Which blanket is better than swan's down or bamboo. What is the best blanket for sleeping

The question of how to choose a blanket is not as easy as it might seem at first. It should be comfortable, safe and beautiful. In addition, there are a number of other nuances that should be taken into account. With the existing variety, you can always choose a product that fully meets our wishes. You just need to be reinforced in advance with knowledge about important characteristics and compare them with how and under what conditions we plan to use the blanket.

What is the best blanket for you?

First of all, the clothes must meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, which means that it must be hypoallergenic, hygroscopic, not interfering natural ventilation... Upon contact with it, skin irritation should not occur and it should provide the required thermal conductivity. When thinking about how to choose a blanket for sleeping, you need to immediately understand that saving is inappropriate here, since you risk purchasing an item of dubious quality, which, at best, will quickly lose its appearance, at worst, it will lead to inconvenience during sleep.

How to choose a winter blanket?

Much depends on the operation of heating devices in your home and on your individual tolerance to one or another air temperature. If you feel cold even when the radiators are running on full power, you need a blanket with a heavy filling of camel wool or cashmere with the maximum level of warming properties. A goose down blanket is also suitable in this case. What kind of blanket to choose for the winter if you are one of the "hot" people: in this case, you can limit yourself to a lighter synthetic blanket or a product filled with eucalyptus fiber or silk.

How to choose a summer blanket?

A summer blanket is designed for hot summer nights, it must have a high degree of hygroscopicity and air permeability, that is, it must absorb and evaporate moisture well and not impede ventilation. Only if these conditions are met will you feel comfortable under the covers. So, how to choose a blanket for the summer:

  • focusing on the markings, choose the option with fewer suns or dots - these signs indicate the level of warmth of the blanket;
  • the density of the filler in a summer blanket should be lower;
  • as ideal fillers you can consider bamboo or silk;
  • the weight of a summer blanket should be noticeably less;
  • how to choose a summer blanket visually - in appearance it will be rather easy a blanket rather than a quilt.

What is the best blanket to choose for all seasons?

If you want to save money on the purchase of blankets for different seasons, but do not know how to choose the right blanket for sleeping, you can take a closer look at all-season models. They consist, as a rule, of two separate blankets - light and lightweight, which are fastened together with buttons, snaps, Velcro, zippers or ties. The beauty of such a product is not only in saving money and storage space, but also in their complete versatility. So, in the winter you use bound blankets, in the off-season you unbutton and put away a light blanket, and in the summer you change the lighter version to the lightest one.

How to choose a baby blanket?

For children, we always try to acquire all the best, and we are especially interested in the question of which blanket to choose for a newborn. Experts say that the most acceptable option is a woolen blanket, for example. At the same time, it is better to buy a light blanket for the summer, and a more serious quilt for the winter. Other types of fillers have their drawbacks. For example, wadded blankets are very heavy, synthetic ones do not really warm, down ones cause allergies. As for how to choose a sizeable blanket, it all depends on the age of the baby:

  • for a newborn baby, a square blanket of 0.9x, 09 m or 1.2x1.2 m is suitable;
  • for an older child, you need a larger blanket - 1.1x1.4 m or 1x1.35 m.

How to choose a blanket by filler?

All existing fillers are divided into two large groups - synthetic and natural. Both those and others have their advantages and disadvantages, therefore there is no clear leader here. How to choose the right blanket will depend on your preferences, the presence or absence of allergies, love for light or, conversely, heavy blankets, your requirements for their degree of warmth and much more.

Eucalyptus Filled Blanket

If we talk about synthetics, then perhaps the best filler for a blanket is eucalyptus. Such a product is easy to machine wash, it dries quickly, it can be used when high humidity, for example, in the country. The viscose-type eucalyptus filler has many useful properties- antibacterial, hypoallergenic. It is very pleasant to the touch, soft and smooth. Such blankets are suitable for any climate conditions. Depending on the density of the filler, its degree of heat varies.

How to choose a duvet?

The types of down used are duck, goose, loon, swan and goat undercoat. These blankets are very light and airy, but they keep you warm even in severe frosts, providing excellent air circulation and creating an ideal microclimate during sleep. Down filled duvets are antistatic and durable. Thinking about how to choose a blanket, do not forget that a blanket filled with swan or other fluff is contraindicated for allergy sufferers and is not recommended for children. It is difficult to take care of such a product, because after washing the fluff gets off into lumps and dries for a very long time.

Linen-filled duvet

Choosing which filler to choose a blanket with, you should not overlook linen products. They are hygienic, hygroscopic, durable, easy to clean, breathable and hypoallergenic. Their excellent thermoregulatory properties make the blankets equally comfortable to use in both cold and warm seasons. In winter they warm up perfectly, and in summer they create a pleasant coolness between the body and the blanket. Of the shortcomings of linen blankets, you can only name them. high cost, but this is more than offset by the long service life of the product.

Bamboo Filler Blanket

Often, when deciding which blanket with which filler is better to choose, people opt for products. They are very popular for their antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. A tick will never start in such a filler, and dust hardly accumulates in it, so this blanket is just perfect for allergy sufferers. Cleaning and maintaining it is straightforward. The blanket absorbs moisture well and does not obstruct the passage of air. Lightweight yet warm, they are ideal for all seasons.

Woolen quilt

There are several options for the wool used to make blankets - camel, sheep, goat, alpaca and merino wool. If you don't know how to choose a wool blanket, keep in mind that they are all natural materials with healing properties. They perfectly absorb moisture, remain dry to the touch, warm well in winter and are breathable and lightweight, which does not exclude their use in summer.

When deciding how to choose a blanket made of wool, you need to take into account that the most durable products are obtained from camel, blankets made of goat hair have an additional massage effect, unique blankets made of merino wool treat skin problems, alpaca wool, with all the above advantages of other types of wool, does not roll and is the most durable. The disadvantages of any wool are the impossibility of using in the presence of allergies and difficult care (only dry cleaning).

Microfiber blanket filler

- one of the varieties of polyester fiber, from which most modern artificial fillers are made. The advantages of microfiber are its hypoallergenicity, elasticity and shape retention, low thermal conductivity, low weight and ease of maintenance. In addition, the duvet with artificial filling is durable - its service life is at least 10 years. Of the minuses, the lack of hygroscopicity and electrification can be noted. These metrics are critical to understanding how to choose a good blanket.

Blanket filler silk

The fluffy fibers produced by silkworms are used as filler in blankets. Naturally, the cost of such products is high. Their advantages are hypoallergenic, antibacterial properties, high hygroscopicity, durability, breathability, anti-static and easy care... They are suitable for the summer and, at the most, the demi-season period, since they have high thermal conductivity. How to choose a silk blanket - follow the reliability of the manufacturer's information so as not to run into a fake.

What is the best blanket cover?

Not the last place is occupied by the issue of outer covering of blankets. What kind of blankets are there and how to choose the right not only filling, but also the outer shell? The most common fabrics of covers are satin, calico,. They are used to sew blankets with any filler, except for down and feathers. For such fillers, a dense teak pillow is required so that feathers and down do not crawl out.

Blankets covered with silk and satin look exquisite and luxurious. They can be a real decoration for luxurious bedroom, moreover, these materials are extremely pleasant to the touch. Silk pleasantly cools the skin. This is an ideal choice for summer season if you are not prone to excessive sweating. The cost of these products is higher, but their appearance and status are worth it.

How to choose the size of the duvet?

And, perhaps, the last question related to which blanket to choose will concern its dimensions. There are 3 main categories, according to which, blankets are divided into:

  1. Single (one and a half lorries). Combining them into one group is not accidental - the sizes of both, according to GOST, are 1.4-1.6 m in width, 2.05-2.15 m in length.European manufacturers mark them somewhat differently, indicating on the packaging 1-bed or 1,5-bed.
  2. Doubles. Designed for couples who are used to sleeping under one large blanket. There is also a demand for them among those who like to sleep "in a big way" alone. Their dimensions are 1.72-2 m in width and 2.05-2.2 in length. The European designation for a double blanket is 2-bed.
  3. Euro maxi. If you have a bed about 2 meters wide, then a super-large blanket will not hurt you either. Its maximum size is 2.2x2.4 m. This king size will allow you to “pull the blanket over yourself” without harming your partner.

In the article we will talk about the selection rules good blanket... Guided by the instructions, everyone will know which blanket is better to choose - from natural or synthetic filler.

An adult spends about a third of his life sleeping. High-quality and comfortable sleep is impossible without a blanket and pillow.

Bedding should correspond to the size of the bed, temperature regime, physiological characteristics of a person.

  1. The main function of the blanket is to maintain a constant body temperature. The filler is responsible for maintaining the temperature - wool, synthetics, cotton, fluff, silk. When choosing, consider the composition, size, ability to keep warm.
  2. Get the right size. Manufacturers offer a variety of sizes and even custom made.
  3. A quality blanket has good warming properties. This indicator is written on the packaging.

If you're freezing even on a summer night, buy a camel or cashmere blanket. To keep warm in winter, pay attention to the product made from down. If it's hot even in severe frosts, get a synthetic or silk version.

Video Tips

Rules for choosing a down comforter

Some duvets are more expensive than others. How to choose not to overpay? To do this, you need to get acquainted with the proposed options.

Cheap materials are used in the production of low quality duvets. Be sure to pay attention to the quality of the fabric.

The most durable is considered to be a cassette-type blanket. It takes more time to manufacture such a product. True, the result is worth it, because it differs in some features:

  • the inner seam prevents the fluff from coming out;
  • thanks to the cassette type of cut, the down does not mix inside;
  • due to internal membranes, it is more airy.

The filler should consist of high-quality fluff, without an unpleasant odor. In most cases, goose down is used, the quality indicator of which is elasticity. When choosing, consider temperature regime in the apartment. If the bedroom is cool, buy a warmer item.

A duvet will last a long time if properly cared for. Down is a natural product, so it needs access to air and periodic ventilation.

It is strictly forbidden to store down in a wet state. When drying, you should not knock it out.

Choosing a bamboo blanket

Bamboo fiber is a viscose-type material that resembles cotton wool.

  1. Choose the size of the bamboo product by 50 cm larger than the bed. So the edges will go down along the edges. sleeping place.
  2. The filling of the bamboo blanket should be spread as evenly as possible.
  3. Take a look at the firmware. If the firmware is thick, the filler will remain fluffy and not crumple.

In some cases, bamboo blankets are made according to the duvet-and-duvet principle. With the onset of cold weather, such a product plays the role of a duvet cover, and in warm weather - an independent blanket.

Benefits of bamboo blankets

  1. Suitable for sensitive skin.
  2. Does not cause allergic irritation and prevents the growth of bacteria.
  3. Air-permeable and non-absorbent unpleasant odors.
  4. They do not need special care. It is enough to occasionally take out on fresh air and do not expose to moisture for a long time.
  5. Are erased in washing machine... It is not recommended to keep it rolled up for a long time after washing, the filler and the coating may deform.
  6. Quite affordable cost.

Pros and cons of sheep wool blankets

When a person buys new clothes, first of all, it is guided by the season. The choice of a blanket is the same. In summer, a silk or bamboo product is considered indispensable, in winter it is better to use a down or woolen product.


Product filled with sheep wool, has many advantages:

  1. Has a healing effect.
  2. Keeps you warm.
  3. Serves for a long time.
  4. Lung.
  5. Absorbs moisture.


  1. If the sheep's wool was not sheared or combed out, it is uncomfortable to sleep under such a product.
  2. In some cases, it causes an allergic reaction.
  3. A mole may start.

Expert opinion

Rules for choosing a warm blanket

A summer blanket with silk, rayon or bamboo filler will not help in winter, unless the apartment is very hot.

Let's talk about blankets that will protect you from the cold in winter time and provide a comfortable sleep.

  1. The pinnacle of leadership belongs to duvets, despite their light weight and softness. You can use 5-point products placed in a cassette-type case. They are very warm and reliable.
  2. In second place are wool models. The most expensive camel wool, it is distinguished by its elasticity, strength, elasticity.
  3. Hypoallergenic winter blankets are on sale. Such products are well cleaned and are not afraid of machine washing. They are widely used in Germany and Austria.
  4. Cotton blankets are also noteworthy. The material is well erased, absorbs moisture, does not go astray.

Types of synthetic fillers

When you visit any store that sells bedding, you will find a wide variety of models of synthetic products that differ in filler. Such fillers do not cause allergies, bugs, mites and fungi do not start in them.

  1. Lyocell... First appeared in Britain. Made from cellulose. Durable, good moisture absorption, pleasant to the touch. It is not difficult to look after, it can be washed in a washing machine.
  2. Polyester fiber ... Made from polyester. The fibers are carefully intertwined, resulting in an elastic structure. The finished product quickly restores its shape, evaporates moisture, retains heat and has ventilation properties.
  3. Thinsulate... Its characteristics resemble fluff. Differs in a long service life.
  4. Silicone... Does not accumulate dust and odor, mites do not live in it. Boasts enviable thermoregulatory properties.

Synthetic blankets are soft and lightweight, highly practical and durable. Their cost is much lower than products made of fluff or wool.

How to choose a blanket for the summer

Many people use winter blankets, sheets or throws in the summer, but it should be appropriate for the season.

  1. The size . Summer option the size does not differ from the winter version. If the size of the available option suits you, feel free to purchase the same one. Otherwise, buy a product that is 40 cm larger than your height. The dimensions of a standard summer blanket for two people, 180 cm tall, are 205 by 220 cm.
  2. Price... Some people think that the cost of the summer model is lower than the winter one. This is not the case, since the price depends on the material and quality. The most expensive are woolen blankets, followed by cotton, and the cheapest are synthetic.
  3. Tactile sensations ... Make sure the product is tactile.

Materials (edit)

The choice of materials is huge.

  1. Cotton... Perfect for warm seasons. Can be used without duvet cover.
  2. Wool... Breathes well, retains heat, helps with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, hypoallergenic.
  3. Silk... Only natural silk is suitable. A model made of low-quality silk can cause the development of skin diseases.

Blankets for newborns and children from 3 years old

Choosing the right blanket for your newborn

Parents are sensitive to things concerning a newborn baby. They buy quality clothing, safe toys, a comfy crib, and a nice set of bedding.

Pediatricians recommend not using pillows for baby sleep. At the initial stage of life, the baby's body is not protected from the influence of the outside world. If the child felt comfortable in his mother’s tummy, after birth, the parents should provide him with such conditions. What should be a blanket for a baby?

  1. Only from natural material... Choose environmentally friendly raw materials without impurities. Synthetic ones cannot be used and brought into the room where the child sleeps.
  2. The best option is with a cotton cover. The filler needs light and high quality. The dyes are stable.
  3. If the product is heavy and dense, the baby will only dream of comfort. The product should allow air to pass freely, otherwise the child will begin to sweat, which will cause colds, diaper rash and other troubles.
  4. Consider color, strength, size and cut. These factors do not affect the health of the baby, but they will affect the parents' wallet.
  5. Find the middle ground between quality and price.
  6. When buying, be sure to ask the seller about the availability of a license and a quality certificate.
  7. One blanket is not enough for a child. You will have to choose and buy several options. One product is suitable for walking, the second for sleeping, and the third for the baby's crawling on the floor.

There is no rush in choosing a blanket for a child. How correct your choice will be depends on the health and well-being of the baby.

Choosing a blanket for a baby

Children sleep a lot, so for comfort you need to do right choice bedding. It concerns pillows, linens and blankets.

When choosing a baby blanket, various indicators are taken into account - the health of the baby, the microclimate of the room, the season, the financial capabilities of the parents.

  1. Quilt from padding polyester ... Warm, light, washable, easy to care for. Poor air permeability and is capable of accumulating an electric charge.
  2. Wadded... It features good breathability, retains heat and absorbs moisture. Grooming is not easy. Hard to wash, dries for a long time, easily absorbs odors, clumps and rolls.
  3. Woolen... It is based on natural fiber. It can be used if the child does not have allergies. Good breathability, warming and moisture absorption. Cannot be washed. You have to spend money on dry cleaning.
  4. Downy... It features light weight, good heat conservation, good air permeability and moisture absorption. The fluff often contains the remains of ticks, as a result, the baby may develop allergies.
  5. Silk... Almost perfect. Complies with modern quality standards, does not accumulate an electric charge, absorbs moisture and conducts air. It is warm and easy to clean. The only drawback is the high cost.

If you have read the article to the end, you have learned how to choose the right blanket, what options for fillers are offered by stores. Having decided on your tastes and needs, you can easily choose a wonderful bedding accessory that will warm cold winter and will bring a comfortable sleep in the sultry summer.

A person sleeps for about a third of his life, so everyone wants to provide this part of existence with comfort and coziness. On modern market you can find enough wide choose blankets that differ in both the material of the outer surface and the inner filler. To pick up correct option, you should study a sufficient amount of information about each type. This will help you weigh all the advantages and disadvantages, as well as compare them with direct competitors. In winter, the choice of a blanket depends on how well the product retains heat, but you should not forget about the comfort of use and ease of maintenance.

Cotton blanket

A cotton blanket is not the most practical thing.

Cotton wool is one of the most traditional insulation materials used in blankets. Judging by the reviews, it is very effective and inexpensive. Just a few decades ago, wadded blankets were almost the only option suitable for winter, while now there are plenty to choose from. Thick items are not suitable for winter because they can cause overheating of the body.


  • cotton filler absorbs moisture well;
  • keeps you warm remarkably;
  • the material does not cause allergic reactions in humans.


  • a blanket with cotton wool is quite heavy;
  • the filler does not allow the blanket to "breathe", creates a greenhouse effect under it;
  • the blanket is difficult to maintain, it is not easy to clean, wash, and even dry cleaning may not lead to the desired result.

But still, many people still have old cotton blankets, so you should know how to properly care for them so that the filler does not turn into a pile of lumps:

  • the blanket is not recommended to be washed, so it is much easier and safer to simply knock it out of the dust;
  • you can also use a vacuum cleaner with the most powerful setting.

If you still firmly decided to wash a cotton blanket, then you should adhere to the following rules:

  • In no case is it recommended to squeeze the material, so to dry it you just need to hang it so that the water flows down;
  • so that the surface does not fade in direct sunlight, it should be covered with something for protection;
  • whisk the blanket during washing to prevent lumps from forming, so this can only be done by hand.

Silk blanket

This option will appeal to those who love the luxurious appearance of products and pleasant tactile sensations. Heating parameters depend more on the quality of the filler. Silk is not always the warmest for winter period.


  • the material is reliably protected from insect pests, dust mites do not tolerate silk and do not settle in it;
  • silk filler does not cause allergies;
  • the service life of the material reaches about 10 years;
  • the blanket is pleasant to the touch and has positive energy, so it's easy and pleasant to rest under it.

Unfortunately, there are some drawbacks:

  • silk blanket has heavy weight, therefore, not suitable for everyone;
  • the material is difficult to care for, it cannot be chemically treated or washed;
  • the blanket requires very delicate care: it is not recommended to roll it up tightly during storage, it should always be straightened out;
  • products High Quality are quite expensive, while in budget models the quality level is very low.
  • frequent regular ventilation;
  • in case of contamination, the blanket should be given only to a delicate dry-cleaner, but even there they may refuse to work with such material;
  • so that dust does not accumulate inside, it is advisable to keep the product in a duvet cover, and during storage in the package.

Duvet blanked


This type of filler compares favorably with the parameters of heat preservation, practicality and ease of avoiding the above options. The main material for stuffing products is natural goose or duck down. Goose blankets turn out to be soft, and duck blankets are more massive and heavy. The most expensive models are made from loon down, which also has medicinal properties.

The high cost of the material is due to the fact that it is possible to collect the down only during the period when the bird's nesting period ends. About 30 grams of down can be collected from one bird, so the cost of one blanket is about 10-20 thousand dollars. Simpler and more affordable options are also considered here.


  • elasticity - excellent and does not wrinkle;
  • lightness - the product does not create unpleasant pressure during sleep;
  • softness - allows you to comfortably hide, does not form hard corners;
  • long service life;
  • aeration - provides good air circulation;
  • perfectly retains heat in winter;
  • a universal option for summer and winter, during the warm period it is not hot under it.


  • it is not recommended to use in rooms with high humidity, the fluff quickly damp here;
  • natural down is a good habitat for dust mites that cause allergies.

Even disadvantages can be fought with proper care:

  • to prevent the appearance of ticks, the material should be subjected to natural heat treatment: put out in the sun in the summer and in the frost in the winter;
  • it is advisable to shake the product daily, this contributes to its airing and loosening of the filler;
  • at a time when it is not in use, it is advisable to keep it straightened;
  • the place for storage and use should have a relative humidity level of not more than 65%;
  • you can machine wash on delicate modes, but for greater safety it is better to use dry cleaning services.

Synthetic blanket

Synthetics are a very warm filler for winter, characterized by a high level of practicality. Synthetic blankets will become indispensable for summer residents who will use them in an unheated room with a high level of dampness. After all, down and woolen fillers will quickly damp, unlike synthetics. One of the best in the ratio of price and quality of artificial fillers is, or as it is also called "swan's fluff".

It earned its popularity due to the following advantages:

  • tolerates any level of humidity without problems;
  • easy to care for, does not lend itself to piling and does not form lumps during washing;
  • does not cause allergies in people, unlike natural fillers;
  • during storage, it can be packed as tightly as possible and even with long-term storage in this way it will not lose its original form.

Despite the impressive set of advantages, synthetics also have a number of disadvantages:

  • the level of warming is inferior to natural duvets, you have to select options with a large thickness (modern manufacturers produce two-layer models with a synthetic filler that can be connected to each other);
  • the filler does not provide a good level of air exchange, so over time, a greenhouse effect is created;
  • synthetics do not absorb moisture;
  • not recommended for people who suffer from hypertension, shortness of breath and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Nevertheless, the rules for caring for such a blanket are as simple and convenient as possible:

  • the material easily tolerates washing in an automatic machine, while it does not lose its positive characteristics and does not lose its decent appearance;
  • it is enough to wash the blanket once every three months;
  • the service life of the material is about five years with active use.

Camel wool blanket

Camel blanket

This is one of the best options for the winter period, there are much more pros than cons. For those people who want to sleep in warmth and comfort in winter, you should pay special attention to them.

Camel wool is one of the most valuable animal insulating materials. There are two main varieties: quilted and plaid.

Woolen blankets are lightweight and well suited for winter. It is recommended to use duvet covers to prevent splitting of the wool. Even delicate items keep you warm in cold weather.

The quality of the quilt depends on the density of the filling. According to this parameter, there are several types of sleeping accessories:

  • lungs;
  • lightweight;
  • all-season;
  • warm.

Warm ones are suitable for the harshest winters, while all-season ones can become universal option for any season. You can determine the density by looking at the information on the product label.

  • If the density of the filler is 420 g / m2, then the blanket will be very warm and suitable for those times when the heating has not yet been turned on in the house, and for people who are freezing in any weather.
  • 300-350 g / m 2 have all-season models, they are suitable for use at any time, except for the summer period.
  • Lightweight blankets have a density of 220-280 g / m2. They are best used in summer, early fall and late spring.
  • 200 g / m 2 are used mainly for the summer period.

Many modern models do not consist of pure camel hair. The exact composition must be indicated by the manufacturer on the label. Popular models - 80% camel and 20% sheep wool.

Great popularity and positive reviews This variety received due to its advantages, among which the following are worth noting:

  • the ability to self-clean - all the sweat that absorbs the material overnight quickly disappears outward;
  • excellent heat retention parameters, which allows you to ensure comfortable conditions for sleeping in the winter;
  • has a long service life, which can be about 15 years with proper care;
  • takes off nervous tension and has a healing effect, relaxes the body and removes muscle tension;
  • due to the fact that there is lanolin in the wool, the blanket has a healing effect;
  • used for prophylaxis in rheumatic and orthopedic diseases, as well as in osteochondrosis;
  • Lanolin acts on the skin cosmetically, rejuvenating it with constant contact by improving blood circulation.

But there are also disadvantages here, albeit not as significant as the advantages:

  • camel blankets are categorically contraindicated for people with wool allergies;
  • dust mites can start in the product, and the material can also be attacked by moths;
  • as a rule, natural wool products are expensive.

To keep such a valuable purchase in good condition so that it lasts as long as possible, you must follow these guidelines:

  • the blanket can be washed without any problems in an ordinary automatic washing machine (delicate and gentle modes are suitable);
  • use soft powders or liquid gels as a cleaning agent;
  • some versions of products can only be processed in dry cleaning, you should carefully study the label;
  • in the summer, it is worth taking products out of the house or leaving them on open balcony for airing;
  • washing should be done every six months.

The best camel wool is produced in Mongolia. Often, under the guise of this material, you can buy a fake or a thing with a high content of sheep's wool. The best way to test the naturalness of the material is to set a few strands of filler on fire. Camel hair burns slowly, rolls into a black ball and smells like burnt hair or feathers. If you run your hand over the garment, it does not leave a dry feeling like sheep's wool.

Bamboo blanket

Bamboo Fiber Blanket

Bamboo fiber can be classified as a novelty - it has only recently begun to be used as a filler. A blanket with bamboo fibers is considered one of the best options for the winter period - on par with camel hair. The material has earned its popularity due to the following advantages:

  • excellent quality of thermoregulation, which is the main parameter for warm winter blankets;
  • does not cause allergies, making it suitable for almost all people;
  • good hygroscopicity - the material absorbs and evaporates moisture without any problems;
  • does not accumulate static electricity;
  • the composition contains honey pectin, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, gives it elasticity, smoothness and other positive qualities;
  • has dust-repellent properties;
  • regulates the temperature well at different times of the year, so it is suitable for both summer and winter;
  • the material is durable.

Bamboo fiber has practically no disadvantages. However, it is not always possible to buy a 100% natural blanket. The fact is that some manufacturers classify their products as bamboo even when it contains only 10% of natural plant fiber. Thus, when choosing, you should be very careful in order to choose a decent model.


Naturally, all the advantages and disadvantages in theory cannot give a complete picture of the picture that will be in practice. Each person has their own requirements for a winter blanket and, based on this, the main priorities are selected. Also, the selection criteria depend on how much a person gets cold, and on other purely personal factors.

In today's market, if you put aside the question of the purchase budget and consider not only cheap options, the undisputed leaders are blankets made of camel wool, bamboo fiber, as well as synthetic fillers. Quilts, although they are used mainly by those who already have them, it is better to change to modern ones - such fillers turn out to be more practical.

It is also important to choose a blanket according to outward appearance... For example, regular quilts do not hold the filler very securely on the inside. The best way of fastening is cassettes, a stitch in the form of rhombuses or rectangles, which reliably protects the material from migration.

Judging by user reviews, not all the benefits in practice turn out to be as rosy as in theory. For example, it is not always possible to wash a blanket in your own automatic machine. If it gets wet, it will simply rip off the drum due to the large mass. Also, not all models provide coolness in summer, so the question of versatility remains open. But if you need very warm blanket for harsh winters, it is worth paying more attention to the heat capacity of the filler, as the only true indicator.

In the modern market, you can find blankets with a wide variety of "stuffing" - for every taste and wallet. How to navigate this wealth and make the right choice? Such a variety of fillers for the blanket is baffling. After all, each version of the filler has its own characteristics and properties. So what is the best blanket for you?

What to consider when choosing?

When choosing a filler for a blanket, you need to consider a lot:

  • Season
  • Coating
  • Blanket sewing technology
  • Hypoallergenic properties
  • Blanket weight
  • Wear resistance

Only after considering all the options, you can stop your choice on a filler that will meet these parameters, and also fit in cost.

The consumer is offered options for fillers from swan down to holofiber. Therefore, you need to consider all the properties and features of various materials in order to determine the choice.

Camel's wool

This material is distinguished by naturalness and increased heat performance. Besides, it is very light and easy to use.

  • Wear resistance;
  • Lightweight;
  • Possesses medicinal properties.
  • Low resistance to moths, which “eat” camel wool with pleasure (natural product!);
  • May cause allergies;
  • Dry clean only;
  • High price.

Sheep's wool

Sheep wool has been used for blankets for thousands of years. The products are light and warm, have healing properties (they treat sore joints).

  • Very warm;
  • Heals sore joints;
  • Easily absorbs and evaporates moisture;
  • Low cost: the price of sheep filler is lower than that of camel filler, with practically the same quality characteristics.
  • Large weight;
  • Allergenicity;
  • Difficulty in care and cleaning.


An exquisite cashmere blanket is the choice of people who can afford the high cost of a product with excellent performance properties.

  • ease;
  • high heat indicators;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • strength and durability;
  • duration of use with preservation of properties;
  • aesthetics.
  • high price;
  • increased requirements for cleaning.

Merino wool

The fine and twisted wool of the Australian merino sheep is used to make blankets.

  • Good thermal stabilizer: it retains heat well and absorbs moisture, and in the heat it maintains a comfortable temperature;
  • good air permeability;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Medicinal properties: has antiseptic effect, sedative effect, improves blood circulation.
  • Slight pungency of wool: when choosing such a blanket, you need to take care of a duvet cover made of dense material;
  • Heavy enough;
  • Very high cost.

It is important to use moth repellent when storing wool-filled blankets.

Silk blanket

Silk filling - a special technology for fluffing up natural silk fibers.

  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Microorganisms and mites do not start;
  • High rates of moisture exchange;
  • Operational period up to 12 years;
  • The blanket has anti-static properties;
  • No greenhouse effect due to air exchange;
  • Easy to care for.
  • Use only in summer or off-season;
  • Dry cleaning only recommended;
  • High cost of products, comparable to natural down.

Cotton filler

Cotton filling (not to be confused with cotton duvets) is made from natural cotton by modern technologies, and is a high quality and hypoallergenic material. At the same time, there are some disadvantages that limit the choice in his favor.

  • The material is not durable and quickly loses its performance;
  • Heavy weight of the product;
  • Low moisture exchange rates, leaves almost 40% of non-evaporated moisture in the product.

Eucalyptus fiber

Eucalyptus filler tenzel (Lyocell) is made from the fibers of eucalyptus stems by regenerating cellulose. The finished product has a light and airy structure, which makes the blanket itself seem weightless. Remarkable heat transfer properties make it possible to use the product both in summer and winter. Like all other vegetable fillers, tenzel (Lyocell) has many advantages.

Extraordinary smoothness, does not allow dust to linger on the surface. The filling is breathable, eliminating the greenhouse effect under the duvet. High rates of moisture yield: when moisture gets on the surface of the product, it is very quickly absorbed, and also evaporates quickly. The material has antiseptic and bactericidal qualities, therefore microorganisms and fungi cannot develop on the surface and inside the product. Eucalyptus fiber has a beneficial effect on the air in the bedroom, and has a relaxation effect on the body, which greatly improves the quality of sleep. The healing properties are expressed in the presence of healing extracts, which are rich in eucalyptus stems.

  • excellent performance in terms of wear resistance while maintaining performance for up to 10 years;
  • environmental friendliness and safety for the body;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • ease of maintenance allows you to wash the product without restrictions, while it does not deform at all.
  • high price.

Bird fluff

From time immemorial, bird down has been used to fill blankets. The most common down is goose down, which has both advantages and disadvantages.

  • high rates of heating properties;
  • breathability;
  • lightness of the finished product;
  • antistatic;
  • long service life (about 20 years).
  • difficulties in care and storage;
  • low moisture exchange;
  • attraction of dust, which may cause dust mites to appear in the product, and the person may develop allergic reactions.

Of the down of other birds, loon down is popular, but its cost is so high that fillers for eider down blankets are made to order.

When buying a duvet, carefully study the composition of the filler, namely the percentage of down and feathers. The ideal pen content is no more than 40 percent.

Bamboo fiber

Bamboo filler is an environmentally friendly product that confidently finds its consumers. It is made from bamboo stalks by processing into regenerated cellulose.

  • environmental friendliness;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • thermoregulation;
  • lightness of the product by weight;
  • easy to clean.
  • low rates of heating capacity and moisture exchange;
  • lack of durability;
  • short service life.

Hemp and linen fillers

Fillers made of hemp and flax are excellent substitutes for expensive natural silk.

  • hypoallergenic (dust mites will not start);
  • good air permeability and moisture exchange;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • antibacterial;
  • durable;
  • Easy to clean (easy to wash and dry quickly).
  • quite high cost.

Thinsulate (artificial swan down)

An analogue of natural swan down in a synthetic version is thinsulate.

  • hypoallergenic (does not accumulate harmful microorganisms);
  • good performance properties;
  • low rates of thermal conductivity;
  • low weight of the finished product;
  • the blanket keeps its shape well, and when crumpled, it quickly restores it;
  • can be washed often, but dries quickly.
  • poor air circulation, which makes it possible to overheat under the blanket;
  • accumulates electrostatics;
  • practically does not absorb moisture.

Cotton wool filler

The wadded blanket is a classic of the genre.

  • inexpensive;
  • very warm;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • perfectly absorbs moisture.
  • fragility;
  • the product is very heavy;
  • easily deformed;
  • accumulates dust;
  • difficult to clean, can not be washed.

Sintepon is considered the best alternative cotton filler... A blanket with padding polyester is just as warm, but much lighter than a cotton one.


A padding polyester filler is an inexpensive material that is in demand as an inexpensive analogue of fillers made from natural raw materials. The synthetic winterizer is made from non-bulky synthetic fibers.

  • Low cost;
  • Low weight of the product;
  • Lack of lump formation;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Retains heat.
  • Short service life;
  • Loss of forms;
  • Over time, the ability to retain heat decreases significantly.


Holofiber fillers appeared not so long ago, but were appreciated by the consumer as the best way replacing synthetic winterizer or silicone. Holofiber is a material consisting of twisted polyester fibers impregnated with silicone with a springy structure, which is distinguished by its elasticity and the ability to quickly recover. The fibers, which are empty inside, contain air, which in turn retains heat. Finished goods they are pleasantly soft and elastic. Blankets are made both for the off-season (lightweight version) and for the winter. The material has all the properties of synthetic fillers.

  • hypoallergenic;
  • lack of toxicity;
  • fire resistance;
  • resistance to fungi, bacteria and dust mites;
  • ease of care.
  • loses its original lightness and elasticity after numerous washes;
  • loses its shape over time;
  • too warm;
  • build up static electricity quickly.

Silicone fiber

Silicone filler is no different from padding polyester, the only difference is the impregnation of the nonwoven fabric with silicone, therefore its performance properties are better than that of padding polyester. If we compare the cost, then it is slightly higher, but the difference is minimal, and the quality is better.

  • perfectly retains heat even after multiple washes;
  • does not shrink and does not lose shape;
  • perfectly absorbs moisture;
  • very light and airy.
  • "Dumps" from the duration of operation, in order to prevent this process, manufacturers specially sew their products.


The structure of the material - air and fibers contribute to the retention of heat. The cost of the product is available to use the blanket not only for sleeping, but to take it with you on hikes, for long trips and other situations. It can be folded to a minimum size, and unfolded, you can get a good and warm blanket, since the material easily restores its shape and is not prone to deformation.

  • hypoallergenic, microorganisms and mites do not start;
  • ease of care;
  • heat preservation;
  • lack of absorption of foreign odors.
  • insufficient air permeability;
  • low ability to absorb moisture.

The proposed videos will help answer the question: how to choose the right blanket by filler, depending on the purpose, season and desired characteristics, and how to avoid the most common mistakes when choosing it.

The nuances of choosing the best blanket

Wool and down are materials, the quality and performance of which is beyond doubt. But for those who are prone to allergic manifestations, they can be troublesome. Therefore, products require regular processing, ventilation and drying.

Vegetable and silk fillings for blankets are an alternative replacement for wool and down. Bamboo and silk fillers do not retain heat well, so they are not suitable for winters. It is necessary to stop the choice on such products as eucalyptus, cotton, flax and hemp.

If you want an inexpensive filler, but at the same time retaining heat well, choose synthetics, but keep in mind that they have low moisture exchange rates, so you need to buy for the off-season and winter separately (taking into account the density).

How do they say about fillers?

I bought a padding polyester blanket. It seems both good and warm. But after the first wash, the firmware came apart, and the filler itself got lost in a heap. Need to buy another blanket.

Larisa Vasilievna

It is very cold here in Anadyr in winter, so I was looking for a blanket that would really warm. I bought it from bird down, but was not very happy. It is warm, but does not allow moisture to pass through at all. You wake up all wet. You have to immediately go to wash, instead of drinking coffee first, and then hygiene procedures.

Vadim Marchenko

I am a student. Money for natural filler no, so I bought it with holofiber. Great thing! Warm and light! Although they write that the holofiber blanket does not allow moisture to pass through well, somehow I did not notice it. Our windows are not sealed, and the room is cool, but I feel very comfortable!

Thinsulate said not filler, but bomb! I tried it, and immediately removed it. Unbearably hot! You can sleep on the street under such a blanket. You won't freeze.

Do you want to sleep comfortably and healthy? Choose the filler that's right for you! Knowing the characteristics of your body, the conditions in the room in different time years, and also taking into account the financial capabilities, you can choose a filler that will meet your requirements. The benefit of materials is a great variety. Have a nice, healthy and comfortable sleep!