Hyacinth flowers: planting and care in the open field and in a pot indoors. How to care for hyacinth after flowering in the garden and at home? Hyacinth: care after flowering in the room

Already throws out lush and bright inflorescences... Glades with early spring flowers adorn the still dull area, cheer up and make you admire the dense carpet of fragrant flowers.

Often low-growing hyacinths are combined with tulips in the background so that the colors are favorably shaded with greens. Planting bulbs is not particularly difficult, but in the case of hyacinth, it is recommended to follow agricultural techniques, which are somewhat different from, for example, planting and caring for tulips. From the material, the gardener learns not only about the features of growing hyacinth, but also about care, popular varieties, types and methods of reproduction.

The distance between the children when planting is up to 10 cm, between the bulbs - up to 15 cm.

Between the ridges or rows, leave 20-30 cm, depending on the variety. Always consider the timing of germination. They are two to three weeks. If the bulbs are planted too early, they will start to grow and die in winter, too late - they will not have time to take root.

After planting, the ground is mulched and covered with spruce branches. The latter can be excluded for the southern regions. The height of the mulch reaches 15 cm, sawdust, and mowed grass and humus are also used. In the spring, it must either be removed or carefully embedded in the soil. For five years, hyacinths have been planted in different places. Thus, the plant will return to its original area after 5 years.

The culture, if planted taking into account all agrotechnical requirements, does not require special care:

  1. Watering. Hyacinth does not require abundant watering, as it does not like waterlogging of the soil. Water only when the topsoil dries up. More frequent watering occurs during and after the flowering of the plant - the bulbs should gain strength for the next season. During the formation of leaves and peduncles, there is enough moisture from melt water. No watering required.
  2. ... Top dressing plays a more important role than watering. The first fertilization is carried out as soon as the greens have started to grow. Nitrate and superphosphate are used in the proportions indicated on the fertilizer packages. The second application falls on the period of plant budding. Superphosphate and potassium sulfate are used. At the end of flowering or after it, the same fertilizers are applied as during the budding period. Fertilizer rates are indicated in the instructions for them. You can use complex ones. Usually, dry preparations are introduced, which are carefully embedded in the soil. If a liquid form of fertilizer is preferred, water the soil abundantly and apply solutions between the rows of plants first. The bulbs absorb useful material within a radius of 20-25 cm.
  3. Weeding. Hyacinth is considered a very "hygienic" plant, it does not tolerate litter near it. It is very important to promptly remove weeds, faded inflorescences. The soil must be loosened - prevention from the appearance that are not averse to feasting on the pulp of the bulbs. The hyacinth bed should always be clean.

The rules of care are simple, the main points are weeding and feeding the plants. Watering is carried out rarely, during periods of drought, which happens quite rarely in spring.

Hyacinth bulbs must be dug out after flowering. As soon as the leaves turn yellow, you can collect seed for the fall. The bulbs are examined for rotting or fungal infections. If there are children on the plant, they are left to grow - this material is used to multiply the culture.

After harvesting, the bulbs are washed, ventilated and dried for a week.

Then folded in one layer in wooden boxes and removed to a warm place with a temperature of about 30 ° for 1.5 months. Then they are moved to a place where the temperature is much lower - about 16 ° before landing. Before planting, it is advisable to take the bulbs out to the garden to adapt to the temperature.

The most dangerous and unpleasant ailments of the plant are white, yellow and soft rot. The disease affects not only aerial part but also an onion. Culture is dying. You can determine rot by yellowed leaves, dark spots, the plant stops growing. The bulbs become soft and either yellow or white. Appears very bad smell... In this case, the culture is destroyed, and nothing is planted on the site. The soil is disinfected and treated chemicals... The most common pests of hyacinths include:

  • Onion fly (larvae are dangerous).
  • Onion tick.
  • Wireworm.
  • Stem nematode.

Sometimes you can notice such a phenomenon as the falling of the peduncle from the nest. Many believe that this is a manifestation of some kind of disease, but these are just flaws in caring for the plant. This happens when the soil is waterlogged or the bulbs were not well dried before planting. Be careful next time.

Growing hyacinth is not that difficult. The main thing is to observe the peculiarities of agricultural technology and plant care. As a result, the gardener will only have to admire the beauty of the lush, fragrant carpet of hyacinths!

More information can be found in the video:

Hyacinth is a beautiful flowering perennial bulbous plant native to the Mediterranean and southern regions of Asia. Many cultivars of this flower have been bred, which differ in a variety of inflorescence colors.

Lush, bright bloom, a variety of colors and shades, as well as a subtle, but at the same time rich aroma, made this spring Flower extremely popular with flower growers, many of whom grow it at home in a flower pot.

How to grow a hyacinth in a pot, how to care at home, what to do with a hyacinth donated or planted by you, after flowering, and our today's conversation will go on the site "Popularly about health":

Planting material

First of all, you need to purchase hyacinth bulbs. When buying, pay attention to their appearance... The strength and quality of flowering of your flower depends on the quality of the seed.

The onions must be strong, healthy, free from rotten, tainted or damp barrels, at least 5 cm in diameter. Before planting in the soil, it is recommended to treat them with a disinfectant solution, for example, a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

You can plant one or three onions. This depends on the size of the pot or other container where you will be growing the hyacinth. Leave the distance between them 2-2.5 cm.

Soil and pot

In order for the handsome hyacinth to be healthy and bloom well, high-quality soil should be prepared. You can buy it at a gardening store or make it yourself from turf, leafy soil and compost humus. Add a little sand and peat to the mixture, taken in equal amounts.

Pick up the pot not deep, but wide, with the obligatory holes on the bottom.


Before filling with earth, place a layer of drainage first. Then put some soil, level. Next, add a thin layer of clean river sand. Now place the bulbs on the sand, lightly press them into the sand, and then add the soil. To avoid rotting the bulbs, sprinkle the surface of the soil with sand as well.

It is important that the bulbs are not completely buried in the ground. Their top should protrude slightly above the surface.

How to care for a hyacinth in a pot at home?

Although hyacinth is quite unpretentious, you need to remember that it is, after all, garden plant... Therefore, to grow it at home and admire abundant flowering, you need to follow some rules and know the features of its cultivation. First of all, it is necessary to create conditions as close as possible to natural ones:


Hyacinth needs a lot of light. Therefore, place the pot in a well-lit, but not hot, place. In winter, when daylight is not enough, it is necessary to use special phyto-lamps for additional illumination.


Keep the air temperature moderately warm - from 20 to 22C. If there is a heat source near the plant, rearrange flower pot to another place so that the leaves do not dry out.


At home, a hyacinth in a pot needs frequent, abundant watering. This is especially important when flowering begins. However, he does not like stagnant water, delicate roots can rot or a fungus appears. Therefore, remove water from the pallet in a timely manner.

Water with standing water, normal temperature, when the earth begins to dry out. Make sure that moisture does not get on the surface of the bulb, buds and leaves. Therefore, it is better to water at the root.

Top dressing

For abundant, bright flowering, you need to feed with nitrogen, phosphorus compounds, 2-3 times a month.

Loosening the soil

Be sure to loosen the potting soil periodically. Just do this very carefully so as not to damage the bulbs and roots.

What to do with potted hyacinth after flowering?

It happens that hyacinths in pots are given for some holiday. Beautiful flower undoubtedly brings joy. But at home it will soon fade and what to do next? Many people simply throw it away as unnecessary. But why throw away such beauty, especially since the bulb in the pot is alive and when you give it normal conditions, will increase new flower.

Wait for the right time to plant the bulb outdoors. It is unlikely that you will achieve a quick re-flowering at home just faded hyacinth.

After the end of flowering, the bulb begins a dormant period, until a new favorable period for flowering begins. During this time, the onion must mature and accumulate nutrients necessary for the future development of a new flower.

After flowering, the hyacinth in the pot still needs to be watered, loosened and fed until the leaves dry. After that, carefully cut off the top of the dried part of the flower. Next, try to save the onion. How to keep hyacinth bulbs after flowering?

Remove it from the soil, place it in a clean, dry paper bag and place it in the refrigerator (fruit and vegetable compartment) or some other cool, dry place. You can not clean it from the ground so as not to damage the delicate roots.

Plant in the ground in late autumn, at the end of October - November, when it gets pretty cool outside during the day. Then, before the frost, the hyacinth bulb will have time to take root.

You can plant the bulb in a flower pot in the same way. This does not have to be done in the fall. The main thing is to create conditions suitable for flowering.

The plant should be placed in a cool place (10-12C). When the peduncle appears, return the hyacinth pot to its original bright place and take care of it as described above. Good luck, dear flower growers!

Many people want to pamper loved ones with fresh fragrant flowers for the winter holidays. For this, planting hyacinths at home is best suited. These delicate plants are among the first to bloom in the spring garden. But not everyone knows that they can be planted at home and, providing proper care, achieve gorgeous flowering in the cold season.

Preparing the bulbs for planting

Most bulbous plants can be planted in a pot on a windowsill. Hyacinth is no exception. In order for it to bloom at home, you need to select the largest and healthiest bulbs for planting.

Most popular varieties for home cultivation:

  • "Lady Pink";
  • "Aida";
  • "Yang boss";
  • "Aqua";
  • "Odysseus".

When a hyacinth bud appears in the flowerbed in the spring, it is tedious to carefully cut it off. Then he will use all his strength to form the bulb. In June, these hyacinths are dug from the garden bed and the tubers are properly prepared for planting. The procedure requires patience and some knowledge.

  1. Choose large, dense bulbs. It is desirable that they be at least 5 cm in diameter, without the slightest damage and traces of disease.
  2. Then they are laid out for a week to dry in a shady, well-ventilated place at an air temperature of about 20 degrees.
  3. Then you need to separate all the "kids" from the tuber, clean the dead scales and roots.

The subsequent care of the bulbs is as follows: they must be left in a dark room for 3 months, while ensuring proper storage.

  • In the first 2 months, hyacinths should be at a temperature of 25-26 C.
  • In the third month, they should be moved to a room from 17 C.
  • After that, hold for 3 days in a cool place, where the temperature ranges from 5 to 6 C, and then start planting in pots.

In order for hyacinths to bloom well at home, it is important to observe temperature regime... Novice florists sometimes fail to take care of the bulbs in this way, so they buy planting material in the store. They sell tubers that have already passed all stages of development.

Planting in pots

Boarding time indoor hyacinths depends on when you want to see flowering. If you are planning it on New Year, should be planted in the middle of the first month of autumn. You can get a bouquet of flowers on March 8 by planting tubers in the last days of October.

You will need wide, low pots. They can hold several bulbs. Place a layer of drainage on the bottom, then put soil. You can purchase a ready-made earthen mixture or prepare it yourself. You will need to take leaf, sod, compost soil, peat and sand in the same proportion. Stir and use. Pour a thin layer of sand into the pots on top. It will not allow plant roots to rot at home.

  1. Make small indentations and place the hyacinth bulbs a few centimeters apart.
  2. Sprinkle them lightly with sand so that the tops of the tubers are on the surface.

Now the plants must be left alone for 2.5 months. The pots should be taken to a basement or other place where the air temperature fluctuates between 5 and 7 C. They should be in complete darkness. If the room is light, cover the pots with paper sheets.

Care during this period involves regular, moderate watering. Be sure to keep the ground dry. If the planting is carried out correctly, the tubers will root well and subsequently bloom beautifully at home.

What to do next?

At the end of the second month, hyacinths release small green arrows in a cold room. When they stretch up to 3 cm in height, they need to be taken out into the light for more warm room... Place the pots on a loggia or veranda where the temperature is cool enough. Optimal level- 12-15 degrees. In such conditions, the plant should gain strength for a month, and eventually buds will begin to form on it. Now it can be brought in and placed in a warm room for permanent place... Flowers feel good in a lighted area of ​​the house, which is protected from drafts and temperature drops.

  1. Hyacinth care in indoor conditions simple. Place them away from heaters and ensure average temperature about 20 degrees.
  2. Moisten the soil in a timely manner, but try not to overfill the plant so that water does not stagnate in the pot.
  3. It is advisable to provide additional lighting so that the pots are illuminated for at least 10 hours a day.
  4. After a week, the buds are fully formed and flowering begins, which continues at home for about 7-10 days.
  5. Keep the room cool so the flowers will last longer.

During active flowering, hyacinth sometimes begins to lean sideways and can break off. This happens because the peduncle is too heavy. To avoid this, place a support around the pot to support the flower.

Gardeners call the stages of preparation of hyacinths for flowering in winter "forcing". If, out of inexperience, you did something wrong, this does not mean that the plant will not bloom. It's just that the flowers will be smaller, they will fall off faster, the leaves will stretch up too much and begin to lean to the ground. The main thing is to withstand cold period after planting in pots. Without it, flowers are unlikely to be able to release buds.

How to plant hyacinth in water?

V recent times it has become fashionable to plant hyacinths in a container of water. To do this, you need to prepare the tubers, as for planting in the ground. Then, for each bulb, you need to take a glass container, fill it with filtered or spring water and place the plant there. In this case, it is important to ensure that the tuber does not completely sink into the liquid. It is necessary that only the bottom of the bulb is in contact with the water. Hyacinths need to provide resting time in a cold dark place and wait for them to sprout.

Care at this time consists in the timely addition of water to the container. Try to keep it from evaporating and keep the roots of the bulb moist at all times. When the green arrows begin to sprout, you can add a little to the liquid mineral fertilizers.

After 2.5 months, the sprouts of indoor hyacinths must be taken out to a bright room and provided with the same care as for flowers in pots.

Top dressing

The soil is quickly depleted, so growing hyacinths at home will not be successful without regular feeding. It must be done several times, starting from the moment the first leaves appear.

Good care is provided by the Fertimix product. This fertilizer has a balanced content of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. In addition to them, the preparation contains vitamins B1, PP and B6. All these elements are vital for hyacinths.

  1. For feeding, put a liter in the jar pure water and dilute 2 caps of the drug in it.
  2. To make flowering longer, it is allowed to increase the dose and use 3 caps of "Fertimix".
  3. Water the flower pots twice a month.

Such home care will provide hyacinths with nutritious nutrition, improve their growth and flowering.

How to prevent flower disease

To make the hyacinth resistant to various diseases, you need to be careful about the choice planting material and be sure to check that there are no signs of rot on it. For the prevention of fungal diseases, planting in the ground should not be carried out without preprocessing tubers with fungicides. Can be used liquid agent"Dr. Foley".

The main reason for the appearance of yellow leaves and the slow development of the plant at home is considered to be improper care. Be careful when watering the hyacinth. Water should not come into contact with the bulb and leaves of the flower. Otherwise, rotting of the tuber may begin. Pour water near the edge of the pot, gently saturating the soil.

How to care after flowering?

When lush buds droop, they should be cut sharp knife and throw it away. Continue feeding the hyacinth itself and provide it with proper care. Do this until the leaves wither. Then remove the tuber from the pot, remove the dry shoots and dry the bulb well. It is no longer possible to plant it indoors. After the "distillation", the plant is very depleted and will not withstand the repeated procedure.

Plant it in the garden in the fall. V open ground hyacinth will recover and next year will be covered with flowers again.

Due to the beauty and amazing tenderness of hyacinths, their cultivation is popular in many countries. In the spring, people are happy to take care of flowers in the flower beds, and in the fall they begin “forcing” at home in order to decorate their homes with bright summer colors in winter.

Think hyacinth is a flower? No, this is the name of a young man, a dearly beloved friend Greek god Apollo. Often the young men had fun by throwing a disc one by one. But god's jealousy Western winds led to misfortune. And now Hyacinth is bleeding in the hands of a friend - the god Apollo. Apollo could not help him in any way, only in memory of his friend he created a unique flower and named it Hyacinth.

This, it turns out, is thanks to whom many women receive a deliciously smelling gift on March 8. Moreover, there is such a variety of colors: white, pale yellow, pink (any tonality), lilac, blue, blue, red, purple.

Growing hyacinths at home

Looking at the hyacinth, everyone will think: “I want it! Want! Want!". If you want, then everything will be, while you have to try. "Hyacinth" - Greek word, translated as "rain flower", maybe because the grower needs to shed a lot of sweat over its cultivation. This, of course, is a joke, however, one must not only know the peculiarities of growing, but also methodically adhere to them.

Preliminarily, we note that it may be necessary for additional lighting and support for the peduncles (the inflorescences are too weighty). Our task is to get as close as possible to the conditions of the natural environment - South Asia and the Mediterranean.

Choosing a location, suitable temperature and light

This is a tricky business, as all of the following factors should be taken into account:

  • daylight hours are needed for about 15 hours (windows to the south or southeast are suitable, on others additional lighting is needed - prolongation of daylight hours);
  • a flower loves light, but not heat - comfortable temperature a little more than 20˚С - so in summer you will have to remove the flowerpot or shade it from the direct sun;
  • does not tolerate drafts or sudden changes in temperature;
  • loves walking on a terrace or balcony at the right temperature;
  • v winter time neighborhood with heating devices unacceptably.

Creation of the necessary air and soil moisture

Everything is simple here - you must not allow the soil to dry out - on the one hand, rotting of the bulb and leaves - on the other. Watering should be done regularly, along the walls of the pot, without reaching the bulbs. Extra water drain from the pallet. Hyacinth does not need spraying, and during flowering, this procedure is prohibited.

Soil selection, fertilization

The choice of soil mixture is important, a neutral soil is suitable for hyacinth, ideally the use of leaf and sod land, peat, humus and sand in equal proportions. No fresh organic matter. Pre-calcine the earth for 1.5 hours in the oven - for disinfection. For lush bloom the plant will need strength, which means that feeding is required (with ordinary complex fertilizers for flowering plants). The first time at the beginning of the growing season, then - during the budding period, it is possible a little in the final phase of flowering.

How to choose planting material

Pledge beautiful bloom is a quality bulb. Bulbs should be selected in flower shops according to the following parameters:

  • the diameter of the bulb is at least five centimeters;
  • there is no damage and rottenness;
  • the bulb is dense, not dry;
  • the best time to buy bulbs is August.

If you get it, then the stem and peduncle should be erect.

Forcing hyacinths How to adjust the beginning of flowering to a specific date?

It can be very roughly calculated as follows: from planting to flowering, it takes about 2.5 months, the plant itself blooms for 10-18 days (depending on the variety), so it is easy to calculate. We want a new year - we start in the middle of October, for Valentine's Day - the end of November, by March 8 - the 20th of December. Before buying bulbs, read the growing conditions thoroughly - the most important thing is that the three phases of forcing require different temperature(which means a different place).

First step- we plant the bulb in a pot and simulate winter. We keep the pot for 1.5-2 months at temperatures up to 8˚С and complete darkening. This can be a cellar, and in the absence of one - the lower section of the refrigerator (close the pot with a package). We proceed to the next stage when the emerging sprout reaches 5 cm. We keep the substrate in the flowerpot constantly moist, drying out is unacceptable.

Second phase- temperature rise by 5 -7 ˚С (spring comes), the room is still darkened. You can gradually move closer to the window, adding light. We are waiting for the buds to appear.

Stage three- flowering, takes place with good illumination and a temperature of about 20 ˚С. Golden Rule- no sudden surges of heat and heat, otherwise you will not see flowers.

Planting hyacinth at home

We fill the pot with nutritious soil two-thirds in height. No need to tamp.

We plant the bulbs half the height so that the tops are on the surface. So the hyacinth will not get sick with putrefactive diseases and will develop well.

After gently pouring without touching yourself, place the pot in a cool, dark place. When the leaves are 7-8 cm tall, the pot should be placed on a sunny windowsill.

If you have presented the whole process, found places with a suitable temperature - go ahead, plant bulbs. This is a simple matter.

  • You can pick up individual flowerpots 5 cm wider than the bulb, or you can place several hyacinths in a container (at a distance of 2-3 cm) - so they look more spectacular flowers.
  • It is imperative to place drainage at the bottom of the container, then the earth, do not fill up to the top, so that the planted bulb looks out 2 cm from the soil.
  • We plant the bulbs (not close to the edge of the container), tamp the soil and water abundantly.
  • A layer of sand (up to 1 cm) can be poured on top to avoid rotting of the bulbs. Everything, we cover it with a dark film (be sure ventilation holes) and in the "winter", for the first phase.

Hyacinth at home after flowering

The eastern name of the hyacinth is "Curls of the Hurias". Here they have blossomed, delighted us with their curls, wonderful aroma, now it's time to rest.

What to do with homemade hyacinth after flowering:

  • The flower has faded - we cut off the peduncle. During the dormant period, we adhere to moderate watering, we give the plant the opportunity to form "children" and gain strength in the main bulb.
  • Let's feed the plant with complex fertilizer.
  • Only after the leaves are completely dry should the bulb be dug out.
  • Examine carefully, air dry, remove dry husks, let too small "kids" stay with "mom", and larger ones can be separated.
  • All of them must be thoroughly dried - the first week even at 30 ˚С, then another 2 weeks - 25 С, and before planting - at a temperature of 17 ˚С and high humidity(so that the onion does not dry out). This is a very important stage, because right now the future inflorescence and small children are being formed (therefore, the next time you plant, you need to be careful not to damage them).

In the fall, hyacinth bulbs need to be planted in the ground in a flower bed so that they can recover from flowering at home. Plant them deeper (15-20 cm) so that they do not freeze, and cover with a layer of mulch of 10 cm. Remove the shelter in the spring. Plants may not bloom in spring, but they will perfectly prepare for the next distillation in the new season. In the fall, the bulbs can be dug up, dried and stored in a cool place until they are planted in a pot. The bulbs can form babies, it is better to carefully separate them and leave them in the flower bed, they will grow for 4-5 years until they reach the size of adult bulbs. Only then can they be used for forcing at home.

How to propagate hyacinths at home

  • A faded plant is not suitable for re-forcing at home - it must be planted in open ground (in the fall, even on a flower bed at the entrance) so that it gains strength.
  • If you plan to grow it at home again in a year, then this year the hyacinth should not bloom in the soil (you will have to cut the peduncle).
  • A small baby in 3-4 years can grow up to normal sizes so that it is suitable for forcing at home.
  • Over the years, the "cubs" will go through the growing season without flowering, gradually gaining strength.

A sensible idea arises here: to get it, buy ready-made planting material, and let them grow it in nurseries.

Diseases and pests

The flower is occasionally affected by yellow bacterial rot, with which, alas, nothing can be done. The plant with the earth will have to be thrown out, and if the pot is planned to be used further, then it must be disinfected.
Pests can be:

  • spider mite;
  • nematodes;

To combat them, insecticides are used, however, this cannot be done during the flowering period.
Possible problems when caring for hyacinth at home:

  • yellow leaves - the draft and watering are to blame;
  • leaves wither - lack of lighting;
  • falling buds - water hit the buds, a sharp temperature drop;
  • cessation of flowering - the flower is hot;
  • decay - chronic waterlogging.

Conclusion: you can grow hyacinth with patience and care. Grow smartly and enjoy lush blooms!

Description of hyacinth

Hyacinths photo when to plant at home Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Delft Blue’ photo

Hyacinth is now classified as a member of the Asparagus family, although earlier it was singled out as a separate family of Hyacinths or was ranked in the Lileiny. This bulbous perennial is considered a native of Asia Minor, but Dutch breeders have worked so hard to develop its new varieties, spread the flower and bulbs, that it can be considered a truly modern "Dutchman".

Hyacinth is a plant up to 30 cm high; a stem and oblong leaves grow from a dense bulb. Hyacinth flowers - small bells with twisted leaves - are collected in a dense cone-shaped inflorescence (reminiscent of an ear). The flowers are simple and double in appearance.

At the end of flowering, both the peduncle and the leaves dry up, in the corners of the leaves you need to look for small baby bulbs (you can further use it for breeding), and the main bulb develops on the stem inside the mother bulb.
It has proven itself perfectly at home, also in the open field (where it is one of the first to be shown from the ground in spring). This is not unfounded, it is said by more than four hundred years of experience in breeding hyacinths. During this time, about 30 species were attributed to this species, including half a thousand different varieties of plants.

However, today there are three types of hyacinths:

  • eastern (Hyacinthus orientalis);
  • Litvinov (Hyacinthus litwinowii);
  • Transcaspian (Hyacinthus transcaspicus).

It is on their basis that all the variety of shapes and colors of these plants is created.

Types and varieties of hyacinth with photos and descriptions

Oriental hyacinth Hyacinthus orientalis- the same great-grandfather of most of today's varieties. Flowers with a delicate aroma are loosely placed on a thin peduncle. Can be any of the shades of white, yellow, pink, or blue flowers... V wildlife can be found in Lebanon, Turkey or Syria.

Hyacinth Litvinov Hyacinthus litwinowii- has bluish leaves and light blue flowers with protruding stamens. Natural area - Iran, Turkmenistan.

Transcaspian hyacinth Hyacinthus transcaspicus- undersized flower (up to 20 cm), has up to two stems, leaves equally thickened along the entire length. There are no more than a dozen flowers in a loose inflorescence. The natural place is the mountains of Turkmenistan.
Another classification of hyacinths is their division by color:

  • - Arentine Arendsen (white or cream flowers), double Snow Crystal and Madame Sophie;

  • - Yellow Hammer (deep yellow), Oranje Boven (pale yellow), City of Haarlem (salmon);

  • pink - Anna Marie (light pink), Gertruda (deep pink), Moreno (pink with a dark raspberry stripe);
  • red - La Victoire, Tubergen's Scarlet, Hollyhock (terry);

  • lilac - Bismarck (pale), Blue Magic (red-purple), Indigo King (dark purple);
  • blue - Queen of the Blues (pale blue), Perle Brillante (pale blue), Marie (deep blue).

Hyacinths - annual bulbous plants that grow well both in the garden and at home.

What to do with the plant after flowering, how to keep it before next landing?

By adhering to some rules, you can successfully store the bulbs and enjoy the bloom of hyacinths every year.

Hyacinths have faded - how to care for them after flowering

As soon as the flowering of hyacinths is over, you need to cut off the arrow. If this is not done in time, then the seed pods will be tied up, which will take away the strength from the bulb. A weakened bulb does not tolerate wintering well.

For young, medium-sized bulbs, the flower arrow should be cut off before flowering. Thus, the bulbs grow larger, healthier and bloom for a long time in subsequent years.

What to do with hyacinth leaves after flowering?

Hyacinths get their nutrients from more than just the soil. Leaves deliver all the necessary elements for growth and development to the bulb. Therefore, after flowering, they are not removed. They must dry out naturally... This process can be accelerated by reducing the watering of the plant. Yellowed leaves separate well from the bulb.

How to care for a garden hyacinth bulb after flowering

What to do with the bulbs of the plant, how to preserve them until the next precipitation? The process of growing and caring for hyacinths is quite laborious. Digging up the bulbs every year and dying off the leaves is an inevitable and indispensable process. But it allows you to identify sick and weak bulbs that should not be stored.

It is not necessary to dig up the bulbs immediately after flowering. As soon as the leaves turn yellow, hyacinth care continues. The plant continues to be watered and fertilized. This allows the bulbs to recover and accumulate enough nutrients to overwinter. Top dressing should be carried out every two weeks with complex fertilizer for deciduous plants... After two to three months, the bulbs can be dug up.

You need to dig up the bulbs at the end of July, when all the leaves of the plant have turned yellow. If you postpone the digging procedure, then the onion may not be found in the future. Garden hyacinths go deep into the ground.

You cannot grow hyacinths without digging the bulbs. Plants stop blooming and deepen too much. With regular digging, the grower can constantly set the desired bulb depth.

For plants grown at home, the timing of digging the bulb is shifted. They depend on the forcing of the plant. If the forcing is done late, then the bulb is dug out only after the end of flowering and yellowing of the leaves.

Storing and caring for bulbs after flowering

The most important point in the cultivation of hyacinths is the storage of bulbs at home. It is during storage that flower buds are laid in the bulb. From correct storage depends and further flowering plants.

If the storage conditions of the bulbs are violated, and the digging is done too late, then flowering will be poor. You need to store the bulbs for three months.

1. Bulbs of hyacinths are dug up and dried in a shaded place. It may take a week. Dry the bulbs at a temperature of 20 degrees.

2. Next, the bulbs are cleaned from the soil, the remnants of the roots are removed and sorted. Examine the bulbs for disease and damage. Weak material is discarded. I put the sorted bulbs in storage. Small bulbs are stored separately from large ones. The name of the variety is signed on paper storage bags.

The whole storage process takes place in two stages, which are necessary for the plant to book flower buds.

    The first stage lasts two months. The bulbs are stored at room temperature in paper bags. The storage temperature is 25 degrees.

    The second stage lasts one month. This is the pre-planting storage of the bulbs. The temperature should be within 18 degrees. During storage, they monitor not only the temperature, but also the humidity of the air. If there is insufficient moisture, the hyacinth bulbs dry out.

If for some reason it is necessary to shorten the first stage of storage, then the temperature can be raised to 30 degrees. Under such conditions, it takes 1.5 months to dry hyacinths.

When to plant hyacinth bulbs in the garden?

You can return hyacinth bulbs to the garden in late September or early October. If the bulbs are planted earlier, they begin to develop actively and die in winter. If you are late with planting, then the plants will not have time to take root and freeze out.

After storage, the bulbs are sorted out and discarded sick and affected. The finished material is sorted. For planting in the garden, medium-sized bulbs are useful. They will give a healthy and strong peduncle. Small bulbs are grown at home. Immediately before planting, the bulbs are disinfected in a fungicide solution and dried.

Preparing the soil for planting hyacinth

The soil for planting the bulbs is prepared in advance.

1. The earth is dug on a shovel bayonet, cleaned of weeds, leveled.

2. Mineral fertilizers, humus and compost are applied to the prepared soil. In heavy soils, sand and peat are added. On sandy soils, more potassium fertilizers are applied.

It is necessary to apply nitrogen fertilizers under the bulbs in spring and summer.

Planting scheme for hyacinth bulbs

For good growth and development, it is necessary to plant bulbs in the garden under a certain pattern. Strong large bulbs are planted at a distance of 15 cm.The planting depth does not exceed 18 cm.

Small bulbs and babies are planted separately, the distance between them is reduced. Embedding depth from 5 cm.

In the garden, hyacinths grow well on a "sand cushion". V landing pit They fill up clean river sand with a layer of up to 3 cm. Bulbs are planted in this "pillow" and again covered with sand, and then - with soil. This planting method ensures the safety of the bulb. Water does not stagnate in the soil and hyacinth is not damaged by rot.

For a good wintering, planting hyacinths is mulched with straw or peat. In early spring the layer of mulch must be removed, otherwise the hyacinths will not be able to germinate on their own.

When hyacinths are planted indoors

Hyacinths lend themselves well to forcing indoors. To do this, after storage, the bulbs are planted in a pot.

For room distillation, large bulbs are selected, which will give a good peduncle and delight long flowering... The sorted material must be free from signs of damage.

Indoor distillation differs in that flowering plant can be obtained by a specific date. Planting and storage times are regulated by the grower, depending on his preferences.

A wide and shallow pot is selected for planting a plant. The container must have holes for the drain of excess liquid. This will save the plant from rotting the bottom of the bulb.

Planting hyacinth bulbs at home

To plant hyacinths at home, you need to take fertile land... Expanded clay and a layer of soil are poured into the bottom of the container. The bulbs are placed on the ground.

The scheme for planting hyacinth bulbs in a pot is different from that of planting in a garden. The bulbs should be placed very closely on the surface of the soil, but they should not touch the edge of the pot. Next, you need to sprinkle the hyacinths with earth, but the tops of the bulbs should remain open.

During the dormant period, until new leaves appear, the bulbs are placed in a cool room or cellar. The resting period lasts from 2 to 2.5 months. At this time, you need to monitor the soil moisture and water the hyacinths in a timely manner. With this storage, the bulbs take root well and lay the buds of growth.

You can store the planted bulbs in the refrigerator, where the temperature should be at 7 degrees. Cold storage is a must for growing hyacinths.

Hyacinth care: prevention of diseases after flowering

If hyacinth bulbs are stored improperly, fungal diseases that lead to the death of the plant.

Storage when too low temperatures and high humidity contributes to the spread of gray rot, which affects the bulbs. You can prevent the appearance of rot by adjusting the storage conditions for planting material. Before planting the bulbs in the ground after a storage period, pre-planting treatment with solutions of disinfecting substances is carried out. For this, foundationol, formalin or a solution of potassium permanganate are used.