Sacred vitex (Abraham tree) - description, role in the body, methods of using sacred vitex. Vitex sacred

Sacred Vitex is a tree-like shrub of the Vitex genus, belonging to the Lamiaceae family. His medicinal properties were known in ancient times. Mentions of them are present in the writings of Pliny, Theophrastus and Dioscorides. The famous ancient Greek physician Hippocrates noted the effectiveness of vitex leaves in combination with wine to prevent postpartum complications in women. Currently, the plant is used in folk and traditional medicine for the treatment of female diseases caused by hormonal disorders, and for other problems. In nature, sacred vitex is found in the countries of North Africa, Southern Europe, Central and Western Asia, and the Transcaucasus. The plant is also known under other names: ordinary vitex, tree of purity, Abraham's tree, monastic pepper, common prutnyak.

Botanical description

The common prutnyak is perennial plant, whose life expectancy is about 60 years. It is undemanding to soils, resistant to drought and lack of bright lighting, grows mainly on the banks of rivers and sea coasts, along gullies, on mountain slopes, sometimes forming small thickets. Propagation is by seeds and cuttings.

The root system is pivotal, the root has branches with numerous adventitious roots.

The height of the shrub can reach 4 - 6 m. The branches are erect, brown in color, tetrahedral in cross section. They have a specific pungent aroma. From above covered with densely felted, soft to the touch pubescence.

Interesting: The branches of the plant are flexible and resilient, so they are used to make decorative wickerwork and garden furniture.

The leaf arrangement is opposite. Leaves are complex big size, are on long petioles, matte green above, and grayish below, as they have dense short pubescence. Palmate in shape, consisting of five sharp narrow-lanceolate, entire or rarely toothed leaflets up to 10 cm long.
Flowering lasts from June to September. The flowers are numerous, form paniculate spike-shaped inflorescences up to 20 cm long on the tops of young shoots. May have a pale lilac, pink, purple or lilac color. The calyx is joint-leaved with five teeth, tubular in shape, three times smaller than the corolla in height.

Inside the flower there are four stamens, which protrude significantly beyond the corolla.

The fruits appear in September-October. They are spherical drupes up to 4 mm in diameter, collected in cobs. Initially, it has a red color, and then, as it dries, it darkens and appearance starts to resemble a pea of ​​black pepper.

Chemical composition

Vitex sacred is rich in various substances beneficial to human health, some of which are present in the entire plant, while others are only in its individual organs. Thus, the following groups of compounds were found in all parts of the plant:

  • iridoids;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids (casticin, kaempferol, orientin, isovitexin, isoorientin, etc.);
  • vitamins and microelements;
  • alkaloids.

The leaves of the plant additionally contain glycosides, the seeds contain fatty oil. Sacred vitex fruits contain the maximum amount of alkaloids, tannins and essential oils compared to other parts of the plant. Organic acids (formic, propionic, acetic, butyric, caproic, valeric), fatty oils and coumarins were also found in them.

Medicinal properties

Prutnyak ordinary has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic, sedative and antifungal effects. Means from its fruits normalize the work of the digestive system, have a tonic and tonic effect. They are used in the complex treatment of chronic diseases of the liver and spleen.

Abraham tree has a hormone-like effect similar to progesterone. It stimulates the secretion of gonadotropic sex hormones of the anterior pituitary gland - LH and FSH, necessary for the normal functioning of the female reproductive system. Sacred vitex is effective in endometriosis and polycystic ovaries, resulting from hormonal failure in a woman's body.

It is used for some gynecological and endocrine disorders:

  • cycle disorders due to taking birth control pills;
  • myoma, uterine fibroma;
  • lack of ovulation;
  • the scarcity of menstruation or their absence;
  • mastitis, mastopathy;
  • infertility.

Sacred vitex products are used in gynecology to alleviate the manifestations of premenstrual and menopausal syndrome in women. They help men with spermatorrhea, increased sexual excitability, premature ejaculation, impotence and prostatitis.
Sacred Vitex is useful for women who have problems conceiving a child due to an increase in prolactin levels and a decrease in progesterone levels compared to normal levels, which leads to the suppression of ovulation. Vitex also has an effect on testosterone, reducing the level of this male hormone.

For the treatment of mastopathy, mastalgia, menstrual irregularities and infertility caused by insufficiency of the corpus luteum of the ovaries, premenstrual syndrome, the common rod is also used in traditional medicine. Sacred vitex fruit extract is part of such medicines like Mastodinone, Cyclodinone, Pregnoton, Agnukaston.

Interesting: The fruits and seeds of the common prutnyak are used in cooking as a spicy seasoning for meat dishes, soups, canned fish and smoked meats. They can be substitutes for allspice.

Sacred vitex is used in bodybuilding, it helps to accelerate protein synthesis in the body and an intensive set of muscle mass.

From the seeds of the plant, an oil is extracted that helps in the treatment of cancer. Alcohol tincture of fruits is used for depression, neuroses, insomnia, headaches and other pathologies. nervous system. Freshly prepared juice from the plant helps with mood swings, has a sedative effect. Abraham tree is used for pain in the heart. Outwardly, the infusion of the plant is used to treat the skin with dermatitis, urticaria, and various wounds.

Procurement of raw materials

Fruits, leaves, branches, flowers and sometimes bark are harvested as medicinal raw materials. Depending on what part of the plant needs to be harvested, the harvesting is carried out at different times:

  • flowers - in summer, during flowering;
  • fruits - in the fall, when they reach full maturity;
  • leaves and shoots - in spring and summer, during the appearance of buds and flowering;
  • bark - in early spring, before the start of sap flow.

When harvesting raw materials, leaves and leafy shoots are cut with a pruner, the bark is carefully removed with a knife.

The fruits are dried in dryers at a temperature of no more than 40 ° C, and the rest of the raw materials - on the street, in the shade, in natural conditions. The finished raw material is placed in cloth bags and stored in a dry place. The fruits can be put into glass jar and seal it tightly with a lid.

Important: Vitex sacred in Russia is listed in the Red Book as a vulnerable species.

Application methods

Decoctions, infusions and tinctures on alcohol are prepared from the leaves, flowers and fruits of the common prutnyak, which are used for oral or external use in the form of baths, lotions and compresses.

Infusion for insomnia and neurosis

Prepare a mixture of vitex leaves, lemon balm, 10 pieces, 10 hop cones and 10 g of peppermint leaves. To 3 tbsp. l. of the resulting collection, add 200 ml of boiling water and leave the infusion agent for 1 hour. Then the herb is filtered and the remedy is taken 50 ml 4-5 times a day between meals.

Tincture for diseases of the liver and spleen

Ripe fresh fruits (50 g) are poured into ½ liter of vodka and infused for 2 weeks. Take the remedy 10 drops, diluted in 50 ml of water, 20-30 minutes before meals three times a day for 2-3 months a week after a week. When taking this tincture of sacred vitex, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth is possible.

Flower infusion for hives

To 1 tsp. flowers of the Abraham tree add 200 ml of boiling water and insist preferably in a thermos for 1 - 2 hours. From the resulting infusion make lotions on problem areas.

Tincture for menstrual irregularities

Handful dried leaves vitex pour 0.5 l of vodka and insist, periodically shaking, one month in a closed container in dark place. Take for six months, spreading 15 drops of tincture in 20 ml of water, three times a day.


Before starting the use of sacred vitex products, the medicinal properties and contraindications of the plant are taken into account. They are contraindicated in case of allergy or individual intolerance to this plant. It is not recommended for use in childhood, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as taking any hormonal drugs, including birth control pills.

When treating with Vitex-based products, side reactions are possible, among which there may be overexcitation of the psyche, hallucinations, confusion, headaches, and allergic reactions on the skin. In this case, their reception should be stopped. With continuous use of Adam's root products for more than 6 months, liver damage may occur.

Prutnyak ordinary normalizes the menstrual cycle, but in some women it can provoke increased menstruation or bleeding between periods

Important: Before using Abraham tree preparations and in the event of any negative reactions during treatment, they need to consult a doctor.

Although the plant has been used since ancient times for menstrual irregularities, it was not until the 1950s that European physicians started prescribing it. Now Sacred Vitex is one of the most commonly recommended herbs for bloating, soreness of the mammary glands and others. usual symptoms premenstrual syndrome.

  • For symptoms of premenstrual syndrome
  • To regulate the menstrual cycle
  • With cyclic pain in the mammary glands

Forms of drug release

  • Liquid extract / tincture
  • Tablets
  • Capsules
  • Dried plant / tea

Indications for the use of Vitex

Indications for taking the drug are the following diseases: depression, chronic diseases of the liver and spleen, malaria, infertility, PMS, menstrual disorders, mastopathy, fibroids in women, impotence in men. IN traditional medicine Vitex is used as a remedy in the treatment of malaria, gonorrhea and heart pain. Widely used in homeopathy Fresh Juice with depression, nervous diseases. Infusion of leaves and flowers is used as a lactogenic agent, has an antibacterial effect. Fruit tincture - increases the function of the sex glands. In the form of a tincture of ripe fruits, it is used to treat many female diseases (fibrocystic mastopathy, fibroma, fibroids, cysts, polyps), male (prostatitis), as well as infertility and leukemia.

Alcohol tincture from mature fruits, they are used for various neuroses, accompanied by depressed mood, with spermatorrhea and sexual weakness. Aromatic fruits and spicy seeds are taken in cooking as a substitute for allspice. Flexible and elastic branches are used for the manufacture of various wicker products.


Vitex affects the production of hormones, so it should not be used by women taking hormonal drugs, including birth control pills and estrogen, as well as pregnant women or women undergoing in vitro fertilization.

Vitex should be taken with caution while taking medications for mental illness, including schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease. If you are sick, check with your doctor before taking these supplements.

Side effects

  • In most people, taking Vitex medication is not accompanied by side effects.
  • In some cases, after taking headaches are noted.
  • a small percentage of women may experience stomach irritation or an itchy rash. If any rash appears, stop taking drugs from this plant.
  • In some women, taking the drug is accompanied by increased menstruation or the appearance of bleeding between menstruation.

Instructions for use

Experts recommend taking it in the morning on an empty stomach to increase absorption and get maximum benefit. However, there are no studies to support this. Even after 10 days of taking it, women with premenstrual syndrome report at least some improvement during their next menstrual cycle. However, the full effect of the Vitex plant may appear after 3 months. In the treatment of infertility or amenorrhea, 6 months of use may be required medicinal product.

Method and dosage

  • Premenstrual Syndrome - 20-40mg Standardized Extract Tablets
  • Cyclic mastalgia (pain in the mammary glands) - 60 drops of Vitex extract or 1 tablet per day.

Facts and tips for application

  • Tablets and liquid forms are made from the dried fruits of the plant. Look for standardized extracts containing 0.5% agnusides (the active ingredient in Vitex).
  • Vitex is often included in "female" preparations along with other plants, such as dong quai (angelica, or angelica, Angelica archangelica) and black cohosh. Check the label to make sure the supplement contains enough each plant to ensure their effectiveness
  • You may find it difficult to take the tincture on an empty stomach: the alcohol base of the solution can irritate the stomach. Try splitting the dose in half and taking it twice a day, after breakfast and lunch, or switching to tablets.
  • Vitex is believed to suppress sexual desire. In the Middle Ages, monks chewed its dried berries to be able to fulfill their vow of celibacy. In the amounts currently recommended for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome and other menstrual irregularities, Vitex does not appear to depress libido.

Medicinal properties

This plant is also called Abraham's tree or sacred twig. Its fruits are used for medicinal purposes. This low shrub with purple racemes and large, palmately divided, narrow-lobed leaves is native to the Mediterranean but now grows in subtropical areas around the world. Red berries are harvested in autumn and then dried. They are shaped like peppers, and they impart a peppery flavor to the preparations prepared from them.

Mechanism of action

Vitex sacred was used for "women's complaints" as early as the time of Hippocrates. Although the plant does not contain hormones or hormone-like substances, under its influence the pituitary gland (a gland located in the brain) sends a signal to the ovaries, causing them to increase the production of the female hormone progesterone. The drug also suppresses the excess production of prolactin, a hormone that regulates the production of breast milk, but giving other effects.

Impact on the human body

Some scientists believe that women who regularly suffer from premenstrual syndrome produce too little progesterone in the last 2 weeks of their menstrual cycle. This deficiency leads to an imbalance in the natural balance of estrogen and progesterone in the body. The medicine helps to restore hormonal balance, eliminating symptoms such as irritability, bloating and depression. Studies conducted in Germany have shown that this plant at least alleviates symptoms in about 90% of cases, and completely eliminates them in one third of women.

Vitex's ability to lower prolactin levels helps reduce breast tenderness experienced by some women before their period even when they don't have other premenstrual symptoms.

Disease prevention

High prolactin levels and low progesterone levels can suppress monthly ovulation, and therefore the drug may be useful women who cannot get pregnant. The effect of the plant is more pronounced in women with mildly or moderately reduced levels of progesterone. If too much prolactin causes menstrual periods to stop (amenorrhea), the herb can help restore a normal monthly cycle.

Price in pharmacies

The price of Vitex sacred in different pharmacies can vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and pricing policy pharmacy network.

Read the official information about Vitex Sacred, the instructions for use of which include general information and treatment regimen. The text is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice.

Vitex sacred grows on stony, sandy and salty soils. On the banks of water bodies forms small thickets. It has been domesticated since the 15th century, is considered a horticultural crop and is grown as ornamental plant. It grows almost everywhere, is found in Africa, America, is widespread in Asia and the Caucasus. In Russia and throughout the post-Soviet space, the plant is used as a medicinal plant.

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    Botanical characteristic

    Sacred Vitex (Vitex agnus-castus L) belongs to the Lamiaceae family. In the people it is called the Abraham tree.

    This is a tall tree-like shrub, the height of which reaches 7-8 meters. All parts of the plant are covered with small soft hairs, which is why it is called gray felt. Rhizome powerful, rod, with big amount side branches.

    The branches of the plant are brown in color and exude a peculiar tart aroma. The leaves are large, green, opposite each other. Their structure is palmately complex, they grow in groups of 5-7 pieces, they are attached to the stems with the help of long petioles. Each leaf is oblong, with a pointed end, stipules are absent. The lower part of the leaf is pubescent, there are clearly distinguishable leaf veins.

    Sacred vitex leaves

    Flowers are often collected in inflorescences - spicate or paniculate. Each of them has many small two-lipped flowers that have a lilac hue. Inflorescences are located at the tops of the branches. Sacred Vitex blooms profusely and for a long time, about 4 months (from mid-summer to mid-autumn).

    The plant is fruitful. The fruit is a dry small black drupe.

    plant fruits


    Used as a medicinal raw material above-ground part plants. Collection of fruits should be carried out in the middle of autumn, leaves, flowers and shoots - during the flowering period, it is recommended to harvest the bark in autumn or spring.

    The collected parts of the plant must be sorted (leaves to leaves, flowers to flowers, etc.), dried thoroughly.

    The dried collection should be laid out in linen bags and stored for no more than 12 months.

    Chemical composition

    Due to the large amount of useful substances contained in it, sacred vitex has healing properties.

    The plant contains the following components:

    1. 1. Iridoids - agnoside, aucubin.
    2. 2. Flavonoids - isovitexin, casticin, isoorientin, orientin.
    3. 3. Acids of organic origin: butyric, caproic, formic, propionic, acetic, valeric.
    4. 4. Tannins.
    5. 5. Essential oils.
    6. 6. Vitamins - especially a lot of ascorbic acid.
    7. 7. Minerals.
    8. 8. Coumarins.
    9. 9. Saponins.

    Healing properties and indications

    The extract of the plant, when taken orally, has the following effects:

    • anti-inflammatory;
    • antimicrobial;
    • disinfectant;
    • painkiller;
    • antifungal - antifungal.

    The herb is used for the prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases, diseases of the mammary glands, with headaches and polycystosis. The plant extract helps to reduce the level of prolactin (stress hormone), it is recommended for women with menstrual irregularities.

    Prutnyak ordinary is approved for use in gynecology with a number of symptoms:

    • hormonal imbalance;
    • infertility;
    • climacteric syndrome.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Pharmaceutical preparations and alternative medicines, in which sacred vitex is present, have a number of contraindications:

    • pregnancy;
    • hypersensitivity to individual components;
    • cancerous tumors;
    • breast-feeding.

    The course of treatment with preparations containing plant extract should be prescribed by the attending physician individually for each woman. Incorrect dosage can lead to side effects. These include:

    • headache;
    • skin rashes;
    • heavy menstruation;
    • nausea.

    Pharmacy preparations

    In pharmacies, there are preparations, which included an extract of the Abraham tree. The most popular of them:

    Name and photo Release form Recommendations for use Dosage and administration
    Drops and tabletsSacred vitex fruit extract is the main active ingredient in the composition of the drug. The drug is recommended for use in mastodonia, premenstrual syndrome and menstrual disordersInside 1 tablet or 35-40 drops 1 time per day
    Drops and tabletsVitex sacred is one of the main components of the drug. It is used for mastopathy, infertility, premenstrual syndromeInside 30 drops or 2 tablets twice a day
    Drops and tabletsThe preparations contain an extract of the plant. They are prescribed for premenstrual syndrome, menstrual irregularities and mastopathy1 tablet or 30-40 drops once a day
    Liquid in vials with a dosing capBiologically active additive of vegetable origin. Indications for use: lack of iron in the female bodyInside 1 vial 1 time per day
    Drops, tablets and cream.Biologically active additive based on sacred vitex. Used for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes in mastopathyInside, 1 tablet or 30 drops 1 time per day. Cream - externally
    Powdered sachetA complex of vitamins and minerals aimed at improving the functions of the female reproductive systemDissolve the powder from one sachet in 100 ml of warm water and take 1 time per day

    Pharmaceutical medicines based on sacred vitex have a beneficial effect on a woman's body. Taking funds, which contain a plant extract, helps to relieve swelling in premenstrual syndrome, eliminate pain in the mammary glands and normalize the menstrual cycle.

    Prutnyak in alternative medicine

    Prutnyak is often found in traditional medicine recipes. Based on the plant, the following remedies are prepared:

    1. 1. Tincture for hepatic pathologies. Mature fruits of the plant in the amount of 50 g pour into a container with 500 ml of vodka or diluted alcohol. Place the container in a dark place and leave for 14 days. After the specified time, filter the liquid. Drop 10 drops in a teaspoon and consume before lunch or dinner.
    2. 2. Tincture for failures of the menstrual cycle. 45 g of pre-dried leaves of the plant pour vodka (500 ml) good quality. Remove the container in a dark place. Filter the finished tincture. Drop 10 drops on a piece of sugar, chew and drink with warm water.

Description and photo of vitex sacred

Vitex sacred (Abraham tree) also known by the Latin name Vitex agnus-castus L., belongs to the Verbena family (Verbenaceae). Among the people, such names as Abraham's tree, prutnyak, wild pepper are more common.
The medical name is the fruits of the Abraham tree - Agni casti fructus (before that - Fructus Agni casti).
- tree-like shrub, reaching a height of 2-4 meters. Root - well branched, taproot, with many adventitious roots. Stem - straight, tetrahedral, brown color. The leaves are opposite, palmately compound, green, consisting of 5-7 pointed leaflets, without stipules. The inflorescences are dense, spike-shaped panicles. The flowers are numerous, lilac or pale purple (sometimes pale pink). The fruits are a four-celled drupe spherical shape, black, 3-4 mm in size.
blooms vitex sacred in June-August, and in September-October - fruits appear. All parts of the plant are strong, sharp and pleasant aroma. It usually propagates by seeds and cuttings. The plant is also grown as an ornamental and honey plant.
Vitex is common in Southern Europe, in the temperate climate of Asia ( middle Asia, Transcaucasia) and in North Africa. You can meet this plant on the banks of rivers and reservoirs, on mountain slopes. It grows on sandy, stony and loamy soils.

In medicine, the aerial part of vitex (leaves, branches, flowers and fruits) is used as a raw material, the bark is very rarely used. The fruits are harvested as they ripen (September-October) and dried in a dryer at a temperature not exceeding 40°C. Branches and leaves are collected during the entire growing season of the plant (from the third year of the plant's life), flowers - during flowering, bark - in spring or autumn. Dry raw materials in the open air.

Useful and healing properties of sacred vitex

Chemical properties vitex sacred. All parts of the plant contain flavonoids (isovitexin, casticin), iridoids (aucubin, agnoside), tannins, alkaloids, trace elements, vitamins and essential oil. In addition, vitamin C is also found in vitex leaves (in the amount of 38.9 - 118.1 mg%); in fruits - coumarins and fatty oil, in which formic, acetic, butyric, propionic, valeric and caproic acids are present. The largest amount of essential oil is found in vitex during its flowering: in fruits - about 0.47%, in dry leaves - about 0.55%. The composition of the essential oil contains cineole, pinene, sabinene, palmitic acid.
Medicinal properties of vitex sacred. The plant has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, estrogen-like, antifungal and sedative effects. Sacred vitex preparations have a positive effect on the functioning of the glands in case of hormonal disorders, affect the function of the corpus luteum (the gland that regulates the menstrual cycle). The fruits of the plant improve digestion, have a tonic and strengthening effect. Seed oil helps in the treatment of cancer. It is also known that Vitex preparations stimulate the speech center, especially helping children with speech underdevelopment, cerebral palsy.

The use of vitex sacred in folk medicine

Indications for the use of drugs from vitex sacred are the following diseases: depression, chronic diseases of the liver and spleen, malaria, infertility, PMS, menstrual disorders, mastopathy, fibroids in women, impotence in men. In folk medicine, vitex is used as a remedy for malaria, gonorrhea and heart pain. Widely used in homeopathy - fresh juice is used for depression, nervous diseases. Infusion of leaves and flowers is used as a lactogenic agent, has an antibacterial effect. Fruit tincture - increases the function of the sex glands. In the form of a tincture of ripe Vitex fruits, it is used to treat many female diseases (fibrocystic mastopathy, fibroma, fibroids, cysts, polyps), male (prostatitis), as well as infertility and leukemia.

Folk recipes from sacred vitex

1. A tincture of Vitex fruits is prepared as follows: the fruits of the plant are poured with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5, insisted for 2 weeks. Take 2 times a day for 30-40 drops before meals. Gradually, the dose is adjusted to 50-60 drops.
2. For heart failure, insomnia, neuroses, take the following infusion: take vitex leaves, lemon balm grass, hop cones - 10 g each, peppermint leaves - 15 g. Mix, 3 tbsp. collection is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 1 hour, filtered. Drink 50 ml 4-5 times a day between meals.
3. For urticaria, take an infusion from the flowers of the plant: take 1 tsp. raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 1-2 hours. Used as a lotion.
4. For pain in the heart, an infusion of leaves is used: take 1 tsp. dry leaves, pour 1 cup boiling water, insist 1 hour, filter. Take 2-3 times a day, 1 tbsp. with water for 30 min. before meals. The course of admission is 3-4 months: within 2 weeks - taking an infusion, a week - a break, etc.

Contraindications to the use of vitex sacred

Side effects and effects of sacred vitex

Hallucinations, clouding of consciousness, psychomotor agitation or allergic reactions on the skin are possible when taking preparations of vitex sacred.

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    When a couple has difficulty conceiving, nature will again come to the rescue. Exists whole line herbal remedies for those who want to conceive. Vitex sacred or chaste tree is one of the most commonly recommended herbs for reducing the symptoms of PMS. Modern research have shown that sacred vitex has a positive effect on the hormonal balance of the female body, helps to normalize the menstrual cycle, helps prevent diseases of the female reproductive organs, reduces the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome and is effective in certain types of infertility. Abraham berries are also used to normalize the level of sex hormones in case of refusal of hormonal contraception, with endometriosis and problems with conception. Abrahamberries act directly on the pituitary gland, inhibiting the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and stimulating the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH). LH improves the growth of the corpus luteum, which stimulates the secretion of progesterone. Thus, chasteberries stimulate LH, which leads to an increase in progesterone levels and normalization of the balance of estrogen and progesterone.

    The genus Vitex has more than 36 species, in different parts of the world. In folk medicine, berries are usually used and less often a leaf of a rod, because. Prutnyak grows slowly and even less often roots. Berries, however, like leaves, contain various aromatic oils with unique iridoid glycosides, which determine the main medicinal properties of Vitex.

    Vitex berries contain bioflavonoids and essential oils, which give the fruits a peculiar aroma and taste, and are mainly used in folk medicine. The fruits are used traditionally for the treatment of gynecological diseases and oncological diseases, as well as a diuretic, sedative, and carminative. The whole vitex plant contains a high amount of anthocyanins, a significant amount of which is found in the roots than in the leaves and fruits.

    Preparations from leaves, including oil extracts, have a milder, but broader effect than those from fruits. The flavonoid casticin, one of the most common components of vitex, determines many properties of vitex preparations, such as anticancer, antihyperprolactimic, analgesic, etc. Let me remind you that casticin is also found in many other plants, for example, in some types of wormwood, yarrow, etc. .

    Sacred vitex preparations are used:

    1. To restore hormonal balance estrogen - progesterone, in the complex treatment of mastopathy, endometriosis, cysts, myomas, fibroids, prostatitis, dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), amenorrhea (lack of menstruation), etc. Vitex preparations act on hypothalamus receptors, reducing prolactin secretion and increasing the production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormone by the pituitary gland, enhancing the progesterone phase of the cycle.

      The pituitary gland at the same time also affects the ovaries, stimulating their production of progesterone. Thus, reducing the increased amount of estrogens, the main culprits of most women's diseases. A hormonal balance is achieved, which has a curative effect on the density of the glandular-fibrous structures of the mammary glands, cyclic pain, endometrial thickness, etc.

      Vitex is used to restore the natural hormonal balance after prolonged use of birth control pills, as well as hormone replacement therapy. The therapeutic effect partially begins to appear after 4-6 weeks, and fully after 3-6 months.

      It should be noted that the therapeutic effect, in some cases, is weakened or absent (this is due not only to individual features patients, but also with the quality of raw materials), therefore, in most cases, Vitex is used together with other herbs that enhance the effect of Vitex in the complex treatment of hormonal diseases. For example, yellowing sophora, black cohosh, angelica, peony, winged euonymus, velvet, leuzea, lemon balm, mint, hops, red clover heads, etc.

    2. As an anticancer agent, in the complex treatment of colon cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, myeloid leukemia and leukemia, liver and pancreatic carcinoma, brain glioma, squamous cell carcinoma. Vitex induces an antitumor effect through apoptosis and mitotic arrest of cancer cells.
    3. To reduce symptoms of PMS. The most commonly used liquid extract from the fruit has a good positive result in 70-90% of cases of PMS. A decrease in estrogen levels entails a decrease in the level of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which reduces the level of irritability, nervousness, breast tenderness, bloating, headaches, etc. Clinical researches have shown that premenstrual and premenopausal mastalgia can be successfully treated with vitex preparations. The fruit extract inhibits cholesterol acyltransferase, thus reducing hypercholesterol levels, which can be used to treat cardiovascular diseases.
    4. As a sedative that reduces nervousness, headache.
    5. As an antioxidant and antibacterial agent. The strongest antibacterial and antioxidant effect is exerted by the essential oil, chlorogenic and caffeic acids found in the fruits and leaves of vitex. The flavonoid casticin provides antioxidant brain protection.

    Methods of preparation and use:

    IMPORTANT: Vitex fruits should be dried in the shade, with strong ventilation, and not at a high temperature (up to 30 degrees Celsius), stored at a low temperature (no more than 3 months), otherwise the hormonal properties of the plant are sharply reduced. It is better, for the preparation of liquid dosage forms, to use fresh, not dried, or frozen fruits.

    Vitex fruit extract, prepared from a ratio of 40 gr. dry crushed fruits per 200 ml. at 70% alcohol, leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. Apply 60 drops in the morning, 30 minutes before meals. Store the extract in the refrigerator. The course is 6-8 months.

    Vitex fruit tincture. Fruit tincture is prepared at the rate of 20-30 grams of dry fruits of the plant per 200 ml. 40% alcohol or good vodka. Insist two weeks. Take 60 drops before meals 1-2 times a day. Store the tincture in the refrigerator. The course is 6-8 months.

    Vitex leaf infusion. Two tablespoons of vitex leaves (you can additionally add a leaf of raspberries, mint, currants, honeysuckle) pour a glass of boiling water, insist, wrapped in a towel for 1 hour. Apply as aid in the treatment of gynecological diseases, relieving spasms, pain, as well as reducing neuroses and insomnia.

    Contraindications to the use of Vitex.

    1. A change in hormonal balance entails a change in physical condition, and may be accompanied, especially at first, by pain, increased menstruation, bleeding between periods. In order to avoid a blurry and incorrect result of treatment, it is better to cancel the intake of any hormonal drugs, including contraceptives.
    2. Take medications for mental illness, including those for schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease, with caution. it can change mental condition, cause aggression, seizures.
    3. In some cases, skin rashes, allergic reactions, urticaria, pruritus, and sometimes hair loss are possible. These reactions usually go away when you stop taking Vitex.
    4. Before you start taking Vitex preparations, make sure that you have an excess of estrogens in your body so as not to get worse.
    5. Vitex preparations are prohibited for pregnant and lactating mothers.