultures can break from strong wind gusts. To avoid this trouble, the stalks are preferably tie to the support. Recently broken flower stem can be rehabilitis. To do this, you need to tie a branch tire in the place where the escape was broken. There is a chance that after time the stem will resume its growth.
  9. Provide high decorativeness of buds by trimming unnecessary shoots. In the process of trimming with dahlia, the lower side branches and stems growing from the root cervix are removed. When trimming the roasting shoots, you need to leave 2-3 most powerful instances. Steying with bushes cut off even before Georgina will release inflorescences. Subsequently, the steps can serve as a material for breeding culture. Switchless and spoiled buds also need to trim.
  10. The pruning procedure can not be carried out if dahlias belong to karlikov variety Or grow in single landings.
  11. An important procedure for leaving dahlias is an injection that provides the roots of oxygen access, and also helps tubers to ripen at the end of summer. Plugging is produced several hours after watering. For example, after the evening irrigation, the land around the bushes is plunged in the morning.

Storage of tubers Georginov

Since, in the conditions of our climate, dahlia do not winter in the open soil, each year their tubers are cleaned for storage. Even before frosts, approximately in October, the bushes are cut and leave heights up to 15 cm. After that, the bulbs of flowers are digging out of the ground, shake off the ground and disinfected by manganese solution for 30 minutes. Then tubers dry and fold in the storage box.

The first month of the Bulb of Georgins should be saved at a temperature of from 8 ° C to 10 ° C and air humidity of about 90%. The room where the box will stand with tubers should often be ventilated. A month later, plants can be placed in the basement or in the cellar, where they will be stored at a temperature of 3-6 ° C and humidity in 50-60%. It is impossible to move the bulbs in any way, so that the ambient temperature should not be reduced to 0 ° C.

If you breed on your site different varieties Cultures, tubers after digging must be sorted by packages and sign them. Polyethylene packets can not be closed, otherwise the roots are puments. Periodically, tubers need to be reviewed and sought, removing spoiled instances.

Planting Georgin, photo:

Planting dahlias, features of tuber division. Video

Currently there are more than 40 natural species dahlias. On their basis, several thousand very beautiful hybrid varieties with unusual inflorescences are derived from the breeders of the whole world. Of the most common varieties grown in garden sites, the following can be called:

  • Astrovid dahlias - inflorescences have several rows of extreme colors and a middle, which is formed with elongated, large tubular petals. Their diameter can reach 10 centimeters, the height is up to 1 meter.

    Inflorescences have several rows of extreme colors and a middle, which is formed with extended, large tubular petals

  • Spherical Georgina - inflorescences have a terry flap and reach from 10 to 15 centimeters in diameter and from 80 to 120 centimeters to height.

    Inflorescences have a terry flap

  • Pionic dahlias - inflorescences consist of a large number of extreme colors located in several rows, tubular core. The diameter ranges from 12 to 17 centimeters, and the height lies between 70 to 120 centimeters.

    Inflorescences consist of a large number of extreme colors

  • Cactus dahlias - terry inflorescence is formed by numerous narrow and pointed petals with a diameter of 8 to 10 centimeters and height from 90 to 150 centimeters.

    Terry inflorescence is formed by numerous narrow and pointed petals

Georgina can be annual and perennial. By size, they are divided into:

  • Giant - above 25 centimeters; ;
  • Large - from 20 to 25 centimeters;
  • Average - from 15 to 20 centimeters;
  • Small - from 10 to 15 centimeters;
  • Dwarf - below 10 centimeters.

For the cultivation of dahlias, it is necessary to pick up even place, well lit and protected from winds. Therefore, they are better to plant about buildings or small shrubs. It is not recommended a neighborhood next to large trees that will pull a large amount of nutrients and moisture from the soil.

The soil on the selected area should be loose, well permeable and contain sufficient number nutrients. This is required for abundant flowering and the formation of full-fledged tubers. If the soil is heavy, then at the peroxide, it is necessary to make humus, peat and large sand into it. If it is the opposite of sandy, then its composition is improved by clay and compost.

For growing dahlias, you need to choose tubers with a lot of eyes and lack of signs of mold and rot. They should have the average sizeSince large specimens are old, and small enough weak. Such tubers may not give a full-fledged bush with abundant flowering.

Although the dahlias grown from tubers are considered long-term cultures, in most regions they do not tolerate wintering in the soil. Therefore, after the first frosts come, the dahlias cut the stalks, leaving about 10 centimeters above the surface. Then in the morning or evening of a sunny day, it is necessary to carefully dig a plant from the ground, with the tubers to consider the balance of soil, rinse, withstand them in a weak solution of mangalls, borobos liquid or fungicide about half an hour and thoroughly dry for one week. Before sending them to the room in which they will be stored, they are sprinkled with chopped activated coal.

For growing dahlias, you need to choose tubers with plenty of eyes

For storage of dahlias in winter in the cellar or basement, various ways can be used:

  • Dried and treated tubers are laid by one layer in wooden boxes or carton boxesfilled with sand or coniferous sawdust, and on top completely fall asleep;
  • Wrap each tuber in the food film and put into drawers or on racks;
  • Place the tubers in special pages from parchment filled with storage compositions;
  • If several varieties of dahlias are laid for storage, it is recommended to sign the name on the containers;
  • The basement or cellar should be dry with good ventilation, air temperature from 1 to 10 degrees and humidity from 50 to 80 percent.

If the tubers are stored in the apartment, then you need to make a special shell for them. To do this, it is necessary to melt on a water bath of 400 grams of paraffin and 100 grams of wax and slightly cool. After that, to dip in the resulting composition every tuber and give the coating to frozen. Prepared planting material should be decomposed by polyethylene packages, Speed \u200b\u200bby sawdust or peat, and store in a cool place, for example, in a refrigerator in a box for vegetables. In this case, the paraffin-wax shell will prevent the evaporation of moisture from the tuber, and low temperature will not give them for a long time germinate.

The dahlias' tubers are not recommended to plant the whole, since the plants grew out of them lose their decorativeness. Planting material With the help of a sharp knife divide into parts, each of which should contain eye. Sections are treated with wood ash And leave to dry for a few days.

After that, they are sent to the extension in the boxes filled with a special wet, sterilized soil, it can be:

  • Sand with peat;
  • Coconut substrate;
  • Sand with deciduous sawdust.

Bookmark the tubers on germination from the end of February to May, depending on the climatic conditions of the region.

Preparation of place for dahlias

Gardings under dahlia is preferably prepared in the fall. For soil saturation useful substances, It is necessary to enrich it with mineral and organic fertilizers, for example, to make 30 grams of superphosphate and 2 buckets of manure to each square meter. It is also necessary to ensure that the soil reaction is neutral or weakly acid. To reduce acidity, they make a square meter of the soil of 300 grams of extinguished lime. After that, the site is drunk to a depth of at least 30 centimeters and smash thoroughly.

Gardings under dahlia is preferably prepared in the fall

In the spring before planting in the ground, 30 grams need to be added potash fertilizer On a square meter of soil and deeply braid it. Gestrointed dahlias are planted in the soil after running spring frost And the soil warms up to 10 degrees. In early distillation, the first inflorescences are dissolved in June, and when good care Blossom can last until the middle of the autumn.

In order to spend right landing Sundered material, follow the following recommendations:

  1. On the prepared area, the wells are digging a depth of 10 to 15 centimeters depending on the size of the seedling, then they are shed warm water;
  2. The distance between single landings should be from 60 to 100 centimeters;
  3. Tubers with sprouts gently remove from the box, placed in the well, fall asleep with soil;
  4. After completing the landing, the beds are watered well.

Flowers from seedlings

In order to grow seeds of dahlias from seeds:

  1. Fill the boxes for seedlings peat-sand mixture and slightly moisten it;
  2. Seeds evenly distribute on the surface of the soil and lightly fall asleep with the substrate;
  3. Landing must be closed with polyethylene or glass and placed in warm room with good lighting;
  4. Crappies with seedlings need to be regularly released several hours from the shelter;
  5. For good quality Seeds first sprouts should appear a week after sowing;
  6. After the appearance of the third sheet, the seedlings are kept in individual containers filled with soil mixture Of the equal parts of the turf, sand and peat. Best if they are peat. In this case, there will be no need to remove seedlings from them, you just need to put them in the wells along with the pot that dissolves in the soil.

Crates with seedlings need to be regularly released for several hours of shelter

Planting seedlings of dahlias to the soil is carried out as follows:

  1. Two weeks before landing in open sad Seedlings of dahlias begin to temper. To do this, it is put on the street and leave for 10 minutes, gradually increasing time to several hours;
  2. 2-3 hours before the landing of dahlias, the seedlings are abundantly watered;
  3. On the site prepared the wells depth from 7 to 10 centimeters at a distance of at least 50 centimeters from each other;
  4. Seedlings are distributed over wells, fall asleep with soil, compact and moisturize.

And from Chenkov

Georgin's pavement allows you to get a large number of seedlings from one tuber. To do this, it is planted in a box with sand and peat and regularly moisturize. After the sprouts appeared, a height of about 15 centimeters will reach, they must be carefully cut sharp knife Over the first intersess. After that, new eyes will appear on the club, and from the sinuses of the remaining parts of the processes will begin to grow new shoots, which will be ready for a cut in a few weeks. In this way, you can get from one tuber to 30 cuttings. There are other drawing methods.

Georgin's pavement allows you to get a large number of seedlings from one tuber

Cutted cuttings rooted in conventional method In boxes for seedlings with a nutrient soil mixture. Also for the formation of the roots, you can put a cutlery in the water capacity in which the growth stimulator has been added. With the onset of suitable weather, rooted cuttings land in an open ground.

How to grow dahlias from seeds with a reckless way

With a reckless way, a landing of one-year varieties of dahlias. For this, the seeds are sulking directly into the ground after warm weather is installed. Usually landing is conducted from mid-May until June. For this, a floral flower leaf is formed on the prepared plot, they make shallow grooves on it, they evenly distribute seeds on them at a distance of about 20 centimeters from each other, fall asleep with a thin layer of the substrate and carefully watered. The flowering of annual dahlias grown by a reckless way occurs in early August.

Watering is an important point For growing healthy and well-developed dahrine bushes. Both perennial and annual types of flower data should be watered abundantly, but only after the soil is dry. With excessive overeximation, various rotary system rotes may develop, which, without timely treatment, often leads to the death of the entire plant.

For tall varieties, you need to install supports and fix growing stalks on them. Otherwise, they will break, and the plant will acquire an unsightly look. As support for dahlias, both ordinary wooden or metal stakes can be used and decorative elements For garden plot.

Watering is an important point for growing healthy and well-developed bushes of dahlias.

For good growth and abundant flowering, dahlia needs to be regularly feeding once every half months. It is recommended to alternate mineral fertilizer and organications. To do this, you can use a solution of superphosphate from the calculation of 50 grams per 20 liters of water. For organic feeding in 10 liters of water, 1 kilogram of a cowboy or 20 liters of water dissolve 1 kilogram of bird litter. Each plant poured 1 liter of these nutrients. A few hours before the fertilizer of the plant is recommended to pour.

In rainy weather or with a thick landing, Georgins can start the roting of the root system. Externally, this can be seen by fading stems with traces of rot. In this case, you need to remove the amazed sheets and other parts from the plants. After that, it is necessary to spray a bushes with a solution of fungicide and shed them soil. Also dahlias are often damaged by TLEY, tryps and colorado beetleswhich sue the large amount of nutrients from them. When insects are detected, it is necessary to immediately process the plants with the infusion of garlic or bow. In particularly severe cases, an insecticide solution is used.

In order for the dahlia bushes to have an attractive compact look, their step-down

In order for the dahlia bushes to have an attractive compact appearance, their step-down, leaving on plants three escapes and two buds on every blur. In tall varieties produce lateral shoots. This contributes to the formation of larger and vibrant inflorescences.

Of course, dahlia can not be called perfectly unpretentious plants. But, having studied the rules of their content, it is possible to continue to spend the minimum amount of time and effort to care. At the same time, many modern hybrid varieties of these plants makes it possible to create a wide variety of original compositions in the garden plot.