How to store grapes at home in winter. Preparing grapes for winter - how to protect the vineyard from severe frosts? Ways to store grapes at home

In the conditions of the Russian climate, preparing grapes for winter is a very important stage, because you need not only to do everything correctly necessary procedures, but also choose the most suitable time for this. It is worth making a mistake with the timing, and you can face freezing or damping of the vineyard.

The ability of grape bushes to tolerate well the cold season largely depends on how carefully they were looked after throughout the season. Affected by diseases, weakened grapes with unripe wood are unlikely to be able to survive the frosts, so even in spring you need to think about how to preserve the grapes for the winter.

Regularly inspect the bushes throughout the season and fight fungal diseases in a timely manner by treating the vineyard with fungicides and cutting out damaged branches. After picking berries, you can apply one and a half or even a double dose. chemical agent so that the plants concentrate their strength on ripening and leave healthy during the winter.

Video about the rules for preparing grapes for winter

The longer the grapes lie under the shelter, and the warmer the temperature in the shelter, the more nutrients are consumed by the plant to maintain important life processes. In addition, by spring, the roots and vines should have a sufficient supply of food for the development of young shoots in early spring. Your task: do not forget complex mineral fertilizers and organic, as well as conduct foliar feeding several times per season.

Healthy vines with a thickness of 6 to 13 mm ripen and winter best, especially if the core occupies no more than a third of the diameter of the vine. Such vines have accumulated enough nutrients for a successful wintering.

The resistance of grapes to frost largely depends on whether the wood has matured. Ripe vine has Brown color, remains warm during frost and emits a characteristic crackle when bent, without breaking at the same time. Scourges with unripe greenish wood should be removed during autumn pruning, since they not only do not winter, but also create a risk of damage to the covered grapes by fungi and mold.

In the photo grapes

How to achieve full ripening of grape wood:

  • choose varieties that mature well in your region;
  • monitor the health of the grape bushes;
  • thin out the grapes and remove unnecessary branches;
  • maintain an optimal load on the vines (the more bunches, the later the wood will ripen);
  • feed the vineyard potash fertilizers and ash - potassium is very important for the ripening of the vine;
  • exclude nitrogen fertilizers from mid-summer so that the plant's strength does not go to the formation of unnecessary green mass;
  • carry out the autumn minting, cutting off the shoots above the 15th leaf.

Shoots should be minted during the period of slowing growth of grapes. You can determine this period by the tops: if they are straightened, it means that the growth processes have begun to decline, and the curved tops indicate active growth. Start chasing when the bushes have both curved and straight tops.

The photo shows the chasing of grapes

So, during the summer you have diligently looked after the vineyard, keeping the plants healthy. With the onset of autumn, it's time to start preparing the grape bushes for hiding for the winter. To do this, you have to prune shoots, catarovate the roots and carry out water-charging irrigation.

Immediately after harvesting the grapes, do not rush to cut off the fruiting branches, give the plants the opportunity to slightly replenish the supply of nutrients and get stronger. Pruning too early will noticeably reduce the winter hardiness of the grapes, so experienced growers are advised to start pruning with the onset of the first frost (usually at the end of October).

The main purpose of autumn pruning is to free the plant from vines that have already borne fruit. Instead, a fruit arrow and a replacement knot are left on each sleeve. Also, all diseased, damaged, old sleeves and unripe vines are removed. You can read more about the rules and important subtleties on our website.

Photo of grape pruning

The next step will be katarovka or destruction of the dew roots of the grapes, which grow at the surface of the earth, on the underground part of the grape trunk. Catarovka is necessary in order for the deep roots to get stronger and take root well. This procedure is simple:

  • dig a groove up to 20 cm deep around the stem;
  • cut off all the roots flush with the main root;
  • process the sections with copper sulfate;
  • fill the groove with dry sand;
  • spud the bush and water, as trimming the superficial roots causes the plant to have a strong need for moisture.

Of particular importance for the successful wintering of grapes are water-charging irrigation. They are held in October or November, just before the bushes are covered. However, the need for water-charging irrigation is no longer necessary if October turned out to be rainy.

In the photo, one of the ways to hide grapes

Immediately after pruning and katarovka, without waiting for frost, you should start tying and bending the grape bushes. Calendar dates can vary greatly, as weather conditions change every year. The main thing is that the grapes survive the first frosts open, then the vines will be hardened and will be more resistant to cold weather.

Remove the grape shoots cut and treated with copper sulfate from the trellis and lay them on the ground, carefully pinning them with staples. It is advisable to spread dry plant material under the vines (spruce branches, leaves, branch trimmings). Place rimmed wooden boards over the vines to leave some space around the stems. You can cover the shields with tarpaulin, polyethylene, roofing felt or other waterproof material. And on top, additionally throw rags, or pour a small layer of earth.

Video about preparing grapes for winter


Spring period and most of the summer is spent for most gardeners in labor. Taking care of fruit crops, it takes a lot of time and effort, but how pleasant it is to harvest. But it's too early to relax, because you need to think about how to distribute the fruits for processing, to create favorable conditions for long-term storage at home. IN this review will discuss how you can save grapes for the winter.

No matter how long the wait is, there comes a time when all the grapes have to be removed from the vine. Of course, you can immediately process it into juices, wine and preservation. But an even greater desire arises to enjoy the fresh berry, filled with a multifaceted aroma. It is quite possible to keep grapes at home for several months, given important factors:

  • crop variety medium or late ripening with loose clusters is selected;
  • the berry should have firm flesh and thick skin;
  • at self-cultivation pay attention to grapes agricultural regulations, they affect the safety of fruits;
  • you need to harvest only ripe(not green or overripe), and carry out the work in dry sunny weather;
  • when removing bunches, you need to try do not damage the wax coating, it promotes long-term storage (it is recommended to use rubber gloves for this);
  • before storage should be sorted damaged or spoiled grapes;
  • wash collected brushes is strictly prohibited, such a procedure only accelerates the damage to the workpiece.

The mildest varieties can be stored at home for up to 5-6 months. These include: Kutuzovsky, Autumn black, Moldavian black, Vierup-59, December,.

What varieties are suitable for long-term storage

Before purchasing grapes for planting, it is worth deciding on further methods of storage and processing of the crop. If you want to prepare fresh bunches for New Year's table, it is recommended to consider varieties that are suitable for long-term storage and will not create problems during overexposure.

In memory of Negrul

The variety was bred as a result of crossing Corn Neagra and Datie de Saint-Valier. A plant with an average ripening period tolerates frost well, is different high resistance to typical diseases. On the bushes, medium-sized cylindrical clusters ripen, the weight reaches 400-700 grams. Egg-shaped berries are almost black in color. Each weighs 5-9 grams. The sugar content in fruits is 16-18% with an acidity of 5-7 g / l.

Features of the variety:

  • fruit covered with a dense wax coating, which ensures long-term storage;
  • the plant has a good immunity;
  • powerful skeleton of a bush allows you to remove increased yields;
  • insects practically do not attack the vine.


This variety has several varieties, the main difference of which is the color of the berry. There are three of them: white, pink and black. All plants are frost-resistant (up to -21 °) and long-term storage of berries. This is facilitated by the dense skin of the fruit and the waxy coating.

  • bunch weight- 400-600 gr., Some specimens weigh up to 2 kg;
  • berry shape ovoid, the weight of one is 10-12 grams;
  • taste without pronounced notes, but at the same time harmonious;
  • high yield(with proper care, up to 100 kg of fruit can be removed from the bush).

Berries in fresh stored at home under a certain temperature regime for up to 130 days.

Anniversary of the Crane

Late ripening plant with a growing season of 150-167 days. The strength of the bush is average, but this does not prevent the formation of large conical bunches, whose weight reaches 400-500 grams. There are specimens up to 1.4 kg. The taste is simple, but sweetness is well felt (18-19% with an acidity of 8.5-9 g / l).

Features of grapes:

  • early entry into the period fruiting young vines(in the second year after disembarkation);
  • fertility indicators and yield high;
  • frost resistance(up to -25 °);
  • strong immunity minimizes preventive measures.

Fresh berries are stored at home under a certain temperature regime for up to 130 days.


The plant is medium-sized with a growing season of 156-167 days. The variety was obtained by crossing Nimrang and Pierrell. On the bushes, beautiful cylindrical bunches ripen, weighing 700-800 grams, but there are also real champions reaching 3 kg. The density of the brush is medium. The yellow-green berry has an oval shape, at the stage of ripeness it becomes covered with a pinkish tint. The weight of one is 7-8 grams. The sugar content is 16% with an acid of 7 g / l.

Features of the variety:

  • strong immunity(allows you to grow crops without spraying);
  • frost resistance up to minus 21 °;
  • vine does not require shelter for the winter;
  • good transportability.

Fresh berries are stored at home under a certain temperature regime for up to 140 days.

Ways to preserve grapes in winter

Choose correct grade grapes for long-term storage is only half the battle. The second part is in choosing a suitable method and creating comfortable conditions for a bunch, so that it looks presentable and fresh on the table. Where to store grapes and how long will it last?

In the cellar

The sorted grapes can be stored in the cellar or basement during the winter, if respected there temperature regime from + 1 ° to + 8 °. Air humidity is suitable with increased rates (70-80%), otherwise the fruits will quickly dry out. However, waterlogging should not be allowed, otherwise rot or mold will soon form on the blanks. To regulate this process, it is recommended to regularly ventilate the room or install a forced ventilation system... A bucket with quicklime or charcoal installed in the immediate vicinity of the stored crop.

Periodically (at least once a week), you need to inspect the fruits, the spoiled berries identified are carefully removed from the brush and disposed of.

When choosing a place for grapes it is worth giving up the neighborhood with zucchini, potatoes and other vegetables, capable of releasing moisture. Better find nook separate from other products.

Using containers with water

This method it is appropriate to use when storing a small amount of the crop. The essence of the method is to cut the bunches together with the vine, after which the long end of the branch is placed in a bottle (or other vessel) with water. At the same time, the bunch of grapes should hang freely, so the container is fixed at an angle. To prevent bacteria from developing in the water, a tablet of activated charcoal or aspirin is added to it. This will help prevent rot formation. With this storage, the bunches remain fresh for up to 2 months, sometimes until the New Year.

Periodically, you should cut (renew the cut) the vine to allow the grapes to be nourished with moisture.

On a wire

The sorted bunches are tied in pairs by the comb. Twine is used for the ligament. Further, in the cellar or basement, several rows of wire are pulled and the brushes are fixed with clothespins or with a thread. The grapes should be placed tightly, but with an interval for air circulation (at least 3-5 cm).

The blanks are periodically inspected to remove damaged berries. The more thoroughly the cleaning is done, the longer the fruits are preserved.

It is better to pull the twine or wire at different heights so that the bunches do not touch each other. It is necessary to lay burlap on the floor under the hangers or plastic wrap for timely harvesting of fallen berries. If this is not done, a vinegar fly will start, which will provoke a bacterial infection of the entire crop.

Application of boxes

Dry containers are used as containers. wooden boxes or tubs. Before filling with fruits, the tree must be treated with an antiseptic or fumigated with sulfur. After complete drying, a layer of sawdust or straw (2-3 cm thick) is lined on the bottom. Dry bunches, pre-sorted, are laid out on an interlayer so that the grapes do not touch each other. Each row is covered with a layer of sawdust. Sawdust is poured over the brushes, and the container is covered with a lid. It is not necessary to fill the box with fruits to the very top, it is important that there is little space between the lid and the sawdust for air circulation.

When choosing sawdust pine and spruce should be discarded. The aroma of pine needles negatively affects taste grapes. Better to give preference fruit trees, as well as poplar or linden.

Properly freezing in the freezer

Preserve the taste and aroma of berries you can also freeze them... Dark and white varieties are suitable for this method, but the former will last longer. It is important not to re-expose grapes to low temperatures.

The sequence of how to properly freeze fruits:

  1. Thoroughly clear the bunches from damaged berries and debris. Rinse and dry naturally.
  2. Spread out brushes on a tray so that the grapes do not touch each other. Send them to the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  3. Place the tray with the workpiece for half an hour into the chamber and freeze.
  4. After aging in the freezer, take out the fruits and pack in portions into containers.
  5. Send to freezer for storage... The storage temperature is set at -24 ° C.

It is possible to harvest both whole brushes and individual berries by freezing. Shelf life at this method processing time is 7-8 months.

Before eating, the berries must be removed in advance and refrigerated for 18-20 hours for smooth defrosting. If necessary, the process is accelerated by immersing frozen berries in cool water, but this method loses its taste.

Light grape varieties are harvested with individual berries directly in sweet syrup. The sequence of processing grapes:

  • wash and dry the sorted bunches;
  • carefully detach every berry;
  • put on a tray in one layer and send to the freezer for 30 minutes;
  • boil the syrup from water and sugar, cool it;
  • remove the berries from the freezer and spoon water each;
  • send again for 30 minutes in the freezer;
  • repeat the procedure after 30 minutes, turning frozen fruits;
  • frozen berries in syrup fold into a container and store in a freezer (-20 ° to -24 °).

If you follow the recommendations of experts and experienced gardeners then feast on delicious berries that benefit the body, it will be possible to do everything new year holidays ... In addition, grapes in themselves are a worthy decoration of the festive table.

In winter, at times, there is not enough summer warmth and tasty juicy berries or fruits. It is quite possible to save a piece of the warm season with very little effort. We will tell you about the methods of storing grapes - the most delicious and healthy product.

Shelf life: how long can grapes be stored

The shelf life of each variety is different, however, from the most popular varieties according to the storage duration, one can distinguish:

  • - 130 days;
  • "Autumn Black" - 4 months;
  • "Jubilee of the Crane" - 130 days;
  • - 130 days;
  • "Autumn light" - no more than 100 days;
  • "Nadezhda AZOS" - no more than 3 months;
  • - 160 days;
  • "Moldavian Black" - 100 days;
  • Nistru - 140 days;
  • "In memory of Verderevsky" - no more than 4 months.
  • What determines the keeping quality of grapes

    Let's immediately determine what keeping quality is - it is the ability of grapes to be stored for a long time without losing their properties. Depends on many factors, for example:

    • grape sort;
    • places where bushes grow (keeping quality is better on the sides that are more illuminated);
    • correct agricultural technology;
    • loading of bushes with shoots and bunches;
    • weather conditions during ripening and harvesting;
    • from the possibility of berries to moisture retention, etc.

    Variety and correct agricultural technology

    Not all varieties can be preserved without loss of external attractiveness and useful elements... The best suited for this purpose are species with a hard peel and compacted pulp that have a medium late and late ripening, however, correct agricultural technology plays an important role in the subsequent conservation of fruits.

    Important! Unripe grapes are not suitable for long-term storage.

    The bushes selected in advance are watered less throughout the season, and after the first half of summer (1.5 months before harvest), the water supply should be stopped altogether. However, at this time, the amount of potassium-phosphorus dressings should be increased. Conservation brushes are taken from bushes where there are fewer of them.

    Weather conditions at harvest

    Harvesting grapes for conservation should be done exclusively in dry weather. It is also not recommended to cut ripe berries immediately after rain - at this time they pretty much gain moisture, lose a certain amount of sugar, and the pulp becomes watery. It is necessary to wait several days for the moisture to leave the grapes. You also need to take into account that in the early morning and late evening, i.e. during dew, collection is also not recommended.

    Berry ripeness

    Only perfectly ripe grapes can be taken for storage. Its readiness is determined by the following indicators of grapes:

    • color: the berries should be black, blue, pink and red, if the berry is white, it should be transparent;
    • taste;
    • softness and sugariness;

    Did you know? The more sweet the grapes are, the better they are preserved.

    Correct pruning of bunches

    It is better to cut with a sharply sharpened pruner, a knife or scissors, holding the bunch from below or, holding by the comb, cut off at the top, near the branch. You need to trim it filigree, without spoiling the wax coating, which protects the grapes from external influences.

    Conditions and methods for storing grapes

    Save it in different ways. The main thing is to maintain an acceptable temperature regime, moisture level and illumination. Ideal when humidity is 85-90%, and temperatures are from 0 to +2 degrees with a minimum of light. For preservation, a dry room is used, sufficiently ventilated, in which it is possible to maintain the right temperature and humidity. It could be a shed summer kitchen, basement, attic and other premises that are not heated. It cannot contain third-party fragrances, mold, insects or pests.
    First, the walls and ceiling are processed lime mixture(lime - 2 kg, copper sulfate- 100 g, water - 10 l), then the whole room is fumigated with sulfur dioxide according to the scheme: burn 5 g of sulfur per 1 square meter of area. After the room is closed for 2 days, and then ventilated and dried. A thermometer is hung to control the temperature, and a hygrometer is used to control humidity. If the humidity is above the norm, put the vessels with quicklime, and if too dry, the vessels with water.

    In wooden boxes

    This method is used for storage for short periods of time - no more than a couple of months. For this, the bottom of the container is covered with straw, sawdust or paper. The bunches are stacked in rows with scallops upward, but so as not to touch the neighboring ones. Each layer is sprinkled with sawdust by 2-3 cm. No more than 10 kg of product is placed in one box. The height of the container is not more than 15-20 cm. If there is no suitable container, it is allowed to store it on the shelves. First, straw or sawdust is placed on the racks by 5-6 cm, and then grapes. It is placed so that the stalks are on top and do not touch. The later the grapes are laid for preservation, the better.

    Did you know? Ripe grape berries contain up to 25% glucose and fructose, which are very beneficial for the human body.

    On the comb

    This is one of the main ways of long-term (until spring) storage of grapes.


    This storage method allows grapes to be stored until April. The vine from which the bunch is cut must be one year old. The largest and most attractive bunches are selected. They are cut off filigree, without breaking the pruin bloom. When cutting above the bunch, one internode should remain, but below the vine - two internodes.
    The cut from above is covered with garden varnish, part of the bottom is dipped into a glass vessel with distilled or boiled water. Charcoal is also put there and the water is salted - this will protect it from damage. The petiole with a bunch is placed in water, and the hole of the vessel is plugged with a cotton plug. The vessels are securely attached at a slight angle. Water is topped up in descending order. If the need arises, the water is changed after 14 days. Banks are also stored on the floor, in wooden boxes, on shelves.


    The bunches are suspended from a stretched wire or some kind of crossbar. If the brushes are cut off with a piece of vine, then during the storage period the beneficial substances that have accumulated in this piece of vine will pass into the fruit and will lengthen the storage time from 5 to 6 months. The berries themselves will significantly lose moisture, but accumulate sugar.

    Important! When saving on dry combs, the brushes should not come into contact with anything.

    In barrels in cork powder

    You will need a dry and clean anchor. It is necessary to cover the bottom of the barrel with dry cork powder and lay out a layer of grapes. And so lay out each new row, remembering to sprinkle with powder. At a suitable temperature and microclimate, grapes will preserve their gastronomic and external properties for up to 8 months.

    In a refrigerator

    For this, special refrigerators are used, with zero temperature and 94% humidity. In such refrigeration plants, a particularly favorable gaseous environment is created for storage:

    • carbon dioxide - 5-8%;
    • oxygen - 3-5%;
    • nitrogen - 88-92%.
    It should be borne in mind that when stored in such refrigerators, grapes must be treated weekly with sulfur dioxide (1.5-2 g per cubic meter). You can freeze this product in bunches and in your home refrigerator.
    This requires:
  1. Carefully examine the brushes, if necessary, remove damaged grapes.
  2. Rinse the bunches well in running water.
  3. Dry (can be spread out on a terry towel, preferably under a stream of air).
  4. When completely dry, lay out freely on a tray and send to the refrigerator for pre-cooling.
  5. After cooling in the refrigerator on the same tray, send to the freezer.
  6. After freezing, carefully arrange the bunches in bags and store in a place with a temperature of no more than -20 degrees.
IN household refrigerator at temperatures from minus 1 to plus 2 degrees, cut grapes can be stored for 2-3 weeks.

Is it possible and how to freeze grapes?

Whole bunches and individual grapes can be frozen. When frozen:

  • most of the vitamin composition is retained, which dissolves in water;
  • Vitamin C is stored in large amounts.
The grapes are stored in the freezer for about 7 months, then they must be used, otherwise the berries will lose their taste and juiciness.

Whole bunches

This method has already been described above. Additionally, it can be noted that all actions must be carried out with the utmost care.

Berry puree

In this case, juice is squeezed out of the berries (in any way), which is then mixed with sugar until it is completely dissolved. The resulting composition is poured into containers and sent to the freezer. Juice and sugar are taken in the proportion: 1 part sugar to 2 parts juice.

Did you know? In terms of nutrient content (excluding fat), grapes are closest to milk.

In this way, it is best to harvest berries that have just been removed from the bush. The grapes, sprinkled with sugar, are laid out in the appropriate bowl. The filled dishes are hermetically packed and sent to the freezer

When you can do without special conditions

This is done in areas where there are no sudden changes in temperature, and frosts come late. Leave medium on the bushes. late varieties grapes, after ripening before the arrival of frost. But, such grapes are damaged by wasps and leaf rollers. When the first signs of damage are detected, plastic bags with ventilation holes should be thrown over the grape bunches - this will save the berries from damage by birds and insects.

The grapes will ripen better, accumulate more sugar, and the holes guarantee the proper amount of air. Fruits and berries harvested on their own for the winter are an excellent source of vitamins and good way diversify the diet in the cold season. It is enough to show attention and follow all the rules exactly. Then, on a cold winter day, you and your loved ones will be able to enjoy delicious and healthy berries.

Video: storage of grapes

You can enjoy juicy and fragrant grapes, as if plucked from a bush, for quite a long time, right up to the New Year's celebrations.

To do this, you need to know how to properly store grapes at home. It's easier to make dried fruits, roll up wine or juice, but there are other options for keeping the product fresh.

What grape varieties are suitable for long-term storage

The best keeping quality is possessed by grape clusters with firm ripe berries. Unripe and overripe are not suitable. An important role is played by the amount of sugar in the fruit - the more sugary, the longer the shelf life will be.

For long-term storage, bunches with large intact berries are selected.

Ideal for winter conservation, these grape varieties:

  • Moldova.
  • Taifi pink.
  • Muscat of Hamburg.
  • Lydia.
  • Alden.
  • In memory of Negruli.
  • Hamburg muscat (Alexandrian).
  • Senso.
  • Nistru.
  • Anniversary of the crane.
  • Kutuzovsky.
  • Autumn black.

These varieties tolerate negative impact external factors, retain consumer qualities and taste for about 6 months.

How to keep grapes in the cellar for the winter

Before storing grape stocks, the composition is sorted, carefully removing substandard berries with tweezers: injured, dry, rotten and unripe.

It is impossible to wash, so as not to remove the wax coating, which prevents premature deterioration.

Planned under the bookmark warehouse space prepare accordingly. The culture is whimsical and responsive to any inappropriate conditions for it.

Enemy of grapes:

  • excess moisture;
  • wrong temperature regime;
  • moldy fungus;
  • pests.

The room must have a powerful ventilation system. Additionally, they resort to airing. This is the only way to protect yourself from dampness and the development of fungus.

Acceptable temperature regime for safe preservation vine- within + 1 ... + 9 ° С, with a humidity of 80-85%. The increase leads to drying of the fruit.

You can reduce air humidity by installing a container with adsorbent material: sawdust, limestone, charcoal. The walls are whitewashed.

It is unacceptable to keep bunches next to products that exude a strong aroma. It is undesirable to be near some vegetables that release moisture: melons, potatoes.

After the done preparatory activities lay the berries. This can be done in different ways.

How to avoid insects and mold?

  • Systematically inspect the berry and remove spoiled or shriveled berries. The bunches on the shelves are carefully taken by the stalks and lifted. Those located in boxes are transferred to a new container. It is better not to touch the hanging vine and stored in water.
  • Control the temperature with the help of specially equipped ventilation holes- open or close as needed.
  • Warm up the grapes in case of a cold snap.
  • A little withered grapes are restored: dipped in sugar syrup for a few seconds, then in cold water.

What to do if mold appears?

If mold occurs on individual bunches, the twigs are broken off and discarded. The crop is taken out of the room, and the store is thoroughly ventilated and disinfected.

Storage in containers with water

Bunches from the bush are cut with tails - ridges. Leave about 15-20 centimeters so that there is at least one bud on the shoot. They are immersed in bottles, obliquely fixed and filled with water (filtered, distilled).

The bunches themselves do not touch the walls of the container. Dissolve in water Activated carbon or acetylsalicylic acid (1 tablet).

Stored stocks are systematically examined, rotten berries are removed and shoots are cut. The water is regularly changed, charcoal is added, which is necessary for purification. The method is suitable for loose brushes.

Hanging on a wire

Several bunches are tied together with a rope, after which they are suspended on a wire or wooden perches stretched in the basement.

The supports are installed at different heights so that the fruits do not come into contact with each other.

Burlap is pulled from below so that the falling berries do not choke during storage. On the syrup escaping from the damaged fruits, midges intensively fly off, which causes rotting of all reserves.

Suspended on the ridges (per bunch)

The bunches are suspended on a firmly stretched rope tied to the hooks and fixed by the ridges. The berries should be located at some distance from each other and from the walls. The disadvantage of the method is high risk drying berries.

In boxes or wooden tubs

Wooden barrels are convenient for storing grapes. The bottom is covered with a layer of sawdust. They are interspersed with the laid bunches of grapes.

It is important to distribute them evenly at some distance from each other. Loosely cover with a lid to create a natural air exchange inside.

Another option to save harvested fresh - low boxes. Straw flooring is made, the vine is laid out with the ridges upward.

On shelves

Fruit is stored on racks with a depth of 80-90 cm. The interval between shelves should not be less than 20 cm. Straw or straw ash is used as a basis: it serves as a good antiseptic.

Lay out the bunches with the stalks against the wall. This makes the fruit easier to examine.

Best friend is the refrigerator

Underfloor, glazed loggia and similar storage facilities do not always meet the required conditions for saving the grape harvest.

This is due to the inability to maintain the required temperature and humidity level. With a small harvest at home, you can preserve the freshness of the grapes in the refrigerator.

Chilled and refrigerated storage

The berries are put into the vegetable compartment, where the temperature regime is maintained in the range from 0 to +2 ° С and humidity 85-90%.

The grapes are not pre-washed. They are laid out in one layer without packaging in polyethylene.

Freezing grapes

Dark and light varieties keep well in freezer... First, the berry composition is sorted out, debris is removed, washed and dried on paper napkins.

For 2-3 hours, they are placed in the refrigerator compartment, after which they are transferred to the freezer for half an hour. Then they take it out, pack it in portions into containers and return it back.

It is more convenient to freeze not with brushes, but with individual berries. An important condition long-term maintenance of the freshness of the product - temperature -25 ° С.

If necessary, take out defrosting required amount, immersed in cold water for 50-60 minutes. You need to use such a product right away, otherwise it will deteriorate.

Expiry date of grapes

The shelf life of freshly preserved grapes depends on the approach chosen:


Store grapes different ways: in boxes, on shelves, hanging, in water, in a refrigerator. The main thing is to maintain the temperature and humidity necessary for the berries. Then premature decay can be avoided.

Every amateur winegrower would undoubtedly like to preserve the harvest as long as possible. fresh grapes after collection.

Not all varieties are suitable for long-term storage. Most keep well in the refrigerator for a month to three months. And only a few can, under certain conditions, be preserved without loss of quality for a longer period - until the next harvest. These varieties include - Winter Catalan, Alexandria Muscat, Sabash, Karaburnu, Nimrang, Pink Taifi, Agadai, Asma, Kirovabad canteen, Moldova, In Memory of Negrul, Nadezhda AZOS, Kutuzovsky, Jubilee Zhuravlya, Italy, Alphonse Lavalle, Miner, Maradona. Moreover, the taste of most of them with proper storage even getting better.

The main condition for successful storage is constant temperature and low, constant humidity. Grapes are better stored indoors without access to light (berries lose sugar in the light) and running air. Ideally, for long-term storage of grapes, a small, well-insulated, completely dry and dark room is suitable, in which a stable temperature is maintained from +1 to +8 C, and which can sometimes be quickly ventilated. It could be refrigerators compartment, or a deep cold basement or storage room. The closer to ideal conditions can be created, the longer and better the grapes will be preserved.

Bunches intended for long-term storage are left on the bushes for as long as possible - until the onset of unfavorable weather conditions... It should be noted that only the latest varieties are suitable for storage, which in any case are harvested in mid-late October, before the first autumn frosts.

The storage room is cleaned and disinfected - fumigated with sulfur bombs or whitewashed with lime. Excessive moisture can be removed by placing a box with lumpy quicklime in the storage, water from the air will be absorbed. As lime is slaked, it will need to be replaced with fresh one. If mold appears in the room during storage, you need to repeat the combustion of sulfur at closed doors.
Before loading the grapes, it is necessary to achieve the desired temperature - to cool the room, or vice versa - to raise the temperature in it
up to +1 - +8 C.
Depending on the storage method, you may need the appropriate inventory - racks, slats, barrels with filler, water bottles, etc. All fixtures and materials must be prepared in advance.
The grapes should be cut in dry weather at full maturity. It is advisable not to touch the berries, so as not to erase the protective wax. All spoiled berries must be carefully removed from the bunches with scissors. The bunches can then be placed in storage.