Why do we have weird dreams? Why do I have strange dreams during the day

Often, waking up in the morning, we cannot remember what we dreamed about last night. However, sometimes we still manage to recall some fragments or the general atmosphere of a dream.
Often, many things that we see in a dream seem unreal and even absurd to us, whether they are gigantic talking animals or spiral staircases from which we fall down.
Only if a recent study published in the journal Dreaming is to be believed, do our dreams get weirder the longer we sleep. Immediately after a person goes to bed, he dreams of images, in general, based on real events. But as the hours go by, our dreams tend to become more and more unnatural and paradoxical.
"We have found that the Strangeness of Dream Content Increases from Early to Late Night," says Dr. José Malinowski, Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology at the University of Bedfordshire in the UK, "and Such Late Dreams Are More Emotional."
For the experiment, 16 volunteers were selected, who were observed over two nights. The researchers woke the participants in the experiment in different time night and recorded the dreams they saw. Each participant was awakened approximately four times per night. In the morning they also reported what they had dreamed about the previous night.
Are dreams connected with reality or are they a more far-fetched phenomenon, but Dr. Malinovsky is definitely sure that dreams are a kind of "Safety Zone" with which a sleeping person solves his problems and finds out personal issues.
“Dreams are a way for us to penetrate the essence of our unconscious feelings and emotions that could be forced out into the subconscious. Also, dreams often give us the key to solving a certain problem that we could not cope with while awake,” says Malinovsky.
The doctor also often resorts to special therapy - sleep therapy, which helps patients to better understand their psyche and subconscious.

People have always been interested in dreams. Previously they were associated with higher powers. It was believed that this is how the gods try to convey messages about the future. Already in the 2-3 century BC. e. in Greece, the first dream book was created. Then the priests were engaged in deciphering the visions.

Since the 19th century, scientists began to study dreams in different directions. After numerous experiments, they concluded that night visions are a set of fantastic pictures that arise in a weakened consciousness. They appear to develop a strategy of behavior needed to solve pressing problems.

But when the brain is at rest, it has no control over the impressions received, and they appear randomly, creating unpredictable pictures. And trying to understand what he saw, according to experts, is not at all necessary.

There are, of course, other versions. Z. Freud was looking for a pattern between the pop-up images and what each of them entails. In the end, he concluded that it was all the fault of the sexual desire suppressed by the mind. And he explained even the most unusual stories from this position.

And yet, despite the development of mankind, we are trying to solve dreams today. There are already many guides that allow you to do this. But why people regularly dream, we still do not know for sure.

I have strange dreams. Who is cooler?

I have strange dreams, I'm somewhere far away
In the captivity of a cheerful spring, I don’t remember which one.
Why do you dream of me, because everything has long been decided,
I dial your number, I'm cold.
No, I'm only calling to find out
How do you live without me.
Who do you share your troubles with?
What songs do you sing.
How do I live without you?
The sadness has gone
Everything's fine with me,
Great as ever.
Like the one you live with?
Doesn't offend you in any way?
I'm sorry, let's not talk about him, I don't need your lies.
I dream, I dream of my daughter, I miss her so much
You could help me see her.
I make my way like a thief to the secrets of someone else's soul,
But we can't finish our conversation.
I have never called and probably never will.
I can only imagine it a thousand times.
No, I'm only calling to find out
How do you live without me.
Who do you share your troubles with?
What songs do you sing.
How do I live without you?
The sadness has gone
Everything's fine with me,
Great as ever. I dream strange dreams, I "m somewhere far away
In captivity cheerful spring, I do not remember what.
Why do you dream of me, because everything has been decided
I dialed your number, I "m cold.

How do you live without me.
Who do you divide your woes,
What songs you sing.
How do I live without you?
Gone silent anguish
All I "m good at,
Perfect as ever.
As someone with whom you live?
Not offended in anything?
Sorry do not talk about it, I do not need your lies.
I dream, I dream of a daughter, I miss her,
You could help me see her.
I made my way as a thief, a stranger to the secrets of the soul,
But you can see our conversation we are not complete.
I never called and apparently didn't call.
I can only imagine it a thousand times.
No, I'm calling just to find out
How do you live without me.
Who do you divide your woes,
What songs you sing.
How do I live without you?
Gone silent anguish
All I "m good at,
Perfect as ever.

Why do dreams

Many years ago, it was believed that dreams are mystical in nature and are a kind of message from the other world. People believed that in this way their deceased relatives communicate with them, reporting on the future of any person. Dream deciphering was done only certain people, with abilities, such as sorcerers, sorcerers or priests. Over time, the origin of dreams was considered from a different point of view. Dream books appeared, which still do not lose their popularity. There are the following reasons for the occurrence of dreams:

  1. hidden desires of man.

This theory is based on the works of the famous psychotherapist Sigmund Freud. According to his assumptions, a sleeping person sees a reflection of his hidden desires or aspirations, what he strongly strives for and what he really lacks. The theory that our subconscious communicates with us in this way has received a response in the works of his followers. It was Freud who first began to practice dream conversation with his patients in order to better understand the nature of their psychological problems.

  1. Brain work.

Another theory, based on the peculiarities of the brain, has an absolutely opposite meaning. For the first time it was voiced by the famous psychiatrist J. Hobson. According to his theory, dreams do not carry any semantic load, so he considered them from the point of view of physiology. scientific way Realistic visions we see at night have been found to cause brainstem impulses. In turn, the brain, taking memories as a basis, interprets these signals into plots;

  1. Organizing memories.

Another psychiatrist, Zhang Jie, suggested that the nerve impulses that cause dreams are not at all random. During sleep, active brain activity occurs. The brain analyzes the information received during the day, translating part of the short-term memory into long-term. It is at this time that part of the memories can be activated and turn into a realistic dream.

Why does my mouth smell in the morning

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  1. Warning.

This is one of the most unusual theories, according to which dreams are a gift from our ancestors, with the help of which they could warn of various life-threatening situations. In other words, it is a biological defense mechanism that allows you to survive the danger, thereby training a person for a real threat.

Strange dreams are examples. What are the strangest and most unusual dreams you had?

I had 2 such dreams that I especially remember. The first dream (I already wrote it in the topic about mysticism, because it seemed especially strange to me): I dream of a big round spinning thing that seems to be standing. And nearby are the silhouettes of many people who were just walking or standing nearby. There are hundreds, maybe even thousands. I had a huge feeling of pity and fear at the same time, it is not clear why. Then I jumped out of bed, went to the window and pointed out the window to my mother (I was 14 years old) and said, barely holding back tears, “Look how many people!”. I mean, I jumped up already in reality, not in me :) of course, there was no one in the window. Mom was shocked. Never again in my life did I jump up in my sleep and never suffered from sleepwalking. Second dream: I dream that there is some kind of field around, with tall grass and there are two boys, they are brothers, they are about 8-10 years old. They are in old clothes, like peasants or something. They are running away from someone across this field. And then I see that somewhere in the field someone is burning some big effigy or something like that. That is, I am not a hero of a dream, I just watch from the side. Boys unfamiliar, I see them for the first time. But I worry about them, I'm afraid that they will be caught. And in the end, one really was caught, and the second is trying to escape further. And then everything changes. I am no longer an outside observer, and I am that second runaway boy. And I begin to feel all his fear, etc., and his fear for the brother who was caught. I woke up on this. These are the dreams. What unusual dream did you have? :) it would be interesting to read


Why do you have strange dreams?

The other day I had a very strange dream ... I dreamed that I lost my voice - instead of the usual indistinct muttering, I began to neigh like a horse, and acquired thick hair. I grew new teeth and got into the habit of shifting from foot to foot.

I dreamed that even at the sight of something blue-green, the left leg began to go numb and bend badly at the knee. I did not turn away from this color in time - the leg just becomes stiff.

There was a wild desire to organize a herd of some kind. And in the herd, not to rub side by side with a neighbor, but to gallop and frolic with might and main, now bucking, now striving to stomp someone in the forehead with an imaginary hoof. I dreamed that I became uncontrollable and too self-willed, unmotivatedly harsh and categorical. It became easy to lose his temper for any reason.

Being quiet in life, in a dream I suddenly fell in love with various gatherings, extreme entertainment, public spectacles, all sorts of demonstrations, rallies and slogans, adventurous adventures ... I was drawn to neighing in public with a hint of horse oratory. And the mares were drawn too.

Good male stallion! Optimistic, energetic, money - chickens do not peck, although the work itself is worse than a bitter radish. He became picky in food, and in the wardrobe - only extravagant clothes. I burn in a dream like a flame in the wind, and now life is delight and inspiration ... As I squint with a lilac eye, so the female mares themselves add up in piles.

And others - already drooling with envy: I began to draw (what I can’t dream of in a dream!), And hand-made at my leisure. Well, everything began to be able to do. He almost began to embroider with his own hooves with a cross. Tired of this, I again enter the image of a very active business person. I quickly get tired of creating in a horse-like state.

But, having rested, I again set to work and continue it with the same zeal. I work (in my sleep, of course) I am obsessed, bright and with great results. And just try not to praise me loudly - I gore, I trample, I kick with my hooves. And if you praise, you won’t drag him away from work by the ears.

Here I have become such a miracle Yudo. Or - in the "Humpbacked Horse". Or - to someone else. Probably.

Still others do not approve of my actions. Well, in a dream. In reality - it would be a shame. After all, he began to make hasty promises in business without calculating the risk of possible operations. And I don’t want to lead round dances with prudent and smart people. All by myself. And I'm freaking out with frustration myself. I'm freaking out, spraying foam, but I do it my own way.

I look at everything from my bell tower. Horse. And I have a horse's view of the world. And my eyes are special - horses ... Selfishness - also horses. The shirt that is closer to the body is the same - from the Horse. In short, I am an ordinary horse.

Even in a dream, I felt sorry for myself. I wandered dejectedly into my old stable, lowering my horse's muzzle with new teeth ... and woke up.

He told his strange dream. They explained: "It's time for you to prepare for the New Year - for the year of the Blue Wooden Horse." Rejoiced - good dream I dreamed, even though I woke up sad. I love you very much New Year!.. How do people say? A fire dreams of a flood, and a flood - of a fire?

Why do you have weird dreams during the day? strange dream

Dreams that are considered paradoxical, unreal, meaningless, visit people much more often than is commonly believed. The fact is that, in general, you can’t tell anyone what night vision is, realizing that there is no point.

Scientists' opinion

Dreaming of incomprehensible visions

One foreign magazine published information that incomprehensible dreams begin to dream at a time when the body, in fact, has already rested. At the moment of falling asleep, the human brain begins to process all the information accumulated during the day and display it in pictures. Therefore, in the first half of the night we see real pictures that are understandable and accessible to our minds.

Why do you have strange dreams? Human body already rested, the brain has processed all the information received and can no longer produce rational plots.

Who is the dreamer?

If you delve into science, then very strange dreams should be considered from the position of the one who dreamed this vision. It is believed that even animals see certain images. Also, scientific articles say that babies from birth, and even in the womb, can see dreams, but they are based on smells and sensations.

When a lonely man sleeps

Seeing difficult-to-interpret nighttime images

Neurologist Patrick McNamara concluded that dreams differ depending on what social status the dreamer has.

At the beginning of the 21st century, a test was conducted, about three hundred people became participants. They were divided into groups. The first group included people who prefer solitude. They claimed to have dreams every night. They also claimed that they often dream of something inexplicable and mysterious.

Then scientists came to the conclusion that strange dreams often occur to those people who do not realize themselves in society, thereby filling a certain void in their souls.

What the player sees in a dream

It is believed that people who are addicted video games, often see lucid dreams. What does similar mean? Dreams of this kind can be controlled by dreamers.

When in a dream you realize that you are dreaming, then you will take control of the development of the plot. Even scary dreams no longer cause such horror, because you understand that at some point you will wake up.

Gamers often face scary moments in the game, so they do not run away from danger, but try to overcome it.

See bizarre night dreams

To learn how to control your night visions, you just need to play on the computer sometimes.

Dreams of people with amnesia

It is also a scientifically proven fact that people who suffer from amnesia see bizarre images in their dreams. This is explained by this category often forgets what he experiences in reality, and then in a dream the brain reproduces these stories.

The ancients believed that in dreams is hidden great power. Oracles and soothsayers tried to interpret dreams, rulers and great generals made decisions based on these predictions.

Scientists sought from a rational point of view to explain the strange dreams and visions that visit a person. But neither one nor the other could fully solve this riddle, so far the dream remains a little-studied area. Nevertheless, people accumulated and systematized knowledge in this area ...

1. External stimuli can influence the course of a dream. So, for example, one person fell on his neck during sleep decorative element back of the bed. The blow turned out to be light, but the relaxed body reacts exaggeratedly to stimuli - the person saw a strange dream about French Revolution. He was taken prisoner, tried and guillotined.

2. The body of a sleeping person is practically paralyzed. This is due to the need to relax, rest - otherwise the body would repeat the movements that occur in a dream.

3. Children aged 3 to 8 have more nightmares than adults in their entire lives.

4. A person forgets up to 90% of his dreams within ten minutes after waking up. There are cases when scientists, poets, musicians and writers had strange dreams in which they composed new works, developed new theories. This is how the periodic table was “born”, one of Beethoven’s plays, the fable “Two Doves” by La Fontaine, as well as the benzene formula invented by August Kekule.

5. We see a lot of strangers in a dream, but many of them are not inventions of our subconscious. We saw in real life these strangers, just did not have time to remember their faces.

Why do people dream - the point of view of scientists

At the beginning of the last century, there was a theory that during the day, various chemical substances such as carbon dioxide, lactic acid and cholesterol. Scientists believed that during a night's rest, the process of disintegration of these substances occurs, accompanied by visions and strange dreams.

Currently, there is a version that sleep is necessary for the brain in order to get rid of unnecessary information, “reboot” and continue to work stably. Any person sees dreams every 90 minutes of a night's rest, the longest visions visit us in the morning - at this time you can often see strange dreams and even nightmares, lasting 30 - 45 minutes. But back to interesting facts about dreams...

6. Did you know that Schiller, Peter 1, Bekhterev and Goethe slept no more than five hours a day, Napoleon spent no more than 4 hours sleeping, and Edison only 2-3 hours.

7. The word "hypnosis" is literally translated from Greek as "sleep" (hypnos). In this state, the person becomes more suggestible.

8. Dreams are never literal. The subconscious communicates with a person through symbols and images. That is why we so often have strange dreams, which are very difficult to interpret.

9. People who become blind after birth are able to see images in their dreams. The dreams of those who were blind before birth are filled with tactile sensations, sounds and smells.

10. Not every person is able to see colored dreams. However, there are groups of dreams that everyone has seen at least once in their life - teeth falling out, failing exams, falling from high altitude, attempts to escape from the pursuers.

Strange dreams - how mystics explain this phenomenon

The philosopher and mystic Carlos Castaneda believed that Interesting Facts about dreams that a dream is a parallel reality, the same world as ours. In his opinion, each person is able to visit thousands different worlds reconfiguring your assemblage point (center of perception). Such an adjustment involuntarily occurs during a night's rest, which gives rise to strange dreams and fantastic, unearthly worlds.

According to one of the prominent members of the Theosophical Society, Charles Leadbeater, during sleep, the astral body of a person is able to leave the boundaries of the physical body and go on a journey. For astral body earthly distances are negligible, so it can be in any area in a matter of seconds the globe. But there is one limitation - only the disciples of the Great Teachers are able to consciously travel in the astral plane. And again - interesting facts about dreams:

11. People who are able to fall asleep in less than five minutes suffer from chronic sleep deprivation. The optimal time interval is 10 to 15 minutes.

12. A waking period of more than 17 hours leads to a deterioration in performance, the effect on the body is similar to that of 5 ppm of human blood alcohol.

13. The cause of every sixth car accident is driver fatigue (prolonged lack of sleep).

14. Before the era of universal electrification, people slept about nine to ten hours a day, the wakefulness period was determined by the length of daylight hours.

15. Medical experts believe that 24/7 Internet access is the most powerful sleep disruptor.

The science

Dream is the only "area" of human civilization that cannot be mapped. People have spent thousands of years trying to understand why our brain is able to create strange and otherworldly landscapes and situations during sleep.

Today, scientists have explained what happens to our body when we fall asleep, and why we need sleep at all. As it turns out, there are some strange relationships between reality and surreal images of the dream world.

Dreams of lonely people are brighter and richer

All people dream, but in completely different ways. This was discovered in 2001 by a neurologist Patrick McNamara, exploring the connection between social relationships and dreams.

His team of scientists was invited for research 300 students, who were divided into groups according to their attachment abilities. First, they answered questions about how comfortable they feel in being in a relationship with someone, or maybe they prefer to avoid relationships altogether? Thus, the attachment state was rated as "secure" or "insecure".

Students who experienced discomfort in relationships and therefore tended to avoid them altogether reported that saw more dreams every night than the group whose attachment state was "reliable". Moreover, the group with "insecure" attachments had more nightmares and their dreams were more vivid than those of the other group.

Since the area of ​​our brain called anterior temporal lobe important for feelings of attachment and for stages REM sleep , heightened dreams, apparently replace feelings of affection.

Video games induce lucid dreams

What are lucid dreams?

Lucid dreaming- the ability to realize that you are in a dream. As soon as you manage to realize that this is a dream, you start to control what happens around you and do whatever you want. It is not surprising that each of us wants this when we go to sleep, but we cannot always get into lucid dreams.

Thousands of books have been written that teach how to induce lucid dreams at will. However, as it turned out, the easiest way to learn to have such dreams is occasionally play computer games.

Jane Gackenbach from Grant McEwan University believes that the ability to control actions when playing virtual reality coincides with the ability to control what happens in a dream. In this way, it is easier for gamers to learn to have lucid dreams.

Jane also discovered that gamers are much less likely to have nightmares, because when they feel threatened in a dream, they immediately take action to turn her away from themselves, as in games, and do not seek to flee.

Animals see dreams and even remember them

The long-standing question of why we dream seems to have been answered. thanks to the rats. Researcher Matthew Wilson from Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that when rats were taught to run on a circular path, their brain activity began to manifest itself in a special way. This was recorded with a scanner.

Wilson later scanned the brains of rats while they slept and found that almost half of the animals showed the same pattern of brain activity, when they were in REM sleep, which matched the model during the movement in the wheel. This means that the rats continued to run in their sleep.

The dog runs in a dream (video):

Scientists hypothesize that rat brains stores information, playing it again in a dream, and at the same speed as in reality. Wilson is convinced that one of the main functions of dreams is fixing memories. That is why we better remember the information that we receive immediately before going to bed.

Amnesiacs have the strangest dreams

If dreams help store memories, what if you have amnesia? It turns out that people who have lost their memory have very bizarre dreams. There are several types of memory, and amnesiacs cannot store certain events, special facts or dates. Interestingly, in a dream, some things can return to them, for example, some skills, but in real life they do not remember these things at all.

During the experiments, people suffering from amnesia were told about the game "Tetris", however they didn't remember what game it was. In the middle of the night they were awakened and asked to tell what they saw in a dream. Three out of five subjects answered that they saw "falling, overturning blocks".

An ordinary person in a dream, even with the strangest dreams, mostly sees in a dream familiar objects. A person with amnesia can see objects that are very strange to him, but he cannot remember where he saw them in reality.

Strange dreams are just a job of sorting through memories

The study of amnesia allowed the doctor Dr. Robert Stickgold nominate another hypothesis about dreams. He tried to answer the question why we have strange dreams. Stickgold revealed that amnesiacs store in the subconscious image of the event, even if they cannot consciously pull it out of the depths of memory. For some reason, the brain reproduces this image during sleep.

Why do you have strange dreams?

According to his theory, strange dreams are the brain's attempt to sort different signals in search of connections. For example, you dream that you are in a restaurant with your 5th grade football coach, the chairs you sit on are made of jelly, and your dog is your waiter.

Your brain pulls out the dog memory file and compares it to what you remember about your high school coach to figure out How do these two memories compare?. That is, according to Dr. Stickgold, your brain "looking for cross links". Sometimes these connections coincide with reality, sometimes not.

Other studies have shown that the strangest dreams are associated with increased activity in the right tonsil, an area also relevant to the formation of memories. These studies support the idea that the weirder the dream, the harder it is for the brain to find connections between different memories.

Are prophetic dreams just a coincidence?

See the future in a dream

In the 1960s Medical Center Maimonides in New York held a series unusual experiments. One of the experiments was related to the ability to predict the future. The participants were divided into two groups: one group was awake and focused on a particular image. The second group was sleeping at this time.

The researchers woke sleeping participants while they were in REM sleep and asked them to describe what they saw in their dreams. The strangest thing is that most of the participants in the second group described the images that the first group saw.

Another example is also from the 1960s. After a heavy downpour, a collapse of a coal mine damaged a school building in the village Aberfan, South Wales, UK. More than a hundred people, most of them children, died. Psychiatrist John Barker went to Aberfan and asked its inhabitants if anyone had dreamed of this event before it happened. 30 residents of the village said that they dreamed of a disaster. There are probably millions of such examples, and you have seen the future in a dream.

What are prophetic dreams?

Some scholars argue that this kind of prediction is not nothing but coincidence. Various factors join together, and there is a chance that someone has these factors in a dream coincide with what will happen in reality.

It's one of those things that impossible to prove, so most of us will still believe in something supernatural than in banal coincidence. Who knows, maybe someday we will learn to predict the future with the help of dreams?

We only remember vivid dreams

It turns out that we can dream not only during the REM stage, but in any of the five stages, although dreams are more vivid during REM sleep. Every night we can see several dozen dreams, but most of them we do not remember.

We don't remember dreams mainly because they are pretty boring. A person is more likely to remember bright and strange dream than something routine. Most of the dreams are related to everyday activities that you did the day before, for example, you may often dream about ironing or checking your mail.

As in the case of the memories of rats who repeated their actions in a dream, our the brain tries to repeat what happened to us, in order to consolidate memories and learn something.

But the most crazy and scary dreams are remembered as well as strange and terrible events in life. For example, seeing a naked person in a crowd of people is an oddity that you will remember for a long time. You will not remember hundreds of people around, but the face of a naked person will surely be remembered for a long time.

How to remember dreams?

Some people claim they don't dream when in fact they just don't remember them. Sometimes you dream of something very interesting that you would like to remember and tell your loved ones, but very quickly after waking up, the dream disappears.

To remember your dreams, psychologists advise immediately after waking up to try don't open your eyes and don't move for a while, mentally scrolling in your head what you dreamed during the night. You need to train every day.

To see vivid and positive dreams, it is also advised set your own daily routine, get enough sleep, do not remember all the problems of the day before going to bed, but leave their solution for the morning.

You can change dreams with smells

It is well known that external stimuli, such as light, smells, or the sound of an alarm clock, can interfere with sleep, but some factors affect the quality of sleep in general turning a pleasant dream into a nightmare and vice versa. Smells, for example, can have a strong influence on what exactly your dream will be about.

Smells in a dream

In the study, scientists allowed participants to fall asleep, and then various scented chemicals were administered through a nasal tube. rotten eggs, roses, or no smell at all. Then they woke up the participants and asked what exactly they saw in their dream.

Those who smelled rotten eggs reported that in their dreams felt a sharp decline in strength and mood, although they do not remember any smells. For example, one person said that he dreamed of a beautiful Chinese woman, but suddenly she suddenly seemed very unpleasant to him, although he did not notice any special reasons for this. Feelings in a dream changed dramatically from pleasant to unpleasant.

Nightmares are bad for your mood

Anxiety? Depression? Nervousness? You may have been having nightmares. At least that's the conclusion a group of scientists made that asked 147 students to fill out a questionnaire every morning for 2 weeks to track how often do they have nightmares. After 2 weeks, the researchers conducted specific tests to assess psychological condition people.

Scientists have discovered a strong relationship between the number of nightmares a person has and their mood during the day. The more people had nightmares, the worse they were rated. mental condition. It is difficult to say whether depression was the cause of the nightmares, or whether after the nightmares the person had Bad mood, but it is clear that the real mental state and the nature of dreams have a strong relationship.

Dreams and schizophrenia

Some believe that dreams are very reminiscent of delusional states, which schizophrenics experience - both are associated with a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain. In other words, the brains of schizophrenics are simply does not switch from dream to reality during the day. That is, every night when we fall asleep, we plunge into a state of schizophrenia. They even came up with a special term to describe this state - "Our Night Madness".

Illusory dreams almost everyone can see, but a schizophrenic will have similar "dreams" while awake. His brain contains a mixture of mismatched memories, which occurs not only in a dream, but also in reality.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about Strange in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream in a dream Strange

Dream interpretation of O. Smurova

Why is Strange dreaming in a dream?

Seeing Strange - If you had a strange dream, then due to a ridiculous mistake you may find yourself in a situation from which it will be very difficult to get out.

Also, strange dreams indicate that you will be forced to fight or get into an unpleasant situation.

The meaning of such a dream can also be interpreted by the impressions that you felt in a dream. These impressions will be exactly the same as what you will experience in a real life situation.

See also: why stupidity is dreaming, why a children's fairy tale is dreaming, read on if you want to know why Strange is dreaming.

Modern dream book

What does Strange dream about in a dream book:

Seeing something strange in a dream means that in real life you will find yourself in an unusual position. Seeing strange houses - your life will change so much that you will surprise everyone around you with your way of life. Strange - you can advance in some original case. Strange clothing indicates your quirks. Strange animals, birds, the world around you - you will have new unusual ideas or you will have exciting meetings with unusual people. The strange behavior of people - to the unusual antics of others. Seeing yourself as strange is inappropriate behavior.

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why dream and what do Strange mean?

From the dream book to see Strange shapes - In dreams, objects can take on unusual strange shapes. This is often related to the role assigned to the object within the dream, as well as the strength of the emotional perception of this object. The power of emotional perception is due to the importance that we attach to other people, things or situations, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had, read on if you want to know what Strange is dreaming of.

Modern dream book

What is the dream of Strange in a dream book?

They saw Disproportions in a dream - D. Loff wrote the following about strange shapes in his dream book: “In dreams, objects can take on unusual strange shapes. This is often related to the role given to the object within the dream, as well as the strength of the emotional perception of this object. The power of emotional perception comes from the importance we place on other people, things, or situations. For example, you cannot understand the degree of closeness of a person with the rest of his family members. Ask this person to draw a house of childhood - so that the rooms of the house correspond in size to the significance in the person's memories - then the magnitude of the strength of the emotional perception of each family member will immediately become clear.

Why Strange Shapes Dream - We often "measure" the positive or negative experience associated with an object as part of its emotional impact on us, and as a result, the "emotional" dimensions of this object are imprinted in our subconscious. For example, a spouse who feels emotionally overwhelmed and oppressed by his wife may dream of a huge spoon, which in childhood was given to him for disobedience in the back of the head.

In a dream, a person is Jesus Christ, the mother of God, a saint, dead or alive, but far away, close, and possibly unclean. And it also happens that a person himself visits his dead in a dream. Such visions always reveal something important, and it is necessary to understand them first of all. For visions, the time, the day on which they dreamed is not relevant. You can tell them or not, they are still true, the main thing is to understand them correctly. If a vision reveals to a person what he does not like, then it is pointless to re-lay the linen or look at the fire - the vision always speaks of what is inevitable.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Prophetic Dreams

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Dream Interpretation - Incoherent dreams

You see some events that cannot be called events, because they do not have a semantic core, a logical connection; perhaps this is a random set of pictures, a kaleidoscope of emotions - a dream indicates your chronic fatigue; in connection with the unpleasant events that have befallen you, you for a long time experienced psychological overload; you need to rest, to escape from the environment that affects you negatively.

Interpretation of dreams from