Growing annual dahlias from seeds. Planting dahlia tubers in pots in spring: further care

Hello dear gardeners! The only flaw of our loved ones perennial dahlias- this is that they do not hibernate in the open ground with us. Rhizomes have to be dug up in the fall and stored until the start of the next season.

Dahlia tubers hibernate and rest at low positive temperatures - in the cellar, underground, refrigerator. Planting dahlias with tubers in the spring can be carried out in two ways - with or without preliminary growth.

Choose from two options

Planting roots immediately from the cellar to the site is less troublesome. But such unprepared plants bloom late. It is better to prepare a kind of "seedlings on tubers" - to grow.

Proper advance preparation for landing consists of several stages. First, the awakening of the kidneys is monitored in the purchased or own planting material. Then produce (if necessary) the division of the roots. Then they provoke the growth of shoots in a moist substrate, in a warm place. Only after that, dahlias are transplanted into the ground.

Young shoots of dahlias develop at stable positive temperatures and do not tolerate frost.

In this, their needs are comparable to tomatoes and potatoes. And tuberous dahlias can be planted in the same way: at the same time as potato tubers, if the buds hatched quite a bit; and if good shoots have grown, then like seedlings of tomatoes (with shelter early, without shelter later).

The second option requires more effort and time, but most flower growers choose this path.

Early purchase

Available at the end of January, February, beginning of March big choice varieties, quality roots. But how to save purchased dahlias until planting in the spring?

Planting material purchased in a store needs protection from drying out, decay, strong germination - up to the deadline for working with dahlias.

For gardeners Middle lane this time comes in May (if landing without preparation is planned) or late March - early April (when growing). In the southern regions, work is shifted a month earlier.

Can be kept in the refrigerator, with the preservation of packaging.

Here it is equally impossible to allow drying or dampness. Water, condensate provoke rotting or premature growth of shoots.

Start of awakening

For preliminary cultivation, the roots of dahlias are taken out of the cellar or refrigerator at about the same time when early ripening tomatoes are sown for seedlings for open ground.

For land plots in the Moscow region, in the south of the Urals and Siberia, in Altai, in Leningrad region, on the Far East this is the end of March or the beginning of April (you can even in the middle of March). For more northern regions- a little later, for the southern regions - earlier.

If planting is planned without early growing, then the tubers are taken out in May and laid out for several days in a bright place where it is warm, but not hot.

Quality standards

The quality of the roots is carefully checked immediately after purchase or removal from the cellar.Rotten parts, small dry pieces are cut off from the planting material.

Remove those tubers that hang on damaged, broken roots - they are still not able to work and will die. The wounds are smeared with pharmaceutical greenery or sprinkled with crushed charcoal.

The main detail of the dahlia is the zone of the root collar, the place where the stem grows from the root. When the root collar is rotten, the plant will not live. Shoots do not grow directly from tubers.

If the neck is intact, and there is a tuberous thickening under it, then the seedling can start growing, even if there are no other whole tubers. But for this, at least one escape must awaken.

Need to see kidneys

It makes sense to try to revive wrinkled, parched roots. To do this, they must first be soaked in a stimulant (Zircon, according to the instructions), and then placed in heat and covered with wet material.

Suitable peat with sand, sawdust scalded with boiling water, sphagnum moss, vermiculite, coconut substrate, light herbal or leaf humus. We must wait for the awakening of the kidneys.

In healthy, strong tubers, by the time of harvesting, awakening buds at the base of the stems are often already visible. If not yet, they will hatch soon. Sometimes it is enough to keep them warm for several days, regularly spraying them with water. Or apply wet powder.

It happens that in a warm, damp underground, long pale stems grow early and stretch out. They need to be removed - it's okay, new shoots will appear.


large roots with large quantity kidneys must be divided (if possible). You don't have to plant it in its entirety.

Only one or two shoots should grow from one root. Only then will the plant be powerful, and the flowers large and beautiful.

The roots are separated with a knife so that each part contains a piece of root collar, one to three buds and one or more tubers. Slices are sprinkled with charcoal.

For low-growing multi-flowered dahlias (such as trendy Galleries), different rules apply. If such a variety does not need to be propagated, then the roots are not cut. When they have a lot of buds, the bush is more powerful. Such dahlias can be grown all season long in large pots with good drainage.


Plants planted in the ground with regrown stems bloom faster and longer.

For the sake of this, in late March - early April, the growing process begins. Before this, the roots can be treated with Maxim or Fitosporin. In the spring, especially with awakened kidneys, it is better not to use it for disinfection. Each root is planted in an individual container.

A common large box with partitions is also suitable. A wet substrate is poured from below and from the sides (similar to what was taken to awaken the kidneys). Too much cover the root collar is not worth it.The seedlings are placed in a bright place with a temperature of approximately +18 +22 degrees.

Care is reduced to periodic small waterings. It must not be allowed to rot.

Some shoots can be separated for propagation by cuttings.Sometimes the stems grow in clusters, three pieces side by side. One of them, the shortest, most often the central one, must be removed (carefully broken off). As soon as the processes release the fourth pair of leaves, pinch the tops for tillering.

Landing in the ground

In the Middle lane, tubers with bud rudiments are planted in early to mid-May. Grown - from mid-May to early June under shelter from frost, and after June 10 - only shading from the scorching sun. The best length of shoots when planting is 10-15 centimeters.

A week before relocation, the plants are hardened, and on the eve of planting they are sprayed with some kind of immunity-strengthening drug (Epin Extra,).

For dahlias, a sunny place with protection from the winds is selected, not in a swamp. Acidic lands deoxidize in autumn.

At joint landing several bushes observe a meter distance between tall ones, half as much - between medium ones. Thirty centimeters are enough for borders.

The dimensions of the landing holes are 30-40 cm. Two liters of any rotted humus, a handful of ash, a tablespoon of superphosphate, a little dolomite flour are poured into each. We can also put a complex mineral fertilizer(according to instructions). On heavy soils, sand and non-acid lowland peat are added, and drainage is placed at the bottom of the hole.

When planting, the root neck should be located five centimeters below the level of the bed. One or two lower internodes of the stems are hidden underground. After watering the hole. Shelter is made according to the weather, best of all - agrofibre on a small frame so that an air gap remains.

Goodbye, dear friends! See you soon!

Sincerely, Andrey

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When the dahlia is planted open ground in the spring?

Dahlia (Dahlia) - tuberous ornamental plant. Thanks to spectacular flowering until autumn frosts and easy care, found everywhere in flowerbeds and summer cottages. Mainly grown as a perennial. In the spring, when the tubers wake up after wintering, they are again planted in open ground. A large number of varieties of dahlias - the possibility of creating unique collections and flower arrangements.

When to plant tubers in the ground?

Since the dahlia is very thermophilic, for the winter its tubers are dug up and stored in a cool place. In the spring they are taken out of the boxes, preparing for planting. This must be done in advance, a few weeks before landing.

Important! If you are going to propagate the dahlia by cuttings, take out the tubers a month before the scheduled date.

It is difficult to give an exact date for the start of work. It all depends on the climate in your area. Flower growers in the southern regions can land as early as mid-April. Central Russia - in mid-May. The northern regions take over in June. The soil should warm up at least 10-15 degrees. There should be no chance of frost returning.

Planting a dahlia

Annual dahlias: timing of sowing seeds and seedlings

Most often propagated by seeds. From March to April, the seeds are placed in containers, placing the container under a bag or glass. Shoots dive and planted in open ground after the end spring frosts. In the first days, young plants are covered with a film. seedling method will bloom in June. If desired, you can save the tubers and plant the next year.

Advice! Use a spray bottle when watering seedlings. Waterlogging is not desirable for seedlings.

Seeds in open ground are sown in the last days of May. Cover with foil until the first sprouts appear. A later planting of seeds will not give the expected flowers until August. According to the timing of flowering, dahlias are divided into three types:

  1. Early.
  2. Medium.
  3. Late.

The early ones are sown in greenhouses already in March. Late species with the arrival of stable spring heat.

Dahlia root tubers

Material preparation, planting in open ground

  1. Adaptation of tubers in a cool place (2-3 days). Sudden temperature changes are not recommended. Overwintered tubers, in boxes covered with foil, are left in a room with a temperature below room temperature. Polyethylene will prevent moisture loss.
  2. Careful inspection, removal of the affected parts. Clear the tubers from the ground. Remove any dead, possibly moldy parts.
  3. Division of root tubers. It is necessary for the reproduction and rejuvenation of dahlias.
  4. Germination of tubers. Will provide a strong root system and early flowering. The root neck is deepened by 3 cm.
  5. Landing in open ground.

Important! Choose a sunny place for the flower bed. Avoid marshy and acidic soils. A dense substrate is diluted with sand.

The wells are watered, fertilizers are applied, the support is immediately inserted. The rhizome is deepened by 8-10 cm. The distance between the holes depends on the type of plants. For high varieties of at least 80 cm, 30 cm will be enough for a low curb. Between rows - 70-100 cm.

Storage and planting dahlias: video

Perennial dahlias are bright and colorful flower with which you can decorate any household plot. To ensure the violent flowering of this plant, it is necessary to properly care for it.

In South America, the flowers are grown as a perennial. Before you plant dahlias, you need to choose the right place for their landing. In this aspect, it must be borne in mind that the flower belongs to the category of heat-loving plants. That is why it is best to give preference to flower beds that are located in sunny places and are protected from drafts. Planting dahlias can be carried out in places with little shade, but it is best to give preference to sunny options.

Before preparing dahlias for planting, it is necessary to determine their variety. This is due to the fact that some plants are characterized by the presence of a sufficiently high stem, which can break under the influence of strong winds. It is best to plant a crop on a site that is located on the south side of the house. It should be slightly elevated. This will allow excess moisture to drain during rains, which will limit the possibility of rotting tubers.

Before germinating dahlias, you need to prepare the soil. If the grower wants to get a beautiful and attractive plant, then he should do this in advance. After the end of the growing season in autumn, the soil is digged and fertilizers are applied to it. The ideal option in this case, it will be the use of compost or humus. For one square meter plot will require 3 to 5 kilograms of any of these fertilizers.

V spring time you can re-fertilize the soil. For this purpose, ash and compost are used, which are pre-mixed in equal amounts. After fertilization, the soil is loosened using a rake.

When choosing soil for growing flowers, it is recommended to choose light, fertile and breathable. Flowers need good drainage. If there is an excess of moisture, this will lead to rotting of the tubers of the culture. It is best to choose a soil that has a neutral or slightly acidic reaction.

If the selected area has excessively acidic soil, then it is recommended to add slaked lime to it. Dahlias also do not like excessively alkaline soils, so peat is used to deoxidize them.

In order for flowers to fully grow and develop, their root system must be enriched with nutrients. This is due to the fact that the earth is quickly depleted of flowers. That is why planting a flower in the same place should not be carried out two years in a row. It is not recommended to plant dahlias in place of asters, as they can transmit diseases to each other.

How to grow dahlias from tubers? You need to start with correct selection places and soil, which will be the key to the success of growing beautiful flowers.

Germination process

When to plant dahlias? The procedure should be carried out in the spring. It begins with the germination of tubers. To do this, the grower must perform a number of specific actions:

  • After the weather on the street stabilizes and the possibility of frost is excluded, it is necessary to select a site for sprouting tubers. Here you need to dig a trench, the thickness of which is 40 centimeters, and the depth is 20 centimeters.
  • It is recommended to initially sort the tubers by type, and then put them in the prepared recess.
  • Bulbs of dahlias are sprinkled with earth and covered with plastic wrap on top. Thanks to such actions, greenhouse conditions are provided for the plant, which guarantees their fastest germination.
  • To fix the film around the edges, earth is poured on it or stones are placed.
  • Germination of buried tubers is observed for 2-3 weeks. Irrigation of tubers is not carried out, as there is enough moisture.
  • After the appearance of the first green sprouts above the soil surface, it is necessary to remove from the culture polyethylene film. Otherwise, due to the greenhouse effect, the plant will burn out under the influence of sunlight. In order to avoid freezing of sprouts at night, the culture is covered with a film.

This completes the germination of tubers after winter. Some tubers may not sprout, indicating that they should be discarded.

Landing Features

When to plant dahlias in open ground? After the appearance of sprouts on the tubers, they are dug up and prepared for planting. For this purpose, the tubers are washed under the tap. The division of tubers is carried out using sharp knife. Each of them should have a neck and a sprout. If there are several sprouts on the tuber, then this will provide a lush dahlia plant, the cultivation of which is within the power of any grower.

Before growing dahlias in open ground, it is recommended to treat them with a disinfectant solution. Most often, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is used for this purpose. During the growing period, the grower must take into account the timing of planting dahlias, which will provide them with violent flowering.

Before planting a tuber, the grower must necessarily divide it. This is due to such reasons:

  • During the period of division, the plant is damaged, which leads to the activation of the protective functions of the root and its rejuvenation.
  • If the bulb is not divided into several parts before planting, this will lead to the formation of a large number of sprouts on it. As a result of this, a large number of shoots will form on the plant. Stronger branches are pulled up, which negatively affects the aesthetic qualities.
  • The process of dividing tubers is quite simple and is within the power of almost any grower.

Dahlias are planted in open ground in spring. Holes for bulbs are pre-digged. The depth of each of them should be within 10 centimeters. The distance between plants should be 30-80 centimeters. This is directly affected by the variety of culture. Preparation for planting a plant in the ground should consist in preparing a drainage layer. This will eliminate the possibility of stagnation of water and rotting of tubers in the future.

In order to get beautiful and lush dahlia bushes perennial planting and the care of which is quite simple, several plants must be placed in one hole. A sprouted tuber must be planted in one hole in an amount of no more than two pieces.

After winter storage dahlia tubers are planted only if optimal conditions are provided temperature conditions. The grown flower must be sprinkled with soil only after the temperature becomes 10 degrees. With insufficient soil moisture in the Urals, it is necessary to irrigate, which will ensure its full germination. For irrigation, it is necessary to use a small amount of water so that the earth is not excessively waterlogged. Otherwise prepared planting material may die.

Planting dahlias with tubers is carried out in such a way that they are in a horizontal position. This will ensure the full development of the root system of the plant. After planting dahlias in the spring in Siberia or another region, they must be provided with minimal care. For this purpose, weeds are removed from the flower bed and periodic watering is carried out.

A planted flower in the first period can not be watered at all. This is due to the fact that the soil is quite wet after winter. When the temperature rises in May, regular irrigation of the crop is carried out. It is necessary to monitor this according to the degree of drying of the soil. In order to ensure germination of dahlias, which will be complete, it is necessary to loosen the soil after watering them.

How to care for dahlias after they germinate? When the bush reaches a height of 40-50 centimeters, it is necessary to eliminate excess shoots on it. On one dahlia bush, which can be cared for by anyone, it is necessary to leave only a few strong shoots. This will ensure the full formation of the crown, as well as the violent flowering of the plant.

Experts recommend pinching the plant during the growing season to ensure large beautiful buds. Until the grown flower releases buds, it is not recommended to apply fertilizer under it. Otherwise, the plant will have a gorgeous green mass and small flowers, which will negatively affect its quality.

Care and cultivation of dahlias is quite simple. If certain rules are followed, the grower can succeed.

Care rules

During the growing season, the plant needs proper care, which fully affects the characteristics of its flowering:

  • In flower beds with dahlia flowers, planting and care of which can be carried out in any area, it is necessary to regularly remove weeds. This is due to the fact that they are not only displayed on aesthetic qualities, but also draw in microelements useful for the plant.
  • In the summer, when the plant is actively blooming, it needs timely watering. Flower growers recommend moderate watering every day in evening time. At the end of August, the frequency of this procedure is halved.
  • If the soil is too waterlogged, damage to the tubers of the plant is observed. That is why the gardener must ensure that water does not stagnate near the bushes.
  • If the weather is dry outside, then this leads to rapid evaporation of moisture. To avoid this, it is necessary to mulch the soil in a timely manner.
  • During the growing season, it is recommended to fertilize the plant. Flower growers who know everything about dahlia recommend fertilizing with mineral or organic compounds. Most often, mullein tincture is used for this purpose. To prepare it, you need to take one liter of mullein and dilute it in 10 liters of water. Fertilization under the crop is carried out during the irrigation period.
  • Bird droppings can be used for crop fertilization. For this purpose, it is necessary to take two liters of infusion and dissolve in a bucket of water. Under each cous, one and a half liters of fertilizer are relied.
  • During the active growth of the plant, there may be a lack of nitrogen in the soil. To enrich the soil in this case, the use of ammonium nitrate is carried out. It is recommended to sprinkle 15 grams of fertilizer per square meter of flower beds. It is best to carry out the procedure before watering, which will ensure an even distribution of fertilizer.
  • After the appearance of the first buds on the plant, it is necessary to use superphosphate or potassium compounds to fertilize it. To do this, you need to take one bucket of water and dissolve 30 grams of fertilizer in it. It is recommended to make it under the roots of flowers every two weeks. During the application period potash fertilizers the use of nitrogen or manure is strictly prohibited.
  • The plant has hollow stems. If the height of the plant is significant, then under the influence of the wind they can break. To avoid such consequences, bushes are tied up. If the stem was recently broken, then it is subject to rehabilitation. For this purpose, a tire is made from a twig and tied at the place where the stem breaks. After a certain period of time, as a rule, there is a resumption of its growth.
  • To ensure the decorativeness of the buds, excess shoots are trimmed. For this purpose, the lower side branches and stems that grow from the root neck of the bush are removed. During the pruning period, a few of the strongest shoots are left. Cutting off the stepchildren is carried out before the appearance of inflorescences on them. They can be used to propagate dahlias. Buds that have already faded or deteriorated should be pruned.
  • Trimming dwarf varieties of dahlias is not recommended, as this may adversely affect their aesthetic qualities. Also, do not prune single plants.
  • The flower grower should pay much attention to the hilling procedure. This will not only ensure full penetration of oxygen to the roots of the culture, but also ensure the full maturation of tubers until the end of summer. A few hours before this procedure, it is necessary to water the plant.

For planting dahlias, it is necessary to use only full-fledged tubers. It is in the previous year that full care for the plant is provided.

Since our country has a rather harsh climate, wintering the plant in the open field is impossible. Caring for dahlias in the fall is to ensure optimal storage conditions for the tubers of the plant.

Before the first frost, pruning of bushes is carried out. In this case, stumps should remain, the height of which is no more than 15 centimeters. Florists recommend carrying out the procedure in October. After pruning, the tubers are dug out of the ground. In order for them to fully winter, they must be shaken off the ground, as well as disinfected.

To disinfect the bulbs, a solution of potassium permanganate is used. A bucket of water is taken and potassium permanganate is diluted in it until a pale pink color is obtained. The duration of disinfection is no more than half an hour. After drying the tubers, they are put in boxes. It is best to give preference to wood options that have holes, which will provide full ventilation and limit the possibility of rotting of the bulbs during storage.

During the first month of wintering, it is necessary to provide a temperature of 8-10 degrees.

In this case, the humidity of the air should be approximately 90 percent. It is recommended to ventilate the room with tubers as often as possible. After a month, a box with tubers is placed in the cellar. Until spring, it is necessary to ensure the temperature of the bulbs at 3-6 degrees. Humidity should be between 50 and 60 percent. During the period of storage of tubers, their freezing is strictly prohibited. That is why it is recommended to limit the possibility of the appearance of temperatures below 0 degrees.

When growing several varieties of dahlias during the period of digging the bulbs, they are laid out in bags and sorted. To prevent rotting of the bulbs, plastic bags are not closed. V winter period it is recommended to periodically review the roots and throw out festering specimens.

Dahlias are very beautiful plant, which blooms until late autumn. In order to ensure the full growth and development of culture, it is necessary to properly care for hoarfrost. The plant needs the selection of optimal growing conditions, regular watering and top dressing. The difficulty in caring for dahlias lies in the fact that their tubers must be dug up every year and stored in the cellar.

Bright, colorful dahlias of various colors and shades often adorn the gardens of our country. Accustomed to heat, these plants do not overwinter in the Russian climate, so those who want to enjoy the splendor of their colorful buds all summer have to plant flowers anew every year. We will talk about planting dahlias in the spring in this article.

The homeland of dahlias are countries South America where the culture grows as a perennial. When choosing a place for planting flowers, it is important to consider their thermophilicity. It is advisable to place a flower bed with dahlias in a sunny place, not blown by drafts. It is worth considering the variety of flowers, as some varieties have a fairly high stem, which can easily break from a strong gust of wind.

When choosing a place to plant dahlias, pay attention to the site located on the south side of the house. It is desirable that the place where the culture grows is on a slight elevation, but in no case in a lowland, where cold air and excess moisture in the soil will accumulate.

Planting dahlias can be done on a site with slight shading, the main thing is that the place is not blown by the winds and is illuminated by the sun for at least half of the daylight hours.

Preparing the soil for planting a crop

It is necessary to prepare the land for planting dahlias in advance, even before the start of winter. In the fall, when the growing season of the plants is over, the soil should be dug up and fertilized. As fertilizers, humus or compost is used, which are added to the ground at the rate of 3-5 kg ​​per 1 m³. With the advent of spring, the soil can be enriched again by scattering a mixture of compost and ash over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe flower bed. After that, the earth is loosened with a rake.

As for the characteristics of the soil for planting dahlias, it should be light, breathable and fertile enough. Flowers also need to be provided good drainage, otherwise, from an excess of moisture, the tubers may rot or become moldy. Dahlias prefer earth with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. If the soil in the area is too acidic, it can be neutralized with slaked lime. The soil of the alkaline composition should be slightly deoxidized with peat.

Dahlias require a large amount of nutrients to develop their root system, which means that the flowers quickly deplete the ground. Planting such a crop in the same place twice is not recommended. It is undesirable to plant dahlias where asters grew before, since both types of flowers are subject to the same diseases.

Germination of dahlia tubers

Planting dahlias with tubers in the spring begins with their germination. You can do this directly in the open field, we will describe the process sequentially:

  1. When the weather is warm outside, choose a place on the site where the tubers will germinate. Dig a trench about 20 cm deep and 40 cm wide there.
  2. Sort the flower tubers by type and lay them in the prepared furrow.
  3. Sprinkle the bulbs with earth, and cover the soil with polyethylene on top to provide the plants with greenhouse conditions.
  4. To prevent the film from being blown away by the wind, fix it around the edges with a small amount of earth.
  5. Buried tubers should germinate in the ground for about 2-3 weeks. Watering them at this time is not necessary, because after winter the soil is still quite wet.
  6. When green sprouts appear above the surface of the earth, the polyethylene must be removed, otherwise, in greenhouse conditions, the plants may burn out in the sun. At night, the film can be returned to its place so that the sprouts do not freeze.

Planting flowers in a permanent place

Division of dahlia tubers

Once the bulbs have sprouted, they can be dug up and prepared for planting. To do this, the tubers are first washed under running water, and then, using a sharp knife, separate them so that one or more sprouts remain on the bulb with a neck. After that, the planting material must be disinfected with a weak manganese solution.

Dividing tubers before planting in the ground is necessary for several reasons:

  1. In the process of such an operation, damage to the plant occurs, which activates the protective functions of the root and leads to its rejuvenation.
  2. If the bulb is not divided into parts before planting, it will begin to produce too many sprouts. As a result, the bush will turn out to be thickened, the young shoots will be too weak and thin, and the main branches will stretch upwards. All this will affect the number and size of the buds.
  3. The division of dahlia tubers is one of better ways propagate the cultivar.

Planting flowers in a flower bed

The process of planting dahlias on permanent place growth can be described in stages:

  1. Before planting annual dahlias in a previously prepared area, dig holes for the bulbs. The depth of the holes should be approximately 10 cm, and the distance between the individual recesses can vary from 30 to 80 cm, depending on the specific crop variety and the height of the bush. In the pits intended for planting, it is desirable to make a drainage layer.
  2. In each such hole, you will need to plant 2 tubers - this will allow you to achieve beautiful lush bushes with bright abundant flowering. It is not recommended to plant more than 2 bulbs in one hole.
  3. When the weather is warm outside, and the earth warms up to 10 ° C, dahlia tubers can be dug into the soil. If the ground is not moist enough, it is recommended to water each hole with a small amount of water before planting flowers. It is necessary to deepen the bulbs into the ground so that they are located horizontally - this will allow the root system to develop in full force.
  4. After planting, dahlias require minimal care, which comes down to removing weeds from the flower bed and periodic watering. In the first months of spring, when the soil is still quite wet after the snow has melted, dahlias can be left without watering at all. In May, if the weather is hot, dry, the flowers should be irrigated as the soil dries. After each watering, when the water is completely absorbed into the soil, upper layer it is recommended to loosen the earth with a rake.
  5. When the bush grows, extra shoots can be removed from it, leaving only a few of the strongest branches. In order to get large beautiful buds, it is advisable to pinch dahlias throughout the growing season.
  6. Before the plant blooms, you should not get involved in fertilizing, otherwise, from the very beginning of its development, the bush will grow a large amount of green mass, and subsequently this will affect the number and size of buds.

Planting dahlias in spring, video:

Features of culture care

So that dahlias throughout the growing season please with beautiful bright inflorescences, you need to follow the rules for caring for them. These rules are as follows:

  1. From the flower bed where the crop grows, it is necessary from time to time to remove weeds that draw nutrients from the ground.
  2. In summer, during the flowering period, dahlias are recommended to be well watered. It is advisable to carry out such a procedure daily and in the late afternoon. V recent weeks August, the frequency and volume of watering can be slightly reduced.
  3. Dahlia tubers deteriorate if excess liquid stagnates in the ground. To avoid this, even at the stage of planting, drainage is arranged in the holes. In addition, moisture stagnation near the bushes should not be allowed.
  4. In dry weather, the water from the ground evaporates too quickly to slow down this process, the soil can be mulched.
  5. During the growing season, dahlias are fertilized from time to time. For top dressing, organic and mineral compounds are used, alternating them with each other. Excellent fertilizer for such flowers, mullein tincture is considered. It is diluted in water in a ratio of 1 to 10, and then brought under a bush during watering. Can be used as a top dressing infusion bird droppings. In 1 bucket of water, dissolve 2 liters of infusion and pour 1.5 liters of the resulting liquid under each dahlia bush.
  6. During the period of active growth of flowers in the soil, there may not be enough nitrogen. In this case, the soil can be enriched with ammonium nitrate. 15 g of this substance per 1 m² of flower bed area will be enough.
  7. When the dahlias release buds, the culture can be fed with superphosphate or potassium compounds. 30 g of fertilizers are dissolved in 1 bucket of water and applied under the roots of plants every 14-15 days. At this time, manure and nitrogen are no longer used for top dressing.
  8. Dahlias have hollow stems and tall crops can break from strong gusts of wind. To avoid this trouble, it is advisable to tie the stems to a support. A recently broken flower stem can be rehabilitated. To do this, you need to tie a tire from a twig in the place where the escape was broken. There is a chance that after a while the stem will resume its growth.
  9. You can ensure high decorativeness of the buds by trimming excess shoots. In the process of pruning, the lower side branches and stems growing from the root neck of the bush are removed from the dahlia. When pruning basal shoots, you need to leave 2-3 of the strongest specimens. Stepchildren are cut from the bushes even before the dahlias release inflorescences. Subsequently, stepchildren can serve as material for the propagation of culture. Faded and damaged buds also need to be cut off.
  10. The pruning procedure can be omitted if dahlias belong to dwarf varieties or grow in single plantings.
  11. An important procedure in the care of dahlias is hilling, which provides the roots with oxygen, and also helps the tubers to ripen at the end of summer. Hilling is done a few hours after watering. For example, after evening irrigation, the ground around the bushes is spudded in the morning.

Storage of dahlia tubers

Since, in our climate, dahlias do not winter in the open field, every year their tubers are harvested for storage. Even before the frosts, around October, the bushes are cut and stumps up to 15 cm high are left. After that, the flower bulbs are dug out of the ground, shaken off the ground and disinfected with a manganese solution for 30 minutes. Then the tubers are dried and put in a storage box.

For the first month, dahlia bulbs should be stored at temperatures between 8°C and 10°C and humidity around 90%. The room where the box with tubers will stand should be ventilated frequently. After a month, the plants can be placed in the basement or cellar, where they will be stored at a temperature of 3-6°C and a humidity of 50-60%. In no case should the bulbs freeze, so the ambient temperature should not drop to 0 ° C.

If you breed on your site different varieties cultures, tubers after digging need to be sorted into packages and signed. Plastic bags do not close, otherwise the roots will rot. Periodically, the tubers need to be reviewed and sorted out, removing damaged specimens.

Planting dahlias, photo:

Planting dahlias, features of the division of tubers. Video