Where did the Greek gods live?

Rhea, christened by Kron, bore him light children, - the Virgin - Hestia, Demeter and the golden-shod Hera, the glorious power of Hades, who lives under the earth, And the providence - Zeus, the father of both immortals and mortals, whose thunders tremble the wide earth. Hesiod "Theogony"

Greek literature originated from mythology. Myth- this is a show ancient man about the world around him. Myths were created on a very early stage development of society in various areas of Greece. Later, all these myths merged into a single system.

With the help of myths, the ancient Greeks tried to explain all natural phenomena, presenting them in the form of living beings. At first, experiencing a strong fear of the elements, people portrayed the gods in a terrible animal form (Chimera, Gorgon Medusa, Sphinx, Lernean Hydra).

Later, however, the gods become anthropomorphic, that is, they have a human appearance and they have a variety of human qualities (jealousy, generosity, envy, generosity). The main difference between the gods and people was their immortality, but with all their greatness, the gods communicated with mere mortals and even often entered into love relationships with them in order to give birth to a whole tribe of heroes on earth.

There are 2 types of ancient Greek mythology:

  1. cosmogonic (cosmogony - the origin of the world) - ends with the birth of Kronos
  2. theogonic (theogony - the origin of gods and deities)

The mythology of Ancient Greece went through 3 main stages in its development:

  1. pre-Olympic- this is basically a cosmogonic mythology. This stage begins with the idea of ​​the ancient Greeks that everything came from Chaos, and ends with the murder of Kron and the division of the world between the gods.
  2. Olympic(early classic) - Zeus becomes the supreme deity and with a retinue of 12 gods settles on Olympus.
  3. late heroism- heroes are born from the gods and mortals, who help the gods in establishing order and in the destruction of monsters.

On the basis of mythology, poems were created, tragedies were written, and lyricists dedicated their odes and hymns to the gods.

There were two main groups of gods in Ancient Greece:

  1. titans - gods of the second generation (six brothers - Oceanus, Kei, Crius, Gipperion, Iapetus, Kronos and six sisters - Thetis, Phoebe, Mnemosyne, Teia, Themis, Rhea)
  2. olympic gods - Olympians - gods of the third generation. The Olympians included the children of Kronos and Rhea - Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus, as well as their descendants - Hephaestus, Hermes, Persephone, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Athena, Apollo and Artemis. The supreme god was Zeus, who deprived the power of his father Kronos (the god of time).

The Greek pantheon of the Olympian gods traditionally included 12 gods, but the composition of the pantheon was not very stable and sometimes consisted of 14-15 gods. Usually they were: Zeus, Hera, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Demeter, Hestia, Ares, Hermes, Hephaestus, Dionysus, Hades. The Olympic gods lived on the sacred Mount Olympus ( Olympos) in Olympia, off the coast of the Aegean Sea.

Translated from ancient Greek word pantheon means "all gods". Greeks

divided the deities into three groups:

  • Pantheon (great Olympian gods)
  • Inferior deities
  • monsters

Heroes occupied a special place in Greek mythology. The most famous of them:

v Odysseus

Supreme gods of Olympus

Greek gods


roman gods

god of thunder and lightning, sky and weather, law and fate, attributes - lightning (three-pronged pitchfork with notches), scepter, eagle or chariot drawn by eagles

goddess of marriage and family, goddess of heaven and starry skies, attributes - diadem (crown), lotus, lion, cuckoo or hawk, peacock (two peacocks carried her wagon)


"foam-born", the goddess of love and beauty, Athena, Artemis and Hestia were not subject to her, attributes - a rose, an apple, a shell, a mirror, a lily, a violet, a belt and a golden bowl that bestows eternal youth, a retinue - sparrows, doves, a dolphin, satellites - Eros, charites, nymphs, ororas.

god of the underworld of the dead, "generous" and "hospitable", attribute - magic cap of invisibility and three-headed dog Cerberus

the god of insidious war, military destruction and murder, he was accompanied by the goddess of discord Eris and the goddess of violent war Enyo, attributes - dogs, a torch and a spear, there were 4 horses in the chariot - Noise, Horror, Shine and Flame

god of fire and blacksmithing, ugly and lame on both legs, attribute - blacksmith's hammer

the goddess of wisdom, crafts and art, the goddess of just war and military strategy, the patroness of heroes, the “owl-eyed”, used male attributes (helmet, shield - aegis from the skin of the goat amalthea, decorated with the head of Medusa Gorgon, spear, olive, owl and snake), was accompanied by Nicky

god of invention, theft, trickery, trade and eloquence, patron of heralds, ambassadors, shepherds and travelers, invented measures, numbers, taught people, attributes - a winged rod and winged sandals



god of the seas and all water bodies, floods, droughts and earthquakes, patron of sailors, attribute - a trident that causes storms, breaks rocks, knocks out springs, sacred animals - a bull, a dolphin, a horse, sacred tree- Pine


goddess of hunting, fertility and female chastity, later - goddess of the moon, patroness of forests and wild animals, forever young, she is accompanied by nymphs, attributes - hunting bow and arrows, sacred animals - doe and bear

Apollo (Phoebus), Kifared

“golden-haired”, “silver-armed”, god of light, harmony and beauty, patron of arts and sciences, leader of the muses, predictor of the future, attributes - silver bow and golden arrows, golden cithara or lyre, symbols - olive, iron, laurel, palm tree, dolphin , swan, wolf

goddess hearth and sacrificial fire, virgin goddess. was accompanied by 6 priestesses - vestals who served the goddess for 30 years

"Mother Earth", the goddess of fertility and agriculture, plowing and harvest, attributes - a sheaf of wheat and a torch

god of fruitful forces, vegetation, viticulture, winemaking, inspiration and fun

Bacchus, Bacchus

Minor Greek gods

Greek gods


roman gods


"opener", god of healing and medicine, attribute - a staff entwined with snakes

Eros, Cupid

the god of love, the “winged boy”, was considered the product of a dark night and a bright day, Heaven and Earth, attributes - a flower and a lyre, later - arrows of love and a flaming torch

"the sparkling eye of the night", the goddess of the moon, the queen of the starry sky, has wings and a golden crown


goddess of the realm of the dead and fertility


the goddess of victory, depicted winged or in a pose of rapid movement, attributes - a bandage, a wreath, later - a palm tree, then - a weapon and a trophy


goddess of eternal youth, depicted as a chaste girl pouring nectar

“pink-fingered”, “beautiful-haired”, “golden-throned” goddess of the dawn

goddess of happiness, chance and good luck

god of the sun, owner of seven herds of cows and seven herds of sheep

Kronos (Chronos)

god of time, attribute - sickle

goddess of furious war

Hypnos (Morpheus)

goddess of flowers and gardens

God west wind, messenger of the gods

Dike (Themis)

goddess of justice, justice, attributes - scales in the right hand, blindfold, cornucopia in the left hand; The Romans put a sword into the hand of the goddess instead of a horn

god of marriage



winged goddess of revenge and retribution, punishing for violation of social and moral norms, attributes - scales and bridle, sword or whip, chariot drawn by griffins


golden-winged goddess of the rainbow

earth goddess

In addition to Olympus, in Greece there was a sacred mountain Parnassus, where muses - 9 sisters, Greek deities who personified poetic and musical inspiration, patrons of the arts and sciences.

Greek Muses

What patronizes


Calliope ("beautiful")

muse of epic or heroic poetry

wax tablet and stylus

(bronze rod for writing)


muse of history

papyrus scroll or scroll case


muse of love or erotic poetry, lyrics and marriage songs

kifara (stringed musical instrument, a kind of lyre)


muse of music and lyric poetry

avlos (a wind musical instrument similar to a pipe with a double tongue, the predecessor of the oboe) and syringa (a musical instrument, a kind of longitudinal flute)


muse of astronomy

spotting scope and leaf with celestial signs



muse of tragedy

wreath of vine leaves or

ivy, theatrical mantle, tragic mask, sword or club.


("delightful dancing")

muse of dance

head wreath, lyre and plectrum




muse of sacred song, eloquence, lyric, chant and rhetoric


muse of comedy and bucolic poetry

comic mask in hands and wreath

ivy on the head

Inferior deities in Greek mythology, these are satyrs, nymphs and ororas.

satires - (Greek satyroi) - these are forest deities (the same as in Russia goblin), demons fertility, retinue of Dionysus. They were depicted as goat-legged, hairy, with horse tails and small horns. Satyrs are indifferent to people, mischievous and cheerful, they were interested in hunting, wine, pursued forest nymphs. Their other hobby is music, but they only played wind instruments that make sharp, piercing sounds - flutes and pipes. In mythology, they personified a rough, base beginning in nature and man, therefore they were represented with ugly faces - with blunt, wide noses, swollen nostrils, disheveled hair.

nymphs - (the name means "source", among the Romans - "bride") the personification of living elemental forces, noticed in the murmur of a stream, in the growth of trees, in the wild charms of mountains and forests, spirits of the earth's surface, manifestations of natural forces acting in addition to man in the solitude of grottoes , valleys, forests, away from cultural centers. They were depicted as beautiful young girls with wonderful hair, with a dress of wreaths and flowers, sometimes in a dancing pose, with bare legs and arms, with loose hair. They are engaged in yarn, weaving, sing songs, dance in the meadows to the flute of Pan, hunt with Artemis, participate in the noisy orgies of Dionysus, and are constantly fighting with annoying satyrs. In the view of the ancient Greeks, the world of nymphs was very extensive.

The azure pond was full of flying nymphs,
Dryads animated the garden,
And the bright water spring was sparkling from the urn
Laughing naiads.

F. Schiller

Nymphs of the mountains oreads,

nymphs of forests and trees - dryads,

spring nymphs - naiads,

nymphs of the oceans oceanides,

nymphs of the sea nerids,

nymphs of the valleys sing,

meadow nymphs - limeades.

Ory - the goddess of the seasons, they were in charge of order in nature. Guardians of Olympus, now opening, then closing its cloudy gates. They are called gatekeepers of heaven. Harness the horses of Helios.

In many mythologies, there are numerous monsters. In ancient Greek mythology, there were also many of them: Chimera, Sphinx, Lernean Hydra, Echidna and many others.

In the same vestibule, the shadows of monsters crowd around:

Scylla biform here and herds of centaurs live,

Here Briares the hundred-handed lives, and the dragon from Lerna

The swamp hisses, and the Chimera intimidates enemies with fire,

Harpies fly in a flock around the three-bodied giants ...

Virgil, "Aeneid"

Harpies are vicious kidnappers and human souls, suddenly swooping in and disappearing as suddenly as the wind, terrify people. Their number ranges from two to five; depicted as wild, half-female, half-birds of a disgusting appearance with wings and paws of a vulture, with long sharp claws, but with the head and chest of a woman.

Gorgon Medusa - a monster with a woman's face and snakes instead of hair, whose gaze turned a person to stone. According to legend it was beautiful girl with beautiful hair. Poseidon, seeing Medusa and falling in love, seduced her in the temple of Athena, for which the goddess of wisdom in anger turned the hair of the Gorgon Medusa into snakes. The Gorgon Medusa was defeated by Perseus, and her head was placed on the auspices of Athena.

Minotaur - a monster with a human body and a bull's head. He was born from the unnatural love of Pasiphae (wife of King Minos) and a bull. Minos hid the monster in the labyrinth of Knossos. Every eight years, 7 boys and 7 girls descended into the labyrinth, intended for the Minotaur as victims. Theseus defeated the Minotaur, and with the help of Ariadne, who gave him a ball of thread, got out of the labyrinth.

Cerberus (Cerberus) - this is a three-headed dog with a snake tail and snake heads on its back, guarding the exit from the kingdom of Hades, not allowing the dead to return to the kingdom of the living. He was defeated by Hercules during one of the labors.

Scylla and Charybdis - These are sea monsters located at the distance of an arrow flight from each other. Charybdis is a sea whirlpool that absorbs and spews water three times a day. Scylla ("barking") - a monster in the form of a woman, whose lower body was turned into 6 dog heads. When the ship passed the rock where Scylla lived, the monster, opening all its mouths, abducted 6 people from the ship at once. The narrow strait between Scylla and Charybdis was mortal danger for everyone who sailed on it.

Also in ancient Greece, there were other mythical characters.

Pegasus - a winged horse, a favorite of the muses. Flying at the speed of the wind. To ride a Pegasus meant to receive poetic inspiration. He was born at the origins of the Ocean, therefore he was named Pegasus (from the Greek "stormy current"). According to one version, he jumped out of the body of the Gorgon Medusa after Perseus cut off her head. Pegasus delivered thunder and lightning to Zeus on Olympus from Hephaestus, who made them.

From the foam of the sea, from the azure wave,

Faster than an arrow and more beautiful than a string,

An amazing fairytale horse is flying

And easily catches heavenly fire!

He likes to splash in colored clouds,

And often walks in magic verses.

So that the ray of inspiration in the soul does not go out,

I saddle you, snow-white Pegasus!

Unicorn mythical creature symbolizing chastity. Usually depicted as a horse with one horn coming out of his forehead. The Greeks believed that the unicorn belonged to Artemis, the goddess of the hunt. Subsequently, in medieval legends, there was a version that only a virgin could tame him. Having caught a unicorn, it can only be held by a golden bridle.

centaurs - wild mortal creatures with the head and torso of a man on the body of a horse, inhabitants of mountains and forest thickets, accompany Dionysus and are distinguished violent temper and intemperance. Presumably, the centaurs were originally the incarnation mountain rivers and turbulent streams. In heroic myths, centaurs are the educators of heroes. For example, Achilles and Jason were raised by the centaur Chiron.

WITH according to ancient Greek myths The place where the Greek gods lived was Mount Olympus. Olympus rises almost three kilometers into the sky, and everything that mortal people do is visible from it. On Olympus lived: Zeus, his wife the goddess Hera, and their sons - Ares and Hephaestus. As well as children from other goddesses and nymphs. Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, the goddess of wisdom Athena and the beautiful Aphrodite lived there. The Greek gods ate only ambrosia, which gave them immortality and eternal youth. Its source was in the garden of the Hesperides, and pigeons brought it to Olympus.

Olympus - the place where the Greek gods lived

Despite the fact that the Olympian gods were the arbiters human destinies, the Greeks endowed them with human characters, so in their lives their gods faced the same problems as ordinary people. Countless love affairs, betrayals and reconciliations in the life of the Olympian gods still capture the imagination, which is why today many travelers go on an ascent to the top of Olympus.

The small town of Litochoro is located in close proximity to Olympus, and it was from here, according to the myth, that Zeus went on dates to earthly women. From the summit of Mount Olympus one can admire picturesque views of the foothills and the distant Thermaikos Gulf. But closer to dinner, visibility from Mount Olympus deteriorates significantly, and everything is covered with clouds.

Culture and religion in Athens have been closely intertwined since time immemorial. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are so many attractions in the country that are dedicated to the idols and gods of antiquity. There is probably nothing like it anywhere. But still the most total reflection Greek mythology became the oldest civilization. Gods and titans, kings and heroes from legends - all these are parts of the life and existence of ancient Greece.

Of course, many tribes and peoples had their own deities and idols. They personified the forces of nature, incomprehensible and frightening of ancient man. However, the ancient Greek gods were not only symbols of nature, they were considered the creators of all moral blessings and the guardians of the beautiful and great powers of the ancient people.

Generations of the gods of ancient Greece

V different time there were also different ones. The list of one ancient author differed from another, but nevertheless it is possible to single out common periods.

So, in the days of the Pelasgians, when the cult of worship of the forces of nature flourished, the first generation of Greek gods appeared. It was believed that the Mist ruled the world, from which the first supreme deity appeared - Chaos, and their children - Nikta (Night), Eros (Love) and Erebus (Darkness). The land was in complete disarray.

The names of the Greek gods of the second and third generation are already known to the whole world. These are the children of Nikta and Eber: the air god Ether and the goddess of the day Hemera, Nemesis (Retribution), Ata (Lie), Mom (Stupidity), Kera (Misfortune), Erinia (Revenge), Moira (Fate), Eris (Discord). And also take the twins Thanatos (herald of Death) and Hypnos (Sleep). Children of the goddess of the earth Hera - Pontus (inner Sea), Tartarus (Abyss), Nereus (calm sea) and others. As well as the first generation of powerful and destructive titans and giants.

The Greek gods that existed among the Pelagestians were overthrown by the titans and a series of universal catastrophes, stories about which have been preserved in myths and legends. After them, a new generation appeared - the Olympians. These are the human gods of Greek mythology. Their list is huge, and in this article we will talk about the most significant and famous people.

The first supreme god of ancient Greece

Kronos or Chronov is the god and keeper of time. He was the youngest of the sons of the earth goddess Hera and the sky god Uranus. His mother loved him, cherished and indulged him in everything. However, Kronos grew up to be very ambitious and cruel. Once Hera heard a prediction that his son would be the death of Kronos. But she decided to keep it a secret.

Meanwhile, Kronos killed his father and got supreme power. He settled on Mount Olympus, which went straight to heaven. Hence the name of the Greek gods, as the Olympians. When Kronos decided to marry, his mother told him about the prophecy. And he found a way out - he began to swallow all his born children. His poor wife Rhea was horrified, but she failed to convince her husband of the opposite. Then she hid her third son (little Zeus) from Kronos on the island of Crete under the supervision of forest nymphs. It was Zeus who became the death of Kronos. When he grew up, he went to Olympus and overthrew his father, while making him regurgitate all his brothers.

Zeus and Hera

So, the new humanoid Greek gods from Olympus became the rulers of the world. Zeus was the father of the gods. He is the gatherer of clouds and the lord of lightning, creating all living things, as well as the establisher of order and justice on earth. The Greeks considered Zeus the source of goodness and nobility. The Thunderer is the father of the goddesses Or, the rulers of time and annual changes, as well as the Muses, who give people inspiration and joy.

Zeus' wife was Hera. She was portrayed as a grumpy goddess of the atmosphere, as well as the keeper of the hearth. Hera patronized all women who remained faithful to their husbands. And also, together with her daughter Ilithia, she facilitated the process of childbirth. According to myths, Zeus was very loving, and after three hundred years of married life he got bored. He began to visit mortal women in a variety of guises. So, he appeared to beautiful Europe in the form of a huge bull with golden horns, and to Danae - in the form of starry rain.


Poseidon is the god of the seas and oceans. He always remained in the shadow of his more powerful brother Zeus. The Greeks believed that Poseidon was never cruel. And all the troubles and punishments that he sent to people were well-deserved.

Poseidon is the patron saint of fishermen and sailors. Always, before setting sail, people prayed first of all to him, and not to Zeus. In honor of the ruler of the seas, altars were smoked for several days. According to legend, Poseidon could be seen during a storm on the high seas. He appeared from the foam in a golden chariot harnessed by dashing horses, which his brother Hades gave him.

Poseidon's wife was the goddess of the noisy sea, Amphitrite. The symbol is a trident, which bestowed complete power over the deep sea. Poseidon had a soft, non-confrontational disposition. He always sought to avoid quarrels and conflicts, and was unconditionally devoted to Zeus, unlike Hades.

Hades and Persephone

The Greek gods of the underworld are, above all, the gloomy Hades and his wife Persephone. Hades is the god of death, the lord of the kingdom of the dead. He was feared even more than the Thunderer himself. No one could go down to the underworld without the permission of Hades, and even more so, return. According to Greek mythology, the gods of Olympus divided power among themselves. And Hades, who got the underworld, was unhappy. He harbored a grudge against Zeus.

Despite the fact that he never spoke directly and openly, there are many examples in the legends when the god of death tried in every possible way to spoil the life of his crowned brother. So, once Hades kidnapped the beautiful daughter of Zeus and the goddess of fertility Demeter Persephone. He forcibly made her his queen. Zeus had no power over the realm of the dead, and chose not to mess with his embittered brother, so he refused the frustrated Demeter's request to save his daughter. And only when the goddess of fertility in grief forgot about her duties, and drought and famine began on earth, Zeus decided to talk to Hades. They entered into an agreement according to which Persephone would spend two-thirds of the year on earth with her mother, and the rest of the time in the realm of the dead.

Hades was portrayed as a gloomy man sitting on a throne. On earth he traveled in a chariot harnessed by hellish horses with burning eyes. And at this time, people were afraid and prayed that he would not take them to his kingdom. Hades' favorite was the three-headed dog Cerberus, who tirelessly guarded the entrance to the world of the dead.

Athena Pallas

The beloved Greek goddess Athena was the daughter of the Thunderer Zeus. According to the myths, she was born from his head. At first it was believed that Athena was the goddess of the clear sky, who dispersed all black clouds with her spear. She was also a symbol of victorious energy. The Greeks depicted Athena as a powerful warrior with a shield and a spear. She always traveled with the goddess Nike, who personifies victory.

In ancient Greece, Athena was considered the protector of fortresses and cities. She gave people just and right state orders. The goddess personified wisdom, calmness and a penetrating mind.

Hephaestus and Prometheus

Hephaestus is the god of fire and blacksmithing. His activity was manifested by volcanic eruptions, which frightened people very much. Initially, he was considered only the god of heavenly fire. Since on earth people lived and died in eternal cold. Hephaestus, like Zeus, and other Olympic gods was cruel to the world of people, and was not going to give them fire.

Prometheus changed everything. He was the last of the Titans to survive. He lived on Olympus and was right hand Zeus. Prometheus could not watch how people suffer, and, having stolen the sacred fire from the temple, he brought it to earth. For which he was punished by the Thunderer and doomed to eternal torment. But the titan was able to agree with Zeus: he granted him freedom in exchange for the secret of maintaining power. Prometheus could see the future. And in the future of Zeus, he saw his death at the hands of his son. Thanks to the titan, the father of all gods did not marry the one who could bear him a murderous son, and thus forever consolidated his power.

The Greek gods Athena, Hephaestus and Prometheus became symbols of the ancient festival of running with lit torches. Ancestor of the Olympic Games.


The Greek sun god Apollo was the son of Zeus. He was identified with Helios. According to Greek mythology, Apollo lives in the distant lands of the Hyperboreans in winter, and returns to Hellas in the spring and again pours life into withered nature. Apollo was also the god of music and singing, since, along with the revival of nature, he gave people the desire to sing and create. He was called the patron of art. Music and poetry in ancient Greece were considered the gift of Apollo.

Due to his regenerating ability, he was also considered the god of healing. According to the legends, Apollo expelled all blackness from the patient with his sunbeams. The ancient Greeks portrayed the god as a fair-haired young man with a harp in his hands.


Apollo's sister Artemis was the goddess of the moon and the hunt. It was believed that at night she wandered through the forests with her naiad companions and irrigated the earth with dew. She was also called the patroness of animals. At the same time, many legends are associated with Artemis, where she cruelly drowned sailors. People were sacrificed to appease her.

At one time, the Greeks called Artemis the patroness of brides. The girls performed rituals and brought offerings to the goddess in the hope of a strong marriage. Artemis of Ephesus even became a symbol of fertility and childbearing. The Greeks portrayed the goddess with many nipples on her chest, which symbolized her generosity as a nurse of people.

The names of the Greek gods Apollo and Artemis are closely related to Helios and Selene. Gradually brother and sister lost their physical significance. Therefore, in Greek mythology, the separate sun god Helios and the moon goddess Selene appeared. Apollo remained the patron of music and the arts, and Artemis - of hunting.


Initially, Ares was considered the god of the stormy sky. He was the son of Zeus and Hera. But among the ancient Greek poets, he received the status of the god of war. He was always portrayed as a fierce warrior armed with a sword or spear. Ares loved the noise of battle and bloodshed. Therefore, he was always at enmity with the goddess of the clear sky, Athena. She was for prudence and fair conduct of battle, he was for fierce skirmishes and countless bloodshed.

Ares is also considered the creator of the tribunal - the trial of murderers. The trial took place on a sacred hill, which was named after the god - the Areopagus.

Aphrodite and Eros

The beautiful Aphrodite was the patroness of all lovers. She is a favorite muse for all the poets, sculptors and artists of that time. The goddess was portrayed beautiful woman emerging naked from the sea foam. The soul of Aphrodite has always been full of pure and immaculate love. In the time of the Phoenicians, Aphrodite contained two principles - Ashera and Astarte. She was Ashera when she enjoyed the singing of nature and the love of the youth Adonis. And Astarte - when she was revered as the "goddess of heights" - a stern warrior who imposed a vow of chastity on her novices and guarded marital morality. The ancient Greeks combined these two principles in their goddess and created an image of ideal femininity and beauty.

Eros or Eros is the Greek god of love. He was the son of the beautiful Aphrodite, her messenger and faithful assistant. Eros connected the destinies of all lovers. He was portrayed as a small plump boy with wings.

Demeter and Dionysus

Greek gods, patrons of agriculture and winemaking. Demeter personified nature, which, under sunlight and heavy rains, ripens and bears fruit. She was portrayed as a "fair-haired" goddess, giving people a harvest, deserved by labor and sweat. It is Demeter that people owe to the science of arable farming and sowing. The goddess was also called "mother earth". Her daughter Persephone was the link between the world of the living and the realm of the dead, she belonged to both worlds.

Dionysus is the god of winemaking. As well as brotherhood and joy. Dionysus gives people inspiration and fun. He taught people how to work the vine, as well as wild and riotous songs, which then served as the basis for ancient Greek drama. God was portrayed as a young cheerful youth, his body was entwined vine, and in the hands was a jug of wine. Wine and vine are the main symbols of Dionysus.

The mountain is located in the northeast of Thessaly. Its height is 2917 meters and almost each of its peaks is shrouded in myths and legends.

In ancient Greece, Olympus was a sacred place where the gods live, about which many legends have formed. In drops of dew, you can see Poseidon's gaze for a moment, gray stones keep the secrets of Hephaestus, and a light breeze reminds of the beautiful Aphrodite.

Clouds over Mount Olympus sometimes take on strange shapes

People longed to be closer to those they worshiped, but did not dare to rise higher without extreme need, for the punishment of heaven could overtake the ignorant. Olympus will never leave the spirit of ancient Greek mythology. That is why this place is so popular in the circles of historians and adventurers. The opportunity to walk through the ancient abode of the gods is not given to everyone. Sometimes unusual natural phenomena occur over the sacred mountain: strange clouds hang, lightning storms fall, or abnormally strong winds rage. They say that at such moments the gods wake up from a centuries-old sleep and descend to the very top, like mortals. This mountain range is truly unique, as it is not only a mythological and historical symbol, but also a natural monument.

Mount Olympus

The Olympus National Reserve, located within the prefecture of Pieria and partly within the prefecture of Larisa-Thessaly, is characterized by great biodiversity. There are 1700 species of plants found here, 23 of them are endemic, that is, growing only in these parts. Sometimes on the slopes of the mountain you can find rare herbs that have long been listed in the Red Book, samples of which come across no more than a couple of times in a decade. Perhaps it was from these herbs that the Colchis princess and sorceress Medea made a deadly poison for her rival Glauca, who took away her lover, Jason ...

Alpine meadows of Olympus

Myths and reality

According to the logic of the ancient Greeks, the gods could only live at an unattainable height. But unfortunately, upper layer The sky (Empyrean), according to the ideas of the time, later adopted by ancient natural philosophy, was filled with fire. That is, it was not suitable for living even such invulnerable creatures as the immortal gods. That is why the Greeks, as a mountain people, placed their pantheon on Olympus - the most high mountain in the region.

A rare traveler does not know that Mount Olympus is known as the "home" of 12 gods, led by Zeus. Another 2 supreme gods (Hades and Poseidon) lived in the dungeon and sea waters, respectively. But Hephaestus, revered by the Greeks, despite the fact that, according to legend, it was he who built all the palaces and other buildings on Olympus and forged lightning and aegis for Zeus, he was either on the mountain or in the dungeon.

The palaces on Olympus were built by the one-eyed giants, the Cyclopes. Their mysterious tribe was freed from the realm of the dead by Zeus. In gratitude, they gave him power over thunder and lightning. Hephaestus in his workshop on Olympus forged decorations for palaces. The entrance there led through the cloudy gate, which was guarded by less significant gods.

The dwelling of Zeus and Hera had windows turned to Athens, Thebes, Sparta, Corinth, Argos and Mycenae. At the other end of the palace were the rooms of the servants, and in the middle were the rooms of the other gods. Homer wrote that the wind does not blow on Mount Olympus, there is neither rain nor snow, everything is bathed in jubilant light.

The origin of the toponym "Olympus" is ambiguous. Many scientists, including the well-known researcher Taho-Godi, consider the word "Olympus" and the Indo-European root ulu in the same context.< uelu (вращать). Иными словами, вершина горы, возможно, когда-то была округлой. Однако у этого корня есть и другое значение – «блестеть». Что ж, эта версия тоже имеет право на существование: зимой в солнечную погоду гора Олимп, а точнее ее убеленные снегами вершины, действительно блестят. И в ясную погоду это видно даже из Салоник, отделенных от горы гладью невероятно красивого залива Термаикос.

Greek movie about mystical secrets and the gods of Olympus

"Peaks", by the way, is also not a reservation, since we are talking about a mountain range. “Multi-peak”, “wet from many snows” - the great Homer “awarded” Olympus with such epithets.

In winter, in sunny weather, the snow-whitened peaks of the mountain shine, and in clear weather, this can be seen even from Thessaloniki

Another question is how he could see all this, being blind, but, nevertheless, Olympus actually has several peaks, including:

  • Mitikas ("nose" in ancient Greek) - the highest peak, 2917 m
  • Skolio ("small peak") - 2912 m
  • Stephanie (unofficial, mythological name - Throne of Zeus) - 2905 m
  • Rock ("ladder") - 2,886 m
  • Agios Antonios - 2,815 m
  • Profitias Ilias ("Elijah the Prophet") - 2,803 m

On the northern slopes, between the peaks of Stephanie and the peak of Elijah the Prophet, at an altitude of 2,550 m, there is the Plateau of Muses (Orthopedio Mouzon). From the south - a vast alpine meadow (height 2350 m).

Mount Olympus and its monuments

According to ancient Greek mythology, the passage to the top of Mount Olympus was closed to mere mortals. Moreover, it was guarded by the strict doorkeepers of the Ora, the goddess of the seasons. But nothing and no one prevented people from settling near the mountain range or at its foot. So, at the eastern slope of the mountain in ancient times arose whole city dedicated to Zeus - Dion, the first mention of which dates back to 424 BC. It was from Dion that Alexander the Great set off on his long eastern campaign.

The first mention of Dion dates back to 424 BC.

However, the fact that where Olympus is located, there was a real, and not a mythical city, scientists and travelers learned only in 1806, after the expedition of the English explorer William Martin Lick.

Dion is an ancient city at the foot of Mount Olympus. In ancient times, Dion was a place of worship for the gods. The city was founded at the turn of the 4th century BC by the Macedonian king Archalai. Excavations in the ruins ancient city Zeus (“Zeus” in Greek sounds like Dias) are still held. Archaeologists have discovered ancient temples, theaters, a stadium, complexes of shops, workshops and baths here. In ancient Dion, the sewerage and water supply systems were well developed, as some surviving fragments eloquently tell.

It has Mount Olympus and monuments of Orthodox culture.

The most famous monument of Orthodox culture is the active monastery of St. Dionysius

The most famous of them is monastery of Saint Dionysius, erected in the 16th century. at an altitude of 820 m. A little to the west, at an altitude of 1020 m, is the monastery of the Holy Trinity, which once owned enormous wealth and was engaged in educational activities. Currently, the monasteries are being actively restored and are active.

The monastery has a museum where you can see various church utensils, ancient Byzantine icons and vessels. Also in the monastery of St. Dionysius, particles of the relics of many saints of God are kept and carefully venerated. Believers, going on a pilgrimage to Greece, must visit the monastery of St. Dionysius.

Monastery of the Holy Trinity

Monastery of the Holy Trinity is an active monastery located on the slope of Mount Olympus at an altitude of 1000 meters. Historians suggest that the date of its foundation is close to the middle of the 16th century. The monastery complex of the Holy Trinity has a rectangular shape, in the center of which are the Katholikon ( main temple) and the Cathedral Church. The monastery has 2 chapels: St. Harlampy and St. John. At the entrance you will meet 2 more chapels: St. Kyriakia and St. Methodius. The architecture of the buildings, the inscriptions and murals of the katholikon amaze with their unusual beauty and grandeur.

Revenge of the ancient gods or the mystic of Olympus.

A few tens of kilometers from the city of Katerini, on the northern side of Mount Olympus, in a gorge between mountains, stands the mountain village of Skotinά (accent on the last syllable), which means Dark in translation. Officially, the village got its name due to the fact that here the sun's rays practically do not reach the surface. And if they do, it is for a very short time.
Roofs stone houses of this village are covered with ancient tiles, and more often with stone plates.

Until the middle of the 20th century, the inhabitants of this village were mainly engaged in cattle breeding, the village grew and developed. They even built a small factory here. But at some point, either due to overpopulation, or due to drought, the shepherds with their flocks began to enter the territory of Olympus further and further up the mountain. They probably forgot about the ancient taboo of the Greeks - never, under any circumstances, disturb the possessions cloud breaker. For the ancient gods were more often angry and ruthless towards mortals than condescending. So, for example, Artemis was angry with the young hunter Actaeon and turned him into a deer, which was torn apart by his own dogs for seeing her naked. Researchers believe that the name Artemis (Άρτεμις) comes from the word bear or arctos (άρκτος). From here we probably have such words as the Arctic - the bear country and Antarctica. It is worth noting that the priests of the goddess performed rituals in a bear's skin. Well, if we draw parallels between the religion of the Greeks and the religion of the cavemen, who worshiped the cult of the bear for several hundred millennia, then a logical conclusion suggests itself, indicating the antiquity of this goddess, which dates back to the late Paleolithic era.

According to another version:
Άρτεμις < αήρ + τέμνω = Воздух + Секу = та, которая рассекает воздух (своими стрелами?)
The result of the violation of this prohibition was mystical incidents that began to occur both outside the village and inside the village. It all started with the fact that one of the shepherds mysteriously disappeared for several days, when he went to herd sheep and did not return. After, when the shepherd was nevertheless found, he told a strange story that happened to him: as if he fell (fell) into a cave on Olympus, inside of which there was a whole city. He found the way out of this underground labyrinth city only a few days later. If we turn to Greek mythology, then there are references to the underground dungeon of the titans - tartar, the copper gates into which Poseidon himself forged / installed, so that the overthrown titans would not come to the surface.

Further, on the bank of the river that flows near the village, the villagers began to notice strange things: naked creatures leading round dances. Perhaps they were nymphs - companions of the chaste Artemis. All this terrified the locals who did not want to deal with any wickedness. Many have installed bars on the windows of their houses in order to somehow protect themselves from a possible attack.
But the last straw in the cup of patience was another incident - already in the village itself. The inhabitants of the village began to notice in one of the empty houses, a hand hanging from the blackness of the window, covered with dense, shaggy vegetation.

Mystical horror gripped the entire population of this village, and the majority without looking back, in haste, left their homes, founding a new settlement Fotina (Svetloye) 20 kilometers from the old one.

Travelers who visited the deserted village were amazed at the haste of the abandoned places, finding untouched but overturned furniture in the houses, and at the local factory a journal with accounting records and dates abruptly ending somewhere in the 60s.
Now, more than half a century later, travelers can see old and new houses, gradually absorbed by nature. On some houses for more than a decade, there are signs for the sale of this property, wrapped in barbed wire, but what is most striking is the frequent warning signs about the danger.

The inhabitants of the new village themselves deliberately evade answering questions about what caused such a massive migration to such a short distance. And the most annoying travelers are given various everyday arguments, which supposedly prompted the entire population to leave the places inhabited for centuries and start everything from the beginning in the 60s of the 20th century.

Artemis, goddess of the hunt in Greek mythology. The etymology of the word "artemis" has not yet been clarified. Some researchers believed that the name of the goddess in translation from Greek meant "bear goddess", others - "mistress" or "killer".
Artemis is the daughter of Zeus and the goddess Leto, the twin sister of Apollo, who was born on the island of Astreria in Delos. According to legend, Artemis, armed with a bow and arrow, spent her time in the forests and mountains, surrounded by faithful nymphs - her constant companions, who, like the goddess, were very fond of hunting.
Despite the seeming fragility and grace, the goddess had an extremely decisive and aggressive character. She dealt with the guilty without any remorse. In addition, Artemis strictly ensured that order always reigned in the world of animals and plants.

Artemis kills Actaeon. Fragment of the crater painting

Once Artemis was angry with the king of Calydon Oineus, who forgot to bring her the first fruits of the harvest, and sent a terrible boar to the city. It was Artemis who caused discord among the relatives of Meleager, which led to his terrible death. Because Agamemnon killed the sacred doe of Artemis and boasted of his accuracy, the goddess demanded that he sacrifice his own daughter to her. Imperceptibly, Artemis took Iphigenia from the sacrificial altar, replacing it with a doe, and transferred it to Taurida, where the daughter of Agamemnon became a priestess of the goddess.

Crown of Zeus

Anyone who finds himself in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mountain, which since ancient times has been called the Crown of Zeus, can observe amazing phenomenon. Every morning, at sunrise, on the side of the mountain, the shadows form the face of Zeus with all the characteristic features.
All local residents from nearby villages observe this phenomenon every day and name the place where the face appears. ancient god, Throne of Zeus.

Flying saucers on Olympus

Over the past decade, hundreds of witnesses have observed the appearance of a flying saucer, which makes its movement according to the same scenario.
An unidentified flying object appears from the sea and flies with great speed to the very top of Mount Olympus, hiding behind it.

Sometimes it can fly low along the mountainside to the castle of Platamon, repeating the meanders of the road, and then disappears, having reached the goal.

Pyramids of Olympus

There are pyramidal peaks on Olympus. Scientists for a long time studied this phenomenon and came to the conclusion that their origin can be anything, but not natural. There are three such peaks: Tuba, Saint Adonis and Prophet Ilias.
There are two versions of their origin. The first is the work of the ancient Greeks who lived on Mount Olympus, and the second is that these pyramids were created by the Gods themselves in order to designate strategically important places for them.

Peaks resembling pyramids

There is another important non-mystical component here - this is the distance and degrees between the three pyramids. Scientists say that the three stars of Orion's belt in the sky, which are also called the Three Queens, have exactly the same angle.
By the way, in Egypt, the Jizas pyramids have exactly the same location, identical to the three stars of Orion. Therefore, there is great doubt that all these pyramids are of natural origin.

Electromagnetic waves

Church of the Prophet Elijah on Mount Olympus

In the area of ​​the Church of the Prophet Elijah there is a place with increased magnetic radiation. All the people who attended the church noted that at some point the hair on the body "stands on end" - literally due to the electrification of the room.

Muses of Olympus

Apollo and the dancing Muses. Giulio Romano. 1540

The myth of the Muses is especially popular in the town of Piria on Mount Olympus. From the top of the mountain in that place flows the Mornos River (which means "dark" in Russian), which connects with the Likona River - the River Muz.
Local residents, workers and shepherds more than once witnessed strange phenomena: heavenly singing was heard from the forest, and when a person walked towards the sounds, he found dancing naked girls in the middle of the forest.
The locals are afraid of the Muses and when they appear, they close tightly in their homes.
And in the village of Korna, the inhabitants are sure of demonic manifestations in the form of a "hairy hand" - that's how they called this phenomenon. A shaggy hand appears unexpectedly in houses and frightens the population.

Doors of Olympus

The area called the Doors of Olympus is one of the worst geomagnetic places in Greece. Here they see lights in the sky, but the worst thing is that people disappear here and few of those who return back. One of the local residents was missing, they found him three days later. The man told strange things, to the point that he visited underground cities.

One of the most important caves in the history of Greece is also located here, its history stretches over 600 years. They hid in it from the Turks, from the German invaders, and now there is a small church in it.

The Greeks endowed their numerous deities with the most diverse features, not alien to the representatives of humanity. And if the Greek gods were so similar to people, then the question of where they lived suggests one answer - among the population of this sunny country. And partly this is correct.

Gods of Olympus Ancient Greece

According to the surviving myths, the most important gods of Ancient Greece lived on Mount Olympus, which towered almost 3 kilometers above sea level. The Greeks considered Olympian gods Zeus and Hera, their sons Hephaestus and Ares, as well as Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Aphrodite, Demeter, Hestia, Hermes and Dionysus. The helpers of the gods, Irida, Hebe and Themis, also lived nearby. These gods and goddesses watched people from a great height and very often interfered in the lives of mere mortals.

They were forever young thanks to the ambrosia that pigeons brought them from the garden of the Hesperides. Having lived for hundreds of years, they constantly sought to find more and more entertainment for themselves. The result of these searches is interference in the lives and destinies of people, numerous love affairs and a huge number of illegitimate children. There were also complex relationships between the gods themselves - they were friends, quarreled, plotted against each other, reconciled.

Mount Olympus is one of the most picturesque places in Greece. Luxurious forests with conifers and deciduous trees, thickets of the rich essential oils Erica and myrtle, numerous animals and birds - all this pleased the Olympic gods and granted them immortality. And the death of the gods of Ancient Greece caused a gross interference in nature and their lives.

Where did the rest of the gods of ancient Greece live?

Not all significant gods of Ancient Greece lived on Olympus. Poseidon's home was the ocean, at the bottom of which a beautiful palace was built, and the ruler of the underworld lived in his underworld. And, despite the fact that some myths “prescribe” these brothers of Zeus on Olympus, it is still more logical to assume that they lived in the elements they controlled.