How to store grape branches in winter. How to store grapes properly? Storage rules. How to prepare your vine for the winter and what to look out for

One of the most common ways of growing grapes at home is propagation with shanks. It can be done by planting rooted shoots in the ground or by grafting in the spring. Here, novice gardeners have the question of how to properly store in winter.

To propagate a favorite or favorite variety, a pencil-thick stalk is cut from the vine (with the exception of a thin trunk in some varieties of grapes) and about 60-70 cm long.A prerequisite for obtaining a high-quality seedling is the presence of at least 3-4 strong bud nodes ...

Why should you cut a stalk in the fall?

Among people who do not have experience in growing grapes, there is an opinion that it is easier to breed it in the spring. The main reason is that there is no need to be afraid that during the winter the stalk will dry out or rot (which very often happens when growing grapes). In fact, with this approach, you can waste time: a shank cut in the spring and planted in poorly heated soil is likely to dry out before taking root. Another disadvantage in this situation is that a fresh wound will remain on the "revived" vine, and the plant will "hurt" for a long time. Thus, it is more rational to store grape cuttings in winter.

How to choose a material suitable for reproduction?

The chubuk is cut from the middle or lower part of the fruiting one (this required condition) a healthy one-year vine, which is first checked for maturity. The easiest way is to try to bend the branch a little: if it has reached the required level of development, you will hear a slight crackle. Additionally, you can lubricate the cut site with iodine solution: in a mature vine, it will turn black. Very thin or thick shoots are not suitable for seedlings, since they will not produce high-quality planting material.

How to properly prepare future seedlings?

The main question that experienced winegrowers are asked about grape cuttings is: "How do you store during a long winter in order to get a healthy shoot in the spring?"

There are several points to consider here. It is best to harvest the shank in late September or early October (adjustments are made depending on the weather). At this time, the vitality of plants is reduced, and pruning will cause less damage to the grapes. Since the branches preparing for winter lose most of the moisture, it is necessary to partially replenish its reserves before storage. This is done quite simply: all leaves and antennae are removed from the cut cutting, a fresh cut is made in its lower part, and the stem itself is placed in water (preferably rain or thawed, but always clean) for about a day. Such a procedure will protect the twig from drying out, and it will survive the winter safely. You can additionally dip the sections on both sides in warm paraffin - this will prevent rapid evaporation of moisture from the trunk.

Someone additionally makes several light longitudinal grooves up to 3 cm long on the lower part of the shanks to provide additional root development in spring.

It is recommended to moisten the prepared cuttings in iron vitriol (a few seconds are enough), and in its absence - in weakly colored quinosol or basezol, and then dry well. Such processing will help fight mold and various diseases.

Storage of grape cuttings in winter

When laying the shanks in the autumn, several conditions must be observed that will allow you to get strong shoots ready for rooting and growth in the spring.

It is very important to create the necessary thermal regime for the cuttings: not lower than 0 degrees and not higher than +4. When the temperature drops to negative, it can freeze, and a higher temperature threatens that the buds will begin to swell and roots grow. Or the stalk will become moldy and simply rot.

Next important point- providing required humidity(the best option is 60%) so that the shank does not dry out, and regular ventilation of the room.

If the cuttings are stored in the basement, rodents become a threat to them, for which they will turn into excellent food.

Where can the shanks be kept?

There are three ways to preserve grape cuttings in winter. At home, this is a refrigerator, trench, basement. The choice of location depends on the amount of material. Several cuttings can be placed in the refrigerator, but when preparing them for sale or for planting on large area the second option will be more successful. The storage method affects the features of the care of cuttings during the winter.

For several seedlings, ordinary ones are also suitable. plastic bottles without a bottom with a volume of one and a half liters. In the first, a little sand is poured and two cuttings are installed, the second plays the role of a lid: in order to make it more convenient to put on, small cuts are made on the walls. The cap on the bottle cap is periodically opened to ventilate the shafts.

Cold storage

It is better to use the chamber for fruits and vegetables, as the temperature there is the most favorable for the shank. In its absence, you can provide winter storage cuttings (of course, in small quantities) on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. To establish the required humidity level, experienced people advise to wrap the lower part of the shanks with a cloth soaked in water and wrung out, then place them in plastic bag and tie it well with a rope. The only caveat is that you cannot wrap the seedling completely, as this will lead to its rotting. Next, it remains to check the condition of the cuttings on a monthly basis and, if necessary, carry out their processing: wipe the place where mold appears with a cotton swab dipped in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Before placing the stem back in the refrigerator, it will need to be dried.

Creating conditions for seedlings in the basement

It is more common to store grape cuttings in the cellar in winter. The first option: pour into a container of a suitable size (box, old bath, with a small number of cuttings - a bucket) clean sand slightly moistened with water with a layer of up to 10 cm. Then set the prepared shanks so that they do not come into contact with each other and deepen a little. The advantage of such storage is that the upper part of the shanks remains free of sand, and this allows you to visually determine their condition in winter. The seedlings must be positioned in accordance with their natural growth, i.e. the root part of the stem should be at the bottom. Further - the obligatory regular inspection of the planting material and maintenance of the required level of moisture.

The second method: stack cuttings (eg, carrots) in a container with sand and cover them (the layer between them should be about 4-5 cm). During the winter, it is necessary to constantly moisten the contents of the box, and also be sure to inspect the shanks and change the lower and upper rows in places. If necessary, the basement is ventilated to avoid a rise in temperature, especially when spring is approaching.

Instead of sand, sawdust, moss are suitable, as long as they are always moist. An assistant in this case can be polyethylene, which is used to cover the container.

Using a trench or pit

This method is more suitable when you need to keep a lot of seedlings, or there is no cellar. In an elevated place, a trench is dug about a meter deep and 5-10 cm wide more than the length of the cuttings (if they are located vertically). After processing the bottom and walls lime mortar sand is poured into it - up to 10 cm. The shanks are laid horizontally or vertically, it is possible in bundles, the space between them is filled with sand, and soil is poured on top. At the right device the land should rise somewhat above the trench, which will protect the storage site from waterlogging, especially in spring. For the same purpose, it can be covered with foil. Next to the elevation, grooves are additionally made for water drainage.

Unfortunately, such storage of grape cuttings in winter does not allow monitoring their condition; moreover, an unsuccessfully prepared trench can be flooded. Yes, and for rodents, such a store is open.

When harvesting several shanks, each batch should be placed separately from the others.

Checking the condition of seedlings before planting

In the spring, control is carried out on how the storage of seedlings and cuttings in winter time... A chubuk, ready for development, should have a fresh, healthy look, a green layer will be found under its bark, and a leaf embryo will appear in the eyes. You can put several branches in the water - on those who have successfully wintered, the buds will swell in a couple of days.

How to grow grapes from cuttings: rooting methods

Overwintered shanks begin to prepare for planting in February. The best option- put the foam rubber soaked in water into the bag, install the cuttings on it, wrap it well and put it in dark place... After ten days, check them for the appearance of root primordia. "Revived" cuttings should be planted in a glass from under a plastic bottle, filled with a mixture of soil and humus, cover top bottles without a lid and put on a windowsill or in another lighted place. When the roots fill the bottle and 4-5 leaves appear, the bottle can be removed.

Autumn is the time when the grapes give us all their fruits. But do not forget that it is at this time that it is necessary to harvest and planting material that will help multiply favorite plant on next year... Every gardener should know how to properly collect cuttings, in what conditions to store them. After all, the quality of the planting material depends on this directly. To do everything right, it is important to remember one point. Cuttings are not dry, but living parts of the plant. And you need to treat them accordingly.

Gardeners have a rather ambiguous opinion about the time of harvesting planting material. Some say that it is best to do this before frost, that is, in early autumn. Others believe that cuttings should be hardened at low above zero temperatures and even slight frosts. In their opinion, the vines need to be cut in the second half of autumn, but before the onset of frost, more than 10 0 C.

The most correct time will be the choice of time, taking into account the climatic conditions of the area and the weather. It is important that the planting material contains all the necessary substances that will help to survive the winter and take root well after planting in the spring.

As for the choice of vines, everything is simple. You must adhere to a few simple rules:

  • You need to choose the varieties that are most interesting to you;
  • Branches must be fruit-bearing, but fatty and coarse branches are not suitable for grafting;
  • The thickness of the vines should reach 0.5-1 cm in diameter. Too thin branches are unlikely to survive the winter, and thick ones fatten, they are not suitable for cuttings;
  • The length of the stem is measured by the number of buds. It is best to choose branches that have at least 6 internodes. This will allow you to shorten the vine in the spring by choosing the healthiest part. But for planting grapes, a cutting with 3-4 buds is also enough.

Having chosen the shanks according to these simple recommendations, you need to cut them off, and then clean them of leaves, lateral shoots and antennae. It is very important to make the labeling right away. Finished peeled cuttings are almost impossible to distinguish. That is why it is recommended to group and tie them by grade and then attach the label.

Note! The marks on the cuttings should not be made of paper material. This is because paper labels can spread rot or mold. It is best to use hard synthetic materials such as plastic or foil.

Planting material should be sent to storage as early as possible. If this is not possible, then you need to dig in the cuttings or at least wrap them in a polyethylene bag. In order not to spoil the vines and not lose the planting material for the next year, it is recommended to process it during the first days after harvesting. This will ensure minimal moisture loss. If the cuttings have time to lose up to 20% of the water contained in them before planting, then they will no longer be able to take root.

Another point to keep in mind is the prevention of fungi. Most often they use copper or inkstone(solution 3%). Plants are washed with this substance or simply sprayed. And only when the cuttings are dry, they can be packed in polyethylene.

There are many known ways to store cuttings until spring. They can be conditionally divided into two categories:

  • Those that provide ideal storage;
  • And the ones that most gardeners actually use at home.

The first methods provide for the exact observance of temperature and humidity. Indeed, scientists have proven that storing grape planting material at a temperature of +0.4 0 С ensures the complete preservation of all nutrients in it until spring. But is it possible to keep the temperature so accurate?

Another recommendation of experts is to store cuttings in cellars by wrapping them in bags with wet sawdust. conifers... The moisture content of the latter must be constantly monitored. Again, not everyone has their own cellar, not to mention the ability to get the right sawdust and maintain the correct humidity.

But, fortunately, it is quite possible to preserve planting material at home. Most experienced gardeners in practice have learned to do this, eventually achieving excellent vines survival. The easiest way is to store it in a household refrigerator. Of course, many cuttings will not fit into it. Unless you have a home old refrigerator that can be used exclusively for storing vines. Otherwise, choose cuttings needed for green seedlings or grafting in the spring.

The vines must first be wrapped in a cloth soaked in vitriol solution. Then they are placed in polyethylene bags and placed on the middle shelf in the refrigerator. It is recommended to check the material at least once a month. If the shafts are too dry, they must be moistened, and if mold appears on them, then it must be wiped off and the vines must be treated with a solution of vitriol.

Attention! Household refrigerators do not always save desired temperature... Therefore, it is important to place a thermometer in it for a few days in order to know exactly what temperature is stored in it, and, if necessary, correct it.

With a cellar, it is much easier to store a large amount of material. The temperature in the basement also needs to be monitored. Cuttings will be suitable if they are stored at a positive temperature, but not higher than 8 ° C. Remember, the higher the temperature, the higher the humidity should be.

As already mentioned, the shafts are placed in the cellar in bags with wet sawdust or sand. This method is very good. Periodically, the bags need to be opened and checked for mold, or sawdust (sand) dry. If this happens, everyone is accepted necessary measures to return them to normal.

This method is most often used by summer residents in the absence of a cellar or too much planting material. You can save the cuttings simply in the ground on your site. To do this, you will have to spend a little effort and a minimum of funds.

The prepared shanks are laid in a trench. But it is very important to choose the right place for the recess. Most suitable sites that are located on a small hill. This will avoid stagnant water in the spring, when the snow begins to melt intensively. If the cuttings are in a puddle, they will be lost. On more or less flat areas, it is recommended to make grooves near the place where the vines are stored to drain water towards the natural slope.

The size of the trench should correspond to the number of cuttings. The more there are, the wider or longer the pit is needed. But the depth is recommended to be no more than 50 cm. Before laying the planting material, you need to sort it out and take care of high-quality labels that can save information in moist soil.

At the bottom of the trench, it is recommended to pour wet sand, but not too wet. This layer should be up to 5 cm. Grape shafts are laid on it. Bunches of vines should be laid tightly to each other. Sand is poured on top again, in a layer of about 7-8 cm. It should also be moderately moist. Most upper layer- 25-30 cm of earth excavated from the trench. This method is extremely simple and convenient.

Note! With this storage, cuttings should not be packed in plastic bags or bags. So the planting material will simply rot.

Proper storage of cuttings and seedlings in winter: video

After removing the planting material, it is very important to check its suitability. On selected vines, longitudinal cuts of the eyes are made. If they have green color then the vines are alive and of high quality. If it is dark brown or black, then the cuttings have lost their vitality.

  • Soaking. 2/3 of the length of the vines is lowered into thawed, spring or rainwater and kept for 2-3 days. If the planting material is very dry, the soaking period is extended by several days.
  • Furrowing. Small wounds are made on the lower part of the cutting with sharp knife or special tools.
  • Kilchevanie. This is an extract of cuttings in different temperatures... The upper part is placed, for example, in a trench, it should be more chilled. At the same time, the lower part of the cuttings remains on top, warm. Such trenches are made, for example, in greenhouses.
  • Stratification. Chubuki are kept at a temperature of 20-25 0 C. They wake up and you can select those with good, healthy eyes.
  • Stimulants. The vines are treated with special substances that promote the rooting of plants.

Harvesting grape cuttings is not an easy task. But, as they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. If you are careful and do everything right, then in the spring you can get great stuff to plant and propagate your favorite grapes.

Propagation of grapes by cuttings is the easiest to do. But, as practice shows, the survival rate of purchased material is much lower than that prepared by hand. In addition, harvesting seedlings from their own suburban area or a friend's summer cottage, you can be guaranteed to get a variety acclimatized to a specific region, the yield and the nuances of cultivation of which everything is known. It is best to harvest cuttings in the fall. Accordingly, the seedlings must be kept alive until winter. Consider how grape cuttings are stored in winter.

It is very important to choose the right vine, which will be used as planting material in the future. She must be well matured, which means she must have Brown color bark. It may be light brown, but by no means green. A well-ripened vine loses its plasticity. If you try to bend it, you can hear a sound that resembles a slight crackle. Also, a sign that the vine has matured is the presence of hard tissue, similar to the bark of trees, but thinner.

It is also worth paying attention to the bush from which it is planned to obtain cuttings. You can not use the shoots of a weak bush, which in the season gave a poor harvest. It is also worth paying attention to the health of the vineyard. A shrub affected by any disease is not suitable for grafting.

The middle part of the vine should be used as cuttings. Three-eyed cuttings root most easily, although a strong bush can also be grown from a one-eyed cutting.

Harvesting cuttings should be carried out during autumn pruning vineyard. Experts do not recommend harvesting cuttings before the leaves fall off. This is due to the fact that, before falling off, the leaves give the nutrients that are in them to the shoots. Accordingly, you need to wait until the vine takes everything for itself. However, it is not worthwhile to delay the process of harvesting cuttings.

The maximum amount of moisture should be retained in the planting material. With excessive loss of it, most kidneys do not survive in winter period, which significantly affects the future harvest of the bush.

Experienced growers advise to cut cuttings, the length of which is 2 times the length of the seedling used for planting. So it will turn out in winter to keep the maximum amount of moisture in it. Therefore, you need to cut the stalk by at least 6 eyes.

Storage of cuttings in the winter

In fact, storing grape cuttings in winter is a rather delicate process. Each grower has his own tricks. In addition, all experienced gardeners they store planting material in different ways, so it is advisable to consult with people who have been breeding grapes for several years in order to get practical advice.

We will look at 3 methods of storing grape cuttings in winter, which are most popular. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. But all of them, as practice shows, make it possible to save planting material in in the best possible way... In addition, the survival rate of such cuttings, provided that they were properly prepared for storage, is almost 100%.

Under proper preparation cuttings for storage means:

  • selection of quality planting material;
  • timely procurement;
  • preliminary soaking in water;
  • disinfection process in a solution of copper sulfate.

Storage in filler

This storage method requires a box or wooden box, a plastic bag in which you can put all the cuttings, and sawdust. The first step is to put the grape cuttings in a bag. It is advisable to pre-tie them into bundles. Do not tie the bag of cuttings too tightly: air should flow into it.

Soak the sawdust for 5-10 minutes in water, preferably hot. After the time has elapsed, we squeeze out excess moisture and cover the bottom of the box with sawdust, then put a bag with cuttings and fill them with sawdust on top. The planting material is ready for storage.

It is very important to observe during storage temperature regime and the required humidity level. The air temperature should vary between 2-4 ° C. Such conditions are maintained in cellars or garages. During storage, you will have to periodically wet the sawdust with water. The filler in the box must be kept moist at all times. The only drawback of this method is that the box takes up a lot of space. Accordingly, it is not always possible to procure a large amount of planting material.

Trench storage

This method is suitable for owners of their own homes. Its advantage is that you can prepare any number of cuttings. Planting material is stored in trenches dug at the site. But, before storing grape cuttings in winter in trenches, you need to build the trenches themselves. And the main task is to choose the right storage space on the site.

Since the air temperature often changes in winter and the snow can melt several times, care must be taken that melt water does not flood the cuttings, therefore, to dig a trench, the choice should be stopped at a place located on a hill. It is advisable to make a groove around the perimeter of the trench, which will serve to drain excess moisture. For the same purpose, a trench can be dug at a slope.

Trench dimensions and rules for laying cuttings

The length of the trench depends on the amount of harvested planting material, and the length is usually 50 cm.If you plan to plant different varieties grapes, then it is advisable to attach a tag to each cuttings, on which the variety will be indicated. You can also collect all the cuttings of the same variety in a bunch. In this case, the tag clings to the bundle.

Before laying out the cuttings in the trench, you should fill its bottom with a 5 cm layer of wet sand, and after laying the cuttings, add about 7 cm more.It remains to fill the trench with earth, the layer of which should not exceed 30 cm.

To protect the cuttings from moisture, you can put a piece of roofing material or any other on top of the trench building material that does not allow water to pass through. You need to dig out the cuttings in the spring, just before planting.

Storing cuttings in the refrigerator

The easiest way to keep planting stock in the refrigerator, but not everyone wants to store the cuttings next to food. In addition, not very many seedlings are placed in an ordinary refrigerator. Although, if desired, it is possible to put more than 100 cuttings in one refrigerator, while leaving enough space for food.

To use this way storage, you will need a natural clean cloth and a plastic bag. The fabric is slightly moistened and the planting material is placed in it, then the cuttings are placed in a bag and placed in the refrigerator. Periodically, you should look inside the bag and moisten the cloth with water.

In the spring, the cuttings are taken out of the refrigerator and placed in a warm place. This must be done a few days before planting.

Alternative options

Those who have been cultivating grapes for several years know a dozen ways that allow cuttings to endure the winter well. So, for example, many recommend storing planting material in the sand. At the bottom of any container, which is most often an ordinary bucket, sand is placed previously moistened with a small amount of water. Cuttings are placed in it in such a way that only the lower part of the cutting is immersed in the sand. The top is sometimes covered with a plastic bag, but this is not at all necessary. The sand is periodically moistened with water.

Storage in bags

One of the most effective and at the same time difficult ways assumes that grape cuttings will be stored in winter in plastic bags or bags. For storage, in this case, cuttings are used, the length of which is 1 m. Before placing the cuttings in bags, they are soaked in water. After packing the planting material, the bags are placed in a cellar or any other cool place.

Cuttings should be stored in an upright position. It is necessary to provide air access to the bag. To do this, a hollow tube is installed in its upper part, the diameter of which is 2-3 cm, then a bag is tied. This is not the end of caring for the cuttings. Throughout the winter, you need to control the humidity level in the bags. Condensation should form on their walls, but not drain to the bottom of the bag, which indicates excessive moisture. If there is no condensation, place a jar of water on the bottom of the bag.

Bottled storage

Many experts, answering the question of how to save grape cuttings for the winter, recommend using plastic bottles with a capacity of 1.5 liters. Previously, the bottom of each bottle is cut off, then such a number of cuttings are placed inside, which is comfortably placed there, and the cut site is fastened with any available means. The tops of the bottles are closed with corks, and 2-3 cuts are made along the resulting container in order to maintain a comfortable level of humidity. You can also maintain the required level of humidity in the container with cuttings by placing a few potatoes there.


We looked at how to preserve grape cuttings in winter. The main thing is to observe the temperature regime and make sure that mold does not appear on the stems. If found, remove it with a soft cloth and disinfect the cutting.

Wherever you store cuttings, you need to monitor their condition. Periodically it is required to inspect the planting material and make sure that it does not dry out. And remember that regardless of the chosen method of storing cuttings, they need to be ventilated at least 2 times a year. To do this, remove the cuttings from the container in which they are stored and leave them for several hours, having previously spread them out on a flat surface.

20.08.2016 12 741

How to keep grapes fresh for a long time?

The berry picking season is in full swing, but how to preserve the grapes, because you want to eat tasty and nutritious vitamins at home even in winter, when a blizzard is spinning outside the window. Storage difficulties lead to deterioration and loss harvested... You should not give up storing valuable berries after the first failures, useful tips the seasoned will always help overcome many of the problems associated with these issues.

Grape varieties suitable for storage

A common mistake is the opinion about the excellent storage of grapes for a long period of all varieties, you just need to take care of it correctly. In fact, such conclusions are incorrect, how long the fruits will lie depends, first of all, on the variety, then on other factors. To avoid disappointment, you first need to familiarize yourself with all the features and subtleties of the process.

The most lying varieties are those that have a thick elastic skin and a fairly dense pulp. In the correct and optimal conditions, the following varieties can lie for the longest time (5-6 months) - Moldavsky, Osenny black, Kutuzovsky, Vierul-59, Criulyansky, Dekabrsky. it best options for those who are involved in the sale of crops.

Varieties with an average keeping quality (about 4 months) - Memory of Nigrul, Senso, Original, Nistru, Pukhlyakovsky, Jubilee of the crane, lyana. A relatively short period (3-3.5 months) can withstand the varieties, Delight, Light, Strashensky, Talisman, Agadai, Nadezhda AZOS.

Long-term conservation of the harvest is impossible if the berries are saturated with moisture. Bunches collected from young plants will not have the necessary keeping quality due to the age of the bushes. Also, unripe and overripe grapes will lie poorly. The best plants for storage should have loose clusters of medium and large sizes, hard berries, firmly sitting on the stalk and covered with a bloom of pruina (a thin layer of wax). The higher the percentage of sugar in the berries, the longer the shelf life. The berries are not processed with anything else.

Fruit storage methods

To avoid mistakes and blunders, you need to follow simple rules:

in the photo - storage of grapes

  • before preparing the crop for storage, it is necessary to harvest it correctly. A pruner is cut off a brush with a small part of the vine (7-9 cm) for a suspended storage method; for packing in a container, this is done together with a comb;
  • the cut brush cannot be left in the sun for a long time;
  • brushes should not be accessible to the gardener's bare fingers; gloves must be worn before starting work so as not to destroy the thin wax coating on the berries;
  • before laying for storage, the entire crop is examined carefully, any suspicious berries are removed, especially those burned by the sun, rotten, dried up, damaged.

In order to properly save the harvest, you need to take into account that the temperature must be stable, within + 1 ° ... + 8 ° C, humidity at 80%. There are the following ways of laying fruit for a long time:

in the photo - ways of storing grapes

  • storage in boxes. You will need to line a clean, disinfected container with paper or cloth, then spread it with one layer of the brush, combs up. With this arrangement, the product can lie for 45-60 days. The method has a drawback - it is the emerging fungal infections, the crop must be periodically inspected;
  • hanging on a wire (rope) is convenient when there is a room with optimal conditions and enough space for hanging. Two bunches must be tied with a rope and hung on a wire so that one brush is higher than the other. The bunches should not touch;
  • Ridge storage is suitable for small crop volumes. The method is based on the preservation of vital processes and the maintenance of immunity in the product. To store in this way, the brushes are cut off with the entire vine, then the lower part of the main stem is placed in a jar or bottle of water. 5-10 grams of charcoal is added to the water so that it does not deteriorate;
  • storage refrigerator will be the most the best room in comparison with other methods. Long-term storage v cold rooms it is considered the most effective, since under stable conditions the taste characteristics are practically not lost. The temperature in the refrigerating chambers is maintained at the level of -1 ° ... + 2 ° C, the humidity is 90-95%. When laying, the bunches are placed with the combs up.

in the photo - preparing grapes for freezing
in the photo - storage of grapes in frozen form

Berries can be frozen, but only once. Re-freezing will not save taste qualities, therefore, temperature fluctuations in freezer not allowed during the entire storage period. So that the peel of the berries does not burst during thawing, the fruits are dipped in cold water until completely thawed.

How to store grapes until spring - the tricks of the connoisseurs

Grapes, which are difficult to store in winter, have their own characteristics in different stages vegetation. There are several secrets of growing for long storage, thanks to which the keeping quality of berries increases:

  • first of all, for proper preservation, watering of the bushes is stopped 1.5 months before the expected harvest;
  • in order to preserve the harvest, experienced gardeners reduce the load on the bush by 25%, as a result of which the grapes lie for a longer period and do not deteriorate. This method is used when cultivating varieties with large massive bunches;
  • fertilization of the vines is done in accordance with the schedule. The lack of nutrients and sugar content will not allow the berries to lie for a long time, as well as an excess;

Cuttings or shanks are the main propagation material for grapes. They are cut in the fall and rooted in the spring. In addition to the procurement, it is important to organize correct storage and sprouting of the shank. It depends on how quickly and efficiently the vine will take root in the ground after winter.

Harvesting technology

The optimal time for cutting a shank is the second half of autumn. Pick a time when the first frost has already hit, but the temperature has not dropped below -10 ° C. Under such conditions, the vine has already passed cold hardening, but it still contains a lot of starch, sugars and other necessary substances. External sign timeliness of harvesting - falling of all leaves from the vine.

Advice. In regions with an early arrival of winter, there may be no leaf fall. In this case, you can cut the material when the grapes are finally ripe, and the cork layer easily peels off the lash.

How to get grape cuttings:

Attention! It is important that the cut point is not in the middle of the internode, but 2 cm from the knot. This will come in handy if you are planting grapes.

How to prepare cuttings for wintering

The preparation of the shanks should be started immediately after cutting, otherwise they will lose moisture and may not come to life in spring:

  • tie the cuttings in a bundle, fastening with twine or wire, 5-10 pieces each;
  • Soak the workpieces for 2 hours in a disinfecting solution (0.5% quinosole or 5% iron sulfate) or spray with a 3% solution of copper sulfate.
  • hang a label on each bunch indicating the variety and number of cuttings - these data may be forgotten over the winter.

Advice. Some gardeners prefer to keep a long vine, 1-1.5 m each. In this state, it tolerates winter better. The lashes are cut in the spring, just before germination.

Sometimes, before laying cuttings for the winter, it is practiced to soak them in clean and soft water for 5-20 hours. But this procedure is only relevant if the vine still managed to dry out in the cut state. The final event before placing the shank for storage is airing. It is impossible for the vine to remain with moisture on the surface.

Attention! Disinfect especially carefully if you received or purchased planting material from an unknown supplier.

Features of winter storage

The gardener's task is to minimize the loss of nutrients in the vine. To reduce carbon consumption, you need to keep the plant at low temperatures... However, the thermometer should not drop below 0 ° C. Scientifically proven that optimal indicator for storing the shank - +4 ° C with sufficient high humidity air.

Storage methods for planting material:

  • Having dug in on the site. The easiest option. Find a quiet place without stagnant water and make a trench about 30-40 cm deep. Without packing, place the bundle there and dig in it with soil.
  • In the cellar, in plastic bags. Pre-cuttings need to be moistened and kept in this state throughout the winter. Get rid of mold by wiping wood with a 3% solution of copper sulfate.
  • In the cellar, in slightly damp sand or sawdust. All this is placed inside the bag, where the ideal atmosphere is created to conserve carbon and reduce the activity of bad microflora. It is important not to overmoisten the material.
  • In fridge. Place a couple of shelves inside the apparatus so that only 10-15 cm are left between them. Wrap the shanks with gauze dipped in a disinfecting solution. Wrap all materials in plastic. Care is the same as when stored in a cellar (in cellophane bags).

Attention! The temperature in the refrigerator should be + 4… 5 ° C.

Sprouting cuttings in spring: how to spend

Only germinated cuttings are subject to spring planting on the site. At the end of winter, remove the material: inspect, moisten and wipe off mold. Update the slice if needed. The next step is to artificially awaken the kidneys:

  1. Processing with honey-containing products. Use Ecogel or a homemade analogue: 2 tbsp. l. honey for 2.5 liters of water. Soak the bottom of the shanks for three days.
  2. Notching. Using an awl, make 3 shallow notches between the pair of lower buds. In this state, the cutting is immediately ready for rooting.

The first home for grape cuttings should be a small container with a capacity of about 1 liter. Soil composition - mix in equal proportions garden soil, humus and sawdust (perlite). Deepen the branch by 2-3 buds. Water and tamp with your hands to remove any voids. Care during this period consists in regular irrigation and loosening of the substrate. To form a complete young plant the cuttings will need from 3 weeks to 1 month.

The vine is capricious and has little resistance to disease and fungal infections. If at the stage of grafting you foresee all the weak points of the culture, you will get healthy and productive grapes.

How to propagate grapes: video