Hydrangea (70 photos): types and care. Rare types of hydrangeas Hydrangea paniculata with red flowers

Flowering plants have always been used to decorate the garden plot, but hydrangea is still a rare guest in our gardens. Among some flower growers, there is an opinion that hydrangea is a heat-loving plant, not suitable for our gardens. IN last years hydrangea varieties and the types of new selections have become widespread and deserved love, more and more often you can find single and group plantings.

The beauty of hydrangeas is unique, among their species there are various forms:

  • creepers;
  • Trees;
  • Shrubs.

But shrubs have taken root best of all in the gardens.

Types of hydrangeas

There are about 80 types of hydrangeas, which gave rise to the emergence of new varieties that are loved by gardeners and have become decorations for summer cottages and park alleys. To choose a plant suitable for a given site, you need to get acquainted with the characteristics of some. You can admire the unusual flowering of hydrangea from the beginning of spring heat to autumn cold.

Important. Some varieties of hydrangeas in the temperate zone of Russia should be covered for the winter with special material, spruce branches, dry leaves with straw. Timely removal of shelter in the spring will not allow plants to overheat with the onset of heat.

In the gardens of Russia, the following types of hydrangeas (clematis) are mainly used for breeding:

  • Tree-like hydrangea, blooming from July to August with white inflorescences, originally from the eastern regions of North America. This view requires mandatory pruning, which must be performed in early spring or after the leaves have opened. Tree hydrangea. Tree hydrangea varieties are suitable for the southern and temperate regions of Russia;
  • The ground cover species of the plant is native to China. Its second name is Hydrangea Bretschneider. This is a shrub with large oval leaves of rich green color, reaching a height of over two meters. Clematis groundcover begins flowering in early July with white wide corymbose inflorescences. In the process of flowering, the color of the flowers changes, acquiring a pink hue; at the end of August, the flower caps become bright crimson. Varieties of ground cover hydrangea have good resistance to frost, not requiring shelter for the winter;

  • A type of large-leaved hydrangea comes from the southern regions of Japan. It blooms with lilac inflorescences that bloom in the last month of summer. The leaves of the shrub have a bright green color. The shrub is very demanding on heat. In Russia, within its European zone, only varieties of cold-resistant breeding are used for cultivation. Hydrangea varieties of this species are used for indoor cultivation;
  • The paniculate species of the plant grows in Japan, Korea, East China, and is found on the territory of Sakhalin. Panicle hydrangea bush is not very high, it grows within 1-1.5 meters. By the middle of summer, the bush is covered with greenish buds, which become white during the growing season. Buds open from the beginning of August and continue to bloom until late autumn. The color of the inflorescences gradually acquires a crimson color and purple-red with a purple hue.

The winter hardiness of the paniculate species is very high. For more lush flowering, autumn and spring prophylactic pruning is used to form a bush.

Important. The right choice of site for growing hydrangeas determines the saturation of the color. A place to be well lit in any weather, protected from the wind. The weather conditions are warmer and prevail good lighting, hydrangea flowers acquire a more saturated and bright color.

  • Hydrangea climbing or petiolate, is still very rare in the gardens of Russia. This plant is a vine, the stems of which grow up to 25 meters. IN wild nature found in Russia Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. The stems of the creeper are decorated with smooth leaves of bright green color. Climbing hydrangea blooms with white and pink-tinted corymbose inflorescences. Tolerates partial shade well. Varieties of petiolate hydrangea are excellent honey plants, popular in the southern and middle regions of Russia;
  • The oak-leaved type of hydrangea is a shrub about two meters high. The leaves of the shrub resemble oak leaves, hence the name of the shrub. Inflorescences collected in panicles white color, bloom in June, seed ripening ends in September. It grows on rich fertile soils without signs of lime. Demanding for watering, which should be moderate, without stagnant water. A young plant may die from frost in middle lane therefore, they require careful insulation using special materials. An older plant becomes more frost-resistant. Reproduction methods: cuttings, layering of young shoots, dividing the bush. For lush flowering, pruning is carried out in autumn and spring, forming a bush. Most of all, hydrangea plant varieties of this species are suitable for the southern regions of Russia;

  • Radiant hydrangea is a shrubby species, whose height is about 2.5 meters. The radiant hydrangea blooms for only one month, blooming in July with white sterile flowers. Seed ripening occurs in September. The shrub has a very fast growth. Winter hardiness is weak, therefore, shelter is required in the winter with fallen leaves and spruce branches. The plant can be propagated by all options, but the cutting method is considered the most acceptable. On the territory of Russia, varieties of hydrangeas of this species are used to decorate the landscape of parks and gardens;
  • Serrated hydrangea is an annual low tree-like shrub up to one and a half meters in height. It has a very spreading crown with bright green oval, slightly pointed leaves. Inflorescences in the form of a ball in the middle have flowers of a bright blue hue, along the edge of the flowers are painted in pale blue. By the end of flowering, the inflorescences acquire a pink hue. The color of serrate hydrangea inflorescences is determined by the pH of the soil.

Flowering is quite long from mid-July to late September. The plant is unpretentious in care, easily takes root in a new place after transplantation. Winter cold transfers in shelter. In late autumn, after flowering, the inflorescences are cut off, the bushes are insulated with covering material. The plant is resistant to diseases and pests. The bred varieties of hydrangeas of this species grow well in the middle zone of Russian regions.

  • Hydrangea Sargent - plentifully flowering plant. Flowering period from August to last days September. Umbrella inflorescences of lilac and violet color become blue and white by the end of flowering. The plant winters well in shelter. Frost-resistant varieties have also been bred that can be grown in the temperate zone of Russia.

Hydrangea varieties

In the current gardening, there are many varieties of hydrangeas. Selection is based on the use of species plants. Many of them have received properties that make it possible to grow hydrangeas not only in the southern regions of Russia. Thanks to flower breeders, varieties have been developed that tolerate the harsh winters of the Russian regions.

Important. In the eastern strip of Russia, varieties bred by European breeders take root and bloom better. They are able to withstand frosts within 20 ° C. To prevent the death of plants from possible lower temperatures, their shelter is recommended.

  • Anabel is one of the first varieties of tree-like hydrangea. Compact, domed shrub about 3 m in diameter, no more than one and a half meters high. The gray stems of the hydrangea are bare, creating a crown, saturated green foliage, rather large, on average, the leaves grow up to 30 cm, the edge of the leaf is framed by small teeth. Hydrangea blooms from the first summer days until the end of September with spherical white inflorescences. This variety is characterized by rapid growth, the stems grow 10 cm per year. Anabel prefers shaded areas. It has good frost resistance.
  • The variety Grandiflora is very sensitive to moisture; a lack of moisture is dangerous for it. This variety has moderate frost resistance, the variety is grown in the temperate and southern regions of Russia;
  • Sterilis - a variety of clematis has a spherical shape of a bush about 3 meters high. The hydrangea of ​​the Sterilis variety blooms with greenish inflorescences in the shape of a hemisphere. In the process of flowering, the hydrangea brushes acquire a white color. The plant prefers fertile, well-drained soil, well-lit areas with little shade. The variety has medium frost resistance.
  1. Varieties of panicled hydrangea are most adapted to the climatic conditions of Russia. Based on this species, the following varieties of hydrangeas have been developed:

  1. Large-leaved or garden hydrangea has the largest number of cold-resistant varieties. The catalog of varieties of large-leaved hydrangea presents a series of flowers:
  • The first variety to appear in Russia was Endless Summer. This variety was the result of a mutation of one of American varieties when buds appeared on new and last year's shoots after wintering. The variety has the ability to re-bloom;

  • The variety of large-leaved hydrangea "Early Sensation" has even higher frost-resistant properties in comparison with the hydrangea "Endless Summer". After harsh snowless winters with sudden temperature changes, the hydrangea of ​​this variety enters the stage of lush flowering in summer.

On the basis of these varieties, a series of large-leaved garden hydrangeas were bred. Today, the gardens of Russia are decorated with a huge range of colors and shades of hydrangea.

Majority hydrangeas (Hydrangea) - small deciduous trees or shrubs, not exceeding a height of 1 - 3 meters, but there are also tree-like lianas up to 30 meters high. In the Hortensia family, there are about 80 types of hydrangeas, almost all of them are native to North America and Southeast Asia, including Japan and China. Several types of hydrangeas grow in the Russian Far East.

All hydrangeas have opposite, rounded leaves with serrated edges. Large corymbose inflorescences or conical panicles appear at the ends of the shoots of the current year in the second half of summer.

Hydrangea inflorescences consist of large, very conspicuous flowers, consisting of four to five flat petals, however, these flowers are sterile, and small, very unsightly flowers, but producing seeds.

For reference: flowers from which seeds can be obtained are called fertile.

In central Russia, only a few types of hydrangeas can be grown in open ground, namely: tree-like hydrangea, ashen hydrangea, radiant hydrangea, oak-leaved hydrangea, panicled hydrangea, large-leaved hydrangea, ground cover hydrangea, Sargent hydrangea, Bretschneider hydrangea, petiolate hydrangea.

- A very common type of hydrangea in our country comes from North America. Tree hydrangea is a sprawling bush of upright shoots up to 1 meter high, the shoots branch in the lower part, some lie down and take root.

In the hydrangea tree, light green, oppositely arranged leaves up to 20 centimeters long are located on long petioles. White or pink hydrangea tree inflorescences bloom from mid-July. The shape of the inflorescences is convex shields up to 15 - 20 centimeters in diameter, consisting of large sterile and small fertile flowers. In severe winters, unripened young shoots of the hydrangea tree can freeze slightly.

There are several varieties of hydrangea tree. The most famous - Annabelle, is a short shrub with dark green leaves and very large, up to 30 centimeters in diameter, round white or greenish inflorescences, consisting of sterile flowers.

The variety of hydrangea treelike Grandiflora is more common than others, it has large, up to 20 centimeters in diameter, inflorescences of their large sterile cream flowers, which turn green over time.

The Sterilis variety is very similar to the Grandiflora variety, only its inflorescences are slightly smaller.

For the winter, the faded inflorescences of the hydrangea tree must be cut off. Pruning of weak, diseased, dry or thickening shoots should be carried out either in early spring, before the leaves bloom, or in summer, when all the leaves have fully blossomed.

Hydrangea arborescens grows well in both sun and partial shade. It is undemanding in care, unlike large-leaved hydrangea, it grows well not only on neutral, organic-rich soil, it can grow even on poor soils, although flowering suffers greatly. Hydrangea tree is considered drought-resistant.

Tree hydrangea can be planted in the garden in groups on lawns, next to a pond, in a curb planting along paths. It can be planted next to tree groups in a Japanese-themed garden.

- ornamental deciduous shrub up to 2 meters high with a wide spreading crown. - grayish pubescence of the underside of leaves and young shoots. Ash hydrangea leaves are broadly elliptical, serrated at the edges, up to 15 centimeters long. Inflorescences corymbose, up to 15 centimeters in diameter. Blooms in July.

Ash hydrangea winters well in our climate, but in cold winters, young shoots can freeze slightly, although the bush quickly recovers in spring. In order not to take risks, in the fall, ashen hydrangea bushes can be covered for the winter.

Ash hydrangea, like the tree-like one, is undemanding to soil fertility and moisture, which makes it indispensable in planting medium-sized hedges. It tolerates penumbra well, decorative throughout the growing season.

- a very decorative deciduous shrub with a height of just over 1 meter. Oakleaf hydrangea is less known in Russia than Sargent's hydrangea, but it deserves attention due to its somewhat unusual leaves for hydrangeas. They are with 5-7 large lobes, reach a length of 20 centimeters, dark green in summer, bronze-red or purple in autumn, very reminiscent of oak leaves. The underside of the leaves is white tomentose.

The inflorescences of oak-leaved hydrangea are conical, in the form of a panicle, up to 20 centimeters in length, in which there are a lot of large sterile flowers, up to 3 centimeters in diameter. At the beginning of flowering, the inflorescences are white, then they turn pink, and in the fall they acquire a deeper, almost crimson color with greenery.

In cold winters, the oak-leaved hydrangea can freeze slightly, so it needs shelter.

Hydrangea macrophylla, or garden (Hydrangea macrophylla) is a small, less than 1 meter tall, shrub native to Japan. Large-leaved hydrangea has bright green, serrated, up to 15 centimeters long leaves. Among the cultivated large-leaved hydrangeas, there are forms close to wild-growing, with a corymbose inflorescence, with separate sterile flowers. However, along with these forms, varietal hydrangeas are already widely cultivated, in which spherical, up to 25 centimeters in diameter, inflorescences consisting only of sterile flowers, usually pink. However, their color can change from pink to blue depending on the acidity of the soil. There are also bred, resistant varieties with blue flowers.

Large-leaved hydrangea can be successfully grown in indoor culture, but it is most widely used in amateur gardens in open ground. It should be noted that despite the low winter hardiness, large-leaved hydrangea with great success, along with roses, wins our gardens and hearts)). Large-leaved hydrangea can be used to create a garden in a poetic style.

Among the variety of modern varieties of large-leaved hydrangea, there are plants with white, red, blue flowers, the edges of the petals can be even or jagged. The most frost-resistant varieties of large-leaved hydrangea are Blue Wale, Mariesii. Caring for large-leaved hydrangea.

Hydrangea paniculata (Hydrangea paniculata) - deciduous shrub with a wide crown up to 1.5 - 2 meters tall, which can be formed in the form of a small tree. Panicled hydrangea has very dense, oblong-round, dark green leaves, up to 12 centimeters in length.

Hydrangea paniculata is perhaps the most "northern" of all types of hydrangeas. It blooms from late June - mid-July to late August. Inflorescences are strongly convex shields, very similar to panicles, in which both sterile and fertile flowers are mixed. Hydrangea paniculata is a very resistant and profusely flowering hydrangea. At the very beginning of flowering, unopened buds have a greenish color, in the full dissolution of the inflorescence they become white, by the beginning of autumn their color gradually turns into crimson or crimson-violet.

Hydrangea paniculata is very winter-hardy. In late autumn, it is recommended to cut off faded inflorescences. In the spring, before bud break, the main pruning of the shoots is carried out. If the hydrangea is grown as a tree, then formative pruning should also be carried out in early spring.

Varieties of panicled hydrangea: Grandiflora - with long, up to 25 centimeters conical inflorescences, in which there are many large sterile flowers; Praecox is an early flowering variety with medium-sized inflorescences, but the flowers in the inflorescence have jagged edges, Pinky-Winky, Kyushu.

Hydrangea paniculata is good both as a tapeworm and in group plantings, it can grow both in open areas and in light partial shade, however, it is more demanding on soil moisture than tree hydrangea.

ground cover hydrangea, or mixed-haired (Hydrangea heteromalla) - deciduous sprawling shrub over 2 meters tall. Ground cover hydrangea is easy to form in the form of a tree. The upper side of the leaves is dark green, the lower side is light, covered with pubescence. Leaves up to 20 cm long, elliptical sharp end and wedge-shaped base, located on reddish petioles.

Ground cover hydrangea blooms in July. The corymbose inflorescences are wide, but liquid, containing mainly small fertile flowers, among which sterile, larger flowers are located in some places. At the beginning of flowering, the shields are white, turning pink closer to autumn, sometimes they can also acquire a brighter crimson or purple color. Hydrangea groundcover is drought-resistant, winter-hardy, grows rapidly. Easily propagated, in spring and autumn - by dividing the bush, during the summer - by root offspring, green cuttings.

A neatly trimmed groundcover hydrangea bush is an excellent tapeworm.

Very similar to groundcover hydrangea, differs only more small leaves on short petioles and not so wide inflorescences. Hydrangea Bretschneider blooms in July, the color of the inflorescences is white, turning crimson by autumn. Grows well in partial shade. Hydrangea is highly winter hardy, does not require shelter for the winter.

A neatly trimmed Bretschneider hydrangea bush is an excellent tapeworm.

- a very unusual Chinese hydrangea with thick, erect, felt-pubescent shoots up to 1 meter high. She has very interesting - powerful, dark green, velvet - leaves. In July, reddish-brown scutes-inflorescences with rare white stars of sterile flowers bloom on the tops of the shoots.

Hydrangea sargent in our climate is grown as an ordinary perennial, because every winter the shoots freeze completely, under the root, but in the spring they grow back and bloom annually. Perhaps this type of hydrangea should also be paid attention to when creating a Japanese or Chinese garden.

hydrangea rough, or rough, (Hydrangea aspera), bristly hydrangea (Hydrangea strigosa), hydrangea felt (Hydrangea villosa) with leaves narrowed to the base and bluish flowers are the closest relatives of the sargent hydrangea. In the same way as the sargent hydrangea, these types of hydrangeas in our climate can be grown as ordinary perennials. herbaceous plants. They grow well in open sunny places, and in partial shade.

All of these freezing types of hydrangeas will look best in mixed flower beds, including those with herbaceous perennials that mask them.

Hydrangea radiata (Hydrangea radiata) is an upright deciduous shrub with felt pubescence on the shoots. The leaves are dark green, serrated, semi-heart-shaped, light below, pubescent, with mesh venation. White shields-inflorescences of radiant hydrangea bloom in July.

Radiant hydrangea is sun-loving, but you need to monitor the moisture and fertility of the soil. Radiant hydrangea hibernates only with shelter for the winter, and even then it can freeze slightly, but it quickly recovers and blooms annually.

Hydrangea radiata looks good in group plantings on the lawn, it can also be successfully used for curb plantings along the path.

petiolate hydrangea (Hydrangea petiolaris) - liana, up to 25 meters in height, with small, green, glossy leaves and large, up to 25 centimeters, white scutes-inflorescences. Petiolate hydrangea can be used in vertical gardening of arbors, walls. It is quite winter-hardy, prefers partial shade.

General Hydrangea Care

Landing place

Hydrangeas prefer a bright place with diffused sunlight, so in the garden they are more suitable for partial shade - in the open sun, hydrangeas can feel good only with a thick layer of mulch. For freezing types of hydrangeas, you need to choose places protected from the north winds.

The soil

All types of hydrangeas prefer slightly or medium acid soils. They do not tolerate lime content in the soil at all. If you plant a hydrangea on calcareous soils, it will immediately develop leaf chlorosis.

In addition to high requirements for acidity, the soil for hydrangeas must be fertile and moist. Large-leaved hydrangea also requires high humidity.

During the growing season, you need to monitor the soil: it should always be loose and free from weeds. Therefore, to reduce labor costs, apply soil mulching.


Watering, if there is no rain, should be regular, up to 2 buckets per week. Rain water is preferable, if not, then tap water needs to settle, a bag of peat can be placed in a container with water to soften, acidify. It is better to water early in the morning or in the evening, after sunset.

top dressing

Top dressing in spring and early summer can be carried out with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, slurry. From mineral fertilizers in spring and in the first half of summer, it is desirable to use acidic fertilizers, such as ammonium sulfate, potassium sulfate. At the end of summer and autumn - phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

To change the color of large-leaved hydrangea flowers, aluminum alum or iron salts can be used.


Some types of hydrangeas need annual pruning in early spring, in the bud stage. If pruning is not carried out, then the bushes will stretch in length until they break under their own weight. Until three to four years, hydrangea bushes do not form. As a result, adult hydrangea bushes formative pruning is carried out annually.

All types of hydrangeas, except paniculate and large-leaved, should be heavily pruned. It stimulates not only the intensive growth of shoots, but also the formation of large inflorescences. Strong pruning of last year's growth is carried out annually, in early spring, leaving only 1-3 internodes on the shoot. With light pruning, there will be many small inflorescences. But paniculate hydrangea, on the contrary, blooms better with light pruning. In large-leaved hydrangea, it is very important to preserve last year's shoots completely, because it is on them that next year shoots grow with inflorescences.


Hydrangeas are propagated by dividing the bush better in spring, annual non-lignified green shoots, they are cut when they are still flexible. Hydrangea cuttings take root both in water and under a jar. But it is even easier to propagate hydrangeas by layering and root offspring.

Shelter for the winter

The frost resistance of hydrangeas is different. Non-hardy, freezing types of hydrangeas require shelter for the winter. The base of the bushes is sprinkled with dry sawdust, peat, humus, sand, covered with leaves or non-woven material on top. In addition, the large-leaved hydrangea is still covered with a box, and on top - with a polyethylene film or roofing felt, so that melt water does not get inside the shelter, otherwise the shoots from high humidity can rot and there will be no flowering.

Information source: https://ru.wikipedia.org, http://dachadecor.ru
Image source: https://sorticulturist.wordpress.com, http://www.forestventure.com, http://punarinnanreviirilla.blogspot.ru, commons.wikimedia.org, www.canadaplants.ca, flickr.com: Kingsbrae Garden (3), Henryr10 (2), Nobuhiro Suhara (5), Luong Pham, Invincibelle Spirit (2), theroadhere, John Hagstrom (2), rachelgreenbelt (2), Danny Barron, dollywings [ Pat ], debra prinzing, The New York Botanical Garden, yokohamayomama, Jenny Walters, RPOP, sml106, Martien Uiterweerd, Robert Sarkisian, Roger Wasley Photography, Keishi Etoh, B. Bowen Carr, Kai Yan, Joseph Wong, Light Collector, Josiah Lau Photography, Vojtěch Zavadil (3) , JAYKAY144, Paco Garin, gartenknorze (2), Bernhard Demes, Geo F-Winterspoon, fam_Angjer, HEN-Magonza, John Hagstrom (2), Jon. D. Anderson, Tom Potterfield (2), Chironius, chuck b., Jörg Kaspari, ScotiaWolf, Ueli, Hans Runge, Alistair, Hickory Hollow Nursery and Garden Center, Quinta de Corujas, Ingemar Tømmerås, Tim Wood, sandra blanks (2) , Jan Smith, Laura Ann

The shrub during the flowering period looks like multi-colored glades. Huge hats cover the greenery so densely that the garden will simply begin to smell sweet. Appearance buds is unusual, it is similar to small balloons different colors. Due to its unpretentiousness, variety of shades, hydrangea has become popular among Russian gardeners.

Due to its unpretentiousness, variety of shades, hydrangea has become popular among Russian gardeners.

The genus of the plant is included in a large group of the hydrangea family. It includes small trees and bushes. There are more than 80 species of plants in the group. Hydrangea came to Russia from Japan. The plant emits such a distinct aroma that even a single small flower will create a pleasant summer incense. For a long time flowers adorned the apartments, but breeders created species that adorned the plots. Hortense has ceased to be afraid of a cold climate, frost and rain. Thanks to the work of scientists, lush buds have become popular throughout the country.

Hydrangea varieties (video)

Types and varieties of hydrangeas

Family bright colors has over 100 varieties. For a certain climate choose desired view, begin to look after him, share and distribute among friends. Among the variety, they try to choose popular varieties that have already been tested by gardeners.

hydrangea oak-leaved

The name of the variety was due to the similarity of the shape of the leaves. They are carved, seven-bladed, like a mighty tree - oak. Grows in height up to 2 meters. The inflorescences are cone shaped. At the base is the widest part, towards the top it narrows. Foliage changes during summer and autumn. From bright green, it gradually turns to purple and burgundy. Flowers - terry and fluffy. The shape of the inflorescences is large panicles. The facades of the building are covered with oak-leaved white hydrangea. Only window openings are left free. Flowering houses will be so unusual that they can only be compared with fairy-tale palaces.

hydrangea oak-leaved

ashy hydrangea

The shrub is interesting in appearance. The variety is deciduous. Height reaches 2m. The crown is created voluminous, wide and falling. It turns out such a semi-ball or sphere of alternations of foliage and buds. The foliage is pubescent on the back. There are always a lot of young shoots on the bush that shade the color of the buds. The leaves are quite large - up to 15cm. Clearly visible incisors along the edges. Inflorescences are formed by the middle of summer and delight the owners until the first snow. Sometimes they even stand under a fluffy blanket of snowflakes.

The variety is not afraid of winter, therefore suitable for cultivation in almost the entire territory of Russia. Young bushes may freeze slightly, they should be covered to give them the opportunity to gain a foothold until the next seasons. The flower grows on all types of soil, it can be planted anywhere, without thinking about choosing a more suitable one on the site. The bush will be good everywhere.

ashy hydrangea

Pyramid variety: inflorescences have the shape of a pyramid. They taper towards the top. A dense pyramid, when viewed closely, consists of white and pink buds. From the side, the whole bouquet is pink. By the autumn season, it becomes saturated, shimmering under the rays of a bright, but no longer hot sun, delighting flower lovers before a long winter. The plant will bring its charm to the autumn season, decorating the site until the first frost.

hydrangea rough

The variety has distinctive leaves. They are large, rough to the touch, have a strong pubescence. The color of the foliage is attractive and rich - emerald green. Another difference is low growth. It does not rise above a metre. This growth is easy to explain. In winter, the upper ground part of the bush freezes. The plant is reborn every year. Flowering begins in mid-July.

Gardeners choose the variety because of the foliage: it is so original that it does not require flowering to create an amazing decoration of the site. The roughness of the leaves gives the impression of a silver sheen, chocolate and red wine. Changing several times during the season, it transforms the entire garden, but it looks especially attractive with red leaves.

hydrangea rough

Hydrangea Sargent

The view is comparable to the creation of wizards. Everyone likes the fabulous royal sargent. Leaves feel like velvet. Each petal in an open bud is located separately. Originality is obtained due to the amazing transitions of color shades: a rich purple tone changes to pale pink and pale blue. There are light white spots in places. The height of the bush can be compared with small fruit trees - up to 4 m. Blooming at the end of summer, it will last until the first snow.

Hydrangea Sargent

Hydrangea large-leaved (garden)

Large leaves are oval in shape with a pointed end. Gradually garden flower is enlarged. Inflorescences - in the form of balls, voluminous and dense. Each inflorescence closely adjoins the other. It seems that if you cut off a bud, then you can roll it like a ball on the surface of the earth. Variety has many colors: blue, white, pink. Gardeners combine them into one bush, and get a colorful flower carpet.

Hydrangea large-leaved (garden)

Hydrangea petiolate (curly)

The species is distinguished by dense curly stems, it grows well in natural conditions. You can admire in Japan, China and Sakhalin. On the stems are small inflorescences of deep tones. The stems are hidden under the buds, which create voluminous balls. It seems that colored (blue, pink, purple) balls rolled out on a dark green background. The petiolate species is planted in a shaded place. He does not please his buds for long, only a few weeks at the beginning of summer.

A climbing variety will help decorate fences, arrange a resting place on the veranda, and be original in the interior. Hydrangea will become an interesting colored hedge that separates vegetable crops from flowers. The petiolate variety is thermophilic, it is protected from frost, covering the root system and strengthened stems of the plant for the winter.

Hydrangea petiolate (curly)

Hydrangea radiata

The variety is not very whimsical, it has a huge number of colors. The most attractive are white hydrangeas. Amazing inflorescences are located on a long thin stalk. The petals are in the form of delicate rounded ovals, pointed upwards. From afar, it can be compared with large fluffy dandelions. The height of the bush is 3 m. It blooms for about a month, the peak is September. The leaves are also oval, but more elongated.

The variety is not frost-resistant, it should be prepared for the cold. The roots are covered with foliage or compost mound.

Hydrangea radiata

serrate hydrangea

The variety prefers bright sunlight, which creates a special microclimate for it. The bush is not tall. Approximate growth - up to 1.2 -1.4 m.

The most charming of the variety is the Blue Bird species. It is also called the bird of happiness. A ball of blue petals becomes flat and so tender that it seems that it is about to take off. The petals are located one above the other, creating an original composition with white unblown buds. Inflorescences differ in shape - panicles in the form of even flat shields. The serrated species can withstand frost up to 25 degrees.

serrate hydrangea

Planting hydrangeas in the garden

The flower bush does not like open spaces. Part of the day he needs to be in the shade. But you should not choose the dark part of the territory. Flowers are waiting for the sun. If you leave a hydrangea in the bright sun, it will simply burn. First it becomes pale, then dry. The saturation of the color depends on the acidity of the soil.

There are not too many rules for working with varieties. Most of them are unpretentious, take root well and grow. In one season, a large beautiful flower bouquet is formed.

Site selection and preparation

Be sure to select a place on the site for planting hydrangeas. Then they dig a hole. The size depends on the variety and root system. Standard size pits for a young bush:

  • diameter - 0.5 by 0.5 m;
  • depth - up to 70 cm.

If a mature bush is transplanted, they first dig a trench around it, approximately calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bush. The following actions:

  • a drainage layer is created at the bottom of the pit;
  • peat falls asleep;
  • sand is added
  • about half, needles or shavings are added;
  • the top layer should be lighter.

Fertilizers are applied to the soil with an increased amount of alkali, which normalizes the composition.

Features of hydrangea care (video)

Technology and timing of planting hydrangeas on the site

Seedlings are taken up in late spring. First, the roots are examined, the damaged ones are removed, washed and straightened. Best landing time - September. The plant will have time to gain a foothold in the soil and will be able to overwinter. If you work with a bush in the spring, the roots are cut, but very carefully. It is advised to reduce the number of shoots, the length of the stems.

Gallery: hydrangea (56 photos)

Hydrangea care at their summer cottage

A beautiful and well-formed bush with abundant flowering can only be obtained with proper care.

Frequency and rules of watering

Hydrangeas love moisture. The soil always needs water. To keep the liquid in the soil create a layer of mulch. It can be any of the materials that retain moisture:

  • needles;
  • humus;
  • foliage;
  • bark;
  • shavings.

Watering is carried out depending on the climate:

  • dry season - 2 times a week;
  • rainy season - once a week.

Watering with a watering can is difficult, each bush requires about 50 liters of water. Therefore, if there are many flower bushes in the garden, they create opportunities for watering with a hose. The water must be clean and soft.

If the soil is covered with mulch, then watering can be reduced to 1 time per month.

Hydrangea loves moisture

Feeding hydrangeas

During the growth period of the bush, the soil is saturated with useful components. They will help the plant become healthy and strong. Immediately after transplant seedlings require the following set of fertilizers:

  • superphosphate;
  • urea;
  • sulfur potassium.

When flower buds begin to form:

  • superphosphate;
  • sulfur potassium.

The last top dressing is carried out before sheltering the bush for the winter:

  • manure;
  • compost.

Calculations are carried out on 1 sq.m of land.

During the period of hydrangea growth, the soil is saturated with useful components.

Purpose and features of hydrangea pruning

Pruning is a must. Without it, the plant will become unattractive, similar to disheveled branches sticking out in different directions. In this form, it is difficult for them to keep the buds. The bush will begin to disintegrate or lie down on the ground. Beauty and charm will be lost.

  1. Spring pruning will allow summer season just make minor corrections. The main shape will already be selected. It is better to leave stems 20 cm high. The plant will tighten up and gain splendor.
  2. If you need to cut curly varieties, then it is not cardinal, reducing the stems, but thinning. Such pruning involves the reduction of lateral shoots.
  3. Autumn pruning performs the role of sanitary work. Weak and old shoots are removed.

Preparing hydrangeas for winter

Prepare the bush for the winter begin in October. Before winter, the branches are treated with Bordeaux liquid.

  1. From mid-October, the ground under the bush is loosened and spud. The soil is raised to a height of about 30 cm.
  2. In November, the branches begin to lower, pressing them to the ground. Then the whole bush is covered with spruce branches - spruce branches.

Hydrangea is covered with covering material, peat is poured under the bush, old fallen leaves are folded.

Mandatory method of care is pruning hydrangeas

Options for using hydrangeas in landscape design

Different varieties in one area create conditions for creating almost masterpieces, unique in style and combination. There are many styles in which hydrangea becomes the basis. Most Popular:

  1. Rustic. Antique objects (a cart, a basket, a teapot) are placed on the site. Around or in them, containers for bushes are installed. You get an unusual composition: a flowering cart, a multi-colored basket, an original teapot.
  2. English flower garden. The ensemble suggests hedges, lush lawns. Hydrangea tall is placed in the center, undersized varieties along the paths.
  3. East style. Hydrangea is used to create a Japanese ornament. It highlights artificial paths, limits the flower zone.
  4. Country. The site has a large number of garden items. design decoration: flowerpots, benches, arbors. Flowers are planted next to or behind accessories so that they are always visible.
  5. Mediterranean style. Hydrangea is planted not in the ground, but in boxes, containers, placing them in an original way throughout the site or along the fence. Vertical racks are created from the boxes, a new look is placed in each step of the structure.

Reproduction of hydrangea cuttings (video)

Any style will require different varieties hydrangeas. The most beautiful will emphasize solemnity, others will add nobility. Special views will remind you of the tenderness, romance and kindness of the owners. All together will become proof of diligence and individual approach to creating your home and backyard comfort.

Attention, only TODAY!

Its variety of species and colors allows you to create a piece of paradise in any garden.

Hydrangea varieties grown in Russian gardens

  • Anabel is the most common of the tree hydrangea varieties. It's been out for quite some time. The bush grows small and compact, its height is about one and a half meters. The crown is sprawling and has the shape of a dome, reaches a diameter of 3 m. The stem is bare gray color. The leaves are very large, up to 30 cm long, bright rich green in color with a finely serrated edge. The foliage retains its color until frost. The flowers are white, round, about 2 cm in size, grouped in inflorescences-balls up to 30 cm in diameter. The flowering period is from early summer to September. The bush is characterized by rapid growth up to 10 cm per year. Frost-resistant. Prefers slightly shaded areas.
  • Grandiflora- a magnificent bush of tree-like hydrangea with spherical crown, up to 2 m high and up to 3 m in diameter. The leaves are green ovate up to 10 cm. It blooms in corymbose inflorescences of small flowers. During the entire flowering period from July to September, the color of the flowers changes several times. At first they are light green, then turn white, and towards the end they become creamy. The growth per year is up to 30 cm. The plant prefers sunny places with little partial shade. Grandiflora loves moist soil and does not tolerate drought. Moderately frost-resistant variety.
  • Shrub tree hydrangea variety Sterilis has a rounded shape, reaches a height of 2-3 m. The foliage is green on top, and has a bluish tint on the underside. Leaves with small notches and up to 20 cm long. Its annual growth is about 20 cm. The inflorescences are dense in the form of a hemisphere about 25 cm in size. The bush blooms with sterile light green flowers, which turn white over time. The plant prefers well-drained fertile soils, sunny areas with some partial shade. The winter hardiness of the variety is average.
  • Kyushu- a variety of panicled hydrangea. The bush has a fan-shaped crown up to 3 m in size and grows up to 2.5-3 m. The stems are painted red-brown. The leaves, pubescent in rich green color on red petioles, are ovoid in shape. White flowers are collected in a wide panicle 15-25 cm long. Sterile flowers up to 2-3 cm consist of 4 white petals, which later turn pink. Honey shrub. The plant does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil and strong dry winds. Fast growing variety, prefers partial shade. Frost resistance is good up to -25 degrees.
  • Vanilla Fraze- a very effective variety of paniculate hydrangea. It is a low shrub with dark green foliage. Leaves ovate, rough. It has very beautiful cone-shaped inflorescences up to 30 cm, which stand out for their color. At the beginning of flowering, they are white, and by September, the bottom of the cone-inflorescence acquires a pink-strawberry hue, and the top remains white. A fast-growing plant, it recovers well after freezing. The shrub is able to withstand low temperatures down to -40 degrees.
  • Lime Light- enough popular variety paniculate hydrangea, memorable for its lime-colored inflorescences. Gradually, the color of cone-shaped inflorescences acquires a light lemon or white hue, and turns slightly pink by autumn. Foliage is velvety dark green. The bush has very strong stems capable of supporting the weight of large inflorescences. The variety does not require various supports and tying. The plant grows up to 2 m in height and width. The growth per year is about 25 cm. It prefers sunny and moist areas. It is frost-resistant, young bushes should be covered in winter.
  • Pinky Winky- Belgian variety of panicled hydrangea. The variety is famous for its bright color of flowers and leaves. An important feature varieties are strong shoots, so the plant does not need support. The bush of this variety is small compact, the crown has a rounded shape. Inflorescences are cone-shaped panicles of white color by autumn, acquiring purple tones. The change in their color occurs gradually, which allows you to observe flowers of different tones in one panicle. The leaves are dark green and hairy along the veins. The foliage also turns red-purple in autumn. Young bushes need shelter in the cold season. Mature plants tolerate frosts down to -25 degrees.
  • White Ball frost-resistant bush of a large-leaved variety up to a meter high. It blooms in spherical inflorescences of snow-white color. The foliage is rich green, large. Flowers appear on young and shoots from the previous year. Prefers sunny places with some partial shade.
  • Romance Blue- winter-hardy variety of large-leaved hydrangea. The plant grows up to 1.5 m. It blooms on the shoots of the new and last season with spherical inflorescences about 25 cm in diameter. The flowers are terry blue-blue. Leaves, elongated green. Likes sun, moisture and well-drained soil.
  • Endles Summer- "Endless summer". The name is given due to the peculiarity of blooming not only on the shoots of the last season, but on the shoots of the current year. The bush is small, compact, up to 1.5 m. Depending on the acidity of the soil, the color of spherical inflorescences varies from blue to pink. The variety has good winter hardiness and does not require shelters.

How to distinguish types and varieties of hydrangea?

In reality, this is quite difficult to do. Species should be determined at the time of flowering, when all parts of the bush can be evaluated. Paying attention to the structure of the inflorescences, the ratio of sterile and fertile flowers, the color, shape and pubescence of the leaves, the degree of lignification of the stems, you can correctly determine the type of shrub and correctly select agricultural practices.

Positive qualities of hydrangea:

  • due to the large species and varietal diversity, you can choose the most suitable shrub for your conditions;
  • many different species allow the plant to be used as a hedge, in mixborders and flower beds of various types;
  • hydrangeas are quite resistant to pests and diseases;
  • after damage, the plant quickly recovers;
  • can grow on soils of various fertility, tolerates close occurrence of groundwater, loves acidified soils;
  • long flowering period;
  • collected inflorescences can be used in dried flower arrangements;
  • decoctions and tinctures from the leaves and root of hydrangea have medicinal properties.

Unfortunately, not all types of this beautiful shrub tolerate cold and can be grown in Russia. When keeping a hydrangea, you must strictly follow the rules of care, and then this beauty will delight you with chic flowering.



The place of origin of this species is North America. It is a shrub growing up to 3 m tall. The leaves are large, without pubescence, serrated, green above and gray below. Inflorescences appear on annual twigs, have a flat shape or the shape of a ball 15-20 cm in size. At first, the flowers are painted in green color, when fully bloomed, turn into white or cream. Prefers to grow in shady places, does not tolerate drought.

This variety is quite unpretentious, it is not afraid of frost and shading of the site. Due to its rapid growth, this variety quickly grows new shoots. In temperate climates, the plant blooms from July to November. The species is not very rich in varietal diversity.

Popular varieties of tree hydrangea:

  1. « Annabelle» large sprawling shrub, tolerates wintering well, has beautiful lush white inflorescences. Leaves reach 15 cm, retaining their green color until frost.
  2. « White Anna"- inflorescences from pale pink to purple.
  3. « Grandiflora"- large snow-white inflorescences.
  4. « Invisibell Spirit"- has large bright pink inflorescences that brighten over time.
  5. « Incrediball"- white inflorescences, surprising with their large size, the bush reaches 1.5 m.
  6. « Sterilis"- spherical white inflorescences.
  7. « Pink Pication"- inflorescences are pale pink.
  8. « White House"- a dense bush about a meter, an inflorescence is a shield in the center, of which fruit-bearing flowers are located, and sterile along the edge.
  9. « Hayes Starburst"- double light green flowers in the form of a ball with a diameter of up to 25 cm. A bush up to 1.3 m high.

Hydrangea paniculata

Its distribution area is Japan, China, south of Sakhalin. It has the appearance of a shrub about 2 m tall, it can reach 5 m. The stems of the shrub quickly become woody, which allows the plant to endure wintering well. The leaves are elongated and pubescent. Flowers are formed on new shoots and look like a pyramid.

The inflorescence is a mixture of fertile and non-fertile flowers. At the beginning of flowering, they are painted in a greenish tint, then turn white, and by autumn they become terracotta or light purple.

The saturation of the color depends on the weather and the degree of illumination. The warmer and sunnier the weather, the brighter the hydrangea flowers.

The flowering of the shrub begins at the end of summer and lasts all autumn.

This species prefers slightly shaded areas in strong sunlight, the flowers become smaller. The species is not picky about the conditions, it tolerates frosts well even without shelter. The variety has a rich varietal assortment.

Varieties of panicled hydrangea:

To grow plants in pots, breeders bred low-growing varieties no more than a meter high:

  • "Pinky Winky";
  • "Brussel Leys";
  • "Bomshel";
  • "Last Post";
  • "Darts Little Dot";
  • "Bobo" (lemon-green flowers, turning pink over time).

Hydrangea large-leaved or garden

It grows wild in Japan, Sakhalin. The height of varietal forms is about 2 m. Undersized varieties for pot growing have a height of up to half a meter. The bush winters poorly, the shoots become woody in the second year. garden hydrangea does not tolerate limestone. Intense green foliage. Flower buds form in autumn.

For overwintering, the plant should be covered with straw, spruce branches or non-woven material. Be sure to remove the shelter in time in the spring, otherwise the plant may overheat.

Flowering begins in mid-summer. Flowers are about 3 cm.

Varieties of large-leaved hydrangea:

  • « Japanese"- inflorescences in the form of an umbrella;
  • « fickle"- flowers in the form of a hemisphere and change color depending on the reaction of the soil and the presence of metal ions in it. Due to this specific property of the changeable hydrangea, there are many varieties of this species. On acidic soils, the flowers are blue or blue, on neutral and alkaline soils - pink or red. For a brighter color, you can artificially change the reaction of the soil by adding iron sulfate or alum.

Frost-resistant varieties are remontant. The flowering of such varieties begins with buds on the shoots of the second year and continues on the stems of the current season.

Frost-resistant varieties:

  • "Blue Haven";
  • "Firewox Pink";
  • "Mini Penny";
  • "White Ball";
  • "Coco Blanc";
  • "Endles Summer" - white or blue flowers;
  • "Romance" - double flowers;
  • "Expression" - terry bright pink jagged flowers in the form of shields;
  • "Ever Peppermint" - the flowers are light on the edge, and the middle is pink or blue;
  • "Red Sensation" - red inflorescences and burgundy-colored stems.

petiolate hydrangea

Lianoid shrub up to 25 m long. For flowering, he needs a support to which it is attached with the help of aerial roots. The foliage is dark green, smooth and heart shaped. fragrant flowers collected in umbrellas 15-20 cm in size, the color varies from green-white to lilac.

Liana is frost-resistant, but in severe frosts it can be damaged. To avoid freezing, the young plant should be removed from the support and covered for the winter. It can also grow without support as a groundcover, forming a dense "carpet". Prefers a shady place. It is used for gardening arbors, decorating various slopes and walls.

Hydrangea variegated or variegated

This species is also called groundcover, Bretschneider hydrangea or Himalayan. The plant has strong woody shoots, milky-white viburnum-shaped inflorescences and elongated ovate leaves. The shoots are reddish in color and have hairs of exfoliated bark.

By autumn, the flowers turn pink-purple. The shrub is shade-tolerant, hardy and can tolerate dry times. It reaches a height of up to 3 m. Cut inflorescences look beautiful in dried flowers.

hydrangea oak-leaved

The species is named so because of the similarity of its leaves with oak. The foliage is rich green above, velvety and whitish below. By September, the leaves turn red. The bush grows no more than 1.5 m. The plant blooms with panicle inflorescences. In the cold season, it freezes and does not bloom. By cutting the shoots in the fall, and covering the root system, the plant can be grown as ornamental bush with luxurious leaves.

Hydrangea ash or gray

The bush has good winter hardiness, moisture-loving. It grows up to 2 m. Inflorescences are corymbose from small sterile flowers. The leaves are oval in shape and pale green in color. Looks good as a hedge.

Hydrangea Sargent

An uncommon species that blooms with light lilac flowers collected in corymbs. The stems are reddish in color. The leaves are large up to 25 cm in length. After freezing, it builds up young shoots well and can bloom.

serrate hydrangea

Plant up to 1.5 m high with large inflorescences balls. Grows well in sunny areas. Inflorescences are bicolor. The shade of flowers will change depending on the acidity of the soil. The bred variety of this species "Blue Bird" or bluebird has blue-colored flowers and leaves. View when sheltered can tolerate frost.

Hydrangea radiata

Fast growing shrub about 2.5 m tall. It blooms in white clusters of flowers in the form of an umbrella. Leaves are lanceolate-oval. Flowering lasts no more than a month.

For growing shrubs in Russian gardens, it is better to take species and varieties adapted to the climate of Russia. The plant must have good winter hardiness. Otherwise, the bush will not please you with luxurious flowers.

In our climate zone feel great tree-like and paniculate varieties of shrubs. garden view is more moody and is better suited for pot growing.

Luxurious hydrangea is considered the recognized queen of gardens in many countries of the world. Far from all varieties of hydrangeas are suitable for Russian conditions, but most of the species are successfully grown in the Central and southern regions of the country, in the Urals, in Siberia and even in the northwestern territories of Russia. Plant breeding began in 1900. In the botanical gardens of Russia, 12 types of hydrangeas are cultivated.

The origin of the name hydrangea is associated with the French physician and naturalist Commerson, who discovered in one of Asian countries unknown to him plant of extraordinary beauty and named it in honor of his beloved Hortense Barreov, who traveled with him, dressed in men's clothes, although there are other versions.

According to Buddhist legend, on the day when the Buddha was born, beautiful flowers and the sweet nectar "Amacha" poured down. To this day, in Buddhist temples, glorifying the Buddha, they use tea from hydrangea leaves and consider it a magical ritual drink.

In the language of flowers, hydrangea symbolizes inflexibility, coldness and indifference.

plant description

The botanical name of the shrub is gindragea (Hydrangea), which means “a vessel with water”, in Japan it is called audzisai - “yearning for water”. There are more than 80 types of hydrangeas in the world.

Hydrangea is a perennial deciduous, ornamental shrub, reaching a height of 2-3 meters, with numerous flowers collected in large inflorescences. It can grow as a small tree or creeper.

Hydrangea flowers are formed in the form of a ball (brush) or panicle. The natural color of the shrub flowers is white. Breeders brought hydrangea with different colors.

In the East, hydrangea is often called a "fashionista" for its ability to change color. Unfortunately, it does not have a rich aroma. For a long time it was grown only as a house pot plant.

Types and varieties of hydrangeas

Kinds Varieties
Paniculata Kyushu, Unique, Dart's Little Dot, Vanille Fraise, Pinky Winky, Phantom
treelike Invincibelle Spirit, Sterilis, Hayes Starburst, Bella Anna, Grandiflora, Incrediball
Large-leaved (garden) Magical Flame, Mini Penny, Expression, Endless Summer, Coco Blanc, Forever&Ever
Chereshkovaya Hydrangea Petiolaris, Miranda Cordifolia
Oakleaf Snow Queen, Applause, Harmony, Snow Flake
Serrated Blue Bird, Preziosa, Virle, Golden Sunlight,. Spreading Beauty
Rough Hot Chocolate, Taiwan Pink, Kawakamil

or variably pubescent

Variety and species match
Himalayan or

Hydrangea Bretschneider

Recognized as an independent species, and not as a subspecies of a motley

Less common are prickly, ashen, radiant hydrangea; not all gardeners decide to breed them.

Hydrangea Care

For all hydrangeas, regardless of type, there is general rules cultivation.

  1. Hydrangea likes well-lit places, but without exposure to direct sunlight, especially in the middle of the day. In the bright sun, the inflorescences lose their elasticity, and in the shade they become smaller.
  2. Soil - nutritious clay soil, possibly a close occurrence of groundwater.
  3. The soil must be acidic, the hydrangea does not tolerate alkaline soils, otherwise chlorosis will develop.
  4. Water the plant in the morning or evening with warm water at the rate of 30-40 liters per bush.
  5. Weeding and loosening to a depth of at least 5 cm is required.
  6. Top dressing is carried out 2 times a year before and after flowering.
  7. In spring and autumn, sanitary pruning of damaged and frozen branches is necessary.

Important! Large-leaved hydrangea cannot be cut off, because. it blooms at the tops of the shoots.

For the winter, the plant is wrapped with garden covering material.

Russia is a huge territory with different climatic conditions, soil composition, humidity and temperature regime. When choosing varieties, this must be taken into account.

  • Central region, including Moscow region
  • Siberia
  • South Region
  • Northwest and Leningrad region
  • Far East
Region Kinds
Central region, Moscow region
  • Tree-like - all varieties
  • Panicled - all varieties
  • Large-leaved: only new frost-resistant varieties: Ever Peppermint, Red Sensation, Expression, Endless Summer, Romans
  • Petiole - requires removal from the trellis for the winter, but as a ground cover, it stops blooming, therefore it is not recommended
Ural and Siberia - the choice of species and varieties is the same
  • Tree: Annabelle, Strong Annabelle, Pink Annabelle Invincibelle
  • Paniculata: Kyushu, Unique, Dart's Little Dot, Vanille Fraise, Pinky Winky, Phantom
  • Hydrangea Bretschneider
South of Russia. All varieties of the listed species are grown
  • large-leaved
  • Ashy
  • Serrated
  • Oakleaf
  • Chereshkovaya
  • Radiant
  • Hortense Sargent.
  • treelike
  • Paniculata
Northwest and

Leningrad region

  • Paniculata: Kyushu, Vanille Fraise, Unique, Dart's Little Dot
  • Tree: Annabelle, Strong Annabelle
  • Serrated (covered) Blue Bird, Spreading Beauty
Far East, Sakhalin
  • Paniculata: Kyushu, Vanille Fraise, Pinky Winky, Phantom, Magical Flame.
  • Treelike: Annabelle, Strong Annabelle.
  • Large Leaf: Red Sensation, Early Sensation, Japanese, Fireworks Pink, Endless Summer
  • Variegated or variegated

Central region and Moscow region

For this region, three varieties are the most common and bloom well. These are paniculate, tree-like and motley species. Large-leaved - only frost-resistant varieties.

Hydrangea paniculata

It grows in the form of a bush, can reach 3-5 meters (see photo). It blooms from August until frost, inflorescences are pyramidal, in the form of panicles. Prefers partial shade, without wind and drafts. Spring annual pruning is required. In the first two years, regular watering is needed. Winters without shelter, in autumn it is recommended to tie branches so that they are not broken by snow.

The best varieties:


The shrub grows very quickly, by the age of 3 it is an already formed bush, from 1.5 to 3 meters high, it requires a garter. Inflorescences are formed in the form of balls (see photo). Winter-hardy, became the basis for breeding frost-resistant varieties. Requires heavy pruning from thickening.

The best varieties:

Invincibelle Spirit

Ural and Siberia

All varieties have winter hardiness, "keep" the temperature up to 25-30 degrees below zero, recover well after freezing, abundant flowering. Recommended varieties of tree and paniculate hydrangeas. It is better to use seedlings grown in the area. These regions may be suitable dwarf varieties. The weakly popular Bretschneider variety is suitable for the conditions of these areas.

In the harsh climate of the Urals and Siberia, shrubs require special shelters in the form of frames.

The best varieties:

Dart's Little Dot

Southern regions of Russia

In the territories of the south of the country, all types of hydrangeas can grow and bloom beautifully, but due to high temperatures and dry winds, the plant requires planting either in the shade of trees or buildings. In addition, watering is carried out at the first sign of dryness of the soil.

large-leaved hydrangea

This is one of the most beautiful plant species. It blooms in large spherical inflorescences, of different colors depending on the acidity of the soil. Demanding care, grows better in partial shade, freezes slightly, requires shelter, winter-hardy varieties have been bred. It is better to grow in containers to bring into the house for the winter.

The best varieties:

oak leaf hydrangea

The leaves are like oak leaves. Blooms with white spiky inflorescences. Valued for the color and shape of the leaves (see photo). Likes sunny areas, good in landscape design. It freezes in central Russia. Best varieties: Snow-white domes, Show Queen

Ash hydrangea

The second name is gray, rarely grown in Russian conditions. Looks good in hedges, suitable for making winter bouquets (see photo). Without pruning, it takes on a neglected look.

hydrangea rough

Prefers fertile soil, does not like the sun and winds. The variety (Macrophylla) won the greatest popularity.

serrate hydrangea

The plant has a beautiful color range and dependence on the composition of the soil. On alkaline soils it becomes pink, on acidic soils it becomes blue (see photo).

Sawtooth Hydrangea Preziosa

petiolate hydrangea

This variety is a creeper and grows up to 25 meters. With the help of aerial roots, it clings to supports and braids the walls of the house, arches and arbors. Flowers from white to lilac (see photo). Prefers shade. For the winter it is removed and covered with non-woven material. Listed in the Red Book.

Northwestern region and Leningrad region

One of the best options, according to gardeners, for these regions is panicle hydrangea. Such varieties as Lime Light and Grandiflora bloom especially well and magnificently. The Polar Bear variety showed itself well. Varieties are unpretentious and winter-hardy.

Tree-like in these areas freezes slightly and ceases to bloom, therefore it requires shelter. Also with shelter, you can plant a serrated hydrangea. The large-leaved species requires a lot of strength, and then if the seedling is bought in a nursery. The advantage of this region is the acidic soil, which is very fond of hydrangea.

Best varieties: Grandiflora, Polar Bear, Far East

The Far East is the birthplace of hydrangea. The most common species in this region are paniculata and tree hydrangea. They do not require much attention and perfectly tolerate the climate of Primorye.

Hydrangea motley grows well in this region, which is found wild in forests. Far East. Climatic conditions are also suitable for petiolate hydrangea. Gardeners leave it in a permanent place for the winter, because. she doesn't freeze.

IN Lately Russian gardeners have increased interest in growing hydrangeas, especially since many new varieties have appeared