How can you develop intuition and hidden abilities yourself. Sixth Sense. How to develop it in yourself? Exercises

How to develop a sixth sense?

Logic is powerless. Experience won't help. Intelligence won't help.

Do you remember that feeling of certainty when buying a lottery ticket? Surprise when you knew who was calling you before you even picked up the phone? When did you feel what exactly your loved one was thinking? When did you make an absolutely illogical, but the only right choice?

What did you trust in those moments? What prompted you to do it? Intuition!

How to develop intuition?

Six ways:

1. Come on, guess!

Try to predict future events. Develop this ability in yourself. Standing at the stop, try to determine which route will come first. Guess what the weather will be like tomorrow.
Think about what might puzzle you at work this week. Before you look at your cell phone screen when you call, try to guess who is calling you. Or, having found out who it is, try to guess the reason for his call, his mood, how your interlocutor will react to your words. Memorize your predictions and compare them to what actually happened. If your answer was wrong, then remember if you had the right thought that you, confused by logic, were afraid to voice to yourself.

2. Listen to yourself

Our body perceives hundreds of factors and events surrounding us, but our brain is arranged in such a way that it displays only what is important from its point of view, otherwise we would simply choke in the flow of information. But, however, everything that happens around us is deposited in our subconscious and often affects our body. It happens that nothing has happened yet, but you start to get nervous, your palms sweat, your heartbeat quickens, your stomach twists, etc. No wonder: what the mind considered unimportant, your subconscious mind considered worthy of attention and began to give signals. Know how to listen to yourself, trust yourself.

3. Disable logic

We have already said that the right decision often we are prevented from accepting our logic, the framework through which we view the situation. We reach a dead end only because we cannot look at the problem from a different angle. And sleep or meditation removes these barriers, and the solution seems to come by itself. So before accepting important decision you should get a good night's sleep, and if there is no time for this, then you should try to calm down and try to get rid of the problem, look at it from the outside, with someone else's eyes. Meditation can help you with this. Close your eyes for a few moments and transport yourself to a place where you are absolutely comfortable and calm. Try to feel the smells, the warmth of the sun on your skin, clearly imagine everything that surrounds you - grass, flowers, sand, waves, the shape of clouds ... Forget about the problem for a moment and think about your own peace, remember something very good. And then try not to think about anything at all, give your brain a minute of silence. And the solution will come by itself.

4. Give thanks

One of the secrets of the right choice is the right attitude to the problem. Set your mind on you will count on the most best result the more often you will get it. Spleen or disbelief in your own strength and in the generosity of higher powers prevent all the possibilities of your intuition from manifesting. Make your choice: learn to find something positive in any circumstances. Got into stressful situation? Immediately ask yourself three questions: what good can be found in this situation? What needs to be done? How can you take pleasure in correcting this situation? Find the grain of what you can be grateful to the universe for even in a difficult moment of life. Believe me, after sincere gratitude, the right decision will come to you.

5. Listen to your ancestors

Our psyche and our consciousness include not only our life experience, but also the experience of our ancestors, the experience of many generations of people who have already faced similar problems and made decisions, right and wrong, paving the way for you, their descendant with their victories and their mistakes. . You just have to listen to their advice. Try, relaxing, to listen to what is happening in the depths of your subconscious, what advice comes from there.
Sit in a Turkish position, and place your palms open on your knees. Close your eyes and repeat 10 times (according to the number of fingers on your hands): "My mind is open to the experience of the ancestors." While reciting the spell, move your fingertips in turn, opening the channels of subtle energy. The decision can come immediately, or maybe at the end of the day or even in a dream.

6. Learn to think without thinking

Think back to how you solved your last problem. You may have tried to think logically about ways out of the life crisis, but still, the main questions that throbbed in your mind were two: “Why do I need this ?!” and “Will I be able to handle this?!” As the well-known joke says, “you can’t sell an elephant with such a mood.” Calm down, divide the question into its individual tasks, clearly formulate them, starting with the words “how”, “when”, “where” and ... forget. Specific questions are put before your subconscious, and it will slowly but surely look for the right answer. Just don't bother him with your panic. Go to a cafe, sit in a warm fragrant bath, watch a melodrama and forget about your problem for a few hours. And the answer will come to you.

1. physical control.

The first step to development is to link your intuition to certain physical sensations. The subconscious mind throws clear clues to us - only most people miss them, being in a constant stream of internal dialogue. Take the whole day to understand exactly how your intuition "talks" to you. Write down on paper what sensations you experienced anticipating something that came true later.

2. turn on the telepath.

3. disable templates.
The next exercise is aimed at the emancipation of consciousness. Spend a whole day trying to guess the events. What is the name of the waiter? What will the boss wear to work? Where will this dog turn? Don't be afraid of mistakes. Our task is to relax and tune the brain to the right job. A month of such practice will teach the mind to connect the process of guessing in the "Background" mode - and you will be surprised at the rapid progress.

4. morning workout.
You will need to get up a little earlier than usual to do this little workout. Ten minutes will be enough. Close your eyes and don't think about anything. Let images and fragments of thoughts walk chaotically. Take a notebook and try to transfer all this nonsense to paper. In the evening, reread the notes and compare them with the events of the day. Did you find strange coincidences? That's the way it should be. Over time, there will be more and more coincidences.

5. associations.
Again we pick up a notebook and start the game of association. Choose ten words and write your own associative series for each. When finished, start again, trying to find other associations for the same words. Gradually, logical chains will give way to obvious delirium - this is our catch. Analyze what you have received carefully, a phrase like "forest - Wolf" may well signal an imminent loss of work.

6. stay within limits.

Spiritual practices contribute to the rapid development of intuition. The most popular among them are mantras and meditations.

Mantras for the development of the Sixth Sense, combined with meditation, allow a person to approach the boundaries of the unknown, thanks to a special concentration of the mind and certain postures. Such mantras are read exclusively on the growing moon. Working with such mantras, a person discovers in himself special abilities that affect both him and the environment.

Mantras that develop the Sixth Sense:

  1. The mantra for opening the Third Eye is Om Qassiyana HaRa Shanatar.
  2. Mantra for the rapid development of intuition: “HaRoHaRa2.
  3. A powerful mantra for gaining super-perception: "Om RaoRemFaoFeroEimForam."

A person who uses mantras for intuition acquires such abilities as sending love to his loved ones and receiving it, treating diseases with the help of a strong biofield, seeing the future, warning of possible disasters. The use of mantras implies the greatest responsibility of man for knowledge.

To accomplish it, you will need some goal, some object.
Stand up, stretch out your hand and forefinger. Try to feel your target: how far it is located, what vibrations come from it.

After establishing contact, close your eyes, spin around yourself. When you stop, feel in which direction and how far this object is from you.

Did you feel? Open your eyes, see if it's right. If you made a mistake, then try to understand why it happened, what prevented it. Do the exercise a few more times.

Practice psychoradar until you can "see" objects with your eyes closed. After that, do household chores with your eyes closed, first for 5 minutes, then longer.

An inner voice - someone believes him, and someone does not even believe in his existence. Intuition for many people remains a kind of strange property, close to obviously fantastic telepathy or levitation. But, in fact, every person can develop a sixth sense in himself. You just need to put in the effort.

1. Physical control

2. Turn on the telepath

Now that you already have a clear understanding of the physical sensation of insight, you need to learn how to turn it on. own will. Ask yourself a simple question and focus on the desired part of the body. Feeling familiar sensations, squeeze your fingers right hand into a fist. Repeat the exercise day after day - at one point, it will be enough for you to simply squeeze your hand to start the whole mechanism.

3. Disable Templates

4. Morning workout

5. Associations

6. Stay within limits

The most important thing is not to try to turn into a superman, relying only on your intuition. Check all received data with logical control. Think about how to use the prompts of the subconscious and remember that you can very well deceive yourself.

An inner voice - someone believes him, and someone does not even believe in his existence. Intuition for many people remains a kind of strange property, close to obviously fantastic telepathy or levitation. But in fact, every person can develop a sixth sense in himself. You just need to make an effort.

Physical control

The first step to development is to link your intuition to certain physical sensations. The subconscious mind throws clear clues to us - only most people miss them, being in a constant stream of internal dialogue. Take the whole day to understand exactly how your intuition "talks" to you. Write down on paper what sensations you experienced anticipating something that came true later.

Turn on the telepath

Now that you already have a clear understanding of the physical sensation of insight, you need to learn how to turn it on at will. Ask yourself a simple question and focus on the desired part of the body. Feeling familiar sensations, squeeze the fingers of your right hand into a fist. Repeat the exercise day after day - at one fine moment, it will be enough for you to simply squeeze your hand to start the whole mechanism.

Turning off templates

The next exercise is aimed at the emancipation of consciousness. Spend a whole day trying to guess the events. What is the name of the waiter? What will the boss wear to work? Where will this dog turn? Don't be afraid of mistakes. Our task is to relax and tune the brain to the desired work. A month of such practice will teach the mind to connect the process of guessing in the "background" - and you will be surprised at the rapid progress.

morning workout

You will need to get up a little earlier than usual to do this little workout. Ten minutes will be enough. Close your eyes and don't think about anything. Let images and fragments of thoughts walk chaotically. Take a notebook and try to transfer all this nonsense to paper. In the evening, reread the notes and compare them with the events of the day. Found strange coincidences? That's the way it should be. Over time, there will be more and more coincidences.


Again we pick up a notebook and start the game of association. Choose ten words and write your own associative series for each. When finished, start again, trying to find other associations for the same words. Gradually, logical chains will give way to obvious delirium - this is our catch. Analyze what you have received carefully, a phrase like “forest wolf” may well signal an imminent loss of work.

We stay within

The most important thing is not to try to turn into a superman, relying only on your intuition. Check all received data with logical control. Think about how to use the prompts of the subconscious and remember that you can very well deceive yourself.

Video What interferes with intuition and how to develop a sixth sense - How to develop ...

Develop anticipation. How to learn to listen to intuition

If you expect a direct answer to a question, you will be disappointed.

The subconscious mind sends signals in the form of images, vivid impressions, sensations and smells. For example, there are widely known cases when passengers gave up plane tickets at the last moment because they subconsciously felt impending misfortune and thus saved their lives. Such people have a well-developed sixth sense, and they know how to listen to its warnings. Signals of intuition are manifested in a rapid heartbeat, you can be thrown into a fever or cold. Some people feel tingling in the balls of their fingers.

Listen to your feelings before making an important decision. If they are joyful, the subconscious sends you a positive response. When the chest is squeezed by an unpleasant foreboding and a feeling of anxiety appears, the answer is no.

In rare cases, the subconscious sends answers through intuition, expressed in different smells. There were times when people in front of an important joyful event smelled oranges, and before trouble, the smell of rotten fruit. Sometimes a person is not able to subtly feel the signals of the subconscious, and then he can receive signs from the outside.

For example, when you suffer for a long time and cannot make the right decision, an article comes across that indicates the right path, or a bird knocks on the window. In order to push you to the right decision, different events can happen.

  • To develop intuition, you need to constantly listen to your subconscious and increase self-esteem.
  • If a person does not believe in himself, then he will not be able to use his intuition, as he will be afraid to follow the advice that she gives.
  • Those who have low self-esteem do what more confident, successful and strong people dictate to them.
  • When you become confident, you will understand that intuition works. If there is no faith in this, then it will not work to use her channel, since it opens up to those who believe in it.
  • Learn to ask your subconscious the right questions. Speak each of them clearly, clearly, meaningfully and always in affirmative form.

Let's take specific example: You want to get an important position, but do not know if you will be hired. Ask your subconscious mind a clear phrase: "I will get this job." Next, listen to the inner sensations that come from the heart and soul. Those phrases that were built in the affirmative form do not affect logical thinking, so do not spoil the answers sent by intuition.

Many people have noticed strange things behind them more than once, when something inside told them what to do and the decision turned out to be correct. People with developed intuition rent tickets for a plane that later crashes, foresee the illness of loved ones, and some are able to see people through literally the words. The sixth sense is any sense that is in addition to the basic five – touch, hearing, sight, smell and taste. It can be called the ability to communicate with one's own soul.

Someone consciously develops a sixth sense in himself by doing spiritual practices, meditating and clearing his mind, while for someone this gift is given from above for merits in past lives or is inherited. More and more scientists are studying this phenomenon, and there are those who consider the discovery of the sixth sense gene a scientifically proven fact. The American pediatric neurologist K. Benneman christened this term the ability of a person to sense the position of body parts in space relative to each other.

Alexander Litvin - I will not be higher than God. How to develop a sixth sense

"I am Alexander Litvin. My name is familiar to you from the program" Battle of Psychics ". I became the winner of the 6th season and ... I consider this topic closed.

I don't think my ability is a miracle or a special talent. And I don't really like the word "psychic" because of the associations and stereotypes. Rather, I'm closer - "probability analyst". I don't have any special gift. My gift is solely in the fact that I believe in my strength. And no one can take away faith.

The knowledge that I possess is the knowledge of a narrow circle, and my task is to convey it to the best possible more people, explain cause-and-effect relationships, teach how to catch a tailwind.

I return again and again to the past. My life. My history. She is different. It was no accident that I won that sixth "Battle". And it was just a battle, a real one, and it's not over yet. My battle for truth.

The sixth sense, which is in the last place in the hierarchy, I would put in the first place. All other feelings are important, but they are only an addition to intuition. I wrote this book not only to understand my biography, but also to tell you how to develop your intuition or, as it is also called, the sixth sense!

6 ways to develop a sixth sense

An inner voice - someone believes him, and someone does not even believe in his existence. Intuition for many people remains a kind of strange property, close to obviously fantastic telepathy or levitation. But, in fact, every person can develop a sixth sense in himself. You just need to put in the effort.

Physical control

The first step to development is to link your intuition to certain physical sensations. The subconscious mind throws clear clues to us - only most people miss them, being in a constant stream of internal dialogue. Take the whole day to understand exactly how your intuition "talks" to you. Write down on paper what sensations you experienced, anticipating something that came true later.

Turn on the telepath

Now that you already have a clear understanding of the physical sensation of insight, you need to learn how to turn it on at will. Ask yourself a simple question and focus on the desired part of the body. Feeling familiar sensations, squeeze the fingers of your right hand into a fist. Repeat the exercise day after day - at one point, it will be enough for you to simply squeeze your hand to start the whole mechanism.

Turning off templates

The next exercise is aimed at the emancipation of consciousness. Spend a whole day trying to guess the events. What is the name of the waiter? What will the boss wear to work? Where will this dog turn? Don't be afraid of mistakes. Our task is to relax and tune the brain to the desired work. A month of such practice will teach the mind to connect the process of guessing in the "background" - and you will be surprised at the rapid progress.

morning workout

You will need to get up a little earlier than usual to do this little workout. Ten minutes will be enough. Close your eyes and don't think about anything. Let images and fragments of thoughts walk chaotically. Take a notebook and try to transfer all this nonsense to paper. In the evening, reread the notes and compare them with the events of the day. Found strange coincidences? That's the way it should be. Over time, there will be more and more coincidences.


Again we pick up a notebook and start the game of association. Choose ten words and write your own associative series for each. When finished, start again, trying to find other associations for the same words. Gradually, logical chains will give way to obvious delirium - this is our catch. Analyze what you have received carefully, a phrase like “forest wolf” may well signal an imminent loss of work.

Everyone has intuition (otherwise - the Sixth Sense), but its level of development is different. Intuition is often understood as receiving information outside of traditional perception, by connecting the superconscious. The development of intuition allows a person to do right choice from a wide variety of options.

Intuition (intuitio (lat.) - “contemplation”) is called the connection of a person with his Subconscious, a special state that helps to contact the Higher Self directly and due to which a connection is made with the Information Field of Events.

Sixth Sense in the understanding of psychotherapists:

  • Way of making vital decisions;
  • The ability to directly comprehend the truth without evidence and reasoning;
  • One of the main functions of the personality, which determines the attitude of a person to the world and himself;
  • Understanding the truth directly, without the participation of the senses.

The concept of "Intuition" is familiar not only to psychotherapists, it is widely mentioned in esoteric and occult practices.

For people who believe in the Higher Powers, intuition is a penetration into a certain space that opens up the future. Everything is available to esoteric intuition.

Techniques for developing the Sixth Sense

  • Affirmations, meditations and mantras that remove the barriers of consciousness;
  • Accumulation of professional and life experience in some field of knowledge;
  • Exercises to develop a sense of intuition.

Every person can develop intuition, but not all people can listen to her inner voice. Like other special abilities, the sense of intuition must not only be awakened and developed, but also trained and maintained. Therefore, each person must find personal way to develop intuition.

Sixth Sense Development Methods H. Silva

Jose Silva method - complex effective methods based on the control of thinking. This method allows you to use intuition to solve problems. The author of the method studied in detail the interaction of the hemispheres of the human brain. He argued that a person can reach his highest potential when he learns to use both hemispheres correctly. All successful people think at the level of alpha waves.

According to the Silva method, intuition is a sudden inexplicable belief that arises unconsciously. This premonition is a natural ability designed to protect people from possible dangers. People develop or suppress their intuition by accepting or ignoring it.

The development of intuition by this method is a complex simple ways, allowing you to learn how to correctly hear and interpret the information received from the inner voice. A person should learn to turn to subconscious experience, since such a skill gives the ability to make only the right decisions.

This method provides the most powerful tools for solving all issues. By watching a video teaching how to work according to the method of H. Silva, you will learn how to cooperate with your assistant - the brain.

The Silva Method Part 1

The Silva Method Part 2

José Silva offered specific techniques for working with a sense of intuition:

The subconscious mind can answer any question if you adhere to the following criteria:

  • Specific and positive formulation of the problem.
  • The question is asked without the “not” part.
  • Only 1 question is formulated at a time.

By following these simple rules, you can easily get a subconscious response.

José Silva argued that humans do not have innate intuition, it is just a skill that can be taught.

Developing the Sixth Sense with Reiki

Reiki intuition is a special inner feeling of what to do, not a voice telling you what to do. In order to be sure that you are getting the right answer from the subconscious, you must be able to listen to your state and trust it.

Reiki practitioners are sure that if a person hears a voice that instructively tells him what to do, this is not a manifestation of intuition at all, but on the contrary, it is a very bad thing. Such voices may indicate that the Dark Forces are trying to manipulate you.

Modern people are heavily inundated with information (for example, through the media, etc.) and receive many false external signals. Few from ordinary people today it can scan space and freely receive information from it, and this is exactly what is intuition in the understanding of Reiki.

One of the main purposes of Reiki is to calm the mind. When a person conducts Reiki sessions for himself, he is freed from the blocks hanging in his mind. He begins to concentrate on himself and on energy, learns to hear himself. It is the calming of the mind that gives a person a well-developed intuition.

During Reiki sessions, a person can, using the channel of the Almighty, ask any question of interest. The answer to this question is sure to be received: it can happen in a few minutes, hours, days, or even a few weeks. The speed of receiving a response depends greatly on how much a person is able to receive information.

There are situations when a person is at a crossroads, he needs to make an instant decision. At such moments, it is important to listen to yourself: the answer is within you. Somewhere inside a person always feels what he needs to do and how he needs to do the right thing in order for everything to work out. the best way. However, in order to unconditionally trust their feelings, a person must have a certain level of spiritual development.

Another practical aspect of using intuition in Reiki is the ability to recognize lies. It happens that they tell you something that seems to be absolutely sincere, but you feel some kind of inconsistency from the inside, you have an internal resistance to what was said. This sensation indicates that you internally feel a lie. That is how, through Spirit and Conscience, intuition works in you at this moment.

So, the development of intuition through Reiki occurs through:

  • peace of mind;
  • knowing how to do the right thing
  • insight.

Mantras for intuition

Spiritual practices contribute to the rapid development of intuition. The most popular among them are mantras and meditations.

Mantras for the development of the Sixth Sense, combined with meditation, allow a person to approach the boundaries of the unknown, thanks to a special concentration of the mind and certain postures. Such mantras are read exclusively on the growing moon. Working with such mantras, a person discovers in himself special abilities that affect both him and the environment.

Mantras that develop the Sixth Sense:

  1. The mantra for opening the Third Eye is Om Qassiyana HaRa Shanatar.
  2. Mantra for the rapid development of intuition: “HaRoHaRa2.
  3. A powerful mantra for gaining super-perception: "Om RaoRemFaoFeroEimForam."

A person who uses mantras for intuition acquires such abilities as sending love to his loved ones and receiving it, treating diseases with the help of a strong biofield, seeing the future, warning of possible disasters. The use of mantras implies the greatest responsibility of man for knowledge.

Some other methods for developing intuition

Psychologists who practice working with this feeling recommend:

  • cleaning channels of perception;
  • neutralization of the emotional background;
  • harmonization of the internal state.

After that, a person opens an intuitive channel that allows you to perceive information.

Books on developing intuition

And finally...

Human intuition is an amazing tool, but you should not bet only on your feelings and emotions. People should use not only developed intuition, but also logic. It is only important to know when to give preference to intuitive feeling, and when it is better to rely on logical thinking.

Intuition works great in tandem with logic, reinforcing it. What to do if the subconscious mind does not want to cooperate with you? Act! The answer comes only to those who are active.

When making decisions, many of us are guided solely by logic. Alas, there are situations when logic is simply powerless: there is not enough information. And then intuition comes to the rescue. But if someone's intuition is developed by nature, then some simply do not notice the signs of fate. But this skill can be developed.

Intuition - the ability to perceive information from the outside world with the help of the so-called "sixth sense". All people by nature have this property, but not everyone knows how to use it: much more often we listen to the voice of reason. But in vain! Would you like to learn?

Women are more susceptible to suggestion than men, fall into trance states more easily, and therefore they have more opportunities to use the "sixth sense". It was the fair sex that in ancient times acted as Pythia (soothsayers), and subsequently successfully practiced as mediums during seances, entering into communication with spirits.

Parapsychologists are convinced that women naturally have a special energy that allows them to feel more subtle ... It was not for nothing that women became witches, and this gift was inherited through the female line. As for psychologists, they are sure that women simply have more developed intuition and the so-called "sixth sense".

To determine how developed your visionary gift is, mentally answer a series of questions:

1. Do you often have prophetic dreams?

2. Do you have premonitions of some events, and in what form do they manifest themselves?

3. Do you sometimes feel what is happening with your family or friends at the moment?

5. Have you ever looked at another person and suddenly realized what will happen to him in the near future?

Here they are, signs of fate, or a manifestation of intuition:

1. Premonitions are familiar to everyone: for example, at school you knew for sure that you would be called to the blackboard today. And going to the exam, they learned one and only ticket, and you got it! Often we anticipate events that happen to our loved ones.

Do you want to bring the technique of foreboding to perfection? We take a deck of cards and, without looking, listening only to the "inner voice", we lay out the first ten into two piles: red and black suit. Do the exercise several times with breaks of 2-3 hours.

Another exercise. Standing at the bus stop, try to guess the number of the nearest bus. Or leave the coin, trying to guess what fell - heads or tails. Over time, the percentage of hits will increase ...

2. Recall your main life successes and failures. What were your feelings the day before? Most likely, success was preceded by feelings of inspiration and confidence: “I will succeed!” But if you were destined to fail, you could not get rid of the incomprehensible despondency and apathy, although you persuaded yourself that "everything will be in order." These premonitions are the “sixth sense”.

Let's say you have business negotiations. Imagine yourself from the outside: you enter the office, greet your partners... What do you feel at the same time? Joy? Excitement? Boredom? If the sensations are uncomfortable, it is better to cancel the meeting or reschedule it for another day. Or accept the impending defeat. You are not yet ready to win.

3. If you are going or driving somewhere and something is bothering you, change the route, reschedule the meeting, or do not go there at all. After some time, check if there have been any emergencies in this place.

4. But buying new things at the prompt of intuition should be only if the desire to have this or that thing in the literal sense of the word does not allow you to live. Do not confuse the inner voice with the desire to follow the fashion or your passion for prodigality!

5. Pay attention to "accidental" slips. For example, you recommend to your colleagues a person whom you know only by hearsay: “They say he is a wonderful sadist!” Did you mean "specialist"? And the subconscious gave out something completely different ...

6. It happens, as soon as it comes to some event or person, how do you make some kind of erroneous action: stumble or drop a cup of tea ... Think about it: maybe these are signs indicating a hidden danger?

Do the following exercise. Within 10-15 min. track the flow of thoughts that come to your mind. Let them flow freely, without tension, as if without your control. You look, and grab the necessary "information".

7. What about signs of destiny? Suppose you were made a marriage proposal. You turn on the radio, and from there it sounds: “You don’t marry him!” Or you open a newspaper, and the phrase catches your eye: “A good deed will not be called a marriage!”

However, you should not see encrypted messages in everything. Allocate a strictly defined time for them - say, from 18.00 to 19.00 on Tuesday. Whatever you see or hear during this period, analyze the information received and draw conclusions. But in no case do not go in cycles in negative "signals".

Remember: higher power just to warn you about possible development events, not a verdict!