How to choose a cotton blanket. What is the best blanket filler? Types of fillers and their characteristics

If in the last century the main question was where to buy and what was not so important, now the main problem is the problem of choice. The variety of types of goods is sometimes confusing. Most of a person's life is spent in bed - this has long been proven and calculated by scientists. Therefore, you should purchase sleeping accessories as thoughtfully and scrupulously as possible.

For every inhabitant of the planet, the word blanket evokes only positive emotions: affectionate, cozy, warm. But how many types of blankets are available to buyers? - hundreds. This is the usual wadded or downy blanket, and the newfangled know-how - lyo-purpose made from fibers of eucalyptus trees or. And you need to choose the one that will become native. So, you should start by defining the selection criteria. Clearly name the requirements for it. After all, it can be warm to keep warm in frosty evenings and nights, and possibly for cool summer twilight.

So what are blankets like? First of all, varied in size. The next distinguishing factor is naturalness. The filler is different, which filler is better for a blanket is difficult to say, it all depends on personal preferences and material properties. So synthetic include polyester, thermofiber, etc. They are durable, easy to wash, hypoallergenic. But often artificial materials poor air conductivity, and the body does not breathe during sleep. Therefore, blankets made from natural materials are more preferable for a good night's rest. And there is a huge selection: a camel wool blanket and a merino blanket made of sheep wool and flannel, silk and woolen, various blankets and bedspreads.

Remember, the blanket must be environmentally friendly.

Colorful mosaic

In terms of assembly methods, they also have cardinal differences: stitched or patchwork quilt... Patchwork pieces are extremely popular in the 21st century. These are not just darned old things, but works of art. After all, cotton and linen, coarse calico and wool are used in the manufacture of these bright panels that have come through several centuries. When creating a country-style interior, a patchwork quilt must certainly be present. Or the owners who are fond of folklore romanticism will definitely make a choice in favor of this option. Under such a product it will be not only comfortable and calm, but also aesthetically pleasing. Unique and colorful, it will become a pleasant acquisition not only for yourself, but also an invaluable gift for family and friends.

Time-tested - stitching

A large number of natural blankets are as usual as quilted ones. Moreover, the stitching product, which has the shape of squares, and not just parallel straight lines, will be more reliable and durable. The most popular option is a woolen blanket. Such models are open - made of tanned skins and blankets, as well as blankets with woolen filling. Their most significant advantage is warmth and therapeutic effect... So a lambswool blanket contains animal wax - lanolin. And its decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect has long been proven by doctors. They are unpretentious in care: they dry quickly and are easily washed. The type includes:

  • cashmere;
  • camel;
  • merino;
  • double silk (camel hair, silk and Kashmir goat down).

Before buying a blanket, select the type of assembly

So what is their fundamental difference?

The softest and lightest is considered to be a goat down blanket. Gentle and quickly absorbing moisture, while dry to the touch - cashmere duvet. Its healing warmth will support rheumatism and radiculitis, sprains and headaches.

The most durable and incredibly wear-resistant with airy lightness and optimal heat saving is a camel blanket. This wool is also highly absorbent and will help improve health. It will warm you affectionately, but will not let you overheat and sweat during sleep. Even for babies, pediatricians recommend a similar camel wool blanket.

Merino wool products are famous for their special gentle warmth - a specially bred breed of sheep with a thin fiber thickness. For orthopedic diseases, it is recommended to use a blanket made of sheep wool of this particular breed. It is completely anti-allergenic, and therefore suitable even for people with asthmatic diseases. At the same time, the absorbent properties of moisture in such raw materials are eight times greater than that of any other natural and synthetic. Unique chemical reaction occurs when moisture is absorbed: heat of sorption is released.

To products made from natural raw materials, everyone is familiar - a flannel blanket. It is made from natural cotton. Its advantages include compactness, low creasing, possibility or bedspreads. Such products serve for decades: they are easily washed even in a typewriter and dry quickly. Often just such a copy is purchased for newborns: hypoallergenic, optimal for sheltering a child not only in a crib, but also in a stroller for a walk, when traveling.

The first place in terms of environmental friendliness is taken by such an unusual bamboo blanket. It is the fibers of bamboo viscose extracted from the core of the stems, weightless and durable, that have the highest air permeability. Antiseptic and antibacterial properties, destroying the viability of pathogenic microbes, make the bamboo blanket the leader among bedding. Products made from this colossal blade of grass can and should be washed in an ordinary machine, only on a delicate cycle. Then spread out on a horizontal surface and drain off excess moisture. With simple drying: all fibers will quickly return to their previous shape. A bamboo blanket will last longer if it is periodically fluffed and ventilated.

Cover - important detail, it will help you keep the duvet fresher longer

An important detail - the cover

No less important element in the blanket and material for the cover. There are samples with removable covers: it is easy to remove and replace, and the product itself remains clean and in its original form. But in many cases it is the cover that is stitched together with the filler. With any choice as fabrics for him - also natural materials. Calico and polycotton acts as a durable and reliable companion, be it a woolen or bamboo blanket.

Of course, products from other status types of fabrics are no less in demand. For instance, . Moreover, it is not only covered with silk fabric, but can also be filled with silk. Such Chinese specimens will emphasize the status of the owners and even become a kind of family rarity. They are an elite and expensive purchase. Often they are not quilted, otherwise silk fibers will pass into the smallest holes, and thermoregulation will decrease. In the manufacture of other types of blankets, silk is also used. For example, a patchwork quilt is assembled from pieces of silk saturated color and a unique pattern. So, summer and winter, natural and artificial, quilted and with covers - a huge selection of cozy blankets.

When deciding which blanket to choose, you should focus on several criteria, of which the main ones are filler, size, quality, functionality and convenience. It is easy to get confused in the variety of the supermarket's assortment, succumb to the persuasion of a consultant, listen to the peremptory voice of a random buyer nearby and make the wrong choice.

Correctly selected is the key to a good rest, which should ensure vitality and performance. The wrong choice, in addition to the discomfort experienced every night, will ruin your mood and cause regret for wasted money.

That is why the question of how to choose a blanket should be decided in advance, in a calm atmosphere, conducive to meditation and viewing available sources. Time passes, new technologies appear, new fillers are used, and it is not worth looking like a layman in the eyes of a consultant, asking for clarifications and deciding in a hurry. It is necessary to know in advance the answer to all the requirements for sleeping accessories and imagine what it will be like. The only thing left in the store is to adjust the color or design option.

Types of natural fillers: pros and cons

Choosing a blanket by filler is a rather difficult thing. In solving the problem, the main selection criterion is its main functional purpose - the preservation of the body temperature of a person who sleeps under it. During the day, outerwear helps to retain body heat; at night, bedding begins this function. If it is correctly selected, a comfortable and sound sleep is guaranteed in winter and during the colder months of other seasons. The modern industry produces quite a few types of fillers, and if cost matters, it is better to look at synthetic fillers. And if you want real warmth and comfort, you should look at natural ones.

Natural filler is the dream of every person who understands bed accessories. In the first place here is a filler made of natural silk, which has truly fabulous properties: under such a blanket it is warm, it practically does not wear out, does not collect dust, neither ticks nor fungus grow in it. It also absorbs and evaporates moisture, that is, it is hygroscopic.

Such a thing is good for someone who knows how to value luxury goods and treat them with care. It would be especially useful for people with respiratory diseases or allergy sufferers, but not all of them can afford silk. There are many arguments against such a choice, but they are very weighty. Silk is difficult to wash, so it is unlikely to be useful in a home with small children. Especially finicky people find the silk blanket too heavy.

Bamboo is also an example of the ideal. It is unpretentious to care for, wear-resistant, quite simply erased.

He has a lot of useful properties, namely:

  • does not keep unpleasant odors;
  • kills germs (acts as an antiseptic);
  • relieves fatigue by improving blood circulation;
  • does not accumulate dust;
  • keeps warm well;
  • not heavy and cozy.

Of the arguments against, the most weighty is the high cost.

If cost is not a barrier to purchase, you might consider a eucalyptus blanket as an option. This blanket for all seasons, a new word in the production of bedding, it is comfortable, heat-saving and healing.

Can be purchased one for each season or all-season. Antibacterial, creating a healing microclimate for the sleeping person and relieving fatigue in the morning. No allergic reactions and irritations, it can be dry-cleaned and washed at home in washing machine.

A good option for filler is tencel, it is produced from eucalyptus cellulose. It is believed to be virtually indistinguishable from eucalyptus. The cost of such a product is also relatively high.

A warm camel wool blanket does not need much advertising. It will always be used and appreciated due to its properties: human sweat does not linger in it, and with osteochondrosis and rheumatism it is also healing thing... But it is not suitable for allergy sufferers and moths can start in it. The last obstacle can be easily removed while maintaining proper cleanliness in the house.

If you want a wool blanket, you can try sheep wool, which does not cause allergies. Sheep wool filling is good for patients suffering from edema and inflammation. And it is also hygroscopic and breathable, it regulates the temperature and the sleep under it is just wonderful.

The cotton blanket used to be ideal option for lovers of inexpensive things with natural filling. But back then, whole cotton wadding was used, and now even medical wadding contains synthetic additives. A blanket with a wadded filler has a number of disadvantages: the wadding gets lost in lumps, it is long and troublesome to wash it, and it is difficult to dry it. And it weighs a lot. But many older people, when deciding which blanket to choose for the winter, would still choose a wadded blanket.

Video for choosing a filler for a blanket:

Synthetic fillers: inexpensive and practical

When it comes to which blanket to choose for a child suffering from allergic reactions, this is one of the best options. And the simplicity of care will make life much easier for mom. It is not always easy to teach a child to be neat, and a baby blanket with synthetic filling is light, practical, warm and inexpensive - the best option that can be easily replaced when the baby grows up.

The following materials are recognized as the most common and easy to use:

  • synthetic winterizer - weightless and safe, but almost out of use due to its ability to stray;
  • silicone - synthetic winterizer, treated with silicone to give it the best performance properties (it keeps heat better and quickly restores its shape);
  • holofiber - silicone fiber, empty inside. Its structure allows the material to spring slightly, retain air and retain heat (they are produced both for summer and for autumn and winter);
  • nanofiber - fibers with nanodiameter, hygroscopic, heat-insulating, warm, lightweight, easy to care for and practical;
  • artificial swansdown - an excellent option for sleeping, soft, light and, according to the manufacturers, is no different from natural fluff, except for the hypoallergenicity of the latter.

The advantages of a synthetic blanket are also that you can easily choose several options: summer, winter, and cool weather. If the packing is not easy enough, then the rest of the parameters and criteria will seem quite simple.

We offer you to watch the most complete video on choosing the best blanket:

How to decide on the size and tailoring?

Today, in the dimensional gradation, there are terms such as one and a half, double and euro. When buying a custom bed, you should be prepared for the fact that finding a blanket for her can be troublesome.

A standard one-and-a-half blanket usually has dimensions of 2mx1m40 cm, but there are products of 205 and 210 cm. A double blanket can be from 175 cm or more in width, from 205 cm to 240 cm in height (or length). The so-called euro is 220 by 240 cm, but there is also an option of 2x2 m.Choose the size of the blanket, based on how much a person will sleep under it, what is the length and width sleeping place (it is not good if it is too short or too long). If we are talking about a baby blanket, then there is such a thing as a blanket for a crib and a teenage blanket. If the baby is 10 or more years old and he sleeps on an adult bed or a folding chair, then it makes sense to buy a regular one and a half standard size... When purchasing a blanket, you can operate with the same dimensions.

As for sewing, there are 3 options - cassette, karostep and quilted product. In the quilted stitching is wide, the blanket in this version quickly fails, because the filler gets lost. The cassette is stitched in small sections, usually from 10 to 15 cm. This option is preferable, but a little more expensive.

Karostep is not only the smallest type of pattern, but also beautiful and durable. Such a blanket is in consumer demand not only because of its presentable appearance, but also because of its excellent performance properties.

Functionality and quality

Down duvets are considered the most demanded and popular, the most comfortable and of the highest quality. Those who understand luxury bed linen, do not buy a blanket in the supermarket, the packaging of which says "swan's down". Most likely this is a fake, because swans have relatively little down, which causes the difficulties of industrial production. Expensive shops, more reminiscent of museums, sell products from well-known European brands from different varieties natural fluff, namely:

  • goose, the most demanded, from Swiss manufacturers - reference;
  • duck, which is treated a little disdainfully and is considered low-grade due to the structure of the fluff;
  • eider - the warmest and most expensive, but heavier.

Connoisseurs do not buy swan down: it has long been banned by law and has been officially replaced by an artificial one. The artificial fluff of a hypothetical swan is just as light and warm, but, unlike natural, it does not cause allergies and, with proper care, does not lump into lumps. At the same time, it is cheaper, does not damp and does not become a home for down mites. So if it's in a case made of natural fabric and is sewn in a cassette way, from well-known manufacturers from Europe it is not much cheaper than natural.

How to choose a blanket for the season and the warmest:

Bamboo, camel, wadded, double, fluffy one and a half, stitched in a cassette way, in a case made of natural fabric or summer padding made of synthetic winterizer, with karostep, for a Euro bed - the choice is large enough, but it is worth prioritizing and it will not be difficult. If you choose the right blanket, you will get a comfortable night's rest for a long time.

A blanket is one of the basic accessories of a bedroom, a well-known attribute of a good, long and comfortable sleep. Traditionally, this product is made from wool and down, but in the modern era, most accessories of this kind are made from synthetic fibers.

What are the criteria for choosing a blanket

Modern stores delight customers with a huge assortment of a wide variety of bedding accessories. They also pay attention to blankets. What should you pay attention to, which blanket is better to buy, and which parameters should you simply neglect?

  • Filler... All sleeping accessories of this type are divided into two large groups - made of natural material or artificial synthetic fibers. Lovers of the classics will undoubtedly appreciate fluff or wool - warm, pleasant to the touch, and has many other advantages. Its main disadvantage is the price, the impossibility of a full wash, as well as complex care along with high allergenicity. Products on synthetic base significantly differ from each other, have a number of advantages and disadvantages, while acting as a reasonable alternative to the standard classics;
  • The size... Size is important. The blanket must be selected strictly according to the size of the bed, naturally taking into account your own preferences and dimensions. Modern standards suggest the possibility of purchasing one-, one and a half- and double options, or individual order for tailoring a product of non-standard size;
  • Case... The fabric of the blanket cover should not only be pleasant to the touch, but also be easy to remove and wash, and be dense enough to hold the filler when needed. On domestic market covers are presented mainly from silk, jacquard, knitwear, satin and coarse calico;
  • Thermal insulation... Modern quality products are equipped with markings indicating the degree of thermal insulation of the blankets in the form of suns or levels. If they are absent, then you can adhere to general data - the warmest are mainly thick synthetic and light down products;
  • Hypoallergenic... Fluff and wool are contraindicated for allergy sufferers, and the best option synthetics and bamboo are used.

Popular fillers - pros and cons

Don't buy a pig in a poke! Be sure to carefully study the product by analyzing it according to the above criteria. First of all, pay attention to the filler - the basis of any blanket, and we will tell you the blanket with which filler is better to buy below.

Bird fluff

The most commonly used filler is from goose down. Traditional version of animal origin, high quality structure, but high price. The long service life of this kind of products has become possible thanks to modern technologies for processing the source material, in general, we can say that bird fluff is good filler for a blanket.

Pros of a bird down blanket:

  • Good thermal insulation properties along with high-quality thermoregulation;
  • Air permeability. Such products create a good microclimate due to the possibility of air circulation;
  • Persistent form. Blankets made of bird down, quite elastic, does not wobble, keeps its shape perfectly;
  • Light weight. Down blanket is the lightest of all options;
  • Durability. Modern products this type can last up to two decades;
  • Antistatic effect. Down fill is not susceptible to static electricity.

Cons of bird fluff filler:

  • Cost. Goose down blankets are some of the most expensive;
  • Weak moisture exchange. Passing air well, down along the way retains a significant part of moisture, which entails a gradual dampness of the product;
  • Potential allergenicity. In such products, the likelihood of dust mites settling in the filler structure is very high;
  • Special care. Down blankets require special storage conditions and regular anti-mite treatment.

This article is often read:

Sheep wool blanket

A fairly popular natural filler, which clearly outperforms bird fluff due to its lower cost, but at the same time has additional disadvantages.

Pros of sheep wool blankets:

  • Good heat capacity. Sheep wool warms well, keeps warm for a long time, while in a number of countries it is used as a prevention of muscle atony and osteochondrosis;
  • Air exchange. Like bird down, this filler creates optimal conditions for microcirculation of air masses;
  • Balanced moisture exchange. A sheep wool blanket absorbs well and gives off moisture, remaining dry for a long period of time;
  • Antistatic effect. The material is not affected by static electricity;
  • Low cost. Blankets with such a filler are available to the broad masses of the population and are cheaper not only than bird down, but also some products on a synthetic basis.


  • Allergenicity. Animal wax in the filler structure as well dust mites, often present in the blanket, increase the risk of allergic reactions in a person;
  • Short service life. On average, sheep wool blankets last about 4 years, after which they quickly crumble and lose their shape;
  • The weight. Products of this kind have a high mass, comparable to their wadded counterparts;
  • Complicated care. The products must not be washed, only chemical surface cleaning is used with care.

Advantages and disadvantages of a camel wool blanket

This filler came to us with Of the Far East... Blankets based on it are popular in Russia, relatively inexpensive, last a long time and are great alternative sheep wool products.


  • Heat capacity. Products made from this filler are no less warm than other products on a natural basis;
  • Air and moisture exchange. Camel's wool promotes microcirculation of air masses and moisture at the same time;
  • Persistent form. Blankets made of this material keep their shape perfectly and do not wobble;
  • Light weight. Filler-based products are light and thin;
  • Antistatic effect. Camel's wool is not electrified;
  • Durability. Blankets based on the filler described above serve an average of 20 years.


  • Allergenicity. The problem with all natural animal-based fillers is the increased risk of dust mites;
  • Cost. The price of a duvet is lower than that of a duvet, but still high compared to synthetic counterparts;
  • Tactile sensations. Most of the products are prickly, can only be used with a thick duvet cover and in the most closed case.

Swan down quilts

Natural swan fluff in modern production blankets are not used due to the extremely high cost of the starting material. Instead, a synthetic analogue is used - thinsulate. Artificial filler has a number of specific properties, and products made from it are ideal for the off-season in the autumn-spring period.

Pros of swan fluff:

Cons of a swan down blanket:

  • Electrostatic. The material strongly accumulates static;
  • Moisture resistance. Absolutely does not absorb or release moisture;
  • Poor microcirculation. The filler practically does not allow air masses to pass through, which creates the danger of overheating the body.

Polyester fiber as a filler in a blanket

A whole group of fillers of the latest generation are united by one such common designation as polyester fiber. This includes microfiber, comfort, holofiber, silicone fiber and ecofiber... The above products are slightly different in appearance, but have identical properties.


  • Hypoallergenic. They do not cause allergies and are harmless to health;
  • Elastic shape. There is no caking and rolling, fillers keep their shape well;
  • Heat capacity. They keep warm well due to the special hollow structure;
  • Weight. Small weight of products, regardless of the subtype of such an artificial filler;
  • Life time. Blankets with polyester fibers can last 10-15 years.


  • Electrostatic. Products are susceptible to static electricity build-up;
  • Moisture resistance. There is no microcirculation of moisture - poor absorbency and zero liquid return.

Bamboo Fiber Blankets

A modern type of filler on an all-plant basis, obtained by regenerating cellulose from the stems of a classic bamboo stem.

Advantages of a bamboo blanket:

  • Hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly. The filler contains no allergens, no static electricity, it does not absorb odors;
  • Weight. The weight of products is higher than that of down, but lower than other synthetic counterparts;
  • Air exchange. Ideal microcirculation of air masses;
  • Care. It does not require special care, it can be washed even in an automatic machine.

Disadvantages of Bamboo Blanket:

  • High thermal conductivity. It retains heat poorly, therefore it is used mainly for summer blankets;
  • Weak moisture exchange. The material does not absorb moisture well, but at the same time it gives it away well;
  • Terms of operation. Average service life is about 2 years.

Eucalyptus fiber

One of the most modern species plant-based filler is produced from eucalyptus stems by cellulose regeneration. Its alternative names are lyocell and tenzel.

Blankets based on the material have good thermoregulation, but are quite expensive.


  • Hypoallergenic. Mites cannot start in the filler, the fibers themselves do not cause allergies;
  • Heat capacity. The blanket material is one of the warmest;
  • The form. The tenzel has an elastic soft structure, does not cake or deform;
  • Air and moisture permeability. Lyocell has excellent breathability, antistatic and moisture exchange properties, which creates the most balanced microcirculation;
  • Care and service life. Eucalyptus fiber blankets do not require special care and last up to 10-12 years.


  • Great value. Blankets based on this material are the most expensive;
  • High probability of counterfeiting. Due to the high cost, many manufacturers replace some of the plant fibers with synthetic analogs, which significantly worsens the above beneficial features blankets.

Cotton blankets

Until recently, cotton filling meant classic cotton wool. Modern technologies significantly changed this type of fiber, making it more elastic and durable. Good thermoregulation and low cost are the main parameters of today's cotton..


  • Hypoallergenic. Does not cause allergies, harmless to the human body and biosphere;
  • Cost. This kind the filler is the most affordable and inexpensive;
  • Heat capacity. Cotton blankets are some of the warmest.


  • Large mass. An average blanket with this filling can weigh 2-3 kilograms;
  • Weak moisture exchange. Cotton absorbs liquids well, but does not evaporate them;
  • Life time. The filler deteriorates very quickly and loses its consumer properties, on average it lasts 1 year, maximum 2 seasons.

Hemp fiber

This type of vegetable filler is obtained by processing and pressing flax. Products based on it have average cost, is versatile and has a number of advantages.


  • Antibacterial and hypoallergenic. Hemp fiber does not cause allergies and does not contain pathogenic microflora;
  • Excellent micro-cycling. Blankets based on this material are breathable and moisture permeable;
  • Life time. The term of exploitation of the filler is calculated for decades;
  • Heat capacity. Filler-based blankets warm well and are versatile - they can be used in any season.

Minuses: practically absent, excellent universal balance of price and quality.

Silk blankets

Classic filler of animal origin, known since ancient times. The starting material is obtained as a result of direct reproduction using silkworm larvae.

Ideal for off-season use, but more expensive than synthetic counterparts.


  • Hypoallergenic. The only natural animal-based filler that does not cause allergic reactions. Pathogenic microorganisms do not settle inside the structure of the material;
  • Antistatic effect. Products based on this filler are not electrified;
  • Life time. Average term operation - more than 10 years;
  • Good microcirculation. The structure of the product perfectly permeates moisture and air masses;
  • Easy maintenance. The product does not require regular washing, it is easy to dry and ventilate.


  • Cost. For such products, the price is one of the highest among blankets of any type;
  • Thermal conductivity. Silk has a high thermal conductivity and does not retain heat well in winter period time.

How to choose the right size for your duvet?

The blanket is selected based on the size of the bed, as well as the individual dimensions of the client. Modern standard sizes of the product include the following types of products:

For adults:

  1. Single and one-and-a-half. Typical sizes are 140 by 205, 145 by 215, 150 by 200 and 160 by 210 centimeters;
  2. Double classic. Sizes - 172 by 205, 170 by 200, 175 by 210, 180 by 210 and 180 by 215 centimeters;
  3. Double (European standard). Typical sizes are 200 by 220 and 220 by 240 centimeters;
  4. Non-standard options on request.

For children, the classic sizes are considered to be 100 by 140 and 110 by 150 centimeters.... Classic one and a half options are suitable for teenagers.

Duvet covers for blankets are selected with a margin of 5-10 centimeters in width and height.

The method of sewing and finishing the blanket

In addition to all of the above criteria, blankets are also subdivided according to the method of sewing and finishing. Possible options:

  • Cassette assembly... The most popular option. The working blade of the product consists of sections of a certain shape with a filler. Typical mesh sizes are 10 or 15 centimeters along each face. The advantages of the method are protection from deformations and damage to the blanket, its long service life;
  • Unidirectional flashing... Hardware stitching in one plane. The simplest and cheapest, but least reliable option, since there is no full fixation of the filler and the structure of the product;
  • Karostep... A variation of a quilt with a machine decorated processing in several directions and creating a beautiful pattern. Beautiful appearance products, better fixation compared to the previous version, but lack of versatility and reliability compared to cassette assembly.

How to choose the optimal blanket?

We recommend choosing a blanket that is not only suitable in size, price tag and color, but also meets modern sanitary and hygienic standards. It is desirable that the selected products be hypoallergenic, hygroscopic, heat-absorbing, and also provide good microcirculation of air masses. Do not forget about other nuances:

  • IN summer period time and off-season, it is better to choose a blanket based on silk or bamboo filler with high thermal conductivity;
  • In winter, in early spring or in late autumn, products based on eucalyptus or cotton will be the best option. An alternative is down and wool blankets, but they require additional care;
  • A universal off-season option - linen-based blankets;
  • For children, sick and pregnant women, choose products that are light enough in weight so as not to overload the body.

Choose your blanket carefully and wisely - you will surely be lucky!

Understanding the question of which blanket is the warmest, one should take into account what these products are filled with. Fillers are natural and synthetic. Both have a number of advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the warmest blanket should be chosen based on your own ideas about comfort. Let's try to figure it out.

All materials used as fillers can be divided into two groups:

  1. Natural (down, feather, wool, bamboo);
  2. Synthetic (synthetic winterizer, holofiber).

Blankets with natural fillers

Products of this group are the warmest, softest, pleasant to the body. But they are able to absorb odors, become a breeding ground for dust mites, and are not always suitable for people prone to allergies.


Down is considered an ideal filler in terms of warmth, as it is very warm and lightweight. A feather is usually added to the down to maintain its shape. It is better if the content of the latter does not exceed 10%.

Duvets tend to dampen, so they need to be dried regularly.

If you are not afraid of the price, and you want to buy really the warmest and light blanket - loon down products are ideal. Their cost is from 12,000 rubles.

Woolen blankets

This category includes products from sheep, camel, goat wool. These blankets have medicinal propertiesare useful for people with diseases of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems. They are able to absorb up to 30% moisture and sweat while remaining dry. But woolen blankets are thin and look more like a blanket.

The warmest, softest and most expensive products are made from goat hair, more a budget option - from sheep wool (the more wool in the blanket, the lighter it is).


They are heavy enough to absorb moisture well, but also odors. Vata tends to clump into lumps. A cotton blanket keeps warm well, but impedes air circulation.

Bamboo blankets

Products of a new generation, environmentally friendly, light enough and warm. They are safe for health, conduct air and heat well, are easy to wash, fairly inexpensive (from 2500 rubles).

Quilts with synthetic fillers

Products of this group are also light and soft, capable of conducting heat well. Suitable for allergy sufferers, easy to clean, do not absorb odors, are much cheaper than products made from natural materials.

Blankets made of synthetic winterizer and holofiber

The synthetic winterizer is cheaper, does not stray into lumps, keeps heat, but does not regulate it. You can sweat under such a blanket.

Holofiber is a little more expensive, but the quality is also higher. These blankets are lightweight, breathable, easy to wash, and have good thermoregulation.

Which blanket to choose

When choosing a warm blanket, you should pay attention to the temperature of the bedroom.

  1. Bamboo blankets will keep you warm if the air temperature does not drop below + 22 ° C.
  2. At a temperature of + 19- + 20 ° C, synthetic blankets will not freeze.
  3. If the air in the bedroom does not warm up above + 16- + 18 ° C at night, woolen and duvets will be indispensable.

Based on this, we can conclude that duvets are the warmest. However, each filler has its own drawbacks, which should be noted.

In winter, many of us think about how to buy not only high-quality warm clothing items, but also a good blanket, under which night sleep and daytime rest will be pleasant and comfortable.

The choice of a blanket, first of all, depends on the personal preferences and needs of the buyer. However, today, from the variety of materials and fillers provided by manufacturers in stores, your eyes simply run up and your head is spinning. So how to choose an accessory for sleep and relaxation that is suitable for all parameters? Let's try to figure it out.

All commercially available blankets can be divided into summer, winter and universal, that is, those that can be covered at any time of the year. A properly selected blanket does not cause discomfort, it is neither hot nor cold under it. Nice blanket must meet two main requirements - to provide natural air circulation and high thermal conductivity. Naturally, the properties described above depend on the material from which the product is made. Today, the most popular types of blankets are down, silk, woolen, cotton and synthetic.

Weightless fluff

Down duvets are soft, lightweight, resilient and durable, they are able to retain heat and provide excellent air circulation. Under such a blanket, it is not cold in winter, and not hot in summer. However, it should be remembered that the down, absorbing moisture, damp quickly enough. In addition, dust mites sometimes get in the duvet, and their waste products harm human health. For allergy sufferers, dust mites are often a serious threat.

Most duvets are made from goose or duck down. The best and, accordingly, the most expensive, are made using the down of a bird of a loon. The quality of duvets also depends on the way they are sewn - quilts sewn in "squares" rather than parallel "rows" are considered the most reliable.

Versatile silk

Warm wool

Woolen blankets are the best at keeping our body warm. They are warm, light enough and durable, while absorbing moisture well - up to about a third of their weight, remaining practically dry. Thanks to this, the microclimate of night rest improves, because during sleep a person loses up to 0.5 liters of moisture. Woolen blankets can be self-cleaning - absorbed sweat is easily and quickly evaporated.

Woolen blankets are quilted and made in the form of a blanket. Quilts, while warmer, are great for winter, and woolen lightweight blankets are great for summer. As a rule, woolen blankets are made from sheep wool, less often from camel or goat wool. But, unfortunately, woolen blankets are often to the taste not only of people, but also of moths ... Therefore, they have to be stored together with agents that scare away these harmful and eternally hungry insects.

Just cotton wool

Cotton wool is an environmentally friendly filler that retains heat well, absorbs moisture and does not cause allergies. The disadvantage of a cotton blanket is the ability to strongly absorb a variety of odors and a fairly tangible weight.

Synthetics as they are

The main advantage of a synthetic, in particular, padding polyester blanket, is its relatively low price. In addition, synthetic winterizer blankets are lightweight, durable, and do not cause allergies. They can be safely washed in washing machine, since the synthetic winterizer does not form lumps and does not fall off. But the disadvantages of synthetic winterizer blankets are significant: they do not absorb moisture well and do not store heat for long.

Bamboo blankets

Bamboo is a unique natural filler for blankets. Bamboo blankets combine a huge number of unique characteristics: bamboo fiber is much softer than cotton, and the quality is reminiscent of silk or cashmere. Bamboo has good protective antibacterial and antimicrobial properties and is also the most viable plant from an energy point of view. So, the Chinese believe that bamboo blankets contribute to longevity. In India, such products are usually called a symbol of friendship, and in the Philippines - a real amulet that attracts positive points life. It is cool in the heat under such a blanket, and in the winter it is warm and quite comfortable.

Children's question

Experts say that of the above types of blankets for children, especially the smallest, woolen blankets are best suited. The cotton blanket, though warm, is very heavy. Sinteponovoye is light, but synthetic and not very warm, and downy is warm and weightless, but it can cause allergies. For a mobile, restless kid the best option there will be a light but large blanket.

How to choose?

There are several traditional criteria for choosing blankets.

The first is the degree of warmth. This criterion is very individual. If we talk about materials, the warmest fillers are down and wool. The first keeps heat well, while letting in air. The risk of sweating under such a blanket is minimal. Wool has almost the same properties. Blankets with natural fillers Is a great choice for winter.

The second criterion is the thickness of the bedding. Modern manufacturers offer customers three options: winter, summer and 4 seasons. Winter blankets are usually the thickest, thickest, and warmest. Summer is much thinner, lighter. The "4 seasons" option is convenient and practical. Such blankets, as a rule, consist of several separate modules with different fillers, connected by means of buttons, buttons or other fasteners.

The third criterion is biosafety. Down and wool are not known to be hypoallergenic materials. In addition, various microorganisms can multiply in them. Blankets with such fillers need constant proper care, periodic professional cleaning, processing. Synthetic substitutes for wool and down are biostable, do not collect dust, do not cause allergies and asthma attacks. In addition, many materials are significantly superior to natural materials in terms of heat retention. Synthetic blankets are easier to care for than natural blankets. Most modern materials are machine washable. Lyocell blankets are recommended to be washed at a temperature of no more than 60C, thinsulate ones withstand 40C, holofiber is less demanding on the conditions of care.

The fourth criterion is weight. The choice of blanket by weight is also a matter of individual preferences. Those who like to hide with heavy dense blankets can choose models with goose down, cotton wool, sheep wool filling. For fans of warm and light materials, experts recommend bed dress from padding polyester, padding polyester, cashmere. Most modern man-made fibers are lightweight. At the same time, their advantages include not only thermal qualities, but also ease of maintenance (suitability for washing in a regular washing machine, drying at room temperature).

The fifth criterion is size. When choosing a blanket, you need to consider how large it should be.

Among the most popular sizes, widely represented by all manufacturers, are:

A double blanket is perhaps the most popular blanket size among couples.

One and a half blanket (also called a family blanket). It is called one and a half because it can comfortably hide one person; and family - t. this is the size used in bedding sets for family linen. This size is ideal for people who like to sleep under their own blanket. However, do not forget that one-and-a-half blankets have their own "subspecies":

* 155x215 is the most practical and popular size. Sometimes such a one-and-a-half blanket can be called "euro-one and a half". It is easiest to find a set of bedding for this size.

* 140x205 - the so-called Soviet or English size of a one-and-a-half blanket. Ideal for people with a bed not big size... This size is often used for children, since it may not be comfortable for a child under a large blanket, but under such a blanket it is optimal.

* 160x205 - pretty rare view one and a half size, which is also called "children's".

* 160x220 or 160x215 - another non-standard subspecies of one-and-a-half blankets.

The sixth criterion is price. The cost of a blanket depends on the type of filler and size. On average, the price of a one-and-a-half blanket in Khabarovsk ranges from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles.