How to eliminate condensate on cold water pipes - causes, ways to solve the problem. Getting rid of condensation on cold water pipes

When condensation forms on cold water pipes, an experienced plumber will always tell you what to do. But there are times when it is not possible to seek the help of a professional, so it is important to know why this phenomenon occurs and how to deal with it.

Causes of condensation

Moisture can appear on both metal and plastic surfaces. The reasons that cause it are equally eliminated, regardless of So the accumulation of condensate contributes to:

  • poor or no ventilation at all;
  • stagnant water;
  • faulty plumbing;
  • temperature difference;

If condensation is found on the cold water pipes, what should be done immediately. An unresolved problem causes not only aesthetic unsightliness, but can also damage pipes.

Excess moisture can appear due to a sharp temperature drop and excessive humidity. To eliminate the trouble, it is necessary to establish a ventilation system, and after taking a bath, leave the door open to ventilate the room.

in the toilet common cause"weeping" pipes is the leakage of water in the tank. The mechanism is simple: water is constantly updated and does not have time to warm up to room temperature. Thus, the pipe remains cold, and the room is warm. The result is excess moisture.

Consequences of unresolved condensate

In places where, as a rule, the humidity of the air is always high. But if the indicators go beyond the critical level, then it is possible backfire both for pipes and living people.

  • Formation of mold and fungus. When condensation is constantly present on plastic pipes, water droplets flow down the walls and onto the floor. As a result, a favorable environment is formed for the development of pathogenic bacteria, which threatens the appearance of mold. In conditions of constant humidity, the fungus begins to multiply intensively and then it will be very difficult to get rid of it.
  • Property damage. Constant contact with water surely spoils all the things in the room. metal pipes quickly rust, plastic - lose their consumer properties. Ceramic tile it may eventually fall off, and the paint and putty may crack.

To avoid this, you need to know how to remove condensate from cold water pipes and fix the problem in time.

Finding out the cause of the problem

Before you fight against drops of water on the pipes, you need to figure out why they appear. To eliminate condensate on cold water pipes, what to do in such cases is determined by the cause of its occurrence.

If this is a leak, then at night, when the movement of water stops, you can hear a quiet drip. Therefore, it is worth finding a place for water to flow, eliminate it and the problem with condensate will be solved by itself.

If moisture accumulates on the tank hose and parts of the system close to it, the problem is most likely in the system of the tank itself. Due to the constant presence and relatively warm room, condensation forms. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a drainage system.

When all systems are working properly, the plumbing is in order, you need to check the ventilation. It is enough to attach a sheet of paper to the vent and if it falls, clean it immediately. It often happens that this measure alone is enough to completely prevent the problem.

In the summer, when the room is hot, and cold water is let through the pipes, condensate is an indispensable attribute. In this case, it will help to eliminate too sharp a temperature difference between the outside air and the water in the pipes. Dehumidifiers may help.

Problem with piping

When the cause of droplets on the pipes is a plumbing malfunction or poor ventilation, then it is clear to any layman what to do. But what if the source is a technical reason. Often in apartments, hot and cold water pipes run in excessive proximity to each other. Under such conditions, it is clear why the condensate on the pipes appears again and again, despite good hood and performance of all systems.

If the wiring is in the public domain, you should definitely take care of thermal insulation. But in the case when the network is hidden, you will need the help of a specialist who will decide the wiring geometry. Either way, major repairs are needed.

Thermo insulating material both special and made from improvised materials are used. Ordinary corrugation and polyurethane foam will do. At the same time, the corrugation is cut to the required size and put on problem areas. Where there are unfilled spaces, polyurethane foam helps out.

If plastic pipes "cry"

When the house is laid, the question of how to get rid of condensate is solved as follows:

  1. It is advisable to replace the conventional hood with a built-in fan.
  2. Carry out insulation measures using special tubes with an incision. They are easy to purchase at any plumbing or hardware store. These tubes are made of polyethylene, energy flex and effectively protect the pipes. the main condition for their use is the thorough preparation of pipes so that they are completely dry.
  3. In the case of a plastic line, the problems of "weeping" can be radically solved if they are treated with a projector primer. After complete hardening, they can be painted oil paint. This method suitable if the room has an unrecoverable, constant and sharp temperature drop.

Please note that cold water pipes can be coated with any enamel, and the hot water supply system can only be painted with oil paint.

We get rid of moisture on metal pipes

The problem with metal systems is no less acute because excessive moisture threatens to form corrosion and complete wear of pipes. Therefore, if condensate appears on the cold water pipes, we will describe in detail what to do:

  1. The pipes are cleaned of rust, completely dried and coated with oil paint.
  2. Carbolate, a pasty substance, treats all kinds of cracks in the floor and walls. After complete hardening, it is also covered with oil paint.
  3. The entire waterway is treated with a projector primer, and then coated with enamel.

It should be remembered that the problem of condensate is often quite difficult to solve, so it is better to prevent its occurrence than to deal with the consequences later.

Experts who often encounter "weeping" pipes have gained a lot of experience in preventing the problem in the bud.

It should be purchased at the Gofroterm plumbing store. The substance is applied to the entire surface of the pipes, resulting in a strong and elastic base that prevents the accumulation of moisture.

Good effect also brings liquid thermal insulation. It is applied to completely dry pipes and prevents sudden temperature changes that cause condensation to form.

With a large difference between the temperature of the air and the supplied water, it is necessary to insulate the pipes. most efficient and suitable material for these purposes is which is sold in any hardware store for quite affordable price. The material is fixed with a clamp and ordinary wire.

You can eliminate fogging by the proposed methods, but which method to choose must be decided after the exact cause is established.

Wet pipes in a private house

Condensation on the pipes in a private house is mainly formed due to an insufficient ventilation system. Therefore, if the house is only under construction, you should immediately take care of a strong hood. Before installing the pipeline, it must be thermally insulated. It is especially worth paying attention to this if the pipes for hot and cold water supply are located in close proximity.

An inadequate system is a common cause of condensation. Therefore, in order to avoid problems with this factor, it is worth paying attention to this.

For diagnostics, specialists are involved, who, if necessary, will carry out cleaning. If the problem is not solved, you will have to mount an additional channel for the hood. The ventilation system in a private house often allows you to do this without much damage and high costs.

Pipe insulation

All pipes in the house should be insulated. For these purposes, specialized materials are purchased. But you can use improvised means and rid the house of constantly wet pipes.

An ordinary plastic tube is cut lengthwise and put on trouble spot. The space between the pipes is filled with mounting foam.

It is easy to secure a metal pipe with an old rag. To do this, we get rid of rust, dry the pipe and wrap it with rags.

A problem such as condensation on a pipe with cold water, is very common, especially in summer when it is hot. It occurs due to the temperature difference on the surface of the pipe and the surrounding air. As a result, small puddles may appear on the floor where the pipes pass. And the reason is not that communications, connections, etc. have been damaged. The reason is normal condensation. How to prevent its occurrence and effectively get rid of it, our article will tell.

The consequences of high humidity

Condensation is facilitated by high ambient humidity

The main reason that contributes to condensation is the increased humidity of the environment. That is why this process is typical for toilets and bathrooms, basements, boiler rooms, laundries, etc.

Surfaces damaged by condensation have an unsightly appearance. In addition, its appearance carries other dangers. One of them is corrosion, which eventually destroys metal structures. Also, he loves constant humidity. mold fungus causing allergic and respiratory diseases. Both cannot be called something pleasant and useful.

Causes of condensation

The main reasons for the appearance of a condensation product include:

  1. the presence of a source in the room high humidity;
  2. inadequate ventilation;
  3. poor thermal insulation of sewerage and water supply pipes.

The occurrence of condensate on cold water pipes for the last reasons is understandable and understandable. But what about sources of high humidity? This reason is for:

  • external weather conditions and climate (continuous rains, sleet, wet climate zone etc.);
  • geographical features terrain (the presence of large bodies of water nearby, high humidity air in combination with rocky soil);
  • defects in buildings that arose due to violations of construction technology (poor-quality thermal insulation of walls and floors, poor waterproofing of the foundation, lack of hoods and ventilation in the premises);
  • problems arising during the operation of buildings and communications (flooding of the basement, accidents in the water supply system, clogging of ventilation ducts, local sources of water vapor in the form of hanging wet linen and vapors of cooking food).

For whatever reason, droplets of water do not appear on your pipe, it must be dealt with.

Methods for dealing with the product of condensation

Ventilation device

good defensive option pipe is mineral wool

If your room is experiencing high humidity, you need to take the following steps.

  1. First, remove the source causing it to rise. For example, hang wet laundry outside, on a balcony, or in a room that is well ventilated. Close water containers with airtight lids.
  2. Second, make sure you have good ventilation. This can be a simple ventilation window with a grill that will ensure that excess moisture is vented to the outside.

If you don't know what to do to remove condensation from cold water pipes, try, for starters, to arrange a simple passive ventilation. It is done as follows:

  • using a puncher or drill-crown, drill a hole in the wall in the form of a small “window”;
  • insert a ventilation grill over it and secure it using building glue or self-tapping screws with dowels.

In the event that such a measure does not bring the desired result, you will have to turn to active ventilation. It can be an exhaust fan that will be mounted on the exhaust vent. It has 2 modes - forced and manual. The first is used when the source of high humidity is constantly operating. The second can be used when its action is limited to a certain time. These fans are sold in construction stores and you can install them yourself.

On a note! For convenience, the fan can be equipped with a timer or a humidity sensor that will control its operation time.

Pipe insulation

The inner diameter of the pipe insulation must match the outer diameter of the pipe

And now we will learn how to eliminate cold water condensate on a pipe when its surface temperature differs sharply from the ambient air temperature. Forced ventilation in this case does not always help, and then it is necessary to protect the pipes, resorting to the help of heat-insulating materials.

Currently, their range is quite diverse.

  1. Insulation material is very often sold in the form of mats, which are mineral wool, on one side of which a heat-reflecting metal foil is fixed.
  2. The heater may be in the form of tubes. The value of their inner diameter must match the outer diameter of the pipe to be insulated. Such tubes are made of rubber, polystyrene, polystyrene and other materials.

If you chose the first option, then tightly wrap the entire pipeline with material.

In the case of using a tubular version of the insulation, it should be cut along the entire length, and then put on a pipe that has been wiped dry. It is important to achieve complete tightness of the containment by its tight fit to the riser. If this does not happen, then the water droplets will still moisturize metal structure leading to its destruction. After that, the insulation put on the pipe should be glued along the length of the cut using a special adhesive tape or glue.

Note! If even after the thermal insulation of the pipes, the condensation product does not disappear, then you will have to waterproof the walls and floor. Such a major overhaul can only be entrusted to specialists who know how to work with a heat insulator, waterproofing and facing materials.

If such measures cannot be implemented or they could not solve the problem, then install a dehumidifier or air conditioner in the room that has the function of dehumidifying the air. How to remove condensate from cold water pipes in this case? By regularly draining accumulated water and drying absorbent material.

On a note! The most primitive moisture accumulator is an ordinary bandage, which is wound in the form of a tourniquet around the pipe. Its lower end descends into a jar where water will drain. In this capacity, bags of silica gel are also suitable, which will need to be dried periodically.

The fight against condensate, although painstaking, is not very difficult. We hope everything works out for you! We wish you success!

The formation of condensate (water droplets) on the surface of pipes is a frequent and common phenomenon. Condensation is present in apartments with centralized water supply, country houses and cottages equipped with individual pumping station. It is observed in summer season and in winter. The smallest droplets of water form on the surface of sewer and water pipes, and sometimes on the surface of walls. This process in itself cannot be considered a big problem. But the accumulation of water leads to a reduction in the life of the water supply system and to the flooding of neighbors due to leaks. Excessive moisture causes dampness in the toilet, bathroom, kitchen and bad smell leads to the formation of fungus and mold.

The appearance of condensation on the pipes in the toilet

Condensation on cold water pipes is formed due to temperature differences. Another reason lies in bad job ventilation system or it is absent altogether.

Strong condensation on the pipes in the toilet appears for the following reasons:

  1. Inefficient room ventilation. You can check the correctness of this reason in the following way. Do not close the toilet door at night. If the pipes remain dry in the morning, this will confirm the weak operation of the air ventilation system.
  2. Regular flow drain tank. In this situation, the water constantly flows, not having time to warm up, so it remains cold. The room air temperature is much higher, due to the temperature difference, condensation appears. To remove condensate from the toilet bowl, repair or replace the outlet valve or faucet on it.
  3. Faults and leakage from neighbors. Water flows through the riser, therefore, as a result, wet pipes in the toilet. You cannot solve this problem on your own. Join forces with your neighbors, or better yet, invite a plumber. But if it is impossible to connect them immediately after finding the cause, then it is possible to temporarily eliminate the condensate on the pipes in the toilet as follows. To do this, wrap four or five turns of a bandage or strip of fabric on the pipe, and lower the remaining canvas into a container. The accumulated liquid should be poured out periodically.
  • Poor ventilation or exhaust, or lack of it. In this case, the cold water pipe is sweating. Sometimes you just need to clean the ventilation. Unscrew the grate that is used as a valve to shut off the air circulation, thoroughly clean all structural elements ventilation.
  • Features of laying the water supply and sewerage lines. V apartment buildings pipes for cold and hot water laid side by side and without any thermal insulation. This circumstance explains the appearance of condensate on the pipes that lead to the mixer. If they are laid inside the wall, then serious repairs are indispensable. In the case of open pipe laying, a thermostat is used.
  • Boiler valve dripping. This problem can be eliminated by winding a special tape.
  • Damage (leakage) of the mixer. Constantly flowing liquid leads to the fact that cold water pipes sweat, the humidity in the apartment rises. You can get rid of condensate by replacing or repairing the mixer.
  • Stand leak. Get rid of condensate on pipes with such
    problem, you can either temporarily (wind up a bandage or cloth, and lower the free end into a container to collect fluid), or replace the riser or only the damaged part.

To avoid the formation of moisture, it is better to start by checking and adjusting the operation of the ventilation and exhaust system. Humidity should not be higher than 50% in the house. Humidity standards in the apartment are set by the relevant sanitary standards and rules. The optimal humidity is 45 - 30%. If the ventilation is working properly and works well, then the humidity of the air remains within the normal range.

The next option is to eliminate possible leaks faucets and toilet cistern. If they cannot be repaired, simply replace them.

When these measures did not help to eliminate condensate and bring air humidity back to normal, then use other methods. A new innovative method - waterproofing paint. It should only be used on absolutely dry and rust-free surfaces. If laziness, then of course it is not forbidden to paint the pipe with condensate, but this is a waste of work. Therefore, before work, be sure to turn off the water.

When cleaning surfaces, it is better to use fine sandpaper and do not be zealous (especially if the pipes are plastic), as this can damage them.

Another option is insulating pipes with a special cut. Before use, they must be wiped to prevent moisture droplets from getting inside the insulating layer.

Means of thermal insulation "Grafoterm" when applied forms protective film, minimizes the possibility of condensation on plastic cold water pipes.

Condensate on water pipes eliminated in a simple and economical way, however, while they themselves will not look very aesthetically pleasing. Wrap them with a bandage or strips of cloth. Alternate layers of bandage with epoxy putty, in this case the waterproofing is much more reliable.

  1. Buying ready thermal insulation material. Market building materials has them in a wide range. These are energy flex, foam propylene, penofol, self-adhesive tape and others.
  2. Plumbers recommend using high-diameter plastic pipes for thermal insulation. Soft, but strong, with thick porous walls, such a pipe is easy to install.

They are produced in several standard sizes, the inner diameter corresponds to the outer diameter of the water pipe.

  1. The thermal insulation pipe is cut lengthwise, put on a water pipe, and the seam is sealed with special adhesive tape (metallized). If the pipes in the toilet are sweating, then for lack of funds, you can get by with a simple corrugated pipe or thick cardboard. Cut off pieces of the required length, with a diameter slightly larger than the tap. Then put on the problem area and fill with mounting foam. Pieces short in length are glued together with tape.
  2. The easiest and most economical way to insulate, if the cold water pipe is sweating, is to apply epoxy putty. Before application, the surfaces must be very carefully cleaned from corrosion and rust, and then degreased with an acetone-containing solution. When the putty solution hardens, the pipe is bandaged, and then another layer of the solution is applied, after it dries, the last, final layer.,

Getting rid of condensate on pipes

The fight against condensate must be rational. If it was not possible to completely get rid of moisture droplets or prevent their appearance by any of the methods, you need to pay attention to other reasons:

  • Weather conditions - humid climate and frequent prolonged rains, prolonged severe frosts or heavy snowfalls increase the level of humidity in the room, and as a result, condensation appears.
  • The location of the house near natural reservoirs, close occurrence ground water affect the level of humidity in the house.
  • Disadvantages of construction - no foundation waterproofing layer has been laid, no ventilation, a cold floor or a damp basement located under the house.
  • Frequent accidents in the water supply system, the presence of several sources of evaporation (drying clothes, cooking) are also causes of condensation.

Most often, to solve this problem, it is required to completely change the internal microclimate of the house, and this requires complex complex measures, until the overhaul. Each of the situations of condensate occurrence requires a study of the causes and an individual choice of method and method of elimination.

Sometimes activities can be simple and economical.

  • In case of excessive moisture, eliminate the source. Use only well-ventilated areas to dry laundry.
  • Equip exhaust ventilation, so that it works in several modes, including forced.
  • Additionally insulate the walls and floor.
  • Install an air conditioner with a dehumidifier function. If this is not possible, then make a moisture absorber with your own hands.

Many people know how important the thermal insulation of a heating system is - energy losses reduce the efficiency of the system, leading to financial losses. Many people struggle with fogging windows, and are looking for. But not everyone knows how important it is to protect cold water pipes. They think about it only when condensed water begins to drip from the pipes onto the floor.

The lack of proper insulation in the case of cold water pipes leads, in some cases, to the condensation of water vapor. This forms moisture on the pipes, which in the form of drops falls to the floor and accumulates in the bathrooms. Why condensation forms on cold water pipes, what to do, how to get rid of this phenomenon, we will consider below.

What is condensation?

This phenomenon is associated with the condensation of water vapor present in the air on a surface that is colder than the so-called dew point temperature. If the air temperature near the water supply is below the dew point, excess moisture settles in the form of droplets on this surface.

The phenomenon of condensation of water vapor from the air is common. For example, when we pour a cold drink into a glass on a hot day, the dew that settles on the walls is a consequence of the phenomenon of condensation. If water drops on the glass are not too serious a problem, and if the plastic pipe sweats, this can cause some problems. Moreover, this problem is larger than it seems at first glance - sooner or later the accumulating water begins to drip, the bathroom becomes damp. What to do if cold water pipes sweat, how to get rid of condensate?

Consequences of the problem

In warm, humid weather, condensation forms on the plumbing in the basement when we turn on the cold water. But excessive condensation can lead to dripping water, which has a number of negative consequences:

  1. It provokes the growth of mold, fungus, the removal of which requires serious costs.
  2. The worst problems occur on pipes made of metal, such as copper, galvanized steel. The accumulation of water on the surface can lead to the destruction of equipment located directly under the water supply.
  3. The walls are damp.

Copper oxidation

Damp insulation can be compared to wet wool on a frosty day. Not only does it not protect equipment from energy loss, but it can lead to corrosion, which often leads to flooding of equipment and premises.

Condensation is the #1 technical enemy of insulation. Introducing water vapor into the insulation material from the outside is also harmful. In both cases, this indicates that the isolation has failed. To make matters worse, condensation in the insulation is initially invisible. Over time, this can lead to dangerous consequences: Water dripping from walls or ceiling. If moisture penetrates the insulating material, its effectiveness rapidly decreases.

How to distinguish condensate from a leak?

In some cases, condensation can be confused with water leaking from the system. Check the pipes early in the morning before turning on the water, when the water in the system has warmed up to room temperature. If drops are visible, these may be hidden leaks. It is important to repair hidden leaks before they destroy the ceiling of the neighbors from the lower floor, the walls or floor in the toilet, provoke the appearance of mold, fungus.

How to deal with condensation?

The main method of preventing water condensation is to create an insulating barrier between the cold surface and environment saturated with water vapor. Only by choosing a coating that meets the following two requirements at the same time, it is possible to protect our installations from undesirable phenomena:

  1. In order to prevent water vapor from condensing on the surface of the pipe, to increase the thermal conductivity over the entire service life, it is important that the insulating material is resistant to moisture absorption.
  2. An important parameter is the low heat transfer coefficient λ, which allows minimizing the exchange of free energy between the pipe and the environment.

How and how to eliminate condensate on the cold water pipe?

Thus, adequate protection of cold water pipes can help avoid many unpleasant, costly surprises. Modern solutions the problems are quite simple, they can be implemented with your own hands, without having great skills in the field of plumbing repair. The cost of materials is quite affordable, given the small length of the water supply in the apartment, house.

Thanks to modern technologies weeping toilets and plumbing insulated with unsightly, impractical improvised means, like a medical bandage or cloth, as people did in the past, are a thing of the past.

Why does condensation appear on cold water pipes, what to do in this case? Condensation is a common problem, and it can appear on both metal and plastic pipelines. At first glance, the problem is insignificant, but over time it causes a lot of trouble in the form of rust, mold and an unpleasant smell. That is, you still need to get rid of the condensate. To do this, you need to find out the reasons for its occurrence. Why do pipes sweat?

Why does condensation appear on cold water pipes

Most often, you can observe condensation on the pipes in the toilet. One of the reasons is a water leak in the tank. The water is constantly changing and does not have time to warm up, hence the humidity. We get rid of the leak in the tank - this reason will disappear.

Sometimes puddles appear at the riser from excessive moisture. This means that the neighbors living above have a leak in the tank. At night, listen to the murmur of water in the sewer, and you will immediately understand everything.

Condensation also forms due to high humidity and temperature changes. Good ventilation is essential to avoid condensation. To get started, just leave the toilet door open overnight, you may find a dry pipe in the morning.

The reason is obvious - the ventilation duct is clogged. Unscrew the grate ventilation duct and clean everything very well. A draft should appear in the ventilation duct.

In the event that there is ventilation, but it does not cope with the problem, you can install an exhaust fan. It attaches in place of the ventilation grille and you turn it on as needed.

The choice of fans in modern building supermarkets is huge, for every taste and at any price. V Lately installation of such fans in toilets and bathrooms is very common.

How to fix the problem of condensation

How to get rid of condensation on the pipes in the bathroom? The pipes in the bathroom are also sweating. The reason may be the same. Condensation on the riser - neighbors have problems with plumbing. The pipeline that supplies water to your plumbing gets wet - the faucet does not work well. The lack of a hood, as in the first case, exacerbates the problem.
If systems with hot water and cold are very close to each other, fogging cannot be avoided.

It is necessary to make thermal insulation of pipes, this is an excellent protection that will allow you to remove condensate.

Often, condensation forms on the pipes in the bathroom due to a malfunction of the faucet. Leakage of water contributes to their cooling. There is only one way out - repair of the crane!

How to get rid of condensation? Completely get rid of fogging of pipes will allow insulation for pipes. It is necessary to isolate cold water pipes from contact with external environment. There are special thermal insulation materials, using which you will rid the pipes of condensate. You just need to buy such material and insulate the pipelines. The abundance of such materials in the construction materials market is very large.

In case you prefer a budget option to eliminate moisture on the pipes, and do not plan to purchase expensive thermal insulation material, you can use other ways. Need to buy a bottle polyurethane foam and plastic pipe or corrugation, the diameter of which exceeds the diameter of the condensate pipe. The corrugation or pipe is cut into pieces so that you can put them on the problem pipe, then put them on and fill the voids with mounting foam.

There is another budget option for getting rid of condensate. You will need sandpaper to remove rust and acetone to degrease the problem surface well after that. It is best to treat the pipeline with phosphoric acid and then apply a layer of epoxy putty on it so that it does not drain.

Then immediately wrap the pipeline with previously prepared strips of fabric so that the material is saturated with putty. You can use an old sheet by cutting it into pieces that look like bandages. Putty with fabric will quickly harden.

You can do this several times in the same way. The work ends with the application finishing putty. It will look aesthetically pleasing if the putty is sanded and coated water-based paint the color you want.

In most cases, thermal insulation of pipes solves the problem of condensate, but sometimes the humidity level in a house or apartment is so high that waterproofing of the floor and walls is necessary.