Prediction "Mysterious. Mystical secrets of great predictions and prophecies

Mysterious prediction

The next morning, during the report of the Minister of the Court, Prince Pyotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky, the sovereign interrupted the report on one of the large appropriations requested by the prince and asked him about the procedure for graduation from the theater school. Volkonsky, to whom, as an experienced courtier, the details of the newly emerging whim of the sovereign had already reached, replied that pupils and pupils were graduating according to age, and sorted according to the successes and abilities that they show for the stage.

Well, however, yesterday I saw a very capable girl with you, on whose shoulders almost the entire repertoire is assigned, and whose service is paid for miserable pennies!

The minister pretended not to understand who exactly he was talking about.

The last issue, Your Majesty, did not abound with special talents, ”he answered with a general remark.

Are you convinced?

Involuntarily I had to make sure, Your Majesty! I followed the school performances and attended all the examination performances.

And did not notice a single outstanding talent?

In addition to two pupils, of whom one was released into a drama troupe, and the other into a ballet.

I'm not talking about pupils, but about pupils I'm talking to you! - the sovereign interrupted him.

Of the pupils, too, one very talented was released into ballet, and one into drama. But this is an easy, vaudeville talent. Yesterday you deigned to see her as a drag queen.

In The Old Times Colonel? Yes! And in your opinion, such an outstanding "light talent" is not worth a few "heavy" dramatic and tragic ones?

I didn't say that, your majesty.

You don’t talk, but you turn out capable artists for penny salaries.

Your Majesty was pleased to increase the salary of the young actress Asenkova at once. I am obliged to obey the law and comply with existing salaries.

Yes if these your considerations do not make sense?

It depends on Your Majesty's will to change them radically.

We will talk about this in the near future, and now find out for me thoroughly who this Asenkova is, where she comes from, who placed her in school and what lies ahead for her.

I already know everything, Your Majesty, - answered the dexterous minister, who really managed to collect all the necessary information during the morning.

The character of the sovereign was well known to him. Volkonsky knew that Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich did not like to shelve anything, and he came to the report already provided with all the necessary information.

What is she from? - asked the sovereign, not looking at Prince Volkonsky, because, as an exceptionally intelligent and fair person, he was embarrassed and ashamed of his weaknesses.

She is a bourgeois by birth, Your Majesty, - the minister answered, - her old mother placed her in a theater school. This is a poor woman, who is being cared for in one of the capital's almshouses.

So the daughter cannot live with her?

Not at all, your majesty. She was given temporary accommodation at the school. I foresaw that she would quickly advance and begin to receive such a salary that she would be able to settle herself with her mother.

This is good, - the sovereign approved. - Does she have in her repertoire several such successful roles as her first?

I can't report to Your Majesty! So far, only this one, and she got it by accident.

How do you say you foresaw its rapid success?

And I was not mistaken, as you yourself will deign to see. But it was impossible to immediately take roles from actresses in order to give them to beginners. Everything must go in sequence.

Yes, yes, you are probably right!

There was a light knock at the door, and after permission given by the sovereign, the stooped and ugly figure of Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich appeared.

It is known that Grand Duke was as ugly as his two older brothers were charmingly handsome! With Emperor Nicholas, whom the Grand Duke literally idolized, he was in striking contrast. But this did not interfere with the exemplary friendship of both august brothers. Grand Duke Mikhail admired his brother and often, laughing, told his wife that she was insured by fate against all jealousy, because if he was able to fall in love, then only with his older brother.

This time, Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich entered, obviously dissatisfied with something. The emperor immediately noticed this.

What are you like a cloud? - he laughed, kissing his brother according to the custom learned from childhood. - Who made you angry?

Nobody, - answered the Grand Duke.

In the first place, he is not at all my favorite, and this is clearly shown by the fact that I intend to send him into the army.

You have been intending to do this for a long time, Misha, but so far you have not been able to carry out this intention.

This time it will work. But this is not about Bulgakov at all, but about your Minister of the Court, - said the Grand Duke, throwing an angry look in the direction of Prince Volkonsky.

The sovereign laughed.

About my Minister of the Court? Yes, this is my ministry. Take him and deal with him as you know!

How have I had the misfortune to anger your Imperial Highness? - humbly and servilely responded Prince Pyotr Mikhailovich.

He knew that the Grand Duke did not like to joke and that he had a very great influence on his sovereign brother.

In Grand Duke Michael, both those who loved him and those who did not sympathize with him were equally ingratiating. He himself knew this well, and dealt rather unceremoniously with those whom he disliked. So in this case, he did not answer the Minister of the Court at all. He repeated his humble and ingratiating question.

You did not please me, prince, - answered Mikhail Pavlovich, - that again you dressed up your coryphae in the uniform of my guard! The guards uniform is not a clown's cap to put on for everyone to please the public.

Are you talking about yesterday's performance? - asked the sovereign, slightly moving his eyebrows.

Yes, yesterday! - boldly answered the Grand Duke.

But you haven't been to the theatre.

No, I wasn’t, but I listened to a detailed report about him and I know that some kind of turntable from the school bench was clowning around in a hussar uniform and flaunting some kind of puppet mentik.

Ah, that's what annoys you! - the sovereign laughed. - Well, for this, brother, charge me! I was the first to applaud this unfortunate little hussar and would be very glad if you had a whole regiment of such hussars.

I would not command such a regiment, - Mikhail Pavlovich answered.

On the contrary, I would, and very willingly. I repeat, I heartily applauded the little hussar whom you intend to pursue with your wrath!

I do not intend to persecute anyone, and I have no persecution in my character either! Mikhail Pavlovich objected, softening slightly, as he always softened when he ran into the slightest concession from his adored brother.

How do you not intend to? You even got mad at Volkonsky for giving me the pleasure of applauding such a troubled hussar.

I just noticed that it makes me uncomfortable.

And you go to see the little colonel, and all your anger will subside!

And I don't think so! - turned away the Grand Duke, whose anger had almost completely cooled down.

It's a pity! And tomorrow I'm taking to the theater both the prince and the brother-in-law, whom I'm waiting for today, and I want to call my wife. The little colonel is downright adorable! I heartily applauded him!

Yes, that's what I heard! - without looking at his brother, said Mikhail Pavlovich.

And they told you about it? This is no longer in the hands of the authorities. I have every right to applaud. However, what's new with you besides the information about my applause? - asked the sovereign, wanting to finally dispel the clouds on his brother's forehead. - Is there any new sibyl? he asked, hinting at the Grand Duke's passion for all kinds of divination and predictions.

On this occasion, I can report something to Your Imperial Majesty! the Minister of the Court intervened.

You? - asked the sovereign. - Well, you intend to become a competitor of his highness?

I don’t bother anyone to believe, ”said the Grand Duke, although in reality he loved that others shared all his beliefs. - What did you want to report to the sovereign? Isn't it about a new gypsy who showed up in Kolomna?

Does Your Highness already know?

Is it any wonder that I know what you have been told about?

I don't say that, your highness. I only ventured to ask, did you yourself deign to be with this gypsy?

Yes, I was at her place and I was literally amazed by everything she told me.

She probably knew who you were, - the sovereign smiled, who, on the contrary, believed very little in everything miraculous and, with his positive mind, liked to determine everything directly and strictly logically.

If so, then, at any rate, what she told me is amazing. She told me about things that no one could know.

Even me? asked the sovereign, smiling.

No. You and me only! - answered the Grand Duke.

It was as if a shadow slipped across the sovereign's expressive face. He understood what his august brother was talking about. It was an object that he himself had never touched and that he would not allow anyone to touch.

Have you been alone with this gypsy? - asked the sovereign.

No, I was at her place with Meshchersky, but I went in to her and talked with her, of course, in private.

And is she really good at guessing?

She does not guess, but looks directly and speaks ... only slightly glances at her hand. This is something amazing, - said the Grand Duke, slightly shuddering.

Where does she live?

In Kolomna, on Pskovskaya Street, in the house of Second Major Prokofiev, according to police books, this is the fifteenth number.

What is she - coming?

I don't know right. I didn't ask her about it.

We must ask Benckendorff about this,” said the sovereign.

Oh no, please don't involve your gendarmes here. I told her that I guarantee her complete immunity, and I used to keep my word. Tell me that you don't want her to continue her trade, or that you demand that she leave Petersburg altogether, and this will certainly be done, but only tell me that, and not Benckendorff!

Yes, I do not think to expel her from the capital. Why, if she does no harm? On the contrary, I myself want to go to her.

The Minister of the Court was alert. This, apparently, was not included in his calculations.

The emperor immediately understood this.

I demand, - he said sternly, - that until I myself visit this fortune-teller, no one from my retinue or from persons close to me should visit her. If I find out about anything like that, then the person who disobeyed me will immediately receive a clean resignation.

Everyone knew the inexorable character and inexorable will of the sovereign. Therefore, the minister lowered his head, and Mikhail Pavlovich's lively, albeit ugly face expressed complete pleasure.

Pskovskaya street, fifteen? - repeated the emperor.

That's right, Your Majesty," the Minister replied.

Yes, do you want me to drive you myself? - asked the Grand Duke. - I won't go in, you go in alone. I'll just take you to her house.

Great, let's go! agreed the sovereign. - Tonight, do you want to? Tonight is completely free for me. The little colonel is leaving tomorrow, isn't he? he asked, turning towards the minister.

That's right, your majesty!

Shall we change? - the sovereign laughed, turning to his brother. - You take me to a fortuneteller today, and tomorrow I'll introduce you to the little colonel. I agree?

No, I don’t agree, ”the Grand Duke answered in such a displeased tone that the sovereign involuntarily laughed.

Well, as you know, do not go, perhaps! Only I will not give you this colonel of the hussars to be devoured! It's how you want it. I will personally defend his rights and his mentality from your attacks.

Mikhail Pavlovich shrugged his shoulders with a smile. He was already defeated. He saw and understood that the fleeting caprice of his sovereign brother took on all the dimensions of a small flash of passion, and he shied away from this fantasy, as he used to shirk before everything that touched his adored brother.

On the same evening, the sovereign, together with Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, in a small single sleigh, was heading to Kolomna, which was deaf at that time.

The coachman of the sovereign, accustomed to his capricious excursions, was not surprised when he was ordered to take his sovereign masters to a remote, deaf part of the city, to the church of Michael the Archangel. There, the Grand Duke ordered to turn left, onto the street, located directly opposite the temple, and stop in front of the house of Second Major Prokofiev.

The house was small, one-story, with wide, tightly locked wooden gates.

At the corner stood a watchman with a halberd. The Grand Duke called the homely hero, who, at the sight of the guards uniform, froze in tremulous expectation.

Go around and tell them to open the gate! - ordered the Grand Duke.

The Emperor stopped him.

No need! he said in French. - The less we make demands, the better.

It won't stop her from getting to know us right away! - said the Grand Duke.

Nevertheless, the coachman was ordered to stop on the street, and both high-ranking visitors walked to the fortune-teller's apartment.

The wing in which she was placed was in the corner of a fairly spacious courtyard and was distinguished by relative amenities. Its door was upholstered with clean cloth, and a lantern burned at the entrance. Everything spoke of a certain degree of culture. At that time, ringing at the doors of simple and relatively cheap apartments was not yet supposed; in order to enter the apartment, they were content with a primitive knock on the door. High-ranking visitors also knocked.

An old woman appeared at the knock, tied with a scarf with the ends pulled back, as gypsies usually tie.

Who do you want? she inquired.

They did not have time to answer interior rooms a sharp voice rang out, shouting:

Let it in, Zaremba! No one dares not let these guests in.

The old woman silently and obediently opened the door.

Open wider, wider! Respectfully accept! - came the same sharp, guttural voice, with a noticeable foreign accent.

The Grand Duke cast a triumphant glance at his brother. The emperor shrugged his shoulders. But he was not yet convinced; he suspected someone's intrigue, and his suspicion fell on Volkonsky.

Let's go to! he said shortly to his brother.

They both moved forward, led by the old woman, and on the threshold they were met by another old woman, who was very different from the first. As much as that one was simple and somehow ordinary, despite its rather typical face, so this one seemed subtle, cunning and stood out as some kind of artificial, picturesque showiness. She was draped all over in a long striped cloak, the kind in which Jews perform their prayers. A bright red scarf was draped over her head. In her black, but thin and slender hands, she held a small golden cane. She met the tall visitors at the threshold of her room and bowed deeply to them.

The Emperor looked at her intently.

Please, Your Majesty! - said the old sibyl, respectfully bowing her head to the sovereign and letting him into the room.

Who warned you about my visit? the Emperor asked sternly.

Nobody warned me about anything! - directly and boldly looking at him, the fortuneteller answered. - I knew myself, I was waiting for you at this hour.

The old woman looked at the Grand Duke as at an old acquaintance, and respectfully, but almost friendly, bowed to him. All her attention was focused on the person of the sovereign. She saw and noticed the dissatisfied expression on his face, but this, apparently, did not frighten her at all.

She went into the room and invited her distinguished guests to sit down.

With your majesty, I would like to talk alone, eye to eye! - the fortune-teller boldly remarked, throwing an unceremonious glance in the direction of the Grand Duke.

He got up.

Stay! - said the sovereign. - Nonsense! I have no secrets from you!

It's not true, there is a secret! said the old sibyl seriously and sternly. - And I want to touch on this secret so that your majesty will stop keeping suspicion in their mind against a person who is not guilty of anything. I have never seen your minister, and God forbid that he does not come to me and ask me nothing.

Why is that? Is he in for some special misfortune?

Yes, it will, - the gypsy answered.

Which? Official?

Not! In his service, everything will go smoothly to the end, but he will die from a terrible, almost unheard-of disease!

The Grand Duke looked at his brother intently. He saw that the sovereign was beginning to believe.

Your Majesty is wrong to suspect this particular minister of lying, ”said the gypsy. - It is simpler and more unsophisticated than the others! But that is not what I would like to talk to your Majesty about. I need to convey to you more intimate and, perhaps, more worldly things.

The Grand Duke stood up and silently walked to the door. The emperor did not stop him this time. He was almost subdued. The whole figure of the old gypsy woman, the whole tone of her speech, breathed an artless, incorruptible truth.

Well, here we are together, - said the sovereign. - Something you tell me?

At first, - the sibyl began, looking intently into the face of her high visitor, - I will tell you ... - She immediately changed her tone and began to say “you” to the sovereign. - First of all, I will tell you that it is time for you to send a messenger to Siberia. A great voluntary prisoner is dying there! The great ascetic dies. He will not die now in this illness, the bright, brilliant heavenly star will not yet set over the sinful world, but his sufferings are great, and he is waiting from his home for warm greetings and help.

Help? - repeated the sovereign, amazed at what he heard. - Help?

Not material, of course! He does not need it and cannot need it. No matter how you all went into your imperious egoism, no matter how you forgot about what you should not have forgotten, but still you will not allow the great ascetic, the great prayer book for the sinful world, to material need! He doesn't need anything. His star shines over the world and from that gloomy far away, where his great, his holy life is fading away.

The emperor listened to the fortune-teller, all dumb with fear and confusion. He did not expect anything like this, he did not count on anything like that when he went to a fortune-teller.

I shouldn't have talked about this, - said the fortune-teller, - no one dares to talk about this, just like about what sin the great ascetic atones for in his heavy imprisonment. I told you this, sir, only so that you would understand that you are not dealing with a rogue gypsy, that I am not guessing on coffee grounds, like all ordinary fortune-tellers, of which there are so many in your strange, as if educated city. I wanted to prove to you that you can believe me and that I won’t lie or intrigue and I don’t know how.

Yes, I believe you, - said the sovereign, - I deeply believe you. But tell me one thing. That face you speak of... have you never seen it yourself?

The fortune-teller looked up at the emperor with a keen and penetrating gaze.

So you, sovereign, have become a guesser, and you have become a seer, ”she said. - I saw him, I was honored with his contemplation. On purpose, I went to distant Siberia for this, made my way through the taiga in winter, almost died in cruel storms, fought snowstorms, just to get to his holy, lonely cell and bow to him earthly. I am old, sir, so old that you will not believe me if I tell you about my real age. I remember him young and bright. And I remember your murdered parent, and on the very day of his bitter death I saw him! Have you heard, I suppose, when he, leaving the guests, saw himself in the mirror with his throat tied with a rope? I remember everything, I saw everything, I experienced everything, and now I give my great gift for human amusement in order to earn more money in my old age.

Why are you doing this? And what do you need money for? - asked the sovereign.

I need money for a great cause, long conceived by me, and I give my great gift for human amusement, because sometimes I can predict in advance a person some disastrous change for him, save him from a big and big mistake.

One more word! - asked the sovereign, deeply shocked by the previous conversation. - Just one more question! When you were there, far away, you saw the one you are talking about, did you talk to him?

Yes, she did! - answered the gypsy in a serious and sad tone.

Did you tell him where you're from?

He knew. He doesn't need to speak. He sees and knows everything.

And you said that you would come back here, to St. Petersburg?

Yes! And then she said that I would see you, sir!

And what did he say to you in response?

Nothing, my lord! He met my words with his great, unbreakable silence. You can't talk to him. You can only listen to his order when he speaks, or understand his insightful advice and imprint it in your heart.

And he didn't give you any instructions?

The fortune-teller raised her head impulsively.

Again you foresaw, sir, - she said. - A great gift has been given to you by God. Use it for the good of your state.

Well, you guess what, you advise me? smiled the sovereign.

Not! I cannot give you such stupid advice, the Russian emperor. I can only wish that you use your providence for the benefit of the motherland, everything ... without a trace. And since you guessed about the commission given to me there, in the distant homeland of the great ascetic, then I will reveal to you exactly what commission he gave me, unworthy!

Which? - asked the sovereign, interested in the words of the old gypsy more than he himself wanted to show it.

She got up and, approaching the goddess standing in the corner, pointed her hand to the sovereign, after which she prophetically said:

This is where I keep this great shrine. I cannot and do not dare to show it to you, and I myself will touch it only on the day when I fulfill the great commission given to me. But that day has not yet come, and I myself do not know when it will come.

But can you tell me what's the matter? - asked the sovereign.

Yes, I can say. You will keep this great secret to yourself, keep it, because you will not dare to tell anyone about it.

I'm listening to you, - said the emperor in a very excited voice.

I have land here, land given to him and taken at the head of the bed on which he rests. He himself took out this land, wrapped it up and gave it to me, unworthy.

And this land...

She must, according to his holy testament, be placed in Peter and Paul Fortress on the slab under which the body of the late Emperor Alexander the Blessed, brought from Taganrog, rests.

The emperor silently lowered his head.

A moment of heavy, deathly silence passed.

And you will fulfill this great mysterious commission? - asked the sovereign.

Yes, I will fulfill it. I must fulfill it. I won't die without doing it! And now, sir, when you are confident in me, when you yourself have verified in practice that you are not dealing with a fortune-teller-fraudster, we will return to a simple and ordinary life and let's talk about the trifles of life with you. Let the prophetic gypsy, who came to you from afar, from the gloomy wilds of cold Siberia, fade into the background, and to you, your majesty, let an ordinary gypsy fortune teller predict your everyday fate. Do you agree?

The emperor did not answer the old woman a word. He was deeply impressed both by her undoubted knowledge and by the tone in which she spoke. All of her was somehow mysterious ... somehow incomprehensible. He looked up at the fortune-teller and almost cried out in surprise. Before him was a completely different woman. The stern expression of his swarthy, characteristic face was gone, and the stern gaze of his large black eyes also disappeared. In front of him was the most ordinary gypsy, one of those who so willingly and almost always so clumsily tell fortunes in the yards. The old woman, as if by magic, was completely transformed.

And tell fortunes about simple everyday affairs, your majesty? she asked.

Guess! - said the sovereign, holding out his hand to her. - Now my brother can enter? - he asked.

No, there’s nothing for him to know about your worldly nonsense! - boldly declared the gypsy. “He has his nonsense, your Majesty has his. Forever alone serious business you won't live. What a serious matter is your love for the Empress Empress, but even here worldly nonsense got mixed up, and if it weren’t for the Empress’s prudence, you, Your Majesty, would have caused her a lot of grief.

Do you know that too? smiled the sovereign.

Known, Your Majesty. And we know about both Barbarians! - the fortuneteller laughed.

What is this Barbarian about? - the sovereign was surprised.

One of them has long been fond of Your Majesty ... proud and domineering, and the other is small and modest, like a field flower. Her Majesty was only seen yesterday for the first time in the theater.

Is her name also Barbara? - the emperor was surprised, who had no idea about the name of little Asenkova.

Also, your Majesty, - the gypsy smiled. - And the little flower is also destined to play a role in the life of Your Majesty.

In my life?

Yes, my lord! You will be seriously addicted to the little wild flower. And he, modest and small, will be worthy of it! Yes, only the flower will be short-lived, it will soon fade!

You start telling me sad things.

What to do! I say what I see. A life little flower connected with this house in which I live! This is a happy house, you have to hold on to it. Whoever leaves it will perish.

Why, that young artist you speak of does not live here!

Need to live here! It is necessary that she find her happiness here. This house is happy! - the gypsy repeated in a prophetic voice.

There was a light knock on the door.

Are you finished? - asked the Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, sticking his ugly head through the door. - There, apparently, invisibly, people are recruited. Your old assistant makes them all on duty in the hallway. There is already a murmur rising.

The face of the old gypsy instantly contorted with anger. It became difficult to recognize her.

Zaremba! she called.

An old gypsy appeared at the door.

Who let you let anyone in today? shouted the old fortune-teller angrily. "Since when have my orders not been obeyed?" Immediately so that everyone leaves ... everyone to the last person, and whoever does not want to obey, let him never set foot on my threshold again ... Got it?

The old gypsy silently disappeared behind the door. The emperor also got up to leave.

No, you wait. It is not good for you to show yourself in front of the people in the slum near the old gypsy!

And with a commanding gesture she drew the curtain so that even the shadow of her tall visitors could not be seen through the outer window.

Only after some time the sovereign could retire from the old fortune-teller. He was gloomy, overcast, and thus returned to the palace. Obviously, the gypsy's conversation upset him, and even his brother's usual wit and jokes could not correct this mood.

Are you sure you don't want me to come with you, Jupe? Pete asked.

Sitting in the cab of the truck that Hans had taken them to Los Angeles, they gazed at the dingy house at 311 King Street. The faded sign over the entrance read "Rooms." Below was another, smaller size: "There are no free ones."

This area once knew better times. There were also hotel houses and several shops around; but all of them have not been repaired for a long time and have not even been painted. The street was almost deserted except for a few old men. It seems that only the poor and the elderly lived here.

I'll go there alone, - said Jupiter. - And you and Hans wait for me in the car. I don't think I'm in any danger.

Pete swallowed hard.

Did you say you were asked to come here by a skull? Like this? Standing on your desk and talking to you?

Yes, that's how it was, or I saw a very weird dream. But I didn't sleep, so it's unlikely that I could dream anything. Now I will go and see what is there, in this house. If I don't come out in twenty minutes, run with Hans to my rescue.

Well, as you wish ... - Pete said gloomily. - ... But I don’t like this business at all.

If there's something dangerous, I'll yell with all my might, Jupiter promised.

Be careful, Jupe, said Hans. His large, round face expressed concern. “And if you need help, we will come right away!”

He flexed his arm and flexed his biceps, indicating that he would tear down any door if necessary. The First Investigator nodded.

Certainly. I don't doubt you.

He climbed out of the cab, walked up the path to the small porch, climbed a few steps, and rang the doorbell. The wait seemed very long, but at last footsteps were heard inside.

Door opened. On the threshold stood a heavy, dark-faced man with a mustache.

Well? he asked. "What do you want, boy?" We don't have numbers. Everything is busy.

This mustachioed man spoke with a strange, barely noticeable accent. Jupiter feigned complete innocence - he often did this when he wanted to impress adults as a naive boy - and said:

You know, I'm looking for Mr. Socrates.

Ah, there it is! - Hearing the password, the mustachioed stared at Jupiter. Then he stepped back and cleared the way. - Well, come in. Maybe he's here, maybe he's not. It all depends... Okay, Lonzo will find out now.

Jupiter stepped inside. He blinked, trying to get used to the low light as quickly as possible. The hall turned out to be very small and very untidy, the dust had not been wiped here for a long time. Behind the hall was another room, a large one. There were several people in it; someone was reading newspapers, two were playing checkers. They were all swarthy, black-haired and muscular. And all as one broke away from their studies, impassively looking at him.

Let's go, - he said. - Zelda will receive you.

He led Jupiter into the room he had just left and closed the door behind him. Jupiter blinked again. It was so sunny and bright here that he did not immediately notice the old woman sitting in a rocking chair with her knitting in her hands. She studied him carefully through old-fashioned glasses.

She was dressed in a bright yellow dress with red stains, large gold earrings in the form of rings hung in her ears. Looking closely at her, Jupiter decided that she was a gypsy. And her very first words immediately confirmed his guess.

My name is Zelda, I am a fortune teller, she said in a low, hoarse voice. What does the young man want? Do you want to know your fate?

No, ma'am, Jupiter replied politely. It was Mr. Socrates who told me to come here.

Ah, Mr. Socrates? .. - asked the old Gypsy. - But Mr. Socrates is dead.

If you mean the skull, then you had to admit that Mr. Socrates actually died.

And yet he talked to you,” Zelda muttered. “Strange, very strange. Take a seat, young man. Right here, at this table. I will look into my crystal.

Jupiter sat down at a small round mahogany table, on which ivory some strange signs were inlaid. Zelda got up from her chair and sat across from her. Then she took a small box from under the table, took out a crystal ball from it and put it in the center of the table.

Quiet! she whispered. “Don't say anything. Don't interfere with the crystal.

Jupiter nodded. The old gypsy put her hands on the table, leaned forward, peering into the brilliant crystal ball, and stood motionless, holding her breath. It lasted only a few seconds, but to Jupiter it seemed that time was dragging on terribly slowly. Finally she spoke:

I see a chest... I see people, a lot of people who want to take it... I see another one... He is afraid of something. His name starts with B... No, probably G. He is very scared, he needs help. He asks you to help him... The crystal is brightening! I see money... a lot of money. And a lot of people are looking for them. But they are hidden. They are behind the cloud, disappearing, and no one knows where they have gone... The crystal becomes foggy. A person whose name starts with B or G - this person has disappeared. Disappeared from the visible world. But he's alive... I don't see anything else.

The old gypsy looked away from the crystal ball, straightened up and sighed.

Jupiter frowned in puzzlement.

Partly. I do have a chest. And it looks like a lot of people want to own it. And "B" or "G" - this could be Big Gulliver. The chest belonged to him. He was a magician.

Ah, Big Gulliver, - the gypsy muttered. - Of course. He was friends with the gypsies. But he disappeared.

You said that he disappeared from the visible world, but is alive, - Jupiter reminded her. - Here I don’t understand anything at all. What does it mean?

I can’t say that.” The gypsy shook her head. “But the crystal does not deceive. We gypsies would like to find Big Gulliver. After all, he was our friend. Perhaps you can help us? After all, you are smart. And although you are still very young - your eyes are sharp ... You see things that sometimes even adults will not notice.

I have no idea how I could help you,” objected Jupiter. “I know almost nothing about Gulliver. I haven't heard anything about money. The only thing that connects me with Gulliver is his chest, which I bought at an auction. And in the chest was this Socrates, the talking skull. Socrates told me to come here to you. That's all I know.

Even the longest journey begins with the first step, - said the gypsy. - Perhaps you will learn something else. Let's wait. Take care of this chest. If Socrates speaks again, listen carefully. Now go. Good luck.

Jupiter got up and walked out, even more puzzled. Lonzo, a mustachioed gypsy, accompanied him to the Doors.

Pete and Hans were waiting in the car, Pete was constantly looking at his watch.

Damn it, Jupe, we were already going to follow you, - he said, when Jupiter climbed into the cockpit with them. - Thank God, everything worked out, you're all right. But what was there?

Hans started the engine and they started back.

And I myself don’t know what was there, - Jupiter replied. - That is, what was - of course, I know. But I can't understand anything.

He told in detail about everything that had happened in those few minutes. Pete whistled.

Well, compote! What is there just not here: a chest, and some hidden money, and Gulliver is dead, but alive ... I don’t understand anything.

Me too, - repeated Jupiter. - All this is very confusing.

Listen! Pete exclaimed. "Don't you think the money could be hidden in the chest?" After all, after we found Socrates, we did not look into this chest. And if some money is hidden in it, then it is clear why they all needed it so much.

I’m just thinking about this right now,” Jupiter admitted. “Perhaps these people are not hunting for Socrates at all. As soon as we return, we examine the chest... Hans, what happened? Where are you going so fast?

There, someone clung to us. - Hans added gas. The truck rattled and seemed ready to take off. - Some kind of black car has been hanging on our tail for several blocks. There are two men in it.

Pete and Jupiter looked around. Through the back window, they could see a black car rushing behind them, now trying to overtake them. However, Hans tried to keep the truck in the very middle of the road, so there was no room for overtaking.

In this way they rushed about half a mile until they saw a highway ahead. Los Angeles has many arterial freeways - four to eight lanes wide - that have no intersections or traffic lights. Some are located above ordinary streets; and just like that our friends were now approaching.

I'll take the highway! shouted Hans. “They won't be able to stop us there: there's too much traffic.

At the entrance turn leading to the freeway, Hans flew, almost without slowing down. The truck tilted terribly, but after a couple of seconds they jumped out onto a wide highway, along which a great many cars raced in both directions.

The pursuers did not even try to chase them. The black car went under the freeway and disappeared.

Well, we got rid of them, - said Hans. - I just wanted to grab them and beat them off properly. Where now, Jupe?

Home, Hans. What's wrong with you, Pete? Why are you so gloomy?

I don't like all this, - Pete answered gloomily. - The skull talks at night ... Some people ... They try to steal the chest, then they chase us ... It gets on my nerves. Look, let's get rid of this damn chest and forget about it.

I doubt that we will succeed, - Jupiter said thoughtfully. - It seems that this secret is Already firmly connected with us. And we will have to unravel it, whether we like it or not.

Paracelsus was not an armchair scientist. He was sure that true knowledge is acquired not in universities, but through direct contact with the bearers of wisdom. That is why in 1516 a young scientist from Switzerland, Aureol Theophrastus Bombast, sets off on a grandiose journey around the world. It was a long-term campaign for knowledge, during which Paracelsus visited a good dozen countries and met a hundred of the best sages of that time - traditional healers, astrologers, alchemists, shamans and mystics.

Around 1521, a Swiss vagabond settled in Constantinople, where, according to another famous scientist of the time, Jan van Helmont, he immersed himself in alchemical experiments. Here, according to van Helmont, Paracelsus receives the philosopher's stone and a panacea. And in the same year he goes, according to legend, to Muscovy. With the philosopher's stone.

Why is the path of the Swiss exactly to Russia? A successful alchemist who has accomplished the Great Work would have been met with triumph by the best universities in Europe, and the monarchs of the Old World would have been ready to guarantee an endless sinecure in their own courts.

Unfortunately, we cannot answer this question today. But we can definitely say that Paracelsus had the strongest motivating factor to go to the then periphery of civilization.

It is possible that the Swiss arrived in Moscow from Constantinople as part of a group of Greek or Italian specialists - engineers, architects, doctors. Son of the Byzantine princess Sophia Paleolog, Moscow sovereign Vasily III, flooded almost the entire territory of the former Byzantine Empire and Italy with their recruiters, whose task was to engage the best local professionals in the grand ducal service.

Some biographers of Paracelsus claim that the alchemist was received personally by Basil III and that mutual sympathy arose between them. There is a hypothesis that the "thin German" was specially invited to the Grand Duke's palace in order to solve one important, but strategic problem in the young Russian state.

The fact is that Vasily's wife, Queen Solomonia, suffered from infertility, and, probably, the "call" of the Swiss luminary of medicine (and even received the philosopher's stone) was supposed to help the Rurikids continue the dynasty.

But it didn’t work out ... It’s hard to say what caused the failure: either the philosopher’s stone didn’t “work”, or the problem was stronger than the genius of Paracelsus, or evil fate prevented an important mission. The fact is that on July 30, 1521, the troops of the Crimean and Kazan khans broke into the Kremlin. Basil III fled to Volokolamsk, but Paracelsus was less fortunate: the alchemist became a prisoner. Moreover, the personal prisoner of the Khan.

The further chronology of the life of Aureol Theophrastus Bombast is contradictory: some biographers say that the scientist became almost best friend khan, gained wisdom from the khan's court doctors and safely returned to Constantinople, accompanying the khan's son, others argue that Paracelsus managed to escape from captivity and return to "civilized" Europe through Lithuania.

Actually, it's not that important. The mission, if it existed, of course, failed. Solomonia never gave birth to an heir: in 1525, Vasily III received a divorce, the former queen went to a monastery, and her place was taken by the Lithuanian Elena Glinskaya, the future mother of Ivan the Terrible.

Well, Paracelsus, having earned the reputation of the wisest scientist of his time, was stabbed to death in one of the dark gates of the city of Salzburg in 1541.

Do you believe in predictions, know how to guess and correctly interpret the signs of fate? You know real stories about fulfilled predictions? Write to us about it.

If you also have something to tell on this topic, you can absolutely free.

My grandmother loved to tell me about her youth, and about life in general. Somehow, around Christmas, she told how she and her girlfriends were married on this holiday. At that time, we were told at school that there was no God, although my grandmother believed and read prayers at night. There was no church nearby, which she regretted very much.

And in the winter, just on Christmas Eve, I retold my grandmother's story to my friends, and decided for the sake of laughter and myself. They waited until the friend's parents went to visit, put a mirror on the table, lit a candle and began to repeat the spell, though in their own words, since I did not remember well what my grandmother said.

I buried my father yesterday. He did not get sick for long, but he had such a bunch of diseases that he suffered all the 10 days that he spent in the hospital. Heart attack, pneumonia, acute kidney failure. As a result, he died in the arms of a doctor.

He died on Sunday, and on the night of Wednesday to Thursday at about five in the morning, there was a strong knock on the window of the room where my mother was sleeping. Mom did not sleep at that time, she heard the knock distinctly, but she did not go to the window and did not go out of the house to look. She had heard earlier that sometimes death comes to the house and. So she crossed herself, prayed, and stayed in bed.

I read on this site signs about wedding rings and I remember this story.

At school, I sat with my girlfriend at the same desk. Let's call her Raya. She was a fashionista, all her fingers were in rings. One day in class, she began to knead her hands, having previously removed all the rings. I became interested. I never wore rings, but here is a whole collection. I chose one and pulled it on my finger to try it on. Suddenly Raya will hiss, you can’t, they say, put on other people’s rings, you will take away the fate of their mistress. I apologized. The ring was immediately removed.

Time passes. We are standing at a break in the corridor, when Raika suddenly declares that she is breaking up with her boyfriend. I'm shocked. They had been together for 5 years with a guy, they planned to get married after graduation, and here it is.

One day I decided to think about how a person can help himself. I also had this question. I thought about it and began to sort through all kinds of fortune-telling - methods that people invented. Why, for example, Vanga needed a piece of sugar or eat that they use salt for treatment. The answer is simple - they have special physical properties.

I am not a physicist, but I have an idea about the structure of the molecular lattice. Water, by its properties, is still generally inaccessible to the understanding of scientists. And so I lead to the fact that there is such a way available to everyone. You don’t need to go to anyone, but you just need to drink coffee and all the information will be laid out for you. Everything you want to know will be in your cup. The problem is different - how to see the picture and read it. And you can learn it if you want.

This is a very dangerous divination for a person. It's so risky. It is believed that sane people have long rejected such incomprehensible and dubious "phenomena" as predictions, divination, signs, signs and everything related to magic.

Of course, this is not entirely true. Divination, a kind of art, was widely developed in Ancient Greece, Rome, as well as Assyria, Babylon and Egypt. Today, in the 21st century, interest has not weakened at all. AT modern man skepticism and natural curiosity often struggle - "What will happen to me tomorrow?". “Foresight of the future should not be based on predictions and signs, but on wisdom,” said Marcus Tullius Cicero. The prediction of a mysterious future is the desire of those who want to defeat time. It's impossible. Time will never be subject to man.

We have recently added new tenants to our home. Everything is as usual for everyone, only dad, the head of the family, spends most of his time working away from home.

They live only two months, but there are a lot of worries. They have a very restless child. I can hear all the sounds through the wall, because the walls are thin. I just can’t understand what can bother a nine-month-old girl so much. At this age, children, as a rule, like to play, exploring toys and the whole environment in general, crawling, sticking their nose everywhere, etc. They do things differently.

For the first time I meet a child who is not interested in anything but asking to be held, and even hiding under his arm. How much I watched and talked with my mother and grandmother, only complaints from them that they did not want anything. She has everything - a bunch of toys, a walker, a car even to ride, but no, just sit under her arm, like a bundle. They are tortured with her, because she cannot even sit humanly in her arms, like all children. Capricious and whimpering constantly, and at night a nightmare. Wakes up every hour and cries.

It so happened that I lost my job, or rather I didn’t lose it, but left because of the impossibility of career growth. My search dragged on and, despite the great reviews and great experience, finding something worthwhile was not easy.

There came a time when no offers came at all, and I was terribly desperate. It was so depressing that I decided to take a walk and go to the church. I prayed, thanking God for everything and regretting that I did not always remember his name in moments of joy or sadness. I was a little ashamed to realize that a person only goes to church when something bad happens or something doesn't work out. I thought that I could not promise God to change or not to sin by finding Good work but at the same time, if God gives me a sign to show his kindness, I will definitely do it.

Many people know the miraculous event that took place in 1917 near the Portuguese village of Fatima. For three months, every time on the 13th, the Virgin Mary appeared to three babies. She told the children her prophecies. The first two concerned the warning of the coming World War II. But they were disclosed only in 1942. The reason for their concealment was the blessing in these prophecies, the revolutionary changes that took place in Russia. And the Vatican did not want the Europeans to know about it.

If humanity had listened to the prophecies of the Virgin Mary, then, undoubtedly, the fascist invasion would have been avoided.

The third prophecy was written by Sister Lucia, who witnessed the apparition of the Virgin Mary, but it was made public in 1974. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger said that this prophecy refers to "the danger hanging over the Earth and Christianity." In 1980, the Pope said in a conversation with German prelates: "If you read about the oceans that will flood entire continents, about the millions of people who will die, then you would understand why we do not disclose the third part of the message ...".

In 1999, Cardinal Carrado Balducci stated at a conference of ufologists summary The third prophecy of the Virgin Mary: “It speaks of the Third World War, which should break out before the beginning of the third millennium. It will use nuclear weapons. Millions will die, and the survivors will envy the dead. But if people leave their aggressive intentions and reconcile with each other and with God, war can be avoided. In addition, the third secret predicts a crisis catholic church and the special fate of Russia. I can't tell you more."

But not only the Virgin Mary warned of the possibility of a third world war. So the famous soothsayer Vanga said: “When it stops smelling wild flower when a person loses the ability to empathize, when river water becomes dangerous - then a general destructive war will break out ”; “War will be everywhere, between all peoples…”; "The truth about the end of the world should be sought in old books"; “What is written in the Bible will come true. Apocalypse is coming! Not you, but your children will then live! “Mankind is destined for many more cataclysms and turbulent events. The consciousness of people will also change. Hard times are coming, people will be divided by their faith. The most ancient teaching will come into the world. They ask me when this will happen, soon? No, not soon. Syria hasn't fallen yet...

Great Leonardo. How many legends go about this amazing man. No one has yet been able to unravel the phenomenon of Leonardo da Vinci. His predictions are riddles that are very difficult to answer. Many unique works came out from the pen of the great Leonardo, including the mysterious "Predictions". Da Vinci was very successful in ciphering everything he wrote about, so many of his mysteries remained unsolved or have a lot of conflicting interpretations. To make it clear how difficult it is to decipher the predictions of the brilliant da Vinci, let's give an example of his riddle about “swaddled babies” - “O sea cities! I see you, your citizens, both women and men, tightly bound hand and foot by strong ties by people who will not understand your speeches, and you will be able to alleviate your suffering and loss of freedom only in tearful complaints, sighing and lamenting among yourselves. yourself, for the one who bound you will not understand you, nor will you understand them.”

However, some researchers are confident that they managed to understand the prophecies of Leonardo da Vinci. For example, the prophecy about the future aircraft: “An ominous feathered race will rush through the air; they will attack men and beasts and feed on them with a great cry. They will fill their wombs with scarlet blood." Or da Vinci's prediction about the invention of means of communication: "People will talk to each other from the most distant countries and answer each other." An interesting prophecy about cars: “Many will be seen rushing on large animals in a quick run to the death of their own lives and to speedy death. Animals will be visible on the ground different color carrying people to the destruction of their lives." The prophecy of Leonardo about the catastrophes associated with warming on Earth does not cause joy: “Sea water will rise to high peaks mountains, to the heavens and again fall on the dwellings of people. It will be seen how the largest trees of the forests will be carried by the fury of the wind from east to west.

But there are many mysteries of Leonardo da Vinci that have not yet been deciphered. For example, such “People will walk, and will not move; they will speak to those who are not, they will hear those who do not speak”; “It will be seen how in the air at a great height huge snakes are fighting with birds”; “Countless lives will be destroyed and countless holes will be made in the ground. Then most of the people who are left alive will throw out of their homes the food they have saved up for free prey for birds and land animals, not caring about it at all. People will throw away from their own homes those supplies that were intended to support their lives "...

Isaac Newton certainly belonged to the prophets. Few people know that great physicist, astronomer, mathematician, optician Isaac Newton calculated the date of the Apocalypse. According to his calculations, the end of the world may come in 2060. The brilliant scientist built his calculations on the book of the prophet Daniel, who predicts the date of the coming of the Messiah.

In addition, the prophecies of Merlin, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, S. Polotsky, the monk Abel, Irinarch, J.V. Bruce, V.G. Messing, E. P. Blavatsky, Erasmus Darwin, Jane Dixon, and others are widely known today.

So, in March 1555, the book of Nostradamus with his predictions was first published. A considerable place in the book was given to Russia. Nostradamus during his life in France could not receive information about the inner life of the Russian royal house. Nevertheless, he predicted in sufficient detail the events during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, which were marked by reforms and changes with the direct participation of Archpriest Sylvester in this. Nostradamus wrote: “The Russian faith will be streamlined with the advent of the great legislator. The meek priest will ascend and disturb the strong. However, the monarch will not use his advice for long.

He even described the death of Ivan the Terrible's beloved wife, Anastasia, the defeat of the Russian army in Livonian War and problems in family life sovereign: “Seven wives and a son died or were killed by a cruel monarch, there is bloodshed all around, there is no limit to great atrocities. The fifth wife will be thrown into the lake, but the eighth will give birth to a son and miraculously survive.

About the reign of Boris Godunov, the great seer wrote in quatrain 89 of the 8th century: “The boy was killed by a treacherous uncle who poisoned his father in order to reign. He succeeds a pious monarch, but will not reign for long. After death, he will be thrown out of the grave."

In quatrain 96 of the 1st century, Nostradamus wrote about the difficult relationship between Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and Patriarch Nikon, who brought the latter to the dock: “The one who will be entrusted to remake the Temples and rites, changed for a whim, will harm both priests and laity. Then he himself will be in disgrace."

Nostradamus also has prophecies about the time of Stalin’s reign, when the struggle for power began even during Lenin’s lifetime: “In order to support the works of the great cap, and to clear the place, the Reds will come out and exterminate the family almost to the last. So red will destroy red.

I am afraid of the unknown third ruler. Mysterious, barbaric, terrible country. His comrades-in-arms were killed by him, And only hell will save his old age.

The prophecies of Notradamus are quite accurate. Today everyone knows how terrible Stalin was. And in last years of his life he was very lonely and hated by his surroundings.

The latest transcripts of Nostradamus' predictions say that, starting in 2014, Russia will enter the Golden Age - “what will be has never been so beautiful ... the second age of Saturn is the Golden Age. The Creator will see the torment of his people, and peace will be concluded between God and people. Start ahead New Era. Before that, there will be big troubles, but after that, Justice and Goodness will reign on Earth.”

If we talk about seers, then it is necessary to talk about the Russian prophet Abel the Seer. He was born in 1757 and his name in the world was Vasily Vasiliev. Abel predicted the main events in the fate of Russia, and even the death of the Romanov dynasty.

For prophecies about the date of death of Empress Catherine II, Abel was imprisoned in Shlisselburg fortress. After the death of Catherine II, which occurred in strict accordance with the prediction of Abel, Emperor Paul I granted amnesty to the prophet. When meeting with the elder, Paul I heard prophecies about his death and the tragic future of the entire Romanov dynasty: “Your reign will be short, and I see your sinful, cruel end. On Sophronius of Jerusalem from unfaithful servants martyrdom you will accept, in your bedchamber you will be strangled by the villains whom you warm on your royal breast. On Holy Saturday they will bury you… These villains, trying to justify their great sin of regicide, will proclaim you insane, will revile your good memory… But the Russian people with their true soul will understand and appreciate you and will carry their sorrows to your tomb, asking for your intercession and softening the hearts of the unrighteous and cruel. The number of your years is like a beech count.

Alexander I, who took over the reign after the death of Paul I, also did not like the prophecies of the stubborn monk - he sends Abel to the Solovetsky Monastery. There, Abel writes a book in which he predicts the invasion of Napoleon and the burning of Moscow: “The Frenchman will burn Moscow under Him, and He will take Paris from him and call him Blessed. But secret grief will become unbearable to Him, and the royal crown will seem heavy to Him. He will be righteous in the sight of God: he will be a white monk in the world. I saw above the Russian land the star of the great saint of God. It burns, it flares up. This ascetic will transform the whole fate of Alexandrov ... ".

When the king found out about this prediction, Abel was thrown into the Solovetsky prison. Years passed and Abel's prophecies were confirmed. After Napoleon entered Moscow, the tsar ordered: "Let Abel out of the Solovetsky Monastery, give him a passport to all Russian cities and monasteries, provide him with money and clothes." Although it was believed that Alexander I died in Taganrog, there is a legend that he did not die, but turned into the elder Fedor and began to wander around Russia, which is fully consistent with the prophecy of Abel. Abel died in 1841 in captivity in the Suzdal Spaso-Efimov Monastery, where he was imprisoned on the orders of Nicholas I - "for humility." The king did not like the prophecies of Abel: “The beginning of the reign of your son Nicholas will begin with a fight, with a Voltairian rebellion. This will be an evil seed, a destructive seed for Russia. If it were not for the grace of God that covers Russia, then ... About a hundred years later, the House of the Most Holy Theotokos will become impoverished, the Russian State will turn into an abomination of desolation.

A hundred years after the death of Paul I, another prophecy of Abel was revealed, which read: “Your grandson, Alexander II, was destined by the Tsar-Liberator. Your plan will be fulfilled - the peasants will be freed, and then the Turks will be beaten and the Slavs will also be given freedom from the yoke of the infidel. The Jews will not forgive him for his great deeds, they will start hunting for him, they will kill him in the middle of a clear day, in the capital of a loyal subject with renegade hands. Like you, he will seal the feat of his service with royal blood ... ".

Another prophecy of Abel about the reigning dynasty: “The Tsar-Liberator is succeeded by the Tsar-Peacemaker, his son, and your great-grandson, Alexander the Third. Glorious will be his reign. He will lay siege to the accursed sedition, he will bring peace and order.

In 1901, Emperor Nicholas opened a letter with the prophecy of the monk Abel, which made him think about future fate Houses of the Romanovs: “To Nicholas II - the holy Tsar, the long-suffering Job like. He will have the mind of Christ, long-suffering and dove-like purity. Scripture testifies about him: Psalms 90, 10 and 20 revealed to me his whole fate. He will replace the royal crown with a crown of thorns, he will be betrayed by his people, as once the Son of God. There will be a redeemer, he will redeem his people with himself - like a bloodless sacrifice. War will be Great War, world. Through the air, people, like birds, will fly, under water, like fish, they will swim, they will begin to exterminate each other with a fetid gray. On the eve of victory, the royal throne will collapse. Change will grow and multiply. And your great-grandson will be betrayed, many of your descendants will whiten their clothes with the blood of a lamb, a peasant with an ax will take power in madness, but he himself will cry afterward. The plague of Egypt will indeed come."

The mission of every prophet is to bring revelation to the people Higher powers. The path of the prophet at any time is difficult. He lives simultaneously two lives: earthly in the form of a scientist, philosopher and writer, and the other - spiritual.

The great Russian poet A.S. Many also consider Pushkin a prophet and confirmation of this is easy to find in his works. And not only. It turns out that Alexander Sergeevich was not only a master of words, but also a mathematician who also made scientific prophecies. Their scientific works A.S. Pushkin bequeathed to keep secret, until 1979. He believed that prematurely released information could become not only useless, but also dangerous. Pushkin's manuscripts are encrypted and experts are still working on deciphering these materials. It is already clear that the prophecies of A.S. Pushkin concerned the future. Alexander Sergeevich used the method of "philosophical tables" built on the basis of mathematical calculations. There are references to philosophical tables in the novel "Eugene Onegin":

"When to good enlightenment
Let's move more boundaries
Over time (calculated
philosophical tables,
Five hundred years later) roads, right,
We will change immeasurably…”

Prophecies about the crisis of 1988, when the country faced an unprecedented shortage of food and goods, were found in the Pushkin archives. And there are also predictions about the social revolution of 1998. But there is also evidence that a courageous and honest person will come to power. The poet also saw the distant future of Russia, he wrote: “In terms of their position, geographical, political, Rosam is a judgment seat, an order from Europe. We are the great judge…”

Very favorable for Russia were the predictions of the American prophet Edgar Cayce (1877-1945). He was called "sleeping Nostradamus" because he prophesied in a state of hypnotic sleep. Casey wrote: “The hope of the world, its revival will come from Russia, and will have nothing to do with what communism is today. It is in Russia that the most authentic and great source of freedom will arise. Then each person will begin to live for the sake of his ideas and neighbors ... It will be a completely different way of life, based on a principle that crystallizes into a new philosophy. Yes, it is from Russia that hope will come for this world.”

In addition, Casey predicted a series of terrible natural disasters that await the Earth. England, Italy, Rome, Paris, the Japanese Isles and some American states may especially suffer from them. He predicted the rise from the ocean depths of Atlantis.

Time will tell how accurate the predictions of the prophets are. Today, many do not believe the predictions made several centuries ago. It is difficult to decipher the prophecies of people who had no idea about what might be happening at the present time. Perhaps you should not be demanding - many prophecies speak of the distant future and now it is quite difficult to decipher them. But how you still want to look into the future - at least from the words of the prophets.
