Blooming Kalanchoe is the best window sill decoration. Healing Kalanchoe flower - competent care at home

Kalanchoe is a succulent with thick green leaves and bright pink, white, yellow, crimson flowers. Belongs to the Fat family, requires minimal watering, tolerates the absence of fertilizers, and is rarely affected by pests. In general, caring for Kalanchoe at home is not difficult and even a novice florist can safely acquire it.

And the Kalanchoe can look differently, because as many as 200 species are united in this genus! Some of them are especially decorative and bright colors, others - with medicinal properties.

At home, they are most often grown:

  • Kalanchoe Blossfeld is decorative. Forms a compact bush, blooms with elegant umbrella-shaped inflorescences. A well-known variety series - Kalanchoe Kalandiva is characterized by double flowers.
  • Kalanchoe Degremona is medicinal, the juice from its fleshy leaves is used to heal wounds, get rid of a cold, etc. Refers to bryophyllum (viviparous Kalanchoe breeding "babies").
  • Kalanchoe pinnate is also a medicinal bryophyllum. Its oval leaves with patterns of veins resemble feathers, and this is what the species deserves its name.
  • Kalanchoe Mangina (Mangini) is an ornamental bryophyllum with long shoots that form an ampelous bush. It blooms with bright red bell flowers.
  • Kalanchoe tubular (tubiflora) is an interesting bryophyllum with narrow leaves tucked inward and with many "children" along their edges.
  • Kalanchoe dissected - the so-called "deer horns". Releases long shoots with dissected narrow leaves, shaped like deer antlers.

There are many other species, for example, felt Kalanchoe, Paniculata Kalanchoe, etc., but they are grown much less often.

However, you can grow any Kalanchoe at home, adhering to certain rules of care. They are practically the same for both flowering and deciduous species of this wonderful plant.

Lighting and temperature

Like most succulents, Kalanchoe needs good lighting. Of course, you can put the plant in a shaded place, but then its stems will stretch, and flowering in general will be a big question.

When grown at home best windows for Kalanchoe - eastern and western. And in winter, they are completely southern. In summer, you need to be careful with southern windows. In the heat, with intense solar radiation, Kalanchoe leaves can take on a reddish tint, but some growers even like such metamorphoses. So try it.

At home, Kalanchoe is grown in pots on windowsills or on the balcony - in balcony boxes

Important note: the establishment of flower buds in the Kalanchoe occurs with a short daylight hours (lasting about 8-10 hours). But this “day” should be bright, ideally sunny. Then more flower buds will form, and the colors of the flowers will be more saturated.

Like many succulents, Kalanchoe grows best in mildly warm temperatures. In summer, the ideal mode is 23-25 ​​° C, in winter - 11-16 ° C. But quite bold variations in one direction or another from the theoretical ideal are also possible. In winter, nothing will happen to the Kalanchoe, and with short-term drops in temperature to 8 ° C, of ​​course, provided that the plant is kept “semi-dry”. And in summer, even temperatures above 30 will not harm him, if the earthen coma is not allowed to dry out.

Therefore, as soon as the air warms up to 10 ° C in spring, you can take out the Kalanchoe in a pot to the balcony or yard. And keep the plant there until autumn, until, again, the temperature drops below 10 ° C. Some gardeners plant it in the open ground in the garden for the summer, and in the fall they dig it up and move it back to the pot.

In summer, Kalanchoe can be planted in the garden - right into the open ground. Or take the pots of succulents out into the yard.

Watering and feeding

In their Kalanchoe leaves able to retain water and gradually spend it on personal needs. Accordingly, the plant does not need abundant frequent watering. Excess moisture will only contribute to root rot. Especially often, the death of Kalanchoe from overflow occurs in winter after abundant watering of the cold soil that does not have time to dry out.

Therefore, in winter, Kalanchoe is rarely watered at home, waiting for the soil in the pot to dry out almost completely. This is one of essential rules care for succulents! Be especially careful when keeping cool in winter, for example on a balcony. In the summer, in the heat, they water it more often, but they also focus on the condition of the soil and dry upper layer.

Kalanchoe has a negative attitude towards abundant frequent watering, therefore it should be watered only after the top layer of the soil has dried

Kalanchoe fertilizers are also not demanding. It is advisable to feed it during budding and flowering, using any fertilizer for flowering indoor plants... During the growing season, you can apply universal fertilizer... It is enough to fertilize Kalanchoe once a month, using half the dose recommended by the manufacturer. And during the rest period, you should completely abandon any feeding.

To feed Kalanchoe, half the dose of fertilizer specified by the manufacturer is enough

Soil and transplant rules

The best soil for Kalanchoe is slightly acidic or neutral, well-drained and water-permeable. Ideal for these purposes:

  • soil for succulets;
  • universal soil + sand.

Young, fast growing plants, transplanted every year in spring at new pot, 1-2 cm larger than the previous one in diameter. Adult Kalanchoe who have reached optimal height, are transplanted once every 2 years.

When planting (transplanting) Kalanchoe, a drainage layer is required, which will protect against stagnation of water at the bottom of the pot and, as a result, from the possibility of root rot for this reason.

Transplant process step by step:

  • water the Kalanchoe in an old pot;
  • after a few minutes, carefully remove the plant;
  • gently shake off the old soil from the roots;
  • to prepare new soil, in its structure and properties, it should be similar to the old soil;
  • prepare a new pot (which may be slightly larger or the same size as the previous one);
  • pour 1-2 cm of drainage and a small layer of new soil to the bottom;
  • put the root ball in a pot, pour new soil into the spaces formed along the walls of the pot.

In the new soil, the transplanted Kalanchoe takes root in about 1-2 weeks.

For transplanting Kalanchoe, you can use ordinary universal soil, adding a small amount of sand to it

Trimming and shaping

All Kalanchoe tend to stretch and grow over time. Of course, for some time after the purchase, the Kalanchoe looks like a miniature squat bush (and even then, if you take proper care of it), but gradually, at home, the decorative effect of the plant decreases. The stems are pulled out, the leaves are shrinking.

To prevent this from happening, the Kalanchoe must be shaped by trimming and pinching.

Kalanchoe pruning is performed immediately after flowering. Withered peduncles are cut off and the stems are shortened. In place of the cuts, new shoots will appear, which can also be pinched for further branching.

Usually pruning and shaping of Kalanchoe is performed in spring / summer. Then, by the fall, many young shoots are growing on the plant, ready to give flower stalks. If you plan to stimulate the plant to bloom at another time (this is possible by artificially reducing daylight hours, it is written about this further - scroll down the page), then pruning should be stopped a couple of months before the start of stimulation.


Kalanchoe can be propagated in several ways:

1. "Children" (only bryophyllum)

They are fully formed plants, only small, but already having leaves and roots. The mother's bryophyllum pours these "babies" anywhere, even in nearby pots with other plants. And the new settlers quickly take root, forming whole families of new young Kalanchoe.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe-bryophyllums by brood buds

2. Apical cuttings

A universal way, suitable for any kind. And allows you to get an adult the fastest flowering plant... The apical cutting is cut from the mother bush, dried for 1-3 days and buried in the ground. They do not cover the top with anything, watered a little after the top layer of soil has dried. Or they put the cut stalk in the water. Kalanchoe roots give easily, even in winter.

3. Leafy cuttings

A universal method similar to the previous one. The leaf is buried in the ground, it gives roots very quickly. After a while (you will have to wait!), An outgrowth begins to grow from the buried leaf - a new full-fledged Kalanchoe. With viviparous Kalanchoe, you can do differently: put the leaf on the ground vertically, then "babies" will quickly appear from the sinuses.

4. Seeds

The seeds are spread on the surface of a moistened soil, covered with glass, and placed in a warm, bright place. Shoots appear in a few days. Seed propagation is the most labor-intensive method of propagation of Kalanchoe, but it also takes place. Especially if you want to grow a rare variety, from which there is no way to take a stalk or "baby".

How to make Kalanchoe bloom

To understand how to care for Kalanchoe at home and achieve flowering at the same time, we turn to botanical reference books. In its homeland (Madagascar Island), Kalanchoe blooms at the end of the African summer, when sunny days are short. Accordingly, this succulent is genetically programmed to form flower buds under short daylight conditions. In our latitudes, its natural flowering occurs in December - May.

Interesting fact:

With suitable conditions and care, Blossfeld's Kalanchoe can bloom almost all year round.

However, in the store you can buy blooming Kalanchoe in a pot at any other time of the year. How growers cared for such a plant that they managed to bring it down The biological clock? The secret lies in the artificial reduction of daylight hours to 8-10 hours. The remaining 14-16 hours of Kalanchoe are placed in pitch darkness... This regime is maintained for 4 weeks, during which flower buds are laid.

The same can be replicated at home. To do this, at a certain time, cover the Kalanchoe with a box, a tight bag, or put the plant in a dark cabinet. And after 14-16 hours - to expose or remove the shelter. For example, at 5 pm a bag is put on the plant, and at 7 am they are removed. And so for 4 weeks.

Kalanchoe can be stimulated to bloom even in summer, for example, by a certain date. Why not?

In preparation for flowering, the following conditions will be ideal:

  • short daylight hours;
  • high level of illumination, direct sunlight is welcome;
  • cool;
  • poor watering.

After a month of such preparation, a set of buds and during flowering, the need for a short day of light disappears. But it is advisable to provide coolness - so the flowers last longer. Watering can be increased, that is, switch the mode from "lean" to "moderate". And admire the bloom, which can last 3-4 months!

Blooming Kalanchoe is an unforgettable sight!

To encourage the plant to bloom for an extended period, old wilted buds are removed. In their place, new arrows with buds grow.

Post-flowering care

When is the last Kalanchoe flower will wither, home care for him changes. There comes a dormant period - the time during which the plant regains strength and prepares for the new growing season and flowering.

In preparation for the dormant period, the faded peduncles are cut off and the stems are shortened, that is, they are pruned. Then the Kalanchoe is placed in a cool, shady (but not dark!) Place. This can be a corner of a loggia, a cold northern windowsill, etc.

Care conditions during this period:

  • lack of direct sunlight;
  • poor watering;
  • coolness (11-16 ° C ideally, but variations are possible).

In about a month of this content, the Kalanchoe is completely restored. And then you can, if you wish, start forcing again and get a second flowering in 2.5-3 months.

And now we suggest you watch a video that tells how to grow a Kalanchoe:

Kalanchoe - famous medicinal plant grown at home. It is also called "home doctor" or "tree of life". The juice from the fleshy leaves of the flower has medicinal properties, therefore it is widely used in folk therapy.

A beautiful plant is hardy not picky. It adapts quickly, but care mistakes can lead to the death of the pet. It belongs to the group of succulents, that is, crops that accumulate water in the stem and leaves. This genus includes many species, many of them have high medicinal properties and others - decorative qualities and large bright flowers:

  1. The dissected Kalanchoe is also called "antlers". It has leaves similar to deer antlers - long shoots with narrowed leaves, dissected along the perimeter.
  2. Tubiflora is a plant with narrow foliage tucked inward. It has many processes along the edges.
  3. Mangini - decorative variety having long shoots. It blooms with bell-shaped flowers of bright red color.
  4. Cirrus - medicinal grade... The foliage resembles feathers and has clearly visible veins.
  5. Degremona - has juicy fleshy leaves, the juice of which quickly heals wounds, is used to treat many ENT pathologies.
  6. Blossfeld has high decorative qualities. It is a compact bush with umbrella-shaped inflorescences.

All of the above varieties are easy to grow at home, even for a novice florist. They will constantly delight with their beauty and decorate the room.

Important rules for caring for the Kalanchoe plant

The first representatives of Kalanchoe grew on the island of Madagascar, and then spread to all regions of Asia. The green handsome man feels good both at home and in the greenhouse. It can hold out for a long time without watering, as it accumulates enough moisture in the stem and wide leaves.

They are covered thin film, preventing evaporation, but you still need to monitor the growth of the plant, and also follow some rules:

  • protect against disease;
  • feed and fertilize;
  • watering correctly;
  • observe temperature and light conditions;
  • propagate and cut correctly so as not to damage the main bush.

Kalanchoe should be in a well-lit room. In a darkened corner, the flower will stretch, and the flowering stage may not come at all. Best window sills for a green pet, these are the east and west sides. In winter, the flowerpot can be rearranged to the south side.

In bright sun and heat, the foliage becomes reddish. This is not a sign of illness. At home, the plant is planted in pots and placed on a windowsill or flower stand. In greenhouses and on the balcony, it is better to place the flower in a wide box.

Concerning temperature regime, the Kalanchoe loves a warm temperate climate. In the winter months it is ideal for him - + 11-16 ° C, in the summer months - + 23-25 ​​° C. Of course, the pet can withstand sharp jumps back and forth, but it is better to prevent this.

The main thing is not to allow the soil to dry out or excessive waterlogging. In the summer, the plant is moved from the house to the courtyard or to an unglazed balcony. Some gardeners bury flowers in the open ground, and then transplant the pot back in the fall.

Formation and pruning of Kalanchoe

With time indoor flower begins to stretch strongly upward. At first, the green friend looks compact and miniature, like a squat bush, but gradually its decorative properties deteriorate. The foliage becomes smaller, and the stems become elongated. To restore the beauty of the Kalanchoe flower, a clothespin and pruning are needed.

The last procedure is carried out after the flowering stage. Long stems are cut, wilted flowers are removed. Young shoots hatch on the cuts. For their branching, they are pinched. Flower shaping and pruning is usually done in summer or spring. By the beginning of autumn, the plant will give many young shoots with peduncles.

Correct flower watering

Don't worry about watering the Kalanchoe. It withstands drought very well. Of course, in the hot season, you should not overdry the land lump too much. During the winter months, the frequency of watering is reduced to once every few weeks. Stagnant water in the soil often causes root rot.

It is very important that the pot with the plant has drainage holes at the bottom through which excess liquid will flow out. You need to water the plant both in the pallet and on top of the soil. In extreme heat, you should monitor the soil. The dried top layer is immediately watered.

Fertilizing and feeding Kalanchoe

The plant is not demanding on soil fertilization. This is best done during the period of bud ovary and the appearance of flowers. Usually classic mineral fertilizers are used for decorative flowers, which are sold in a wide range in shops for florists.

Universal feeding is used during the growing season. It is enough to saturate the soil with half of the rate suggested by the manufacturer. Top dressing of the soil is carried out no more than once a month. When the flower is in the dormant stage, there is no need to fertilize it at all.

How to stimulate flowering Kalanchoe

V natural conditions beautiful plant blooms during the African summer, that is, when there are short sunny days. Flower buds and in the home they are laid with a short light period. Basically Kalanchoe blooms from December to May. Some varieties, with good care, produce flowers all year round.

To force the Kalanchoe flower to release buds, it is necessary to artificially reduce daylight hours to 8 hours. At other times, the pot is moved to a dark corner, such as a closet. This continues for a month.

This is enough to create good flower stalks. Some growers simply cover the flower with a tight box, place it in a dark cabinet. After 16 hours, open the pet. For example, this can be done at 17-00 in the evening, and opened at 7-00 in the morning.

For long flowering it is necessary good lighting, not frequent watering and coolness. During flowering, soil moisture can be increased, then flowering will last up to six months. Withered flowers are cut off. In their place, new young buds usually appear.

After flowering Kalanchoe enters a quiet period. This is necessary to recuperate, prepare for a new stage of flowering and release cuttings. After flowering, the stems are pruned, dried flower stalks are removed.

Then the flowerpot is rearranged in a shady place, for example, on northern part rooms or on a darkened loggia. Watering in this season should be sparse, a coolness of up to + 16 ° C is desirable. Re-flowering occurs again after 2-3 months.

Suitable soil and flower transplant

Kalanchoe loves neutral and slightly acidic soil, soft and loose, well-draining water. Florists buy universal soil and mix it with coarse sand. Sold separately potting soil for succulents. Young bushes are transplanted annually into a wider pot. Adult green inhabitants of the windowsill do not need to be transplanted often, once every 1-2 years is enough.

A drainage layer must be laid at the bottom of the flowerpot so that water does not stagnate at the bottom. The plant is transplanted with a moistened old earth ball. New soil is poured, and it should be similar in properties and quality to the previous one. It is sprinkled on the sides of the new pot. The plant takes root quickly within a few weeks.

How Kalanchoe reproduces

The new plant can be propagated. This is done in different ways:

  1. rooting cuttings;
  2. sowing seeds;
  3. dividing a large bush;
  4. planting a single leaf.

The third method is not always successful, since a new bush or the main one can quickly wither away. The most common and easy method- rooting of cuttings.

The small stem quickly takes root, which is fixed in the new soil. In a month, there will be a lush bush in its place. Not only cuttings, but also leaves take root well.

When planting Kalanchoe seeds, they are introduced into moistened soil. Then cover the ground with polyethylene, periodically conduct airing and watering. For fast germination of seeds, diffused light is required. The container should be in a warm place. After pecking the seeds, the flowerpot is rearranged in the sun.

Pests and protection against Kalanchoe diseases

Kalanchoe rarely gets sick. If brown, white or gray spots appear on the foliage, you need to change the watering or lighting mode. The ground should not be very wet. During illness, it is better to water the plant rarely, providing it with additional lighting. In the best case, you should change the pot, make top dressing.

Kalanchoe foliage can dry out and die off. The reason for this is the extremely dry air and heat. To treat a flower in such a situation, it should be moistened more often and transferred to a cool place. To get rid of aphids, the buds affected by it and the yellowed leaves are cut off, and the remaining stems and foliage are treated with soapy water.

Kalanchoe flower is a plant-healer. It belongs to the succulents of the fatty family. This shrub succulent has many varieties: simple or feathery leaves with a smooth or jagged edge. All varieties are characterized by an inflorescence in the form of a loose bunch, located on peduncles.

Types of Kalanchoe, names and photos

How to care for Kalanchoe at home

The most favorite variety among gardeners is Kalanchoe Kalandiva, or flowering Kalanchoe. Below is a number of rules for caring for Kalanchoe Kalandiva at home :

  • Cold southern rooms are optimal for growing.
  • These plants are very sun-loving. Sometimes, to make Kalanchoe bloom in spring and summer, one should artificial means reduce daylight hours to 12 hours.
  • In winter, the flower feels better at slightly lower temperatures - 12-14 degrees.
  • Almost all types of Kalanchoe, except for one-flowered, are grown on a mixture of compost, humus and leafy soil.
  • Kalanchoe requires rare, abundant watering in summer, very moderate in winter. Doesn't need spraying at all.
  • During the period of bud formation (most often from March to August), the plant needs fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers... It is very important that they contain phosphorus.
  • In young plants that have given roots, the top should be pinched.
  • Kalanchoe is transplanted annually.
  • The flower propagates by seeds, leaf cuttings and cuttings of peduncles.

Video: Flower care

Possible problems when growing Kalanchoe

  1. The stem is pulled out. The reason: in winter they often watered, and in summer there was not enough light.
  2. The stem is bent. It is necessary to turn the pot with the plant towards the light source in different directions.
  3. Does not bloom. Florists are always worried about the question of why Kalanchoe does not bloom at home . There are a number of reasons for this:
  • too long daylight;
  • improper lighting;
  • excessive feeding;
  • the state of rest is not maintained;
  • lack or excess of watering;

How to make Kalanchoe bloom? A few simple recommendations should be followed:

  1. Repot the plant 2 times a year in a not very spacious pot.
  2. Artificially reduce daylight hours for the plant.
  3. Let the plant build up strength.

Video: Create the conditions for flowering

Important! In stores, Kalanchoe blooms constantly due to the production soil, which is "stuffed" with fertilizers as much as possible. When a plant gets into your house, it exists only due to the remnants of this soil. Therefore, after purchase, it is very important to give the plant a rest, transplant it, and then help it gain strength for budding.

Kalanchoe - "living doctor"

Long known beneficial features kalanchoe .

For treatment, the juice obtained from the leaves and stems of the plant is used. The use of Kalanchoe juice is possible in the following cases:

  • runny nose, including children. Enough 1-2 drops in each nostril three times a day. Use for preventive purposes is possible.
  • herpes;
  • different types of wounds;
  • youthful acne.

Video: Kalanchoe flower - a medicine from the windowsill

Kalanchoe will be the best for you decorative decoration apartments, while also showing their medicinal properties.

Kalanchoe is a genus of herbaceous succulent plants with a large number of species. V wildlife they grow in the tropics and the southern part of the African continent, in the south and southeast of Asia and in the tropical zone South America... These plants are well known to Europeans for their medicinal qualities, but for decorative purposes they began to be used relatively recently. We will tell you about the most popular decorative types Kalanchoe and their care.

What does a flower look like

Each type of decorative Kalanchoe looks different, but there is something that unites them. First of all, these are juicy and fleshy leaves and stem. In most species, the stems are erect, the leaves are petioled or sessile, different in shape, with an even or jagged edge. Reproduction occurs by cuttings, seeds and brood buds.

Here is a more detailed description of several popular types:

  • . Compact plant no more than 30 cm in height. It has rounded leaves with wavy edges. Differs in a rather long flowering period: from winter to late spring.

  • . This look is popular due to lush bloom... The inflorescences form a dense head. Flowers are small, with large quantity petals. The duration of flowering is up to six months. The leaves are large, rounded with wavy edges, rich green color.

  • . The flower has a long stem with oblong leaves that have pronounced teeth at the edges. At the end of the stem is a panicle inflorescence with tubular flowers. Blooms in all shades from red to purple. The foliage is light green or green and may have a purple hue.

  • . main feature of this species - the ability to grow "children" along the edges of the foliage. Like the pinnate Kalanchoe, it has a long stem with arrow-shaped leaves of a deep green color. Young leaves bend inward, forming a groove in the center. Over time, the sheet bends in the opposite direction and twists the sharp edge under itself. The flower grows very intensively.

Did you know?Representatives of the Kalanchoe laciniata species, possessing bright golden flowers, were named in India "hemasagara", that is, "sea of ​​gold".

Some species of Kalanchoe (for example, the tubotseed) are poisonous to animals.

Competent care

The plant is unpretentious, but since it was brought from tropical latitudes, it needs similar climatic conditions in its habitat.

Lighting requirements

Kalanchoe is a light-loving flower, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. Therefore, it is best to place it in the summer on the western or eastern windows, and in the winter - on the southern ones.

Some sources claim that the plant can be kept in the light only in the first half of the day, and after lunch it must be moved into the shade or covered with something. Others, on the contrary, argue that for abundant flowering, it must be exposed to light within 12 hours.

The correct solution is to keep the flower in a well-lit place, but at the same time protecting it from direct sunlight.

Optimum temperature

The flower tolerates high temperatures, up to 35 ° C. But if the thermometer shows below 10 ° C, growth will slow down and the flowering period will shift.

How to water Kalanchoe

Poorly tolerates abundant watering. If the roots stick, the plant will start to rot. To prevent this from happening, you need to water the flower every three days and not very abundantly. If excess water drains into the sump, it must be discarded immediately. Watering is desirable with settled water.

It should be borne in mind that the Kalanchoe does not like humid air.

Important! When watering, try to prevent water from getting on the leaves and stem, otherwise fungal disease will begin to develop.

Correct pruning

The plant is characterized by intense upward growth. Therefore, in order for it to look attractive, it is necessary to regularly carry out formative pruning. Feel free to experiment. The flower easily tolerates pruning and quickly recovers.

In order for a young flower to grow better, it is not only pruned, but also pinched. It helps to take faster beautiful shape... This procedure is carried out in early summer.

How to feed Kalanchoe

You need to feed and fertilize only with special fertilizers for succulents. The procedure should be carried out in late spring or mid-summer. On the fertilizer package, the amount of fertilizing required for the flower is prescribed, as well as how often to feed the plant. You need to use half of the specified fertilizer dose.

Important! Before applying top dressing, it should be diluted in warm water and wait until it cools down. This is necessary for better absorption of fertilizers by the roots.

Transplant features

It only needs replanting when the pot becomes small for growing roots, or when the soil turns sour due to the abundance of moisture. Transplantation takes place in late spring.

The plant is carefully removed from the old pot and, along with a small amount of soil, is placed in a new one. In order for the plant to take root faster, the new soil must be similar in composition to the old one. You also need top dressing. The adaptation period takes about a week.

Kalanchoe transplant: video

The main mistakes of care: why the Kalanchoe does not bloom

Usually, flower growers prefer Kalanchoe because of its abundant flowering. Having chosen the plant they like in the store, many note that the next flowering period is less intense or absent altogether. Don't think that the wrong flower was sold to you. It is necessary to revise the rules for caring for him.

Why does not it bloom

As a rule, Kalanchoe stops blooming due to the large amount of fertilizers applied to the soil. Begin to gradually reduce the amount of dressing until you have reduced it to zero.

Another reason for the lack of flowering is excess moisture and improper watering. Try to water the plant less. Drought is less frightening to him than high humidity... And you need to water only with settled water at room temperature.
Sometimes the reason for the lack of flowering can be a long stay in the light. Reduce artificial daylight hours. Make the night for the Kalanchoe last 12-14 hours.

What to do: how to make Kalanchoe bloom

If you have properly looked after the Kalanchoe, but it does not bloom, try the following:

  1. Cut off old stalks.
  2. When the shoots begin to grow, pinch off the top two leaves on them. If the tip is too long, trim it off.
  3. When new shoots with three pairs of petals appear in the pinching places, cut them off. This pruning will allow the plant to form a dense bush. We do the last pinching in November.
  4. Now the flower needs a short and bright daylight. The plant is artificially sent to sleep by covering it with a cloth.
  5. After a while, flowering shoots should appear. If they are not there before March, we pinch the plant again.

Did you know? The Kalanchoe people are often called the "tree of life" or "room doctor".

As you can see, the Kalanchoe - unpretentious plant... But if you do not follow the basic rules for caring for it, it will not please you. abundant flowering... Take care of it, and the Kalanchoe will thank you with scattering of bright colors.

Optimal summer temperature for a blooming Kalanchoe - in the range from 23 to 29 degrees. A higher temperature is acceptable, but it does not hurt to increase the frequency of watering, since if there are flowers, they can dry out.

Though plant - tropical, low temperatures it tolerates well. In winter and autumn, at temperatures above 10 degrees, it is quite possible to expose it to fresh air.

Nevertheless, given the harsh climate of many regions of our country, in a cold season it will be safer indoors, away from sudden frosts and freezing winds.

After frostbite, only the root can remain alive. You will have to cut off almost everything except the root, and then wait for a miracle to happen and shoots appear.


Room Kalanchoe plant quite unpretentious in care, including lighting. It can be positioned almost anywhere in the room where the sun's rays fall. Favorable conditions can be called both penumbra and diffused light.

Straight sunlight most part of time safe and even recommended, how the best option lighting. Direct rays are dangerous in the period from 11 am to 3 pm from March to September.

The fact is that the leaves contain a lot of moisture and therefore can get burns from intense lighting... These burns can cause stunted growth. In the most solar time day, bright, but diffused light is recommended.

If enough is provided lighting, there should be a reddish outline on the leaves. In the opposite case, when there is not enough light, the stems stretch out, and the leaves turn noticeably pale.

Watering Kalanchoe

How often water the Kalanchoe at home?

Kalanchoe - succulent, that is, it is able to accumulate moisture and in this way survive drought. You don't have to worry too much if you once forgot about watering.

But excessive watering is harmful... You need to water so that the water completely soaks the ground, and drain the excess.

In hot weather, you can increase the frequency of watering, but still monitor the excess water.

In winter, twice a week will be enough.

Over-watering leads to root rot, mold and mildew growth.

The bay is detected by the following features:

  1. The leaves turn pale and wither.
  2. On the leaves appear dark spots with yellow edges.
  3. The earth does not dry out.

The danger of the bay, first of all, lies in the fact that all negative processes occur at the bottom of the pot (out of sight), and the consequences manifest themselves very late, when the rescue operation may no longer help.

Before starting a rescue operation, you should find out reasons for the bay to avoid making the same mistake after recovery.

The reasons for the bay can be as follows:

  • the plant was not transplanted from purchased soil that was too water-absorbing;
  • the soil in the new pot was not suitable;
  • excessive watering frequency;
  • the pot is in a too dark and humid place;
  • there is no drainage;
  • too spacious pot.

How to save:

Air humidity

In the summer no need for spraying, and in winter it is even dangerous.

To rid the leaves of dust, as well as to prevent some diseases and pests, it is recommended to wipe them with a damp cloth.


No need for abundant feeding- it is enough to fertilize every month.

There are no special requirements for fertilizers. Use the usual fertilizer for succulents and cacti.

Excessive feeding is even harmful, and in winter it is completely dangerous to fertilize.


Pruning is essential for flowering... How undercut Kalanchoe? Moreover, it should be cardinal - the peduncle should be removed as low as possible in order to prevent rotting of the remaining part.

Flowering strongly weakens the plant, therefore, all tarnished and dried parts should be cut off immediately upon detection.


How to cut Kalanchoe:

How to pinch a Kalanchoe:

Care after purchase

For indoor flowers, and especially for decorative Kalanchoe very important good care at home. First landing(transplant) Kalanchoe requires special attention. Immediately after purchase, the plant should be transplanted into another pot with new soil.

Most likely it has long outgrown its old pot, but remained in it for economic reasons. The soil should be changed, since it is not known what composition it has. For cultivation, pots with a diameter of 9 to 18 cm are used.

The most common sizes are 12-15 cm. The pot should not be too large, as this can cause bay and death. But too small a pot will not be so critical.

The worst thing that can happen is the plant will not bloom.


Kalanchoe is growing very fast and therefore it is very important to replant it in a timely manner.

It is advisable to do this at least once a year, at the end of March.

Each new pot should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one.

The transplant must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the fragile stems and leaves.

The optimal soil composition should include turf, leaf and sand in equal proportions.

How to properly care for blooming Kalanchoe at home?

Maintaining the life of the Kalanchoe is not difficult enough, but in order for it to bloom as often and for a long time, additional knowledge and efforts will be needed.

Flowering conditions

Flowering begins in November and ends in March, when the dormant period begins.

Conditions of keeping Kalanchoe for abundant flowering:

  1. Water moderately and correctly - moisten the soil no more than once a week. Do not wet leaves and flowers. Make sure that there is no excess liquid.
  2. Illuminate correctly. That is, provide good access to the sun, but do not leave it in direct sunlight for too long. Normalized light conditions are very important for flowering.

    In winter, you should extend the daytime using artificial lighting up to 12 o'clock, and in summer shorten with a canopy or move to a dark corner.

  3. Protect from cold and drafts.
  4. Fertilize only from June to November, no more than 1-2 times a month.
  5. Cut off old leaves and flower stalks.

Pruning Kalanchoe blooming

Is it necessary and possible to produce pruning Kalanchoe? The emergence pests or diseases sometimes forces pruning during flowering.

The process is quite simple - you just need to cut off diseased areas at the junction with healthy ones.

How to prune Kalanchoe after flowering?

Blooming greatly weakens the plant.

In order for it to bloom in the future, it needs to arrange a period of rest.

How to trim properly decorative Kalanchoe at home? For this:

  • all peduncles are cut off;
  • the pot moves to the shade with coolness;
  • not watered for 1.5 months.

After a dormant period plant return to the old place and with early summer fertilized.

How to form a crown?

Kalanchoe formation- a simple and long-term business.
How to form a Kalanchoe? All that is required is to pinch off the tips of the shoots as they grow.

How to form a Kalanchoe flower if it is stretched out? Too elongated shoots need to be pinched off more radically, while sprinkling the cuts with ash or charcoal... Thus, volume will gradually appear.

How to pinch a Kalanchoe?

So is it necessary pinching Kalanchoe? Many owners often complain that their Kalanchoe does not bloom again.

They don't even know that the lack of variegated buds may be just the lesser of many problems.

If some owners take a close look at their plant, they may notice the thinning of the shoots. This means that minerals are poorly supplied to this area.

And this can lead to the fact that the shoots dry out entirely. It is to solve this problem that pinching Kalanchoe.

Weak shoots can be pinched off anything: fingers, scissors, etc. It is advisable to do this slowly and carefully so as not to pinch off the excess.

But even if it happens, the wound can be easily cured by sprinkling it with ash or charcoal.

Planting and caring for the garden

Few know that Kalanchoe can be kept not only in indoor conditions but also in the garden. But, growing (reproduction) at home much easier than outdoors.

How to care for a Kalanchoe flower outdoors? The plant cannot withstand temperatures below freezing... The soil should be neutral or slightly acidic with a nutrient layer thickness of at least 12 cm.

Seedlings should have a height of at least 10 - 12 cm and about 6 developed leaves. Fertilize the area before planting rotted manure, superphosphate and potassium salt.

After engraftment, in July and August need feeding in the form of nitrogen fertilizers. The distance between the plants is approximately 30 cm and the row spacing is 50 cm.

Before flowering, you need to loosen the soil at least 5 - 6 times.

What if it doesn't grow?

In such a situation, the owner should make sure that he has followed all the recommendations for Kalanchoe care.

It is also possible Kalanchoe does not grow due to existing diseases and pests.

Get rid of diseases and pests by pruning affected areas and treating them with insecticides.

Useful video

A little about how to properly care for the Kalanchoe: