Heliotherapy: sunbathing. When and how is the best time to sunbathe? Best time for sunbathing

The treatment and prevention of sun diseases has been known since ancient times; many people today cannot imagine a healthy person who does not regularly take sunbathing and is not exposed to the sun’s rays for hardening and healthy skin color. Without exaggeration we can say that this is the most pleasant and useful procedure. This method is mentioned by the great Hippocrates, whose oath is currently taken by graduates of medical institutions.

The role of the sun for human health

Everything on this planet depends on the sun: plants feed on the sun, grow thanks to it, produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. If, for example, you leave flowers in the dark, they will die. Man also grows and develops thanks to the sun.

The sun is the main planet in our star system and carries not only healing codes and information for each person, but also evolutionary cosmic development codes.

So in and Ancient Egypt, and our wise ancestors, the Slavs, and people in some other highly developed cultures of the world, it was not in vain that they worshiped the Sun, and at dawn they asked him for a good day and health.

Positive effects of sunbathing on the body

Probably each of us knows that the sun's rays are divided into the visible part of the spectrum and the invisible, so-called infrared and ultraviolet part. And what’s surprising is that all parts of the spectrum of sunlight have a healing effect and certain benefits for the human body.

The visible part of the rays is our visual perception, what we see with our own eyes. After a long and boring winter, everyone feels the need for sunlight - this indicates our connection and dependence on the sun.

Thus, sunlight is an excellent method of preventing stress and diseases associated with vitamin deficiency D. Lack of vitamin D causes rickets, problems related to the development of the physical body and even mental disabilities.

The benefits of tanning and ultraviolet radiation

The invisible part of the spectrum is infrared and ultraviolet rays. This is what we feel at the level of the physical body as heating and see as a tan. What are the benefits of tanning, or is it just a cosmetic procedure?

Infrared rays help better blood circulation in the body, and in addition, have an analgesic effect. And ultraviolet light improves immunity, metabolic processes and the functioning of the endocrine glands, or as they are also called endocrine glands - they produce vital substances known ordinary people like hormones. These are the well-known pituitary gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands and gonads.

Who especially needs sunbathing?

  • people who have suffered various injuries;
  • with vitamin D deficiency
  • for psoriasis
  • people of the northern and middle regions of Russia
  • for stress and unstable emotional states
  • for joint diseases
  • radiculitis and neuralgic diseases

Who should reduce their sun exposure?

  • pregnant women
  • severe hypertension
  • oncological diseases
You should start staying in the sun for 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing the time of exposure sunbathing. And if you find yourself in a hot country, where the scorching sun is raging, and your skin is not at all ready to take such strong sunbathing, then 10 minutes will be more than enough.

The morning sun is most beneficial. You should not use various creams and ointments for tanning, as they contain many chemical components, with the exception of ointments made from natural herbs.

To prevent dehydration, you should consume sufficient quantity water. It is advisable to spend more time in motion - this will reduce the likelihood of burns.

Sunbathing for weight loss

Medical studies have shown that sunbathing in the morning helps maintain optimal body weight. And the very fact that there are practically no overweight people who are tanned and often exposed to the sun speaks volumes about the influence of sunbathing and solar hardening on weight loss for both men and women.

The best and safest time to tan

The best and safest time for sunbathing: from 6 to 11 am is the time when the sun's rays bring invigorating energy, and from 4 pm onwards - calm and relaxing energy. Between these periods, the sun has too much activity, as well as an unfavorable angle of incidence, so sunbathing under it is unfavorable for the skin.

Solar hardening

Yes, exactly hardening, I didn’t make a reservation, because usually people by the word hardening mean hardening with water or air. But it turns out that there is such an accessible and pleasant hardening method, which is called sun hardening or solar hardening, and it has been known since ancient times.

What does sun hardening include?

Solar hardening is hardening by the sun's rays, consisting of various types rays. There are visible rays of the sun - red, yellow, green, violet, blue. And invisible - infrared and ultraviolet.

The human body needs all types of sunlight and especially ultraviolet light. Lack of ultraviolet light, can especially affect children as growing organisms, and is reflected in the obstruction of mental and physical development, bones become brittle, and immunity decreases.

The psychological factor of sun hardening is also important. In case of insufficient exposure sunlight Fatigue, apathy, irritability, and decreased performance occur.

Solar hardening means that a person is exposed to the sun's rays without clothes and gradually prepares (hardens) his skin for the possibility of subsequent, longer exposure to the sun.

Methods of correct and healthy solar hardening

Proper sun hardening involves gradualness, the right time of day and duration.

Solar hardening usually begins with a 10-15 minute exposure to the sun every day, adding a few minutes and bringing the time to 1.5-2 hours.

Best time this type of hardening - in the south in the morning until 10 am and in the evening from 17 o'clock. And in combination with water procedures and physical exercises healing effect increases significantly, so it’s better not to just lie on the mat, but to play some games active games like volleyball.

Restrictions on hardening

To everyone, both the sick and healthy people solar hardening is useful. For those who are sick and unprepared for the sun, you just need to limit yourself in terms of time and well-being. These restrictions exist for children under 2-3 years of age, pregnant women, and those with heart disease and cancer.

Solar hardening for children

Children's skin is tender and sensitive - this fact must be taken into account, therefore, in the first months of life, solar hardening of a naked or half-naked child is carried out at a temperature of at least 20 degrees Celsius and under trees with gaps for access to sunlight, and not under direct rays.

Start hardening your child with the sun for 3-5 minutes on the first day and bringing the total procedure to 15-20 minutes.

Children under 1 year old, I repeat, should not be left in the open sun, but rather under the canopy of trees.

For children aged 1 year and older, “direct solar hardening” can be carried out in the morning and evening hours in warm weather, starting from 5 minutes and increasing to 10 minutes of hardening, carrying out the procedure 2-3 times a day.

For a child from 6 years of age, the procedure is carried out in the same mode as for adults, without overheating the body and taking into account the morning and evening favorable conditions.

And it is not at all necessary to use protective glasses for either children or adults - if you do not look directly at the sun, there will be no harm; on the contrary, you will get the maximum benefit from the light. Look for yourself - not a single animal uses glasses, and in this regard it is much wiser than a person.

Beneficial properties of sunlight

Recent research by scientists has revealed interesting fact– when using sunscreens, creams and the like, the percentage of skin cancer increases, even compared to not using them at all. This tells us that the danger of sunlight is clearly exaggerated. And often the problem comes from the cream, not from the sun.

Scientists from England conducted research on the influence ultraviolet rays and found that they prevent the occurrence of obesity and diabetes.

Due to exposure to sunlight, the human body produces serotonin, which is also sometimes called the “joy hormone”, which contributes to a good mood for the whole day.

Staying in the sun is necessary for the formation of vitamin D in the body, which prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases such as arrhythmia, myocardial infarction and hypertension. In addition, vitamin D has wound-healing properties and reduces the risk of cancer cells.

Sunlight rejuvenates the body and skin

Sunlight is a catalyst for alkalization of the body. The alkaline environment of the body is necessary to maintain health and youth of the whole body and in particular the skin at the proper level.

The fact is that it is during illness that the human body has a more acidic characteristic. Interestingly, emotions such as anger, envy, jealousy, fear and others also shift to the acidic side.

As you can see from this, everything is natural, naturally in reasonable doses it is beneficial and healthy. Sunbathing; raw vegetables and fruits, honey and nuts; bathing and water treatments; walks on fresh air And physical exercise- this is the key to good health and well-being.

I hope this information will be enough for you not to lock yourself in front of the computer, but to start taking care of your health, at least sometimes taking such beneficial sunbathing on your own and with your children. I also advise you to read and even, and I’m sure you will learn a lot of new things from this article.

Heliotherapy, sunbathing: indications, time of administration

Heliotherapy- the therapeutic effect of solar radiation on a partially or completely naked person. The procedures have a positive effect on blood vessels, muscles and other tissues, have a general strengthening effect, and improve mood.

Indications and contraindications for sunbathing

Sunbathing is indicated for hypovitaminosis of vitamin D, mild form of hypertension, inactive rheumatism, inflammatory diseases: lungs, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, joints, nervous systems we (but not during the period of exacerbation!), with gout, obesity, neuroses.

But there are a number of contraindications, these are: increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, all diseases in the period of exacerbation, tuberculosis, thyrotoxicosis, malaria, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma; It is not recommended for children under 1.5 years to be irradiated.

When exposed to sunlight, there is first a blood flow to the skin (the influence of the infrared and visible parts of the spectrum), after 6-12 hours the skin acquires a persistent red color (the influence of mid-wave ultraviolet this radiation). After 3-4 days, the redness decreases and the top layer of skin begins to peel off; At the same time, tanning (pigmentation) appears, caused by long-wave ultraviolet radiation.

How is heliotherapy performed?

How is heliotherapy performed? Sunbathing is taking place in open areas or under louvered awnings, which creates diffuse radiation; The height of the trestle bed should be 45-50 cm. On hot summer days, to avoid overheating, the foot end of the trestle bed is positioned towards the sun, in cool months - across the incidence of the sun's rays. The person's head should be in the shade, and sunglasses should be worn over the eyes.

A little more about the latter. By purchasing cheap fashionable glasses from street distributors, you most often risk harming your vision, since these things are made of glass that does not block ultraviolet radiation. At the same time, the pupils under dark glasses are always reflexively dilated, and ultraviolet waves, passing through them in large quantities, “burn out” the retina of the eyes, which is responsible for perception of light signals. High-quality sunglasses must have labels with the letters UVB, but their presence does not guarantee protection against counterfeiting. It is better to protect your eyes by covering them, for example, with the brim of a hat.

Sunbathing time

Sunbathing is recommended in the morning from 8 to 11 o'clock half an hour - an hour after breakfast at an air temperature not lower than 20C. Half the time is spent lying on your back, half on your stomach. After the procedure, you need to rest in the shade for 10-15 minutes, shower or douse with water temperature 22-32C, rub down or bathe.

If your tolerance to sun rays is good, then you should start with 10-15 minutes of daily exposure to the sun, adding 4 minutes every third day and doing one or two days after 5-8 days. gentle breaks; The recommended maximum irradiation time is 60 minutes.

People for whom the first effects of irradiation occur very quickly, but for whom doctors do not prohibit the use of heliotherapy, can increase the time of sunbathing by 4 minutes every three days, and the maximum time for them is 40 minutes.

Every tiny leaf of grass, every vine, tree, bush, flower, fruit and vegetable draw their life from solar energy, on its intensity. Our Earth would be a lifeless, cold place, shrouded in eternal darkness, if it were not illuminated by the magical rays of the sun. But the sun gives us not only light, solar energy is transformed into human energy. A person can improve his health and prolong his life by sunbathing and sunbathing under the sun's rays.

People who do not expose themselves to the sun appear pale. Our skin should be lightly tanned. Many diseases are only because we are too rarely exposed to the sun. The sun's rays are a powerful bactericidal agent. And the more the skin absorbs rays, the more bactericidal energy it stores.

When we eat fresh fruits and vegetables, we absorb the blood of plants; green plants are filled with solar energy in the form of nutritious chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is part of the solar energy accumulated in plants, the richest and healthiest food for our body. Green plants have the secret of accumulating solar energy and transmitting it to humans and other living beings. When you expose your body to direct sunlight and, in addition, your diet consists of 60 percent vegetables and fruits, you will certainly achieve excellent health. But these life-giving medicines must first be absorbed by the body in small doses, because the body, hungry for sunlight, may not immediately accept a large dose of rays.

The sun's rays are a strong irritant. When they are exposed to a naked body, certain changes occur in almost all physiological functions: body temperature rises, breathing becomes faster and deeper, blood vessels dilate, sweating increases, and metabolism is activated.

With proper dosage, regular solar irradiation has a positive effect on the functional state of the nervous system, increases resistance to solar radiation, and improves metabolic processes. All this improves the functioning of internal organs, increases muscle performance, and strengthens the body’s resistance to diseases.

Sunbathing is best on warm sunny days during countryside holiday in motion, in the partial shade of trees. The most useful and beautiful tan - golden - is formed under the sun's rays, “passed” through the foliage of trees. This is how children should be hardened, since prolonged exposure to direct sunlight is contraindicated for them.

When you first start sunbathing, start with short periods and build up little by little. The best time for sunbathing is early morning. You need to start from five to ten minutes. Of course, you can sunbathe after lunch. But the most beneficial sun rays are early in the morning. Between 11 am and 3 pm the sun's rays are at their hottest and carry a lot of solar radiation.

It is best to sunbathe in the summer - from 8 to 11 am, in spring and autumn - from 11 to 15 am. In winter, it is best to take mini-sun baths starting from February, on fine midday hours, in places protected from the wind, starting from two to three minutes. The best way to sunbathe is on the move.

It is completely wrong to sometimes judge the effect of hardening by the sun's rays by the degree of tanning. In an effort to get a better tan, many people stay in the sun for an unacceptably long time, which leads to overheating of the body, skin burns and heat stroke. We must not forget that excessive sunbathing can cause serious disorders in the body, including such as anemia, metabolic disorders, weakened immunity, and with increased radiation activity of the sun - even lead to leukemia.

That is why, when starting to take sunbathing, it is necessary to strictly observe gradualism and consistency in increasing the dosage of radiation, taking into account the state of health, age, physical development, as well as climatic and radiation conditions of the solstice, affecting the intensity of solar irradiation.

If there are significant deviations in your health, before starting sunbathing, you should consult a doctor to determine your individual sun-hardening regimen.

Healthy people should begin sun hardening by staying in direct sunlight for 10-20 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of the procedure by 5-10 minutes, bringing it to no more than 2-3 hours (in total during the day). In this case, every hour you need to rest for at least 15 minutes in the shade. For those for whom sunbathing is contraindicated for health reasons, you can replace it with air baths with partial use of scattered and reflected sunlight.

Graduality must also be followed when switching to raw vegetables and fruits. A person who is accustomed to cooked food, switching immediately to a large amount of raw fruits and vegetables, can cause an unpleasant reaction. The smartest thing to do is to gradually add a solar diet to your regular diet. An overdose of solar energy, received from the outside or from the inside, has a bad effect. It is absolutely necessary to adhere to gradualism.

Did you know that tanning is a protective function of the skin? That is why, before going to the sea, doctors strongly recommend visiting several solarium sessions to prepare dry facial skin for exposure to ultraviolet radiation. After all, the activity of the southern sun is very high. In the next article we will tell you why sunbathing is useful and how to properly take sun and air baths.

How to take air baths correctly

Air baths are very useful, they harden the body, improve metabolism, have a beneficial effect on nervous system, calm the psyche. Good mood, vigor, sound sleep and excellent appetite - this will be the result of properly performed tanning and aerial therapy. It would seem that what could be easier than taking air baths? Undress, walk or lie down!

To avoid causing harm to your body, you should follow simple rules tanning and taking air baths.

– The greatest effect of air therapy is achieved in the summer between 8–11 and 17–19 hours.

– Air baths are taken once a day under canopies, on verandas, protected from direct sunlight, in the shade of trees.

– The time of the first procedures is 10–15 minutes, then it can be increased to one or two hours.

– If the air temperature is below 15°C, then taking air baths should be postponed until more auspicious days. “Goose bumps” warns of hypothermia, get dressed quickly.

How to properly sunbathe and sunbathe (heliotherapy)

Skin tone fashions have changed over time different times. Among the ancient Greeks White color skin was considered a sign of ill health, and the “father of medicine” Hippocrates called the sun a medicine for everyone. In the 19th century, beauties hid from the sun under wide-brimmed hats to keep their skin the color of aspirin.

The fashion for tanning was established at the beginning of the 20th century by the “legendary milliner” Coco Chanel. Everyone went to the beach, the cut of the swimsuits changed every year, revealing more and more new areas of the body. Finally, the most “advanced” vacationers began to sunbathe without any clothes at all. This is how nudists appeared.

The sun's rays are, without a doubt, beneficial. Under their influence, the skin produces the pigment melanin - that same tan, as well as vitamin D, which prevents rickets. However, it should be remembered that sunbathing should not be taken by people suffering from tuberculosis, vascular sclerosis, hypertension, diseases of the central nervous system, and migraines.

Sunbathing is best done in the summer in the morning from 8 to 11 and after the heat of the day subsides, from 16 to 18. In the first days of rest, you should not stay in the open sun or sunbathe for more than five minutes, otherwise you can get serious burns. Every day you can increase your time in the sun by two to four minutes.

You should know that each person’s sensitivity to the sun’s rays is different: blondes react to radiation more strongly than brunettes, whose skin quickly tans and acquires a chocolate hue. Children are about a third more sensitive than adults.

Long exposure to the sun in unseasoned people can cause exhaustion of the body; along with a bronze tan, they get irritability, headaches, sleep disturbances and weight loss. It is better to sunbathe after taking air baths, but before swimming in the sea.

How to tan properly? Not recommended!

– Wash with soap before sunbathing. Soap degreases the skin, and it does not tan, but is easily burned.

– Before going to the beach, use special cosmetical tools for tanning and burns.

– Sunbathe on an empty stomach or immediately after eating.

– Sunbathing and generally being in the sun with your head uncovered.

– Lie in the sun for a long time in the hope of getting an even tan. A strong tan dries the skin, which can cause wrinkles, weakens the nervous system, and has a bad effect on sleep.

It is well known that sun hardening increases the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors.

With moderate exposure to sunbathing, metabolic processes in the body accelerate, hemoglobin levels increase, and the functioning of the circulatory system is normalized.

Solar energy improves hearing and vision. The sun also has an effective effect on treatment various diseases skin and nasopharynx.

What can we say about the beauty that the skin acquires under the influence of sunbathing...

And the Beauty Pantry will tell you how to properly take sunbathing and its benefits.

Vitamin D and sunbathing

It has long been proven that a lack of sunlight, in particular vitamin D contained in the sun’s rays, affects the functioning of all human organs.

From a lack of vitamin D, bones suffer, the ability of cell regeneration deteriorates, immunity weakens, and depressive conditions develop.

Therefore, exposure to the sun becomes an essential part of our lives.

The amount of ultraviolet rays throughout the day and throughout the year is not constant.

It is clear that in summer there are much more of them than in autumn or spring, and in winter there are practically none at all. There are more ultraviolet rays during the day than at dawn or sunset.

Draw conclusions - spending a few hours outside on a sunny winter day may be more useful than 15-20 minutes in the sun on a summer afternoon.

The intensity of sunbathing also depends on the terrain, air humidity, and the availability of industrial facilities or bodies of water. For example, there are more ultraviolet rays on the banks of a river or sea than in an industrial area. Smoke and air pollution reduces the activity of ultraviolet rays by 10-15%.

How to sunbathe

With the undeniable benefits of sunbathing, do not forget - the sun is useful only in reasonable periods. quantities!

Excessive sunbathing can not only damage your body, but also seriously harm your health.

With excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin, elastin and collagen, substances responsible for its firmness and elasticity, begin to disintegrate.

To prevent the effect of photoaging of the skin (decrease in its elasticity), sunbathing should be taken correctly.

The optimal time for sunbathing in summer is morning (from 7:00 to 10:00-10:30) and evening (after 16:00, on especially hot days - after 17:00).

In spring and autumn, you can pamper yourself with the sun's rays at noon (from 12:00 to 16:00).

During scientific research It has been established that the morning rays of the rising sun have a tonic and invigorating effect.

While the sun's rays at sunset have a calming effect and relieve stress.

Accordingly, by sunbathing at dawn, you are charged with positive energy. And those who like to bask in the rays of the setting sun relax and calm the nervous system at this time.

You need to increase the duration of sunbathing gradually.

Remember, only proper sunbathing improves emotional and physical well-being, increases performance, improves perception and concentration.