What tomato seeds are best planted on the windowsill. How to grow tomatoes at home in winter

Growing indoor plants is the lot of green pet lovers. If we grow plants at home, mostly for the soul, then we can try to grow plants for food. This, it turns out, is not so difficult. For example, tomatoes on the windowsill are no longer exotic.

Tomatoes grow well not only in the garden or suburban area. You can break the "bed" on the balcony. Growing tomatoes and caring for them in an apartment is not much different from growing them in open field and caring for indoor plants.

Features of growing tomatoes in an apartment

Even a beginner lover of indoor vegetables can grow tomatoes at home. But there are also some features. Only a few basic rules should be followed: First of all, it should be noted that the tomato is a very photophilous plant, it tolerates direct sunlight well. For its cultivation, windows facing south are suitable, and in case of insufficient natural light additional artificial in the form of fluorescent lamps is needed.

If you decide to grow tomatoes on the windowsill, it is better to opt for dwarf undersized varieties. For growing tomatoes on a balcony, where large volumes of soil can be provided, taller and large-fruited varieties. For a home garden, choose also early maturing varieties. Recommended are "White filling" and "Siberian early ripening", undersized variety of tomatoes "Leopold", small-fruited tomatoes and tomatoes "Cherry". Dwarf varieties are suitable for “apartment” tomatoes: Ruby, Oak, Bonsai, George Bush, Canada News, Japanese Room, Balcony Miracle, Florida Petit (Little Florida), Pinocchio, Pierreta 225. Perfect for a windowsill undersized varieties tomatoes: “Ox's ear”, “Pink Angel”, “Renet” (very early varieties), “Yamal”, etc. Their fruits, however, are not so large, but at the same time they are no less enjoyable. Outdoors, plants grow 25 to 35 centimeters tall. In the room, they stretch up to 40 - 50 centimeters, but at the same time, the trunk of the plant is strong enough, and it is not necessary to tie up the plants.

Growing tomatoes on the windowsill in winter and summer

Outside the window - severe frost, and on the windowsill - fresh tomatoes? It is possible with a little effort and love. Let's take a look at dwarf tomatoes. Why on them? Dwarf tomatoes are not afraid of direct sunlight, tolerate shade well, are not afraid of drafts, and are unpretentious in care. And most importantly - tomatoes give fruits weighing up to 50 grams. For a culture grown on a windowsill, these are good indicators! Sow indoor tomatoes possible in 2 terms. If you want to New Year's table have your own red tomatoes - sow the seeds in August-September. Then fruiting will be from December to January. Tomatoes will begin to turn red in March if you sow the second batch in December.

To grow tomatoes on a windowsill, you will need to: choose containers for growing (cylindrical shape is better than square ones or choose the most illuminated window sill (preferably southern), organize additional lighting (preferably with a source of short-wave red-blue light) - if there is a lack of light, buds fall; plant seeds in trays covered plastic wrap, until seedlings appear, you need to keep the pallets in a dark and warm (25-30 degrees) place, then the film is removed, after the appearance of two “real” leaves, the plants swoop down and planted on permanent place; after planting in a permanent place, seedlings are looked after in the same way as in the open field - watering, pinching, feeding, disease control; if desired and with sufficient skills, tomatoes at home can be grown hydroponically. Any hostess will come up with many ways to decorate various dishes nice little ones. And you can put a whole bush with ripe fruits on the table in a beautiful pot - both an appetizer and a decoration! Small sweet tomatoes are good both fresh and canned. By the way, when canned, they do not crack.

Growing tomatoes on the balcony

No later than March-April, start germinating the seeds.

For sowing seeds, we use 200 ml plastic cups. It is advisable to choose transparent cups so that you can control watering, which is important. Do not make holes for water at the bottom of the cups, because with a small volume, the soil will not have time to absorb enough water. Fill the cups with soil, pour boiling water over and let cool. Use a pencil to make holes in the soil and place the seeds in them. If the seeds are dry, put 2-3 seeds in one cup (leave the strongest sprouts after germination), and if germinated, you can distribute one in each cup. Next, put the cups in a warm place (about 25 ° C) and cover them with a film to prevent moisture from evaporating. On the third or fourth day, as soon as the first shoots appear, we transfer the crops to a cool windowsill with artificial lighting so that the seedlings do not stretch out unnecessarily, and do not water until upper layer the soil does not dry out to avoid the development of fungal diseases.

Treat the selected tomato seeds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, wrap in a damp cloth, put on a saucer, and the saucer in plastic bag. Keep the seeds warm, near the battery or in the kitchen, closer to the stove. Make sure the cloth is damp all the time. A few days will pass, and the seeds will release white roots. Now you will need flower pots or simply cans, for example, from under condensed milk. Make five or six holes in the bottoms of the cans and pour the earth, then to a depth of about 3-5 mm. place a germinated seed and pour gently with lukewarm water. Only one seed is placed in each pot. Close the jars with glass or plywood and put them back in a warm place. Water with lukewarm water, without overwetting the soil. Tomatoes prefer direct watering, under the root. For this, plastic bottles are used, they are placed upside down in the soil and moistened in this way. When shoots appear in a day or two, the plants can be opened and moved closer to the light, on the windowsill, not forgetting to water room temperature. After about a week, water the seedlings with a solution mineral fertilizer, and a few days later with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The first stage of work has been completed. Now you just need to watch how the plants develop and water them. In April, feed the tomatoes twice with a solution of mineral fertilizer and once with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. At the end of April or at the beginning of May, transplant plants from jars into buckets. First, punch two or three holes in the bottom of the bucket to drain excess moisture and allow oxygen to reach the roots. Fill the bucket three-quarters full with universal fruit and vegetable soil. indoor plants. Carefully, together with an earthen clod, transplant the seedlings into a bucket, deepening the roots by about two and a half to three centimeters, and water them properly. Plant one plant in each bucket and tie it to a stake. Now let the seedling take root well, without exposing it to the sun for five days. Then, if the weather is not rainy, you can take the buckets to the balcony, but on cold days and nights it is better to put them indoors. When warm weather sets in, leave the plants on the balcony and overnight. Small pegs must be changed to large ones and plants should be tied to them with a cloth or clothesline. And when the tomato is well rooted and grows, sprinkle the earth every ten days until the bucket is filled to the brim. The second stage of work has been completed. It remains only to water the plants well with water and feed with mineral fertilizer once a week.

Seedlings will grow, give side shoots- stepchildren - shoots developing in the axils of the leaves. Medium-sized tomato varieties are formed into two stems. To do this, a stepson is left under the first inflorescence of the flower brush and, as usual, tied to an additional stake or trellis. In undersized tomatoes, 2-3 stems are formed, for which, in addition to the first stepson, the second stepson is also left. They form a second crown with flowers, in no way inferior to the main one. Stepsons that appear at the top of the plant, after the 8th-9th leaf, are good. Ideally, a stunted plant should have a stem and two stepsons at different levels. In addition to stepchildren, diseased and yellowed leaves are also removed, as well as leaves that cover the fruits of the lower brushes of the plant when these brushes are fully formed. The rest of the leaves should not be cut, as they are needed for synthesis organic materials. It is recommended to leave four bunches of ovaries on each stem, and then pinch the tops.

Tomatoes are self-pollinating plants, so there is no need to resort to artificial pollination. However, it is possible to increase the efficiency of their fertilization by manual pollination. To do this, it is recommended during flowering to gently shake the flower brushes and lightly tap on the stem so that pollen from the upper flowers spills onto the flowers located below. or open a balcony for air flow.

When most of the fruits are formed, the top and flowering brushes of the plant are removed so that they do not interfere with the fully formed fruits to develop fully. To accelerate the formation and development of fruits, a technique called "tearing the roots" is also used. The plant is taken by the lower part of the stem and carefully pulled up, as if trying to pull it out of the soil in order to break off the small roots. Then the plant is watered and spud. After this happens accelerated growth, formation and ripening of fruits.

When the fruits are already ripe, tie the branches to a stick, otherwise they may break off. And by the beginning of July you will already be harvesting - from each plant 50-70 tomatoes (in 12 bunches)! It is advisable not to wait until the fruits turn red on the bush, but to shoot them brown. Such fruits are room conditions ripen well, and other fruits grow better on the bushes.

In order to grow tomatoes in pots, it is necessary, first of all, to stock up on a high-quality soil mixture, choose a sunny place, purchase self-pollinating seed varieties and install a fluorescent lamp for additional lighting in the cold season. The first tomatoes can be harvested three to four months after the plant has sprouted. After a while, it will be necessary to build a support for the bush.

Tomatoes grown indoors are not necessary pinch. Otherwise, the plant will not look. It is desirable to harvest the crop immediately after ripening. It is not desirable that many ripe fruits hang on one bush, as they will draw excess juice from it and the plant will be depleted, and there will be fewer new ovaries.

How to choose seed

For growing tomatoes on the windowsill are best suited self-pollinated hybrid varieties. More suitable are small-fruited species, as varieties with larger fruits ripen poorly and take a long time. When growing a tomato at home, you need to pay attention to the height of the plant. Undersized varieties are best suited for these purposes.

To grow tomatoes in pots, you need to prepare the following earthen mixture:

  • biohumus - one part;
  • coconut fiber - two parts.

How to plant tomato seeds

Tomatoes at room conditions are planted in ordinary flower pots with a volume of three to four liters. It is allowed to plant plants immediately in permanent containers or through a pick, that is, for starters, seedlings are planted in a small glass, and then, as they grow older, they are transplanted into a larger container. There is also another method, but it is more troublesome. But with the help of it, you can choose a stronger and healthier seedling and plant it in a large container.

How to grow tomatoes on a windowsill. A photo

Preparing seeds for planting:

  • Dip the seeds in the weak potassium permanganate solution for two or three hours. The water must be warm.
  • Take out the inoculum, put it on a piece of cotton or cotton and let it drain.
  • Suggestions: to get good harvest it is better to choose those seeds that, when soaked, sank to the bottom of the container. Floating seeds germinate poorly.

The procedure for planting seeds with further transplantation

Landing in large containers

If the planting of the seed occurs immediately in three or four liter pots, without picking, then you must first pour the soil substrate and compact it a little. The distance from the surface of the earth to the edge of the pot should be 4-5 cm. After that, lay 4-5 seeds on the surface and cover with a layer of earth, the thickness of which should be one and a half centimeters. After a month, it will be necessary to fill the remaining distance with soil by about two to three centimeters. Thus, the dive procedure will be performed. Seedlings are thinned several times until the strongest one is selected.

Watering tomatoes on the windowsill

Watering a tomato is carried out in different ways. In the first 30 days, seedlings are recommended moderate regular watering. In the future, so that the plant does not hurt, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of watering.

Watering tomatoes on the windowsill. A photo

AT winter period the plant is often not watered. In the spring, the intensity of watering is increased. AT summer period, especially at the time when the ovary of fruits appeared on the plants, it is necessary to ensure that the soil in the pot does not dry out, that is, abundant watering is necessary in summer. With a lack of moisture, the ovary may fall off. On hot and sunny days, you need to evening time spray plants with water.

How to grow tomatoes on a windowsill. A photo

Seedlings and adult bushes growing at home must be turned 180 degrees once a day. This is necessary so that the plant does not lean to one side and grows evenly.

top dressing

Cultivated plants that produce crops quickly deplete the soil. If you do not regularly fertilize, then the plants quickly die. It is recommended to fertilize 1 time in 14-21 days. For this in upper part soil should be laid one teaspoon agrolife or water the plant Rostom(one cap of the mixture is diluted with two liters of water).

Propagation of tomatoes by cuttings

Tomatoes are considered perennials. In order for the bush to produce a crop for several years, you must do the following:

  • about once every two months add fresh biohumus;
  • transplant the plant into a larger pot;
  • every year in spring period do a little pruning of the stems. This is done in order to rejuvenate the bush.

After a few years, the plant loses its appearance. During this period, you can cut off a stalk (branch) from it and put it in water for 14-21 days. During this time, the cutting will have normally developed roots and can be transplanted into a container with fresh soil mixture. A new bush will bloom on average in 14 days.

How to grow tomatoes on a windowsill. A photo

Frequently asked Questions

You can often hear the question: "How to grow tomatoes on the windowsill?". This and other questions can be answered in this section.

Olga writes: "Good afternoon! I'm thinking about growing tomatoes in a pot this year. I even bought Balcony Miracle seeds. I read the article and I think, is it necessary to fertilize plants in order to get a crop? Are Rost and Agrolife harmful to health?”

Answer: "Tomatoes need a lot of useful elements for normal development and growth. All this plant can take only in the ground. When growing vegetables in pots, their feeding area is limited due to the size of the container. It turns out that the amount of useful and necessary trace elements is also limited. That is why it is our responsibility to provide the plant with all the necessary trace elements.

The basic principle of fertilizer is to adhere to the recommended dosage, which is indicated by the manufacturer and not to increase it. It is then that the minimum amount of fertilizer applied will have a positive effect on the plant. In the event that the recommended dose of top dressing is violated, this leads to the accumulation of unnecessary substances in the fruits.

Tamara writes: “I figured out how to grow tomatoes on the windowsill. But I got a lot of seedlings. Can plant part of the bottom in near the entrance high-rise building? Will they be able to grow? What size pots are best for growing vegetables indoors? At the moment, I have them growing in half-liter plastic cups. By the way, flowers will be coming out soon. Can 2-3 be planted in one container?

Answer: “Tomato seedlings can be grown both in the garden and in the flower garden. The only condition: it is necessary that the sun hit the plants at least 3-4 hours a day.

For growing on a balcony:

  • one seedling is planted in a 3-4 liter container;
  • two seedlings are planted in a 5-6 liter pot;
  • three seedlings are planted in a 10 liter pot.

If you plant more densely, then the seedlings will not have enough nutrients, and this is the main reason for a poor harvest.”

Inna writes: “I have two types of tomatoes growing in my apartment. Here on one even green fruits have already appeared. But now, unfortunately, two bushes began to fade. In plants, all branches are lowered and the leaves hang like shreds. And these bushes have the most ovaries! I have regular watering, the plant moved to the shade, as it is unbearable in the sun. In the evenings, I spray them, fertilize them with Rostom. Tell me, why is this? Maybe I flooded them?

Answer: “Excessive watering of an adult plant in hot weather is not terrible. The reason that the bushes wither may be overheating. Since the rhizomes in the pot overheat much faster than in the garden. In hot weather, I would recommend shading the pots from direct sunlight. For these purposes, you can use ordinary cardboard. It's great that you moved the plant pots into the shade. Try watering them several times a night. If in the morning the leaves become elastic, then you should not be afraid of anything, but if by morning the leaves still hang like “rags”, then most likely root system"welded". To help the plant, it is necessary to remove half of the ovaries and flowers.

Gregory writes: “I decided this time to try growing tomatoes indoors. I planted shoots somewhere in the middle of May. By mid-July, they have already turned into bushes of impressive size. But the flowers never came. This is fine? How long do I have to wait for flowering or do I need to stimulate the plant?

Answer: "Do not worry. Over time, your tomatoes will begin to bloom. Maybe you planted mid- or late-ripening varieties. Seedlings planted in May may bloom in early August. If you want, then stimulate.

Cherry tomatoes on the windowsill

To grow a tomato in a pot, you need the following:

  • prepare a suitable container for growing and fill it with a nutrient substrate;
  • window sill with good lighting;
  • consider additional lighting;
  • plant the seed in a box and cover with plastic wrap. Keep the box in dark place until shoots appear. It is also necessary to comply temperature regime, which should be within 25-30 degrees. After germination, it is necessary to remove the film. It is necessary to start diving after two “real” leaves appear;
  • after the seedlings are planted in a permanent pot, it is necessary to take care of the seedlings in the same way as in a regular garden - water, stepson, feed, fight diseases and tie to a support.

Fertilizers and soil for planting

The recommended dose of fertilizer should not be exceeded, as this leads to the accumulation of a large amount of unnecessary and harmful microelements in the fruits. Therefore, you can feed the plant with general mineral fertilizers twice every 30 days and simple herbal tinctures.

For better growth, it also recommends preparing a quality soil mix. For these purposes, you can use turf or garden soil, compost, peat and sand. It is also allowed to add charcoal, which includes almost the entire complex of minerals, except for nitrogen.

Recommendations: in order to more effectively mix the soil, simple mechanical mixing of all the components of the mixture is not enough. It is necessary to mix with spraying of each layer. With the help of such a simple technique, it is possible to achieve greater structuring of the planting substrate.

Fruiting tomatoes on the windowsill are not uncommon among the diverse apartment flora mastered by amateur growers. The methods of their cultivation are developed in detail and can be applied in almost every apartment.

Tomatoes can grow in acceptable conditions at any time of the year, but in order to get a decent harvest, it is recommended to follow certain deadlines. The “garden”, planted on the window in October-November, will bear fruit from about February-March, and if, for lack of open area, summer harvest I also want to collect directly in own apartment, then it is best to start seed preparation in late February - early March. Winter collection is provided by the beginning of work in the middle of summer. In any case, tomatoes on the windowsill will ripen a maximum of 4 months after planting the seeds. Depending on the season, care will be a little easier if you grow the plant in summer and spring.

The required amount of seeds is disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for about 20 minutes. At the same time produce a rejection of defective - floating seeds. Keeping in mind subsequent transplants, they can be sown in shallow trays. You can take the soil ready from the store or make houses from black soil and humus, adding a little sand for a better structure. As a mineral fertilizer, you can add a little wood ash.

A shallow tray or plastic cups for sowing tomato seeds are fine. The soil is disinfected by pouring boiling water over it. Pre-germination of seeds is carried out between the folds of moist natural tissue.

The depth of the pits for small seeds is 1-2 cm, and the distance between them is 2 cm. So that the soil does not dry out, the sowing is usually covered with a film and kept in warm conditions (up to 30 ° C).

Seedling care and picking

For seedlings, a temperature of 22 ° C during the day, 15 ° C at night and good lighting, which is why the pallet is usually kept on a bright window. At this time, drafts are unacceptable, the watering rate must be strictly maintained, not overfilled or overdried, the water must be warm.

Important! Close planting tomatoes can not stand.

The plant is transplanted to a permanent place at the stage of two true leaves for each tomato, it is necessary to use a separate vessel for this, and for a tall plant you need a special container - at least 6 liters, for dwarf tomatoes it is quite possible to get by with a smaller volume.

Care for grown tomatoes consists in delicate watering and providing the house with sufficient lighting and heat. In summer, at home, there is enough light for a plant on the windowsill; in winter, the duration of a bright day can be extended with the help of a fluorescent or special fitolamp.

Homemade tomatoes should be watered when the top layer is dry. In indoor conditions, it is convenient to make watering automatic: dig into the soil plastic bottle with holes and pour water into it from above as it is gradually consumed.

Instead of hilling, which is convenient to carry out when grown in open ground, indoor tomatoes are sprinkled at the root with an additional layer of soil, for which, at first, when planting, the soil in the pot is not filled up to the very edge. Loosening the soil in potted conditions is not difficult, so this is a must. Artificial pollination of indoor tomatoes is not required, since even at home this plant self-pollinates.

Tomato fertilizer

Care includes mandatory feeding. Enhanced nutrition is required for plants at the stages of the second leaf, then after the sixth; top dressing is carried out at the beginning of flowering and during the formation of fruits to ensure a good harvest.

You can make your own feed mix at home.

To do this, take: superphosphate, potassium sulfate and urea and mix in a ratio of 5:1:1, then dilute in 1 liter of water. As a mineral fertilizer, ash can be used in the form of a solution or sprinkled in dry form. Decomposed manure (2 tablespoons per liter), mullein solution (1:5), chicken manure(1:15) - sources of organic matter, they can also fertilize the plant if necessary. Under indoor conditions, these solutions are applied a few hours after normal watering, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers.

The formation of a bush growing in an apartment is a mandatory procedure, which is necessary not only in order to grow tomatoes on the windowsill in a compact, convenient and aesthetic form, but also in order to increase their yield. For the smallest varieties, all care for this purpose is to remove stepchildren - extra stems that grow in the axils of the leaves. This procedure is required by all indoor varieties tomatoes, extra shoots should be carefully broken off with your fingers. So that the tomatoes growing on the windowsill do not bend due to the craving for light, the pot needs to be rotated 180 ° from time to time. Miniature bushes do not need support, higher ones need it, you need to stick it into the ground before the root system develops, so as not to hurt it in any case.

Special care for tomatoes on the windowsill

Later in the article, we will learn how to grow healthy and strong tomatoes on the windowsill.
Prevention begins with the disinfection of the soil and seeds. In the future, constant attention and strict adherence to the rules of care are needed, especially on early stages, because tomatoes grow on the windowsill in conditions that are not quite normal for them. The needs of plants can be determined by the state of the leaves: normally, they are slightly twisted, with a lack of light or moisture, they stretch upwards. Common troubles that occur when growing tomatoes at home are blackleg disease and whitefly pest. The reasons are excessive watering, hypothermia, lack of light, drafts. Maintaining a temperature of 25 ° at home hardly makes sense, but 20 ° and above is enough. To prevent the black leg, you can spud young plants with fine sand.

Created by breeders luxury choice homemade varieties of tomatoes for every taste. You should not grow them from seeds from any store-bought fruits. Most specials are compact enough to fit into small space on the window, the height of the bush is within half a meter, or a little more, there are also dwarf ones: Minibel (30 cm), Bonsai micro (15 cm). General properties most varieties for living in an apartment - relative shade tolerance, self-pollination and fruit characteristics: they are small, but ripen quickly, give a good harvest.

Showed himself well popular variety"Balcony miracle", prolific and early ripening, from the first shoots to ripe tomatoes color pink takes less than 3 months. "Yellow Pearl", "Yellow Balconies" also give yellow fruits. Many small, tasty tomatoes can be harvested from homemade bush varieties: Florida Petit, Balcony Red. In varieties Igranda, Hermitage, Russian Troika - the fruits of these varieties are larger and give a good harvest. Tall bushes of the Bull's Heart or White Filling are unusual for the house and are not suitable for the windowsill, but they grow well on the summer balcony, and most importantly, they give very tasty large tomatoes. The seed packaging will usually indicate if the strain is intended for indoor growing.

As practice shows, such a mini-garden can be easily done at home, on your windowsill. Gardeners with experience manage to grow on the usual closed balcony not only delicious and fragrant tomatoes, but also various herbs, peppers, lettuce, lemons, tangerines, pineapples and more. If you also want to join those who easily grow various vegetables and fruits in winter, then carefully read all the tips collected for you.

Apartment window sills - enough a good place for growing tomatoes. As practice shows, varieties with small tomatoes take root perfectly in ordinary apartments, regardless of the height of the house and other indicators. Dwarf varieties have proven themselves best in such home cultivation, so it makes sense to take them for such purposes. Specialty stores sell bags of seeds, which indicate that they are recommended for "pot" growing - these are window sill tomatoes.

You can choose tomatoes by palatability, in color (pink or bright red), as well as in shape - round, oblong or very small. Some varieties ( Cherry, Mascot) can be grown in hanging planters in which hanging flowers grow. If you decide to start growing tomatoes in the winter, then sow the seeds to get quality seedlings you will need already in July or August.

Features of planting indoor tomatoes

So, in the summer, starting from the second month, you can start sowing. Soil for a balcony or window sill you will need light and preferably fertile - in specialized stores there is everything you need. Tomato seeds need only be covered with earth, and the soil should be moistened with a spray bottle. Constantly maintain humidity and keep the trays with future seedlings warm - in a week or two the first sprouts will appear.

They need plenty of light, moderate amounts of moisture, and very little nitrogen fertilizer to grow.

The next stage is to dive the already grown seedlings. Sprouts with two or three true leaves are considered grown up. For picking, you need to prepare separate containers, for example, flower pots. In principle, you can grow indoor tomatoes and seedless method. But it is believed that the first method gives seedlings stronger with a powerful root system. Given that this culture loves a lot of light, it is advisable to prepare a fluorescent lamp for seedlings, especially if you sow the seeds in winter. After all, even in the presence of direct winter sunlight, for seedlings on the window it will not be enough.

Watering must be regular. As soon as you see that the top layer of the soil began to dry out, then you immediately need to add a little warm settled water. If you decide to grow tomatoes in a pot, then you need to water them even more often. At the same time, the culture does not tolerate excessive air humidity, so it is not advisable to leave tomato seedlings in a damp room.

Do not forget about top dressing - fertilizers are necessary for the soil and after a dive. The best care option is to feed the tomatoes every 14-15 days. To do this, you will need complex mineral or organic fertilizers.

Growing tomatoes on an apartment window sill or a balcony of a house in winter has its own characteristics - for example, in ampelous varieties suspended in flowerpots, stepchildren must be removed. These small shoots are removed so that the plant bears fruit better. If we are talking about dwarf seedlings, then in this case there is no need to cut the stepchildren.

Homemade tomatoes - growing on the balcony

With a sufficiently large amount of soil on the balcony, some large and high varieties of the house can still be planted. the same tomato bull heart or varieties Carlson, White filling. But best option for growing tomatoes on a windowsill or a small balcony, as we have already noted - varieties up to 25–35 centimeters high.

So we advise you to take such wonderful and juicy varieties as Japanese room, balcony miracle, Oak, as well as Ruby. All they can give you beautiful harvest on the balcony. This was proved by their experiments at home, many amateur gardeners. So growing ripe tomatoes on the windowsill in winter is a reality! In winter, the taste of fresh homemade tomatoes will delight you.